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Allan wakes up in the hospital...
Big Blue Chapter 9
Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. (Except for Allan. He's mine) I’m just playing. No money being made.
This story takes place almost three years after Serenity (BDM) and has the established couples of Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara, Zoë/Allan and Jayne/River. Follows immediately after Out to the Blue.
A/N: My Muse is working overtime. Two chapters in 24 hours.
Thanks again Chris for the Beta.
Big Blue
Chapter Nine – Mending Hearts
Allan slowly became aware of his surroundings. He could feel the pick of an IV in the back of his right hand. His throat felt raw. He could faintly hear the quiet beep of a heart monitor. Most of all, his chest hurt like hell.
Opening his eyes, Allan knew immediately that he was in a hospital room. Where that room was he didn't know. It sure wasn't the infirmary on Serenity. He knew that room better than his and Zoë's bunk.
Allan tried to move his left hand and met resistance. He felt a squeeze.
“Hey baby,” Zoë said softly, “Thought we lost you for a while.”
“I go somewhere?” he rasped out
“Nearly so.”
“Where am I?”
“You're in the ICU at Serenity General on Hera.”
“Hera?” Allan asked, his brain still a bit muddled.
“Closest place with a hospital.”
“What happened to me?”
“Somethin with your heart baby,” Zoë replied, her eyes were damp while a single tear slid down her cheek, “Nearly lost you.”
“Don't cry, Zoë. I'm still here.”
“Was a near thing,” Zoë sniffled, trying to maintain her composure.
“Is he awake?” Allan heard Simon say.
Zoë nodded and sniffled again.
Simon stepped to Allan's bedside, “How are you feeling Allan?”
“Like shit.”
Simon chuckled, “I'd imagine so.”
“Water?” Allan asked, he only seemed to have the breath for short sentences.
“Just a little,” Simon replied, holding a cup and straw to Allan's lips.
“What happened?” he asked after sipping some water.
“A complication from your fractures.”
Simon smiled, “Sometimes after a long bone fracture, the body can generate blood clots even months after the injury. During the stress of the... dogfight, one broke loose and lodged in one of your coronary arteries.”
“Surprisingly, very little,” Simon replied, “You are in remarkable health for a man of your age. However there was a small amount of cardiac muscle damage from the initial clot. It caused an arrhythmia and I'm afraid...”
“I coded,” Allan said simply.
“How long was I down?”
“Your heart was stopped for nearly four minutes.”
Allan nodded, “Who did the CPR?”
Allan snorted, “No wonder my chest hurts.”
“Indeed,” Simon replied, “You did receive a few cracked ribs in the process.”
“Prognosis?” Allan asked.
Simon smiled wide, “Excellent. You should be back on your feet in a few days. After that, take it easy for a week or so and you'll be fine.”
Allan nodded. His face seemed clouded however.
“What's wrong baby?” Zoë asked.
“At least my flying career went out with a bang.”
“I don't understand.” Simon said.
“Can't fly after a cardiac... event.” Allan replied.
“Who says?” Simon asked.
“The regs...”
“Four hundred years ago perhaps, “Simon said grinning, “As long as your physician gives you a clean bill of health, you will be able to still fly.”
“I will?” Allan asked, his face brightening.
“You will,” Simon confirmed, “Besides, do you think I want Mal to be behind the controls all the time until River's arm heals?”
Zoë shot Simon a dirty look for a second before beginning to chuckle. Soon Allan and Simon had joined her.
Allan began to cough after minute but he was still smiling.
“Get some rest Allan,” Simon admonished, “Your cardiologist will be in tomorrow morning. He's going to be going over a few things with you. He's a very good doctor. We were colleagues on Osiris.”
“Thanks Simon.”
“You're welcome Allan... Zoë? Can I see you in the hall for a moment?”
“Sure Simon,” she replied, “Back in a second, baby.”
“Not goin anywhere,” Allan replied tiredly. He closed his eyes and fell asleep almost immediately.
Once in the hall, Simon led Zoë aside, “First off, Zoë. He will be fine.”
“I'm sensing a but in there somewhere,” Zoë replied.
Simon smiled, “There is. Allan may have some... memory lapses. Or mood swings. It is unfortunately a side effect of his heart stopping. I'm encouraged since he woke up and knew who you were right off. I was afraid of some brain damage.”
Zoë looked a bit frightened but nodded.
“However,” he continued, “Right now it looks encouraging. He will still be Allan. He just may act a little differently sometimes. But if we are lucky, perhaps not.”
“Long as he's breathin... I don't care, Simon.”
“I thought that might be your answer,” Simon replied, suddenly looking at his shoes.
“Whats wrong Simon?”
“I'm afraid I may have been responsible for this,” he replied, face ashen.
“What do you mean?”
“There are drugs that would have prevented the blood clot from forming. I... I should have prescribed them to Allan months ago. They would have...” Simon trailed off.
Zoë put her arm on Simon's shoulder, “'Verse is full o' would have's an could have's. Nobody's perfect, Simon. I ain't blamin you one bit. You brought him back to me. For that, I'll never be able to repay you.”
“Thank you, Zoë.”
“No. Thank you, Simon,” Zoë replied as she kissed the doctor on the cheek, “For everything. Now, I'm gonna go in and sit with my man. You mind goin out there and giving the rest o' the crew the good news?”
“I'd be happy too.”
Dr. Lyle Siegrist wasn't pleased. As head of the cardiology department. He normally did not see patients. Especially the pilot of some tramp space freighter. He was only doing this as a favor for his former colleague, Simon Tam.
As he walked down the hall towards the pilots room, he was surprised to see a huge man standing outside his patients room. Obviously a guard of some kind.
“May I help you?” Oso Tangaroa asked the white coated doctor.
“I'm Dr. Siegrist. I'm here to see a Mr. Bryant,” he replied, looking at the data pad in his hands.
Oso looked at the doctors ID badge and nodded. The doctor entered the room. Upon entering, he found a strikingly beautiful, dark skinned woman fast asleep in a chair next to the bed. Looking at the patient, he saw that the man was awake and gazing at the woman.
“Mr. Bryant?” he said, looking down his nose at the man in the bed.
Allan held his finger to his lip in a shushing motion. Then spoke quietly, “She just dozed off. Been watching me all night.”
Siegrist chuffed in frustration, “I do not have time for this Mr. Bryant. I am here to discuss your treatment plan.”
Zoë awoke with a start at the doctors voice. Her mare's leg firmly in her grasp.
The doctor was appalled.
“Easy baby,” Allan said, “Just one o' the docs.”
Zoë nodded and put her gun back in it's holster, Allan could see Oso in the hallway, trying not to laugh.
“My apologies, doctor,” Zoë said.
Looking nervous, the doctor nodded. Looking back at his data pad for information. He then looked down his nose at Allan.
“It says here you are a pilot?”
“Among other things,” Allan replied.
“I would like to continue this in private,” Siegrist said, indicating Zoë.
“Zoë is my fiancé. Anything you say to me, she needs to know anyway.”
The doctor sighed, “Very well. I will try to explain things in terms you will understand...”
“Doctor,” Allan said testily, “Do not let my accent or lax speech patterns fool you. I have an IQ of 187, hold a PhD. in mechanical engineering. A masters in astrophysics and several other degrees. I was a paramedic in college. Do not treat me like some backwoods yokel.”
Dr. Siegrist opened and closed his mouth several times. Zoë tried to hide the grin on her face. They could hear Oso chuckling in the hallway.
“I... uh... yes of course.” the doctor stammered out.
Allan smiled, “So... when can I get out of this bed?”
Four days later, Allan was discharged from the hospital with a list of do's and do not's. Zoë pushed his wheelchair out to the patient loading area where Mal and Inara were waiting with the hover truck they had picked up on Deadwood to replace the destroyed hover mule.
“Allan, I'm so glad you're feeling better,” the former companion gushed.
“Thanks, Nara,” Allan replied.
As he and Zoë climbed into the rear seat, Allan asked, “When do we hit the black, Mal?”
“Tonight,” the captain replied. His face somber. “Gotta stop to make first.”
“Time ta' put some ghosts ta' rest,” Mal replied.
“Serenity Valley's only twenty miles from here,” Zoë said quietly.
Allan nodded and shared a look with Inara. They both understood.
As Mal pulled the hover truck out of the parking lot, Oso and Reggie trailed behind in a rented ground car. Still following their mandate to protect Allan.
Mal followed the signs out of town. The landscape had changed significantly in the nearly ten years since he had been on Hera. Other than the massive shipyards where firefly's like serenity were originally built. Hera had been, for the most part, a backwater prior to the war. Afterwards the Alliance had poured money into the economy resulting in a development boom.
Driving along a well maintained four lane highway, suburbs gave way to farmland and fields. Soon, signs pointed to the Serenity Valley historical site. After a few more minutes, the four travelers and their escorts found themselves in a large dirt parking lot.
Mal half expected a large commercial setup, complete with gift shop. Instead, they found a tastefully appointed park area with several signs documenting the battle. Some of the historical details were wrong, Mal noted but he was actually quite surprised. Donning his brown duster, Mal led the way across the parking area.
Several walking paths wound around the edges of the valley and a few even descended to the bottom. All along, signs warned people to stay on the walkways due to live ordinance left over from the battle.
Mal and Zoë walked along one of the paths in silence. Allan and Inara following. Pausing periodically so Allan could rest for a moment. Rounding a corner, Mal suddenly stopped. Looking left and right his eyes wandered up the slope above them.
“Is that it Zoë?” he asked.
“I think it is, sir,” she replied.
Following another path that branched off, Mal and Zoë stepped into what had been their company's command post. Slightly out of breath, Allan stepped next to Zoë and squeezed her hand. Inara did the same for Mal.
“This is it. Where we stood at the end,” Mal said quietly.
Allan looked around, “Had the high ground,” he said simply.
“Could have held it another week with some air support.” Mal said bitterly.
Allan coughed and sat down on the edge of the grass covered revetment.
“Baby? Are you okay?”Zoë asked, concern in her voice.
“Just a bit winded, hon,” Allan replied with a smile.
“You sure? We shouldn't a dragged you up here after just getting out o' the hospital.”
“I needed to see this too. It's a part of you,” Allan said quietly, “This is like Gettysburg or Normandy back on Earth... hallowed ground.”
“Are you all right bao-bei?” Inara asked.
“I think I am, Nara... I think I am,” Mal replied, “We best be getting back to the ship. Alisha's gonna be waitin on supper soon. We'll just go a might slower fer Allan's sake.”
“I'll carry him if I have to,” Oso commented from his post a few feet away.
“Like hell you will,” Allan said, “Doc said walking was good for me. Just following the docs orders.”
“Lets be heading back,” Mal said.
An hour later, Mal pulled the hover truck back into Serenity's bay. It was a little more complicated with the weapons pod in the center of the floor but in short order the vehicle was secure in it's cradle.
Allan yawned as he got out of the back seat. Mal and Zoë started to winch the truck and cradle into it's stowed position at the top of the bay.
“Are you all right Allan?” Inara asked.
“I'm fine, just a bit tired. Think I'm gonna take a quick nap on the sofa in the common area. Have someone get me when dinner's ready. I'm looking forward to Alisha's cooking after four days of hospital food.”
Zoë watched Allan walk slowly across the bay and through the hatch into the common area.
“Go ahead Zoë,” Mal said, “I'll finish up here.”
“Thanks Mal,” She replied.
Allan had just settled on the sofa after kicking off his shoes. He took a deep breath, his healing ribs were still hurting. With a slight groan, he settled himself into a more comfortable position.
Allan felt a presence next to him and opened his eyes, “Hey.”
“Hey yourself,” Zoë replied, “Got room for me on there?”
“Think so.”
Zoë settled herself next to Allan, careful of his ribs. Allan sighed and wrapped his arm across Zoë's shoulder. He drifted off to sleep in moments. Not even waking as Mal lifted Serenity away from Hera.
Allan and Zoë walked hand in hand to the galley. Entering the room, they took their usual seats.
“Welcome back ge-ge,” Alisha said as she set Allan's dinner in front of him. Giving Allan a quick kiss on the cheek.
The female members of the crew all greeted Allan with a quick peck when they entered, while Jayne gave Allan a rather strong clap on the back.
“Damn,” Allan said grinning, “If I known I'd have gotten this much attention from the women on this boat... I'd a dropped dead a long time ago.”
The room went silent.
Allan looked at all the shocked faces around the table.
“What?” Allan asked, a confused expression on his face
River began to giggle. Allan shot her a conspiratorial grin.
“You guys are way too serious. I'm fine, for cryin out loud! Sheesh, I got nothin to work with here people.”
Zoë looked at the stupid grin on Allan's face and suddenly an amused snort escaped. That was the straw that broke the camels back as the whole table broke into laughter.
A satisfied look on his face, Allan leaned back in his chair and gazed at Zoë. Her warm smile said volumes.
The dour mood of the visit to Serenity Valley and Allan's near death put to rest, Allan dug into his lasagna, “Someone want to pass me the garlic bread?”
Now, if no one remembers that tomorrow is my birthday... it'll be perfect. Allan thought to himself
Allan awoke to the sounds of Zoë doing her morning pushups. A smile on his face, he rolled over to watch her. Allan's eyes got wide and his blood flow redirected itself. Zoë usually did her exercises in her underwear or sweats. Allan loved to watch her taught muscles work. This morning, Zoë wasn't wearing anything at all.
Allan watched with growing lust as Zoë's breasts touched the cold deck for a moment and then lifted as she continued the pushups. There was something strangely erotic in Zoë's movements.
Hearing a nearly silent groan from Allan, Zoë stopped her push up, arms fully extended, ever so slowly Zoë lowered herself until her breasts just touched the deck. Arching her back, Zoë dragged her nipples back and forth across the cool metal. Allan groaned again.
“You keep that up and I'm not going to be held responsible for the consequences,” Allan said hungrily.
Smoothly Zoë rose to her feet. Seductively she knelt at Allan's feet and slowly crawled up his body.
“Happy birthday, baby,” she purred, “Just lay back... I'm driving this morning.”
Maybe turning fifty three ain't so bad, Allan thought, just before Zoë did something with her mouth that erased all coherent thought from his mind.
Any hope Allan had that everyone but Zoë had forgotten his birthday was erased when Allan entered the galley for dinner that night. During the day, the crew seemed to ignore him. Oso and Jayne lifted weighs, River assisting Mal on the bridge when Inara didn't drag her off to look at wedding dresses on the cortex. Kaylee was busy in the engine room installing another pile of new parts. Simon gave Allan a quick checkup and then went off to help Kaylee.
Zoë and Allan spent a quiet afternoon in the common room outside the infirmary. Zoë reading and Allan playing his guitar. Alisha and Reggie were doing something in the galley.
As dinner time rolled around, as they had done the night before. Allan and Zoë climbed the stairs hand in hand. Entering the galley Allan stopped short when he saw the huge “Happy Birthday” banner hanging from the overhead and one of his favorite meals laid out in the table.
“Happy Birthday!” the assembled crew shouted. Zoë gave him a quick kiss and dragged Allan to what was normally Mal's seat at the head of the table.
Seating Allan in the chair, Zoë sat next to him while Mal sat on the other side.
“I thought everyone forgot,” Allan muttered, trying but not seceding to hide the grin on his face.
“My doing,” River piped up, “I like cake.”
“Can't let this fine spread go to waste,” Mal piped up, “What is this anyway?”
“Chicken cordon blue,” Alisha replied, “With hollandaise over rice.”
Allan was surprised, “How the heck did you know that this is my favorite?”
Alisha's guilty look at River confirmed his suspicions.
“You peekin again Kiddo?” Allan admonished even though he was grinning.
“Brat,” Allan chuckled.
“Birthday boy,” River replied.
After the fine meal, Kaylee and Alisha brought out Allan's cake. Fifty three candles burning brightly on top. Despite his protesting ribs, Allan was able to blow them all out in one pass.
“We decided on fifty three candles rather than the more accurate four hundred and fifty five. That many would have triggered the automatic fire suppression system,” River said just as Allan took his first bite. Her expression pure innocence.
Allan almost spit his cake across the table. Soon he was laughing so hard tears began to flow.
Catching his breath, Allan glared at the young psychic, “I'll say it again... Brat!”
River's reply was a stuck out tongue followed by a sweet smile.
Everyone was laughing and carrying on as they finished the devils food cake. Mal had even splurged on ice cream.
After the table had been cleared, a few presents were presented to Allan. New guitar strings from Jayne, A custom made leather holster for Allan's colt pistol from Mal, Soap and cologne from Inara. Simon and Kaylee presented Allan with a dark brown leather bar vest.
Alisha had a custom ball cap made with Serenity's logo. Reggie and Oso, had chipped in together with their rather small Alliance pay checks and gave Allan a new wrist watch.
Last to present Allan a gift was River. An evil grin on her face she slid the small wrapped package across the table to Allan. An origami crane on top as a bow.
Opening it, Allan found a book inside. Looking at the title he began to laugh again. Zoë looked at the title and glared at the young pilot.
“River...” She said accusingly.
“I have a broken arm and I'm bored. What did you expect. Besides you didn't seem to need it this morning from the sounds coming from your bunk,” River replied snarkily.
Allan's head was down on the table, laughter still shaking his large frame.
“River dear, what did you give Allan?” Inara asked, reaching for the book.
“Oh, my,” Inara chuckled when she read the title.
“What is is bao-bei?” Mal asked.
Inara held the book up where everyone could read the title.
“The loving heart. A sex guide for couples after a cardiac event.,” Kaylee read out loud, trying not to giggle.
“Like I said... didn't need it this morning,” River said sweetly before she went back to eating her cake and ice cream.
AN2: If anyone wants I might be able to work up a NC-17 one shot that covers Zoe's birthday present for Allan. I stink at smut so it might not work. Just a thought.
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