Relics - Chapter 11
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Chapel gets his comeuppance, Serenity heads for Deadwood and another ship comes to grief.


Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. (Except for Allan and the kids. they're mine) I’m just playing. No money being made.


This story takes place nine years after Serenity (BDM) and has the established couples of Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara, Zoë/Allan and Jayne/River. Takes place five years post “The Bash” -


Thanks again to Woonsocket and Chris for the Beta work




Chapter Eleven


“Just keep your hands where I can see them, Winston,” Allan growled.

“And do not try to escape,” River added, “I'll know your plan as soon as you do.”

Allan and River slowly backed up, allowing Winston Chapel to exit the girls' room. River stayed in front of the man while Allan stood behind. Chapel put his hands on top of his head. He kept trying to figure out a way to escape.

“Nope, wont work, can't fly the ship, I'm too fast for you, Allan will shoot you...” River rattled off as she saw each of Chapels plans pop into his head.

“Will you stop that!” Chapel shrieked.

Allan pulled up the man's jacket and removed his pistol, “Sig Sauer 9mm... nice gun,” Allan commented.

Chapel just growled.

At sword and gunpoint, Chapel was led back to the cargo bay. The lights were fully on now and his heart sank even more. Besides additional members of Serenity's crew, all armed he noticed, stood Admiral Shin, Captain Rasmussen and a whole squad of Alliance Marines. Every single one of which had a gun pointed at Chapel.

Captain Rasmussen stepped forward, “Winston Chapel, you are bound by law.”

“Bound by what?”

“You're under arrest,” Allan clarified.

“For what?” Chapel said, indignantly. Even though he knew what the charges would be.

“Two counts of murder. One count of attempted murder, one count each of attempted piracy and terrorism.”

Chapel looked confused. The murder charges he expected, but piracy and terrorism?

“I... I don't understand... terrorism?”

“Under subsection sixty-seven of the Alliance Code of Military Justice. Any person committing murder on board a military vessel to escape an assigned escort or guard is then considered a threat to the vessel and or citizens of the Alliance. Since Magellan carries weapons of mass destruction, You have been classified as a terrorist,” Admiral Shin said formally.

“This is preposterous!”

“No, it's the law,” Captain Rasmussen replied.

“What about the piracy?” Chapel asked, trying to stall for time.

“You intended to hijack this vessel, did you not?” the captain asked.

“I admit nothing,” Chapel spat.

“He did,” River said, “Kill the captain, kill Allan, kill Sara, rape and kill Zoë. Threaten to kill the other children...” River leaned in close, her katana drew more blood, “And it would take significantly more than a feather to knock me over and Zoë could kill you with her bare hands.”

Chapel licked his lips, mind racing. He finally spoke, “What is the potential punishment for these alleged crimes?”

“Death,” Admiral Shin declared.

An idea came to Chapel. All he had to do was get a good lawyer, claim temporary insanity before the court, related to his being in cryo and he just might get away with this.

Behind Chapel, River giggled, “The only one in this room who is insane is me. And you won't see the inside of a courtroom.”

“That is correct,”the Admiral said. “Under section eight. Any terrorist apprehended in the act of their crimes shall be tried by a panel of three officers consisting of the rank of captain or higher.”

“I see an Admiral and one Captain. Looks like you are out of luck.”

Admiral Shin just smiled and turned slightly, “Captain Marsh, your commission is still active. Would you consent to being on the panel?”

“Yes,” Sylvia said.

“Very well,” Shin replied. “Winston Chapel, how do you plead to the charges levied against you?”

“What? No, you can't do this!”

“How do you plead?” The admiral repeated.

“Not guilty!”

“So noted.”

“I protest!” Chapel yelled.

Shin ignored him, “Captain Marsh... your verdict?”

“Guilty,” Sylvia said darkly.

“Captain Rasmussen?”


“I also enter a verdict of guilty,” Shin stated, “The sentence is death, to be carried out immediately.”

“No!” Chapel screamed.

“Shut up and take it like a man,” Jayne growled.

“Dr. Bryant, as one of the intended victims of this prisoners crimes, you have a say in his method of execution,” Shin asked.

Allan's brown eyes looked almost black to Chapel, “Bullet's too quick. So is River's sword... airlock.”

“Mrs. Bryant?”


“Captain Reynolds?”


Jayne stepped over to the control panel and the clamshell doors in the center of the bay began to open.

Chapel began to look around in a panic. Looking for some way to escape.

Two of the marines forced Chapel back towards the open dumping lock. Zoë walked up in front of the man who had intended to kill her daughter.

“Huh choo-shang tza-jiao duh tzang-huo,” She growled before drawing her fist back and slugging Chapel. Reeling from the blow, he fell into the belly airlock.

With a grin, Jayne closed the doors, muffling Chapel's screams.

A dark look on his face, Allan strode over to the control panel. Jayne stepped back.

Allan stared at the open button for a few seconds. Then his fist slammed down on the button and they heard the whoosh of escaping air.

Winston Chapel was no more.

Allan stood, staring at the button for long minutes. Zoë walked up next to her husband, “Are you okay?”

“No... but I will be once I go hold Sara.”

“Me too, Baby. Me too.”

Arms around each other, the engineer and the warrior woman walked towards the stairs leading to the galley where their daughter, along with the other kids and their guests, waited behind locked doors. Guarded by Simon and Inara who had their rarely used guns out and ready for use. Just in case

Mal turned to the two Alliance officers in the bay, “Gentlemen, I reckon we'll just get going now. No sense in waiting till later in the morning.”

“Would be for the best, I think,” Shin replied.

“I am sorry for all this unpleasantness,” Captain Rasmussen said.

“Give my condolences to the families of the men you lost,” Mal said sincerely.

“I will, Captain.”

Mal, Sylvia, Jayne and River watched the two officers and the marines leave Serenity. Jayne closed the hatch behind them.

Mal looked at his pilot, “How long to Whittier?”

“Seventy-one hours, fifteen minutes.

Mal nodded.

“Cap?” Jayne asked.

“What is it Jayne?”

“Deadwood's only about a couple a hours further away...”

“One point six to be precise,” River clarified.

“Wanting to visit yer Ma', Jayne?”

“Like to tell her she's gonna be a grandma in person, Mal.”

“I reckon a couple of days on Deadwood might just be the ticket. No more'n that. Got to get back to my ranch.”

River beamed and kissed Mal on the cheek, “I'll get us underway.”

Mal smiled at the young woman he considered a daughter as much as he did Emma, “Let's go, Albatross.”


Once Serenity was underway for Deadwood, the crew returned to their beds, except for Sara and Becca. Both girls slept with their parents. Neither couple wanting the two girls out of their sights for the moment.

Again, Simon was torn. Without what Blue Sun and the Alliance had done to River, they wouldn't have known that hundan Chapel was coming. But then again, Simon knew he wouldn't have Kaylee or his children. Like Book always said. Everything happens for a reason.

Allan and Zoë fell into a fitful slumber, their daughter sandwiched between them on the bed, neither wanting to let the little girl come to to any harm ever.

Everyone awoke later that morning. Allan and River threw together a quick brunch and began their day. The adults doing their best to forget the events a few hours previous. Kaylee and Zoë cleaned up the blood from Chapel's dropped knife and Inara sewed up the hole and cleaned the blood from Sara's teddy bear.

By the time the two girls returned to their room that afternoon for a nap, even they couldn't tell what had transpired the night before. All they knew was that their parents had woken them and moved them to the galley. Then a little while later took them to bed with them.

Only Jefferson was allowed to go back to his own room since the space hadn't been violated.

Once finding out that Vonda was a pilot, River took the young woman under her wing, literally. Allan joked that he'd be out of a job by the time they reached Deadwood.

Allan shook his head and left the bridge, leaving behind the two giggling expectant mothers. He passed Sylvia in the forward passage way.

“Hey, Sylvia.”

“How are you doing, Allan?”

“Could say the same to you.”

Sylvia smiled, “He was lower than slime.”

“Won't get an argument from me,” Allan replied.

“They kick you off the bridge?” Sylvia asked.

“Strategic withdrawal,” Allan replied, “Outnumbered.”

“Good plan. River told me she'd give me a flying lesson.”

“More the merrier, I guess. Vonda's getting one now.”

“It's good you're helping everyone out.”

“You know me,” Allan grinned sheepishly.

“Knight in shining armor... that's you.”

Allan snorted. “Whatever.”

“I mean it. Not for you... well, mankind would have died out.”

“I'm sure someone is left back there.”

“Don't think so. Two days before we collided... we got a faint message from home. War between the Alliance and Russian Federation.

Allan's head dropped. He knew what that meant, “Maybe we can figure out a way to find out someday.”

“Someday,” Sylvia agreed.

“Do the others know?”


“Let's keep it that way.”

“You got it.”

“Better head up there, River is a stern taskmaster when it comes to flying.”

Sylvia grinned when they heard the aforementioned psychic call down from the bridge.

“I heard that!”

Allan turned and headed for the galley, laughing.


Allan sat in his usual seat on the bridge, in the co-pilots chair. Sara had perched herself in her fathers lap. Zoë stood behind her husband and grinned.

Melissa and Vonda sat on the stairs leading to the avionics compartment at the front of the bridge. Annie had found a place in the navigators chair while Sylvia stood next to Mal in the center of the bridge. Jeff stood in front of his father, striking a very similar pose. Jayne leaned against the sensor console behind River.

“Wow,” muttered Melissa as Deadwood came into view.

“Never thought I'd see another planet for the rest of my life,” Sylvia said reverently, “Let alone walk on one."

“Deadwood ain't much but it's where I grew up,” Jayne commented.

“What's it like?” Melissa asked. The teens enthusiasm obvious in her voice.

“Dry, dusty, hot.”

“Arizona in the summer,” Allan said so they would have a frame of reference.

“Guess that's why they call it Deadwood huh?” Annie asked.

“CEO of the terriforming company was named Deadwood. Named it after himself,” River said as she began configuring Serenity for entry.

“First time I was ever off planet was when I boarded the Kansas,” Annie said as Deadwood loomed larger in the window.

Serenity shuddered a bit as she hit Deadwood's atmosphere. With sure hands, River maneuvered them into the thickening air.

“It's so small looking,” Vonda commented, “What's the gravity like?”

“Earth normal,” Mal replied. “Part o' the terriformin is to use artificial gravity to keep it one G. Keeps the atmo around the planet too.

“Wow.” Melissa said again.

Serenity punched through a cloud layer and slowed even more. Soon the town of Redding could be seen in the distance. With her customary precision, Serenity gently set down in the towns small port. A short distance away sat a Mayfly class transport. The Mayfly was designed by the same company as the Firefly and they shared a similar power plant although Mayfly's were quite a bit smaller.

“We're down, Kaylee,” River called into the com.

“Kay, Aunt River,” Becca's small voice answered.

“Don't tell me Kaylee's lettin Becca do the shutdowns now,” Mal grumbled.

“She's six and knows more engineering than you do, Mal,” Allan teased.

“That's the point,” Mal blustered, “Sara's just as smart. 'Cept she likes the bridge bettern' the engine room.”

“The kids will put us all out a job before long, Sir,” Zoë grinned.

“Can I be Captain, Daddy?” Jeff asked his father.

“Someday, Jefferson... someday.”


Everyone trooped down to the bay. Melissa was nearly vibrating with excitement, tempered somewhat by the fact her parents hadn't lived to see a new world. Annie and Vonda were similarly exited and saddened.

Sylvia slid up next to Allan and Zoë. Sara was perched on her father's shoulders, “What was it like for you, Allan?”

“Like for what?”

“Stepping onto a new world for the first time.”

“Moving,” Allan replied.

River giggled beside Allan. “Something about one step,” she teased.

Sylvia glared at her friend, “Tell me you didn't...”

“I did,” Allan admitted.

“You quoted Neil Armstrong?” Sylvia said shaking her head.

“Who?” Zoë asked.

“First human to set foot on another celestial body.” Sylvia said.

“That's one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind,” River said grinning.

Sylvia and Vonda snickered. Both being pilots and Sylvia a bonified Astronaut, they both though Allan quoting Neil Armstrong was quite funny.

“I only did it the once...” Allan trailed off. “Besides, if all had gone according to plan, I would have been the first person to set foot on what's now Londonium.”

“Let me guess,” Sylvia grinned, “You would have named it planet 'Bob'.”

Allan glared at her.“You saw that old movie too, huh?”

“Yep,” the blond grinned.

Snickering Zoë hit the button to lower the ramp. As soon as it was down, a tall man approached, wearing a badge. He walked into the ship and stopped in front of Jayne.

“Ma's gonna kill you, showin up unannounced,” Mattie Cobb said with a grin before pulling Jayne into a hug.

“No, she won't,” River grinned at her tall Brother-in-law.

“Reckon that's so,” the younger Cobb grinned before hugging River. He straightened and looked around, “Howdy.”

“Hey, Mattie,” Zoë said with a smile, Mal walked over and shook the young man's hand. Simon looked the younger man over with a critical eye and smiled at his in-law. Taking Mattie's hand he asked.

“How's your breathing?”

Mattie snickered, “Always the doc, huh Simon?”

Kaylee shoved her husband out of the way so she could give Mattie a hug. Becca ran up and hugged his leg, “Uncle Mattie!”

“Hey, squirt,” Mattie said as he hefted the girl, “Oof, you're getting big.” Becca blushed.

Jayne looked closely at the star on his brothers chest. Last he knew, Mattie was a deputy. The badge on his shirt said sheriff. Mattie grinned at his older brother, “Mike retired last month. Judge Morin swore me in to finish out the term. Josh didn't want the job. Said he was happy just 'ta work for me.”

Jayne shook his brother's hand and smiled, “Pa'd be proud.”

Mattie then noticed some new faces and the lack of a few familiar ones, “Where's Alisha and Reggie?”

“Londonium, on their honeymoon,” Allan said walking up to the younger Cobb.

“Hi, Uncle Mattie,” Sara said from her perch on Allan's shoulders.

“Hey, Sara girl,” Mattie grinned.

A few hundred feet away, the Mayfly spooled up her engines and began to take off. The small vessel hadn't risen more than a few hundred feet when her port engine pod exploded in a hail of burning deuterium and shredded metal.

The stricken ship rolled on her back and crashed to the ground, taking out two houses on the edge of the port. Shrapnel pinged off Serenity's hull.

The sound had hardly faded when Allan handed Sara off to Kaylee and began running in the direction of the wreck. Simon, Mal and Mattie on his heels.

Allan ran right up to the now burning ship, Mal grabbed his arm, “What the diyu are you doin?”

Allan shrugged off Mal's hand, “If I don't safe that reactor, the whole town's going to be a glass floored, self lighting crater!”

Mal's face went pale. It would take too long to get Serenity powered back up to escape the impending detonation. For the first time in years, Mal began to pray.




Thursday, February 26, 2009 3:28 AM


Wow. From the clinical execution of Chapel, then into the fluff of conversation, then ... wham, right into desperate straits! But was it an accident?

Thursday, February 26, 2009 3:59 PM


Wonderful!! I am on and off the edge of my seat. ;)


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