What's next for scif on TV?

UPDATED: Thursday, April 21, 2005 10:40
VIEWED: 3132
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005 5:24 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

I just read Ginger Buchanan's essay in Finding Serenity - she does a recap of the history of scifi on tv - the ups and downs - where are we now?!

Star Trek Latest Version - done
Firefly - ya know
Farscape - nixed
Andromeda - deep sixed
New Dr. Who - In the US?
StarGate Series - still being made? (I have never watched but may)
BSG - seems all alone

So what's next for scifi on network or cable TV? Anyone have any inside info?

Great scifi movie music 24 hours a day - http://www.scifiradio.net


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 5:57 AM


In Canada things aren't looking too bad, since we've got the New Doctor Who, and a new series called Charlie Jade which isn't too bad from the premiere, despite a bit of cheese.

Dead Zone, Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica are still ongoing as far as I'm aware. Lost is still going on. Alias might continue, but I've stopped caring about it really. I haven't yet heard of anything really new coming up, but we're still doing okay for ongoing stuff.

Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005 6:16 AM


Battlestar Galactica seems to be doing well as far as I can see...(at least I'm enjoying it a lot)

Star Gate SG1 has hired Ben Broder (of Farscape fame) for next season...and I think Claudia Black may even be on a couple of episodes, so I guess I'm going to have to give that another try.

I'm afraid I have no inside information...I wish I did.


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 6:30 AM


Oh, and just a couple days ago, Sci-Fi released info on their new shows for the coming year. None of them really absolutely grab me, but a couple sound like they could be interesting, but I'd have to see more information.

Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."
LJ: http://www.livejournal.com/users/newnumber6 (real)
http://www.livejournal.com/users/alternaljournal (fictional, travelling through another world)
Unreachable Star: http://www.unreachablestar.net - Comics & SF News/Reviews/Opinions


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 7:38 AM


Oooh, cool!

Those Who Walk in Darkness sounds like it could be good!

As to the thread, I remember in late 80s when I was ecstatic that we were getting ST:TNG and Flash at the same time. Even with it cutting down to 4 or 5 shows, it's still good...

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 7:49 AM


I really enjoy BSG - I liked the old, I like the new.

I used to like SG-1, the first and I think second season. Then I just lost interest. It started to seem more and more like shows I just hated, like Hercules and clones, et al. Like Mutant X, Charmed, like Andromeda after season 2.

I even try to watch SG:Atalntis, but I tend to find myself finding other things to do, and missing it. It's not BAD... it's just not great.

I know a lot of people like those shows, but they just come across badly to me. They just... bug me.

BUT - now Ben Browder - my much-love Crichton - is joining SG-1. I have to believe if he thinks it's good enough to be ON, I have to think it's good enough to at least TRY watching. I saw the episode with Claudia Black, and it wasn't bad. I enjoyed it, even. Fun to watch her kicking the Daniel Clone around. (Sorry - James Spader will always be the real Daniel to me).

I really liked Tru Calling (stop bad mouthing Jason Priestly - if *I* can forgive him for being on 90210, ANYTHING is possible - besides, he's not TERRIBLE on TC). It sucks it's canceled, but at least it's better than Charmed.

I looked over the new series announced by Scifi - and some sound like they might have a little potential... One can only hope!




Tuesday, April 19, 2005 5:30 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by StarPilotGrainger:
Oh, and just a couple days ago, Sci-Fi released info on their new shows for the coming year. None of them really absolutely grab me, but a couple sound like they could be interesting, but I'd have to see more information.

Hey, thanks, good stuff - that's *somethings* to look forward to, though I have to admit for me scifi means spaceships and futuristic something or other. Maybe it's just my need for something "other" than this world/every day that scifi provides, and seems to be almost gone now - what's with network programmers?! I would think they would be jumping on that.

Here's another craziness - my wife records her fav soap EVERY DAY. Think about that - what if your fav show was on EVERY DAY?! Imagine a scifi soap, like, duh, say Firefly, EVERY DAY?! (ok weekdays). I asked her if they take breaks, "no, it's on everyday - unless there's a new Pope." So how about a scifi soap then?

Not 22 shows a season, but 250-ish shows a year?! Forgive me, just a crazy idea.

Great scifi movie music 24 hours a day - http://www.scifiradio.net


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 6:06 PM


I think sci-fi on tv will permanently move from networks to cable. I dunno. I'm watching the new DR. WHO on CBC (score one for the Canucks in that we're geting it before the Americans). But other than that, the only thing on network tv that's even remotely resembling sci-fi is LOST. I just don't think the general public would be into something overtly sci-fi (which is probably another reason why FIREFLY didn't have massive LOST/DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES ratings out of the gate).

So I think cable will really be the new home of sci-fi on tv. Which sucks because now I have to download BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, THE 4400 and any other sci-fi hits off the net or wait till they are out on DVD or for when CBC picks them up like they did with DR. WHO and TAKEN, as opposed to actually watching them on TV on a regular basis. I only have the basic cable package.



Tuesday, April 19, 2005 7:11 PM


Yeah it dose seem like scifi is moving to cable. Which could be good look at the new BSG its great and not in danger of getting canceled cause its getting good rateings for cable. Im not sure it would get good enough ratings if it was on network TV. But onto whats next for scifi on TV i heard something about a live-action Star War TV show comming in '06 and i guess GL said somthing about it on access hollywood. And i know some ppl dont like the PT but i think its still has a good stoy and is good scifi even if it dosent have some of the charm of the OT (and that might have somthing to do with us seeing it when we were kids and that has away of makeing us see it differently) but i would give it a chance and hope it's good.


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 7:43 PM


I would like to see a story thats different and way out there like an hbo series they make good way different like DEADWOOD the way they write is pure genius a dash of poetry and a splash of reslisim and they really know how to keep a story going or like DEAD LIKE ME, very strange show but they have great characters very nice writing. To me all sifi is good nice idea but they keep giving it to the wrong people like ANDROMEDA ,gean rodenberry after he died the project was given to his son (by the way has no idea how to recreate a show) it was given bad writers (ever minute is a very bad no horrible joke)and typical captin always sleeps with the main female guest star and says the most corniest lines at the end of the show and the most steriotypical characters like harper (over actor) it makes people lose all faith in sifi but anyway I would like to see a show with good fantasy

men are in lust women are in passion


Tuesday, April 19, 2005 7:46 PM


ps iI know that this has something to do with the subject but I thought that I woud let you know

P.s.s I looked at the list none of them sounded good to me

men are in lust women are in passion


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 5:08 AM



Originally posted by leelu777:
like ANDROMEDA ,gean rodenberry after he died the project was given to his son (by the way has no idea how to recreate a show)

Actually it was Majel (his widow) who did most of the "getting the ball rolling" on Andromeda. Which, in that particular case, consisted of turning it over to Robert Hewitt Wolfe (one of the few true artistic geniuses in TV sci-fi, IMHO) and letting him have at hit. He brought on Ethlie Ann Vare and "Zack and Silent Ash." They created the premise, the characters (aside from Dylan, who was a Roddenberry original), and the first season. By that point, it was more RHW than Roddenberry.

Then the producers fired RHW (from his own show). Then they took out Ethlie, then Zack & Silent Ash. Apparently the show was too high-brow and serial. They wanted something flashy and episodic.


it was given bad writers (ever minute is a very bad no horrible joke)and typical captin always sleeps with the main female guest star and says the most corniest lines at the end of the show and the most steriotypical characters like harper (over actor)

Harper (a.k.a. Wash on pixie-sticks and espresso) was one of the bright points on the show, right up to late S3. Of course he's over-the-top; he's a savant/genius, in addition to being a refugee from Earth (which might as well be Hell in the Andromeverse). He's also the closest to a pure-blood human on the show. He's the "normal guy" who didn't sign on for anything resembling Dylan's insane quest (he's just there 'cause Andromeda's got the most advanced tech in the known worlds, and he's in lust with the ship's AI).

It's the new writers who don't/didn't know what to do with him and turned him into "Iolaus." Before that, he was like our Xander.

He's also delivered some of the best, most Whedonesque lines in the series:

"Trust in the Harper, the Harper is good."

"Call me the Love God, Baby!"

"Allow me to introduce myself; Seamus Zelazny Harper, Super Genius!"

"We came, we saw, we got spanked."

"I want my Rommie!!"

"I'm sorry, Dylan can't take your call right now. Please leave a message after the beep from the funny little guy. Beeeep."

ROMMIE: Did you just proposition me in a dead language?
HARPER: It ain't dead the way I speak it, baby.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 5:45 AM


A terrific shame. That show might have really gone somewhere, dong wa?

FOX ain't the only black hole of intelegence.

Former Andy fan Chrisisall


Thursday, April 21, 2005 6:32 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Cybersnark:
Harper (a.k.a. Wash on pixie-sticks and espresso) was one of the bright points on the show,
He's also delivered some of the best, most Whedonesque lines in the series

He also - *gasp* - used the word "shiny'" in a very Whedonesque, pre-Firefly way. Don't ask about the "Crazy Ivan" the crew pulled once - shudder!

Great movie music 24 hours a day - http://www.scifiradio.net


Thursday, April 21, 2005 10:40 AM



Originally posted by pizmobeach:
Don't ask about the "Crazy Ivan" the crew pulled once - shudder!

True, not quite as cool as Serenity's, but I did like Dylan's description of it.

DYLAN: I want this ship bucking like a drunken Vedran with a Nightsider on her back.
BEKA: Sounds like my last date.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.






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