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Battle over, the Wing's get their just reward.
Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. I’m just playing. No money being made.
This story is set fifteen years into the future from the story I have written called “Big Blue”
AN: Almost the end.... One more to go after this.
Also a bit of language in this one... Just be warned.
Thanks to my Beta, Chris
Cast of characters:
Parents: Malcolm Reynolds 52 Inara Serra-Reynolds 45 Allan Bryant 68 Zoë Bryant 48 Simon Tam 44 Kaylee Tam 41 Jayne Cobb 52 River Cobb 36 Kids: Jefferson (Jeff) Reynolds 16 Emma Reynolds 11 Sara Bryant 15 Rebecca Tam 16 John (Jack) Tam 11 Rachel Cobb 9 Jesse Cobb 6
Heritage-Chapter Twenty Three
Allan slung his carbine over his shoulder and hoisted himself through the ruined hatch of the old Marauder. Looking forward, his eyes fell upon the prone form of Virgil Wade. The mercenary was handcuffed and bleeding from a gunshot wound to his right knee. Fred stood over him, her booted foot in the middle of Wade's back.
Allan knelt down next to the man, “We meet again Mr. Wade.”
“Go to hell,” Wade spat.
“Not just yet,” Allan smiled. Standing, he addressed Fred, “Get him outside and to the medic. Then turn him over to the Feds when they get here. Same for any of his men that survived.”
Fred nodded and grabbed Wade by his coat, “Upsy daisy hundan.”
Half walking and half dragging, Fred took the man off the ship.
Silent throughout the conversation with Wade, Audra turned on her heel and headed for the small ship's bridge, Allan followed.
Entering the bridge, Allan came face to face with the men who had caused so much pain for his family and friends. He felt strangely calm.
The two men were handcuffed and laying on the deck. Oso stood over them, his assault rifle pointed in their general direction.
“Oso, step outside please,” Allan said quietly.
“And close the door when you go.”
Oso nodded and quietly left, closing the hatch behind him.
Allan sat down in the pilots seat, spinning it around to where he could look Rafe and Johnny in the eye.
“Good morning gentlemen.”
All Allan got was two glares in return.
“I'll make this simple. Tell me where the rest of the ransom money is and you might live to see the sun rise.”
“Fuck you!” Rafe growled.
“Wrong answer,” Allan replied coldly as he quickly withdrew his Glock from it's holster and put a 9 mm bullet through Rafe's right foot.
Rafe screamed in pain while his eyes screamed something else.
“How about you Johnny? Ready to play twenty questions?” Allan asked, waving the pistol in the man's face.
“Storage locker, aft of the bridge... port side.”
Allan smiled, “Good answer, Johnny boy.”
Rafe glared at his cousin cursing him in his mind for being so weak.
“Now then,” Allan smiled dispassionately, “My associate, Audra here is going to discuss the cold blooded murder of her best friend. She won't kill you. But I guarantee that you will not enjoy the experience. You see, many years ago, Audra was a student at a very special school. One set up by the Alliance. You might have heard of it on the news waves...”
Johnny Wing went pale.
“Nice knowing you boys.”
Allan stood quickly, whispered something in Audra's ear and exited the bridge, grabbing the ransom money from the storage locker and handing it to Oso.
Oso took the two duffel bags and exited the ship. Allan swiftly walked aft to the freighters small engine room. Powering up the ships gravity system and setting it to takeoff mode as well as activating the life support system. Allan then exited the ship. Ignoring the muted screams coming from the bridge.
As soon as his feet hit the hangar floor, Jayne put his hand on Allan's shoulder.
“You okay, Gramps?”
“Not just yet Jayne. Couple of things yet to do.”
The big man nodded. Trusting the older man to do what was right. Allan looked through half open hangar door at the lightening sky. He hadn't lied to the Wings. They would live to see the sunrise. But not much longer than that.
Running the numbers through his head, Allan grinned. He just needed to call Bobby and have her retrieve Heracles.
As the Blue Sun security team policed the action. Jayne, on Allan's request had appropriated some of the mines heavy equipment and knocked down the rest of the hangar door. That done, the Marauder was dragged outside into the early dawn light.
A few moments later, the roar of engines were heard. Heracles broke through the clouds, As it grew larger, heavy cables could be seen hanging below the ship.
Bobby Sutherland had taken one of Sara Jane's shuttles and brought back the the warship. Pulling into a hover over the damaged freighter, Olivia and Israel rigged the cables to lifting points built into the hull.
The Marauder class was originally designed to be carried as an auxiliary ship for the old Worldmaker class terriforming ships. Most had been refitted for independent service and had kept the built in attachment points used to dock with the larger vessels. Allan took advantage of this.
“What are you doing Boss?” Oso asked.
“I'm going to give them a taste of what they wanted to do to Sara and Bridgett on Persephone,” Allan replied, his voice as cold as the ice under their feet
At that moment, Audra exited the Wings ship, a neutral expression on her face.
“All set?” Allan asked her.
“We are,” she replied, “I explained my personal displeasure with their actions. I also made sure they would have front row seats for next part of the show.”
“Next part of what show?” Jayne asked as he walked up to the small group
“Payback,” Allan replied grimly.
Struggling under the load, engines screaming. Heracles clawed for the sky. Slowly the overpowered cutter eased the old Marauder into the air. Gaining speed, the tethered ships soon disappeared into the low overcast.
Battered, bleeding and still awake. Rafe and Johnny wing could do nothing but scream and yell at each other as their ship was lofted higher into the atmosphere of St. Albans. Strapped and tied to the pilot seats, the cousins realized what Allan had planned for them.
It was the same thing they planned to do to Sara and Bridgett.
Despite the missing hatch, the life support system kept the two men alive thanks to the airtight door leading to the bridge. Desperately the pair tried to escape their bonds, all to no avail.
As the sky darkened with the increasing altitude Johnny looked at his cousin, spat broken teeth and yelled, “This is all your fault!”
“Screw you!”
Johnny's retort was lost in a scream from both men as the cables detached from Heracles. The Marauder dropped like a meteor. It took almost six minutes to plummet the nearly twenty miles to the unforgiving ice below.
Allan stood looking off to the East... waiting. A flash of light, followed a few moments later by a low rumble signified the demise of Rafe and Johnny Wing.
Allan's shoulders slumped. He suddenly felt every second of his nearly seventy years.
“Let's get ready to go home Jayne.”
As the last of the gear was loaded back aboard Sara Jane, Sheriff Tracy and the head of the Fed station arrived at the mine.
“Nice mess,” commented the Sheriff.
“Might say that,” Allan replied.
“Mr Bryant, I'd like to get a statement from you about what happened here this morning. Particularly what happened to Rafe and John Wing,” asked Major Tillis, the head of the Fed station.
“They're dead,” Allan stated simply, “The Wings tried to escape in their ship. Crashed right through the hangar doors. Started to climb away but something must have happened and they crashed. My other ship, Heracles was in pursuit but never fired a shot. Crash site is about fifteen miles from here,” Allan finished. A stern look on his face.
“I see,” replied Major Tillis, “I guess that covers what I need to know.”
The Major gave Allan a knowing smile.
The official Alliance report would later state that; 'While trying to escape arrest for murder and kidnapping, Rafe and John Wings ship crashed due to an unknown malfunction. There were no survivors. The fugitives identities were confirmed by DNA analysis of the few fragmented remains found at the bottom of the nearly two hundred meter deep crater blasted out of the ice by the impact.'
Major Tillis assured Allan that the surviving mercenaries would be transferred to the core for trial. Wounded seen to, ships refueled and resupplied. The three vessels climbed for the black. They would travel together until reaching the Skyplex for refueling.
After that, the ships would part ways. Sara Jane headed for Boros and the two cutters heading back home to Londonium. Every team member who was involved in the expedition had been given a month's vacation by Allan. Oso and Fred decided to take their vacation on Boros and would travel on Sara Jane. Audra would be returning to Londonium on Heracles.
After an uneventful week and a half haul to the Skyplex where Allan and Jayne tied one on so bad that they had to be hauled back to Sara Jane by Oso and Fred. Sara Jayne was once again in deep space, burning for home.
It was the longest five weeks ever.
“It'll be good to be home,” Jayne commented from his seat in the co-pilots chair. They were about a day from home.
“Got that right,” Allan replied in the pilots seat. “What are you going to do first?”
“Send th' kids ta' Simon and Kaylee's...” Jayne chuckled, “Once I hug em' some that is.”
Allan laughed, “I know what you mean. I'll probably send Sara to Mal and Inara's.”
“That'll work,” Jayne snickered, “She can stay in Jefferson's room...”
Jayne had to duck the stuffed stegosaurus that Allan threw at him. Sara had placed the toy on the bridge before they left as the ships mascot and good luck charm. Similar to the plastic dinos on Serenity's bridge.
The two men laughed long and hard.
“What's so funny,” Fred asked as she and Oso entered the bridge.
“We were discussing our homecoming plans,” Allan said.
“Should we warn River and Zoë to send the kids away?” Oso said deadpan.
“Very funny,” Allan grinned.
Oso suddenly looked a bit nervous, “Uh, Allan?”
Allan turned in his seat, “What is is Oso?” he replied, sensing his security chiefs apprehension.
“Well... Fred's gonna need some time off in about seven months...”
“In seven...” Allan trailed off, realization dawning on him, “Fred... will you be needing... maternity leave?”
Fred just nodded.
Allan glanced at Jayne who sat with his mouth open, unable to speak.
Allan came to his feet and gave Fred a hug, “Congratulations,” he said smiling, “Both of you.”
Fred looked over at her shell shocked brother, “Jayne?”
“My baby sis is havin a baby?” Jayne muttered. His eyes wide
“I'm forty two, big brother. I ain't been a baby nothin for many a year,” Fred replied, grinning. Letting some of her rim accent slip through.
“... I'm gonna be an uncle...”
Fred crossed the bridge to her brother, “You already are you dope.”
“I know,” Jayne said finally, the realization crossing his face and producing a grin, “But a blood kin uncle.”
“Mattie and Madison have three youngins running around back on Deadwood.”
Jayne smiled, “What I means to say is... blood kin uncle again. Congratulations Mei-mei.”
“Thanks Ge-ge” Fred replied with a hug.
“I think this calls for a little celebration,” Allan said. “Let's see what I can whip up for dinner tonight that's special.”
“Tonight,” Zoë replied to Sara's question as the mother and daughter hung up Christmas decorations in their living room.
“What time?” the teen asked.
“Very late... most likely well after midnight. And before you ask. No you can't stay up.”
Zoë tried to be stern but she just grinned. Outwardly calm and collected. She herself could hardly wait for her husbands return. Just over three months apart was too damn long.
Zoë sighed and moved to the large picture window and gazed outside. It was snowing heavily outside. The Christmas lights strung along Simon and Kaylee's front porch visible as just a vague glow through the falling snow.
The weather forecast was calling for nearly a meter of snow by morning. A big storm for this early in the winter on Boros. Most likely, Allan wouldn't be able to land his daughters namesake here at Serenity Acres. Instead he would have to use the instrument landing system at the docks.
“Homework all done?” Zoë asked, turning away from the idyllic scene outside.
“All but my music practice,” Sara replied, “I have to rehearse to get ready for the holiday concert Friday.”
Zoë smiled. Allan would be ecstatic to find out his little girl who normally had her nose buried in a physics or engineering textbook had suddenly discovered music. To be specific, playing the guitar like her father. While Sara had only been playing a few months, she took to it like she did everything else.
River had been tutoring Sara a bit and had declared the teen played as well as her husband Jayne. The psychic had predicted that within the year, Sara would be a better musician than she herself was. Rivaling Allan's skill with the instrument.
Apparently, Sara had inherited her father's musical talent along with most of his intellect.
“Best you get to your rehearsing then. I'll finish this.”
“Okay Momma.”
Zoë watched as Sara climbed the stairs to her room, followed closely by Sam.
“What a beautiful sight,” Allan said as he prepared Sara Jane to enter atmo over Boros.
“Damn straight,” Jayne agreed from his seat across the bridge.
“Uh-oh,” Allan muttered.
“Never words I want to hear from any pilot just before entering atmo, Boss,” Oso said from his seat in the navigators chair.
“Nothing like that,” Allan replied, “Bad snowstorm centered over New Edmonton. Looks like we'll have to land at the docks.”
Sara Jayne entered atmo and Allan concentrated on the entry. Soon the ship was into the thicker air. Orbital approach handed Allan off to local control.
“New Edmonton Port Control, this is the Firefly transport Sara Jayne,” Allan said into the com.
“Allan, welcome back,” said a familiar voice.
“George! What are you doing working the graveyard shift?”
“Overtime. Gotta buy presents for my passel o' kids.”
“Copy that,” Allan replied grinning, “How's the weather? The forecast doesn't look good.”
“It's worse. Over two feet on the ground and still coming down hard. Visibility is less than a hundred yards.”
“Okay, looks like I'll take the ILS to the pads. No way I can get into the Acres.”
“Copy that. Cleared for the approach to slip eleven. I've got the lights up on high.”
“Thanks George, See ya' on the ground.”
“Okay Allan, cleared to land. You're the only bird in my sky.”
Sara Jane dropped onto the heavy clouds. Allan flew totally on instruments. The instrument landing system at New Edmonton's docks were a new addition. Before it's installation, Allan would have had to fly to Capital City in weather like this in order to land.
Keeping the indicators centered, Allan flew the approach to the designated landing pad. Soon, the dark outside lightened to a lighter tinged gray as the ship approached the city.
“Snowin like hell,” Jayne commented.
“Yeah,” Allan replied, concentrating on his instruments.
“I can see the pad,” Jayne replied.
Allan looked up. He could make out the vague outline of the landing lights through the driving snow, “Got it.”
Sara Jane flared into a hover for a moment, then settled gently to the snow covered concrete surface of the pad. Allan's hands flew automatically through the shutdown sequence.
“Home again, home again,” he muttered.
“How we getting to the Acres, Allan?” Fred asked.
Allan smiled and punched an address into the cortex.
“New Edmonton Police Department, Sargent Lee speaking.”
“Lucy? I need a ride...”
Allan stepped out of the police hover van and pulled his coat a bit tighter around his shoulders. Grabbing his duffel from the rear door, he took a few steps in the nearly knee deep snow and swore.
“Thought we's were done with the cold back on St. Albans,” Jayne grumbled as he grabbed his gear as well.
“Well, it is winter,” Allan said, “Oso, you and Fred can take the guest house if you want.”
“Thanks Allan,” the big man replied as he and Fred trudged through the snow heading for the house barely visible across the compound. Jayne followed for a short distance before stepping onto his own front porch
“Thanks for the ride Lucy,” Allan said to the woman.
“No problem Allan. Maybe with you home, Zoë'll be in a better mood.”
Allan chuckled, “I know I am. Good night.”
“Night,” Lucy replied as she swung the van around and headed back the way she came.
Allan stepped up onto his porch, kicking the snow off his boots and brushing the white from his shoulders. Turning around, he smiled at the colored lights adorning the Tam's porch and wrapped around a small spruce tree next to the gazebo in the center of the yard.
Allan placed his thumb against the reader next to the front door and grinned a bit as the lock disengaged. Stepping inside the home he hadn't seen in what seemed forever. He took a deep breath. Smelling the scent of the undecorated Christmas tree in front of the bay window.
Allan glanced at his watch and then at the clock over the mantel. It was nearly four am. He knew Zoë and Sara would be fast asleep. It would take him days to get back on Boros time. To Allan it felt like mid morning.
Taking off his coat and boots, Allan settled onto the sofa. glad to be home.
Before Allan knew it, he fell asleep. Content and truly relaxed for the first time in nearly half a year.
Zoë awoke at her usual time and headed for the kitchen to start the coffee pot. She paused at the top of the stairs as she heard a familiar snore emanating from the living room. A smile on her face, Zoë crept down the stairs.
Allan sat on the sofa, his head tipped back and a snore escaping his open mouth.
Pulling a blanket from the armchair, Zoë placed it over her husband and snuggled up under it, beside him. Allan didn't wake but his arm went around Zoë instinctively.
They sat like that, Allan asleep and Zoë just watching him breathe until Allan was awoken by a shrill cry.
“Daddy! You're home!”
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 10:53 PM
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