Nobody down here but the FBI's most unwanted

UPDATED: Sunday, October 31, 2004 09:57
VIEWED: 2227
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Saturday, October 30, 2004 7:44 AM


I thought I'd start an open thread for fans of The X-Files to discuss anything and everything related to the show.

It's been a while since they stopped making it, but I wondered if there were any fellow Browncoats out there who still loved it?:

I've compiled a short questionnaire to get things started. (Everyone's free to start their own lists if they want:)

* First episode that you ever saw?
* Reasons for becoming a fan?
* Favourite character?
* Are there any characters you love to hate?
* Favourite episode(s)?
* Favourite villain(s)?
* Favourite moment?
* Have you met any of the cast?
* What are your views on Doggett and Reyes?

I never took an interest in ANY sci-fi related shows while growng up - until I saw The X-Files.

Life would be different if I never did. (I probably wouldn't be sitting here typing up this thread. :D)

The first episode I saw was "Little Green Men" back in 1995. The second season was being aired on the BBC in the UK. My relatives in Australia were big fans of the show and suggested it.

I quickly became a huge fan and followed it until the end.

I loved the overall style of the show. It set the standard of making tv shows in the genre for years to come.

The mythology episodes were always complicated and great to watch. It was difficult to work out 'the truth'.

There were A LOT of memorable episodes too which strengthened my interest in the show. I'd never seen anything like it.

My favourite characters include Mulder, Cancer Man, Duane Barry, Krycek, Frohike, Agent Reyes and X.

My favourite villains include Eugene Victor Tooms, Darren Peter Oswald, The Bounty Hunter and The Flukeman..

One of my favourite episodes is "X-Cops" from season seven. It's not recognisable as one of the best episodes ever made, but it was still hilarious, mysterious and innovative tv.

There are other greater ones out there like 'Duane Barry', 'Squeeze', 'Anasazi', 'Nisea/731' or later episodes like '4D' but that one sticks in my mind.

I also liked the work of Darren Morgan who wrote 'Humbug' and 'Jose Chung's from Outer Space'.

There are a lot of great moments on the show too. It's hard to pick just one.

One of my favourites comes from the episode "Paperclip", where Skinner stood up to Cancer Man with Albert Hosteen and said: "This is the part where you pucker up and kiss my ass." A really great moment that still makes me laugh today. .

The character I love to hate (besides Cancer Man and Krycek) would have to be Marita Kovarrubius.
I can't put my finger on it, but I love to hate the character.

Unfortunately, I've never met any of the main cast. Although,I met Claire Stansfield (who played the Jersey Devil in season one) two years ago at a Xena Con which was cool. She was a nice, REALLY funny and down to earth person.

The Doggett/Reyes relationship was cool. It was interesting stuff. I was apprehensive at first, but I grew to like them a lot over the last two years.

It would be great to hear everyone's feedback.


Saturday, October 30, 2004 8:12 AM


I was a fan from minute one of the PILOT

Krycek became my fave character thanks to Nick Lea's input

as the years went by getting no answers or conflicting answers became an irritaion

at cons I have met the Lonegunman, William B Davis, Nick Lea and various guests

all in all a FUN 9 years

Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Saturday, October 30, 2004 11:21 AM


* First episode that you ever saw?

The pilot

* Reasons for becoming a fan?

"Is there anyway I can get this off my hand without losing my cool, calm exterior?"

After season one or two, the show began to go down hill a little for me, and I mainly tuned in for the mythology episodes, or those that were flagged up as good (The Field Where I Died springs to mind). That said, season one had some very good stuff.

"I threw up on your bed"


Saturday, October 30, 2004 11:41 AM


Ah... let's see... first episode that I think that I watched pretty much in full was a 'creature feature' ep, then the next ones after that were the season-ender ones where Mulder supposedly kills himself.

Fav characters/villains? One and the same... Krycek, Spender, Smoking Man, Well-Manicured Man, the rest of the Syndicate cause they were darn creepy. The Alien Bounty Hunter rocked, and I thought that having Adam Baldwin on the later eps was cool. Mulder and Scully were good foils for the baddies; so was Skinner.

I liked Dogget, mainly because he was played by the same actor who played T-2. He was a good, flinty-eyed sort of chap, but I felt that he should have been brought into the series earlier as a foil for Mulder. When they brought in Dogget and Reyes (who didn't make as much of an impression on me, sorry) so late in the series, and with David Duchovny already gone, they felt more like replacements or plot necessaties rather than characters who entered the grand scheme of things at their own pace. Ultimately, I feel that that's what doomed the show in my eyes; it felt too much like Carter was simply pulling plot points out of a hat and making things up as he went along. It gave the show a certain aimless, dragged-out quality, which is a real shame (and also one of the things that I appreciate about Babylon 5, which had an idea of where it was headed right off the bat.)

So, IMHO, great concept, great characters, great villains, great dialogue (well, mostly), great moody atmosphere. Great show, though? Influential show, yes; pop culture icon, yes; great show, only occasionally. Most of the time it was middling to poor (I hated a lot of the creature feature eps, which subsituted the creepy thrills of the conspiracy for the cheap monsters and needless gore and bad taste), and quite a few times it was good.


Saturday, October 30, 2004 2:53 PM


Oh yeah! I loooove The X Files. Was majorly into it from the start!

* First episode that you ever saw?

The pilot.

* Reasons for becoming a fan?

It was just cool and while I was in high school it was talkin' about all the alien and gov't conspiracy things I was into anyway. :)

* Favourite character?

Scully. *swoon*

* Are there any characters you love to hate?

CSM and Ratboy come to mind first.

* Favourite episode(s)?

Humbug, for sure! The Liver Eater ep. Gawd, there are probably 100 others, I just can't think of 'em right now.

* Favourite villain(s)?

CSM. Just can't touch that guy. :)

* Favourite moment?

Scully getting undressed for that bath before Toomsie shows up. ;) And: "I just put money in the magic fingers!"

* Have you met any of the cast?

Yeah, at a few cons over the years: Two of the three LGM, CSM, Skinner, and a couple producers and writers.

* What are your views on Doggett and Reyes?

Peh...that's when I stopped watch the show, honestly.

-Taylor (who still trusts no one and believes the truth is still out there)

The Uncharted Outlaw!
"I brought you some supper, but if you'd prefer a lecture, I've a few very catchy ones prepped...sin and hellfire... one has lepers."
See my Firefly Store: http://www.cafepress.com/NorCalRiviera


Sunday, October 31, 2004 9:57 AM


* First episode that you ever saw?

Huh. I got into the show late, after hearing it being raved about by one of the few family members I have any patience for (whole other story). Can't remember the specific ep, and I'm horrible with titles anyway.

* Reasons for becoming a fan?

I'm into the whole conspiracy theory slant. Plus the Gunmen were funny.

* Favourite character?

Mulder ('cause he and I share that whole blank-faced thing), Langly ('cause he's just so unashamedly geeky), CSM ('cause he's actually interesting).

* Are there any characters you love to hate?

Krycek and Agent Spender, 'cause they're both officious, obnoxious creeps, just from opposite sides of the conspiracy.

* Favourite episode(s)?

What did I just say about titles? I was impressed by the "Titanic" episode, just 'cause of the directing.

* Favourite villain(s)?

CSM, 'cause you never knew where he was coming from.

* Favourite moment?

One ep shortly after the movie (IIRC), when Mulder was injured. The Gunmen visited him in the hospital, and Skinner showed up. The scene ended, and as they left, Skinner threw his arm over one of them, ushering them out (and I recall the suggestion of a round of beers). For a second he looked like the fourth Lone Gunman.

When I heard about the LG spinoff, and that there'd be an addition to the club, I so hoped it'd be Skinner. They just had this great comedic chemistry whenever they were on screen together.

* Have you met any of the cast?

Nope. I meet enough wierdos and psychos in real life. Hell, I probably am one.

* What are your views on Doggett and Reyes?

I thought the Doggett/Scully team-up was a good idea if they'd went a bit further with it (and not gotten bogged down with the "Mulder's Love-Child" storyline. Have Scully now forced to play the Truth-Seeker, trying to convince Doggett, using the exact same arguments against her that she once used against Mulder. Let Scully get a good long look from Mulder's side of things.

Reyes I liked as a supporting character (and to head off any potential Doggett/Scully sparkage, 'cause I'm a die-hard Mulder/Scully shipper ). When Scully left too and it became the Doggett/Reyes show, I got bored. Neither of them really changed enough to get me interested.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.






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