Texas Republican Thinks Rape Kits Are the Same as Abortion Niki2 5 6/24/2013 7:30:57 PM
Amazon River exhales virtually all carbon taken up by rain forest 1kiki 3 6/24/2013 3:06:38 PM
Paid Celebrity Endorcment....and he's a whore whozit 6 6/24/2013 1:35:04 PM
Jim Carrey, just a few more days before he takes a hostage. whozit 2 6/24/2013 1:25:02 PM
US Arctic strategy is a hazard to us all 1kiki 1 6/24/2013 12:58:45 PM
Global Cooling during The Younger Dryas caused by burnimg rock 1kiki 1 6/24/2013 12:53:26 PM
Meanwhile, kids and guns continue to be a bad recipe Niki2 5 6/24/2013 10:55:09 AM
You are my sunshine.... JLin 10 6/24/2013 10:52:47 AM
Putin Gives Obama and Kerry The Finger Jongsstraw 2 6/24/2013 10:22:13 AM
8th Year for Can't Stop the Serenity LIONESS 5 6/24/2013 9:34:25 AM
How TV News Gets All the Eye-Gluing Benefits of Climate Change without Having to Deal with It Niki2 1 6/24/2013 8:28:54 AM
Record Heat Wave Envelops Alaska Niki2 9 6/24/2013 8:16:42 AM
Original NSA Whistleblower: I Saw The Order To Wiretap Barack Obama In 2004 Niki2 5 6/24/2013 8:12:45 AM
NSA WHISTLEBLOWER: The Feds Can Make Anyone Look Suspicious 1kiki 3 6/23/2013 12:15:22 PM
Joss Whedon on Man of Steel and FOX using Quicksilver in X-Men. HAKEN 8 6/23/2013 11:39:40 AM
Abbas accepts new Palestinian prime minister's resignation Niki2 2 6/23/2013 9:22:39 AM
Travesty: Walle is named the world's ugliest dog Niki2 5 6/23/2013 9:19:19 AM
New scandal rocks U.S. Navy whozit 5 6/23/2013 8:55:25 AM
Domestic drones BIGDAMNNOBODY 25 6/23/2013 8:45:39 AM
The utterly absurd fantasy world of today's kooky far Left. AURaptor 16 6/23/2013 8:37:57 AM
100% of fish labeled 'tuna' is actually a fish that causes uncontrollable explosive oily anal leakage PIRATENEWS 4 6/23/2013 8:31:28 AM
Yahoo! News Says Obama Was Born in…Kenya! PIRATENEWS 2 6/23/2013 8:29:25 AM
Obamas enjoy $100-million vacation, soldiers enjoy cold slop PIRATENEWS 5 6/23/2013 8:28:22 AM
POS scumbag cops raid house for uncut grass (NEVER open your door for pigs) PIRATENEWS 4 6/23/2013 8:26:44 AM
Obama sent $46-million IRS refund to ONE house with 23,994 illegal aliens living in it PIRATENEWS 4 6/23/2013 8:24:24 AM
Cop gets 2 years prison for stinky fingers PIRATENEWS 2 6/23/2013 8:23:14 AM
Horny half-naked Obama hires Facebook exec to steal all Facebook data for NSA PIRATENEWS 5 6/23/2013 8:21:29 AM
Libyan Al Qaeda commander confessed Obama and Billary gave him missiles to shoot down aircraft in Syria (and USA) PIRATENEWS 3 6/23/2013 8:20:00 AM
Kinky boots makes MSNBC disinfobabe cry, has 9 orgasms in 1 night PIRATENEWS 3 6/23/2013 8:18:08 AM
Obama grabs gun goes berserk shooting people at Camp David PIRATENEWS 21 6/23/2013 8:15:59 AM
Even terrorist Bill Ayers says Obama should be arrested PIRATENEWS 3 6/23/2013 8:13:38 AM
Conservatives Vow to Defy Supreme Court If It Rules for Marriage Equality Niki2 8 6/23/2013 6:17:16 AM
Your daily dose of craziness from the GOP Kwicko 21 6/23/2013 6:08:44 AM
Sorta OT: Adam Baldwin video bugchicklv 7 6/23/2013 6:03:28 AM
Tinfoil Hat Alert! Climate Change Deniers Easily Fooled Niki2 4 6/23/2013 5:59:35 AM
'Sesame Street' creates first Muppet to have a parent in jail Jongsstraw 7 6/22/2013 2:01:30 PM
The Outrageous Partisan Thread Magonsdaughter 16 6/22/2013 1:56:37 PM
Madonna : 'Guns don't kill people, people kill people,' Jongsstraw 3 6/22/2013 1:26:34 PM
Cat Stevens lip-syncs better than Beyonce Jongsstraw 1 6/22/2013 11:38:43 AM
The Young Won't Buy ObamaCare Jongsstraw 1 6/22/2013 11:29:45 AM
Supreme Court Approves Use of Faux Arbitration to Eliminate Consumer Rights Niki2 2 6/22/2013 9:52:56 AM
The Private Prison Industry Continues Downward Spiral, Three States Dump Them Within Month Niki2 1 6/22/2013 8:04:26 AM
An experiment on partisanship kpo 36 6/22/2013 5:55:33 AM
Bobby Jindal Calls For Republican Party To Destroy Itself In Fight For Ideological Purity Niki2 3 6/21/2013 5:32:35 PM
Tennessee Official Says Complaining About Water Quality Could Be Considered 'Act of Terrorism' Niki2 1 6/21/2013 7:14:10 AM
Costco Pays Well and Soars, While Walmart and Others Pay Peanuts and Sink Niki2 1 6/21/2013 7:07:29 AM
Alberta toxic waste spill could be biggest North American environmental disaster in recent history Niki2 1 6/21/2013 6:37:10 AM
Wall Street Journal Op-Ed Claims That Rape In The Military Is Due To ‘Female Sexual Freedom’ Niki2 1 6/21/2013 6:23:29 AM
Some REAL "Crazy From the Right" Niki2 1 6/21/2013 6:00:00 AM
XBone WULFENSTAR 22 6/21/2013 5:55:44 AM