Into the Blue -- Chapter 12
Monday, July 28, 2008

Home cooking and a gunfight. Just another day in Jayne's home town


Into the Blue Chapter 12

Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. I’m just playing. No money being made.

This fic takes place just over two years after Serenity (BDM) and has the established couples of Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara, Zoë/OC and Jayne/River.

A/N: This chapter was kind of hard and took longer than it usually does. My muse seems to have taken a vacation again.

Thanks again Chris for the beta…

Into the Blue

Chapter Twelve – Good Guys

“... Welcome to the family.”

“Thank you Mrs. Cobb,” River replied sweetly.

“Now don't be goin on like that,” Vera Cobb replied, “Call me Ma' or if you prefer Vera.”

River beamed at her future Mother in law, “Okay Vera,” She replied.

Mal cleared his throat, “Not to be breakin up the family reunion an all but we do have a cargo to unload.”

“Sorry Mal,” Jayne replied.

“Not to worry Mal, my boys here can unload the cargo,” Vera said as she snapped her fingers. A moment later a cargo truck approached Serenity.

“This is for you as well,” Vera continued as she handed a bag of platinum to Mal.

Mal nodded and passed the money to Zoë.

“Why don't we all head down to the house fer a spell and get outta this heat,” Vera said, “Fred an Mattie should have lunch done about now.”

“I appreciate the offer Vera, but we really need to be goin as soon as we can,” Mal replied.

Vera looked slightly miffed at Mal's statement, “Captain,” she said formally, “I haven't seen my son in eighteen years and he brings home a girl ta' boot. I think I deserve some time with my kin.”

“Ain't no arguin with her Mal,” Jayne said quietly.

“C'mon Captain,” Kaylee piped up, “We could use some down time after that hard burn.”

Mal knew he was in trouble, particularly when confronted with Kaylee and River's puppy dog eyes.

“Fine, we'll stay a few days,” Mal groused, “but we need to get the ship ready to go for a long haul once we get set to leave.”

“Xie-xie Cap'n” Kaylee replied.

Zoë, you mind hangin back with Allan till the cargo's offloaded?”

“We can do that Sir.”

“Good enough, Keep a com handy though.”

“Yes sir.”


The crew of Serenity followed Vera Cobb down the dusty street from the port. After a few minutes walking, the crew approached a well kept farmhouse on the edge of town. Behind the house was a small barn. Off to one side was a chicken coop and further away a small pasture with a few cows grazing on the meager grass.

As the group entered the fenced in front yard, a young man and woman came off the porch.

“Jayneie!!!” Cried a young woman as she jumped into Jayne's arms, giving him a big kiss on the cheek. River was not amused.

“Heyya Freddie,” Jayne replied.

River glared at the young woman. Seeing the expression on his fiancé's face, Jayne chuckled.

“Riv, This is m' sister Freddie,” Jayne said quickly, “Freddie, this here's River, my fiancé.”

Frederica Cobb looked dumbstruck, “Fiancé? To tell me, my bachelor for life big brother is getting hitched?”

“You got it baby sis,” Jayne said smiling.

A moment later a man, as tall as Jayne but thinner and a bit pale walked up, Giving Jayne the evil eye.

“Heya Mattie,” Jayne said nervously.

A big smile broke out on the younger man's face, pulling Jayne into a hug, “Welcome home big bro,” Mattie said with emotion in his voice.

Vera Cobb, a slight wetness visible around her eyes at the sight of all her children home spoke up, “Why don't we all go inside and get outta this heat. Then we can do the introductions all proper like.”

“Okay Ma'.” Jayne replied as everyone followed Jayne into the home where he had grown up.

Just as they stepped through the door, River stiffened, “Trouble back at the ship,” she said quickly.

“What kinda trouble Albatross?” Mal asked.

Mal's answer was River reaching under her skirt and pulling a gun.

“Oh... that kinda trouble,” Mal said as he rolled his eyes and pulled his own gun. Turning he began to run after his merc and pilot as they bolted from the house, Vera Cobb beside him, her own gun in her hands.


Allan wiped his brow, Deadwood was a hot planet, it felt like Arizona in the summer. Sitting on a crate next to Zoë he smiled, “Seems nice to have someone else do all the cargo moving,” he said indicating the four workmen unloading the cargo onto the cargo truck.

“It is at that baby,” Zoë replied.

Allan leaned against Zoë, “I wonder if Vera's got real lemonade... I haven't had real lemonade in... well centuries.”

Zoë giggled, “We'll see dear,” Allan had just leaned in to kiss Zoë when he felt the heat of a bullet pass next to his ear, narrowly missing Allan's skull, the sound of a gunshot came a moment later.

Zoë shoved Allan over backwards behind the crate he was sitting on as she dove under cover. More shots began ricocheting around the bay. Caught outside, the workmen hit the dirt.

In the distance, twelve men on horseback were galloping towards the ship, shooting as they approached, Allan took a quick look outside over the crate and snapped off two shots from his pistol, Zoë began returning fire with her mares leg.

Leaning across the crate, Allan took careful aim again and shot one man as he got near the ship, knocking him from the saddle. One of the workmen had retrieved a rifle from the truck and added his own shots to the fray.

Knowing that they were out gunned for the moment, Allan needed to get to one of his weapons crates in the bay.

“Zoë, cover me!” Allan yelled as he broke cover and made for the back of the bay.

Swearing, Zoë began shoot as fast as she could keeping the gunmen at bay for the moment.

Allan skidded to a stop next to a crate underneath the catwalk, opening it quickly he removed two rifles. Slapping a clip into the receiver, Allan charged the first of the old but reliable M-4 Carbines. Almost out of date in the early twenty first century, Allan liked the weapon for it's accuracy at short range as well as it's firepower. Quickly setting the first aside, Allan picked the second M-4 and loaded it.

The gunmen had dismounted and were approaching the ship, Zoë and the workman outside tried to keep their heads down. Zoë had accounted for two more in addition to the one that Allan had shot earlier.

Grabbing extra clips, Allan began running back to his fiancé, handing one of the carbines to Zoë, he took cover next to her.

“Selector switch is on three round burst, you got thirty six rounds in each clip,” He said quickly.

Nodding Zoë, popped up from behind the crate and fired a burst. One of the gunmen fell.

Dropping back down, Zoë felt splinters land in her hair from the crate as bullets knocked chunks from the wood.

Allan emerged from the side of the crate and snapped off two bursts taking down a gunman with each. A round grazed Allan's arm as he pulled back, yelping in pain.

“You okay baby?” Zoë said as she fired another burst.

“Just a graze,” Allan replied through clenched teeth.

Their number now halved, the raiders began to run towards the ship, hoping to end this quickly. The unarmed workmen had managed to crawl out of the line of fire and began to run. Two of the gunmen, seeing this began to fire at them.

With the gunmen's attention divided, Allan and Zoë became more aggressive with their shots, felling two more including one of the men shooting at the retreating workmen.

Now down to three men, the gunmen began to retreat. They hadn't made it more than a few steps when all three were felled by gunfire from another direction. A moment later, Jayne and River came into view weapons at the ready. Mal and Vera not far behind.

Cautiously, Allan and Zoë exited the bay and moved to their friends.

“Good timing sir,” Zoë said smiling.

“Yeah, it was starting to get a bit interesting,” Allan added.

The workman who had been helping shoot had been wounded in the arm, Ignoring his own injury, Allan went to check on him.

“What happened Zoë?” Mal asked.

“Not rightly sure Sir. They came outta nowhere and started shootin. Damn near got my man it the head on the first shot,” Zoë said as the realization hit her that she had nearly lost Allan.

“Tross, go get yer brother, Jayne, go with her. We'll keep watch here.”

Nodding quickly the couple trotted off, heading for the Cobb residence.

Zoë and Vera moved to Allan's side as he examined the wounded man who had helped them.

“Danny, you alright?” Vera asked as she knelt next to the man.

“Be okay Vera,” the man grimaced, “Went all the way through.”

Vera smiled at the man, “Good boy Danny, you's did good. Although I bet Molly'll be a bit peeved at me, you getting shot.”

“She'll get over it Vera, she love's ya too much to stay mad at ya long.”

Mal was surveying the carnage that surrounded his ship. Shaking his head he addressed Vera.

“What the hell is goin on here Vera?”

Vera Cobb sighed, “looks like ole' Maxwell is lookin to put us outta business.”

“Who's this Maxwell?” Zoë said as she wrapped the wound on Allan's arm.

“Biggest rancher round these parts, Been tryin to buy us out the last eight months or so, ever since we set up the co-op. Guess he's not takin no fer an answer. I figured he was behind the stealin o' our feed and fertilizers. I reckon this clinches it.”

Mal nodded, “What do you need from us?”

“I appreciate the offer Mal but I can't let you fight our battles.”

Zoë and Allan helped Danny to his feet and Allan led the man towards Serenity's infirmary. Zoë turned and stepped to Mal's side.

“These hundan's made it our battle,” Zoë said firmly. Pausing a moment she smiled, “Sides, Jayne's kinda family so that makes you family too.”

“I reckon it does,” Vera said, returning the smile.


The sheriff shook his head at the carnage strewn in front of the Serenity. Watching as the local undertaker and his assistant loaded the bodies of the gunmen onto a truck.

“Right fine mess you got here Vera,” He said quietly.

“Wouldn't a happened iffin you'd done as a I asked and arrested that hundan Maxwell after our supplies got pinched,” Vera replied sternly.

“Vera, you know I ain't got no real evidence that he done that,” Sheriff Mike Clancy replied.

“All o' the evidence you need is layin in the dirt and being hauled in the truck to the funeral parlor. Every one o' them men worked fer Maxwell and you know it.”

The sheriff, rubbed his eyes, “I know Vera and I sympathize but you know what'd happen iffin I went up there to even talk to him?”

“What Mike?” Vera replied sharply.

“I'd be dead and so would Josh, m' deputy. Gorramit Vera, I know he's doin this but I ain't got the kinda help I need to bring him in!”

Vera reached out and patted her friend on the shoulder, “I know Mike, I know. Can you call in the Feds?”

“No ruttin way Vera,” the sheriff replied quickly, “First off they'd say it was a local matter and second iffin I let em' in here they damn well won't leave and you know it.”

Vera Cobb dropped her head in frustration, “Okay Mike, we'll figure somthin out.”

Overhearing the conversation, Mal and Zoë gave each other a look and smiled.

“Are you thinking what I think you're thinking Sir?”

Mal looked at his first mate, “If you're thinkin that I'm thinkin we might be able to help out round here, you'd be right.”

Walking up to Vera and the sheriff, Mal spoke up, “I hate to intrude here but maybehaps I have a solution.”

“And you are?” Asked the sheriff.

“Captain Malcolm Reynolds, this here is my first mate Zoë Washburn.”

“Pleased to meetcha but this really ain't your concern.”

“Actually it is,” Zoë replied, “They damn near killed me an my man. I ain't one to let that lie.”

“Not to mention the damage to my ship from the gunfire,” Mal added.

“I reckon that gives you a stake in this,” the sheriff admitted.

“It rightly does,” Vera said quickly.

Sighing, the sheriff looked in the captain's eyes, “What do you have in mind?”

“Sounds like you could use some more deputies,” Mal said with a grin.


Simon had patched up Danny's gunshot wound and put a couple of weaves on Allan's graze. Pronouncing him fit, Allan flew Serenity from the port to a clearing behind the Cobb's barn. Mal wanted the ship where he could keep an eye on it after the attack. The cargo truck had been driven into the bay to protect the cargo it was carrying.

Allan and Zoë entered the house and made their way into the parlor where everyone was gathered. Standing in the back of the room, they waited quietly.

“Since we was so rudely interrupted afore, Jayne, why don't you handle all the other introductions,”Vera Cobb asked her son.

Jayne smiled, “Okay Ma'. Well you already met River, so sittin next ta her is her brother Simon, he's a real core trained surgeon. Next ta him are his an River's folks, Gabriel an Reagan Tam.”

“Nice ta meet the in laws,” Vera chuckled.

“The same,” Reagan said with a smile. She had immediately taken a liking to Jayne's mother.

Vera looked to her son and Jayne continued, “Th' ray o' sunshine on Simon's lap is his fiancé Kaylee Frye, she's the ships mechanic.

“Pleased ta meetcha darlin,” Vera said quietly.

“The Capn' ya already know, the fancy lady next ta him is, uh, the Capn's girlfriend Inara Serra.”

“Nice ta meetcha Miss Serra,”

“Please, Call me Inara.”

“Y'all ready met Zoë, and next ta her is her fiancé Allan Bryant,” Jayne finished.

“Ma'am, “ Allan said, tipping his baseball cap.

“Looks like you done taken up with some good folks Son. I'm a proud a ya. Specially bringin home a right pretty filly like River here.”

River's ears turned a bit pink at Vera's compliment. The rest of the crew including the Tam's chuckled.

Vera looked at the crowd in her parlor. Smiling at having all her children home, “Course Jayne y'all know, this lovely girl next to me is Jayne's sister Frederica and next to her is my baby Mattie.

“Aww, Ma' , I ain't no baby,” Matty groused.

“Yer the youngest so I say yer the baby,” Vera replied good naturedly.

So, how about we make it an early dinner, Reagan, would you mind giving me and Fred a hand in the kitchen? I figure I can learn all about my future daughter-in-law from her Ma'.”

“Certainly Vera,” Reagan said as she rose to her feet, “And I would love to hear about my future son-in-law as well.”

Gabriel and Jayne seemed to roll their eyes in unison. While River giggled.

“You're in trouble now big bro, “Mattie chuckled.

River stood quickly and took Kaylee and Inara's hands, “Time for girl talk, no boys allowed,” she said quickly as River dragged her friend and soon to be sister into the kitchen, “Coming Zoë?”

“I think I will,” Zoë replied, following the young psychic.

“Hey, what about us?” Allan asked.

“Go do man stuff dear,” replied Zoë as she disappeared through the door.

Allan found himself looking at the other men of Serenity as well as Mattie, “Now what do we do?”

“Horseshoe pit's in the back yard,” Mattie suggested.

“Sounds good ta me,” Mal replied, “Come on Gabriel, we'll show you how to to play shoe's for real.”

Shaking his head, Allan followed the group outside.


Dinner that night was something to remember. Real home cooked meals were far and few between for the crew of Serenity. The last meal like this had been at Kaylee's parents home nearly six months ago. After the near tragedy this afternoon, the crew needed to blow off some steam.

Shortly after desert was served Mike Clancy the local sheriff arrived wanting to speak to Vera and Mal. They excused themselves and moved to the parlor to speak with the sheriff. Zoë had a suspicion it had something to do with dealing with the man who had sent his gunmen against Serenity.

Allan was just finishing off his slice of apple pie when he noticed how pale Jayne's brother Mattie had become.

“You okay Mattie?” Allan asked.

“Little... short o'... breath,” the young man gasped out, “Happens... sometimes.”

Instantly Simon was at Mattie's side, “What brings this on Mattie?”

“Overdid it today,” he said regaining some of his breath.

“How long have you been ill?”

“Bout ten years,” He replied.

“Do you know what the diagnosis is?” Simon asked.

“Some kinda scarrin in m' lungs.”

“What caused it?”

“Got trapped in a fire when the schoolhouse burned, burned m' lungs in th' smoke.”

Simon looked to be in thought for a moment. Thinking back to something he remembered from Medacad.

“Do you get congested often?”

“All the time, Iffin I get a cold, I end up in bed fer weeks.”

Simon nodded, “When you feel up to it, I'd like to examine you in the infirmary on Serenity.”

“Seen plenty o' doc's. None been able ta help much.”

“Simon's not just any doc little brother,” Jayne said, “One the best ever to come outta the core. Iffin anyone can help it'll be Simon.”

Simon looked at Jayne with some shock on his face, then smiled, “Thank you Jayne.”

Embarrassed by the sentiment, Jayne mumbled something. Smiling at her man, River gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

“Ain't got the extra coin ta pay ya,” Mattie said.

“Unnecessary,” Simon replied, “Your brother is marring my sister. That makes you family.”

Across the table, Gabriel and Reagan Tam shared a look and a smile. They couldn't have been more proud of Simon at that moment.

The conversation around the table settled into small talk for a few moment's when Mal and Vera returned to the dining room. Looking at his crew, Mal grinned at the scene in front of him.

“If I can have everyone's attention.” Mal said in his captain's voice.

The conversations quickly stopped, clearing his throat, Mal continued.

“After speakin with the sheriff and Vera, we got a little job tomorrow.”

“What kind of job Sir?” Zoë asked even thought she knew probably what it was.

“Tomorrow morning, myself, Zoë, Allan, Jayne, River and Vera are goin to the sheriffs office ta' be deputized. Then we're gonna go get that hundan Maxwell and arrest im'.”

“Deputized?” Allan questioned.

“Yep,” Mal said with a smile, “Badges and all, just gonna be temporary till the jobs done. We've done this kinda work before, just not with the official sanction.”

A big grin came across Jayne's face, “Shiny... Let's be good guys.”



Monday, July 28, 2008 9:56 PM


Oh,I just love that last line! And Jayne's family is great. It may have been a hard chapter to write, but you done good, Briglad!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 4:19 AM


Ah, imminent violence. Love it.


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