The Bash-Chapter Seven
Friday, January 30, 2009

Mr. Smith goes after Baby Sara but encounters something in his path... Jayne's sister.


Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. (Except for Allan. He's mine) I’m just playing. No money being made.


This story takes place four and a half years after Serenity (BDM) and has the established couples of Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara, Zoë/Allan and Jayne/River. Follows after Birthday and Recollections.




Thanks to Woonsocket for the Proofreading!!!


The Bash


Chapter Seven


Fred put Sara to bed in her crib. After turning on the baby monitor, she quietly closed the master bedroom door and returned to the sitting room. She had hardly plopped herself back down on the sofa when the cortex dinged with an incoming message. It was from Marion.

“Hey, Marion, you guys on the way back?”

“No, Fred. There's been a problem... Allan was shot.”

“What? Shot... how?”

“Long story but in the meantime, Zoë and I are on the way to the hospital. New London Memorial.”

“What do you want me to do?”

Lock it down. Don't let anyone in unless it's me or Zoë. Keep a gun handy too.”

“Is someone after the baby?”

“Don't know but better safe than sorry.”

“Let me know what's happening,” Fred replied.

“We will... just pulling up to the hospital now. I'll call as soon as I can.”

Marion cut the wave and Fred sat in shock. Allan had to be alright, he had to. He just became a father. He deserved to see Sara grow up.

Looking about the room, Fred realized that her pistol was in the bedroom. Rising to her feet she headed that way to collect it. After strapping her holster around her hips, Fred checked her pistol. The old .357 had belonged to her father. Spinning the cylinder once, she dropped it back into her holster. Almost as an afterthought she grabbed a pistol grip pump shotgun from Marion's weapons case.

After leaning the shotgun against the sofa, Fred sat back on the sofa, she tried to get back into the movie she had been watching but couldn't. She flipped to a news channel.

“... Blue Sun CEO Allan Bryant was critically wounded this evening by an unnamed gunman at his company’s birthday celebration...”

“Oh my god,” Fred said out loud as she watched the image of Allan being shot. The news station replayed the images over and over. Fred switched to another channel and there it was again.

Shutting off the cortex, Fred stood up and began to pace. She thought about waving her brother. Or even her mother.

She nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard a knock at the door.

Walking quickly to the monitor beside the door, Fred pushed the button to activate the small camera in the door. The screen showed a well dressed man in a tuxedo standing outside the door.

“Can I help you?” she said into the pickup.

“I'm Joshua Smith, Blue Sun Security,” The man said as he held up an ID to the camera, “I was sent over to make sure everything was secure. Could you please let me in so I can check.”

“No ones gettin in unless it's Mrs. Bryant or Miss Vorassi,” Fred replied.

“I'm sure that there can be exceptions...”

“Go away before I call the law,” Fred ordered. Her finger was hovering just above the alarm button on the console.

Mr. Smith hadn't expected the rim born Nanny to refuse him entry. He glanced up and down the hallway to see if anyone was about. Opening his coat, Smith pulled out a machine pistol and emptied half the clip into the door lock mechanism, shattering it.

Fred saw the man pull his gun on the screen and reflexes took over. She mashed the alarm button and ran for the sofa, diving over the top of it as a hail of bullets shattered the wood of the door.

The man stopped to reload as he looked around the room, “Come on out. I won't hurt you!”

Fred's reply consisted of two shots fired blindly over the back of the sofa.

“Now that isn't very nice,” Smith crowed before he poured lead into the sofa.

The shots missed Fred, but not by much. She crawled to the end of the sofa and fired two more shots in the man's general direction, then crawled back the other way.

A burst of gunfire shredded the upholstery where she had been.

“Come out, come out wherever you are...”

“Don't come any closer! I got a shotgun!” Fred yelled, “And the cops are comin!”

“Of that I have no doubt, my dear but they and you will not stop me. You're pinned down behind limited cover and you will need to stand to fire a shotgun.”

Smith heard a round rack into the chamber of the shotgun.

“Now, now my dear, don't be stupid.”

“You're the stupid one,” Fred whispered as she stuck the shotgun under the sofa and fired...

Smith screamed as the buckshot shredded his left foot. He involuntarily fired the rest of the rounds in his machine pistol. When Fred heard the bolt cycle onto the empty chamber, she released the shotgun, came to her feet and put two rounds into the center of Smith’s chest with her pistol.

He was dead before he hit the floor.

Fred stood shaking with her empty gun still in her hands... She slowly became aware of Sara's crying over the baby monitor but she couldn't move just yet.

Seconds later, armed hotel security guards burst through the door, their weapons out and pointed at Fred.

“Don't move! Drop the gun!”

Staring down the barrels of five pistols, Fred dropped her gun.

The head security guard looked around at the carnage. A dead man in a tuxedo and a young woman dressed in jeans and a t-shirt wearing a gunfighters style holster gave him the wrong impression.

“You are bound by law!”

“Wait a minute! I'm the gorram babysitter. He's the bad guy,” Fred yelled back.

“Likely story...”

“Federal officers! Drop your weapons! NOW!” ordered a new voice. A voice Fred knew all too well.

The security guards paled and dropped their guns when they saw eight armed men in black tactical body armor carrying assault rifles filling the doorway. The leader wore captains bars and was really, really big in the opinion of the security guards.

“Oso?” Fred asked tentatively

The big man removed his helmet, “Fred? What the hell are you doing here?”

Fred ran to Oso and wrapped her arms around him, “Babysitting.”

Oso sighed and turned to his Sargent, “Call the locals. Scene secure. Send a forensics team.”

“Yes sir,” the man replied. The rest of Oso's assault squad ushered the security guards outside.

“I... I thought you were on Ariel,” Fred stammered out.

“We got back tonight. Saw the news about Allan and mounted up a team to head here just in case. Looks like I was right.”

Sara's crying could be heard again.

“I gotta get Sara,” Fred said as she shakily turned to get the infant.

Entering the master bedroom Fred saw that Sara was screaming at the top of her tiny lungs.

“Shhhh, shhhh, it's okay Sara girl,” Fred comforted as she picked the infant up.

“Mama!” Sara cried.

“We'll take you to your momma, Sara”

After a few moment's Fred had calmed Sara down some. She quickly wrapped her up in a blanket, grabbed the diaper bag and a few other items before heading back into the sitting room.

Oso was in conversation with a local police lieutenant when Fred came back.

“Is this her?” Asked the lieutenant.

“It is,” Oso replied.

“Are you alright ma'am?” the lieutenant asked Fred.

“I am now. Was a near thing for a minute.”

“I need you to tell me what happened.”

“I'd rather not do it here. I need to get to the hospital so Sara can see her Momma.”

“She can tell her story on the way,” Oso suggested.

“I agree,” the lieutenant replied, “Lets go.”


Zoë sat in a private waiting room while surgeons tried to save Allan's life. She had shut herself down, much like she had when Wash was killed. She didn't want to be a widow for a second time.

It seemed that every time that things were going well some disaster befell them.

Durin Haymer sat quietly across from her. Like Zoë he had shut down. It was the only way to handle the situation.

Outside the open doorway, four local police officers stood guard. Durin looked up and saw the men come to attention and salute. A moment later, Richard Farnsworth, the Prime Minister entered the room.


“No news yet, Richard,” Durin replied to his longtime friend as they shook hands.

Zoë was looking down at the blood on her gown... Allan's blood.


Zoë looked up at the Prime Minister, her eyes dull and lifeless, “Hello Sir.”

“No need to be so formal... I thought we were friends.”

“Old habit.”

“I understand. How... how bad?”

“Bad,” Zoë replied,” Just missed his heart.

“What about his security?”

“Marion deflected the shot some. Only reason he's still alive.”

“Remind me to thank her later.”

Durin's bodyguard entered the room and whispered something in his boss' ear. Durin paled.

“Zoë?” Durin said as he approached.

“What is it?”

“I just got word... Someone tried to get to Sara. She's okay, as is your babysitter. But the man who attacked her was killed.”

That was the breaking point, the news that not only was her husband hanging on by a thread, but someone had the audacity to try and kill her four month old daughter...

Zoë began to sob. Her body shook as the tears flowed. Durin pulled Zoë close and tried his best to comfort her.

A few minutes later, a commotion was head at the door. Zoë sniffled and tried to compose herself. A grin came unbidden to her face when she heard a tiny yet loud voice call out.

“Mama!” Sara cried.

Zoë was on her feet and at the door in a flash. The sight outside the door almost made her laugh. Standing in the hallway stood six foot eight, three hundred pound Oso Tangaroa, still dressed in his tactical gear, holding Sara in his massive arms.

“Looks like you met my girl,” Zoë said to the big man.

“Hey, Zoë. She's a real cutie.”

“Everyone says that,” Zoë replied as she forced a small smile.

Oso handed Sara over to her mother, almost relived to have the infant out of his hands. He ignored the snickers from his men who were guarding the corridor.

“Where's Fred?” Zoë asked.

“Talking to the cops. Was a near thing.”

Zoë nodded, “Long as she's okay.”

“She's fine... any word on Allan?”

“Nothing yet.”

“Keep me posted?”

“I will.”


Three hours later, the lead surgeon entered the waiting room. He was surprised by the firepower in the corridor outside, until he saw that the Prime Minister himself was waiting for news.

Zoë had changed out of her bloody dress into some scrubs and had fallen asleep on the sofa. Sara lay on her chest, also asleep.

Fred and Marion sat on the floor, leaning on each other dozing, while Durin slept in a chair. It was a little after three in the morning.

“Doctor?” The Prime Minister asked.

“Mr. Prime Minister.”

Zoë came awake with a start. Likewise, Marion and Fred snapped awake.

“Doc?” Zoë asked.

The doctor approached Zoë and knelt down next to her.

“Mrs. Bryant, I'm Dr. Kelly, head of the trauma service here.”

“How is he?”

“Your husband's condition is grave. He lost a significant amount of blood. The bullet tore one of the major vessels in his chest. He also suffered a collapsed lung. It took us quite a while to repair the damage.”

“Will... will he be...”

“I don't know at this juncture. We nearly lost him twice on the table. If his blood pressure holds and he makes it for the next twenty-four hours, then I'm hopeful. All we can do now is monitor him closely and hope.”

“When can I see him?”

“In about an hour. He's being moved to the ICU as we speak. I will warn you: it's not a pretty sight with all the equipment...”

“I know... Thank you doc.”

“You're welcome. And I must say, your daughter is a lovely child.”

Zoë smiled at the doctor as he stood back up and exited the room.

“Fred, can you take Sara? I need to make a few calls.”

“Sure Zoë.”

Crossing the room, Zoë sat in front of a cortex terminal and punched in the address for Mal and Inara's house.

No answer.

Trying again, she called Simon and Kaylee's with the same result.

On a hunch, she tried Serenity's address.

River answered.

“Zoë?” River asked, her eyes red like she had been recently crying.

“Hey Mei-mei.”


“He's alive. Touch and go right now. Know more in th' mornin,” Zoë replied, her voice flat.

“We're at full burn. ETA twenty one hours, ten minutes...”

“No need to rush little one.”

“Captain's orders.”

“I figured as much,” Zoë said sadly. “I'm gonna go up and see Allan in a bit, then try to get some sleep.”

“Wave us when you have any more news.”

“I will River, see you in the world.”

“See you then,” River replied as she cut the connection.


Zoë did her best to remain calm when Dr. Kelly brought her in to see Allan. She could barely see him through the tubes and wires attached to his body.

“We have him in an induced coma,” Dr. Kelly began, “That will help him heal. In two or three days, we'll take him off the sedatives and begin weaning him from the respirator. If all goes well he will awaken shortly after.”

Zoë nodded. The last time Allan had been anywhere near this bad off was when he had his blood clot nearly two years ago. Two years? Had it been that long Zoë wondered.

“I'll leave you alone for a while. I suggest you get some rest yourself.”

“Thank you Doctor.”

Zoë stood beside Allan's bed. She gently picked up his hand and held it in her own.

“You better come back to me or so help me when It's my time to go, I'll kick your pi-gu.”


Serenity gently set down at the Blue Sun factory pad like she had done so many times before. As the ramp lowered, two limousines were waiting. The Reynolds clan along with the Tam's climbed into one of the cars while River, Jayne, Reggie and Alisha climbed into the second.

After a thirty minute ride, they were deposited in front of the hospital. Marion was waiting for them.

“Hey everyone,” She said with very little enthusiasm.

River could feel the waves of guilt rolling off her friend. Due to their similarities in age they had become close over the last year. River pulled Marion into a hug.

“Not your fault.”

“Yes it was.”

“Dead if not for you. I calculated the trajectory from the cortex feed. Fatal head shot if you hadn't grabbed his wrist.”

“I was still too slow. Shouldn't of even got a shot off...”

“Marion, stop blamin yourself,” Mal said sternly, “Can't have eyes in the back o' your head.”


Mal patted the younger woman on the shoulder, “Allan's alive and he wouldn't want you mopin about. Now where is everyone?”

“Zoë's in Allan's room. Fred has Sara in the playroom along with Durin's daughter and Nanny.”

“Who's watchin them?” Jayne asked. He wasn't happy that his baby sister had gotten in a firefight. Especially since he hadn't even known Fred had left Deadwood until Mal told him the morning after Monty waved.

“Oso detailed men from his unit.”

“How's Zoë doin?” Mal asked.

“She's keeping it together... for the moment. I have a feeling that once you guys go upstairs she's gonna loose it.”

“Perhaps I should talk to her,” Inara suggested.

“We'll both go up first,” Mal replied. And Simon can talk to the docs”

“I plan to,” Simon replied.

“I can take Becca and Jeff to the playroom for a bit,” Kaylee said.

“Sounds like a plan... Reggie? You used to run Oso's unit, you wanna coordinate things?”

“Sure thing Mal,” the former Major replied.

“What about me?” Alisha asked.

“She's your sister, I reckon Zoë's gonna need you more'n anyone.”

“Follow the signs to the ICU. I'll bring Kaylee and the kiddos to the playroom and then meet you upstairs,” Marion said.

“River, Jayne. I want you wandering about, keepin an eye and brain on things. Might have just been a couple o' loose cannons or it could be more. Never hurts to be too careful,” Mal ordered.

“Understood Captain,” River replied.

“Let's go.”




Monday, February 2, 2009 8:36 AM


Good stuff, and go Fred! And Oso turning up to stop the local Feds taking her in ... excellent.


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