Dollhouse: Man on the Street. Do you think it delivered?

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 21:41
VIEWED: 14225
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Friday, March 20, 2009 4:13 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Tonight's episode, "Man on the Street" is supposedly what 'Dollhouse' is really all about and what Joss Whedon really wanted to make when he came up with the idea for the series.

Do you think it delivered? Or do you think it's too little, too late?

Watch it and post your reactions.


Friday, March 20, 2009 4:17 PM


Like woman, I am a mystery.

Hell yes it delivered. That was an amazing roller coaster ride of an episode. I already cannot wait for next week's episode.


Friday, March 20, 2009 4:25 PM


That ep was KICKASS!

Bring on the naysayers!




Friday, March 20, 2009 4:26 PM


I had so many "Ohmygosh, YES!!" and "Ohmygosh, NOOO!!!" moments this episode I could hardly keep track! Roller coaster indeed. It absolutely delivered, but delivered does not necessarily mean saved. Moving beyond that depressing concept right now... I noted several echoes (no pun intended) of Firefly in there.

Spoilers were in place since I know some people watched BSG tonight...but really, don't come to the thread if you don't want spoilers. It's been long enough that I'm removing the tags.

Heart of Gold line, Badger/Tanaka threatening "You're not long for this world" type lines, Ballard saying "I surely do" near exactly like Mal does. Oh, I'm so geeked out! And I thought the word "serenity" in last week's episode was exciting.

How completely... tragic? gut wrenching? about Mellie and Mellie/Paul! I had heard she was probably November, but... :(

Just so much happened in this episode! I'm hoping someone can compose a more coherent response than mine right now. I loved this episode, and... barring any earth-shaking change, I find that I love Dollhouse. Why, oh why doesn't Fox let Joss loose with his ideas from the get-go?


Friday, March 20, 2009 4:51 PM


I posted here that I thought that our neighbor in 205 (Millie) was a doll and my son said "no way".

What started out as an ordinary ep, with the usual assignment machinations, ended up THE best ep of the season so far. Wow, what action. There is always something more with Joss. And patience is what's needed to get to the good stuff.

I did not see it coming: Echo meeting up with Ballard and giving him what he wanted - Caroline. Only with a twist. Good set up. An innocent investigation in the DH turns up a predator, that is sent off to his punishment.

This is getting good, REAL good!




Friday, March 20, 2009 5:03 PM


grrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! the rents were bent on watching other stuff, but we came in on Sierra FLIPPING the eff out and then getting an exam by the doc, and mom went "*scoff* really? what is this? come on change it." came back when ballard and his neighbor were finally getting together, then him meeting up with Echo, cut out again because good will hunting was on, came back when ballard was laying his gun and his badge on his boss's desk and leaving. came back at the end when Echo ended up at that dude's house and bein all happy while the music played. i was about ready to shoot my dad for changing the channel so many times.

will someone plz explain what happened? I've already seen bits of it, including hte end @_@ *massive eyeroll* so you won't really be spoiling anything for me, just helping to make sense of the bits and pieces i was able to pick up. I'll watch it eventually, but i can't this weekend ><;; and i can't wait :P

*steals Cuda's banner* fuckin rocks, dude.


Friday, March 20, 2009 5:44 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed PirateNew.org wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by CellarDoor:

Spoilers since I know some people watched BSG tonight...

Ratings are out:
BSG 0.00...
Dollhouse 5 by 5

"My God, you're, so... neighborly!"
-Mellie, Dollhouse, Man in the Street


Friday, March 20, 2009 5:46 PM


This really should have been the first episode. Or something very much like it should have been the first episode since this ep did rely a bit on us already knowing everybody. I now actually care about these characters and I really didn't before. All those personality of the week episodes would have worked a lot better as filler between arc episodes than they did as setup for the series.


'Geeks can't admit that anything worthwhile was invented before 1981. Soon, "making cocoa" will be called "milk hacking."' - Lore Sjoberg


"Don't worry. Captain Hammer will save us." - Penny.

I has myspace - http://www.myspace.com/daveshayneforpresident


Friday, March 20, 2009 5:55 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed PirateNew.org wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by freelancertex:

will someone plz explain what happened?

Fox website crashed and burned tonight, but should have the full epp download:

Review of Dollhouse, Man in the Street, with preview of Omega:

"Go live in your Real World... If you ever did."
-Bill Gates, Dollhouse, Man in the Street


Friday, March 20, 2009 6:26 PM


It was soooooo awesome.

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charlie Brown


Friday, March 20, 2009 6:30 PM




Friday, March 20, 2009 7:26 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

My thoughts on this episode are a little scattered, so I'll use bullet points:

- Porn! Loved that part. Made me lol.

- Pretty much expected the neighbor to be a doll... but for Ballard and her to get it on? Um, that's bad.

- The Sierra and Victor subplot is cute, and I'm glad it wasn't him, even as what the handler did was horrifying.

- I'm not sure I liked the way the "news" footage was used. It was nice to have the Dollhouse condemned some more, though.

- The interaction between Echo's imprint and Ballard (the second time) was strange. So was the conversation he had with Joseph (?) the Internet mogul.

I may watch this episode again because there was so much going on. I'm definitely interested in the show now.

Edited to add more.


Friday, March 20, 2009 7:29 PM


Definitely delivered. This was Joss' Dollhouse and you could tell the difference.

I loved it!!! Joss is back.

Up until now it's been breadcrumbs, this was a treat but I know more goodness is coming.


Friday, March 20, 2009 9:16 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I had suspicions about Mellie, but they kept seeming empty. That moment really blew me away. There was a lot to make my eyes widen, and a lot to make me think, but that phone call was a real kind of 'Holy !' moment. Not only because it confirmed she was a doll, but because she had embedded programing within her programing. It reminded me a lot of River and the safe word.
And her eyes changed color! I wonder what that indicates...



Saturday, March 21, 2009 1:48 AM


Best. Episode. Yet.

This episode proves the FOX-meddling theory in my mind. This episode was fresh, compeling... it was Joss!


Saturday, March 21, 2009 3:36 AM


very, very good - nice twisty-turns!


Saturday, March 21, 2009 3:53 AM


At the start of the episode I heard the line "Whore with a heart of gold", a message for us Browncoats? the ep was written by joss.


Saturday, March 21, 2009 8:02 AM



Originally posted by FireflyPassenger:
Definitely delivered. This was Joss' Dollhouse and you could tell the difference.

I loved it!!! Joss is back.

Up until now it's been breadcrumbs, this was a treat but I know more goodness is coming.

I agree. I think that the show has been getting incrementally better with every episode (which is good, because it started out pretty low), but this week's episode was a BIG jump up.

The question is, is it too little too late? And the answer, sadly, will probably be "Yes." Even though this was the best episode yet, how many people were still around to see it? (Further compounding any sliding ratings is the unfortunate timing of this key episode going up against the BSG finale.)

I've noticed a potentially troubling pattern with the show: it's at its best when Eliza Dushku is not on the screen.

It was especially apparent in last night's episode (and will hopefully change in the coming weeks), but in almost every episode, what's going on back at the Dollhouse or with Agent Ballard is far more interesting than echo's mission. Heck, in "True Believer," the "man reaction" sub-plot was a thousand times more compelling than the A-story with the cultists. Given that this is supposed to be Dushku's vehicle, that could be problematic.

www.stillflying.net: "Here's how it might have been..."


Saturday, March 21, 2009 8:11 AM


This was like an episode from a totally different show. The engagement this time seemed exactly like something someone would pay a ton of money for. It still went wrong but for a reason that felt normal. The twists and turns were awesome. It really kept the episode going. Now I'm wondering what the purpose of the Dollhouses are. World domination? Right now I feel like DeWitt is the mole. She's in so deep that the only way out is to take the whole thing down. She seems to be grooming Ballard for that purpose. Though it could easily be someone else.

I'm just worried we're going to get a canceled show with no answers.

PMing you a synopsis FLT.


Saturday, March 21, 2009 9:33 AM


I must say, the pilot didn't feel like a Whedon show, second ep, an inkling, and from then on more and more of that Jossian vibe, last night's ep though made me one happy nerd. 100% Whedon and no network leash. Really did feel like an entirely different show compared to the pilot (and could have easily passed as a pilot if it had been slightly tweaked imo).

I liked the engagement this week, as said above it really came across as something someone would pay for; being able to reenact a moment of happiness, to play out something that was marred by tragidy.

Mellie's a Doll! I was cringing in fear with her tragic death I felt I knew would happen, but then the remote trigger was made of win (and Adele is teh s**t btw) and she was suddenly as badass as River in the Maidenhouse (with roses instead of fruity oaty bars). I really like her character, sleeper doll and all, her current personality is a cute pairing with Ballard.

Ballard isn't the brightest bulb to be announcing his case to a civilian... Then again... we got Tomah with his shirt off for a good deal of the ep, and I am rather shallow this week so I'll let it slide for now.

Echo got to be Faith! That no holds match was awesome, and iy bring another twist to the story.

And Victor and Sierra, was so sad in the beginning, and tragic her handler was behind it all. It was handled nicely though, I like Joss addressed the fact that having so many helpless, attractive people around others who were completely fully aware could lead to Dolls being mistreated. Regardless people who get hired on probably have to jump through hoops to get on the Dollhouse payroll, I had thought of from the beginning it was only a matter of time someone got it in their heads to use a Doll. And the handler caught was definitely not long for this world...

I think the biggest woobie moment I had was when Victor looks plaintively up at Echo and announces he did something wrong with the demeanor of a five year old, and then Echo asks why and he replies they won't tell him.

So yeah, great ep.

Your Indian Pirate Lord,


Saturday, March 21, 2009 10:22 AM


Definitely the strongest episode yet. Much more interesting - I was finally feeling a connection with characters that I hadn't felt before. Especially Helo. Um.. I mean.. whatever the FBI guy's name is. I was pretty surprised by the neighbor girl, even if I had just begun to suspect just shortly before they revealed. I loved it, when I expected to hate it. REALLY loved what Echo's handler did. Dude ROCKED what started out to be a corny subplot.

And Patton! I love you, dude! You're twice over awesome, thanks to ratatouille, and you being the rat guy again! LOVED the whole idea of his engagement.

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Saturday, March 21, 2009 11:29 AM


Well, it proved one thing:
Joss Whedon still has it.
For the first time since the start of this series...I'm digging it


Saturday, March 21, 2009 1:46 PM


'Delivered' doesn't even come close to describing Joss' latest creation adequately. The dialogue was constantly sharp, witty -- Jossian in every sense of the words. Every other line I yelled on the inside: "Yes, Joss is back!!" Well, he was never really gone, of course; but this ep had his brilliance written all over it. Honestly, there could be tears.

Speaking of honest, I weren't so sure any more this ep really would be different. But, by Joss, the man came thru!

"It's human trafficking. End of story. It's horrific."


Saturday, March 21, 2009 3:20 PM


I've liked the show from the beginning, but "Man on the Street" had me whoopin' & hollerin' & shudderin' all the way through!
I burst into tears at the end.

IMDb had tipped me off that Mellie/November was an Active from day one, but the answering machine bit was pure genius!


Saturday, March 21, 2009 3:40 PM


After watching this episode of Dollhouse I think the show is getting better and better.



Saturday, March 21, 2009 5:30 PM


I agree with everyone else - best episode by far. But again, that's not saying much. This episode took a big leap forward in many ways, which makes me question the point of the first 5 episodes. Many have said that this could have been the pilot; I'd have to agree.

I think I have 3 issues/questions associated with this "leap."

1) Where did the impetus for this investigative report come from? Last we saw, no one believed anything Ballard had to say. Next thing we know, channel whoever is doing a "man on the street" investigation into the existence of a dollhouse? The closest I can come to an explanation is the video of Caroline in the cult from the previous episode. But that's a week connection.

2) When did Ballard and his neighbor get to be so chummy? He hadn't given her so much as a second look, and now they're hanging out sharing Chinese food?

3) Echo got away a little too easy. I know Ballard was busy disabling the security guys, but here is this "ghost" he's been obsessively trying to find, and she's quite literally within arms reach. Yet, Boyd just strolls in and takes Echo out of the house. I believe at the time that Ballard was busy strangling one of the security guys on the kitchen island, so he easily could have stopped and cut off Boyd and Echo.

I have to say, Ballard is one tough mother! He gets shot in the stomach (and we all know what a stomach wound can do), but manages to take out 6 guys. He gets tasered and still manages to beat the crap out of several security guys.


Saturday, March 21, 2009 6:30 PM


Flying on duct tape and a damaged registry.


Saturday, March 21, 2009 7:45 PM


i laughed, i cried, and almost pooped pants at how many twists this ep had. so in a word... absolutely


Saturday, March 21, 2009 7:46 PM


That line slipped by me the first time, but I caught it the second time around on Hulu.

Badger saying Heart of Gold.......great stuff, Joss's nudge and a wink to us Browncoats. He knows we're watching. Okay, I say we contact Fox and let them know that we're watching.

I'm gonna join the Fox forum to let Fox know that we are out there and supporting Joss. I feel that it's the only way.




Sunday, March 22, 2009 6:04 AM


It was by far the best episode, but I better not have noticed a big potential plot hole.

Ballard's answering machine now has the trigger phrases for mellie on it, not to mention dewhitt's voice. (sp?)


Sunday, March 22, 2009 7:44 AM


Originally posted by pachelbel:


The closest I can come to an explanation is the video of Caroline in the cult from the previous episode. But that's a week connection.
I think that's it and maybe a tip-off to the media from Ballard. He had a self satisfying smirk across his face when he was watching it.


2) When did Ballard and his neighbor get to be so chummy? He hadn't given her so much as a second look, and now they're hanging out sharing Chinese food?

Well on two seperate occasions now she has shown up with an ALMIGHTY plate of food. Trust me nothing makes a man take notice more than food (well maybe cleavage, but she has that too!) So yeah he most certianly would take notice. Anyway aside from that the 'impetus' that you speak of was in the dialogue exchange between he and the internet mogul guy. Also she's often at her door asking questions about his work when he returns home I don't think it a huge leap to consider them having dinner together.


3) Echo got away a little too easy. I know Ballard was busy disabling the security guys, but here is this "ghost" he's been obsessively trying to find, and she's quite literally within arms reach. Yet, Boyd just strolls in and takes Echo out of the house. I believe at the time that Ballard was busy strangling one of the security guys on the kitchen island, so he easily could have stopped and cut off Boyd and Echo.

I don't know, he would have been awfully busy to attempt that given his predicament. I loved the way Boyd just strolled in and waltzed her away, something we've come to expect now. I thought that worked.


I have to say, Ballard is one tough mother! He gets shot in the stomach (and we all know what a stomach wound can do), but manages to take out 6 guys. He gets tasered and still manages to beat the crap out of several security guys.

I'm running with the idea that Ballard is Alpha. It's the only way to explain his strength. Also was it episode 3? where he took out the guys in the basement - he held the exact same pose that Alpha held over Echo when we went to flashback. (I'm just saying... keep an eye out)

As has been said- THE BEST EPISODE so far. Written by Joss and Directed By David Staiton. I find Joss' writing works best if he doesn't direct. This one was the case.

Anyone else itching for a showdown between Ballard and Boyd?


Sunday, March 22, 2009 7:45 AM


Originally posted by Ziggo:


Ballard's answering machine now has the trigger phrases for mellie on it, not to mention dewhitt's voice. (sp?)

I should think that intentional no?


Sunday, March 22, 2009 8:45 AM


Does anyone think there might be more to Topher than there seems to be? I'm still trying to figure out how even Alpha could have gotten the frequency for the wipe a couple episodes back... And the only thing I can come up with is help from someone in the know on the inside.

He comes across as completely arrogant and immoral. That seems like someone Joss might give an entirely unexpected twist later on. There's no evidence for it right now, of course, Topher would have to be an extremely good actor to pull this off if it were true.

I'm just not sure I believe all the glitching with the actives recently, both imprinted and in their blank slate, could be all coincidence. Nor do I fully understand why Alpha might have gone haywire. The only connection between Alpha and the glitching is Topher.

Was Echo telling Ballard about Alpha? Why would DeWitt want to tip Ballard off about Alpha's existence? Was she off program (or maybe, depending on this Topher theory, on program)?


Sunday, March 22, 2009 9:08 AM


Originally posted by Bytemite:

Does anyone think there might be more to Topher than there seems to be? I'm still trying to figure out how even Alpha could have gotten the frequency for the wipe a couple episodes back... And the only thing I can come up with is help from someone in the know on the inside.

I'm not getting that from Topher I must admit, but as to who else it could be... It's tricky. Hard to determine just who this person on the inside might be, it could all just be a smoke screen to keep Ballard away. However upon the revelation that there are many other Dollhouses it now opens up the possibility of one of those as being capable. They would have the technology to tap into frequencies etc. Maybe they have a better genius than Topher tucked away somewhere or better still they have his abilities implanted into an active with a little extra thrown in... The posssiblities are infinite. Guess that's why the show is coming alive now. It's great!


I'm just not sure I believe all the glitching with the actives recently, both imprinted and in their blank slate, could be all coincidence. Nor do I fully understand why Alpha might have gone haywire. The only connection between Alpha and the glitching is Topher.

That's true Topher is the link I guess.... Hmmm Is he not too obvious though. Could he really pull it off, he is in such a precarious position were things to go wrong, and what would his motivation be...?


Was Echo telling Ballard about Alpha? Why would DeWitt want to tip Ballard off about Alpha's existence? Was she off program (or maybe, depending on this Topher theory, on program)?

I'm inclined to think it's a diversionary tactic, to make sure Ballard doesn't persist with things too much. i.e. interupt engagements and therefore cost the Dollhouse money and cause unwanted exposure.


Sunday, March 22, 2009 9:24 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I have two theories as to who the mole could be. First is Dr. Saunders, who has an understandable beef with the workings of the Dollhouse. The second, with less revealed motivation but greater means, is the cute lab assistant, Ivy. It could be neither of them, but they're the only ones I've been able to think of. Boyd might be in cahoots, but clearly wasn't the one tinkering with the program.
The most fantastical part of my brain suspects it might be DeWitt herself. I'm still puzzling over some of her motivations...



Sunday, March 22, 2009 10:01 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed PirateNew.org wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Ziggo:
It was by far the best episode, but I better not have noticed a big potential plot hole.

Ballard's answering machine now has the trigger phrases for mellie on it, not to mention dewhitt's voice. (sp?)

Yes that will be... entertaining.

As for Alpha, I think its Starbuck. After all, she did die and reappeared then disappeared, like Jesus. Wash is just a red herring?

"Arrrg! He's gonna go drain the seamonster."
-Pirate Wash, Dodgeball


Sunday, March 22, 2009 10:27 AM



I have two theories as to who the mole could be. First is Dr. Saunders, who has an understandable beef with the workings of the Dollhouse. The second, with less revealed motivation but greater means, is the cute lab assistant, Ivy.

My first pick is Ivy. She's easily overlooked but clearly involved in the tech. And how is Topher supposed to notice anything she does when she runs around in lace stockings?

My wife favors Dr. Saunders, who I must admit is a strong candidate.

"Some things stay with you, 'til the day you die."
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Sunday, March 22, 2009 10:31 AM


If Ballard doesn't start to question how Mellie took out a trained professional assassin who had been sent to kill her, I will really start to question his intelligence.

DeWitt is also a possible candidate, if only because some of her decisions seem so inscrutable and because, being that she's in charge of the dollhouse, she seems least likely to want to sabotage it, and would be the most surprising reveal. I guess it's all about what's the best story to tell, and that's the one no one ever sees coming.


Sunday, March 22, 2009 11:40 AM



Originally posted by pachelbel:
1) Where did the impetus for this investigative report come from? Last we saw, no one believed anything Ballard had to say. Next thing we know, channel whoever is doing a "man on the street" investigation into the existence of a dollhouse? The closest I can come to an explanation is the video of Caroline in the cult from the previous episode. But that's a week connection.

When the technical knowhow for something like Dollhouse becomes available, it's not just born out of thin air. Which is to say, scientists all over the world must have been working on manipulating thought, the brain, memory imprints, and what not; and must have been very close, too. It's not like boy-wonder Topher just took mankind's technology a century forward by his own self alone. So, when something is that close to being invented (or has already been, but in secret), you can bet the world is already talking about it, with ethicists speculating about all its possible ramifications, etc. Just like on the show. So, a cunningly clever tip-off from one very persistent mofo called Ballard could certainly spike a news item.


2) When did Ballard and his neighbor get to be so chummy? He hadn't given her so much as a second look, and now they're hanging out sharing Chinese food?

'Next episode' doesn't necessarily equate to 'next day.' She keeps catering to his ego; and as an Active, she may either be programmed with the knowledge how to get to him, or was simply chosen because they know she's his type, and they are likely to get it on. At any rate, I don't have an issue with leaving some developments to the imagination: like how they got better acquainted.


3) Echo got away a little too easy. I know Ballard was busy disabling the security guys, but here is this "ghost" he's been obsessively trying to find, and she's quite literally within arms reach. Yet, Boyd just strolls in and takes Echo out of the house. I believe at the time that Ballard was busy strangling one of the security guys on the kitchen island, so he easily could have stopped and cut off Boyd and Echo.

In earnest, you have a point here. When they were emptying that vault, Echo got away a wee too easy as well. Perhaps 'plausible extraction of an Active' is something that still needs a little work. :)


I have to say, Ballard is one tough mother! He gets shot in the stomach (and we all know what a stomach wound can do), but manages to take out 6 guys. He gets tasered and still manages to beat the crap out of several security guys.

Well, unless his stomach is mysteriously located to the right-side of his body, that weren't his stomach. :) And it's not like he didn't get medical treatment (like Mal).

All-in-all, lemme just take the opportunity again to express what a brilliant show this was! The dialogue was superb, really. Nearly every other line was quotable; remind you of something? :) It had so many subtleties, like Adelle telling the rapist, "You may even consider it something of a promotion; after all, this one will probably struggle." You think she's being sarcastic -- and that's the irony, as Mellie really does struggle! And then some! Speaking of struggle, I also thought the fights were among the best I've ever seen.

Best ep of 'em all. And it does indeed make you wonder what the point of the first 5 was.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Sunday, March 22, 2009 11:52 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by asarian:
it does indeed make you wonder what the point of the first 5 was.

Network pandering.



Sunday, March 22, 2009 11:56 AM



Originally posted by Cedric:

I have two theories as to who the mole could be. First is Dr. Saunders, who has an understandable beef with the workings of the Dollhouse. The second, with less revealed motivation but greater means, is the cute lab assistant, Ivy.

My first pick is Ivy.

Poison Ivy, eh? Nah! It can't be her! She's just too pretty! :)


And how is Topher supposed to notice anything she does when she runs around in lace stockings?

Topher doesn't seem to notice her at all. He ain't quite right.


My wife favors Dr. Saunders, who I must admit is a strong candidate.

The guy we saw stick the photo of Caroline in the envelope was, well, a guy! :) So, can't be Dr. Saunders, either.


Sunday, March 22, 2009 12:05 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by asarian:

Originally posted by Cedric:

I have two theories as to who the mole could be. First is Dr. Saunders, who has an understandable beef with the workings of the Dollhouse. The second, with less revealed motivation but greater means, is the cute lab assistant, Ivy.

My first pick is Ivy.

Poison Ivy, eh? Nah! It can't be her! She's just too pretty! :)

So was River.


The guy we saw stick the photo of Caroline in the envelope was, well, a guy! :) So, can't be Dr. Saunders, either.

Saunders could be the mole within the organization. We're not talking about Alpha.
I do have I certain theory on that, which involves us not having seen Alpha yet; the guy we see sticking the photo of Caroline in the envelope is a doll, programmed by Alpha as an intermediary. Though I've no doubt Alpha is male, being consistently referred to as 'he' by the employees of the Dollhouse, I don't think he's been seen yet. But that's my theory; I've already expounded upon it in various places over at Shiny Universe.
Anyway, we were talking about the mole? Who do you think it is?



Sunday, March 22, 2009 12:10 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)



HELL FREAKING YES, IT DELIVERED! And not a moment too soon. I was watching it only because (a) it was the last thing on my DVR, and I didn't want to watch basketball, and (b) it's Joss, so I've given it a LOT of leeway. Seriously, I was ready to write the show off, figuring Joss had overreached and failed. There hasn't been a single episode where I cared one whit about any of these people, really - UNTIL NOW! Now I'm hooked. My wife and I were both, at the end of the episode, after watching the previews for next week, looking at each other in shock: "I can't wait for next week! Damn - that looks like it's going to be GOOD!!"

So Joss, ya bastich, you got me again.


A baby seal walks into a club...

The "On Fire" Economy -
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Sunday, March 22, 2009 12:17 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

Originally posted by asarian:
Poison Ivy, eh? Nah! It can't be her! She's just too pretty! :)

So was River.




The guy we saw stick the photo of Caroline in the envelope was, well, a guy! :) So, can't be Dr. Saunders, either.

Saunders could be the mole within the organization. We're not talking about Alpha.

Hmm, I thought they were one and the same. But, yeah, if not, then it really could be Ivy (*snif*). Or Dr. Saunders, yes: most folks develop a rational dislike towards organizations that get your face slashed. And as a Doctor she's gotta have some moral issues with the whole deal, too (especially since she's so kind-hearted). But let's not discount Boyd, either, then. He has 'disapproval' written all over his face, constantly.


I do have I certain theory on that, which involves us not having seen Alpha yet; the guy we see sticking the photo of Caroline in the envelope is a doll, programmed by Alpha as an intermediary.

Could be that's true. And if he knows how to 'remote wipe,' then it stands to reason he can use that same 56k modem signal to 'remote upload,' too. Scary stuff.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Sunday, March 22, 2009 12:37 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

The mole and Alpha could not possibly be one and the same. Number one, it was blatantly stated that this was the first contact the mole was having with Ballard, as well as being stated that the program was tampered with to add this parameter. The program was likely tampered with while Boyd was talking to Topher, making him a strong candidate for being in cahoots, as I said, but impossible that he was the one doing the actual tinkering. Whoever it was is inside the Dollhouse, with means and ability to get into the programming, which is why my suspicions fall strongly on Ivy.

As for remote upload, I don't think it's entirely remote.

This, if I'm right, is Alpha's version of the imprint chair. Go to http://www.shinyuniverse.net/bluesun.aspx?bid=880#shiny for the potentially spoilish image on which I initially based my theory.


Originally posted by pachelbel:
I believe at the time that Ballard was busy strangling one of the security guys on the kitchen island, so he easily could have stopped and cut off Boyd and Echo.

Actually, as I'm currently rewatching it, Ballard is being strangled by one of the security guys when Echo is pulled out of the kitchen, making it rather difficult for him to leave off at that moment.

I did find myself wondering about DeWitt's voice on the answering machine as well. I wonder if that will lead anywhere? For now, I'm assuming there's a bit in Mellie's program that tells her to delete the message. Might be weak, but if they can trigger her to snap a man's neck, surely they can build in a trigger to push a button.



Sunday, March 22, 2009 1:17 PM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

Finally, a Dollhouse ep that didn't threaten to put me asleep! (Ok, last week's ep wasn't *that* bad.)

Not only was "Man On The Street" the best Dollhouse ep (so far?), it felt like it might turn out to be one of those BIG classic Jossverse episodes. Maybe on par with Ariel.

Turns out this is my kind of party!

And PhoenixRose:
I think one of my old CRT monitors is in that screenshot.

Find here the Serenity you seek. -Tara Maclay


Sunday, March 22, 2009 4:53 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Ivy, Dr. Saunders and Adelle DeWitt are the most likely candidates for being the mole. Which is why I don't think it is either one of them. I'm leaning toward it being Topher himself. He is more than likely the most knowledgeable about the system and able to cover his tracks.


Sunday, March 22, 2009 5:23 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
The mole and Alpha could not possibly be one and the same. Number one, it was blatantly stated that this was the first contact the mole was having with Ballard, as well as being stated that the program was tampered with to add this parameter. The program was likely tampered with while Boyd was talking to Topher, making him a strong candidate for being in cahoots, as I said, but impossible that he was the one doing the actual tinkering. Whoever it was is inside the Dollhouse, with means and ability to get into the programming, which is why my suspicions fall strongly on Ivy.

As for remote upload, I don't think it's entirely remote.

This, if I'm right, is Alpha's version of the imprint chair. Go to http://www.shinyuniverse.net/bluesun.aspx?bid=880#shiny for the potentially spoilish image on which I initially based my theory.


Originally posted by pachelbel:
I believe at the time that Ballard was busy strangling one of the security guys on the kitchen island, so he easily could have stopped and cut off Boyd and Echo.

Actually, as I'm currently rewatching it, Ballard is being strangled by one of the security guys when Echo is pulled out of the kitchen, making it rather difficult for him to leave off at that moment.

I did find myself wondering about DeWitt's voice on the answering machine as well. I wonder if that will lead anywhere? For now, I'm assuming there's a bit in Mellie's program that tells her to delete the message. Might be weak, but if they can trigger her to snap a man's neck, surely they can build in a trigger to push a button.


Wow. I thought Ballard was doing the strangling! So, yes, it would be difficult for him to leave then.

It was a lucky thing that Dewitt got through to Ballard's apartment phone before Ballard got through on his cell phone, huh?

Isn't it a bad thing for the Dollhouse to have a dead handler in and FBI guy's apartment?


Sunday, March 22, 2009 5:57 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
The mole and Alpha could not possibly be one and the same. Number one, it was blatantly stated that this was the first contact the mole was having with Ballard, as well as being stated that the program was tampered with to add this parameter. The program was likely tampered with while Boyd was talking to Topher, making him a strong candidate for being in cahoots, as I said, but impossible that he was the one doing the actual tinkering. Whoever it was is inside the Dollhouse, with means and ability to get into the programming, which is why my suspicions fall strongly on Ivy.

Watching it again, I think it's Ivy now, too, LOL. First off, we hear her suggest something incredibly smart to Topher about inhibitors or some such, indicating (to us) that she's qualified to do a whole lot more than just getting Topher's food. Then Topher is being interrupted by Boyd, and when he comes back, the camera is focussed on the 'tape' in such a way that suggests it may have been changed or tampered with in his absence. That would really only leave Ivy.

Topher himself, gotta say, is not above suspicion, either. Ask yourself, why is he so nervous when Boyd drops in? (In a nervous manner) Topher says something like: "Hey.. Boyd, I was just doing my..." Like Boyd would give a shit about his geek stuff (let alone understand it). But a Topher feeling guilty over what he's in the middle of doing might react just like that.

*edit* Also, Topher, quasi-nonchalant, asks Boyd how he 'made' the perp; whether it was a cop-thing or something. Again, a guilty Topher might be nervous about that, worried that Boyd might get to him that way, too.

Just sayin'.

Anyway, thanks PhoenixRose for giving me a reason to go watch it again. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Sunday, March 22, 2009 6:12 PM


I find the upside-down "AnGER" written on that base of the imprinting chair has a certain aesthetic appeal, wouldn't you, PhoenixRose? Great find. :)






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