Heritage - Chapter 13
Monday, November 3, 2008

Serenity arrives and our hero's head for Persephone. We check in with the bad guys and also with the girls. And Badger is missing as well.


Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. I’m just playing. No money being made.

This story is set fifteen years into the future from my current storyline “Big Blue”.


Cast of characters:

Parents: Malcolm Reynolds 51 Inara Serra-Reynolds 44 Allan Bryant 68 Zoë Bryant 48 Simon Tam 43 Kaylee Tam 40 Jayne Cobb 52 River Cobb 36 Kids: Jefferson (Jeff) Reynolds 15 Emma Reynolds 10 Sara Bryant 14 Rebecca Tam 15 John (Jack) Tam 11 Rachel Cobb 8 Jesse Cobb 6 -

Heritage-Chapter Thirteen


Six people waited at the Blue Sun landing pad. Allan and Zoë stood together, their faces drawn with stress and fatigue. Andy Baer and his sister Audra, stood to the side, expressions neutral. Oso and Fred Tangaroa stood guarding two large canvas duffel bags, assault rifles held at the ready.

The sky was a steel gray with the overcast, threatening to rain. The weather suited Allan's mood.

Allan looked at his wife. Zoë stood ramrod straight, her dark eyes burning with anger.

“We'll get her back,” Allan said simply.

“You sure about that?”

Allan nodded, “I have to think that. If I don't... well...”

Zoë took Allan's hand in her own, “I know baby... I've seen so much carnage in my life, It's hard to keep a positive outlook.”

“Me too hon,” Allan replied.

They stood in silence, hand in hand until the familiar roar of Serenity's engines could be heard. After a moment, the old firefly broke through the overcast. The ship landed without so much as a bobble.

It seemed only seconds before the ramp began to drop. After a moment, Mal and Inara strode down to their friends. Allan shook hands with Mal while Inara hugged Zoë.

“Made good time Mal,” Allan said.

“All River's doin.”

“All the same... thanks.”

Inara cast an appraising eye on Allan, “Allan, when was the last time you slept?”

“Neither one o' us has slept much the last day or so,” Zoë replied for the both of them.

“Well get your gear stowed and then get some rest. Can't be helpin your girl iffin you're exhausted.”

“We'll try Mal,” Allan said as he started up the ramp, Oso, Fred and the Baer twins in tow.

A Blue Sun ground crew loaded several large crates while Oso stood over the duffels.

As soon as the ground crew left, Mal opened one of the old smuggling compartments in the bay. Oso slid the bags inside.

“Space is a bit tight with the kids on board,” Mal said, “Oso and Fred, you can stay in the second shuttle, Andy can bunk with Jeff and Audra with Becca. Hope you two don't mind sharin with teenagers?”

“Not at all Mal,” Audra replied, “I'm sure it will be much more comfortable than last time we slept on the ship,” She finished, referring to the time nearly sixteen years ago when she and her brother had been captured trying to kill River and Allan while they were under the influence of their academy training.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, Mal chuckled a bit, “Reckon you're right on that part.”

Mal closed the ramp and a few minutes later, Serenity lifted, bound for Persephone.


It was a three and a half day trip to Persephone. The Wing's must have figured out that a stock Firefly would take nearly five days to make the trip.

Serenity hadn't been a stock firefly ever since Kaylee came on board.

Her modifications had increased the ships speed a bit. The modifications that she and Allan had installed over the last fifteen years made the ship as fast as any Alliance military vessel.

Allan figured that the Wing's assumed that he would travel on Serenity. And had planned on it taking them nearly to the deadline to arrive. Giving Allan no time to prep the park.

Heracles, carrying Team One and Two was about twelve hours ahead of Serenity. The teams would install the surveillance gear in the park.

If anyone pulled a fast one... It would be Allan.

After some Simon prescribed sleep, Allan asked Mal to gather everyone in the galley for a briefing. They were fifteen hours out from Persephone by this time.

“What's the plan Boss?” Oso asked after all the adults had gathered. Becca and Jeff were entertaining the younger kids in the common area.

Allan cleared his throat and began, “At noon I'll be at the park by the memorial fountain with the ransom money. The kidnappers contact will approach me there and I will hand over the bags.”

“Inside the bags are several hundred passive locator beacons spread throughout the stacks of bills. They're less than a millimeter in diameter. They respond to a special code I've programmed into Serenity's sensors. Once we arrive, Heracles will be programmed to match.”

“In the meantime, Team's One and Two will be placing sensors to monitor the park. Since Olivia used to work for law enforcement on Persephone, she will coordinate with the locals,” Allan finished.

“What about gun coverage?” Jayne asked.

Allan laid out a large map of the area around the park on the table, “The ransom message said that they would employ counter sniper surveillance. I think that this is a ruse since it would require more manpower than I think they have. To be safe though, snipers will be here and here,” Allan said, indicating two spots on the map.

“Looks to be way outside rifle range Allan,” Mal said, “Even for Bertha.”

“Got some new toys for Andy and Audra to play with... that is if they are willing.”

“Of course,” Audra replied for the both of them.

“What ya' got fer toys Allan?” Jayne asked.

“New technology. Linear motor projectile weapons... A Rail Gun.”

“How big?” Andy asked. Most rail gun systems were shipboard weapons.

“Same size as a standard rifle. Mach four muzzle velocity, no recoil, discarding sabot guided round. Put the cross hairs on the target, computer gets data from the Navsat system and when when the round is fired, it self corrects for wind and gravity. It won't go around corners but you can take out a man sized target at over six kilometers.”

“Tah mah de,” Mal whispered.

“There's only six of these weapons in existence. All belong to Blue Sun Security. No one but Oso or myself can authorize their use,” Allan continued, “Even in these more... enlightened times. I don't trust the Alliance with a weapon like this.”

“I can agree with that,” Mal replied.

“Audra, Andy, you'll have time to get used to them once we reach Persephone. I want you two as the snipers.”

The twins nodded in unison.

“What about the rest o' us,” Mal asked.

“I want Serenity ready to launch at a moment's notice. That means River and Kaylee at minimum on board with the kids. I'd like Inara and Simon on standby with a shuttle in case of injury to any team member and to examine the girls once we have them back.”

“What about Durin?” Inara asked.

“He's traveling on his own ship. Should arrive about five hours before the drop. Mal? I want you and Jayne wandering the park, discreetly armed. Oso and Fred as well. Zoë, I know you want to be there but they know what you look like. Best you stay back here on Serenity.”

“No way I'm lettin you do this without me,” Zoë said indignantly.

Allan smiled at his wife, “I'm not hon. Mal's gonna be on the ground... Serenity's gonna need her First Mate.”

“I'm not real happy about this...”

“Neither am I. There's no one I'd like better than you next to me when this all goes down.”

“You're wearing armor.” Zoë stated.

“Never thought I wouldn't be,” Allan replied.

Zoë nodded. Mal frowned. He had thought that this side of Zoë had been dead and buried years ago. The Zoë that came to be after Wash had died. Stoic and silent. Mal knew the only way to return the real Zoë... or even Allan was to get Sara and Bridgett home safe and sound.

“What about coms?” River asked. She had been silent for the entire conversation.

“New models, virtually unjamable. I went old school with these. I used old Earth frequencies that no one uses any more. Along with frequency hopping and digital burst transmissions... no one can jam them. The units are small. About the size of a pea. Just stick it behind your ear. Voice activated.”

Everyone nodded, “Any other questions?” Allan asked.

Heads shook around the table. With a grim smile, Allan stood and slowly walked out of the room, heading for his bunk. The toll of remaining calm during the briefing took more out of him than he thought it would.

Ever since the cardiac arrest he suffered as a result of a blood clot nearly sixteen years ago, Allan had had trouble regulating his emotions. At first it had manifested itself as various forms of heightened emotional reaction. Laughing hysterically at something only mildly funny or sudden deep depression or anger.

It had taken Allan a long time to regain his emotional stability. At first it was a simple decision to regulate it himself using simple willpower. After a while it had become automatic. His brain's logical side calculating the proper response. Now, Allan found as he grew older, his control was slipping a bit. It seemed that positive emotions were the easiest to keep under control. The feelings of love and friendship. Anger and fear... that was a different story. This crisis caused him to constantly struggle to keep things in check.

Zoë knew how hard he worked to keep things under control. She had helped him immensely, as had River since she had a very similar problem due to the stripping of her Amigdula by the scientists of the Academy.

With those thoughts in his head, Allan collapsed across the bunk, face down. Zoë found him like that several minutes later, sobbing.


Allan sniffled and rolled over, “Sorry Zoë...”

“Hush... I know how hard you work at keepin it together... dam's gotta break sometime. I did it myself not two days ago ya know.”

The corner of Allan's mouth curled up a bit, “I know... I just hope I can stay calm when the drop happens and not just shoot the son of a bitch who comes for the money.”

“I would... just on principle. Probably why it's a good idea I stay on ship,” Zoë said as she sat on the edge of the bed, “Come on, you need some rest. I'll lay here with you a spell.”

“God I love you Zoë, “Allan replied, blinking away his tears.

“We'll bring her home baby... we'll bring her home.”


After dinner, Allan took watch on the bridge. After some more rest and some of Kaylee's cooking, Allan felt more like himself.

Staring out into the black, Allan heard steps approaching up the stairs behind him.

“Uncle Allan?” Jeff Reynolds said quietly.

“Hey Jeff... have a seat,” Allan replied, motioning the young man to the co-pilots seat.

“Should be Sara up here taking watch with you,” Jeff said with a slight waver in his voice as he too stared out into the black.

“She will... on the trip home.”

“I hope so...” Jeff trailed off.

“I know so... Thats how we need to approach this. She will be home. Same for Bridgett.”

“Uncle Allan... I want to help.”

Allan smiled at the young man. So much like Mal, “You are Jeff.”

“I mean at the drop.”

“Your old man would shoot me,” Allan chuckled, “ Well maybe not... but your mother would.”

Jeff smiled, “She might.”

“You know Jeff,” Allan said thoughtfully, “Of all the kids, besides Sara, I've always had a bit of a soft spot for you. Probably because I delivered you.”


“You mean your folks never told you about that?” Allan asked.

“No... I knew Becca and I were born close together cause our birthdays are one day apart...”

“One day apart only because you were born at 11:30 pm and Becca was born three hours later.”


Allan smiled. The first real smile that had crossed his face in days.

“Your mother and Kaylee went into labor within about half an hour of each other. As usual, your father nearly panicked. Simon couldn't be in two places at once and I had more experience in childbirth. You're the fourth baby I delivered.”

“I took your mom and Simon took Kaylee. Alisha helped Simon with Kaylee, and Zoë helped me. Your dad was more of a hindrance than anything. Forgot most of the childbirth training we coached him on and Jayne just shuttled back and forth fetching supplies.”

“Where was Aunt River?”

“Flying. We were about halfway between Shinon and Londonium... went full burn as soon as Your mom went into labor.”

“Sounds like a crazy night,” Jeff said with a grin.

“It was... You came into the 'verse first and three hours later, I helped Simon deliver Becca.”

“So dad lost it?”

“Yep... but I admit, so did I when Sara was born... that delivery was all Simon.”

“Somehow, I can just see that...”

Allan chuckled then turned serious, “Jeff... I want to apologize for how I reacted when I found out about you and Sara. To be honest... I was scared. I didn't want to share her with anyone besides her mother. That was selfish of me... I couldn't be happier with her choice. You're a good kid... let me rephrase that. You're a good man. One I'm proud to know.”

“Thanks Uncle Allan,” Jeff replied.

“Now this doesn't mean that as soon as this is over I'm going to leave you two unsupervised...” Allan said with a genuinely warm smile.

“Understood,” Jeff said with a matching smile.


“We've got a problem,”

“What now?” Rafe answered his cousin.

“One of those Blue Sun Cutters just landed at the port.”


“It's the Heracles... the one Blue Sun security uses for it's own stuff.”

“Oh,” Rafe replied. After a moment's thought he continued, “Stick to the plan. Extra people won't change things.”

“You sure?”


“You're the boss.”

“Don't forget it either,” Rafe replied.


“Where do you think we are?” Bridgett asked Sara.

“Not sure... depends on how long were were out. Hard to tell time in here. Probably one of the border planets, Persephone or Santo. Only ones with the orbits in the right spot this time of year,” Sara replied.

“I'm getting tired of this... I want real food... and a bath!”

Sara had to smile at her friend and cell mate, “Yeah... you are getting a bit ripe.”

“Not the only one sister,” Bridgett shot back.

Sara smiled, “Good. I want you pissed off. Not at me but those hundan's.”

“I'm sorry I've been such a... fengle shagua.”

“Understandable Bridge... Tell you the truth, if I was alone, I'd have lost it a while ago.”

“Sara... If not for you... I'd be the same.”

“We still might if they keep us in here much longer.”


Serenity approached Persephone. The planet growing larger by the second. River sat in the co-pilot's seat. She was letting Allan fly the approach and landing. It would keep his mind off the current tension.

“Eavesdown control has our clearance, Allan,” River said.

“Thanks kiddo,” Allan replied. Even though River was thirty six, he still called her kiddo from time to time.

“Rachel has been trying but she cannot sense Sara's location. All she knows is that she is alive and still confined. Sara thinks she is planet side.”

“That's good to know,” Allan said as he adjusted their entry angle, “What about you?”

“I can sense her presence, but not her emotions and thoughts as of yet. Perhaps when we are closer.”

“Just another ace in our hand,” Allan remarked.

“It is,” River agreed, “And I haven't told Rachel about the ice cream you want to buy her.”

Allan actually laughed. The first time River had heard him do that since they left Boros.

“Biggest sundae on Persephone,” Allan said, still smiling, “Thanks River... I needed that.”

“I know... you're not the only genius on this boat,” She smiled.


Allan settled Serenity into her assigned berth next to Heracles in the executive area of the Eavesdown docks. Another landing pad was reserved for Durin's ship that was due in fifteen hours.

Oso spirited Andy and Audra away for training on the new rail guns. Olivia Little reported that the surveillance sensors were in place in the park and that the local law enforcement officials assured full cooperation.

Allan took the afternoon with Zoë walking the park. Finding all the landmarks and places he wanted the security team to patrol.

Satisfied with the arrangements, Allan, Mal, Zoë and Jayne headed for Lower Eavesdown and badger's office. Allan wanted the little weasel to keep his ear to the ground. Badger hadn't answered his waves in several days. Allan wanted to know why.

Pressing through the throngs of the lower docks, the quartet made their way to the warren of cargo containers that led to Badger's 'office'.

Jayne was the first to spot something wrong. Badger's usual bodyguards were not in evidence. Guns out, they slowly worked their way deeper into Badger's den.

Stepping into the office, they found out the reason why the bodyguards were not outside.

All five of them lay dead in the office. Thankfully it was late fall on Persephone so the bodies hadn't begun to stink all that much. To Jayne's practiced eye they had been dead several days. Badger was nowhere to be found.

“Explains why he ain't answerin his waves,” Mal said, holstering his gun. There were obvious signs of a struggle.

“There goes our intel source,” Zoë growled.

Business deal gone wrong?” Allan asked.

“Maybe,” Jayne replied, “Seems strange the little man ain't here too.”

“My thinkin as well Jayne,” Zoë said.

“Let's get outta here and let the cops deal with it,” Mal said, “Nothing we can do here.”

Carefully, the four of them left Badger's office. Something about the situation was making the hairs on the back of Allan's neck stand up...

There was something very wrong about this.



Monday, November 3, 2008 4:29 PM


way to rachett up the tension, briglad!


Monday, November 3, 2008 10:51 PM


Good stuff! I like how you've got little tidbits of fluff (like finding out Mal lost it when Inara went into labour) with Allan losing control for just a moment - it all adds to the feeling of tension. And I hope everyone gets home okay, safe and sound.


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