Help! I don't know what to buy!!! Battlestar? Dead Like Me? *whimper*

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 25, 2007 05:55
VIEWED: 4480
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Monday, December 17, 2007 5:34 PM


I've got a 40% off coupon for a boxed DVD set from Borders. If they'd had Farscape in stock, I would have snatched it up. But they don't. =(
They *do* have Battlestar Galactaca, though, which I've never watched, but it's getting raves everywhere I look, so...

I staunchly defend that I'm NOT THAT BIG a sci-fi fan. I don't watch Star Trek. I was never that into Star Wars... And yet... X-Files and Firefly are my favorite shows.

So. Why do you guys like BSG? And are there any Browncoat ladies who love it as well? I confess I'm a total shipper. If there's a good romance on the show, I'll probably dig it. Give me a shout out!!!

"Can you, for a moment, imagine how depressing it is to teach one thousand years of masculine ineptitude? Why do you think there are so few women historians? I'll tell you why. Because history is not such a frolic for women as it is for men... History is a commentary on the various and continuing incapabilities of men. History is women following behind with a bucket and a mop." - Alan Bennett, "The History Boys"


Monday, December 17, 2007 5:57 PM


I'm a lady who loves BSG, and yes, there's lots of romance. Most of it is twisted, but it's romance.

Use your coupon on season 1. I don't think you'll regret it.

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Monday, December 17, 2007 6:06 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I dunno, I liked BSG, but I like Dead Like Me more. Not a whole lot of romance from what I've seen so far, but... It's a good show. And I think one of the guys is really hot, but that's just my opinion.

I don't think that being cautiously ashamed, or selectively ashamed, or in any way ashamed of who I am is any way to live my life.


Monday, December 17, 2007 6:33 PM


Buy "Lost in Space" and have a good laugh.
I would go with season two because it is in color and has more Dr. Smith and Robot.



Monday, December 17, 2007 6:36 PM


Umm... No, that's okay.

Anyone else? What do you love about the show?

"Can you, for a moment, imagine how depressing it is to teach one thousand years of masculine ineptitude? Why do you think there are so few women historians? I'll tell you why. Because history is not such a frolic for women as it is for men... History is a commentary on the various and continuing incapabilities of men. History is women following behind with a bucket and a mop." - Alan Bennett, "The History Boys"


Monday, December 17, 2007 6:41 PM


Well I figure since there are so many BSG fans raving about it all over this board I should add there are those of us who don't like the show. I personal tried very hard but found it was just to angsty and dramatic for my tastes. It's definitely a good show I just can't for the life of me enjoy it. If your into twisted, over complex relationships and not so subtle religious allegory then go for it. I will add most of the acting is none to shabby. Also, the special effects and camera work are the same style as those on Firefly. Of those you mentioned I would say go with Dead Like Me, it's a great show that you can watch over and over... and not want to kill yourself.

Just to clarify my snarky remark about killing yourself is just referring to how fracking depressing BSG can be.


Monday, December 17, 2007 7:34 PM


I just recently got my hands on BSG and watched it for the first time. I watched S1 - S2.5. And, as a female Firefly fan, I enjoyed it immensely.
And let me temper that with the fact that I don't usually like many TV shows.
StrangeBird is right -- there's not a whole lot of comic relief. Except when Starbuck provides a little attitude problem.
You can't go into it expecting Firefly but, that said, I think it's one of the best sci-fi shows to come out since Firefly. In fact it dawned on me 'round about S2 that some of the elements I like about BSG are actually Firefly-esque. But I'll let you watch and discover for yourself.
I like the fact that it's not cheesy. It's a show that takes itself seriously. There are enough plot twists to keep me interested. Not all the episodes are battle & espionage. Some are deeper character studies -- and you can find yourself invested in the characters.
There are plenty of relationships to ponder. As well as what WOULD happen if it were the end of the world.
IMHO, I don't think you'll be disappointed.


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Monday, December 17, 2007 7:38 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

My recommendation would be Wonderfalls, if Borders carries it.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Monday, December 17, 2007 7:52 PM


After posting what I did I feel I should mention that I'm not bashing the show, just giving another viewpoint. It's not my cup of tea, very close but too depressing. Yes the best features of the show are pretty much the same as the best Firefly had to offer. If they'd just get a sense of humor and tone down the angst I would probably love it. I second Wonderfalls as a good recommendation. Quantum Leap is another great show for those of you who aren't the Star Trek type scifi fan.. i.e. me. Season one was not the best by far, but season two on was some of the best television of the 90's. Good luck choosing a series.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007 4:43 AM


I'm another one who doesn't get into many TV shows, but I have watched the two you bring up. Dead Like Me is quirky and fun, but I feel no particular wish to watch it more than once. IMO, worth seeing, but this is one to catch on TV when it's replayed. Or netflix it.

BSG, however, is a damned good show worth watching 2-3 times. (As opposed to Firefly's 100 times LOL!) Doesn't have the humor and warmth of Firefly, but the characters are fascinating and the storyline is inventive. Also, it's visually quite good - the special effects, but more so the uh... I don't know technical stuff... but the filming technique. Colors and such. It's quite lovely. Parts of it are almost exactly like the OOG flashbacks. Stuff like that.

Just a warning: you'll need to get season 2 and 2.5 eventually, those were excellent. It gets less good in season 3, but still worth watching.

Dang - now I feel like going home to watch BSG LOL!

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Tuesday, December 18, 2007 5:46 AM


Although a lot of folks compare FIREFLY and BSG (and there's no denying a certain similarity of visuals), at their hearts, the two are, to me, no more similar than Star Wars and Star Trek. Sure, both take place in space and both are riddled with modern allegory/metaphor, but that's about where it ends.

Don't get me wrong, I like BSG, but it's NOT a replacement for FIREFLY by any stretch of the imagination. BSG is well-plotted, but it's also often dreary, overwrought, and humorless. Although some of the actors are truly exceptional, many of them are wooden.

But I guess that's okay, because I'm often left with the feeling that (unlike FIREFLY, where character MEANS something) these folks are just pieces on a big ol' galactic chessboard, and the writers and powers-that-be move them around at will.

Then there's DEAD LIKE ME, which, as has been pointed out, is a fun (and slightly twisted) show, but probably better rented than purchased.

Despite not loving BSG, I'd say that it's the better PURCHASE of the two... just don't expect FIREFLY.

www.stillflying.net: "Here's how it might have been..."


Tuesday, December 18, 2007 9:09 AM



Originally posted by GWEK:
Although a lot of folks compare FIREFLY and BSG (and there's no denying a certain similarity of visuals)

That's what I meant about the similarities. Both shows have the same visual FX company. The camera work, the spacecraft, and layered scenes all remind me of Firefly. There's something very familiar and comfortable about it.
But the shows are completely different. Truth be told, I would find it hard to watch a show that tracks similar to Firefly. Too many comparisons to be made. My husband wants so badly to like the new vamp show, Moonlight. But he's constantly comparing it to Angel -- and Moonlight comes up short. Nothing will ever replace Firefly for me.
I would still recommend BSG over other sci-fi shows for DVD purchase.


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Tuesday, December 18, 2007 9:29 AM


Gwek: I agree that BSG and Firefly have completely different scopes and feels to us fans of the genre. But viewed on the scale of everything else on TV, even good stuff like Dead Like Me, they are very alike! By which I mean to say: to a non-scifi fan, Star Trek and Star Wars might look exactly the same, shocking as that may be!

But there's no denying that Firefly and BSG appeal to the same audience, generally speaking. It's intelligent sci-fi. There's space and action, but they don't just crap on the human side of things.

Now, speaking for myself, I don't see the hands of the writers blatantly present in the BSG characterizations, except for an episode here and there. But that's unavoidable. Would have happened with Firefly too, if it'd gone on for 3+ seasons.

EmpireX: As for the romance issue... well... there are romances a'plenty, though none have anything like the charm of Mal/Inara. The longest lasting romance (Gaius and the blonde) is quite unusual, but in a way I find highly entertaining. One of the highlights of season 1 for me, actually.

BSG does raise all kinds of questions about different types of relationships and social issues. A bit heavy-handed, with none of Firefly's finesse, but at least they're trying. It's certainly not the usual TV drama crap.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Tuesday, December 18, 2007 10:36 AM


Being male and inept might be an occupation but my pastime is sci-fi. Ask the "other" what might be best. And be sure that the BSG you get is the right one. My brother would more or less go for the original "Lorne Green" version from the seventies. Personally I prefer the more modern Sci-Fi Channel version but I still like to watch the original. Farscape I had no time for.

Just take the time to ask someone who knows. Of the Star Treks I still prefer the original. My wife still prefers to get me seasons of The Next Generation.



Wednesday, December 19, 2007 10:37 AM


It appears you're gonna need more coupons.

BSG Reimagined
Dead Like Me I and II
Eureka I (II not yet out)
Band of Brothers

All excellent boxsets.

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007 11:38 AM


I'm surprised Chrisisall hasn't been here yet to tell you to get 'Dark Angel'
myself I would rent things on netflix,
decide for yourself what you need to own...
and THEN use the coupons!

Do you already have all of Buffy & Angel?


Wednesday, December 19, 2007 12:09 PM


Not into sci-fi much? GET DARK ANGEL!!!
It's like Firefly in that the people come before the sci-fi, and the lead actors are great! The stories are compelling and have humour and depth...it's really more of a love story surrounded by action and drama.
That would be my FIRST recommendation!

Hi Em Chrisisall


Friday, December 21, 2007 5:47 PM


double post


Friday, December 21, 2007 5:47 PM


OK. I took the plunge. I bought BSG Season 1.

I frakking love it.

Just thought I'd make it official with an announcement. Thanks, guys!

How awesome are Lee and Starbuck?!? What a cast!

"Can you, for a moment, imagine how depressing it is to teach one thousand years of masculine ineptitude? Why do you think there are so few women historians? I'll tell you why. Because history is not such a frolic for women as it is for men... History is a commentary on the various and continuing incapabilities of men. History is women following behind with a bucket and a mop." - Alan Bennett, "The History Boys"


Sunday, December 23, 2007 12:15 PM


Yay! I approve of your choice and glad it doesn't disappoint! How far have you gotten?

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Monday, December 24, 2007 7:54 PM


I'm on disc four. Haven't had time to watch disc 5 yet - too much stuff to do right now. Can't wait for it, though!

I'm getting a definite 'shippy vibe from Apollo and Starbuck... hmmm. Wonder if anything will come of that...

"Can you, for a moment, imagine how depressing it is to teach one thousand years of masculine ineptitude? Why do you think there are so few women historians? I'll tell you why. Because history is not such a frolic for women as it is for men... History is a commentary on the various and continuing incapabilities of men. History is women following behind with a bucket and a mop." - Alan Bennett, "The History Boys"


Tuesday, December 25, 2007 5:55 AM



Originally posted by EmpireX:
I'm on disc four.

Enjoy it; season 2.1 is good also.

No 3 Chrisisall






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