Into the Blue -- Chapter 10
Sunday, July 20, 2008

The crew has a little chat with Durin Haymer and Allan asks an important question.


Into the Blue Chapter 10

Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. I’m just playing. No money being made.

This fic takes place just over two years after Serenity (BDM) and has the established couples of Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara, Zoë/OC and Jayne/River.


Thanks again Chris for the beta…

Into the Blue

Chapter Ten –

“So... I take it you two know each other?” Allan asked, Glancing between Zoë and the redhead she had just called Saffron.

Zoë nodded, keeping her gun pointed at Saffron “Remember the story I told you about Mal getting married?”

Allan's eyes widened and then he chuckled, “This is her then?”


“Interesting,” Allan replied.

Saffron looked at Allan and then Zoë, “Who the hell are you anyway,” she asked looking back at Allan.

“Mine,” Zoë replied, her voice cold as ice.

“Where's that husband o' yours hon. Get tired of him?”

Zoë's eyes flashed in anger and Allan could see her start to pull the trigger...

“Easy baby,” Allan said quietly.

Zoë took a deep breath, “Wash got killed, couple o' years back.”

Saffron looked down at the table, “Sorry.”

“I suggest you stand up and walk away if you want to keep living. Mal catches you here, he might think about putting a bullet between those green eyes o' yours,” Zoë snarled.

“I can't do that... I... I need help.”

“Not gettin it from us,” Zoë replied, “burned us too many times.”

The redheaded woman looked desperate, “I just need a ride, I can pay. Lock me up on board even... I just need to get off this gorram station as soon as I can.”

“Who'd you rob?”

“No one, I just need to get away from someone.”

“Feds?” Allan interjected.

“No,” She said in an exasperated tone, “My...

“Yolanda!” A man called from across the room.

“Husband,” Saffron said, dropping her head to the table.

Zoë snickered, “Which one?”

“Yolanda, there you are,” said a tall, dark haired distinguished looking man as he strode up to the table. An obvious body guard following closely.

Saffron/Yolanda looked up dejectedly, “Hello Durin.”

“Are you trying to break your agreement by running away again Yolanda?” The man said ignoring Allan and Zoë.

“That was the plan peaches,” she replied snarkily.

Suddenly realizing that there were two other people at the table, Durin Haymer spoke again.

“I apologize. My wife is not... well.”

“Oh I know that,” Zoë said.

“Excuse me?” Haymer asked.

“Met your wife before,” Zoë said.

Haymer looked confused. Saffron just smiled.

“Zoë here is on the crew that helped me steal the Lassiter,” Saffron said smugly.

Durin Haymer's face went red with anger, while his bodyguard began to draw a weapon. The bodyguard didn't finish drawing due to the pistol appearing in his face held by Allan.

“Why don't we all sit down and have a bit of a chat,” Allan said evenly. Luckily, they were in a relatively secluded part of the food court. No one had seen the guns as of yet.

Nodding, Haymer and his bodyguard pulled up chairs, flanking Saffron. The redhead didn't look very happy about the seating arraignments.

Haymer glared at Zoë, contempt on his face. Zoë returned his stare, not intimidated in the least.

“I shall have you and your crew arrested as soon as I step from this table,” Haymer snarled.

“I don't think so,” Allan said, “Mister... What was your name again?”

“Durin Haymer,” Saffron replied.

The name rang a bell in Allan's mind. Durin Haymer was a name that popped up during some of his cortex research on the Blue Sun corporation. Haymer was a junior member of the board of directors. New to the company, he had only recently been granted a seat on the board.

Allan smiled. This might be the opportunity he and Gabriel needed to wreak a little havoc on Blue Sun.

“Mr. Haymer,” Allan began, “I understand that you are a member of the Board of Directors for Blue Sun corporation?”

“That is public knowledge,” The man said.

“True, thats how I know,” Allan replied.

Allan's mind was racing. He needed to get this man on his side quickly, “I understand you are a collector of Earth That was antiquities, correct?”

“Yes,” Haymer replied in an exasperated tone.

“What if I could... arrange for you to get your Lassiter back, and provide you with some other Earth that was... artifacts.”

Haymer looked in thought for a moment, “That might be worth not calling the authorities,” he said after a moment.

Zoë stared at Allan, a questioning look on her face. Allan smiled at her confusion and winked.

“As a sign of good faith, Zoë and I are going to put our guns away,” Allan said as he holstered his pistol. Reluctantly Zoë did the same.

“Now then,” Allan continued, “May I suggest we adjourn back to our ship? I think it will be a much better place to conduct business.”

“Baby... what are you doing?” Zoë asked.

“I have the start of a plan.,” Allan said.

“What plan?” Haymer replied.

“To get my company back,” Allan said firmly.

Haymer looked very confused, as did Saffron. Zoë had a questioning look but she trusted Allan.

“What do you mean... your company?” Haymer asked.

Allan smiled, “Mr. Haymer, my name is Allan Bryant and I founded Blue Sun over four hundred years ago.”

“Well preserved, ain't he,” came a new voice.

“Go-se,” whispered Saffron.

“You!” Haymer exclaimed.

“Yep, me,” Mal replied, his gun in hand and pointed at Saffron, “Well hello there Yo-saf-brige.”

Haymer's bodyguard began to stand up but was halted by a sword resting on his shoulder. A sword held by River Tam.

“Naughty boy, sit and be quiet,” River said quietly. Jayne had walked up beside Mal so he could watch River's back.

Nodding, the bodyguard sat back down. Haymer looked like he was about to explode. Saffron, seemed to be smiling slightly.

“Zoë, mind telling me why you're having lunch with my psychotic ex-wife and Durin Haymer?” Mal asked.

“Long story Sir.”

“I imagine so, how about we all head back ta' Serenity and continue this little palaver in private before someone notices all the hardware.”

“Good idea Mal,” Allan replied.


The strange group had gathered around Serenity's galley table. Durin Haymer and Yolanda/Saffron on one side. And the rest of the crew excepting Gabriel and Reagan Tam surrounding them. Haymer's bodyguard stood behind his boss, one hand on Saffron's shoulder.

On the walk to the ship, Allan had quickly explained what had transpired to the Captain. Mal wasn't overly pleased but trusted Allan's judgment. At Allan's request and Mal's approval, Zoë had retrieved the Lassiter from the ships safe and laid it on the table where Haymer could see it.

“Allan, since you seem to know what the hell's going on, why don't you start things off,” Mal instructed.

“Certainly Captain,” Allan replied.

Allan placed a strong box on the table. Quickly opening the latches, he removed several bars of gold, silver and platinum. Next to this he placed a small box that contained many precious stones. Jayne's eyes were bugging out and Allan shot him a glare. Jayne nodded and tried to not look like a panting puppy at all the loot on the table.

Mal, Zoë and Inara knew that Allan had brought many items of value from Earth that was but hadn't realized the quantity and variety. Next to the jewels, Allan placed several clear plastic cases holding various coins dating back to the 1800's as well as several rare postal stamps. Next he removed what was obviously some kind of pistol case. Opening it, Allan removed a strange looking laser pistol. As he set it next to the Lassiter, everyone realized that it was identical to the one Mal and Saffron had stolen from Haymer.

Haymer looked to be in shock, Saffron was almost drooling. With a smirk, Allan removed the last item's in the box. A three inch thick sheaf of official looking documents, followed by Allan's four hundred year old passport and Blue Sun company identification.

Silently, Allan slid his passport to Haymer. Tentatively, the man picked it up and looked inside. Eyes wide as he read the information and compared the holographic image inside to the man standing at the table, Haymer finally was able to speak.

“You... you really are Allan Bryant.”

“I am,” Allan said simply.

“How... how is it that you are alive?”

“Cryogenics is a wonderful science,” Allan said with a smile, “After the exodus left, I followed in my own ship in cryo sleep. My ship took damage before she reached full speed. I drifted for four hundred years until this crew found me near Boros. I've been here ever since.”

“I see,” Haymer said quietly. Saffron shuddered.

“To think I tried to sleep with a four hundred year old man,” she said with some disgust.

“Don't knock it till you've tried it honey,” Zoë said with a smirk.

Mal, Simon and Jayne tried not to laugh while River, Inara and Kaylee his smiles. Allan laughed loudly.

Haymer turned his attention to the thick stack of documents on the table. Pulling one off the top of the stack, his face went a little pale.

“Is this what I think it is?”

Allan nodded, “That stack represents over one million shares of preferred Blue Sun stock. Dating back to the founding of the company... these are my personal shares.”

“You could buy a majority in the company with those shares,” Haymer said incredulously, “These make you one of the most wealthy people in the 'verse.”

“I'm aware of that,” Allan replied, “Back on Earth I was considered the fourth wealthiest person on the planet. I've been filthy stinking rich and I've also been poor. Personally I'm most comfortable somewhere in the middle.”

“Why do you want to attack Blue Sun?” Haymer asked, “With this you could easily take back the company.”

Allan looked directly at Haymer, “Are you aware of the kind of projects Blue Sun does for the government?” Allan asked.

“Some, I was in the military during the war.”

“Know anything about human experimentation?” Allan asked.

Haymer looked shocked, “Of course not. That is illegal and highly unethical,” He said indignantly.

Allan looked to River and she nodded. Pulling a portable data reader from her pocket, River placed it in front of Haymer.

“This is what Blue Sun did to me,” She said neutrally.

Looking at the data on the screen, Haymer began to look a little pale. Looking back to the girl across the table from him his eyes widened.

“Good lord,” he breathed, “how old were you when they did this to you?”

“They started when I was fourteen, my brother Simon got me out when I was seventeen.”

“This is barbaric,” Haymer replied.

“It gets worse. Blue Sun is responsible for this as well,” Mal said as he slid a data stick across the table. Haymer inserted it into the player. Suddenly a holographic image came to life in the center of the table. It was the Miranda wave.

The crew of Serenity had seen it too many times to count. Allan had only seen it once. Haymer looked sick. Even his bodyguard looked Ill. Saffron tried to look away.

When the wave finished, Haymer looked at the faces around the table. Seeing the anger in their faces. “I had no idea. It... It's hard to fathom.”

“It's all true Durin,” Gabriel Tam said quietly from the doorway.

“Gabriel?” Haymer said in shock.

He nodded, “I know it to be true because River is my Daughter.”

“Daddy, how do you know him?”River asked.

“Who do you think managed the stock purchases to allow Durin a seat on the board of Blue Sun,” Gabriel replied with a bit of pride.

Allan smiled... His plan just might work.

“This is all well and good,” Mal said, “but how does this help take down Blue Sun?”

“Simple,” Allan replied, “We do it from the inside.”


Two hours later, Durin Haymer, Lassiter in hand left Serenity to catch his liner back to Belepheron, promising to assist Allan in the reacquisition of his company. Mal smiled as Haymer's bodyguard dragged a sputtering Yo-saf-brige down the ramp and off the ship. Allan and Gabriel one on each side of the Captain.

“You actually married her Mal?” Allan asked with a chuckle.

“I was drunk!” Mal exclaimed, “Hell, she married my cousin Monty too.”

Gabriel chuckled, “And here I always thought she was just Durin's trophy wife.”

“Funny how that works out. Despite all the playacting she's prone to. Robbin and stealin her way across the 'verse. I think deep down she actually loves Haymer... go figure.”

Allan looked at his watch as his stomach growled, “Didn't you mention taking everyone out to dinner tonight Mal?”

“Since you seems to have all that stuff you laid out on the table up in the galley, maybehaps you wanna buy?” Mal said.

“I suppose I can afford it Mal... My treat.”

“Glad ta hear it. Now before we go, you better lock that stuff up a'fore Jayne gets his paws on it.”

“No worries Mal, Zoë took care of it.”


After a wonderful Dinner at the Pub Allan had brought Zoë to, The crew retired back to Serenity and prepared to leave the Skyplex.

“Where we headed Mal?” Allan asked.

“Got a bite on someone interested in our cargo. Sir Warrick said we could sell it to whoever we wanted to. Got wind of a farmers co-op over Deadwood way that has the coin and is looking for what we got.”

“Sounds good to me. By the time we get that run done, Durin should be back home and we can do a little more plotting,” Allan said with a grin.

Mal chuckled, “Be interesting walking in the front door. Last time I was there we had to sneak in the back door.”

“Theft usually means you have to sneak around Mal.”

“Ain't that the truth,” the Captain agreed, “Well get us heading to Deadwood, then you can turn in. I'll take the first watch after we're set.

“Good enough Mal.”


Allan quietly opened the hatch to his and Zoë's bunk. Trying to be quiet, he closed the door once he reached the bottom of the ladder. Allan looked at the bed, Zoë was asleep, the covers just above her waist. Allan padded softly to the bed and pulled the blanket back up over her naked torso. The temperature was dropping as the ship went into it's night cycle, although Allan noted that the cooler air was doing some rather nice things to certain parts of Zoë's anatomy.

Undressing quickly, Allan slid under the covers and spooned up behind Zoë, inhaling deeply the scent of her hair as he snuggled, Allan draped his arm across her body.

“Ship on course?” Zoë mumbled, half asleep.

“Yep,” Allan whispered.

“Good,” Zoë replied more awake, “Didn't you mention something about me getting something tonight?” Zoë said, a mischievous tone in her voice.

Allan grinned, “I did mention something along those lines.”

“So what am I gonna get?”

“Roll over and I'll show you.”

“I'm likin this already,” Zoë purred.


“Baby?” Zoë asked as she and Allan lay in a sweaty tangle of limbs and blankets.

'Hmm?” Allan mumbled, his head lying on Zoë's chest.

“What's gonna happen if your plan works?”

“What do you mean?”

“If you end up runin Blue Sun again. Are you gonna leave Serenity?”

“Nope,” Allan replied.

“Why not,” Zoë asked, “I mean you're likely to end up pretty damn rich iffin this works. Why would you wanna stay here on the ship?”

Allan placed a kiss between Zoë's breasts and looked her in the eye, “Because you are here and I know you won't want to leave.”

“How do you know I don't want to go off to the core and live in a big ole mansion?”

Allan snickered, “Because I know you. Five months tops and you'd be wanting to shoot someone just to alleviate the boredom. Hell, I'd probably go just as stir crazy as you inside of six months myself. I hated being in the office back when I was on earth. The factory where I could actually work on things was one thing, but push paper around? Drove me nuts.”

Zoë giggled, “I suppose so, I can only see m'self making it two months before I shot someone.”

Allan smiled and slowly crawled up Zoë's body until they were eye to eye, “Of course that doesn't mean we can't enjoy some of the trappings of wealth. I mean I intend to make the honeymoon special...”

“Honeymoon?” Zoë gasped.

Allan reached under his pillow and pulled out a small ring box, opening the lid, he kissed Zoë quickly and smiled.

“Zoë Allene Washburn, will you marry me?”

Zoë's eyes opened wide while her mind raced. She didn't know what to say. She loved Allan with everything she had but she didn't know if she was ready to marry someone again, If ever.

Allan was apprehensive. He could see the play of emotions on Zoë face. Maybe it was too soon to be asking. Maybe she didn't want to get married again after wash. Maybe...

“You want me to be your wife?” Zoë whispered.

“Yes I do,” Allan said, a note of hope in his voice.

Tears welled in Zoë's eyes. With a nod and a deep kiss she gave her answer...

“Yes, I will marry you.”



Monday, July 21, 2008 2:44 AM


A good variety of stuff here! Possible danger, then through to the ongoing plotline of Allan reacquiring Blue Sun, to the proposal ... very good reading!


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