Goin' Home CH.17/18
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Settin' up for the next bit of violence



Hera: Near the Chisholm Homestead, late afternoon

Uh huh, still standin’. So you buggers ain’t quite as bloodthirsty as you say. Good.

Legs’re startin’ to get a bit rubbery. Time for a stim. Hate these gorram things, ears start buzzin’ after the first couple, don’t quit til I’ve slept a good long while.

How to get ‘em out this way.........sure wouldn’t mind a ride long about now. Get’em to come fetch me? Might do. Where? Hmmmm.... road comes up that draw, gets narrow there. Mercs might expect an ambush, need a distraction.

And that’d be me, standin’ right there in plain sight. Okay, now how to rig this.........need some real fine line for the trip wire. Sun’ll be .....okay, shouldn’t light up the trip. They hit that, clothesline comes up, and cleans ‘em off the hover for me. Works. Just have ta borrow a couple things from Gordy, don’t think as he’ll mind.

Damn. Only way to make time is to go over that ridge again. Least I’ll be able to see where I’m puttin’ my feet this time, miss all the tanglefoot.


Persephone: Eavesdown Docks, 15 Months Ago

Now to find the first thing smokin’ off this rock. Got money, so can pay my way easy for once. Thinkin’ on it, best divvie this up so it ain’t bangin’ ‘gainst my belly any more. Find a nice private spot out the way. Ah, toilet over yonder.

Shut the door, lock it, gun out an’ lay it beside me. Papers out, fold ‘em up, into this pocket here. Lessee...put two hundred in each boot, fifty each in the pockets, son of a bitch.

Count it out slow..........ain’t but a hundred and a bit in here, all them small value coins in the bottom. SUMbitch. Still prolly get me a ride outta here, but not much left on the other end, which could be damn near anywhere.

You little prick. Get my ass kicked, shanghai’d, kill four men ain’t done me no wrong. And this is what I got to show... a hundred plus and the clothes on my back. Shoulda just stuck to rollin’ gutter trash. Damn it.

Well, shit. Check the boards, see what’s goin’ where, might do alright anyways. Just rankles is all.


Hera: Approximately 2 Miles From Jeb’s

Set to go. Time to ring the dinner bell an’ bring the dogs runnin’.

Key up the com.


“Mr. Barty is not available. You may speak to me.” Oh joy. Smelly.

“‘Lo Smelly. Learn any new tricks? Like bathing?”

“Yes I have. Pulling the heads off of chickens is quite entertaining. YOU will be even more fun.”

“Get yer boss on the com, peckerhead. I got a problem.”

Gotta play this right.

“Jacob. I understand there is a difficulty?”

“Yup. Knee’s all buggered up, cain’t hardly hobble along. You want me, gonna have to come get me.” Hope that sounded like I’m in pain.

“If this is a ruse, Jacob......”

“Ain’t no ruse. Ask my friends, they’ll tell ya.”

Leaves the com open, can hear Gordy in the background.

“Alright, Jacob, Mr. Chisholm confirms that. Where are you?”

“Take the road like you’re goin’ to Gordy’s. Take the left at the fork, then follow that til it forks again. Take the right fork, an’ I’m up that ‘bout a half mile.”

“Very good. I will send someone to get you. And tricks.”

“‘Course not.”

Come and get it, boys.


Persephone: Eavesdown Docks, 15 Months Ago

Don’t that just beat all? Not a frikkin’ thing that’d do me any good ‘cept that shit-shoveler, and they ain’t leavin’ til tomorrow. Take that, gonna be workin’ my way for a bunk and one meal a day. Could take some of what I got here and buy me some extra rations. Captain says as that’s the best he can do since he’s got enough crew for this run. Deadhead here to Shadow, pick up a load of beef on the hoof, on to Jiangyin, Greenleaf, Whitefall, and back here again. Surely DO NOT wanna get stuck on Whitefall.

Sticks in my craw that Barty got another one over on me. Fool me once, and all that shit. Damn.

Stick around here too long I’ll get caught again, sure as hell. Uh oh, sounds like.... move over here to get a better angle.......yup, Barty’s ship just lifted off. Gives me a couple hours til the hunt’s on. Could just go an’ hide out on the ‘shoveler, that’d get me outta sight til she lifts.

Sure wouldn’t mind gettin’ just one more piece outta Barty ‘fore I leave, though. Get at least enough that I won’t have to scratch for awhile, wherever I end up.


Saturday, December 6, 2008 7:24 AM


Following the back and forth is sometimes a little challenging but I like the meatier post!


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Goin' Home Ch. 22/23
Last two.

Goin' Home CH.21
Gettin' close to the end.

Goin' Home CH.20
Tables get turned.

Goin' Home CH.19
Gunnin' and runnin'.

Goin' Home CH.17/18
Settin' up for the next bit of violence

Goin' Home CH.16
Things go wahoonie-shaped.

Goin' Home CH.15
Jake has the book and the ship. Now how to get paid?

Goin' Home CH.14
The enemy of my just another scumbag.

Goin' Home CH.13
The job nears completion, and Jake begins his campaign on Hera.

Goin' Home CH.12
Things start going bump in the night.