Big Blue -- Chapter 3
Monday, August 25, 2008

Allan chairs his first board meeting and Inara lets a secret slip.


Big Blue Chapter 3

Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. (Except for Allan) I’m just playing. No money being made.

This story takes place almost three years after Serenity (BDM) and has the established couples of Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara, Zoë/Allan and Jayne/River. Follows immediately after Out to the Blue.


Thanks again Chris for the Beta.

Big Blue

Chapter Three – Meetings

Allan wasn't making friends. Most company executives and managers do not like being disturbed on a Sunday morning. Allan didn't care.

It took him over two hours to contact everyone on the list he had of trustee committee members and department heads. Allan wanted the meeting to start Monday morning at eight am sharp. He had some company ass to kick and wasn't about to play nice.

The only one who welcomed Allan's wave that morning was Madeline Chang. The only member of the Blue Sun Board besides Durin Haymer to have been not been involved in Blue Sun's illegal activities.

“Mr. Bryant, I have been expecting your wave.”

“I suppose you have, Mrs. Chang,” Allan replied to the woman on the screen.

Madeline Chang looked to be about forty five or fifty years old. Regal in her bearing. She was quite stunning in appearance with long black hair and the soft features characteristic of her Chinese ancestry.

“To what do I owe the honor of your call this morning?”

“I'm calling a meeting of the trustee committee and all senior department heads tomorrow morning at eight.

“Why so early?”

“Because at noon the, Prime Minister, will be holding a news conference announcing the arrest of over half of Parliament, The majority of the Board, the former, Prime Minister, and various other persons for crimes against humanity, conspiracy, murder, and a myriad of other charges.”


“He will also announce that the Miranda wave was authentic and that Blue Sun and members of Parliament conspired to kill thirty million citizens as a science experiment.”

“I... I don't know what to say.”

“Just say you will be there. I'll need your support.”

“Of course, Mr. Bryant. I shall be there.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Chang,” Allan said as he cut the wave.

Finished with his calls, Allan began to pour over financial statements from the annual report. Blue Sun was making obscene amounts of money every day. Profiteering was too mild a word to use but Allan couldn't think of a better one.


River gently lowered Serenity to a perfect landing on the House Madressa landing pad. Dressed in a subdued dress, She made her way to the cargo bay where the rest of the crew waited, dressed in what mourning clothes they had. Mal, Simon and Jayne in dark suits while Kaylee wore a dark green dress. Inara was dressed a black and gold gown. A white shawl over her shoulders. Zoë and Alisha both in dark dresses with white shawls.

As the ramp lowered, Madame Christine and a Buddhist Monk waited. The Alliance Honor Guard dressed in their finest dress uniforms, gently carried the casket from the ship, the Monk leading the procession. Inara and Madame Christine walked together while the rest of the crew followed.

After the funeral, the crew were escorted to a reception in the main hall of the house. Nearly two hundred guests were in attendance. Many of them were companions of both sexes as well as many students.

Jayne did his very best to keep eyes front as he moved through the crowd. River on his arm. River giggled at her man's frustration.

“Jayne, it's okay to look.”

“I better not...”

“I know you wouldn't stray. My presence assures them that you are taken... Besides, you can't afford them.”

“Don't matter. Iffin I look... things might pop inta my head.”

“I'm not reading you Bao-bei. So relax and stop being rude to Inara's friends.”

“Okay baby girl.”


“Inara?” called a voice Inara dreaded to hear. A voice she should have anticipated being here...

Steeling herself with all the companion composure she could muster, Inara turned.

“Hello Mother.”

“Dear, let me look at you,” the older woman gushed as she pulled her daughter into a hug.

“You're looking well Mother.”

“You flatter an old woman like me Inara.”

Inara forced a smile, “It is the truth.”

“Child, don't you try to to fool me...”

“Inara? Care to introduce me to this lovely lady?” Mal said as he walked up to the women.

Go-se, Inara thought. Keeping her smile in place, Inara spoke...

“Captain Malcolm Reynolds, This is Kadira Serra... My Mother.”

Mal smiled and kissed Kadira's hand, “I can see where Inara gets her outstanding beauty.”

“Why thank you Capitan,” the elder Serra replied, “I understand you captain the ship my daughter travels about on?”

“I do Ma'am,” Mal replied.

“How interesting,” Kadira replied. Suddenly spying the diamond on Inara's left hand, her eyes widened, “Inara, is that what I think it is on your left hand?”

“Yes, Mother, it's an engagement ring.”

“And who is the lucky man?”

“I am ma'am,” Mal replied.


“Mal is my fiancé, Mother.”

Kadira's eyes widened in shock. Taking a deep breath, she did her best to compose herself.

“Captain? Would you mind if I spoke with my daughter privately?”

“Please,” Mal replied.

Pulling her daughter away from the captain, she shook her finger in Inara's face as she spoke.

“What in, Allah's name are you doing?”

“Getting married.”

“To that... that, ben tiansheng de yi dui rou!”

“Mother! Language.”

“I don't care. No daughter of mine is going to marry some piece of space trash.”

“I love Mal and he loves me,” Inara snarled.

“Thats not enough,” Kadira spat back, “Give me one good reason why you should marry that Wang bao dahn!”

“I'm pregnant,” Inara said quietly.


“I said, I'm pregnant!” Inara shouted.

The room fell silent... except for the sound of Mal hitting the floor.


Allan awoke Monday morning, unaware of Inara's pronouncement. After showering and dressing in his best suit, Allan ordered in room service and prepared for his first board meeting in over four hundred years.

Almost as an afterthought he slipped his 9mm pistol into an ankle holster. Collecting his laptop and briefcase, Allan left his hotel room escorted by, Oso and another bodyguard.

A quick trip by Limo brought Allan to the front door of Blue Sun. Pausing a moment, Allan looked up at the nearly twenty five hundred foot tall building and sighed. He wouldn't have built it so tall.

Boarding the express lift, Allan and his bodyguards began their assent to the top floor executive offices.

Stepping from the lift, Allan glanced around. He had been in the offices a few days ago but that had been after hours. This was his first visit when the building was bustling with activity.

“Mr. Bryant?” A well dressed brunette woman of about thirty asked.

“I am.”

“I'm Kassidy Mccallum, director of administration. Welcome to Blue Sun.”

“Thank you, Ms. Mccallum,” Allan replied, “Where can I set up?”

“The CEO's office is still being processed as a crime scene. I have another office that you can use in the interim. Would you please follow me?”

“Lead the way.”

While walking down the corridor, the small group passed a young blond woman who looked a bit young to be working in theses offices. Must be an intern, Allan mused.

As the blond passed, Allan noted her eyes. They were dull and lifeless. Like she wasn't there. The hackles on Allan's neck rose.

Something about the woman's expression. It reminded Allan of River when she had one of her bad days... Oh shit!

Allan was already shoving Kassidy to the floor when the first shot rang out. One of Allan's bodyguards was down with a head shot. He didn't even know the young man's name.

Oso threw himself in front of Allan while returning fire. The blond dodged every shot fired in her direction with inhuman reflexes. The assassin fired again and Oso took a round in his chest. Allan's hands fumbled for his gun in the ankle holster. Kassidy was screaming.

Firing two quick shots at the girl, Allan was amazed as she ducked both rounds. Her gun rose again...

Suddenly, something Simon had said to him months ago popped into Allan's mind. It was his only hope...

“Ettu korum nasch mech!” Allan yelled.

The girl hit the floor in a heap.

Allan began breathing again. There were screams from the adjoining offices and rooms.

A cough came from Oso.

“Oso!” Allan yelled as he rolled the big man onto his back. Looking for blood, Allan didn't see any. Instead Allan felt the stiffness of body armor.

“You Okay Oso?”

“Think I'll live boss,” the big man groaned, “You get her?”

“Sort of. She's out. Get her restrained and under sedation as quick as you can.”

Groaning, the big man got to his feet and began giving orders over his com. In seconds the corridor was filled with security personnel. Oso fingered the hole in his expensive suit. The shot was in the center of his chest. If not for his armor, Oso would have been dead before he hit the floor.


“Wuh happen?” Mal slurred as he regained consciousness.

“You fainted, Mal,” Inara replied testily.


“You passed out, Captain,” Simon said with a slight grin.

Mal swung his legs off the sofa where Jayne and Zoë had laid him. Sitting up, the room spun for a moment then settled.

Mal's brain engaged and he stared at Inara. Licking his lips he whispered, “Pregnant?”

Biting her lip, Inara could only nod.

Suddenly Mal smiled. The smile went all the way to his blue eyes, “We're gonna have a baby?”

“Yes Mal, we're gonna have a baby,” Inara said. Not sure how she felt herself, “Are you... okay with that?”

As an answer, Mal pulled Inara into his lap and gave her a deep kiss. After a moment Inara broke loose trying to catch her breath.

“Darlin, I'm more than okay with it. I'm ecstatic!” Mal laughed, “I'm gonna be a daddy!” he yelled so loud he thought Allan might hear him on Londonium.

The room broke into applause as the couple was congratulated by the assembled throng. Kaylee nearly tackled Inara in her delight. Simon and Jayne shook Mal's hand. The next hour or so went by in a blur.

The hollowness in, Mal's heart that had been there since Serenity Valley seemed to fade away... At least for the moment.


Due to the chaos of the assassination attempt, The meeting was pushed back to ten. Some wanted Allan to cancel it but he stood firm. He wasn't about to let something like this stop him.

Besides, if Allan didn't keep focused on the meeting, he thought he just might throw up. Thinking on how close it had been made Allan shudder.

I better remember to NEVER piss River off. Allan thought wryly as he stepped through the boardroom doors.

Walking slowly around the large table, Allan tried to keep a confident smile on his face. Reaching the head of the table, Allan rested his hands on the polished surface. Taking a deep breath, he began to speak.

“Good Morning,” he began.

There were several murmured greetings in reply.

“My name is Allan Bryant. It may be hard for you to believe, but I founded this company four hundred years ago on Earth. My intention was to follow the exodus ships that Blue Sun had built in my own ship. Due to an accident of fate. I instead spent four hundred years in cryogenic suspension. Only recently was my ship found in space near Boros. It has taken me months to get to the point where I am today.

Allan looked at the faces in front of him. No one seemed to be questioning him so far.

“I'm telling all of you this because to be frank, I am appalled at what this company has become. On Earth, Blue Sun was the epitome of responsible corporate management. What I find today is beyond vile. This company has engaged in human experimentation on our best and brightest. Torture of our children in the quest to make the perfect assassin. The results of which were evident just a few hours ago.

“Blue Sun violated, at the request of corrupt members of parliament. Every law on the books regarding the treatment of prisoners of war when they used Browncoats as guinea pigs for testing Pax. To top it all off, Pax was used on Miranda. Knowing that the thirty million souls there might likely perish. And that some of them might become the scourge known as Reavers.”

“As of this moment, Blue Sun will begin to return to the goals I set forth so long ago,” Allan finished as he sat down.

“Mr. Bryant?”asked a manager a few seats down the table


“While I appreciate your stepping forward and agreeing to chair the Trustee committee. I feel that any sweeping changes in how Blue Sun runs it's day to day operations is beyond you authority.”

“You are correct in your assumption that I may have overstepped my authority as Chair of the committee but I have authority in other ways.”

“Such as?” the man asked.

“And you are?” Allan inquired.

“Joseph Park, Mr. Bryant. Head of the Legal Department.”

“Well Mr. Park, I think this will convince you,” Allan said as he pulled a thick sheaf of documents from his briefcase. Tossing the pile on the table, the sheets spread out over the slick surface.

“That... ladies and gentlemen is my authority. Two million, one hundred fifty three thousand shares of Blue Sun preferred stock. All in my name. Dating back to Earth and fully authenticated by the Alliance Exchange Commission.”

Jaws opened all around the table.

“Anyone doubt my authority now?”

There was a chorus of no's.

“Very well then. Lets get to work.”


The meeting went well into the afternoon. Only pausing for a quick meal break and time to watch the Prime Minister's news conference on the cortex.

As the Prime Minister went over the evidence collected and those responsible for Miranda, he assured the public that the government was stable and no, the Browncoats were not going to suddenly rise up and attack the core.

As predicted, Blue Sun's stock price dropped like a rock for most of the day and then started to climb back up just before the close of the markets.

Allan drafted a press release outlining the sweeping changes he planned for Blue Sun. Biggest of all was a seventy percent across the board price cut. In the press release, Allan explained that Blue Sun had been, on an average, making a profit of nearly two hundred percent. The pharmaceutical and food divisions profits ran closer to three hundred. Thats why most ship crews and settlers on the rim ate reconstituted protein rather than actual food. And why most people outside the core had trouble getting even simple drugs like aspirin. As the situation stabilized more price cuts would be forthcoming.

Allan slumped forward over his desk and laid his head on his arms. He was exhausted. The last week had been a roller coaster and Allan was pretty sure he wanted off.

A faint knock on the door, brought Allan to attention, “Come in?”

Oso stood in the door, “Ready to head back to the hotel?”

“Think so,” Allan replied as he gathered his paperwork and computer, “How big is the detail now?”

“Thirty. Five with you at all times and the rest on backup or in reserve.”

“Find anything out from the girl?”

“No, she seems catatonic.”

“She's an example of what the Academy wanted to produce. A psychic assassin.”

“How did you know?”

“I've been living with a former Academy student for nearly eight months on a small spaceship. This girl reminded me of River on one of her bad days.”

“Poor kid,”

“I know, not her fault. Come on Oso, I need a big fat steak to chase away these blues.”

“Good idea Allan.”


Allan sat on the sofa staring out at the cityscape visible through the windows. It had been a busy day me mused. Nothing like almost being killed and then taking over the largest corporation in the verse to tucker a fella out.

Picking up the remote for the huge eight foot wide cortex screen, Allan began flipping through the news channels. Every one had something about the PM's news conference or Blue Sun. As he surfed the channels Allan found a few anchors speaking about him. In one day, Allan went from the co-pilot on an old firefly to front page news and a bit of a celebrity.

He'd rather be the co-pilot on the firefly.

It suddenly struck Allan that he didn't know what the next step was. He had been planning for this day for weeks. Now here he was, holed up in an expensive hotel in New London. Bodyguards outside his door and anything he wanted at his beck and call. Well almost anything. What Allan really wanted was Zoë here by his side. Without speaking with her, he didn't want to make any concrete plans. Serenity should be on their way back to Londonium by now. It would be about five days before the ship could make landfall.

Christmas Eve. That's when Serenity would arrive. Suddenly a smile crossed Allan's face. He thumbed the button for the concierge.

“Good evening, Mr. Bryant,” said the attractive redhead who was the night shift concierge.

“Ms. Iseman Correct?”

“Yes, sir. What can I do for you?”

“Are there any rooms available near mine?”

“Security has cleared the entire floor for you sir.”

“I see. That will make it easier then,” Allan chuckled, “I'd like to reserve four rooms near mine for my family.”

“Family sir?”

“Sort of,” Allan replied, “Close friends of mine will be arriving by ship on the 24th. Will this present a problem?”

“None at all sir. Singles or doubles?”

Both. My guests are three couples and one single. Also, my fiancé will be joining me here in my suite.”

After arranging rooms for the crew, Allan also ordered Christmas decorations for the sitting room of his suite. Right down to a real Christmas tree. The tree would be delivered on the morning of the 24th. Allan wanted to decorate it with his friends.

With the holiday plans set, Allan decided to turn in for the night. He had a lot of work to do tomorrow.



Tuesday, August 26, 2008 2:19 AM


I love Mal's reaction! First meeting the redoubtable prospective mother in law, then finding out he's going to be a daddy ... no wonder he hit the floor!

And nice job having an Academy graduate as the hit ... person. Now, will Allan want to save her like Simon saved River?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 3:06 AM


Yeah, Mal's reaction was awesome.
And the Academy girl trying to kill Allan, that was genius.


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I Choose You - Chapter 2
A Scoobie joins Serenity's crew

I Choose You - Chapter 1
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Mal and John Henry discuss Time travel and Sarah Connor Realizes she isn't in Kansas (or California) anymore.

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Little Girl Lost
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