Heritage - Chapter 16
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Some family fluff while Sara heals. At the end, Allan and Zoe met up with someone who could help them find the Wing's... If they can convince him...


Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. I’m just playing. No money being made.

This story is set fifteen years into the future from the story I have written called “Big Blue”

AN: Just some family fluff before the hunt for the Wing boys begins in earnest.


Thanks to my Beta, Chris

Cast of characters:

Parents: Malcolm Reynolds 51 Inara Serra-Reynolds 44 Allan Bryant 68 Zoë Bryant 48 Simon Tam 43 Kaylee Tam 40 Jayne Cobb 52 River Cobb 36 Kids: Jefferson (Jeff) Reynolds 15 Emma Reynolds 10 Sara Bryant 14 Rebecca Tam 15 John (Jack) Tam 11 Rachel Cobb 8 Jesse Cobb 6


Heritage-Chapter Fifteen


“I'm hungry.”

Two words. Simple in their meaning but they meant the world to Allan. They meant Sara was getting better.

“I know princess, but until they remove the feeding tube, you can't have any food.”

“Then tell them to get their pi-gu's moving and take this gorram tube out of my nose!”

Allan knew he should be upset with Sara for her language but the fact that she was awake and acting like her old self did nothing but make him smile.

“I'll see what I can do.”

Sara's expression softened, “Thanks daddy.”

Sara's doctors were amazed at her recovery. In less than twenty four hours, Sara had transformed from a vegetative state to moody teenager. Allan and Zoë knew what happened but knew they couldn't reveal the real reason Sara had awoken.

“I'll be right back. See if I can find a doctor.”


Allan stepped out and saw Zoë in the hall speaking with one of Sara's doctors.

“... It's quite amazing really. The scans show sudden and rapid healing of the neural pathways.”

Zoë nodded politely at the doctor, only understanding about half of what he said. She spied Allan approaching.

“Perhaps you should explain that to my husband. He's a might more knowledgeable about things like this.”

“Oh, certainly Mrs. Bryant.”

“Explain what?” Allan asked as he moved to Zoë's side.

“It's almost as if your daughter's brain... rewired itself. It's unheard of...”

“Doctor,” Allan said calmly, “I'm sure it will make a highly fascinating scientific paper. But at the moment we have a slightly upset, hungry teenager who wants to eat real food. Any way we can get her feeding tube pulled?”

“Hmmm? Oh, of course. Bland foods at first. Soup and the like. If she keeps it down, we can move her on to a regular diet.”

“Thank you doctor.”

Sara's tube was removed and a light lunch of soup and applesauce delivered. The look on Sara's face as she tasted something... anything for the first time in weeks made Allan smile.

After she ate, Sara looked at her father, “Marion's dead... isn't she?”

Allan hung his head,” Yes... she's dead.”

“Shiloh too?”

“Shiloh too.”

“What about the guys who grabbed us?”

“Still looking for them. We'll get them eventually.”

“Then what?”

Allan stared at Sara for a moment. He knew the right answer was arrest, trial and then punishment. But he knew that that wasn't what he wanted or he thought, what Sara wanted herself. He could only think of one word that fit the situation.


Sara nodded, “Just so long as it's Uncle Jayne and Oso administering the justice,”

“I have no doubt about that, baby.”


Sara continued to improve over the next few days. The cast on her right hand was removed and she was allowed to sit up in a chair. Sara's rib fractures were mostly healed and her pelvis was coming along well. Another week and they would start physical therapy.

That was the part Allan wasn't looking forward to. He knew Sara would hate the therapy but she needed it. She had been in bed for nearly two months. She would almost have to learn to walk again.

Sara had always been an active girl. She was slowly going stir crazy. Since she was able to sit up again, Allan would move her into a wheelchair and he and Zoë would take her around the grounds of the hospital. Slowly Sara began to regain her happy optimism again.

Zoë arranged for a hairdresser to come in to Sara's room and giver her a makeover. Sara's hair was regrowing but after having long hair most of her life, Sara didn't very feel pretty with the short hair she had now. After a few hours of work on hair and makeup, Sara liked what she saw in the mirror again.

It was all in the healing process.

Also, a day didn't go by that Sara didn't ask when she could go home. Allan agreed with her. He couldn't get a concrete answer from her doctors.

After another two weeks, Allan finally put his foot down.

“When can I take my daughter home?” Allan demanded of the lead physician handling her case.

“Sara is a unique case Mr. Bryant. She shouldn't even be awake let alone doing physical therapy. We need to make sure she doesn't relapse.”

“She won't,” Allan growled.

“Even so. I want to make sure she is getting adequate care. Boros is not as... civilized as Persephone.”

Allan lost it, “Now see here! New Edmonton General is one of the best hospitals outside the core. They have everything Sara will need for the rest of her recovery.”

“She will still need nursing care...” the doctor said, trying to regain control of the conversation.

“I can pay for that.”

“What about if there is an emergency...”

“Sara's uncle, whom I might remind you is the chief of surgery at New Edmonton General, Lives less than three hundred feet from us. Dr. Tam can be at her side in moments.”

The doctor knew he had lost, “Very well. If she is able to walk one hundred feet using only a cane tomorrow. I will discharge her.”

“About damn time,” Allan replied, before storming out of the man's office.

Allan was still in a foul mood as he headed back to Sara's room. He demeanor softened when he saw Sara was taking a nap. Allan found a note from Zoë that said she was running some errands.

Allan settled himself into the recliner and took a nap himself.


Allan awoke to giggles. Groggily he opened his eyes to see Zoë in a slinky dress, standing next to Sara's bed.

“Bout time you woke up,” Zoë chided him, “You almost missed your surprise.”

“What surprise?”

“You really are dense sometimes Daddy,” Sara giggled.

Allan still looked confused, “Zoë? Why are you in a slinky dress? Not that I'm complaining or anything...”

Zoë stepped around the bed and kissed her husband, “I'm in a slinky dress because we have reservations in an hour and a half.”

Allan shook his head to clear the cobwebs, “Reservations?”

“Daddy,” Sara said seriously, “You and Momma have been here by my side for two gorram months. You need a night out together... alone.”


“No buts husband. Your suit is in the bathroom. You have twenty minutes to get ready,” Zoë said in her 'command' voice.

“Yes dear,” Allan replied automatically and headed for the bathroom to change.

Zoë turned to her daughter, “You sure about this baby?”

“I am Momma. Besides, Olivia is in charge of the detail, she knows a good pizza place and is gonna smuggle one in for me. We'll have a girls night and watch a movie.”

“Okay baby mine.”

Ten minutes later, Allan emerged from the bathroom, dressed in one of his expensive suits. Taking his wife's arm in his, they headed out of the room, Sara calling after them.

“And no coming back here until tomorrow morning!”

“Yes ma'am,” Allan smiled back at his daughter.

The couple passed Olivia Little in the hallway, carrying three pizza boxes. The security officer smiled at her boss and nodded as she passed, “Don't worry boss. Sara will be fine. You two go have some fun.”

Downstairs, Allan and Zoë stepped into a waiting limo and settled themselves. Allan looked at his wife

“So... where are we going?”

“With that big brain, you forgot what today is?”

“It's not our anniversary... Not your birthday...” Allan trailed off.

“It is kinda an anniversary.”

“It is?”


“Want to give me a hint?”

“First time you were ever on Persephone?”

Realization dawned on Allan's face, “The anniversary of our first real date.”

“Yep, and the night you first had your wicked way with me,” Zoë grinned.

“How could I forget that night, I mean dinner, dancing, River shooting Blue Hands, meeting Gabe and Reagan...” Allan chuckled, “The sex...”

“Yep, the good old days,” Zoë smiled.


Olivia stuck her head in Sara's door, “Hey Sara.”

“Did you bring it?”

“Of course... pepperoni, bacon and extra cheese.”

“How'd you get it past the nursing station?”

“I left two more pizza's for them.”

Sara smiled, “Get your pi-gu in here.”

“You're the boss,” Olivia replied with a smile as she came into the room.

The woman pulled a chair up next to Sara's bed and pulled out a small table. The smell coming from the box was making Sara's mouth water.

“You know how long it's been since I had a pizza?”

“Over two months?” Olivia replied smiling.


“So miss Bryant, what's the movie tonight?”

“An old Earth-that-was classic called Always.”

“Never heard of it.”

“Daddy says it's one of his favorites. Took some digging on the cortex to find. It's about a bunch of pilots who fight forest fires or something. It's also a love story.”

“Well dig into the pizza girl and lets get things rolling.”

As they watched the movie, Sara realized something about the movie was familiar somehow. Almost like she had lived part of it.

When the movie ended, Sara smiled. She now knew why her father liked the film. Something nagged at the back of her brain though. Shrugging, she split the last piece of pizza with Olivia and then yawned.

“Getting tired?” Olivia asked.

“Kinda, not as much energy as I used to have.”

“Understandable. You'll get there eventually.”

“I know... it's just frustrating.”

Olivia smiled, “How are things with Jeff going?”

Sara blushed, “Before this, pretty good...”

“And now?”

“Still good I guess. We wave each other at least every couple of days. I really can't wait to see him in person again.”

“Don't worry girl... I got a feeling.”

“You do huh?” Sara giggled.

“So did Marion.”

Sara's face fell at the mention of Marion's name.

“I miss her.”

“So do I Sara. She was a good friend.”

Sara nodded, “She was like my sister.”

“Mine too. She's the one that got me this job,” Olivia replied, “I know it's kinda soon but if you need to talk about anything I'll do my best.”

“Thanks Olivia.”

“You know... Marion made a bet with Israel at the dance.”

“She did?” Sara asked. A smile breaking through the gloom on her face.

“Yep. Twenty credits you would drag Jeff onto the dance floor and another twenty that you would kiss him.”

Sara laughed, “I guess she won didn't she.”

“She did. Now I want you to remember her like that... not how she died.”

“I'll do my best.”

“That's all I can ask Sara.”

Sara yawned again and Olivia smiled, “Better get some rest kiddo. From what I hear, if you do good at physical therapy tomorrow, they'll let you go home.”

“That's the best news I've heard all day,” Sara replied.

Get some sleep Sara... goodnight,” Olivia said as she left the room. With a yawn of her own, Olivia took her post outside Sara's room. It was going to be a long night.

Sara snuggled back into bed and shut off the light. She was asleep in moments. Her dreams filled with visions of world war two airplanes flown by sandy brown haired men wearing Hawaiian shirts who looked like the man in a capture her mother kept on her dresser at home.

Sara hadn't slept so well in weeks.


After a few minutes ride, the Limo deposited Allan and Zoë in front of the very same supper club that they had gone to that fateful night sixteen years ago. It hadn't changed much.

Allan and Zoë stepped through the doors and walked up to the Matre'd.

“Good evening,” The man said.

“Good evening. We have reservations for seven, the name is Bryant,” Allan said.

“Ah, yes, Mr Bryant. Your table is ready.”

“Thank you.”

The Matre'd led Allan and Zoë to their table near the dance floor. Allan held out Zoë's chair before setting down himself, “Hasn't changed much.”

“Nope,” Zoë agreed, “Hope the food's still as good.”

Allan nodded as the wine steward approached with the wine list. The man handed the list to Allan and waited patiently.

Zoë was still perusing the menu. Allan looked at her, “Red or white?”


Allan looked at the list and smiled, “We'll have a bottle of the Chateau de' Tam red '25.”

“An excellent choice sir,” the steward replied before walking away. Upon semi retiring, Gabriel Tam had bought a floundering winery on Osiris and turned it into a thriving enterprise. Allan was a stockholder.

As they waited for their waiter, Allan saw a familiar face approach, “Sir Warrick,” Allan said as he rose to shake the Lord's hand.

“Allan, it is good to see you again. Zoë you are as beautiful as ever.”

“Thank you,” Zoë replied warmly.

“Would you care to join us?” Allan asked.

“I wouldn't want to intrude...”


“Very well. Just for a few minutes.”

Lord Harrow sat down and looked at the couple, “How is your daughter? I was saddened to hear what had happened.”

“Sara is doing well. We hope to take her home tomorrow.”

“That is good news,” the Lord replied sincerely.

Allan nodded, an idea came to him, “What do you know of the Wing boys?”

“Not much I'm afraid. Well not since Atherton's brother's tried to break him out of prison. They seemed to drift after the family lost it's wealth and status.”

“I see,” Allan nodded.

“I do know someone who might know, however.”

“Who might that be?”

“Here he comes now,” Sir Warrick smiled.

“Good evening. My name is Atherton and I will be your waiter this... Wuo de ma!”

Zoë discreetly slid a pistol out of her handbag.

“Hello Mr. Wing,” Allan said coldly.




Tuesday, November 11, 2008 8:35 AM


Thursday, November 13, 2008 10:57 PM


Oh, nice end touch ... will Atherton live to wait another day?


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