UPDATED: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 14:09
VIEWED: 20827
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Friday, October 3, 2008 6:02 PM


I hate to burst everyone's bubble on TSCC, but I've been following this for a few weeks now. And since they just shut down production....



Personally I don't get why TSCC is in the 8pm slot, it's way too violent for that hour (it's making Prison Break look tame, which is a feat) and should take a 9pm slot. Also, I heard the new FOX exec is from NBC, the same guy that has coddled a few low rated shows until they picked up speed and found some success (The Office, which just had it's own CON not too long ago). So all of this talk of axing...... I dunno....

Your Indian Pirate Lord,


Saturday, October 4, 2008 1:25 AM


T:TSCC finished 4th in it's time slot last week, Chuck is'nt doing much better. What FOX cares alot about is the 18 - 49 demo.


Saturday, October 4, 2008 1:26 AM


Repost this in General Discussions...

It's an important awareness issue .

Support Our Summer !


Saturday, October 4, 2008 2:32 AM



Saturday, October 4, 2008 3:30 PM


well crap

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

Trolls Against McCain

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi


Saturday, October 4, 2008 4:16 PM


If the rest of the 18-49 demo are anything like me, they're moving to the internet to watch TV shows so viewing can be scheduled around life instead of life scheduled around viewing. It's more convenient that way without the hassle of setting a timer to record. I hardly ever watch live TV anymore, especially around prime time. Someone needs to tell Neilson to take internet viewing into count... Scratch that. I'll be that "someone" and tell them. But, I fear that the networks will still be cancel-happy because you have less advertising online. Puhh!!

Experience the Horribleness:

Or, learn more at the lair: http://www.drhorrible.com


Saturday, October 4, 2008 4:55 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed PirateNew.org wooHOO!!!!!!

Fox moving the schedule around terminates viewers. Web watching is perhaps 50%, when they bother to post episodes online.

BTW, in my 45 years, I've never been surveyed what I watch. So who is filling out these surveys?

Are they now only using digital cable statistics, with no way of knowing if a human is actually in front of the TV?

As for TTSCC, darkness is okay when balanced with humor, as Joss likes to say. But TTSCC has no humor. Or sex. Or nudity. OD on adrenaline, subclinical level of natural opiates = bum trip.

The Summer Glau Chronicles: Terminator Girl Gone Wild

"On Earth-That-Was, the two ruling powers were once known as America and China. And pot was totally legal, though I probably won't stress that. In fact, forget I said it."
-Joss Whedon, Serenity: The Official Visual Companion, A Brief History of the Universe
circa 2507A.D.

FIREFLY VERSE: Cedric of Bedlam Bards - Hush Little Citizen
Lyrics: www.fireflyfans.net/sunroomitem.asp?i=21027
Video by FireFlyGirl, remix by PirateNews


Saturday, October 4, 2008 7:12 PM


I watched Sarah on FOX.COM. But if all the programs are equally hurting in the rateings then it all balances. Give them a few episodes and people will drift back. I'm not worried. These are good shows and will prove themselves worthy. One thing that does cause some of this is that there is not one grand week where they all primier. These shows are being brought back on different weeks so they lose the impact of a starting a new season with a bang. I am still waiting for "Life on Mars". There are other shows I still have heard nothing about. So it just needs time. I'm telling people about "Fringe" so I hope they get hooked. I know I am.



Sunday, October 5, 2008 4:39 AM


The problem with this show is that there's nothing to it.

Nothing interesting happens: Paranoia, flee, fight. Lather, rinse, repeat.

The story isn't actually going anywhere, none of the characters are compelling or sympathetic, and there is no plot other than to Keep John Connor Alive. Not to mention, you can only smash so many of the wrong computers before the whole "find and destroy SkyNet" becomes a bit of a joke. And I really don't care about "Growing Up Connor", so if they continue with the boo hoo teen angst bullshit, the show is going to cancel itself.

The only semi-interesting character is Summer's, and even then, watching her be an emotionless drone who says or does a few untinentionally quirky or funny things week after week gets a bit mundane. Last week's episode was, so far, the only episode where something new and interesting happens to give any of the characters a little depth. Unfortunately, last week's episode may have happened too late.

For now, Summer Glau is the only reason I watch the show. If she weren't in it, I wouldn't bother.


Sunday, October 5, 2008 5:17 AM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
The problem with this show is that there's nothing to it.

Nothing interesting happens: Paranoia, flee, fight. Lather, rinse, repeat.

The story isn't actually going anywhere, none of the characters are compelling or sympathetic, and there is no plot other than to Keep John Connor Alive. Not to mention, you can only smash so many of the wrong computers before the whole "find and destroy SkyNet" becomes a bit of a joke. And I really don't care about "Growing Up Connor", so if they continue with the boo hoo teen angst bullshit, the show is going to cancel itself.

The only semi-interesting character is Summer's, and even then, watching her be an emotionless drone who says or does a few untinentionally quirky or funny things week after week gets a bit mundane. Last week's episode was, so far, the only episode where something new and interesting happens to give any of the characters a little depth. Unfortunately, last week's episode may have happened too late.

For now, Summer Glau is the only reason I watch the show. If she weren't in it, I wouldn't bother.

I agree. I find the show boring, and I only watch because of Summer...and I'm not sure that's enough anymore.

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Sunday, October 5, 2008 5:25 AM



As for TTSCC, darkness is okay when balanced with humor, as Joss likes to say. But TTSCC has no humor. Or sex. Or nudity. OD on adrenaline, subclinical level of natural opiates = bum trip.

Hey, I love the humor in TSCC! I think that's what makes it better than the most dramas—certainly what makes it more enjoyable. It's nice and dark humor, too, so fitting to the situation, but it still has me giggling.

"My way of being polite, or however...well, it's the only way I have of showing you that I like you. Of showing respect." Simon Tam, Jaynestown


Sunday, October 5, 2008 12:59 PM


Well if it is cancelled then that really will suck big time. I know there are people that don't like the show for whatever reason but surely that applies to all shows. And I'll assume that with it going up against a sport that that will have the same impact as it does here in the UK. The sport will win, always. Sports seem to have a guarranteed audience whatever else may be on.

I keep reading of these Neilsen ratings you have in the US and it seems to me, as an outsider, that they are pretty much useless if they don't take into account the many ways of viewing a show. I would imagine that more people record a show these days than watch it live. Especially with DVR's where you can start watching after the show has started. Do they get counted? I doubt it.

Fingers crossed that it'll keep going.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Monday, October 6, 2008 5:38 PM



Originally posted by lwaves:

I keep reading of these Neilsen ratings you have in the US and it seems to me, as an outsider, that they are pretty much useless if they don't take into account the many ways of viewing a show. I would imagine that more people record a show these days than watch it live. Especially with DVR's where you can start watching after the show has started. Do they get counted? I doubt it.

I dunno. When I watch shows on my DVR, I FF through the commercials. Seems to me that it's pretty hard to convince advertisers that DVR viewership is meaningful. The reality is that American TV is revenue based. Broadcast rights aren't worth much if there is no revenue.

'Course if viewers were like me, there probably wouldn't be any new shows. I almost never pick up shows until they reach syndication (this is true of all Whedon's work to date). Only recent exceptions are House and BSG.


Monday, October 6, 2008 6:50 PM


I DVR everything and FF through it all but tonight I watched the beginning and Dodge stated it was limited commercial interruption. So I started watching and low and behold they were limited and the commercials were actually decent at least for me. Teams of guys throwing Ram trucks around... who wouldn't want to do that. It was like watching stunts done right. Of course there was a lot of product placement with Dodge and the new Ram and it's new features but it didn't detract from the story. Hopefully this will be a taste of things to come. It's not too much to ask to be entertained while be informed of new products. Totally beats all the Political ads.

You gotta job, we can do it, don't much care what it is. ~Detroit Browncoats~


Monday, October 6, 2008 7:59 PM


I thought that having the "Queen" from 300 and Summer would make T:SCC an instant kick-ass hit.
Watched a few episodes and then thought "what a waste of talent". Now here the writing is truly stunted and mundane.

Step 1: Sarah and John fight over whatever
Step 2: Other Terminators come close to finding John
Step 3: Cameron comes in and kicks ass. BTW these "action" scenes are quite stilted. There is no real drama here, just a lot of things getting "blowed up real good".

It's not the actors fault, the writers need to be fired. This show needs to be overhauled. If I need a dose of Terminator action I pull out T2 and remember how good we had it. There were a couple of times, in the pilot, when i thought they were going to allow Summer to act by having her behave like a normal teenager in school with John. But then they just let that go by the wayside and reverted back to her being a robot - boring. I said it before they have totally wasted Summer's acting talent for her "action" talent. I'm all for Summer kicking butt, but she is an amazing talent as a dramatic actor and should be showcased in that light.

I think the producers caught her act in the BDM's Maidenhead Bar scene and began salavating over how great she was in that action sequence that they forgot completely about her acting chops.
I fear that the last episode of her showing those chops may be too little too late.

How many would like to see her in Joss' Dollhouse?
Raise your hands! (excuse me while I clean up my drool).

Shiny! Let's be bad guys!


Tuesday, October 7, 2008 2:44 AM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.

I think being on the same night as Heroes isn't helping either.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008 5:17 AM



Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:
It's not the actors fault, the writers need to be fired. This show needs to be overhauled.

Totally agree. The writing has been pretty poor since the start. There have been a few episodes where something intriguing will happen. They're too few and too far between though. Pretty much the only interesting plot point they have is what kind of terminator Cameron really is and what her real mission is. That doesn't have much to it though. How much can you dance around the answer before just answering it? After it gets answered will there be anything interesting left on a show where you know John and Sarah will live through anything?


Tuesday, October 7, 2008 11:25 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed PirateNew.org wooHOO!!!!!!

Need much more of this:

Not so much of this?

"Respect your parents. Especially when they carry a gun."
-Deputy Josefina Lupo, Eureka, Duck Duck Goose


Tuesday, October 7, 2008 11:37 AM


Lastnight at the end they said new episode in 2 weeks, do'nt panic yet.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008 11:58 AM


I'm sorry, but this 'news' is a bunch of crap. No official announcement has been made concerning the series' future at this time. Last week's huge drop in the ratings prompted a bunch of cancellation scare rumors, but the ratings bounced back this week (yes, they're still down from last year, but so are the ratings for several other sophomore series).

Check out the continuing adventures of the Big Damn Heroes of Joss Whedon's Firefly in Virtual Firefly ( http://www.stillflying.net)


Tuesday, October 7, 2008 12:34 PM



Originally posted by MerryK:

hey you:):):):):):):):):)


Tuesday, October 7, 2008 12:40 PM



Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:

Watched a few episodes and then thought "what a waste of talent". Now here the writing is truly stunted and mundane.

Step 1: Sarah and John fight over whatever
Step 2: Other Terminators come close to finding John
Step 3: Cameron comes in and kicks ass. BTW these "action" scenes are quite stilted. There is no real drama here, just a lot of things getting "blowed up real good".

maybe you worded this wrong/ or i'm mis-reading?? - you say 'a few episodes'???
IF that's true then how do you know the writing needs an overhaul????
The series (IMHO) just keeps getting better - and is moving away from a rigid formula. Recently especially Summer's had some great things to do, in powerful episodes. See PirateNews in this thread for an opposite reaction;)

I don't agree that the shows needs more, uh, legs(koff!) but that could be true to sell the frakker to the mainstream for all i know.
What i DO know is that i have now seen Summer's best performance since Objects in Space.

Ok, so a little focus on summer there - this being a fireflly site and all - but Cameron's character is developing and the plot threads are snarling nicely... and as i said elsewhere -the dark? bring it on!:)

Oh and for a plausible answer to the topic itself here - check the other thread and Cybersnark's comments:


Tuesday, October 7, 2008 3:59 PM



hey you:):):):):):):):):)

Back at you! :-) I've been lurking for a while, being busy with many projects, but I'm trying to post every once in a while now.

"My way of being polite, or however...well, it's the only way I have of showing you that I like you. Of showing respect." Simon Tam, Jaynestown


Tuesday, October 7, 2008 4:19 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Like many here, I only watch the show for Summer - and I hate what they're doing with her. She's so amazingly underutilized on that show! She was far more human in the first episode of the show than she is now that she's "learned" how to be more human.

All they ever have her do is walk like a robot, say a few non sequiturs, and push people through walls. My biggest gripe with the show is that Summer is never, ever allowed to show any of her gracefulness.

If it goes, I can't honestly say I'll miss it very much. I *want* to like the show, but at this point I mostly just wonder why I'm watching it.


This world is a comedy for those who think, and a tragedy for those who feel.

Trolls Against McCain!


Tuesday, October 7, 2008 4:25 PM



Originally posted by xraftermanx:
I DVR everything and FF through it all but tonight I watched the beginning and Dodge stated it was limited commercial interruption. So I started watching and low and behold they were limited and the commercials were actually decent at least for me. Teams of guys throwing Ram trucks around... who wouldn't want to do that. It was like watching stunts done right. Of course there was a lot of product placement with Dodge and the new Ram and it's new features but it didn't detract from the story. Hopefully this will be a taste of things to come. It's not too much to ask to be entertained while be informed of new products. Totally beats all the Political ads.

Wanna see more

Proud sponsor of Terminator: The Sarah Connors Chronicles http://ramchallenge.com

Firemen vs Military vs Cowboys vs Contractors
Fire Mud Trucks

Enter to win your own



Tuesday, October 7, 2008 4:25 PM


Wish we had had contests for Firefly...


Wednesday, October 8, 2008 4:53 AM


Who thinks the "never back down" title for the contest is holding it back? I think a "hope summer gets a better role after this stinker gets canceled" sweepstakes would go over much better.


Thursday, October 9, 2008 2:25 AM



Originally posted by traveler:
I watched Sarah on FOX.COM. But if all the programs are equally hurting in the rateings then it all balances. Give them a few episodes and people will drift back. I'm not worried. These are good shows and will prove themselves worthy. One thing that does cause some of this is that there is not one grand week where they all primier. These shows are being brought back on different weeks so they lose the impact of a starting a new season with a bang. I am still waiting for "Life on Mars". There are other shows I still have heard nothing about. So it just needs time. I'm telling people about "Fringe" so I hope they get hooked. I know I am.

I just love "Fringe". The first episode was on in the UK on Sky One Sunday and it was very good. Can't wait to see more. I have been telling my friends to tune in, it is that good. As for TSCC I have caught a few episodes but apart from wanting to see Summer there was no real emotional pull to the show so I just couldn't get hooked no matter how much I wanted to for her sake. Just caught an episode of "Desperate Housewives" and it's the eppy where Gary Cole's bad guy knocks Nathan's character out then ties him to a chair. Hmm, looks like our Cappy could use some BDHs just about now...


Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me...


Friday, October 10, 2008 4:46 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:
Who thinks the "never back down" title for the contest is holding it back? I think a "hope summer gets a better role after this stinker gets canceled" sweepstakes would go over much better.

That's one of the reasons the show is not performing. People like zeek who should be grateful that Summer was one of the main reasons Firefly was good and not trash her new project everytime he sees fit. I thought Firefly was anti-troll but this guy is a bonafide troll. Browncoats don't support Summer the way they should and you wonder why Firefly and Serenity failed. Just shut your yap and support. Simple as that. I''m ashamed to be a browncoat reading some of these messages. Terminator is now IT.


Friday, October 10, 2008 12:33 PM


There's a response to the concerns at http://fox.com/blogs/terminator/2008/10/09/status-update/

Well worth a read, but in essence, it says the show has not yet been canceled. They just ordered scripts for two more episodes, but have not committed to production on them.

The show admittedly has it's faults, but is a lot better than some of the other stuff out there, and it seems to improve with every episode. Every show needs time to grow up. Give this one a chance.

"It’s frickin’ great." - Nathan Fillion


Friday, October 17, 2008 5:58 AM


The Hollywood Reported just did an article on current shows, and where they stand.

TSCC is listed as one of the on-the-bubble shows, which essentially means, they're sticking with it for now, but if ratings don't improve by Christmas or so, it's gone.

I still think they should just pull it for now, and use the currently filmed but unaired episodes to relaunch in January, after 24. Much stronger lead-in, and the marketing will be starting up for Terminator Salvation, raising the profile of the franchise as a whole.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, October 17, 2008 6:27 AM



Originally posted by Jubal99:
That's one of the reasons the show is not performing. People like Zeek who should be grateful that Summer was one of the main reasons Firefly was good and not trash her new project everytime he sees fit. I thought Firefly was anti-troll but this guy is a bonafide troll. Browncoats don't support Summer the way they should and you wonder why Firefly and Serenity failed. Just shut your yap and support. Simple as that. I'm ashamed to be a browncoat reading some of these messages. Terminator is now IT.

First of all, Zeek is not a troll. He's been here a helluva lot longer than you, and he's always an interesting read. Yes, he has opinions. Just because they differ from yours does not mean he's a troll. One of the major premises behind Firefly is independence. The notion that you think everyone ought to give up their independent thought, turn into sheep, and praise crap television is absurd.

Second, Terminator is "not performing" because, among other reasons, the viewing population at large is not interested in it. Being a fan of Firefly or Serenity does not automatically obligate you to like every single thing the actors decide to work with next.

As for Summer being one of the "main reasons Firefly was good," I agree, but I can also point out at least 11 other main reasons why Firefly was good, none of which have anything to do with Summer; she was just one part of a whole great entity. The fact that this site - and many others - exists and we're here at all is testament to our support. The fact that we as a community and Joss as a creator did enough to convince Universal to make Serenity three years after the show was cancelled is testament to our support. Make no mistake, the show failed because FOX failed the show with their own lack of support, not because we didn't support the show or any single actor within the show.

...That being said, I'll still watch Terminator for as long as Summer is in it, even though I still don't think the show is good enough for Summer's talents.


Friday, October 17, 2008 8:55 AM



Originally posted by Jubal99:

Originally posted by Zeek:
Who thinks the "never back down" title for the contest is holding it back? I think a "hope summer gets a better role after this stinker gets canceled" sweepstakes would go over much better.

That's one of the reasons the show is not performing. People like zeek who should be grateful that Summer was one of the main reasons Firefly was good and not trash her new project everytime he sees fit. I thought Firefly was anti-troll but this guy is a bonafide troll. Browncoats don't support Summer the way they should and you wonder why Firefly and Serenity failed. Just shut your yap and support. Simple as that. I''m ashamed to be a browncoat reading some of these messages. Terminator is now IT.

OK so that one post didn't have a ton of tact to it, but as you can see I'm still defending Summer in it. I really do believe her talent is being wasted on this show. I don't like the show and I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to express that opinion.

Sorry I missed your post. I've already given up watching the show and looking at the threads. HK alerted me about it though. Hope we can all be friendly browncoats around here no matter what our opinions.


Friday, October 17, 2008 12:43 PM


I couldn't agree more; the show is stagnating.

I feel that we all want something more (read Firefly) but we aint getting it now or never. Makes me sad (and Mad) I'll watch Summer in this show and Jewel in SGA but I will still be sad for a reason that I can't put into words. Even wifey understands this time.

The same type of people that are failing the world economy took the sky from me and I am mad as hell, but I can't fight what I can't see!!!!!

Why have they taken the sky from ME


Friday, October 17, 2008 12:49 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by Storymark:
I still think they should just pull it for now, and use the currently filmed but unaired episodes to relaunch in January, after 24.

Even if they did that it would air before 24, not after. 24 will be on at 9pm Eastern/Pacific as it has for as long as I can remember, and FOX still does not program in the 10:00 hour. Besides, when 24 comes back it will have a lead-in of Dollhouse, and I would much rather see it than TSCC.

Don't get me wrong, I still watch TSCC, and will continue to do so, but it is mainly because of Summer. It's been a bit better the past couple of episodes and I'm hoping that can continue. But if they are going to move it it needs to be soon, and I would suggest to Wednesdays at 9 following Bones.


Saturday, October 18, 2008 1:44 AM


Reports of Sarah Connor's demise have been highly exaggerated.


"It’s frickin’ great." - Nathan Fillion


Saturday, October 18, 2008 4:51 AM


I just read over at EW.com that SARAH CONNOR has gotten the order for the back nine, so there will be in fact a full season 2 of the show.

Personally, while I watch the show, I don't really have that much of an investment into it, so if they were to cancel it I wouldn't really care. But this is still good news.

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Saturday, October 18, 2008 6:53 AM



Originally posted by Jubal99:


Originally posted by Zeek:

Who thinks the "never back down" title for the contest is holding it back? I think a "hope summer gets a better role after this stinker gets canceled" sweepstakes would go over much better.

That's one of the reasons the show is not performing. People like zeek who should be grateful that Summer was one of the main reasons Firefly was good and not trash her new project everytime he sees fit. I thought Firefly was anti-troll but this guy is a bonafide troll. Browncoats don't support Summer the way they should and you wonder why Firefly and Serenity failed. Just shut your yap and support. Simple as that. I'm ashamed to be a browncoat reading some of these messages. Terminator is now IT.

Sadly, it don't work like that. You can't support something ex nihilo, or just because you decide a person is in it you like.

Sad truth is, TSCC were doomed to fail from the get-go. It had so many internal inconsistencies to start with, that it already could never become a great show -- all, at best, it could hope for, from that moment on was, was damage control and salvage.

Summer has been great. Her portrayal of "Allison from Palmdale" alone should win her an Emmy. But Summer, no matter how good she is, still needs a good script and directors. To say otherwise would be tantamount to saying Joss had nothing to do with Firefly's success. Call it a 'mutual beneficial business arrangement', if you will. And TSCC, without Summer, were hardly even mediocre. I'm sorry about that. A lot went wrong. The 'twerp', his annoyingly always-angry mom, the countless script errors, a storyline that seems to go nowhere, etc. I mean, I ain't sayin' I didn't want it to be different, but the moment it came out, I knew 'tweren't long-lived. In fact, I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did.

There were decidedly some half-way decent episodes, where I sat up in my seat a bit, hoping things would pick up from there, only to see my hopes dashed in the next episode.

Also, point of interest, to force Summer to stay in a boat that's clearly sinking may ultimately just prove to cause her star to sink along with it.

Perhaps it really is time to let go of TSCC.

N.B. And don't tell me now I don't love Summer enough, for she was the main reason I came here, couple of years back. But way it is is the way it is.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, October 18, 2008 7:00 AM



Originally posted by asarian:

Originally posted by Jubal99:


Originally posted by Zeek:

Who thinks the "never back down" title for the contest is holding it back? I think a "hope summer gets a better role after this stinker gets canceled" sweepstakes would go over much better.

That's one of the reasons the show is not performing. People like zeek who should be grateful that Summer was one of the main reasons Firefly was good and not trash her new project everytime he sees fit. I thought Firefly was anti-troll but this guy is a bonafide troll. Browncoats don't support Summer the way they should and you wonder why Firefly and Serenity failed. Just shut your yap and support. Simple as that. I'm ashamed to be a browncoat reading some of these messages. Terminator is now IT.

Sadly, it don't work like that. You can't support something ex nihilo, or just because you decide a person is in it you like.

Sad truth is, TSCC were doomed to fail from the get-go. It had so many internal inconsistencies to start with, that it already could never become a great show -- all, at best, it could hope for, from that moment on was, was damage control and salvage.

Summer has been great. Her portrayal of "Allison from Palmdale" alone should win her an Emmy. But Summer, no matter how good she is, needs a good script and directors. To say otherwise would be tantamount to saying Joss had nothing to do with Firefly's success. Call it a 'mutual beneficial business arrangement', if you will. And TSCC, without Summer, were hardly even mediocre. I'm sorry about that. A lot went wrong. The 'twerp', his annoyingly always-angry mom, the countless script errors, a storyline that seems to go nowhere, etc. I mean, I ain't sayin' I didn't want it to be different, but the moment it came out, I knew 'tweren't long-lived. In fact, I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did.

There were decidedly some half-way decent episodes, where I sat up in my seat a bit, hoping things would pick up from there, only to see my hopes dashed in the next episode.

Also, point of interest, to force Summer to stay in a boat that's clearly sinking, may ultimately just prove to cause her star to sink along with it.

Perhaps it really is time to let go of TSCC.

N.B. And don't tell me now I don't love Summer enough, for she was the main reason I came here, couple of years back. But way it is is the way it is.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam

Do'nt give up yet, it's going to have a full season. go to www.summer-glau.net for the good news!


Saturday, October 18, 2008 7:14 AM



Originally posted by whozit:

Do'nt give up yet, it's going to have a full season. go to www.summer-glau.net for the good news!

Wow! Then I hope they take this reprieve as a godsent, and will clean up their act! :) All-in-all, I rather see this end well, than all involved having to bite the dust (that's not good for anyone's career).

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, October 18, 2008 7:31 AM



Originally posted by asarian:

Originally posted by whozit:

Do'nt give up yet, it's going to have a full season. go to www.summer-glau.net for the good news!

Wow! Then I hope they take this reprieve as a godsent, and will clean up their act! :) All-in-all, I rather see this end well, than all involved having to bite the dust (that's not good for anyone's career).

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam

I agree, but do'nt think the story will end well, I'm expecting a very sad end. If I'm wrong, oh well.


Saturday, October 18, 2008 7:33 AM



Originally posted by asarian:

Originally posted by whozit:

Do'nt give up yet, it's going to have a full season. go to www.summer-glau.net for the good news!

Wow! Then I hope they take this reprieve as a godsent, and will clean up their act! :) All-in-all, I rather see this end well, than all involved having to bite the dust (that's not good for anyone's career).

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam

I agree, but do'nt think the story will end well, I'm expecting a very sad end. If I'm wrong, oh well.


Saturday, October 18, 2008 7:40 AM



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by asarian:

Originally posted by whozit:

Do'nt give up yet, it's going to have a full season. go to www.summer-glau.net for the good news!

Wow! Then I hope they take this reprieve as a godsent, and will clean up their act! :) All-in-all, I rather see this end well, than all involved having to bite the dust (that's not good for anyone's career).

I agree, but do'nt think the story will end well, I'm expecting a very sad end. If I'm wrong, oh well.

Let's just say I'm sanguine about it. :) Sanguine, 'hopeful'. Plus, point of interest, it also means 'bloody'. That covers all our options, don't it? :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, October 18, 2008 11:13 AM



Originally posted by asarian:

Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by asarian:

Originally posted by whozit:

Do'nt give up yet, it's going to have a full season. go to www.summer-glau.net for the good news!

Wow! Then I hope they take this reprieve as a godsent, and will clean up their act! :) All-in-all, I rather see this end well, than all involved having to bite the dust (that's not good for anyone's career).

I agree, but do'nt think the story will end well, I'm expecting a very sad end. If I'm wrong, oh well.

Let's just say I'm sanguine about it. :) Sanguine, 'hopeful'. Plus, point of interest, it also means 'bloody'. That covers all our options, don't it? :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam

I guess we'll have to wait for T4?


Saturday, October 18, 2008 4:11 PM


Wow...TSCC has broken the FOX curse in all possible ways now. Shown in order, not canceled, now being given another season despite of ratings.

"My way of being polite, or however...well, it's the only way I have of showing you that I like you. Of showing respect." Simon Tam, Jaynestown


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 12:15 PM


Thought you guys would want to see this. We're clearly not dealing with the same Fox that has canceled so many of our shows.

"It’s frickin’ great." - Nathan Fillion


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 3:27 PM


That is. . . a very good photographic angle.

I'll be in my bunk.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008 2:09 PM







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