In your honest opinion, do you think Firefly will return?

UPDATED: Thursday, September 3, 2009 19:37
VIEWED: 12025
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Sunday, August 2, 2009 9:00 AM


I've been thinking about this quite a bit lately.
I think at some point within the next five years, we will see our favorite show returning to television.

It's just a gut feeling I have. Nothing to back it up, just pure speculation and a little bit of faith.

What do ya'll think?

"you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one".


Sunday, August 2, 2009 9:09 AM


Truthfully? No.

It's a very expensive show to produce, and these days with more channels and fewer viewers, cheap is in.

I will always, however, hold out hope for a Serenity 2!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Sunday, August 2, 2009 10:10 AM


If not a theatrical release of Serenity 2, then I could see a direct to dvd production. As for television, it really is too expensive for quality like we saw back in 2002/2003. So I really think direct to dvd is the way to go for either a movie or series.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sunday, August 2, 2009 10:12 AM


America loves a winner!

No offense to our buddies over at Stargate, but straight to DVD ? Please! We've been on the big screen. We've already done the impossible. Any more, would be ludicrous.

Besides, knowing Joss, only 1 of the original crew would still be alive now. Not saying it wouldn't be a good show, but ......

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Sunday, August 2, 2009 10:13 AM


WHY NOT? I noticed even very old titles continue after years and Firefly has a big advantage.....Firefly has a huge fan base.... So everything is possible.


TV & Movie Community: http://www.moviespeople.com


Sunday, August 2, 2009 11:26 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

For several years now I have been saying that we would see something more, either on tv or at the movies, by the end of 2010. I'm willing to extend that to 2012 now. It may be unrealistic, but I prefer to not give up hope. If it doesn't happen by then I doubt it ever will.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, August 2, 2009 11:55 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
I've been thinking about this quite a bit lately.

I think at some point within the next five years, we will see our favorite show returning to television.

It's just a gut feeling I have. Nothing to back it up, just pure speculation and a little bit of faith.

What do ya'll think?

Of course Firefly/Serenity/Serenifly will return, I agree with your gut feeling! After more than 6 years being off the air, the Firefly DVD continues to sell amazingly well. Today's sales figures from Amazon:

Amazon.com Sales Rank: #408 in Movies & TV (See Bestsellers in Movies & TV)
Popular in these categories:
#1 in Movies & TV > Television > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Firefly
#16 in Movies & TV > Television > Fox TV
#25 in Movies & TV > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Science Fiction > Series & Sequels

These sales figures would be great for any TV series, but considering how long the show has been off the air, combined with its short TV life span, and that it basically isn't advertised at all, these sales figures are extremely impressive.

Studios will come around to the notion that the audience is continuing to grow. There is a much bigger audience for the 'Verse now than when Serenity was released. Also many of the cast are getting better known and more bankable. Technology is also offering a much wider variety of ways to distribute and finance productions, so there are ways to make a budget work.

Hollywood eventually comes around to the idea that remakes and revivals have the benefit of a pre-existing built-in audience, which means the marketing doesn't have to start from zero. There are many ways to build promotion around a revival of the 'Verse that can spread under its own power, along with the backing of the studio.

Most likely FF/S will come back in a different form than a regular TV series (mini-series, direct to DVD, some kind of PPV, etc.), but there are many other methods to produce, finance and distribute entertainment now. Joss is a big believer in these new methods and he would come up with a way once he got the 'go-ahead' from a studio. The rights for Firefly/Serenity are still in the hands of studios at the moment, so unless that changes he needs their OK and backing.

Well, that's my 'never say die' speech for today.

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

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Spread the word today ~ Give the gift of Firefly: http://www.apple.com/itunes


Sunday, August 2, 2009 12:10 PM


Also,I have nothing at all against Serenity.

It was a great film and I enjoyed it immensely.
But I still feel the big screen is the wrong medium
for our heroes. I want 20 some hour long episodes, not 2 hours of "cramming" a story together. I want the small moments, and subtle character development that Firefly was so genuinely perfect at doing.

I feel of all the options to explore, a second Serenity film would be the worst route. But then again beggars can't be choosers.


Sunday, August 2, 2009 12:30 PM


I really don't see how the TV show could be revived as of right now, in a way that would do it service. The cast has found new work, and Joss is tied down to FOX.Beyond the amount of money it would take, I would NOT want FOX to have it on their network and on top of that they would have to replace some/all of the cast since they are gainfully employed elsewhere and already have other commitments. If they were to revamp the show 10-15 years from now and had an all new cast, i'd begrudgingly go for it. But as of right now? No way.

Serenity 2 is more likely. Unfortunately a lot gets cut out in the movie format, but we'd still get everyone back on Serenity.

Even more likely is some other form via comics or direct to DVD stuff. When I mean Direct to DVD, I see immense promise in animation via what DC has been doing for their properties (ie Wonderwoman, Batman Gotham Knight). The original cast could all easily schedule voice acting around what they are already doing (Nathan says he loves it because he can come in in his PJs and record), and it would be very cost effective as it wouldn't require massive sets to be built, as well as the cost of a filming crew, props, costumes, catering, ect. Marvel's DVDs are PG-13 and very popular, so for me, if live action isn't the option, that's the way to go.
Comics I think are more of a last option if they were to become more or less a continuation of the Series, a la Buffy. As of right now the DH comics are sort of special events that show pieces of the 'verse and it seems Joss doesn't want to use what he has planned out for the crews future as a continuing comic series. He doesn't talk about it much but he's probably still waiting for the right medium to come along so he can tell his story with his cast.

Your Indian Pirate Lord,


Sunday, August 2, 2009 12:30 PM


I agree completely that a theatrical film is not really the best way to go in reviving the 'Verse.


Originally posted by OPPYH:
I want 20 some hour long episodes, not 2 hours of "cramming" a story together. I want the small moments, and subtle character development that Firefly was so genuinely perfect at doing.


Also there's so much pressure with theatrical movies. Between the budget and the promotional costs that's a lot of money on the line and the expectations nowadays is for a film to perform well when it opens, or a studio pulls the support away very quickly. There's just no patience for a film to find it's audience, or for an extra investment of advertising to help promote it if it starts off slowly.

It just makes more sense that as long as all the people are being assembled and sets are built, why not produce 20 hours instead of 2? There's a lot more potential income that way through ads on TV and more hours for your money in a DVD purchase.

Joss has years of TV experience and he knows how to use time and budget well. He could make a modest budget look great and make the most of the time he had with the cast. Some form of multi-episode production is the best way to do it.

It can happen, it's just a matter of finding a way to make the numbers work... because Joss, the cast, crew, writers and other behind-the-scenes folk still would love to continue the 'Verse.

11th Hour


Sunday, August 2, 2009 12:32 PM


No, I don't think we will see any more Firefly/ Serentiy. Joss even said so this weekend at SDCC.

If we do see anymore of the 'verse, then it will be with different actors. A Reboot would be a real challenge with the same actors. Summer doesn't look 17 anymore and even Nathan is showing his years. They are getting older, that's just life.


Sunday, August 2, 2009 12:41 PM



Originally posted by BlackCatLady:
No, I don't think we will see any more Firefly/ Serentiy. Joss even said so this weekend at SDCC.

If we do see anymore of the 'verse, then it will be with different actors. A Reboot would be a real challenge with the same actors. Summer doesn't look 17 anymore and even Nathan is showing his years. They are getting older, that's just life.

Ouch! That's not very promising at all.
Well, so much for that idea I guess


Sunday, August 2, 2009 1:04 PM



Originally posted by BlackCatLady:
No, I don't think we will see any more Firefly/ Serentiy. Joss even said so this weekend at SDCC.

Wow, did you see him say this yourself, or did you hear this second hand? This is the first I've heard of this. Up until very recently Joss has said that there presently isn't any interest from the studios, but that he would be ready to continue the 'Verse if he got the go-ahead.

His statement needs to be taken in context. Joss is realistic and he knows how Hollywood works, so if the studio (which owns the rights) isn't willing to continue the 'Verse, then there's not much he can do about it... which he's been saying all along. But he's always added that he would love to continue the 'Verse if he 'got the call' from the studio.


If we do see anymore of the 'verse, then it will be with different actors. A Reboot would be a real challenge with the same actors. Summer doesn't look 17 anymore and even Nathan is showing his years. They are getting older, that's just life.

Time is passing, but that's a factor that can be part of the story. The actors getting older means that the story moves ahead in time and more has happened to them. Also, the cast may be a bit older, but they are still very good looking. Nathan is also getting more known because of his new series Castle, so he's becoming a more mainstream actor.

Summer may not look 17 any more, but she is gorgeous. It would be very interesting to see how her story has played out. The emotionally traumatized teenage girl is now a young woman, I want very much to learn how her past and present experiences have affected her.

A revival of the 'Verse would most likely mean cast changes. There could be a combination of the original members and new characters. The 'Verse is a fertile field to tell stories, there is still so much untapped potential.

11th Hour


Sunday, August 2, 2009 1:18 PM



Originally posted by 11thHour:

Originally posted by BlackCatLady:
No, I don't think we will see any more Firefly/ Serentiy. Joss even said so this weekend at SDCC.

Wow, did you see him say this yourself, or did you hear this second hand? This is the first I've heard of this. Up until very recently Joss has said that there presently isn't any interest from the studios, but that he would be ready to continue the 'Verse if he got the go-ahead.

His statement needs to be taken in context. Joss is realistic and he knows how Hollywood works, so if the studio (which owns the rights) isn't willing to continue the 'Verse, then there's not much he can do about it... which he's been saying all along. But he's always added that he would love to continue the 'Verse if he 'got the call' from the studio.

11th Hour

I was wondering about that comment too. I was at the Dollhouse Panel and I don't seem to recall him saying anything like that (although I could be wrong, the last couple of days of CC are a sleep deprived haze for me).

As for age, I thought there was a Jewel comment floating around somewhere where she said Joss has plans for a story that features a time jump, which means it could easily play into the fact that they've all gained some years.

Just to throw it out there, but animation shows no age**

Your Indian Pirate Lord,

**it's the animation student inside of me, can't help it


Sunday, August 2, 2009 1:21 PM


Honestly, a new tv series with the original cast is a no go in my opinion. Too many have moved on to other things, new projects, etc. As much as they would be willing to come back to Firefly, no one would do so at the cost of their current projects. And I'm glad they are finding work and support their shows.

That being said, I want firefly to return. A major motion picture probably wouldn't happen just because Serenity wasn't profitable enough for Universal.

That's why I think direct to DVD projects are the best idea. Remember, this isn't Stargate. Direct to DVD doesn't mean it is bound for disaster (granted I've only seen Stargate: The Ark of Truth, didn't think it was all that bad, and am excited to see Jewel in the Stargate: Atlantis movie). Joss can do very well with a mall budget (Serenity, Dr. Horrible, Epitaph One). The cast could film a movie in the time between other projects.

Also, I would hope that once a direct to DVD movie was made (most likely by SyFy, so they could also air it, and because they have ties with Universal), one would hope they would keep the set of Serenity so it would be easier and cheaper to make more movies.

Anyway, that's what I see as the most likely route. How likely, I don't know.

People who don't care about anything will never understand the people who do


Sunday, August 2, 2009 1:51 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...

The 2002 14 ep Firefly that got most all of us hooked... that Firefly is gone and not coming back, not even if they hired everyone back like it never stopped, which seems highly unlikely imho. And I hate saying that.

There are other kinds of continuations though, and many of those can give us the same magic feeling that those first eps gave us.
The 'Verse Whedon created may be one of his greatest accomplishments - there's lots of great stories to tell using it as a main character, maybe even with some cameos from some familiar faces.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day - http://www.scifiradio.com Now available on your iPhone


Sunday, August 2, 2009 2:07 PM


I don't believe "Firefly" as we know it will return.

The only thing I think is possible is a mini series, direct to DVD movie or something online.
Either with these actors, a new "rebooted" story with new actors a la BSG, ( with guest stars from the original ) or something within the 'Verse entirely new.

I do think Joss would do it if he had financial backing. As well, I think that the cast and crew would return if given the chance.

However, at this time, that's not what is happening.
They are all busy doing other things. The studios aren't forthcoming with money.

I'm not giving up entirely,but I'm not hopeful at this point either.



Sunday, August 2, 2009 5:56 PM


Here is the interview which I was referring to:


Don't mean to sound real negative, just going by what I got from this interview.

What it and give me your thoughts, okay?


Sunday, August 2, 2009 6:10 PM



Originally posted by 11thHour:

Originally posted by BlackCatLady:
No, I don't think we will see any more Firefly/ Serentiy. Joss even said so this weekend at SDCC.

Wow, did you see him say this yourself, or did you hear this second hand? This is the first I've heard of this. Up until very recently Joss has said that there presently isn't any interest from the studios, but that he would be ready to continue the 'Verse if he got the go-ahead.

His statement needs to be taken in context. Joss is realistic and he knows how Hollywood works, so if the studio (which owns the rights) isn't willing to continue the 'Verse, then there's not much he can do about it... which he's been saying all along. But he's always added that he would love to continue the 'Verse if he 'got the call' from the studio.


If we do see anymore of the 'verse, then it will be with different actors. A Reboot would be a real challenge with the same actors. Summer doesn't look 17 anymore and even Nathan is showing his years. They are getting older, that's just life.

Time is passing, but that's a factor that can be part of the story. The actors getting older means that the story moves ahead in time and more has happened to them. Also, the cast may be a bit older, but they are still very good looking. Nathan is also getting more known because of his new series Castle, so he's becoming a more mainstream actor.

Summer may not look 17 any more, but she is gorgeous. It would be very interesting to see how her story has played out. The emotionally traumatized teenage girl is now a young woman, I want very much to learn how her past and present experiences have affected her.

A revival of the 'Verse would most likely mean cast changes. There could be a combination of the original members and new characters. The 'Verse is a fertile field to tell stories, there is still so much untapped potential.

11th Hour

I agree the passing of time can be part of the story. However, I am interested in the backstory of each character which we never got enough of. With the aging of actors, that may be difficult. How do we jump ahead in 10 years in the lives of the Serenity crew without understanding where they have been?

I am not the creative type I admit...but I just don't see how it can be possible in terms of a movie or TV show. I can vision a Firefly reboot in the far furture with some of orginal cast.

I do wish we had more Serentiy comics. I loved learning more about these characters.

Again, not being negative. Just honest.


Sunday, August 2, 2009 6:13 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
I don't believe "Firefly" as we know it will return.

The only thing I think is possible is a mini series, direct to DVD movie or something online.
Either with these actors, a new "rebooted" story with new actors a la BSG, ( with guest stars from the original ) or something within the 'Verse entirely new.

I do think Joss would do it if he had financial backing. As well, I think that the cast and crew would return if given the chance.

However, at this time, that's not what is happening.
They are all busy doing other things. The studios aren't forthcoming with money.

I'm not giving up entirely,but I'm not hopeful at this point either.


Well said. I believe many folks feel the same way.

I there was a Serenity comic coming out soon, I would be just THRILLED!


Sunday, August 2, 2009 6:28 PM


No, but I sure hope I'm wrong.

You don't fix faith. Faith fixes you. Shepherd Book


Sunday, August 2, 2009 6:52 PM


I think yes.


Because when I set my mind to something, it happens. Unless the fans are truly opposed to the reboot as an animated series, I'm pretty sure we can get this to start development next year.

It won't hit the TV screens until about a year or two after that.

I do think the animated series will lead to a re-imagining of the live action series eventually.


Sunday, August 2, 2009 6:52 PM



Originally posted by BlackCatLady:
I there was a Serenity comic coming out soon, I would be just THRILLED!

Thanks for posting the above video.
As much as I go to AirlockAlpha.com, I'd not seen that one yet.

That statement seemed pretty clear to me. As long as the studios aren't offering any hope to Joss, then we wait. I have to say I won't ever not miss it either.

Here is an article of what Joss said about the upcoming Dark Horse comic about Shepherd Book.




Sunday, August 2, 2009 7:24 PM


With this trend of folks being honest and unintentionally/woefully negative I feel the need for a bit more blind optimism so I don't depress myself into a hole.
-Hell yes Firefly's comin back, sure as the turnin of the worlds! (I imagine Kaylee issuing that optimism in my head and it makes me feel all better)

I just can't imagine it as not being a possibility as much as I watch the other shows that pop up on SciFi, (I refuse to spell it the new way) FX, major networks etc. and still prefer to watch the same 14 episodes over and over again. Don't get me wrong, I really, really like some of the new stuff (BSG, Chuck, a few others) but I figure a network like say, SciFi would be better served making a Firefly miniseries, TV movie, verse spin-off than something like "Sand worms 3," "Troll goblin things," or "Space Vampire Alien Cowboys."

-Mal, your dead arm buddy's on the bridge!
-He ain't dead.


Sunday, August 2, 2009 8:30 PM


The 'Verse that we all know and love will be back, I guarantee it. I don't know what form it will be back in but some sort of mini-series, tv show, movie, direct-to-DVD is what I believe.

I go around to various websites that review tv shows or have some reason to connect to the 'verse and without a doubt 99% of the comments are positive. You don't even get that kind of response for Star Wars, Star Trek etc. I'm not talking about from websites like this that are devoted to the 'verse, I'm talking places like Hulu etc. Go pick any other TV show and you get, at best, a 60-70% positive feedback but with Firefly you get 99% positive feedback. People love this show and they connect with it. We are adding new fans all the time, maybe not at the rate we were with the BDM but we are adding them. The rumor with Dollhouse's renewal is that FOX did it because they didn't want another Firefly on their hands.

Believe people because Mr. Universe was right: You can't stop the signal.


Sunday, August 2, 2009 9:02 PM


Ok, here's what I know......

I believe it will be a combination of both a miniseries, and then, a TV series. But not as we have come to love it. Somewhat different, but still in the Verse.

I agree with most posters here that a TV series is highly unlikely, because so many studios have passed on it (that some dumb studios). Anywho, and please don't hold me to this, I remember way back when I first joined FFF, I read an article talking about Serenity/Firefly and that Fox had the rights for ten years - meaning they expire sometime in 2012.

There is a possibility, however slim, that Universal may be holding out to swoop in and pick up the rights to the TV series. Ok, I may have sucked in too much oxygen on that one, but think about it. Fox would want a boatload of money from any interested studio for the franchise (mainly because of the DVD sales and us; we keep the fires burning). Hence studios shying away from taking the plunge (also there's that stupid H'wood structure and unwritten rule that another studio does not pick up a cancelled show). I don't know about that, there's Scrubs. Does that count?

I keep saying it people. A TV show that was cancelled has no right having such loyal fans some 7 years after the fall. The execs at Fux know this. Why do you think the Blu-ray got did?
They have pretty much beaten that horse and it will not go a step further, unless they give us new content. It could be animated, or live-action, low-budget fare. Joss is good with bringing the goods on a shoestring budget. Someone had mentioned Epitaph One, good call.

Where was I? Oh yeah, Fux will have to make a decision soon. Do they let the franchise go without so much as a whimper, or do they roll the dice and produce a miniseries? If it's true that Fux's hold on FF the TV series expires in 2012, then that decision may come sooner than later.
Here's an idea: why don't Universal and Fux join forces (like they did with Hulu) and produce FF the miniseries together, thereby sharing the costs of producion and sharing the profits. Everybody wins. We get our BDH back, Fux and Uni count the money. WIN-WIN-WIN.

All the ingredients for success are there: the stars of the show have had more exposure (which BTW is most likely due to Serenity than anything else; who knew of Nathan when he was a recurring character on 2 Guys, A Girl and a Pizza Place), Summer had Terminator, Adam has Chuck, well...you know the rest. Browncoats all over the world would camp out at the video store to buy up the new adventures of Serenity. And in record numbers I might add. Joss was just getting warmed up.

There is precedence, although somewhat negative in nature (the whole Watchmen fiasco was a Fux end-around, although legal, to squeeze Warner Bros. for cashy-money). The Wrath of Khan would be nothing compared to the wrath of the legions of Watchmen fans who would have reigned down heavily upon Fox in every aspect of their entertainment empire. Rumor has it that Fux, in their infinite wisdom, renewed Dollhouse because of the fear of another FF fux up (try saying that with a mouthful of peanut butter).

So, I vote YES. It will happen. These studios have to have someone with a brain working for them, and it don't take much to figure out that we won't go quietly into the night. In these days and times, studios would be stupid not to tap into this revenue source stream.
Are you listening Fox and Universal? Hello!

SGG out!



Monday, August 3, 2009 12:01 AM


I fear not. As each of the actors go on to other projects I can't see them being able to coordinate it back to the critcal mass that it once was. If it were ever to happen; it would have.

BUT I love the optimism!


Monday, August 3, 2009 12:17 AM


I do have a bit of an inside track on the cast.

Everyone is accessible for roles except Nathan.

Just to end the "everyone's moved on and is unavailable" part of the argument.

I did a casting for my film series. The whole Firefly cast submitted except Nathan. If they're up for my freaky film, they'd be more than up for more Firefly, eh?


Monday, August 3, 2009 4:19 AM


lol well sounds as if Nathan has moved on then - can you have Firefly with out him? Maybe but then for me.... no.

Now maybe if Castle folds...

I would love to be proved wrong.


Monday, August 3, 2009 4:23 AM


Yeah, I believe that the actors would do whatever they could to make it happen. Why? Because these were the best characters written for TV since M.A.S.H.

Each has a rich and full back story that has yet to be told. Any one of those characters could go on to have a show all their own. People are dying to know about Inara's secret, Book's past, how did Wash and Zoe get together? Just to name a few.

Actor's schedules could always be worked out to complete a film. It could be shot out of sequence.

Miniseries please!




Monday, August 3, 2009 4:33 AM


I don't want to say, "Not a snowball's chance in hell" but I don't know any other way to say it.


Monday, August 3, 2009 5:51 AM


No, havn't for years, really.

I still expect there to be a Serenity 2 in some form, maybe even direct to DVD, but as a ser4ies - nope.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, August 3, 2009 6:28 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Mangolo:

Because when I set my mind to something, it happens. Unless the fans are truly opposed to the reboot as an animated series, I'm pretty sure we can get this to start development next year.

It won't hit the TV screens until about a year or two after that.

I do think the animated series will lead to a re-imagining of the live action series eventually.

Can you elaborate? Or post a link to more info about your project? Thx!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day - http://www.scifiradio.com Now available on your iPhone


Monday, August 3, 2009 6:50 AM


i sure as heck hope so, maybe staight to dvd like Stargate does with movies or animation would be a cool idea, im still waiting for someone to do that with Buffy. as long as its done with some of the orignal cast im open to it. comix would be awesome also as im reading the buffy and angel ones, maybe idw or dh can get some going.


Monday, August 3, 2009 7:44 AM



Originally posted by pizmobeach:

Originally posted by Mangolo:

Because when I set my mind to something, it happens. Unless the fans are truly opposed to the reboot as an animated series, I'm pretty sure we can get this to start development next year.

It won't hit the TV screens until about a year or two after that.

I do think the animated series will lead to a re-imagining of the live action series eventually.

Can you elaborate? Or post a link to more info about your project? Thx!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day - http://www.scifiradio.com Now available on your iPhone

Do you want info on our current project 'strange frame'? Because the animated Firefly hasn't even entered development.


Monday, August 3, 2009 8:16 AM


I gave up years ago.

I'm just hanging around to see if I get proven wrong. ;)


Monday, August 3, 2009 9:55 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Mangolo:
Do you want info on our current project 'strange frame'? Because the animated Firefly hasn't even entered development.

Guess I'll just watch for updates then - thx!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day - http://www.scifiradio.com Now available on your iPhone


Monday, August 3, 2009 5:58 PM


Will do. Gina gave us more samples of her fantastic singing voice today. Now we have to decide whether we give her the lead role or the singing role!


Monday, August 3, 2009 6:01 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Returning to TV? I have my doubts. It's *possible*, of course, but I don't see it returning as a series. Maybe a TV movie, maybe a miniseries, possibly another feature film. Of the bunch, I'd much rather have a miniseries of 6 2-hours episodes. More is better. :)


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college...


Monday, August 3, 2009 8:37 PM



Originally posted by Storymark:
No, havn't for years, really.

I still expect there to be a Serenity 2 in some form, maybe even direct to DVD, but as a ser4ies - nope.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."

We've done the impossible before so I think we'll see it in some form but not a series.



Monday, August 31, 2009 6:42 PM


As much as I loved it, no it isn't coming back as anything other than comics. Objectively it failed twice. We got our reprieve, but it turned into our coffin. From a financial stand point a studio would be nuts to invest in a twice failed endeavor. That is in fact insane repeating the same action and expecting different results. If I am wrong I would be the first to buy the new movie, series or cartoon. Sadly I don't think I am. Worse is all the current planned merchandise is a rehash of what already at least 4 years old, in short we are being hosed. I have all but stopped buying FF stuff.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009 8:25 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed PirateNew.org wooHOO!!!!!!

Yes. But not soon.

Maybe in 100 years. Or 1000. Or sooner.

The fanfic is still killer. Every day.


Thursday, September 3, 2009 2:06 PM


It might depend on how well Dollhouse does if it does poorly in the ratings and gets cancled Firefly might come back.


Thursday, September 3, 2009 2:19 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I just found this thread and haven't read the entire thing, so apologies if I'm duplicative.

I don't see another movie either, and personally would prefer a series.

If nobody else has pointed it out, ALL of the cast have said they'd find a way to do it, even if it meant squeezing in between their other jobs. Dunno if they actually WOULD, especially as Nathan has a network TV gig, but I refuse to give up hope. The fact he's sneaking in references to FF says something is still with him...

I believe Joss has also said he'd do it if he could...dunno how long ago and of course he's got Dollhouse, but there's NO comparison!

Me, I have no idea. Despite it's short run and how long ago, I always remind myself that the audience is still here--and growing!--and that Star Trek came back!

Animation or comics? I wouldn't be interested.

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Thursday, September 3, 2009 2:30 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by KingEICHOLZ:
It might depend on how well Dollhouse does if it does poorly in the ratings and gets cancled Firefly might come back.

I think it more likely that Firefly could get another chance if Dollhouse is a success rather than if it is a failure. Why would anyone give Joss another chance if they already think of Firefly as a failure and if Dollhouse fails too?

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Thursday, September 3, 2009 3:58 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:

Me, I have no idea. Despite it's short run and how long ago, I always remind myself that the audience is still here--and growing!--and that Star Trek came back!

Animation or comics? I wouldn't be interested.

Remember Star Trek rebooted as an animated series before live action.

I've said it before: I'd love to work with Joss and put together an animated series for Firefly, but will not if the fans don't want it.



Thursday, September 3, 2009 6:49 PM


Anything is possible. Star Trek came back after almost 20 years off air. But a new Firefly would not be the same as the old Firefly because I doubt they could get the same gang together again since some charcters died and some actors are doing well. Book and Wash are dead and Nathan Fillion is doing well with Castle and the show would not be the same without those characters and Fillion as the lead.

But I would watch whatever they put together because I want to see more of that shiny verse.


Thursday, September 3, 2009 7:37 PM


Yeah this show is very expensive to produce. It has a lot of location shootings and CG and other stuff as well. But I remain hopeful that it will come back much like BSG and V after being off the air for like 2 decades. Who knows maybe in the future, production costs would be less.






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