Birthday - Chapter 1
Friday, December 26, 2008

A new Allenverse story. Takes place two months after Big Blue. As the crew of Serenity builds their new homes on Boros, and old enemy plots revenge.


Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. (Except for Allan. He's mine) I’m just playing. No money being made.


This story takes place nearly four years after Serenity (BDM) and has the established couples of Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara, Zoë/Allan and Jayne/River. Follows three months after Big Blue.


A/N: Here we go. A whole new Allanverse story arc. It won't be as long as some of my other stories (I hope) this takes place several months after Big Blue. To figure out who and what's what I suggest reading at least that first. However it's best to start with Out To the Black to learn who all my OC's are.

Thanks again Chris for the Beta.




Chapter One


“Mornin Ge-ge.”

“Morning Kaylee,” Allan replied as the very pregnant mechanic plopped herself down into Serenity's co-pilot seat.

“Oof” grunted Kaylee as her backside hit the chair.

“Ready to get that critter out of there?” Allan chuckled.

“Yep. Specially when she starts doin a two step on m' bladder.”

“Well at least the mood swings didn't hit you so bad. I heard Inara screaming at Mal last night.”

“Since when is that out o' the ordinary?”

“I think it was the creative Chinese swearing that tipped me off.”

“Nara don't swear.”

“My point exactly.”

Kaylee giggled.

“Need any help with Serenity today?” Allan asked.

“We're shiny. Ain't had to do much since th' refit. Have ta' admit it. Them boys at the yard know their stuff. I ain't ever had Serenity running so smooth.”

“They do good work,” Allan admitted, “Better have, considering how much it cost me,” he finished grinning.

“You never did tell me how much the bill was.”

“Don't tell Mal,” Allan said quietly, “But it came to a little over two hundred thousand Platinum.”

Kaylee's eyes shot wide, “You could a' bought four Fireflys fer that!”

“Yeah, but none of em' were Serenity.”

Kaylee smiled, “You're right about that.”

They sat in silence for a few minutes then Kaylee spoke again.

“Zoë pregnant yet?”

Allan snorted in amusement. He knew all about the pool that was running around the ship.

“Nope. Nothing unusual about that. After being on birth control for as long as she has. It can take up to a year before Zoë could conceive.”

“Y'all sexin regular though?”

“Would you get out of here,” Allan chuckled.

“Sure thing Ge-ge, you stud,” Kaylee laughed as she hauled herself out of the chair and exited the bridge.

As the mechanic left, Allan shook his head trying not to laugh out loud.

He turned back to the new touch screen displays that now lined the bridge of the old Firefly. Instead of the old small, odd shaped screens on the console and the two overhead flatscreens that Serenity had before the refit. Now the Firefly's bridge sported wrap around flatscreen displays on the new matching mirror image pilot consoles and a single larger overhead screen in front of each pilot position.

Allan adjusted the ships course with the autopilot slightly. The ships status screen showed the maneuvering thrusters firing on the display as well as the slight change in thrust from the main engine.

“How we doin Allan?” Mal said as he entered the bridge, two mugs of coffee in his hands. He handed one to Allan.

“On course. Be on Boros on schedule. Just after lunch.”

“Glad to hear it,” The Captain replied. Kinda want to see the progress the construction crews made on th' houses.”

“Me too,” Allan replied thinking of the property just outside the town of New Edmonton, on Boros where five houses along with a large shop building and a barn were being built. The crew of Serenity's new homes dirt side.

“Contractor waved yesterday. Said the landing pad was finished.”

“Is it big enough?” Mal asked.

“Yep, can take two Fireflys or Monty's boat by itself.”

“Guess it's big enough then,” Mal agreed.

“Yep,” Allan agreed.

“So...” Mal said quietly, “Zoë pregnant yet?”

Allan just rolled his eyes.


Allan gently lowered Serenity to the new landing pad. River grinned at him from the co-pilots seat. They had come to an agreement. The pair would alternate legs when Serenity flew. If River did the takeoff, Allan would land and vise versa.

As the ship shutdown, the old freighter tucked her engines under the stub wings like a bird coming to rest.

“All set Kaylee,” Allan called back to the mechanic over the com.

“K' Allan,” Kaylee chirped. With some effort she rose from the newly installed chair in front of the equally new, engineering control panel. Before the refit, Kaylee would have had to have moved all over the engine room to shut the ship down.

Now, all ship systems could be controlled from one single console. In an emergency, Serenity could even be piloted from the engine room. Of course, Kaylee's hammock still hung in the corner.

She patted the engine casing affectionately, “That's my good girl.”

Kaylee stepped over the threshold into the aft corridor and winced. Her back, as usual was killing her. Maybe being pregnant wasn't all it was so cracked up to be. At least she had Inara to commiserate with over being uncomfortable.

Kaylee descended the aft stairwell, nearly colliding with her husband.

“Oh, sorry Ai-ren, I was just coming to help you,” Simon said as he took Kaylee's hand.

“S' okay Bao-bei. I ain't a total invalid yet.”

“I just don't want you to strain yourself.”

“Don't worry sweetie, Our girl here ain't lettin that happen.”

Simon smiled and placed his hand against Kaylee's distended abdomen. Another month or so and he would be a father. He still couldn't quite believe it.

“You're absolutely sure it's girl?” Simon asked. He had offered to give Kaylee the proper test to determine the babies sex but Kaylee refused. Wanting to be surprised. She still thought it would be a girl though. She just had a feeling.

“Yep, got a real shiny girl name all picked out too.”

“Rebecca like you said?”

“Yep. And if it is a boy, I wanna name him after my Pa'.”

“John is a good name,” Simon replied as the couple made their way through the common area towards the cargo bay.

“You know what name Nara an th' Capn' picked out?”

“I heard a number of names discussed.”

“Cap's so happy it's a boy he's walkin on air.”

“I'm not far behind myself,” Simon admitted, “No matter what sex our child is.”

“Speakin o' sex,” Kaylee purred, “What ya' doin tonight Dr. Tam?”

“Spending time with you Mrs. Tam”

“Ya' say the nicest things...”


Allan and Mal wandered around the construction site that was slowly becoming their new home. The foundations had been poured for the four primary and one guest house as well as the shop near the landing pad. Steel was going up for the shop building and several large crates sat in Serenity's cargo bay. This was the equipment for the shop.

Kaylee had insisted that it was too much money but Allan insisted. Besides, she wasn't the only one who liked to tinker on equipment. Allan hadn't had a fully equipped machine shop to play with since before he left Earth.

“Mr. Bryant!” called a tall Asian man who ran up to where Allan and Mal stood.

Mr. Lee,” Allan greeted the newcomer. George Lee was the contractor in charge of the entire project. Mal at first hadn't believed this man's company, that until now had only built houses one or two at a time had been up to the task.

Once the Captain had found out that Lee had been a combat engineer for the independents, Mal had lost his opposition.

“Captain Reynolds, nice to see you again.”

“Same Mr. Lee,” Mal replied, shaking the man's hand.

“How goes the project?” Allan asked.

“We're ahead of schedule except for the barn. We need to know what kind of livestock you are planning on having.”

“Mal?” Allan said, looking to his friend.

“Lot's o' cattle ranches about. Not much for workin stock though. I... well I reckon if I'm gonna try my hand at ranchin again, I might as well make it a bit o' a challenge. I guess I'll be needing a horse barn.”

George Lee smiled, “I thought you might. I drew up some preliminary plans last night if you would like to take a look?”

“I can do that,” Mal replied.

“You two go ahead,” Allan replied to their questioning looks, “I'm going to wander a bit.”

Mal nodded and began going over the plans in George's hands. Allan walked over to where a crane was stacking the logs that were making up the walls of one of the houses.

“Hey! This is a hard hat area! Get the gorram hell outta here!” yelled a young woman in the cab of the crane.

“Sorry!” Allan yelled back as he held up his hands.

“Lucy! Don't yell at the client!” George yelled over the noise of the crane.

“Sorry Dad!”

“Following in your footsteps?” Allan asked George.

“Fraid not,” the contractor chuckled, “She's just working for me while she's on summer vacation. Lucy wants to work for the Sheriff.”

“Nothing wrong with a career in public service,” Allan commented, “Nearly did it myself. I was a paramedic in college.”

“Would have been a waste of talent, Mr. Bryant. I read all about you when you asked me about taking this job.”

“I deny everything,” Allan chuckled., “You know, Jacob Buford is a friend. I could put in a word for your daughter with him.”

“I appreciate it but Lucy is too independent to get hired like that. She wants to get the position on her own merits.”

“Well if Jake doesn't want her as a deputy, let me know. I might be able to find something at Blue Sun for her.”

“Thanks Mr. Bryant.

“Call me Allan.”

“Then you better call me George.”

“You got it George.”


That evening found the crew of Serenity gathered around the open cargo bay, enjoying the early summer evening. Alisha stood behind a grill cooking the steaks for dinner. Beside her, Reggie handed his girlfriend various spices as she requested them.

A folding table had been set up just outside the ramp around which Simon and Mal were setting things up. Kaylee and Inara having been removed from the dinner set up rotation due to their pregnancies.

Jayne set down a large cooler full of drinks and then plopped himself into a lawn chair. He soon found his lap covered by one hundred pounds of psychic genius pilot, who also happened to be his wife.

“Have you and the Captain decided on a name yet, Inara?” River asked the older woman.

“We're down to a short list,” Inara replied.

“Any hints?” Allan asked as he sat next to his own wife. Zoë took Allan's hand in her own.

“We are down to naming after Uncles on both sides of the family.”

“I take it Mal's not overly fond of Salah?” Zoë asked.

“He likes my Uncle, just not his name for our son.”

“Let me guess, Mal wants to name the baby after his Uncle?” Allan asked.

“Yes. Actually, Monty's Father.”

“Uh-oh,” Zoë chuckled.

“Actually, it's not a bad name... Jefferson.”

“I like it,” Allan said.

“I hate to admit it but I'm starting to agree myself,” Inara said quietly.

“Better not let the Captain know that,” River giggled, “He might actually think he's in charge.”

“Heaven forbid,” Inara chuckled.


“And where is he now?”

“Boros sir.”

“Why there?”

“From what we have been able to gather. He is in the process of building a house there.”

“A house you say?”

“Yes sir.”

“Very interesting.”

“I thought so as well.”

“How is it that a man like Reynolds can afford to build a house?”

“A new member of his crew is quite wealthy.”

“New crew?”

“He is married to Reynolds first mate.”

“The little man?”

“No, sir. He is another. Apparently her first husband was killed several years ago.”

“I see.”

The underling just nodded.

“Bring me this new crew member.”

“That would not be wise sir, if I may speak freely.”

The underling cringed at the glare his boss gave him.

“And why is that?”

“He is highly connected with the Alliance. It is rumored that he is friends with the Prime Minister himself.”

“Bah, no matter. They will not interfere. Too busy with elections.”

“His business connections are formidable as well.”

“I do not care, yes? Bring me this man. I can hurt Reynolds and his first mate in one move.”

“As you wish sir.”

“I do wish. Remember, no harm must come to this man until he is here. I reserve that pleasure for myself. Yes?”

“Of course sir.”

“What is this man's name?”

“Allan Bryant.”

“I have heard this name. Just a business man. Soft.”

“Yes sir.”

“Go, send a team. Be discrete.”

The underling nodded and left the office. His boss stood and gazed out at the vista visible outside. The black always calmed him.

“Soon, Mr. Bryant. We will meet the real you.”

Clasping his hands behind his back, Adeli Niska smiled.


“Where do you want this Kaylee?”

“Over on the bench, Allan.”

The engineer grunted as he set the heavy crate on the workbench. Wiping his hands, Allan leaned back and cast his eyes around the brand new workshop.

In the three weeks they had been on Boros, everyone had pitched in. The shells of the houses were finished and carpenters were fitting out the interiors. Mal's horse barn was nearly framed and fences were being erected for the corrals.

The shop had been finished for about a week and Kaylee was in the process of setting the space up. Some of the equipment she had never seen before. The rest only a dream to ever work with.

Allan chuckled as the young woman he considered his little sister moved slowly from machine to machine.

“What's this one Ge-ge?” Kaylee asked, standing in front of a huge machine.

“That's the holographic rapid prototyper.”

“What's it do?”

“Well, if you have a design for a part. It takes the design, reproduces it as a hologram, then, once you are satisfied that the part will work. It then fabricates the actual part,”

“Shiny. And this one?”

“Twelve axis mill”

Almost fell like I could build a whole new ship with this stuff,” Kaylee commented.

“You could.”

“Having fun?” Zoë asked from the doorway.

“Loads,” Allan grinned.

“There's a wave for you baby. It's Durin.”

“I'll be right there. You all set Kaylee?”

“Sure thing,” the mechanic replied, “Just got a bit o' readin to do,” She finished, hefting a small stack of manuals for the machinery in the shop.

“Don't strain yourself lifting those Mei-mei,” Allan chuckled as he headed back to Serenity, following his wife.

“I got it,” Kaylee beamed.

Catching back up to Zoë, Allan asked, “Any idea whats up?”

“Didn't say exactly. Said he needed you to talk with someone.”

“Okay,” Allan replied as he took Zoë's hand in his as they made their way back into Serenity.

Upon reaching the bridge, Allan connected the cortex.

“Hey Durin,”

“Allan. How are you my friend?”

“I'm good. Tired, but good.”


“We're in the middle of building the houses.”

“Actually wielding a hammer?”

“Among other things.”

Looking to the other person on the screen, Durin Haymer smiled, “How are you Zoë?”

“Good,” Zoë replied.

“I'm glad. Anyway to business. Allan I have a favor to ask.”


“A business contact of mine. Well, he wants to possibly sell his manufacturing concern to Blue Sun. I can't get away and he would like a face to face.”

“I'm kind of busy Durin,” Allan replied, “I'm not really sure if I can leave Boros at the moment.”

“You won't have to. His place of business is on Boros. Capital City to be precise.”

“What does this company make?”

“High tech electronics. I'm afraid it's all a bit out of my league.”

“I guess I can speak to him. I can take the shuttle, be back in time for lunch so to speak.”

“Excellent. I'll wave him and let you know you are available. I'll wave you in the morning with the details.”

“Good enough, Talk to you later, Durin.”

“Good day Allan.”

Turning away from the screen, Allan noticed Zoë was giving him an odd look

“Something wrong hon?”

“Kinda unusual ain't it?”

“Not really.”

Zoë nodded, not even pretending to know the ins and outs of big business. Instead she kissed her husband.

“That was nice,” Allan said after Zoë pulled away.

“It was.”

“Wanna see if we can make someone a winner in the pregnancy pool?”

“What do you have in mind?” Zoë purred.

“Found a nice spot along the creek about a half mile away. Secluded, romantic...”

“And a good spot for skinny dippin?” Zoë asked, a mischievous glint in her eye.

“A perfect spot,” Allan agreed.

“I heard once, doing it outside tends to make a girl.”

“I'll have to keep that in mind,” Allan grinned.

“I'll get a couple of towels.”

“Good idea.”



Friday, December 26, 2008 4:10 PM


Niska seems oveconfident and ill-informed! Love the pool on Zoe.

Friday, December 26, 2008 4:48 PM


Zoe needs a baby, even though reading your other stories already gives this away ;)! I am strangely wondering what Niska wants with Allen.

Good writing!!!

Saturday, December 27, 2008 11:08 AM


I love your stories!! The pool on Zoe is cool and pregnant Kaylee is super sweet...though when I read the 'N' name I got this feeling of strangling or cutting an ear of the I alone??? Nice start!!

Keep flying ;)


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I Choose You - Chapter 2
A Scoobie joins Serenity's crew

I Choose You - Chapter 1
My first foray into the Buffyverse/Crossed over with Firefly. 500 years from now, two nearly immortal Slayers, a powerful Witch and the Immortal Key struggle with the same thing they always have. Love, Family and Vampires. Willow/River pairing.

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