Dow @ 20K. Time to jump off!

UPDATED: Friday, November 25, 2022 16:50
VIEWED: 92829
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Tuesday, January 16, 2018 10:38 AM


So far, the whole day has been trading over 26,000.


Thursday, January 18, 2018 8:24 AM


Dow closed Wed at 26,115. A 1.25% gain in one day.
Almost a whole year in office for Trump.


Thursday, January 18, 2018 10:28 AM


I think that Trump better find a few more pegs other than the DOW to hang his hat on.

The DOW increasing is not a good thing for a lot of people in the first place, but it will eventually fall.

I was hoping for some good things to happen when I voted for him, but other than the rich getting richer in the stock market, I don't really see any positive changes.

Going back to calling a terrorist a terrorist and knocking down the SJW crowds, especially at college campuses is a nice holdover, but when the other side votes Oprah in 2020 for president because of backlash the SJW's will destroy the planet.

Enjoy those stock market gains in your portfolio JSF. You're going to be living off of them when you get fired for being a privileged white male and you're replaced with a non-binary person of color who identifies as a Lyger in 2021.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, January 18, 2018 7:52 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Vanguard’s Chairman Sees Muted Decade for Stocks After Long Rally

F. William McNabb, whose firm oversees about $5 trillion, said long-term investors may benefit by holding balanced portfolios with bonds as well as stocks. McNabb cautioned investors to consider reducing their stock exposure before the nearly 9-year-old rally ends.

“We would expect the next decade to actually be very modest on the equities side in the U.S., a little less so in Europe and a little less so in Asia,” McNabb said in a Bloomberg Television interview that aired Thursday. “But it’s still overall lower than long-term historical averages.”

Stock markets reached a fever pitch in 2017 as the S&P 500 Index hit record highs and the rally has continued this year. The advance, buoyed by low interest rates around the world, economic growth and the U.S. tax overhaul, has sparked concerns that valuations have gotten stretched, spurring some investors to brace for a decline.

“No one can predict what’s going to happen in the next 12 months,” he said. “Having just said that, I’m sure the equity market will continue to skyrocket for the next few months.”


Friday, January 19, 2018 2:00 AM


rezident owtsidr

I dont see why anybody takes thoze prognosticatorz seriously after the 2008 colaps. I never did.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Friday, January 19, 2018 9:22 AM



Originally posted by JO753:
I dont see why anybody takes thoze prognosticatorz seriously after the 2008 colaps. I never did.

Sure. All those people who warned that 2008 would happen, and why - they can't be taken seriously, just because they knew what they were talking about.
You just go back to your Libtard news and don't worry you pretty little head about the Real World. Your Libtard news will look out for your best interests, just like they did in 2008.


Friday, January 19, 2018 3:32 PM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Sure. All those people who warned that 2008 would happen, and why

There were a few. Everybody els wuz cheering on the rizing numberz, especially the big investment firmz. Sheeple dont want to hear bad newz.

Now you are cheering on the rizing numberz. You are a sheeple.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Friday, January 19, 2018 3:38 PM


rezident owtsidr

The commercialz bug me the most. They prezent themselvez az trustworthy, careful, conservativ, wize, safe, smart, proper, respectable. They tout a long history, az if that meanz they must know wut they are doing. Guyz with salt & pepper hair in expensiv suits shaking handz in wood paneled fansy offisez.

Its all pure BS, kuz they cant predict the future any better than a palm reader. And, bekuz they are motivated to paint a rozy picture, they are less reliable than throwing a dart at a chart on the wall.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Friday, January 19, 2018 4:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Sure. All those people who warned that 2008 would happen, and why - they can't be taken seriously, just because they knew what they were talking about.
You just go back to your Libtard news and don't worry you pretty little head about the Real World. Your Libtard news will look out for your best interests, just like they did in 2008.

The biggest cheering section for the economy being ON FIRE! in 2008 ... on Bush's watch .... were Republicans who were busy congratulating themselves and each other on the success of the Bush tax cuts. Blaming the "libtard" media is just rewriting history. The REAL blower-of-bubbles was the Fed, who kept interest rates unrealistically low even as private/ government/ corporate/ financial debt zoomed up, and the lack of regulations on financial speculation by the banks. (Regulations had been deconstructed by Bill Clinton along with the GOP in 1999.)

All Bush, Obama, and the Fed did was paper over old debt with more debt. That's not going to last forever.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Monday, January 22, 2018 1:27 PM


Looks like the Stock Market is celebrating Trump's First Year in Office, or else the Government Shutdown saving so much wasted Federal funds. Or both. All 3 indices are up, and the Dow was already trading over 26,160 which it has never done before.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Dow closed Wed at 26,115. A 1.25% gain in one day.
Almost a whole year in office for Trump.

Let's take a quick review here.

This is a gain of 1,040 in 8 trading days (25,075 on 4 Jan).

A gain of 1,323 in the 29 days since Tax Reform passed. A gain of 5.3%or 57.2% APR.

And 2,952 in 90 days since Trump's Budget was passed. A gain of 12.3%, or 51.7% APR.

And 6,115 since Dow crossed 20k last 25 Jan. A gain of 30.6% since Jump Off said to stop earning money, or 31.3% APR.

And 6,383 since taking office almost a year ago. A gain of over 32.3%.

And 7,783 since Election Day. A gain of 42.5% or 35.7% APR.


Monday, January 22, 2018 5:48 PM


And yet the working class is still doing much worse than a few decades ago.

I don't see what there is to celebrate, unless you were already rich.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, January 22, 2018 5:50 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

All Bush, Obama, and the Fed did was paper over old debt with more debt. That's not going to last forever.

Yup. Signy gets it.

Funny how the alleged Russian in the RWED is the only one who seems to understand the American economy. ;)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, January 22, 2018 6:12 PM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I don't see what there is to celebrate, unless you were already rich.

Them thats got shall get
them thats not shall looz

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Monday, January 22, 2018 8:39 PM


Dow closed today at 26,214. Another all-time high on the first trading day following Trump's First Year in Office. Plus, with the Government Shutdown.


Monday, January 22, 2018 8:49 PM


This is starting to sound like Daily Affirmations.

Let me know when the DOW magically creates some more decent jobs to go around.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, January 24, 2018 9:49 AM


Democraps Cave in on their Shutdown Showdown, Dow opens with a gain of more than 100, a half percent increase.

Thanks Shmucky Shumer.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018 4:17 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Democraps Cave in on their Shutdown Showdown, Dow opens with a gain of more than 100, a half percent increase.

Thanks Shmucky Shumer.

And climbs to almost 26,400 before returning to a close of 26,252. Yet another all-time high close.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018 4:27 PM


rezident owtsidr

He'z rite, everybody. It can go up forever.

All we hav to do iz beleeev!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Wednesday, January 24, 2018 7:13 PM


Meanwhile in Working Class Land...

"Any good jobs yet?"


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, January 26, 2018 4:23 AM


Dow closed today at 26,392. Another all-time high close.

A gain of 6,392 since one year ago when this thread was opened and Jump Off said to get out before you earn too much money. That is 32% APR, fairly hard to beat.

That is another 1,007 point gain in 11 trading days (since 9 Jan).

That is a 1,600 point increase since Tax Reform passed 37 days ago. A gain of 6.45%, or 63.7% APR.

An increase of 3,229 since Trump's Budget passed 98 days ago. A gain of 13.9%, or 52% APR.

An increase of 6,660 since Trump took office 1 year and 5 days ago. A gain of 33.8%, or 33.2% APR.

And an increase of 8,060 since Election Day, 443 days ago. A gain of 44%, or 36.2% APR.

OK, so all of those APRs do actually beat the 32%. So all we gotta do is get more Trump Budgets passed, more Tax Reform passed, more Fiscal Control enacted. I imagine next on the horizon is Debt Ceiling control, instead of all this kicking the can down the road.


Friday, January 26, 2018 5:24 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
And yet the working class is still doing much worse than a few decades ago.

I don't see what there is to celebrate, unless you were already rich.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

In the past few decades the poor or working class decided to send our jobs overseas, so they elected BJ Clinton. TWICE.
And then they decided to destroy the economy and put everybody on Government subsistence, so they elected Barack Hussain Obama. TWICE.
So, the working class got exactly what they asked for - what are you whining for?


Friday, January 26, 2018 5:31 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Sure. All those people who warned that 2008 would happen, and why - they can't be taken seriously, just because they knew what they were talking about.
You just go back to your Libtard news and don't worry you pretty little head about the Real World. Your Libtard news will look out for your best interests, just like they did in 2008.

The biggest cheering section for the economy being ON FIRE were Republicans who were busy congratulating themselves and each other on the success of the Bush tax cuts.


the "libtard" media is just rewriting history. The REAL blower-of-bubbles was the Fed, who kept interest rates unrealistically low even as private/ government/ corporate/ financial debt zoomed up, and the lack of regulations on financial speculation by the banks. (Regulations had been deconstructed by Bill Clinton along with the GOP in 1999.)

And the pertinent part:

All Obama and the Fed did was paper over old debt with more debt. That's not going to last forever.

I recently heard the first plausible explanation/analysis of Obamanomics, which also happens to bolster the outlook for the Trump Economy and provide hope for future growth, until the effects of Obamanomics fade.

I had known Obamanomics was defying historical economic trends, patterns, but I did not study it enough to determine why or how.
The stomping down until March 2009 was obviously logical, but then a recovery should have occurred. But a Rebound, a Recovery, never really materialized, just sustained and extended Recession.

But it was the Quantitative Easing propping up the economy, whenever Obama wasn't money laundering like Silindra or gifting to the Unions the confiscated Automakers.

The economy remained stagnant, hidden by QE. We knew QE was bad, but because that trick had not been practices before, it was difficult to clearly see behind this curtain.

So the economy declined from 2009 until Trump's Election, and the market essentially stayed the same, just inflated and with different numbers. This represents how much our dollar has been devalued by Obama, nothing more - and the economic Depression still remained, for the longest period in US History. The GDP never really grew.

NOW, we have real economic growth, the first since the Rock-The-Vote Democraps unleashed their first Federal Budget, for FY2008, in October 2007. The Stock Market is now (since Election Day) reflecting this growing economy. So the economy seems to be effectively starting Recovery now, which under non-Obamanomics would have occurred 9 years ago.
Because of the obfuscation from Obamanomics, there is an unclear window regarding how long it will be before the next major correction, or Bear Market. It could be in only a few years, but it could be 7 years of growth in the future. So the Imminent Doom forecasts appear to be more of speculation than solid foundation.


Friday, January 26, 2018 6:19 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Meanwhile in Working Class Land...
"Any good jobs yet?"

I am unsure where you are located. Have you checked the job market lately? I am getting recruiter calls at a frenzied pace.


Friday, January 26, 2018 8:22 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
And yet the working class is still doing much worse than a few decades ago.

I don't see what there is to celebrate, unless you were already rich.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

In the past few decades the poor or working class decided to send our jobs overseas, so they elected BJ Clinton. TWICE.
And then they decided to destroy the economy and put everybody on Government subsistence, so they elected Barack Hussain Obama. TWICE.
So, the working class got exactly what they asked for - what are you whining for?

That's not an actual question. Is it?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, January 26, 2018 3:32 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Dow closed today at 26,392. Another all-time high close.

A gain of 6,392 since one year ago when this thread was opened and Jump Off said to get out before you earn too much money. That is 32% APR, fairly hard to beat.

That is another 1,007 point gain in 11 trading days (since 9 Jan).

That is a 1,600 point increase since Tax Reform passed 37 days ago. A gain of 6.45%, or 63.7% APR.

An increase of 3,229 since Trump's Budget passed 98 days ago. A gain of 13.9%, or 52% APR.

An increase of 6,660 since Trump took office 1 year and 5 days ago. A gain of 33.8%, or 33.2% APR.

And an increase of 8,050 since Election Day, 443 days ago. A gain of 44%, or 36.2% APR.

OK, so all of those APRs do actually beat the 32%. So all we gotta do is get more Trump Budgets passed, more Tax Reform passed, more Fiscal Control enacted. I imagine next on the horizon is Debt Ceiling control, instead of all this kicking the can down the road.

A rudimentary estimate of when the Dow regained 14,000 is Nov/Dec 2012. For the first time since Oct 2007. That was the gimme portion of a normal cycle, the rebound from the Bear Market, the easiest time frame to make gains.

Election Day 2016 had Dow at 18,332. So that was a gain of about 4,300 in about 4 years, in all-time high territory. Even with GOP fighting to help the economy, Obamanomics was still able to strangle it that much.
That's about 30.7%, or 7.7% per year average.
Even it's best ramp up period got to about 18,100 by about Feb 2015. About 4,100 in about 26 months. About 29%, or 13.2% per year average.

All of the Market gains since Trump's Election Day have been in Record High territory. That is the true test of Market strength.
It took 1 year and 20 days after Trump's Election Day to surpass 29%. And a few days later surpassed 32%.

Bush43 regained 12,000 about July of 2006. So his economy gained about 2,000 of all-time high territory in about 15 months. About 17%, or 13.2% year average.


Friday, January 26, 2018 4:13 PM


Dow closed at 26,616 today.

That is 1,042 point gain in 10 trading days (11 Jan).

That is an increase of 1,824 since Tax Reform passed 38 days ago. A gain of 7.4%, or 70.7% APR.

And an increase of 3,453 since Trump's Budget passed 99 days ago. A gain of 14.9%, or 55%APR.

An increase of 6,884 since Trump took office 1 year and 6 days ago. A gain of 34.9%, or 34.3% APR.

An increase of 8,284 since Election Day, 444 days ago. A gain of 44.2%, or 37.1% APR.


Friday, January 26, 2018 5:35 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Meanwhile in Working Class Land...
"Any good jobs yet?"

I am unsure where you are located. Have you checked the job market lately? I am getting recruiter calls at a frenzied pace.

What field are you in? I think a lot of it depends on that. The work I was doing is largely gone now, and not likely to ever come back. I see no reason why any company would pay Americans 10 times as much as they could pay Indians to do remotely after they've been doing so for a decade.

Getting into tech was a horrible idea, even though I was good at it. I had a few teachers in High School that wanted me to get into the trades, but that was viewed as dirty work that was beneath you if you had some brains. (Thanks Public School!). Wish I took their advice, or that I had somebody like Mike Rowe as a mentor back then.

At this point in my life I'll be doing menial jobs from now on unless I can make some money working for myself. I'm never going back to school, so that's off the table.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, January 26, 2018 6:32 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Meanwhile in Working Class Land...
"Any good jobs yet?"

I am unsure where you are located. Have you checked the job market lately? I am getting recruiter calls at a frenzied pace.

What field are you in? I think a lot of it depends on that. The work I was doing is largely gone now, and not likely to ever come back. I see no reason why any company would pay Americans 10 times as much as they could pay Indians to do remotely after they've been doing so for a decade.

Getting into tech was a horrible idea, even though I was good at it. I had a few teachers in High School that wanted me to get into the trades, but that was viewed as dirty work that was beneath you if you had some brains. (Thanks Public School!). Wish I took their advice, or that I had somebody like Mike Rowe as a mentor back then.

I was originally Electronics Technician, Avionics repair. Drifted into Electronics assembly, Electrical Panels Assembly and installation. Now the phrase is Electro-Mechanical Technician, a vastly lower level of training needed.


Friday, January 26, 2018 6:57 PM


I tested well and got 4 certifications in Mechatronics a few years back, and that was even during some of my heaviest drinking. I actually wrote up some study guides for the courses that teachers asked my permission if they could use after the class was over. I screwed up my chances getting any jobs through that because of my drunken idiocy though. Maybe I should dust off those study materials and refresh my brain on all of it and see if I can do something with them. I actually really enjoyed the classes.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, January 30, 2018 3:24 PM


rezident owtsidr

U O!!!

Iz this the beginning uv the fun part uv the roller-coaster ride?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, January 30, 2018 8:11 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
U O!!!

Iz this the beginning uv the fun part uv the roller-coaster ride?

Ya know what's interesting to me J0?

Quote from the article:

The triple-digit loss on Monday was attributed to rising long-term interest rates

The interest rates have been just about nothing for a very long time now. During that time, I managed to get my credit score from the 740's to a staggering 820+.

Yet, somehow, the interest rates on most of my cards are ridiculously high compared to what they were before all the crashing began. Back in the days of 0% for 12 month balance transfers that ended around 2005-2006, most of my cards were in the high single digits, and my credit score was only around 670 because I had a BS judgement against me for never paying a seatbelt ticket that went to claims. It wasn't until about a year of owning my home that it jumped over 800. I don't think I have a card with a rate better than 19.99% right now.

Do you know if you can haggle these rates like you used to be able to? I never even bothered looking into it because I just use the cards and pay them off right away so I can get the rewards points.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, January 30, 2018 11:35 PM


rezident owtsidr

I ran up about 100k in credit card det befor the crash, most uv it well befor 2008 kuz the 'crash' started early for machinists. I didnt plan on it, I just got sucked into the credit vortex they created to harvest wealth from the working class. They got greedy and recked their own game.

To ansr your Q, my advise iz to stop paying if you owe alot. Just stop and wait, to hell with your gorram credit score. Eventually, they start offering pay off dealz at a fraction uv wut you owe. They keep getting lower and lower and eventually they give up. They do a 'charje-off' and then you count it az income on your 1040.

So your brownie points sink to 300. Why do you care wen you arent playing the Money From The Future game anymore? You effectively win the game by stealing a little bit uv the money that wuz stolen from you by Wall Street befor you ever knew it existed.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, January 30, 2018 11:36 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
U O!!!

Iz this the beginning uv the fun part uv the roller-coaster ride?

Goodness, Dow closed at 26,076. Is the sky fallng?
It hasn't closed that low since Tuesday, 16 Jan - 2 weeks or 10 trading days ago. Is the sky falling?
That is 540 points below the all-time high. Is the sky falling? Can we panic now?
That is a falling back of 2.03% from its all-time high. Is the sky falling yet? Can we panic now?

Honestly, for me personally, this is great, although that is selfish of me. I recently noticed a small chunk of money which had been sitting in a Government Securities Investment fund, and I initiated a transfer to Stock Market funds. That transfer takes effect at Close of Business on Tuesday. So allowing me to buy in at a 2% discount is fine by me. That was not planning. If I had Dollar Cost Averaged, then I could claim the wisdom of planning, but I only made one single transfer. So it was mere luck.

Every single day of history prior to 2 weeks ago had a close lower than today's.
Under Obamanomics when Trump was Elected, this many points would have been 3%. But the Market has expanded so much under Trump that it is a smaller share.

You are welcome to panic if you desire.


Wednesday, January 31, 2018 8:03 AM



Originally posted by JO753:
I ran up about 100k in credit card det befor the crash, most uv it well befor 2008 kuz the 'crash' started early for machinists. I didnt plan on it, I just got sucked into the credit vortex they created to harvest wealth from the working class. They got greedy and recked their own game.

To ansr your Q, my advise iz to stop paying if you owe alot. Just stop and wait, to hell with your gorram credit score. Eventually, they start offering pay off dealz at a fraction uv wut you owe. They keep getting lower and lower and eventually they give up. They do a 'charje-off' and then you count it az income on your 1040.

So your brownie points sink to 300. Why do you care wen you arent playing the Money From The Future game anymore? You effectively win the game by stealing a little bit uv the money that wuz stolen from you by Wall Street befor you ever knew it existed.

I actually owe nothing and I haven't paid a dime in interest in credit cards or loans since 2006.

It's funny you mention all of that though. They can't touch my house or car. My car is a piece of shit. I need a new furnace and air conditioning would be nice. I have a major porch renovation that needs being done. I'd love to pay somebody to knock out all of my teeth and get some nice dentures.

I've actually been considering talking to a financial advisor about this.

Why not just buy all of that stuff on credit, default on the payments and file for bankruptcy afterward?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, January 31, 2018 10:35 AM


rezident owtsidr

If they can prove that you did it intentionally, they take all your stuff and you go to jail.

You see, it takes money to steal money, so us pee onz dont get to play the big game. Look how long Bernie Madoff got away with stealing billionz wile the credit card companyz and the gubmint wuz going after peepl who coudnt keep up with their car paymnents.

And wut Madoff made off with wuz chump chanje compared to wut the big banks steal every yir.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Wednesday, January 31, 2018 12:08 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
If they can prove that you did it intentionally, they take all your stuff and you go to jail.

You see, it takes money to steal money, so us pee onz dont get to play the big game. Look how long Bernie Madoff got away with stealing billionz wile the credit card companyz and the gubmint wuz going after peepl who coudnt keep up with their car paymnents.

And wut Madoff made off with wuz chump chanje compared to wut the big banks steal every yir.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early

Yeah... I figured as much. I wasn't really entertaining the idea.

Pretty much screwed myself before it even launched by putting the words on the internet. Anybody worth half of what they're getting paid for should have been able to find this post in an investigation if I was ever dumb enough to try it and think I'd ever get away with it.

It really was more of me just venting my frustrations about being so gorram fiscally responsible yet watching almost nobody around me doing so and getting away with it somehow.

I'd never actually do it. I know that score doesn't really mean all that much since I don't really need it for anything anymore, but I like having it. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, January 31, 2018 4:04 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JO753:
U O!!!

Iz this the beginning uv the fun part uv the roller-coaster ride?

Goodness, Dow closed at 26,076. Is the sky fallng?
It hasn't closed that low since Tuesday, 16 Jan - 2 weeks or 10 trading days ago. Is the sky falling?
That is 540 points below the all-time high. Is the sky falling? Can we panic now?
That is a falling back of 2.03% from its all-time high. Is the sky falling yet? Can we panic now?

Honestly, for me personally, this is great, although that is selfish of me. I recently noticed a small chunk of money which had been sitting in a Government Securities Investment fund, and I initiated a transfer to Stock Market funds. That transfer takes effect at Close of Business on Tuesday. So allowing me to buy in at a 2% discount is fine by me. That was not planning. If I had Dollar Cost Averaged, then I could claim the wisdom of planning, but I only made one single transfer. So it was mere luck.

Every single day of history prior to 2 weeks ago had a close lower than today's.
Under Obamanomics when Trump was Elected, this many points would have been 3%. But the Market has expanded so much that it is a smaller share.

You are welcome to panic if you desire.

Looks like it increased again today. Yesterday was your chance to panic.


Wednesday, January 31, 2018 4:12 PM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK: I know that score doesn't really mean all that much since I don't really need it for anything anymore, but I like having it.

I'll trade with you! 100 points for 2 crisp fresh oranj Monopoly 500$ billz!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Thursday, February 1, 2018 12:00 AM



Originally posted by JO753:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK: I know that score doesn't really mean all that much since I don't really need it for anything anymore, but I like having it.

I'll trade with you! 100 points for 2 crisp fresh oranj Monopoly 500$ billz!

Gimme 4 and you've got a deal! Then I can be Rich and make out on all those Trump tax breaks like Second!!!!

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, February 1, 2018 5:16 AM


rezident owtsidr


We hav a delivery problem tho. I dont no wer to send the play money and you probably dont hav a way to make Tranzunion, Equifax or the otherz add points to my score. The only way I think that can happen iz to give my a substantial amount uv real money, like 100,000$ or more. Or maybe if youre actually a hacker and can manipilate their system?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Thursday, February 1, 2018 7:00 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JO753:
U O!!!

Iz this the beginning uv the fun part uv the roller-coaster ride?

Goodness, Dow closed at 26,076. Is the sky fallng?
It hasn't closed that low since Tuesday, 16 Jan - 2 weeks or 10 trading days ago. Is the sky falling?
That is 540 points below the all-time high. Is the sky falling? Can we panic now?
That is a falling back of 2.03% from its all-time high. Is the sky falling yet? Can we panic now?

Honestly, for me personally, this is great, although that is selfish of me. I recently noticed a small chunk of money which had been sitting in a Government Securities Investment fund, and I initiated a transfer to Stock Market funds. That transfer takes effect at Close of Business on Tuesday. So allowing me to buy in at a 2% discount is fine by me. That was not planning. If I had Dollar Cost Averaged, then I could claim the wisdom of planning, but I only made one single transfer. So it was mere luck.

Every single day of history prior to 2 weeks ago had a close lower than today's.
Under Obamanomics when Trump was Elected, this many points would have been 3%. But the Market has expanded so much that it is a smaller share.

You are welcome to panic if you desire.

Looks like it increased again today. Yesterday was your chance to panic.

2 consecutive days of gains. How does your panic alarm system interpret this falling sky?


Thursday, February 1, 2018 8:51 PM


rezident owtsidr

Looks like a miniature copy uv 1987 so far.

Not that it meanz anything substantial. Investorz can possibly rezist the temptation to pull out with their ill-gained loot and hang in for a long term platue wile reality catchez up to the fake number.

But that duznt seem likely.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Friday, February 2, 2018 3:10 PM


... stay crunchy...

Market crashing - grab your go bag.


Friday, February 2, 2018 5:59 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

For those not so clued on the math concept, that is more than the 8% per year Obama did in his first 2 years - without GOP control of Congress.
And that is more than the 12% per year for Bobo's 6 years with GOP control of Congress, despite Bobo having the absolutely easiest period for economic recuperation. Now Trump is adding on top of already historic highs, a much more difficult feat.

The Bad News in the Good News

Paul Krugman FEB. 2, 2018

This morning’s job market report was definitely good. Job creation was surprisingly strong for this late in an economic expansion; wages are finally rising, although still far more slowly than they were before the Great Recession. You never want to make too much of one month’s report, but this was clearly positive.

And stocks plunged. What?

One answer is that stocks gonna do what they’re gonna do – as Paul Samuelson famously put it, the market predicted nine of the last five recessions. But there’s a bit of economic logic here too. One way of looking at recent economic data is that they’re actually telling us that future U.S. growth will be lower than one might have hoped.

If we care about the medium term – say, 5 or 10 years – prospects for U.S. growth depend on two things. First, how much slack is there in the economy? How many people who aren’t working can still be drawn into employment without inflation taking off?

Second, how fast will productivity – output per person-hour – rise?

The first question has posed something of a puzzle. Standard indicators like the unemployment rate and the quit rate suggest an economy at more or less full employment. (Quits matter because they tell us how easily workers expect to find new jobs.) But low wage growth suggested that there might still be substantial room to run.

Now, finally, we may be seeing some significant wage gains:

Again, you don’t want to make too much of one month’s number. But the wage gain strengthens the case that we really are near full employment; interest rates rose because the odds of Fed rate hikes to limit inflation have risen. And that hit stocks.

Meanwhile, productivity numbers have been pretty dismal:

So what the data are suggesting, although not with a lot of confidence, is that America is about to settle into a low-growth rut, maybe 1.5% a year. And yes, that’s only half what Trump is promising.


Friday, February 2, 2018 7:34 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
For those not so clued on the math concept, that is more than the 8% per year Obama did in his first 2 years - without GOP control of Congress.
And that is more than the 12% per year for Bobo's 6 years with GOP control of Congress, despite Bobo having the absolutely easiest period for economic recuperation. Now Trump is adding on top of already historic highs, a much more difficult feat.

The Bad News in the Good News

Paul Krugman FEB. 2, 2018

This morning’s job market report was definitely good. Job creation was surprisingly strong for this late in an economic expansion; wages are finally rising, although still far more slowly than they were before the Great Recession. You never want to make too much of one month’s report, but this was clearly positive.

And stocks plunged. What?

One answer is that stocks gonna do what they’re gonna do – as Paul Samuelson famously put it, the market predicted nine of the last five recessions. But there’s a bit of economic logic here too. One way of looking at recent economic data is that they’re actually telling us that future U.S. growth will be lower than one might have hoped.

If we care about the medium term – say, 5 or 10 years – prospects for U.S. growth depend on two things. First, how much slack is there in the economy? How many people who aren’t working can still be drawn into employment without inflation taking off?

Second, how fast will productivity – output per person-hour – rise?

The first question has posed something of a puzzle. Standard indicators like the unemployment rate and the quit rate suggest an economy at more or less full employment. (Quits matter because they tell us how easily workers expect to find new jobs.) But low wage growth suggested that there might still be substantial room to run.

Now, finally, we may be seeing some significant wage gains:


Again, you don’t want to make too much of one month’s number. But the wage gain strengthens the case that we really are near full employment; interest rates rose because the odds of Fed rate hikes to limit inflation have risen. And that hit stocks.

Meanwhile, productivity numbers have been pretty dismal:


So what the data are suggesting, although not with a lot of confidence, is that America is about to settle into a low-growth rut, maybe 1.5% a year. And yes, that’s only half what Trump is promising.

These graphs look to support my post on Obamanomics.

And Krugman claims Economic Expansion for the past decade? Is his favorite flavor of Koolaid called absinthe?


Friday, February 2, 2018 8:01 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

These graphs look to support my post on Obamanomics.

And Krugman claims Economic Expansion for the past decade? Is his favorite flavor of Koolaid called absinthe?

The economy grew under Obama no faster or slower than under Trump.

The two ways Presidents have to grow the economy are war spending and infrastructure spending, but Congress has a say in both of those. There is a really effective way to shrink the economy: cause a market crash. Presidents can crash the economy all by themselves without Congressional permission. Ask the ghosts of Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover how that’s done. Or ask George Bush, if still alive. He keeps a lower public profile than Hoover for some reason.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, February 2, 2018 10:46 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

These graphs look to support my post on Obamanomics.

And Krugman claims Economic Expansion for the past decade? Is his favorite flavor of Koolaid called absinthe?

The economy grew under Obama no faster or slower than under Trump.


Are you intentionally lying to us, your fellow Firefly Fans? Or do you just have no clue? Regurgitating vomit expelled by your Libtard friends despite their having been proven to be wrong endlessly?

Did you intentionally choose a graph which was missing the period you claimed would prove your point? You have a graph of Obama's abysmal history, and proclaim that it actually represents Trump's achievements?
Your graph seems to end at 2016. At around 17,000. Real GDP from Q4 2017 is really reported as 19,738 Billion. That would be shown on your graph as a slope rising as much vertically as from about where 2005 would be, to the right side of your box, but in one-thirteenth of the horizontal space. That is the skyrocketing ramp of what Trump accomplished, compared to Obama's dismal record.
Apparently the hangover from Obamanomics gave Q1 a 0.7% increase in Real GDP. 3.2% for Q3. 2.6% for Q4.
Other info indicates that if 2016 had an increase of 2.8%, then 2017 had 4.1%.

That info is from last Friday's press release from Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Since Obamination was not in the White House in 2005, which was 2,700 Billion before the end of Obamination, this shows Bobo's economy actually grew less in his whole 2 terms than the 2,700 Trump recorded in his first 11 months, or 49 weeks.


Friday, February 2, 2018 11:00 PM


rezident owtsidr

Not seeing my JSF Dow number report here. Wundr wy?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Friday, February 2, 2018 11:06 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
Not seeing my JSF Dow number report here. Wundr wy?

Was it an all-time high close?


Saturday, February 3, 2018 12:22 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:
Market crashing - grab your go bag.

Ass always, G panicking in his delusions.






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