Steve Jobs Dead at 56 Kwicko 22 10/9/2011 3:19:34 PM
Why our government is broken kpo 33 10/9/2011 2:56:12 PM
Herman Cain: Blacks are Brainwashed Niki2 53 10/9/2011 2:54:20 PM
Geez, does this guy tell the truth , about ANYTHING ??? AURaptor 55 10/9/2011 12:37:11 PM
Who are the Occupy Wall Streeters? Niki2 2 10/9/2011 11:33:10 AM
Ron Paul wins straw poll-- is he the NEW nominee? NewOldBrownCoat 2 10/9/2011 10:51:04 AM
As Wall Street protest enters 3rd week, movement gains steam nationwide Niki2 17 10/9/2011 5:41:46 AM
Oz insect attempts to mate with bottle, wins Ig Nobel Niki2 7 10/9/2011 4:59:00 AM
Just so we're clear - waterboarding foreign born terrorists, bad. AURaptor 68 10/8/2011 6:26:24 AM
Computer virus hacks Dictator Hussein Obama's Terminator drone fleet piratenews 3 10/8/2011 1:35:48 AM
Dreamhouse SHINYGOODGUY 1 10/8/2011 12:28:37 AM
Steve Jobs found dead whozit 13 10/7/2011 8:45:45 AM
Interest in Military-style Browncoat patches? ASHEEPDOG 41 10/7/2011 7:35:08 AM
Help Nathan get to One Million Bup 7 10/6/2011 6:07:09 PM
Rosanne Barr campaigns for 'dictator' of USA, will hire Ron Paul, close the private 'Fed' Bank, with guillotines in every town for govt crooks and jew banksters piratenews 1 10/6/2011 5:27:52 PM
"Unemployed need not apply" Niki2 11 10/6/2011 2:17:26 PM
From the creator of "HEROS".... whozit 1 10/6/2011 1:40:04 PM
Blade Runner Gal Won't 'Retire' Jongsstraw 6 10/6/2011 12:50:03 PM
Need input on selling something ecgordon 2 10/6/2011 12:43:23 PM
Just for fun - bad movies that nonetheless had their moments Anonymouse 3 10/6/2011 9:56:50 AM
How about a couple of mountain lions on your front porch? Niki2 7 10/6/2011 8:49:04 AM
NBC cancels "The Playboy Club" whozit 6 10/6/2011 7:38:36 AM
About that "businesses aren’t investing because of possible new regulations, possible tax increases and government imposed health care costs" thing... Niki2 1 10/6/2011 7:10:10 AM
Christie out. Palin OUT ! NewOldBrownCoat 8 10/6/2011 6:30:29 AM
HOLY SHIT! PN has had an impact! Wulfenstar 29 10/6/2011 3:56:39 AM
Rick Perry's rock NewOldBrownCoat 5 10/6/2011 3:50:32 AM
The Simpsons Face Cancellation? CortexOverride 3 10/5/2011 11:26:26 PM
ESPN dumps Hank Williams Jr whozit 11 10/5/2011 4:40:42 PM
This day in history whozit 2 10/5/2011 3:47:03 PM
aaaaa Jongsstraw 1 10/5/2011 1:15:24 PM
Here we go...again... Niki2 5 10/5/2011 11:45:56 AM
Will Attorney General Eric Holder's perjury cost him his job? AURaptor 7 10/5/2011 10:54:37 AM
The Pax message on Miranda dentedface 11 10/5/2011 9:30:29 AM
Blue Sun piratenews 2 10/5/2011 5:25:59 AM
Should the BATFE be shut down? Wulfenstar 18 10/4/2011 8:17:48 PM
Denmark introduces world's first food fat tax Geezer 6 10/4/2011 8:10:15 PM
Dictator Hussein Obama orders SWAT raid and $60,000 fine, bans lemon trees piratenews 1 10/4/2011 7:30:48 PM
You'll never see this on CNN, Fox or MSNBCGE piratenews 2 10/4/2011 6:34:54 PM
Why Scientists Are Smarter than Politicians Niki2 16 10/4/2011 6:15:37 PM
Strawman piratenews 1 10/4/2011 5:39:45 PM
Great Caesar's Ghost! Jongsstraw 8 10/4/2011 7:11:12 AM
After Shooting Himself in the Foot, Rick Perry Reloads at His West Texas Hunting Ranch Kwicko 9 10/4/2011 1:45:39 AM
Jew Facebook tracks your websurfing after logout and posts for all the world to see piratenews 9 10/3/2011 8:23:12 PM
Tiny survey/research question if anyone feels like helping PhoenixRose 76 10/3/2011 3:37:36 PM
Nicholas Cage is a Vampyre piratenews 4 10/3/2011 11:53:20 AM
Kenya Fried Chicken piratenews 2 10/3/2011 11:35:33 AM
Nader endorses Ron Paul, Paul picks Kucinich as 'Secretary of Peace', Chomsky says Left/Right is the same monster piratenews 2 10/3/2011 11:32:12 AM
Alan Tudyk vs Evil piratenews 7 10/3/2011 7:13:38 AM
The Most Dangerous Game piratenews 8 10/3/2011 7:11:46 AM
Hey Alliance!!! Look at this!!! chrisisall 13 10/3/2011 6:32:39 AM