New Blood - Chapter 2
Friday, April 17, 2009

Zoe is in surgery and yet again, Maxine comes to the rescue.


Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, Universal Own em’. (Except for Maxine. She's mine) I’m just playing. No money being made.


A new story line to recharge my Muse. Set outside my “Allanverse.” Just to see what happens. Set about a year and a half post Serenity. Story line has the standard pairings of Mal/Inara, Simon/Kaylee. Also had River/Jayne. Zoë... we'll you'll have to read it. -

A/N: Plot bunny is still kicking me in the shins...


New Blood


Chapter Two


“Doc!” Jayne Bellowed as he trudged up the ramp, Zoë still unconscious in his arms.

Simon sprinted into the bay, half expecting to find River injured. He slid to a surprised stop when he saw Zoë in Jayne's massive arms.

“What happened?”

“Riv said she was in trouble, time we got there, she was out and shot,” Jayne explained while heading for the infirmary.

“Lay her on the table,” Simon ordered, fully in doctor mode.

Gently the big man laid the first mate on the exam chair. Simon pulled out a pair of medical shears and cut away Zoë's pants.

“Tah mah de,” Simon swore under his breath. “Jayne. Go get Kaylee. I'll need her help until Inara or my sister get back.”

“On it, Doc.” the mercenary replied as he ran from the room.

Jayne had just reached the bay when River and the red head from the alley casually walked up the ramp. Trying not to draw attention to themselves. As soon as they were inside, River closed the inner doors, leaving the ramp down.

“Riv! Yer' Brother needs help with Zoë,” Jayne called out.

River nodded once and sprinted for the infirmary. Leaving Jayne alone with the woman. The big man crossed his arms across his chest. Giving her a once over. Noting the gun on her hip and the large duffel bag.

“What are you doin here?” He growled.

Maxine tried her best to not be intimidated by this large man, “The girl... River, told me to follow her. So I did.”

“Well, now that you're here, you can be on yer' merry.”

“Jayne! That ain't no way to treat guests!” Kaylee admonished as she came down the stairs.

Maxine looked up and saw a woman coming towards them. She swore to her self. How did one ship have so many beautiful women all in one place?

“I'm Kaylee.”

“Maxine,” She replied, shaking the offered hand.

“You a new passenger?” The mechanic asked.

“Um... no not really...”

“Zoë got shot,” Jayne interrupted, “Found this, yao guai hu li jing standin over her.”

“What did you call me?” Maxine growled, her hand dropping to the grip of her gun.

“Jayne!” Kaylee exclaimed, hitting the big man on his arm. Suddenly she realized what the other thing Jayne had said, “Zoë got shot?”

The big man nodded while rubbing his arm where Kaylee had hit him. What was it with the women on this boat hittin him all the time?

“Yer, man's in workin on her. River's helpin.”

Kaylee nodded once, and swallowed down her fear. She turned to the red head, “Why don't you follow me and you can explain things.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Maxine replied.

Taking the woman's arm, Kaylee led her aft towards the common area and the infirmary.

“... She's lost a lot of blood,” the pair heard Simon say as they stepped down into the lounge area, “I only have so much plasma...”

“Need a doner,” River replied.

“Zoë's blood is type AB. I don't have any in stock and since... since Wash died, we don't have a universal doner.”

“I'm type O,” Maxine interrupted.

“What?” Simon exclaimed, “Who are you?”

River put her hand on Simon's arm, “Helped save Zoë.”

Simon relaxed and looked at his sister. River nodded slightly and smiled.

Simon adopted his professional face, “Have a seat, Miss...”

“Sharpe... Maxine Sharpe.”

“Pleased to meet you, Miss Sharpe. I just need to draw a little blood to test than we can begin.”

“Certainly. And, please. Call me Maxine. Or even better, Max.”

Simon smiled. “Okay Max. just a little pick...”


Mal pulled the mule into the bay and looked around. No one was around. He'd had to open the inner doors himself and no one had been answering the com.

He helped Inara out of her seat and then proceeded to put his, 'I'm the captain and I'm not happy face on.'

“Where in the hell is my gorram crew?” He asked to the empty space.

“I'm sure there's a good explanation, Mal,” Inara stated.

“There damn well better be,” Mal growled.

“Cap'n!” Kaylee exclaimed as she came down the stairs from the upper level.

“Kaylee? Why in the seven hells are the doors closed and no one's answering the com?”

“Had a little situation.”

Mal put his hands on his hips, “What kind of situation?”

“Zoë got shot.”

Mal's face exploded into fury and he shot off in the direction of the infirmary. Inara just stood wide eyed.

“What happened, Kaylee?”

“Don't rightly know. Just Jayne came tear assin in with Zoë in his arms, sayin she'd been shot. Next River and this red head come in... her name's Maxine by the way. From what I gathered, this Maxine saved Zoë, so River drug her along. Turns out she's got the right kind o' blood to give Zoë a transfusion.” Kaylee paused for breath.

“Will Zoë be all right?”

“Simon thinks so. Said the bullet nicked the artery in her leg. Bled a lot but it could a been worse. He an River are just finishing up now.”

Mal skidded to a stop outside the infirmary to avoid colliding with Jayne. He stared hard at his mercenary, “What the gorram hell happened?”

“Ain't got the details yet, Mal,” the big man replied, keeping his voice low while Simon worked. “River said Zoë was in trouble so we took off after her. Time we got there, Zoë was down. Bunch o' other bodies layin about. And that woman was kneelin over her, tyein off the bleeder in Zoë's leg.”

“What's she doin here?” Mal asked, noticing the red head sitting on a stool next to Zoë on the med bed.

“River drug her along. Then turns out she's got the right type o' blood to give Zoë.”

Mal relaxed some, “How bad is she?”

“Bleeder in the leg. She was out when we found her. Looks like another round hit her armor. No real damage from that one.”

Simon had just finished up and noticed the captain outside the door speaking with Jayne. River was checking their guest since she was a bit woozy from giving so much blood.


“How's she doin, Doc?”

“Zoë will be fine but she lost a lot of blood. The bullet nicked the femoral artery. It also took a chunk out of her femur. The bone isn't broken but it is cracked. She won't be able to stand on it for a few weeks.”

Mal placed his hand on the younger man's shoulder, “Thanks, Simon.”

“She'll be asleep for a few hours yet.”

“Glad to know. Okay if I sit with her a spell?”

“Go ahead.”

Mal nodded once and stepped inside the infirmary. River was just removing the blood pressure cuff from Maxine's arm.

“Captain Reynolds, this is Maxine Sharpe.”

“Miss Sharpe.”

“Captain,” She replied sleepily.

“Maxine needs to rest for a while,” River stated. “She donated a significant amount of blood.”

“I'm beholdin to you, Miss Sharpe.”

“No problem, Captain. And please, call me Max or Maxine.”

“Okay, Maxine,” Mal smiled. “Albatross? You got a moment to talk outside?”

“Certainly, Captain,” River replied, giving Maxine a confident smile. She followed Mal out into the common area.

“Did you get anything?”

River nodded, “Caught a flash from Zoë before... Badger.”

“That liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze fuh ur-tze!”

“Restraint, Captain. We are not at full strength and we will need to be, to avenge this,” River cautioned.

“You givin me orders, little girl?”

“If I have to,” the teen replied sharply.

Mal's tirade was cut short when he realized that River was right. They had to plan this and not go off half cocked. Too much risk and Mal didn't want to loose any more of his family.

“Reckon you're right,” Mal sighed. “What about her?”

“Maxine gave nearly two pints of blood. I'm surprised she is still awake. It will be several days before she will be able to function one hundred percent.”

“So, we're stuck with her?”

“Short term.”

“Any threat?”

“I haven't read her deeply yet. On the surface she is trustworthy. Seems to have some surface attraction to Zoë.”


“I think Maxine is sly.”

“Ohhhh,” Mal said after that had sunk in.

“Good thing she is and that Jayne's all hung up all over you. She's right pretty her own self.”

“He looked,” River grinned, “But he only has thoughts for me.”

“Don't mind him lookin?”

“He is a man.”

Despite the seriousness of the situation, Mal chuckled slightly, “Reckon you're right on that account, lil' Albatross.”


“Hello,” Inara said as she entered the infirmary carrying a tray.

Maxine looked up from where she lay on the counter with her feet up on a pillow. She had tried to stand an hour ago and had promptly passed out. The doctor had insisted she lay down.

“Hi” Maxine said weakly. Her eyes focused and she swore to herself again. Another beautiful woman. Did the Captain have a harem or something?

“My name is Inara. Simon thought you would like to eat a little bit.”

“I am hungry,” Maxine admitted.

“I also see that we are in your debt. Loosing Zoë would have been a great blow to us.”

“Saw her in trouble. Figured it was the right thing to help.”

“It was.”

Slowly, Maxine sat up. The room only spun a little, “Thanks,” she said as Inara held out a hand to steady her.

Maxine studied the woman in front of her. She was dressed like most spacer crew members. Cargo pants, utilitarian shirt, boots. But this woman, Inara had an air about her. Something she couldn't put a finger on.

Inara noticed the woman's scrutiny, “I normally don't dress this... utilitarian.”

“No... it works.”

Inara smiled.

“You said something about food?”

“Oh, yes, forgive me,” Inara blushed slightly, “It's not much just some canned soup and a sandwich.”

“All I've had to eat for the last week and a half is protein bars. Right now, that sounds like a four star meal.”

Maxine sat and ate in silence while Inara checked Zoë's vital signs. Simon had been training her to help in the infirmary. River's own medical knowledge was more than sufficient to not need any additional training.

“I... I noticed her ring.” Maxine said after a moment.

“Hmm?” Inara asked, “Oh, Zoë's wedding band. She never used to wear it. But ever since her husband died, she has been.”


“Yes, Zoë's husband was killed about a year and a half ago.”

“Sorry to hear that.”

“She's still grieving. And quite hetero.”

Maxine looked embarrassed, “That transparent, huh?”

“No... But I used to be a companion. Sexual interest from women is not unknown to me,” Inara finished with a slight grin.

Maxine giggled slightly. “Bad habit, I guess. I see a woman who looks like her... or you for that matter. And I get all hot and bothered... wait a minute, you said used to be a companion?”

Inara laughed, “Don't get your hopes up. I'm retired. And while I find you quite lovely, the Captain doesn't go in for threesomes.”

“Ugh... No offense, but neither do I... well if there's a man involved anyway.”

Inara giggled.

“What I mean is... well... I was mostly inclined to girls growing up. Then I had an... experience that turned me off men forever.”

“Something bad?”


“I understand. You don't need to speak of it... but I can guess.”

“You guess right.”

They sat in silence for a moment. Inara spoke after the silence became overwhelming.

“Where are you from?”

Maxine swallowed a bite of her sandwich, “Here on Persephone. Little town on the far side from here, called Winslow.”

“What are you doing here in Eavesdown?”

“Looking for work. I've only been back on planet for a few weeks. Haven't been on Persephone in years.”

“What kind of work are you looking for?”

“Whatever I can get. I've worked as a deckhand, security guard. Even tried my hand at mercenary work.”

“Mercenary work?” Inara asked incredulously.

“That's the problem. Most folks have the same reaction you do. See a pretty girl, not a gun hand.”

“My apologies.”

“It's okay. Part of what drew my eye to Zoë.”

“She does have a... presence.”


“She was.”

“Brown or purple?”



“What about you?” Inara asked. “The skills to be a mercenary are not usually found in small towns and taught to little girls.”

“Right on that account. Wanted to join the Browncoats but my father, while very independent, was a shepherd and didn't want me to fight. Gorram Alliance took the choice outta my hands. Day after I turned eighteen, purple bellies showed up on my doorstep and 'drafted' me. A week later I'm in basic training to fight for the wrong side...”

“Did you... fight?”

“Nope. War was over once I finished basic. Got assigned to garrison duty. Course my real feelings kept spilling outta my mouth. Young and stupid back then. Needless to say, my military career was pretty short... thank god.”

Inara smiled, “I understand the sentiment.”

“So... since you're not a companion anymore... what do you do around here?”

“I have several jobs. Ships ambassador. I use my contacts to help arrange cargoes. I assist Simon in the infirmary and I am now learning to fly the ship.”

“Well rounded resume,” Maxine grinned.

“One could say that.”

“You folks take passengers?” Maxine asked hopefully.

“Sometimes. Are you looking for passage?”

“Yes,” she admitted, “Nothing here for me on Persephone.”

“Your father?”

“Disowned me. He's of the old baptist faith. Has no use for a 'heathen homosexual' as he calls it.”

Inara reached out and patted Maxine's hand, “I'm sorry.”

“It's okay. Got over it a long time ago.”

Inara nodded in understanding, “Getting back to passage. We're bound for Salisbury in the morning.”

“Don't much care where I go. Just, I ain't got much in the way of money. I can work for my passage...”

“We can work something out,” Mal said from the entrance. River stood beside him.

“How long have you been standing there?” Inara asked, hands on her hips and a scolding tone in her voice.

“Long enough,” Mal replied as he stepped through the entrance. “Purple belly, huh?”

“Not by choice,” Maxine replied.

“Heard about that... grabbin youngins from border worlds to use on the lines. Shamed to admit, I killed more a few during the war.”

“I got lucky.”

“So I hear.”

Mal shot a quick glance in River's direction and she nodded slightly.

“Here's the deal. Zoë's gonna be laid up a few weeks. We're liftin for Salisbury in the mornin with a small cargo. Once we arrive, we're picking up a big load of agricultural supplies and running them back to Persephone. Help load the cargo in the mornin. Best you can, knowin you are a might weak from givin blood. Help out with the chores around the ship and I'll get you to Salisbury. Probably with a little extra coin in your pocket to boot.”

Mal took a breath and continued, “If you work out and you don't want to get off on Salisbury, we can maybe take you on short term till we get back to Persephone. If that happens we'll work out the particulars then. I will warn you. I ain't got no tolerance for the Alliance and on board, my word is law. With Zoë down, River here is acting first mate till Zoë's up and about. Her word is like mine... law. You threaten any o' the crew... we might shoot you or we might put you out the airlock... Dong-ma?”


Mal broke the tension with a smile, “Had to be said. In the meantime, River and Inara'll set you up with a room in the dorms. Dinner is at seven and Kaylee's cookin so it'll be edible.”

With that said, Mal turned on his heel and walked off. Inara's scowl told the whole story, “He may be sleeping in his own bunk tonight.”

River smiled as did Maxine.

“Still feeling woozy, Maxine?” River asked.

“A little. The food helped.”

“Come then, you can rest until dinner.”

Each taking an arm, River and Inara escorted Maxine to her room.




Saturday, April 18, 2009 1:47 AM


shiny.. I just have two things to say about this.. Damn... (repeat if necessary)

Max's persona is starting to take shape through your skillful pro's. Well done!

Impatiently awaiting the next chapter.

I will be very disappointed, if at some point, Zoe doesn't fillet and saute Badgers gizzard in some nice Chianti, served with Farva beans.

Sunday, April 19, 2009 1:36 AM


I think I like Max more and more. And I forgot to mention in my review to the last part how much I liked the line about Jayne still not understanding about him and River, not even when she explained it to him! Max will be valuable to the crew, I've no doubt, and I too agree that, while I wouldn't necessarily condone the whole 'Lector' bit, Badger does need his comeuppance.


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