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Continuing the Christmas Theme. Sara surprises her father with the help of her mother Zoe. This chapter concludes Heritage. I have more stories planned but I think I'm going to take a bit of a break.
Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. I’m just playing. No money being made.
This story is set fifteen years into the future from the story I have written called “Big Blue”
AN: Last chapter for Heritage. Christmas with the Bryant's on Boros.
Thanks to my Beta, Chris
Cast of characters:
Parents: Malcolm Reynolds 52 Inara Serra-Reynolds 45 Allan Bryant 68 Zoë Bryant 48 Simon Tam 44 Kaylee Tam 41 Jayne Cobb 52 River Cobb 36 Kids: Jefferson (Jeff) Reynolds 16 Emma Reynolds 11 Sara Bryant 15 Rebecca Tam 16 John (Jack) Tam 11 Rachel Cobb 9 Jesse Cobb 6
Heritage-Chapter Twenty Five
In a swirl of snow, Sara Jane Bryant gently settled the new Firefly named after her to the ground. Right next to Serenity.
Allan couldn't hid his grin, “That's my girl.”
Sara's toffee complexion darkened a bit with a blush, “Thanks Daddy.”
“Keep that up and you'll be as good as your old man,” Reggie grinned.
“Wow Sara, you didn't even wake Mike up,” Alisha stated.
You couldn't have pried the smile off Sara's face with explosives.
“Well, lets collect some luggage and get you folks up to the house,” Allan said, standing from the co-pilot's station.
“Not the guest house?” Alisha asked.
“Occupied,” Allan replied, “Oso and Fred. You guys can stay in the guest bedroom.”
“You sure you want a baby in the house?” Reggie asked, “Mike's got a one heck of a good set of lungs on him when he wakes up.”
“Must be the Alleyne side of the family then. Sara was plenty loud too if I recall.”
“Daddy!” Sara whined.
“Come on,” Allan encouraged, “Zoë will be home from work soon.”
The family made their way down to the cargo bay, collecting luggage on the way.
It was going to be a good Christmas.
“Sorry to pull you away from River the day you get back Jayne,” Zoë said to her investigator as she leaned in through his office door.
“S' okay Zo',” Jayne replied, “I'll make it up ta' her tonight.”
“Imagine you will,” Zoë grinned.
Turning back to business, Zoë asked, “Any idea on the break in?”
“Amateurs,” Jayne replied, “Probably some young punks wanting easy money afore Christmas.” Get em' eventually.”
“Okay Jayne, why don't you head on home. I'll finish up the report.”
“Thanks, Zoë.”
Zoë walked back to her office and sat heavily in her chair. Absently she ran her hand over her shoulder. Feeling the outline of the lacy outfit she wore under her uniform. That was a surprise for her husband. Zoë was seriously considering sending Sara to Simon and Kaylee's for the night. But that would be unfair to Sara.
Sighing, Zoë decided that she would settle for sexing her husbands brains out in their bedroom rather than nearly every room in the house like she had planned. She didn't know about Alisha, Reggie and of course Michael.
Zoë finished the robbery report and saved the file. Grabbing her jacket, she locked her office and headed for the door. A few of her officers were also doing paperwork in the squad room.
“Night Chief,” Lucy Lee said as Zoë headed for the front door.
“Night Luce,” Zoë replied, “Try not to call me unless aliens land in town square.”
“You got it Boss,” the Sargent chuckled as Zoë exited the police station headed for her ground car.
Starting the engine, Zoë pulled onto the slush covered streets, heading for home.
The roads were still a bit slippery on Zoë's drive home. She was considering asking the council to spring a for a few hover cars to add to the departments small fleet. With a nearly six month long winter, sometimes the ground cars were not up to the task in bad weather.
Pulling into the drive to Serenity acres, Zoë chuckled to herself. Who could have imagined ten years ago she would be worried about what kind of vehicle the people who worked for her drove in the winter.
It had been a long and bumpy road from Serenity Valley to Serenity Acres.
Zoë stopped in front of her and Allan's home. The forecast for tonight called for no snow and fairly warm temperatures. She wouldn't bother parking her car in the garage.
Stepping from the vehicle, Zoë headed for the house, Stepping through her front door, Zoë's jaw hit the floor...
“Hey Sissy,” Alisha grinned.
“What... how...” Zoë stuttered out.
“Merry Christmas Baby,” Allan said as he kissed her cheek.
“I oughta kill you for that....” Zoë grinned.
“Consider it payback for redoing my kitchen,” Allan countered, still smiling.
“God I love you,” Zoë said to her husband for the millionth time. Following it with a kiss of her own.
“Oh please,” Sara said as she entered the room, with a smiling baby on her hip, “Gonna give my little Cuz here a complex before his first birthday,”
Zoë let out a little squeal and removed the baby from her daughters arms. Zoë had seen captures of her nephew but this was the first time she had held him.
Michael started to cry for a moment but Zoë soothed him quickly.
“Haven't lost your touch,” Alisha said. Recalling how Zoë had always been able to settle Sara when she was that age.
Grinning like a mad woman, Zoë looked around the room, “Where's Reggie?”
“Using that artificial arm of his for something useful,” Allan replied, “He's chopping some wood for the fireplace.”
“You put Reggie to work chopping wood?” Zoë asked incredulously, still holding little Michael.
“He offered Sis,” Alisha replied in defense of her Brother-in-law.
Zoë grunted, and heard a happy gurgle escape Michaels lips, “Thought that was funny huh, little man?” Zoë cooed to the bundle in her arms.
“No,” Allan said.
“No, what?” Zoë asked.
“I don't have to be River to figure out what's on your mind.”
“What may that be Dear?” Zoë grinned.
“Sara does not need a sibling,” Allan said indignantly.
Zoë suddenly burst out laughing, “You're too easy.”
“I think I'll go help Reg with the chopping.... way too much estrogen around here,” Allan mumbled as he grabbed his jacket and headed for the back door.
The laughter of three females and a giggling baby sounded in his wake.
After dinner, Zoë, Alisha and Sara decorated the eight foot blue spruce Christmas tree in the living room. Allan and Reggie sat on the sofa supervising while Michael made happy noises from the playpen set up in the corner.
“Are you two just going to sit there?” Zoë asked.
“Yep,” Allan replied for himself and Reggie.
Mother, daughter and aunt all rolled their eyes and returned to decorating the tree, Allan quietly clinked his beer bottle against Reggie's.
Allan smiled. He hadn't been this relaxed in months.
As the women finished, Allan stood and pulled Zoë into an embrace and kissed her soundly.
“What was that for?” she replied, “Not that I mind...”
“Just because I can,” Allan grinned.
“You two are worse than me and Jeff. We have an excuse.”
“What excuse is that?” Allan asked his daughter.
“We're teenagers.”
Allan couldn't fault his daughters logic.
Around ten, Sara yawned and said she was tired. Allan agreed as he was still severely space lagged. Zoë looked at her husband and smiled slightly, Allan saw the smoldering look in her eyes.
'Not getting much sleep tonight,' he thought to himself.
Upon seeing the expression on her parent's faces, Sara blurted out, “Oh, just go to bed and have sex already!”
Alisha snorted and Reggie had to look at the ceiling, trying not to laugh.
Allan shot his daughter a venomous look while Sara just grinned back at him. “Bed.” Allan said simply.
“Mine or Jeff's?”
Allan's jaw hit the floor. Reggie lost it and began laughing so hard, tears came to his eyes. Even Zoë cracked a smile.
“I... you... “ Allan stammered.
“Goodnight Daddy,” Sara said sweetly, “Love you.”
With that, Sara bounced up the stairs to her room.
With his brain working again, Allan asked, “Has River been giving her brat lessons?”
“You have no idea, Husband,” Zoë replied grinning.
Alisha and Reggie excused themselves and headed for the guest bedroom, Reggie retrieving his sleeping son from the playpen.
After a moment, Allan found himself alone with his wife.
“Well,” Allan said quietly.
“That's a deep subject,” Zoë grinned.
Allan rolled his eyes.
“Let's head for bed,” Allan said.
“Thought you'd never ask,” Zoë replied, standing quickly and taking Allan's hand. With a jerk, she dragged him up the stairs.
The following night, found Allan getting dressed up slightly. Zoë had insisted. It was night before Christmas Eve and the annual New Edmonton High School Holiday concert was that evening.
Allan grumbled a bit. Upon being informed that his daughter was going to be preforming in the concert, Allan became more enthused. Sara had been in the concert a few times in the past as a member of the chorus music class that most of the kids had to take for at least one school year. Sara had stayed after school that night to get ready.
After a quick dinner, Allan, Zoë, Reggie and Alisha piled into Allan's old Hoverworks hover truck and headed to town. Fred and Oso volunteered to baby sit Michael. Saying it was good practice for their own child due in seven months or so.
Entering the school auditorium, the family found seats near the stage. They waved to Simon, Kaylee and Jack who were there because Becca was a member of the school orchestra. Besides being a fully qualified spaceship mechanic, the teenager was also an accomplished saxophonist.
Allan figured that Sara needed some extra credit this term and had joined the chorus again. Allan smiled as he took his seat. Sara had a lovely singing voice, something that she had inherited from her mother.
Zoë could have made a living with her voice had she so chosen and had she lived in the core growing up.
Allan had tried to interest Sara in music more and had even taught her the basics of playing the guitar. However, Sara quickly lost interest. This was a few years ago.
As the house lights went down and the room quieted, Lavern Garland, the school's principal addressed the crowd.
“Welcome everyone to our annual holiday concert. We will begin the evenings entertainment with the Junior High Orchestra...”
Allan sat through the various musical numbers. After both the high school orchestra and chorus had preformed and he hadn't seen Sara, Allan began to get a little nervous.
“Where is she?” he asked his wife.
“Next,” Zoë said quietly.
Lavern Garland came to the front of the stage once again, “This year we started a new program. Combining history and music, the students involved are some of the very best enrolled here. I now present the school's pop combo, Exodus.”
Allan's eyes went wide.
The curtain rose on the stage and the lights went up. Standing on the now nearly empty stage stood an old fashioned rock band.
Standing at the front of the group, holding a jet black Les Paul electric guitar stood Sara Jane Bryant.
Sara spotted her parents in the crowd, winked and looked back at the drummer
The young man counted the beat while beating his sticks together, “One, two... one two three, four...”
Sara cut into a guitar riff and then approached the microphone...
“Of all the reindeer, you know that you're the mastermind...”
The sextet did several rock and roll styled Christmas songs with the vocals being shared by Sara, a boy Allan didn't know on rhythm guitar and Clayton Cook who played bass. He recognized Clayton as Becca's boyfriend. Allan also smiled when he spotted Becca with her saxophone backing the band.
After a nearly half hour set, Exodus finished with a rendition of Silent night. Sara of course, sang that number.
After a hearty round of applause, Exodus left the stage. Allan sat in his seat, dumbfounded. He looked to Zoë.
“Started when she went back to school. Since she was still healing, Sara couldn't do sports this year. She wanted to surprise you.”
“She did that,” Allan replied, a slow smile coming across his slightly lined face.
“Wow,” Allan finished.
As the other parents collected their children, Allan simply jumped up on the stage and went through the curtain. He found his daughter closing her guitar case. Sara had her back to Allan and the engineer caught a wink from Becca as she helped her beau with his Bass.
Sara stood up and turned around, nearly colliding with her father.
“Hey! Watch... Daddy!”
Allan had a silly grin on his face. Like Zoë had predicted, he was almost radiating pride. He leaned over and kissed Sara on her cheek.
“You are really trying to impress me huh?”
“Wanted to surprise you,” Sara replied.
“You did girl o' mine,” Allan said still grinning, “That Mannheim Steamroller tune you guys did was spot on.”
“Thanks Daddy,” Sara grinned.
“Did you like it Mr. Bryant?” Clayton asked as he walked over, Becca next to him.
“Great job kids,” Allan replied sincerely, “Next time you guys rehearse, I'm bringing my guitar. I haven't jammed with a full band since before Becca was born.”
All the kids grinned. Sara's dad was pretty shiny they all thought. Sara and Becca knew it already.
The next day, in typical fashion, Allan did most of his Christmas shopping. He had picked up a few gifts earlier but did the rest at the last minute.
Inara had taken a break from the Christmas Eve chaos at her clothing store and took a stroll around the Mall. She caught Allan coming out of the music supply store, his arms loaded with various boxes.
“Last minute shopping?” She said to Allan.
“You know me...” Allan replied.
Inara giggled, “That I do. Let me guess, presents for Sara?”
“How did you guess?”
“Mal and I were at the concert as well last night.”
“This is just the first load,” Allan admitted, “I couldn't carry the other two guitars at the same time.”
“Two?” Inara asked incredulously.
“An acoustic and a Stratocaster reproduction like my original. Like Jayne says, you gotta have the proper tools for the job.”
“I thought you wanted Sara to follow in your footsteps.”
“I do,” Allan replied, “But that doesn't mean she can't have some fun along the way. That's why I started playing.”
“If you want, you can put those in my storeroom and then pick them up from the service door.”
“Thanks Inara. Was getting a bit heavy.”
Christmas morning broke clear and cold. Allan awoke a bit later than usual. Zoë was still asleep next to him. They had been making up for lost time and had been awake quite late, giving each other some rather personal 'gifts'.
Pulling on some sweats, Allan headed to the bathroom and then downstairs.
Descending the staircase, Allan found his Sister-in-law in the kitchen. The oil already hot for the fried dough she was preparing. Alisha handed Allan a fresh cup of coffee.
“Thanks Alisha,” Allan smiled, “Are you making what I think you are?”
“I am,” she replied, “I remember that first Christmas on Londonium after I joined the crew.”
“Hard to forget that one,” Allan chuckled, “You and River got shot and the rest of us gassed.”
“Me and Reggie's first date too,” Alisha pointed out.
“Can't forget that. Where is he anyway?”
“Right here,” The former soldier replied, carrying his son, “Mike needed a change.”
Alisha handed her husband a cup and then pulled the bottle she had been warming out so she could feed her son.
“Want me to take him?” Allan asked.
“If you don't mind...”
“No problem Alisha, I think I remember how to do this,” Allan chuckled, “Come here Mike.”
Allan settled onto one of the bar stools at the breakfast bar with his nephew nestled in the crook of his arm, the infant sucking noisily at his bottle.
“Mornin Baby,” Zoë said behind him, kissing her husband on the cheek.
“Mornin,” he replied.
A moment later, Sara bounded down the stairs, Sam at her heels.
“Morning everyone!”
“Mornin kiddo,” Alan replied.
“Gee, Daddy you're a natural at that,” Sara commented, seeing her father feeding her cousin.
“Fed you like this a time or two,” Allan replied.
Sara rolled her eyes.
“Want to give me a hand here Sara?”
“Sure Aunt Alisha.”
Zoë slid into the seat next to her husband while Sara began helping her aunt make breakfast.
“Still remember how to do that huh?” Zoë teased.
“Haven't gone senile yet,” Allan chuckled.
“Yet,” Zoë snarked back. The kiss that followed took any sting out of her words.
After breakfast, the family settled into the living room. As usual, Sara sat on the floor and began to hand out the presents.
As they began to open gifts, Allan was rewarded by a happy squeal as Sara opened one of hers to find a full set of effect pedals for her electric guitar. Zoë got several pieces of jewelry and a new holster for her mares leg. Zoë's old one was quite worn.
Reggie got a brand new, very expensive combination, wristwatch, computer and cortex unit. It even had a holographic keyboard that would hang in mid air and allow the user to type any messages.
Alisha received several gifts of jewelry and cooking related items. She presented Allan with a copy of her first published cookbook. Alisha was becoming a bit of a celebrity back on Londonium.
Sara opened one of her large gifts and her jaw dropped when her eyes fell upon the brand new hard sided guitar case. Inside was a brand new Stratocaster electric guitar.
“Thank you Daddy,” Sara said with a hug.
“Open the other one,” Allan said.
Sara opened the next large package and squealed again finding an acoustic guitar to complement her electric.
Gifts all open, Sara picked up her new acoustic, tuned it and then began to play some Christmas carols. Allan retrieved his acoustic and joined in. Soon everyone was singing along.
It was the best Christmas Allan could ever remember.
The End
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Don't fret folks. There's more Allanverse stories left. Some will continue on after Heritage and some will fill in the gaps between Big Blue and Heritage.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Brian Gladden
December 23, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 7:21 AM
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 7:30 AM
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 8:01 AM
Wednesday, December 24, 2008 2:34 PM
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