Lost Girl

UPDATED: Sunday, May 12, 2013 05:55
SHORT URL: http://bit.ly/q8tjJL
VIEWED: 35571
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Monday, October 3, 2011 4:47 AM


I know you guys are a season ahead of us UK fans, so please - no spoilers in this thread!

I just can't get over Kenzi's one-liner in episode 2:

"Not everyone here is a nookie-powered Amazon!"

- hysterical! If it weren't for the fact that Anna Silk is so gorgeous, I reckon our charming li'l thief would be stealing the show.

Lauren (Zoe Palmer) is one of the loveliest doctors I've ever seen; little wonder she didn't go into private practice (unless you count working for the Light Fae), she'd be swamped with guys with various imaginary ailments!


Monday, October 3, 2011 1:26 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Anna Silk is gorgeous, but Ksenia Solo is the reason I keep watching. She's Hi-larious!

Is that the second episode of Season One you're talking about? I've got the fifth episode of Season Two queued up to watch tonight.


Monday, October 3, 2011 2:49 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I've never heard of this show, what channel is it on?

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, October 3, 2011 3:50 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

It's on Showcase in Canada.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011 2:51 AM


You'll love it! Here's a precis:

Bo is a woman on the run. This is because everyone she has sex with dies, for no reason known to her. She can also influence people - of either sex - by touching (well, stroking) them, and can draw energy from them by kissing.

She then finds out, from people even weirder than she is, that she's a Fae - specifically, a succubus. Along the way, she makes the acquaintance of a hot werewolf, a (male) Siren and a trio of Furies, among others. Basically, there are the Light and Dark Fae, both of whom are making claims on her (or, unbeknownst to her, planning to kill her) - but she denies allegiance to either side, despite the fact that Fae are normally born into a Light or Dark clan, and brand their members to display their allegiance, so both sides are extremely concerned a) that someone successfully hid her for 28 years and b) they have no idea who or why, nor does Bo.

This is significant because the Fae are determined to keep the secret of their existence (though the Dark Fae see humans as, basically, resources, entertainment or just playthings), and the two sides are, and have been for some time, on the brink of war...and Bo may just be the catalyst that can prevent it, or bring it about. Indeed, according to a Dark Fae oracle, Fate has some serious plans for her.

In fact she had no idea of who or what she was before meeting other Fae, but she's determined to find out - and since her combat skills are on a par with her I-can-kiss-you-to-death-but-you'll-die-smiling powers, she's hard to deny.

She has a partner in her investigation agency, a human girl name of Kenzi, who she saved from date rape...killing the guy in the process. Kenzi is a charming little kleptomaniac, full of character and life, very much the comic relief.

All in all it's shaping up to be a very entertaining and sexy series, and I'm enjoying it so far. Hopefully you will too!


Monday, October 31, 2011 5:11 AM


I'm still recovering from season 1, episode 8, i.e. Bo and Lauren gettin' it on as they've been promising to since their electric chemistry was established from day one! The look Bo gave Lauren early in the episode just smouldered, and as for the bed scene - hot as hell but tasteful and sensual at the same time. Exactly what I'd been hoping for! Go Bo!

But for Lauren to be portrayed as the Ash's whore...poor Bo. She does not deserve that. Nor does Lauren; they make a cute couple. I hope the writers can be a bit kinder to them both in future eps and season 2...


Monday, October 31, 2011 1:51 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Lost Girl is coming to Syfy on January 16. I'm sure it will be edited a bit.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011 6:41 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

The sexual content isn't my speed. I think I'll pass, unless they edit it, like, a lot for Syfy.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:20 AM


I watched ep11 this weekend. Could you believe the Morrigan's red dress? Sprayed on or what?! No gorram way was she wearing anything under that - there wasn't room! If Dyson hadn't been a) Light Fae and b) about to be tortured, he would surely have been howlin' at the moon! Dark Fae or not, she is hot stuff!

And I was very glad to see that things seem to be on the mend re Bo and Lauren; Bo appears to be getting over her (understandable) mad, and I'm glad of it; they do make a cute couple.

I can hardly wait for Lost Girl on DVD!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011 2:10 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by Anonymouse:
I can hardly wait for Lost Girl on DVD!

It has not been released on DVD yet, even in Canada.


Monday, November 21, 2011 12:05 AM



Originally posted by RionaEire:
The sexual content isn't my speed. I think I'll pass, unless they edit it, like, a lot for Syfy.

Although given that it is a show about a succubus, the sex isn't as bad as it could be. It is a bit much sometimes and I do fast forward, but I can't say it isn't a surprise. I do wonder how much, if any, editing it will get for Syfy. I'm glad they are just showing it, rather than just recasting, like they did with Being Human.

And Kensie is completely the reason to watch! Her gypsy cleansing act had me in stitches. I do wish Hale would get more storylines.



Tuesday, November 22, 2011 6:12 AM


In ep 12, did anyone notice the little moment between Kenzi and Hale? I think he likes her...!

And the costumes our heroes were wearing...oh, dear, oh dear. I know they needed disguises, but I don't know who scared me the most: Kenzi with a flower in her hair, Dyson in a (shudder) polo shirt, or Bo in - was it orange or pink? I was afraid to look. Black really is Bo's colour, and anything else - especially anything summery - looks wrong.

Mind you, that little tennis number didn't look bad on her...

I was hoping Saskia would show up again - I had a feeling she would when she left her jacket at Bo's place - but her timing was execrable, i.e. just as Dyson's decided to commit to Bo as she deserves. Trying to steal him? Bad succubus!

Having said that, I think I know who/what she is - and I hope I'm wrong, because Bo will be majorly pissed otherwise...

As for the DVD set - no, it hasn't been released yet, but you can pre-order it on Amazon.

Of course I have. Don't be silly.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011 3:16 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Those moments between Kenzi and Hale have continued into the second season, with a little bit of a cheat in the latest episode.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011 7:42 PM



Originally posted by Anonymouse:
In ep 12, did anyone notice the little moment between Kenzi and Hale? I think he likes her...!

Could be, could be. How that works out will be interesting. I also like the friendship she has developed with Trick.


And the costumes our heroes were wearing...oh, dear, oh dear. I know they needed disguises, but I don't know who scared me the most: Kenzi with a flower in her hair, Dyson in a (shudder) polo shirt, or Bo in - was it orange or pink? I was afraid to look.

Yeah, I was totally feeling Dyson's pain on that one.


I was hoping Saskia would show up again - I had a feeling she would when she left her jacket at Bo's place - but her timing was execrable, i.e. just as Dyson's decided to commit to Bo as she deserves.

Oh, you think that's bad. Just watched the first season finale and my heart feels like it hugged a claymore. I'm not really sure I can watch anymore; it's just so.... AAAAAHHHHH!

Ignoring the angst and pain, I do have a question. So the Fae feed on humans in some form, right? Different types of energy, actual bodies, body parts, memories, fears, etc. What bit of humans do lycanthropes feed on in this little world? If they don't, could they be an exception that feeds more on nature, either literaly by eating Bambi or metaphyiscally through moon energy? That is the one bit that is really confusing me about the verse that's been created. I really like it, a fresh way of telling on what is becoming an common storyline. But Dyson's part as a werewolf just sticks out as not fitting in with the lore as it has been given.

Now back to your regularly scheduled angst...AH!

"I got a dead alien in my backyard. What do I do?"
"One word...barbeque!"


Monday, November 28, 2011 3:52 AM


Well, there we have it - and I was right! Saskia is Bo's mother!

It didn't go as I expected, though; Bo was amazingly calm...for once. There's hope yet for her and Lauren; that 'please come back safe' kiss was clearly spontaneous and very touching. Shame we have to wait for season 2 to hear Lauren's side of it, assuming we do and the writers don't take the lazy way out by showing them having had their talk offscreen. I hate it when writers do that. Those two work; they deserve a chance.

And Bo just cannot catch a break! She's found and lost her mother, she's lost Dyson just as she finally got him...but at least he proved his feelings for her. She'll hopefully have Lauren's shoulder to cry on when she finds out - and Kenzi watching her back when she takes on the Norn, as she doubtless will...unwise though that may be. I rather suspect the Norn is one of the most ancient Fae, with the oldest, wildest magic. Not to be messed with unless you've a damn good reason.

Is Saskia dead? I very much doubt it. Who was that guy carrying her? What was he planning to do with her? Fae medical treatment, maybe? Zombification? Like Kenzi with that delicious dragon guard quip, I wouldn't put anything past the Fae.

Loved the ultimate bitch fight, though - those two gave it everything they had! Great stuff - Kenzi and Hale should've been there, they could've have fun betting on the outcome!

I was half expecting Trick to do a Darth Vader: 'Bo...I am your father.' It seems a bit obvious, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least. Oh well, I'll just have to wait until January to find out!


Thursday, December 1, 2011 5:47 AM


Somehow, I forgot to mention what Bo was wearing; it only occurred to me when I watched ep 13 again - this time on a portable DVD player using headphones (the ep was recorded from Sky) - and heard the ever so distinctive sound leather pants make when someone's walking in 'em. Rowf!

And what about Kenzi's waist? Is she trying out for burlesque? Is that her actual shape, or a corset of some sort? Either way - wow, those curves!


Tuesday, January 24, 2012 8:09 AM


Season 2 in the UK, at last!!!

So far, it seems it was worth the wait. Fae politics seem to be hotting up a bit, 'cause Trick's little secret is out...

Mind you, they still don't know about Aoife. Do the Dark Fae know, I wonder? (US/Canada fans, please don't TELL me!)

It's awakened my muse again; she's abandoned the Firefly fics and commanded me to write for Lost Girl instead. She's as bossy as the Morrigan! I'll have to get the - oh, wait, I forgot: she likes the whip. Hmmm, I'll have to give it some thought...

Kenzi and Hale are so on their game; their cracks about the Ash and his, ahem, consummation with the land were spot on:

'Talk about layin' some turf...'
'Poundin' some ground...'

'Are you done?' Trick finally asks.

As for Bo, it hurt to see her rise and fall in the same (second) episode like that, and Sabine's happy ending only rubbed it in. Why (other than dramatic tension and conflict, that is) did the Norn do that to Dyson?! It was bad enough taking his love for Bo, but making him remember what he'd lost? That's just cruel, to him and Bo. Stroppy old (scarily powerful - eep!) bitch! I only wish Bo could lay the ol' succubus smackdown on her ass!

Yeah, yeah, so I'm a romantic at heart. So shoot me already.

Oh, wait, one other thing: the writers seem to have done exactly what I prayed they wouldn't but feared they would: we haven't heard Lauren's side of things re what she did (had to do) to Bo in Vexed. Dammit, I wanted to see that! Lauren deserves better!

But they do seem to be friendlier now, though it's not the same. I loved that cute little touch of Lauren talking science in her sleep; that is so going into one of my fics. There's too much opportunity there for gentle teasing for Bo to pass up!


Tuesday, January 24, 2012 9:50 AM


Geeeezzzzzzzzzzz am I behind on this thread. Yepper I’ve been able to catch the first 2 episodes of LG, and yes Anna Silk is a drop dead hottie! Not a bad show so far I’m thinking. I didn’t realized that it has been showing on Canadian tv a while. I will certainly watch it as often as I’m able. Seems the show has a lot of potential. I tend to think the writing could level up a bit of a notch though.

It’s on a good tv night, with a good cast, so it’s already got two plusses in column one. One improvement I can see that would help would be a bit more serious, emotional drama. It’s got plenty of at the top, one line zingers, maybe a little heavy in that direction. I’ve seen show that the one line smart-ass comments are all they have. And that ain’t good. They usually don’t last if that the majority of the writing.

I see this as being better than that. I’m staying interested for now. Might be fun to explore some fan-fic, if the show runs long enough.



Tuesday, January 24, 2012 10:48 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by RionaEire:
The sexual content isn't my speed. I think I'll pass, unless they edit it, like, a lot for Syfy.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya

So sorry to hear that, Ri.

I liked the pilot ep. Bo is smokin, and theres lots of plot potential

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, January 24, 2012 2:48 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I watched Season 2, Episode 14 last night, and I am sad to say it was my least favorite so far.

Major reason - it is the first episode in which Kenzi did not appear.


Monday, January 30, 2012 4:23 AM


America loves a winner!

2nd ep on SyFy was a real drop off. Still smokin hot succubus, so that's good.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Monday, January 30, 2012 4:47 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

It has been inconsistent on episode quality through the first season and a half, but most of the main characters are likeable enough to overlook some of that. I think Kris Holden-Ried is the weak link acting wise, which was most obvious in last week's original episode (the one on Showcase not Syfy).

But I think similar things can be said about almost all other shows. Remember Buffy's clunky first season?


Monday, January 30, 2012 5:12 AM


I gave Lost Girl a go based on this thread actually as I have been looking for a new show to try and engage with, but I couldn't get into it. Main reason for me is the lead. I just don't think she is that character at all.

But I don't want to dismiss the joys that most are feeling here, so I hope you'll all continue to enjoy it.

I might try and give Ringer a go....

Cartoons - http://cirqusartsandmusic.blogspot.com


Monday, January 30, 2012 6:25 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I would never say I love Lost Girl, although I do love the character of Kenzi.

It's a guilty pleasure, no more, no less. I'm sure we all have some of those.


Monday, January 30, 2012 9:33 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by ecgordon:
It has been inconsistent on episode quality through the first season and a half, but most of the main characters are likeable enough to overlook some of that.

But I think similar things can be said about almost all other shows. Remember Buffy's clunky first season?

How DARE you compare this to Buffy !

ha ha - j/k !

yeah, I was actually going to compare LG to Primeval. For me, the characters were well enough developed, but the stories and situations they were put... ugh! Ridiculous.

I'll trudge along and watch the 1st season, simply because Ms Silk is so damn fine.

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein

You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves. - Someone.


Monday, January 30, 2012 10:22 AM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Anna Silk must be a playname because no one has that cool of a name in real life and is pretty to go with it.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, January 30, 2012 12:22 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

According to her IMDb profile, her birth name is Anna Catherine Silk.


Monday, January 30, 2012 1:37 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

She had very nice parents.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, January 30, 2012 6:18 PM


America loves a winner!

She reminds me a bit of Holly Marie Combs, from Charmed. Similar look, great pair of....eyes.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, January 31, 2012 7:27 AM


I've just seen S2 ep 3 (Scream A Little Dream), and the Ash seems to be going out of his way to piss Bo off. Making poor Lauren kneel before him - did he do that to deliberately get under Bo's skin, or is he really that much of a dick?

I do wish the writers wouldn't keep interrupting Bo when she's trying to find out stuff - first the Blackthorn turns up when she's asking Trick about the Norn (is she going to try to tackle that harridan? Eep! Bad idea, very bad!), then the Ash barges in just when Lauren's about to tell all. I know there're plenty of eps in the season yet, but it's frustrating!

One thing no-one else has mentioned: Benjamin Pinkerton's music. He seems to have upped his already high game; I loved the music for the stag hunt. I'm also gradually putting together a Lost Girl playlist based on the various tracks they're using, adding tracks that appeal to me as I identify them. Here's what I've got so far:

Lost Girl theme track (extended mix), courtesy of the Showcase website

I Know What I Am (Band Of Skulls), S1 ep 1

Pretty Life (Jakalope), S1 ep 5 (I actually had this on CD, though I'd forgotten; the album is It Dreams)

Sour Cherry (The Kills), S1 ep 8

Madman (Clara Klein), S1 ep8

War Machine (Crooked Valentine), s1 ep 8

The next added will be the one from S1 ep 10, where Bo and Kenzi are waxing their weapons, once I find out which track it is.

Now a question for our US/Canadian fans. UK TV channels have an incredibly annoying habit when it comes to such shows, viz. they don't show the episode titles. I'm pretty sure they do in the US at least; I recall seeing a VCR recording of an episode of Prey (the one with Debra Messing and Adam Storke, remember that?), and the episode's title was shown. So what's the deal here? Does anyone know?


Tuesday, January 31, 2012 8:32 AM


Though it's rude to answer your own question, I've just discovered that it depends on the show in question, not the channel. Oh, right. That's something I've been annoyed about for years, apparently to no purpose!

Oh, well.


Tuesday, January 31, 2012 1:33 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed PirateNew.org wooHOO!!!!!!

Sucking the bad breath out of someone = scary?

FAE = Farie + Fag + Gay

Almost worse than LICHEN (the evil moss creature, er ,werewolf)


Tuesday, January 31, 2012 1:54 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I hate it when people take cool words and turn them into something else. As far as I know no one has done that with the word "Fae" yet, so hold your horses PN, they did it with Fairy but not fae yet.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Tuesday, February 21, 2012 3:53 AM


Ep 2.04, Mirror, Mirror - that was a scary one! "When I found out about the Fae, I knew that had to mean Sasquatch, the Loch Ness Monster an' little Miss Piggy existed, but Baba Yaga, she can't, okay, she just can't!" But Kenzi proved once again just how brave and decent she is - first opting to go in Bo's place, belting Baba Yaga over the head with her own frying pan, then sending the three girls home when she and Bo could have just left them there...she rocks!

"You should see our Fae Sesame Street."
"Don't tease! That would be awesome!" - I agree!

2.05, BrotherFae Of The Wolves - so that's how Dyson first met the Norn!
I think Bo's going to be hurt all over again re Ciara, but I hope she'll be charitable about it.

Re last week's ep (2.06, It's Better To Burn Out Than Fae Away): well, how about that? Bo and Lauren have finally admitted they're crazy about each other and are back on, yay!

Except for the mysterious Nadia (and how the hell did the Morrigan know about her?) - here's my guess: terminally ill, on life support/in stasis, and Lauren's dependent on what we might broadly define as the Ash's charity re research to help/cure her. That's blackmail. He's a git. The last one was, too, though Lachlan's definitely worse. He's definitely heading for an epic vengeance beatdown delivered by Bo if he hurts either Kenzi or Lauren. Can't wait!

But I did like Lauren apparently developing a spine and talking back to the Ash. Go Lauren!

It seems they haven't had The Talk yet - they'll have to, though, now Bo knows about Nadia. Something else to look forward to...

I did like the revisit to the 'Bo's current squeeze stayed the night' scene - first Dyson, now Lauren!

And Kenzi & Hale were priceless as ever; Hale gives her a hangover cure, she asks, "Will you marry me?" and he immediately quips, "Nah, you drink too much." - it's moments like this that, for me, make shows like Lost Girl. "Would you like pancakes with your syrup?", indeed. Mind you, I once had a friend who liked coffee with her sugar. Go figure.

It was intriguing to find out a bit more about milady Morrigan, at last, but I have a query: according to Wikipedia her first name is Ebony, but when Bo found, and was nearly shot by, Jason, just before his meltdown, it didn't sound like that. I couldn't hear a 'b' sound, nor did their lips appear to form it - more like 'v' if anything. So what is her first name?

She is, however, as devious and callous as I've been writing her in my current fanfic (which, on my blood honour, I swear I wrote before I saw the ep!), which I found immensely satisfying. Go me!


Tuesday, February 21, 2012 5:02 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

The Morrigan's name is Evony, although I'm not sure if that is a first or last name.

BTW, I'm not going to spoil anything, but if you like Kenzi and Hale, you're gonna love Episode 9. And 17.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012 5:26 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I was thinking there was another Lost Girl thread here somewhere, devoted to its airing now on Syfy, but I couldn't find it. In any case, Syfy has announced that they will continue with Lost Girl with no break. Season 2 episodes begin on April 16.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012 6:26 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by ecgordon:
I was thinking there was another Lost Girl thread here somewhere, devoted to its airing now on Syfy, but I couldn't find it. In any case, Syfy has announced that they will continue with Lost Girl with no break. Season 2 episodes begin on April 16.

Good! Though it is getting a tad perplexing trying to juggle / decipher between the syfy & BBC shows.

: /

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Saturday, February 25, 2012 6:35 AM


'Evony'! Ah, thanks, I knew it sounded like that!

Hmm, I think I'll correct the Wikipedia entry.

And it's her first name; her full name is Evony Florette Marquis.


Saturday, February 25, 2012 6:45 AM


Just for fun, from my own fanfic Of Life & Death, Truth & Lies:

There came a sharp rap at the front door. Bo crouched defensively; Trick motioned her to be still and edged cautiously to the door. “Who comes without?”
"Without what?” asked a chirpy voice from…well, from without. Bo sagged in relief. “It’s Kenzi. Let her in, Trick.”

- this, to me, is pure Kenzi.


Monday, March 5, 2012 5:38 AM


Well, I rather suspected foul, i.e. Fae, play re Nadia; how did she catch a Fae disease anyway? - answer, of course: she didn't. My first suspect for cursing Nadia: the Ash. What a devious, despicable way of recruiting someone; if he weren't lying in a coma, he'd be due for an epic vengeance beat-down! That's the sort of behaviour I'd expect of milady Morrigan!

And what the hell was with Bo in ep 2.08 (Death Didn't Become Him)? What was that?! (apart from cool, amazing and dowright scary!) Was there someone/thing else speaking through her? There have been hints as to her being special and unusually powerful, but nothing like that.

Oddly, I sort of predicted this in my fanfic, specifically Homeward Bound, And Back Again (fanfiction.net); the publication date proves I wrote this bit - the very last - before this ep was shown in the UK:

“Trick,” Lou Ann said quietly, “there’s something else. One of my talents as a midwife is to sense what abilities the newborn has. So I knew she was a succubus from the moment she opened her eyes,” she mused, “but...there was something more, something...different, strange. What is she, Trick?”
The same question had occurred to him more than once, of course. “To be honest,” he told her frankly, “I truly wish I knew.”

And Kenzi & Hale are keeping up the good work; I loved Kenzi's expression when she discovered how seriously ripped Hale is!

Things seem to be hotting up; if Lauren can break the curse and revive Nadia, where does that leave poor Bo? Sidelined by a beautiful woman, again? Not fair!

Unless they can share, of course...ooh!

As for me, my currently Lost Girl - obsessed muse will not leave me alone; I have Aftermath, Up, Up and A-Fae!, Vexed II: The Reckoning and Homeward Bound, And Back Again published on fanfiction.net; I've nearly finished Schooling A Succubus and have finished Of Life & Death, Truth & Lies. I even have two more (Fae-th, Hope & Charity and EmanciFaetion) in the works.

If it weren't for the fact that it's fun, I'd be pleading for some cure for writing fanfic!


Monday, March 5, 2012 5:14 PM


America loves a winner!

I'm digging the multiple hair styles Bo is sportin' this episode. I do believe she looks hotter w/ shorter hair.

Weird... she has shorter hair in 1 scene, then longer in the next. But even so, she looks like she's lost a few lbs, in the face.

OK, lusting over.

But I like her nifty 'Witchblade' toy.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Saturday, March 10, 2012 4:15 AM


It's getting more and more interesting! Our creepy little girl has a name, the Nain Rouge. And who is Ysabeau? - obvious suspicion: whoever/whatever was speaking through Bo in last week's ep.

Shame on Hale, though; he's in Ciara's body not even a minute and he's feelin' her up!

But Dyson as Kenzi was just precious; she certainly made the most of the experience! But full marks to her for integrity, by not telling Bo Dyson's feelings for Ciara...especially as I suspect he's not as into her as she is into him. Or was I imagining the look on his face when they were shown making out in an earlier ep?

I bet she was dying to tell Bo on the grounds that it'd at least give her best friend hope, but she proved how strong she is and didn't do it. Good for her!

Zoie played crazy with a degree of wide-eyed relish, I thought; she seemed to be having fun there. I loved it.

And what's with the Ash and what appears to be a spare head?! Or is that his real head and the one he's sporting is someone else's? What's up with that?!

And - bingo night? Seriously? Oh, Trick, the previous Ash was right - you have been behind that bar too long!

As for Bo's hairstyle & look: well, she did look good, but she's that lucky sort who'd look good in anything (or nothing!). I still prefer her with long hair.


Monday, March 12, 2012 4:38 AM


Yesterday I finally realised who Bo and Kenzi remind me of: Xena and Gabrielle! Now there would be a bitch fight for sure! Who'd win?

Actually, I suspect Xena would...because with all due respect to Kenzi and her courage (which she claims not to have, though this is the girl who stood up to the Ash for Lauren's sake when she doesn't even really like her, and who belted Baba Yaga - her worst childhood nightmare - over the head with her own frying pan), I'm pretty sure Gabrielle would wipe the floor with Kenzi and that'd leave Bo vs. the two of them.

It'd be something to watch, though!

Hmm...fanfiction.net has a crossover section...I wonder...!


Monday, March 19, 2012 7:28 AM


Re ep 2.10, Raging Fae - well, now. This one blew me away, mainly with the revelations about Bo.

Actually, it blew me away that I'd made certain fundamental assumptions in writing my fic Homeward Bound, And Back Again, viz.: I had assumed Bo had immediately blown town on finding poor Kyle dead, rather than telling her parents; I had assumed she'd always been known as Bo; I had assumed she'd been told she was adopted. All of these assumptions proved to be wrong.

Oh dear. Incorporating this new knowledge would require a rewrite, and it raises questions as to how much Lou Ann told Bo's parents. She must have told them about Bo being a succubus, else why wasn't she allowed to date?

I may just rewrite and post the second version as well, I don't know.

But as for the Ash doing an impression of Doctor Who's Prisoner Zero - what the hell?! What's he doing eating a pillar of the Fae community?! Who - or what - is he?!

But Anna was so good in this one; Bo's pain and anger for the way things had turned out was palpable. I actually wanted her to tell Mel the truth; it might have given Bo a little closure, too. She's clearly still grieving for Kyle (something I did get right in my fic). But Hale's solution was at least neat and gave Mel something she and her parents could live with.

And Trick definitely knows more than he's telling; witness his reaction to Bo's mentioning the name Ysabeau. Hmmm.


Monday, March 19, 2012 11:07 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Anonymouse:
Yesterday I finally realised who Bo and Kenzi remind me of: Xena and Gabrielle!

Nice one.

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein

You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves. - Someone.


Monday, March 26, 2012 4:58 AM


Well, what about that?! I haven't yelled at the screen that much since Kaylee was shot and Joss fooled us into thinking she was dead.

I refer, of course, to Lauren's meltdown - so brave of her to rebel like that, probably inevitable, and - to us, at least - entirely understandable, but couldn't she see where it would lead? I don't think even Bo would've made that mistake. I was simultaneously cheering her on and crying, "No, you idiot, he'll be having you dragged off in chains! Stop! Get a grip!"

I wonder how long Lachlan can keep this little bit of news from Bo...and what'll happen when she hears about it? Will Trick (who doubtless will find out first) dare tell her?

So looking forward to Masks!


Monday, March 26, 2012 5:26 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

It's getting confusing trying to keep up with where you are in the show, versus where the US broadcasts on Syfy are, versus the Canadian broadcasts (which I have been downloading).

Last night for Canada it was Season 2, Episode 21, with a major revelation about one character (which is close to what I had thought it was going to be), and the implications that something tragic might be in store for

Select to view spoiler:


. Next week is the finale, and I have a suspicion it will end on a cliffhanger, since we already know there will be a Season 3.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012 3:12 AM


Sorry for the confusion! As of Thursday 29th, we'll be watching ep 2.12, Masks, in the UK. At the moment I don't have access to download facilities - and I wouldn't use them for this show if I had. I'm more patient than that. One ep at a time, dude!

Dyson got out of his situation with Ciara pretty neatly, didn't he? He said he'd do everything he could for her...but if he can't do anything, well, he can keep his secret without breaking his word.

Until/unless Bo tells her what the Norn did to him - which I'm surprised she hasn't already.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012 4:34 AM


I read your post and saw the first two episodes. I have to say that is a Supernatural with girls but I like it



Monday, April 2, 2012 4:58 AM


A very happy-sad episode, was Masks. I love that Kenzi might finally get some action (all she's had so far is a stolen kiss from Sean Cavanaugh in ep 1.09, Fae Day, and he was killed shortly after, poor lad); her expression while listening to Nate sing and play guitar was adorable. Nadia's lovely, and Lauren's clearly very happy to have her back (she might be back to serving the Ash, but at least this time it's her choice).

But what about Bo? Poor girl, after her usual exemplary job of kickin' ass and taking names, she's left out in the cold.

Then again, what about the bloke who gave her that gold bracelet? Hmm...

And Dyson's headed for disaster, I fear; I'm now quite certain he's not in love with Ciara. When's he gonna grow a pair and tell her?

I loved Bo's friends all giving her weapons, though! I've always liked practical present shopping, i.e. buying something useful, and those presents will definitely come in handy, I'm sure.






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