Goin' Home CH.16
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Things go wahoonie-shaped.



Hera: Hide Number 2, midday

Well now, that surely stirred ‘em up. Finally got to hear the merc. Seems to have his shit all in one sock, rappin’ out orders like he knows his business. If he’s smart, and sounds like, some of what I been hearin’ on the com is purest horseshit. Got to know I’m listenin’ in, play me for a mushroom. Need to get a confirm on some of that.

Nap was good, but not near enough sleep. Eyes’re startin’ to go all scratchy, and I’m gettin’ that hollow feel inside which means the wall ain’t far off. Stims’ll take care of it, but the crash’ll be a hard one.

Pre-positioned a few things in the yard. Hope I got it right.

“Jacob? I know you can hear me.” Mr. Barty.

“ I have your friends here at Mr. Mossberg’s house. They have not been harmed yet, nor do I wish them to be. That was quite cunning of you to disable the ship. Bravo. But surely you can see that your situation is untenable. We can wait you out, we’re quite comfortable here. Give yourself up and your friends will go free. To convince you to do so, we have arranged a little demonstration for you.”

BIG explosion, hear it crash back and forth between the hills.

“I’m afraid Mr. Chisholm’s house no longer exists. If you do not surrender yourself to me, others shall follow. Do you really wish all of these people to become homeless? I think not.”

You frikkin’ BASTARD.

Grab the com...........easy boy, settle down ‘fore ya do sumthin’ dumb. Could be a bluff. Don’t KNOW he blowed up Gordy’s. But if he did.......gotta keep ‘em from doin’ it again. Gotta stall.

Key up the com, keep it short so they can’t get a direction.

“And how do I know you won’t lay waste to everything anyways?”

“Ah, I knew that would get your attention. To be honest, you don’t, but I am not a barbarian, Jacob. My only real interest here is you, and of course, Mr. Smiley has been SO looking forward to your company again. These other gentlemen in my employ, however, are not so reluctant. They will have no remorse whatsoever in destroying everything around here.”

Think. Be nice to confirm Gordy’s is gone, know if it’s a bluff or not. But that’s the other direction from the yard, screws my plan all to hell. Still, can maybe lure ‘em out that way. Be a bit harder, take longer. Improvise, adapt, and overcome.

“Okay Barty,” leave off the MISTER on purpose,” You win. I give up, they go free?”

“You have my word, Jacob.” Which is worth spit.

“I’m a ways out, take awhile to get there. Long about sundown.”

“We’ll be waiting”.

Yeah, I’m comin’ you little GIT. But you surely ain’t gonna like it.

Just hope I lit a big enough fire under Higgins’ ass.


Persephone: Barty’s Ship, in orbit, 15 Months Ago

Be nice if I could trust Barty enough to do this deal clean, but I’d surely be a fool to. Want sumthin’ public, REAL public. Always Alliance troopies standin’ around at Eavesdown, might work. Doubt he’d want to start a ruckus in broad daylight there. Call ‘im on the way in, don’t give ‘im time to set a trap for me.

Land, get ‘im in here under my gun. Make the exchange, then......fade into the crowds? Yeah, but I’d still look like me. How to fix that.......? This coverall is a giveaway sure, need other clothes. Where to get some... Oh yeah, just borrow some from the fellas I got locked up. Put ‘em on under this thing, lose this once I’m clear of the ship and outta sight for a minute or so. Then make tracks.

Hmmm....need to delay pursuit for a spell to help that along. Ah. Just tie Barty up in here. Time he gets loose and lets his boys free I’ll be long gone. Simple. Direct. And only a half dozen ways for it to screw up. Oh well, a half-assed plan now is better than a perfect plan later.

Get the clothes, put ‘em on, then call Barty.


“C’mon in, door’s open.” Here we go.

As he steps through the inner door hit fast close, inner/outer.

“I’d appreciate you keepin’ yer hands where I can see ‘em.”

“Is this really necessary Jacob? I am alone and unarmed, as you specified.”

“You’ll pardon me if I make sure ‘bout the unarmed part?”

“By all means”.

Pat ‘im down, bulges inside his jacket. Papers, and a sack of coin. Drop ‘em to the deck, pat some more. Seems to be clean. Motion with the gun.

“Have a seat. Please.”

“ Thank you. Any other conditions before we conclude our business?”

“Not just yet.” Keep ‘im covered while I get the book. Set it on the table, back off to where I dropped the money.

Check the papers, looks alright. Signed, thumb-printed. Tuck ‘em in my coverall. Look in the bag....some paper money on top, bright shiny coinage underneath. Tuck that in too.

“Go on, check it.”

He opens the bag, slides out the book. Runs his hand over the cover like a caress. Opens it up, looks at several pages. Closes it.

“And your other condition?”, he asks.

“Just this.” Club ‘im with the gun butt, folds up nice. Damn that felt good. Figgered I owed ‘im for the boot in the head.

Roll of gaffer’s tape outta my pocket. Prop ‘im up in the chair, start tapin’ ‘im up. Get this done and get outta here. Tape his mouth shut for a finish.

Gun don’t quite fit in the pocket, cover the grip with my forearm. Through the airlock, close and lock it behind me. Saunter on away.

Down between these containers, turn, walk a bit further. Good enough. Shuck the coveralls, wad ‘em up, stuff ‘em in amongst this trash. Gun in the holster, coin an’ papers in the front of my shirt. Go on down here aways, turn, merge into the crowd.

Like to see Barty’s face when he gets loose and lets his boys outta those cabins. Ain’t NONE of ‘em got a stitch of clothes on.



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Goin' Home Ch. 22/23
Last two.

Goin' Home CH.21
Gettin' close to the end.

Goin' Home CH.20
Tables get turned.

Goin' Home CH.19
Gunnin' and runnin'.

Goin' Home CH.17/18
Settin' up for the next bit of violence

Goin' Home CH.16
Things go wahoonie-shaped.

Goin' Home CH.15
Jake has the book and the ship. Now how to get paid?

Goin' Home CH.14
The enemy of my just another scumbag.

Goin' Home CH.13
The job nears completion, and Jake begins his campaign on Hera.

Goin' Home CH.12
Things start going bump in the night.