**Any other Sci-fi shows worth a look??

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 27, 2006 16:37
VIEWED: 4440
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Sunday, November 26, 2006 5:35 PM


Hi, I love Firefly/Serenity, also farscape, Bab5 are there any other Sci-fi shows that are totally wonderful??

I would love to hear what shows you found memorable and worth adding to your collections as you want to watch them more than once.

Not just sci-fi but generally anything that takes you on a amazing journey.

Love to hear your idears on what shows/ Moives are worth a look.

Have a great day
(note new to site so note sure what format or comands I was suposed to use.)


Sunday, November 26, 2006 5:44 PM


The re-imagined Battlestar Galactica is a decent runner-up to Firefly. Stargate SG-1 has been great for ten years, so, there's that. The new Doctor Who has been good so far. Other than those shows, I can't say there's anything else worth it these days.

Edit: I can't believe I forgot Eureka! how lame of me.

Welcome aboard!

Fe'nos Tol
JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Sunday, November 26, 2006 6:47 PM


Welcome aboard!

I love the new shows Heroes and Eureka. Eureka has some of that quirkiness that reminds me of Joss' shows.

There will be a new show on SciFi, I think in January, called The Dresden Files. Based on a great book series by Jim Butcher. Totally hilarious, hope SciFi does it justice.

That's all I can think of right now. Hope that helps!




Sunday, November 26, 2006 7:30 PM


The others has covered just about every decent show in the genre so I will toss Supernatural into the mix. While technically not sci-fi, it is a great show.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Sunday, November 26, 2006 7:48 PM


Battlestar Galactica is more than a decent runner up to Firefly. They're both my two favorite shows of all time and now that Firefly is off the air Battlestar takes the cake. I'm so into Battlestar now that I think I'd even have a hard time choosing a favorite if they were both on right now. I don't hang on any of their boards though because they'd probably be a bunch of Bush-Bot-Warhawks that would drive me up a freakin wall. Plus you guys are my exclusive internet friends... even FutureMsFillion.

If you ever watched any Star Trek and enjoyed it, this show should completely ruin Star Trek for you. This is so much more real than anything that I've ever seen before Firefly and it makes most situations in any Star Trek laughable in retrospect. The situation on this show is eternal desperation with very little relief. Everything and everyone is so amazingly conflicted and when you get to be the omnicient being that's watching all the angles you get a sense about war and that, just like in real life, there are many shades of grey and there are no True or False questions.

Very Very Good. 11 stars out of 10. Must see!

Go ahead and download the old ones. It's doing well enough to probably get a few more years. If you feel guilty about downloading it later, you can always buy the DVDs and watch the show on Friday's at 9:00PM Central. When midseason starts, it's moving to Sunday 9:00PM Central.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." http://www.myspace.com/6ixstringjack


Monday, November 27, 2006 5:52 AM


There's also Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, arguably one of the best Trek series ever. If you don't know anything about Star Trek, I'd recommend Enterprise (it's far better then most knee-jerk hate-everything-post-TOS "Trekkies" say it is).

Any fan of Firefly should at least check out Buffy & Angel. Even if you don't like 'em, at least give 'em a fair shake.

Has anyone invoked Farscape yet?

If you allow for animated shows, there's a whole mess of them, both animé (InuYasha, Cowboy Bebop, Gundam Seed, Oban Star Racers) and non (W.I.T.C.H., Avatar, Batman/Superman/Justice League [three shows, but they kinda run together chronologically])

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, November 27, 2006 6:23 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I guess it all depends on how much Sci you want in your Fi. The shows I am going to mention are either currently airing or out on dvd.

As far as space-based shows, the new Galactica is very good, although in my opinion not as good as either Firefly (the best ever) or Babylon 5.

Currently I am watching the one and only season of Showtime's Odyssey 5, which is watchable so far but probably not one I will rewatch. Look for me to sell that on ebay when I'm done.

A little more down-to-Earth, there is Dark Angel, set in a post-apocalyptic Seattle and concerning genetically engineered soldiers.

Another canceled Showtime effort is Jeremiah, which was created by B5's J. Michael Straczynski. Only the first season is out on dvd, and it ends on quite a cliffhanger, but I enjoyed it a lot and hope season two is released eventually, even though I have heard JMS gave up control of it by that time.

On the fantasy end of the spectrum, you can not do better than Buffy and Angel. This is where Joss got his start, and you can see quite a few writers and directors that have worked for him for a long time, including into Firefly.

I would also recommend the fantasy/mystical/horror series American Gothic, which starred Gary Cole. The best way I can describe the show is to ask you to imagine a devil-possessed Andy of Mayberry.

Dead Like Me is another aborted Showtime series that is out on dvd, and also currently repeating on the Sci-Fi Channel on Tuesdays.

Currently there is NBC's Heroes, and Sci-Fi's Galactica, Doctor Who and the Stargates, and Eureka will return next year and I'm sure the first year will get a dvd release soon. Also ABC's Lost, which is currently on hiatus until Feb. 7, but still a compelling show (in spite of its many detractors).

ETA: Since I just noticed the original post said something about it not having to be totally sci-fi, I had to return to plug my current favortie show. Veronica Mars on The CW Tuesdays at 9pm Eastern. It's in its third season, and the first two are out on dvd.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Monday, November 27, 2006 7:45 AM


I also recommend the new Battlestar Galactica and the old Cowboy Bebop. Both excellent shows that I find I like more than Firefly for various reasons. There are a lot of things in Firefly that remind me of Cowboy Bebop... even showed it to a friend I converted to the Way of Firefly, and she was floored by it. In a good way.

I'll also through out there Ghost In the Shell: The Stand Alone Complex (both seasons) as one hell of a piece of Science Fiction.


Tuesday, November 28, 2006 8:54 AM


TORCHWOOD. The "Doctor Who" spin-off series is a bit of a cross between "X-Files" and "Angel". A great cast dynamic and stories that will keep you guessing until the end.

"Jayne is a girl's name" - River


Tuesday, November 28, 2006 9:38 AM


Ok here's a few to look at.

Space Above and Beyond: It's gotten rave reviews. I thought the acting was kinda wooden, but the premise was excellent. Like any T.V. serial, some episodes were better than others.

Starhunter/Starhunter2300: If only to see what Firefly coulda been had it not had good writers, actors and less budget. Apparently Starhunter2300 is better. Sounds like a cross between Firefly and Andromeda.

Starship Troopers:Roughnecks: Computer animation. What Starship shoulda coulda woulda been. I liked this one.

Overall, I liked Roughnecks the best then S:AAB and finally Starhunter but only because I'm a Space movie junkie and I happen to like Micheal Pare. Too bad good movie roles don't like him (Uwe Boll...)

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Thursday, November 30, 2006 12:31 PM


Well BSG has been mentioned but here it is again.

BSG - worth it for Boomer, but a cracking show as well.

If you wanna stretch Sci-fi a bit I am a big fan of The Dead Zone.

New Doctor Who is great and I've heard Torchwood is good but haven't seen it myself.

Again a stretch but I find Smallville good if you can get past the cheesyness of some episodes/lines.

Going back a bit there's also B5 and Dark Angel.

The more a show is mentioned here the more it is liked so go with BSG for definite. If you like Firefly you'll like this.



Friday, December 1, 2006 8:43 PM


Well I will mention "Medium". It is totally different. They keep the show fresh by having different twists to each episode. Not what you would expect from a pyschic TV show.



Saturday, December 2, 2006 6:59 AM


Plus, Mark "Badger" Sheppard keeps turning up (he was in it just this week, in fact). Speaking of, I'd better go watch that tape before I record over it.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Saturday, December 2, 2006 7:21 AM


the 4400 is really good. Not really very sci-fi but everyone should watch the Lone Gunman.

oh and Tripping the Rift, Lex and Dead like me.
Is it just me or do I have a thing for off-air T.V. Shows?

An I carried such a torch


Saturday, December 2, 2006 7:29 AM


Hello Cybersnark:

And our good friend who played Niska also showed up in "Medium", in that episode.

Before you know it Gina Torres will show up on this program.



Saturday, December 2, 2006 7:43 AM


I would recommend:
1. Doctor Who - also check out the classic series now on DVDs with Tom Baker and Jon Pertwee as the doctor back in the 70s. I recommend "the ark in Space" and "the Claws of Axos" Although the new series has modern effects, the classic series is still the best.
2. Battlestar Gallactica - great show, although damn depressing. Can't there be a show where no one gets killed or cries?



Saturday, December 2, 2006 7:51 AM


No Copilot, you are not alone about off-air TV shows. Add me to that list. I am sure there are more people who suffer form it.

And good call about the "Lone Gunman". That is another show I am bitter about having a short run.



Saturday, December 2, 2006 8:41 AM



Originally posted by traveler:
Hello Cybersnark:

And our good friend who played Niska also showed up in "Medium", in that episode.

Just watched it. I thought that was him, but I wasn't sure.

Now I need to find a screencap of "Badger" and "Niska," face-to-face at last.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Saturday, December 2, 2006 8:54 AM


Stargate SG-1 definitely, Eureka's been great, i can't wait for the next season, ehmmm... but so far nothing can beat firefly.


Monday, December 4, 2006 12:46 AM


Well, lets see here. FF,B5,STKos,STKvoy,Xfiles,4400,Kolshackos,Brisco County jr, Jack of All Trades, Lone Gunman, Now and Again, Eureka, Millennium, Time Traxx, Time Cop, Planet of the Apes movies, and Stargate tv series.

I like smacken em


Monday, December 4, 2006 2:54 PM


Earth 2


Wednesday, December 27, 2006 2:38 PM



Babylon 5, Farscape, Red Dwarf, New Dr Who.


Hamish MacBeth, Green Wing, Black Books, Spaced. Northern Exposure.

Not keen on Torchwood. As a Firefly fan, you'll be happy with good plots, but will take as much pleasure from learning the characters' characters and watching how they develop in plausible ways. TW rewrites behaviour by the week so that the plot dictates how anyone acts. Sod what they were like last week, or five minutes ago.

And that Owen. He always gets laid, and I really can't understand why. (This is not jealousy for once - just very very bad vibes). A totally vile, creepy personality. Even my telly feels like it's been slimed after he's appeared on it.


Wednesday, December 27, 2006 3:02 PM


Hey, Toriana! I have nothing to add -- show-wise. I simply wanted to welcome you to our (Haken's but we claim it as our own!) shiny board!

We love new people with their very shiny new stories!

Walk about, talk alot, post often, and stay out of Reaver (Troll) country! They smell and usually will make one cry; either the fumes or the irritation does that.

I'll alert FollowMal, our Lady-of-the-Coats and boss-lady, she says welcome in the best way.

In the meantime, welcome!



Wednesday, December 27, 2006 3:54 PM


My short list of great Sci Fi television :

1) Babylon 5 ( seasons 2-4 )
2) Outer Limits (New Series - 6 "themed" DVD's out..all great)
3) Outer Limits ( original series )every epiosode is a gem!
4) Star Trek - Fan Collection (Time Travel is best)
5) Cleopatra 2525 ( a little cheesy, but alot of fun...AND features Gina Torres never looking better!...check out last epsiode...awesome! The show was cancelled,like Firefly, without warning and with the best yet to come.
6) Battlestar Galcatica (ORIGINAL 1978) 22 episodes...yeah not high tech like the current version...but I still LOVE the characters to this day!)
7) Time Tunnel....superb quality DVD out..lots of fun!
8) Enterprise ( season 3) only season I liked...great story-arc season.

"Can I get all sexed now?"


Wednesday, December 27, 2006 4:37 PM


For the SF catagory:

Doctor Who (new or old, it's always fun)
Red Dwarf (Think Brit sitcom in space)
Star Trek (Original series or Next Gen. Jettison the rest)
Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis (good, very good)
Sapphire and Steel (very weird and short-lived British show starring David McCallum and Joanna Lumley)
Blake's Seven (The original anti-Trek, also British)
Farscape [second only to FF (ie: Joss) for being evil to it's viewers while giving what they want]
Twilight Zone (the bar by which all else is judged)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel (Do I really need to say anything? )
Torchwood (A bit uneven, but still fun.)
Forever Knight (The first broody vamp on TV. Second season was especially fun)
Highlander: the Series (Fun, good characterization, but ignore 90% of the last season)
War of the Worlds (First season only, good characters, squicky monsters, interesting plots)

For others:
The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. (Great fun and horses, what more can you ask for?)
Wild, Wild West (Speaking of Brisco, let's go with it's forerunner)
The Avengers (Mrs Peel, of course)
MacGyver (fun and smart)
All Creatures Great and Small (a lovely series, with a nice look at pre-WWII England)
Maverick (great fun the original Western anti-heroes)
Barney Miller (fun in a New York precinct, Ed Mcbain's 87th it ain't )
Bones (One of the better forensic shows and with former Angel star, David Boranez)

I think I'll stop here and cut it short.


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