Big Blue -- Chapter 6
Monday, September 1, 2008

River and Alisha are shot and Allan convinces Mal to do something he's not happy with.


Big Blue Chapter 6

Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. (Except for Allan. He's mine) I’m just playing. No money being made.


This story takes place almost three years after Serenity (BDM) and has the established couples of Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara, Zoë/Allan and Jayne/River. Follows immediately after Out to the Blue.


A/N:Goodby fluff and hello drama


Big Blue


Chapter Five – Recovery


“Night everyone,” Allan called as the rest of the crew headed for their rooms. It had been a fun evening.

An evening playing and singing Christmas carols, generous amounts of alcohol and of course the fellowship of Serenity's crew. As Allan dimmed the lights in the living room, he took a moment to savor the vista visible beyond the glass wall of the room.

A flash of light caught his eye from the building across the street. Allan paused a moment. After looking for a few minutes, he shrugged his shoulders and joined Zoe in the bedroom. Content to just snuggle, the couple were fast asleep in minutes. Helped in their slumber by the gas being pumped into the floors air handling system.


River couldn't sleep. Something was on the edge of her mind. Not being able to put her finger on it disturbed her. River's brain felt fuzzy. Deciding she needed some air, River slipped a bathrobe over her naked form and opened the door into the pool area. Walking slowly around the perimeter of the indoor pool, her head began to clear a bit. Opening her mind, she felt Jayne's mind as he slept. Moving to her crewmates, she sensed that all were asleep. River opened her mind to the protective detail and froze...

They seemed to be asleep as well.

“Gas,” River whispered to herself. Looking around she realized that the pool enclosure was open to the outside air in several places. The space heated by infrared radiators and the warm water of the pool itself.

Holding her breath, River reentered her room to retrieve her pistol. She tried to rouse Jayne but to no avail.

A sudden fear gripped her. Inara's unborn child... if this gas affected the child, she wouldn't be held responsible for the consequences to the perpetrators. They would die. By her hand and very slowly.

Stepping back outside to the pool area, to take a breath, River opened her mind. She could feel strange minds approaching in the stairwell. Probing deeper she found their purpose... Bounty Hunters. Coming for her and Simon.


“Really, Reggie, you don't need to escort me back upstairs,” Alisha said to her date.

“Nonsense, Alisha. Besides, it keeps the troops on their toes when I show up in the middle of the night. Makes sure they aren't sleeping on the job.”

“Well you could always come up for a nightcap,” Alisha said innocently.

“Major Michaels, Ms. Alleyne, how nice to see you again,” Said the Concierge as the couple walked past the front desk.

“Good evening,” Reggie replied.

“The replacement guard detail just went upstairs.”

“What replacement guard detail?” Reggie asked alarmed.

“The one sent from headquarters.”

“There isn't supposed to be... Liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze fuh ur-tze!”

“Reggie?” Alisha asked, her eyes wide.

Reggie pulled out his com. Selecting the channel used by the detail upstairs, “Michaels to command post!”

His answer was static. Swearing again, he switched frequency's, “Major Michaels to headquarters.”

“Go ahead sir,” answered the com.

“Breach at the Hilton, no answer from the detail, I'm heading up. Get me backup!”

“On the way sir.”

“Alisha you better...”

Reggie was cut off by the sound of Alisha racking the action on her pistol.

“Don't tell me to wait here. That's my sister and my crewmates up there,” Alisha said, her voice tinged with fury.

“Watch my back,” He replied.


Johnny Hall considered himself a professional. His company, Hall Recovery Specialists was the best bail and bounty recovery firm on Londonium. Originally a Fed. Johnny Hall, retired and started his own firm. While his idiot younger brother did overwatch from the apartment across the street, he and his five man team of former soldiers and cops, slowly crept up the stairs. Stopping at the landing he addressed his men.

“Mask up,” he ordered, “Gas should have dissipated by now but I'm not taking any chances.”

Donning gas masks the six men crept through the door. They maintained the tight tactical stack that had been used by police and the military for hundreds of years. Their black jumpsuits and gear reflecting no light. Weapons at the ready they approached the first door.

Hall held up his hand at the sound of the arriving lift. To a man they all shifted their attention to the opening lift doors. It was empty.

“Kwin-gwe-je deh!” Hall swore under his breath. Turning back he came face to face with River Tam. Dressed in a bathrobe and holding a gun in his face.

“Don't even blink,” River growled.

“Miss Tam, put down the gun. You are bound by law, stand down,” Hall said calmly.

“You are in error. There are no warrant's for either my brother or myself... Isn't that right Major Michaels.”

“Not gonna fool me with that old tri...”

“Federal officer! Lay your weapons on the floor!”

“Better do as the man says, Miss Tam, sounds like he's a might techy.”

“He's not talking to me,” River replied with a tight smile.

“Drop the weapons and hit the floor... NOW!”

River saw the decision made by one of Hall's men. Instead of lowering his weapon, the man began to squeeze the trigger.

River had already moved, the shot echoed in the narrow hallway. Wound up to a hair trigger by the situation, Halls men brought their weapons to bear and began firing.

Hall screamed for his men to stand down but it was too late. He watched in detached fascination as River Tam seemed to almost dance among his men, shooting one in the knee while her leg shot out and broke another man's jaw, All the while dodging the shots fired in her direction... well, almost all the shots.

River cried out as a bullet struck her left arm,just below the shoulder. Breaking the bone with it's passage. River hit the floor in a heap.

“River!” Alisha cried as she broke cover behind Reggie and tried to run to her friend. Another one of Hall's men fired, the shot striking Alisha in the back. She fell to the floor.

Reggie Michaels saw red. The man that shot Alisha died in a spray of blood and gray matter from the bullet passing through his skull. The bullet came from Reggie's gun. The other two men fell in quick succession to Reggie's gunfire.

Johnny Hall stood stock still. Not daring to move. His eyes fell on his two wounded and three dead men. What the hell just happened, he thought.

The next thing Hall knew, Reggie Michaels ripped off his gas mask and hit him. Blood spattered from his shattered nose. Hall slumped to the floor in agony

Reggie turned his attention to the two women on the floor. River was trying in vain to crawl to Alisha while simultaneously trying to staunch the flow of blood from her arm.

“River, lay still,” Reggie said as he knelt beside the young woman. He didn't have the heart to look at Alisha yet.

River nodded and lay back on the floor. Reggie improvised a bandage from a piece of River's robe. Both were startled when they heard a low moan come from Alisha. Heart in his throat, Reggie looked at his date, she was trying to sit up.

“Alisha, don't move,” he implored.

“I'm okay Reggie, just hurts like hell,” she gasped, “Remind me to thank my future brother in law for my present,” Alisha said as she indicated the leather jacket she was wearing, “Sneaky cuss put ballistic panels in the jackets.”

Relief flooded through Reggie and he turned his attention to River. She was getting paler by the second. Swearing under his breath, he keyed his com, “This is Michaels, I need a medical team now. I have a primary down and the rest are out from gas.”

“Be there in thirty seconds sir,” came the reply.

True to their word, the hallway was swarming with feds in seconds.

Reggie pointed to River, “She's your number one patient. Treat her like you would the PM,” he ordered. Turning to Alisha, he spoke softer, “Go with River. She's gonna be frightened without a friendly face... get checked out yourself too.”

Alisha nodded and gave Reggie a quick kiss before following the medical team carrying River to the lift.

Steeling himself, Reggie turned his attention to Johnny Hall. Shooing away the medic attending the man's broken nose. He knelt in front of the bounty hunter, Reggie grabbed the mans vest and stared with barely restrained fury into the man's eyes.

“Hi Reggie,” Hall stammered.

“Don't you Hi Reggie me you liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze fuh ur-tze,” Reggie snarled, “What did you use for gas?”

“Som... Somutrex... “

Reggie's eyes widened, “You really are an idiot Johnny No wonder the old man kicked you off the teams... There's a pregnant woman on this floor.”

Reggie turned to one of the medics, “This idiot used Somutrex gas on the floor, get the antidote and wake everyone up. The woman in the executive suite is about seven weeks pregnant. Watch her close.”

“Yes sir,” the medic acknowledged before running off.

Turning his attention back to Hall, Reggie's green eyes bored into Johnny's frightened brown ones.

“If something happens to that baby, I will let Captain Reynolds have a few words. Then I'll let Miss Tam spend some quality time with you. Whatever's left, I'll feed to a Reaver... Dong-ma?”

Hall nodded.

“Get this piece of go-se out of my sight,” Reggie ordered, “As soon as he's awake, get Dr. Tam to the hospital. He's going to want to be with his sister.”

The young corporal saluted and trotted off to carry out the orders.

“Hell of a Christmas,” Reggie muttered to himself.


An hour later, the crew of Serenity waited in the trauma ward waiting room. A furious Jayne was wearing a path in the carpet with his pacing. Mal and Inara were in a treatment room. The on call OB/GYN was examining Inara for any effects from the gas. So far things looked all right for both her and the baby.

Despite still being a bit fuzzy from the gas, Simon had insisted on scrubbing up to observe the surgeons working on River. The bullet had shattered her humerus. Combined with the tissue and nerve damage, there was a possibility, River might lose the limb.

Zoe and Alisha sat on one of the Sofas. Alisha had a couple of cracked ribs from the impact of the bullet against the armor in her jacket. If not for said armor, it would have been a fatal shot. Allan and Kaylee were doing their best to keep Jayne from shooting something or someone.

Reggie was in quiet conversation with his superior, Col. Alfreda Mason. A no nonsense officer who commanded the executive protection division.

“Reggie, what the hell happened?” Col. Mason hissed.

“Looks like the Blue Hands concocted a fake bounty on the Tams. Called up Hall Recovery Specialists, waved a pile of credits in front of them and turned them loose. Didn't contact the locals as per protocol.” the young Major replied. His back straight.

“How come you were in the middle of things?”

“Uh, I was returning my date to her room ma'am.”

“Your date?”

“Miss Alleyne,” the major gulped.

“And she was shot as well.”

“Yes Ma'am.”

“How did that happen?”

“She attempted to provide aid to Miss Tam after she had been shot. A member of Hall's team shot Alisha... I mean Miss Alleyne.”

“What happened to the man that shot Miss Alleyne?”

“He did not survive the encounter ma'am,” Reggie replied. He could feel his career slipping away.

And the two other's killed?”

“Me as well.”

“What about the two wounded?”

“Miss Tam is responsible for those two ma'am.”

“And Johnny Hall's broken nose?”

“He resisted arrest ma'am.”

Col. Mason snorted in amusement, “I'm sure he did Reggie... good work tonight. Nothing else you could have done. Go-se happens. Now, go check on your lady friend.”

“Thank you, colonel.”


Reggie made his way across the waiting room to where Alisha and Zoe sat.

“Ma'am?” Reggie asked Zoe.

He was surprised when Zoe smiled at him, “I already yelled at her for breaking cover,” Zoe said quietly.

“I... uh... I want to apologize for...” Reggie began to say.

“It's okay,” Zoe cut him off, “I'm not mad at you. I'll save my wrath for the Blue Hands.”

“Thank you Ms. Washburn.”

“Knock off the Washburn crap. My name is Zoe.”

“Okay... Zoe.”

“I'll just leave you two alone,” Zoe said with a slight smile as she stood up from the sofa. Slowly she walked to Allan's side.

“... Dammit Jayne, will you take a break?” Allan said as Zoe approached.

“Long as River's in there, I'll be right here,” The big man rumbled.

“Jayne, go take a snooze on the sofa over there. River's gonna need you awake an alert when she wakes up. She's like to freak out a bit bein in a hospital... That's an order,” Zoe said sternly.

Jayne looked to protest for a second, but upon seeing the look in her eyes he nodded and sat down on one of the sofa's.

“Thanks bao-bei,” Allan said, pulling Zoe into a hug, “He was wearin me out with the pacing.”

“Any word yet?”

“Nothin yet, Zoe,” Kaylee replied, “River or 'Nara.”

“I'm getting damn tired of being a target,” Allan muttered.

“Ain't the only one, Allan,” Mal said as he exited the treatment area.


“Capn'? How's 'Nara... and the baby?” Kaylee asked, a slight tremble in her voice.

“She an the baby are fine,” said a visibly relived Mal, “Doc's got her restin though.”

“Anything on River?” Allan asked.

“Nothing yet. Said it'd be at least a couple o' hours.”

“Got my fingers crossed,” Allan said.

“Captain Reynolds? Mr. Bryant?”

“Yes?” they replied in unison.

“I'm Col. Alfreda Mason, commander of the executive protection division.”

Mal gave the woman a hard look. Young for her rank, Col. Mason looked about forty. Standing only about 5'5” tall, ruggedly built with a shock of sandy blond hair. Despite her size, she looked like she could give Jayne a run for his money in a fight.

“What can I do for you colonel?” Mal inquired.

“Could I speak to you and Mr. Bryant privately?”

“Kaylee, why don't you go check on 'Nara.”

“Okay Capn',” She said reluctantly.

“I'm not sure this is for everyone's ears,” the colonel said.

“Zoe's my first mate and Allan's fiancé. Anything you got to say to us, Zoe's gonna know about anyway. So might as well let her in on it from the start.”

“Very well, Captain,” Col. Mason said, “First, let me apologize for what happened tonight.”

“Water under the bridge,” Mal replied.

“Be that as it may, Captain. I apologize.”

“Accepted. Now what's on your mind colonel?”

“I'm not sure I can protect you, your crew or Mr. Bryant here on Londonium.”

“Kinda figured that.” Mal replied.

“It might be best that you all get into the black as soon as possible.”

“Moving target?” Zoe asked.

“Something like that,” Col. Mason replied.

“Still makes us a target,” Allan spoke up, “Need a way to shoot back if someone comes calling.”

“I cannot authorize the arming of a civilian vessel. No matter what favor you carry with the Prime Minister.”

“Not sure I want to hang guns all over Serenity anyway,” Mal said.

“I might have a way around that Mal,” Allan replied.

“What do you have in mind?”

“The defensive systems are already being installed. I can design a small offensive package that can be deployed through the belly hatch.”

“I still can't authorize the weapons,” Col Mason insisted.

“What if say... a pair of Alliance officers accompanied us. To make sure we didn't use the weapons for nefarious deeds.”

“Have a couple of officers in mind Mr. Bryant?”

“I do.”

“Now wait a minute,” Mal protested, “No offense colonel, but I ain't about to let a couple o' purple bellies have free run o' my ship.”

“They wouldn't have free run sir,” Zoe said quietly, “It would be men we know already and trust.”

“Who do we know and trust?” Mal asked, slightly angry,

“Reggie and Oso,” Allan replied, “I trust them with my life. Oso proved it last week and Reggie did it tonight.”

“Still...” Mal began to protest.

“They are a good choice sir,” Zoe said, cutting Mal off.

“I'll have them assigned to Serenity as soon as I get back to the office,” Col Mason said, a slight grin on her face.

“I need all the intel you have on the blue hands you've got,” Allan said, “And I'll have a shopping list of equipment and weapons for you by this afternoon.”

“... not even captain o' my own ship,” Mal muttered.

“Mal, this is the only way. We're safe on the move. If someone comes knocking, Oso and Reggie are good in a fight and Serenity will be able to shoot back. Besides, I'm still paying for the charter.”

“What about Blue Sun?” Mal asked.

“Mrs. Chang can run the board in my absence until Durin is healed up. Anything else I can do over the cortex.”

“How long will it take to modify Serenity?”

“Four, maybe five days. I'll put three shifts on it. With Kaylee and me helping, might go faster.”

Mal rubbed his face. It was either too late at night to too early in the morning, “Okay, get Serenity outfitted. Just make sure it's something that can be removed later.”

“You got it, Mal,” Allan replied.

“Hope I don't regret this,” Mal said as he looked at the ceiling.


River slowly awakened. Her mouth felt like the inside of a dustbin. Opening her eyes, her breath suddenly caught in her throat. Heart pounding, she realized she was in a medical facility.

“No!” she screamed. Trying to get up, she felt a hand on her right shoulder.

“River! Baby doll, it's okay. You're safe.” Jayne said, trying to sooth her.

“Jayne?” she croaked.

“I'm here Riv, I'm here.”

River tried to calm herself. She felt the comforting presence of Jayne's mind. Opening more she could feel the concern from the rest of the crew. Taking a deep breath, she relaxed a little bit.

“What happened,” River asked groggily.

“You got shot baby girl. Hit ya in the left arm, pretty bad. 'Liance doc's and Simon fixed ya up good as new though.”

“Simon?” She cried out.

“Shhh, I'm right here Mei-mei,” Simon replied, as he entered the recovery room.

“Not the Academy?” she whimpered.

“No Academy River. You're in the recovery room at St. Mike's Hospital.”

“Okay,” she replied, “What happened?”

“You were shot in the upper left arm Mei-mei. The humerus was shattered. It took three hours of surgery to repair it. There was also some nerve and tissue damage. It looks like we repaired it all. Can you feel me holding your left hand?”

“Some... feels numb.”

“Thats to be expected.”

“Will it be okay Simon?”

“I think it will Mei-mei, I think it will.”

River's eyes widened, “Alisha!”

“She's fine Riv,” Jayne answered, “Gramps put body armor in them jackets he gave us. Saved Alisha's life.”

Visibly relived River shut her eyes, “Sleepy.”

“Get some rest River. I'll be just outside.”

“You're a good big brother. Even if you are a boob.”

Simon chuckled, “Well you're a brat. Get some rest Mei-mei.”

“Jayne?” She asked, almost asleep.

“Yeah baby doll?”


“Ain't goin nowhere.”

“Love... you...” River was asleep.

“Love ya too River,” Jayne whispered.



Tuesday, September 2, 2008 2:46 AM


When they said the gas could effect the baby, I think my heart stopped.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008 6:44 AM


I like the fact that Mal has said Allan can only make improvements and add things than can be removed later. He's not willing to give up his life after all.


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I Choose You - Chapter 1
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