Goin' Home CH.21
Friday, December 5, 2008

Gettin' close to the end.



Hera: 14 Months Ago, outside Mossberg Salvage

Good thing we set down when we did. Couple more minutes and we’d all have been just one big smokin’ crater. ENTIRELY too damn close.

Feels good to just sit here in the sun a spell. Smells like......home. Naw, don’t even get to thinkin’ that. Remember all the reasons ya took off in the first place.

Yeah, but......they still valid?

You was young and dumb, full of fire, if not much sense. Wanted glory in the war. Didn’t find much of that, now did ya? Wanted SHUT of that when the purple-bellies cut ya loose. Just wanted to make a place for yourself, on your own terms.

Didn’t work out so well, did it? Just gettin’ by ain’t no way to live. So ya kept on lookin’, tryin’ this ‘n’ that, never seemed to get anywhere.

Best get my head out an’ wrap it around this next bit.

Get everything lined up straight, don’t wanna spend more time doin’ this than I have to. Already took a handful of pills to stave off the damage, but it’s gonna hurt anyways. Least I know what to expect.

Here comes the captain. Looks as if they’re ready for me.

........................................two weeks later

Run a hand over my head. Yup, smooth as a baby’s ass. Prolly looks like one too. Gonna take awhile for my body to heal, still a bit weak.

Talked a lot with Jeb of the evenings after I woke up. Traded tales of where we been, what we’ve done. Maybe not friends yet, but there’s an understanding between us. Right kind of ‘im to offer me a job given that he knows about Barty and all.

Didn’t see the ship take off, I was too busy bein’ passed out. Nice of the captain to put a little money my way for doin’ the repair. Weren’t much, just what he could spare, but I appreciate the thought.

Still don’t know if I oughtta stay, urge to keep movin’ is pretty strong. I dunno, give it a month or so after I’m healed up. Then we’ll see............


Hera: Night, Close to Jeb’s

“And what guarantee do I have that you will let us live, Jake?” Barty don’t sound so cock-sure now, do he?

“You got MY word, which when given means it’ll be kept, unlike you.”

“I must confer with my associates.”

“Yeah, well don’t be long about it. Tick tick tick, clock’s runnin’ out.”

What’s he gonna do, play it straight, or try an’ turn the tables?

“Does this include the rest of my men?”

“Yup, them as live. You can take the meat with ya too if you like.”

Think he’s gonna go for it. Hope so, I’m about tired of this whole damn mess.

“Alright Jake. Your friends will be coming out with all of our weapons.”

“Good. You tell ‘em to head on out towards the junk yard. Give Jeb a com.”


Took a couple minutes, but here they come. Wow. There sure was a lot of hardware left in the house. Glad I didn’t try an assault, be splattered all over by now. Best call Jeb.

“Jeb, it’s Jake. Walk on over to the fellas out front on the ground and collect up all their guns too. Don’t think any of ‘em’s alive, but don’t take chances. I’ll be there in a minute.”


Glad this is gettin’ close to over. Been a looong several days. But it ain’t over YET, not til they’re long gone. Don’t let my guard drop, not even for a second.

“You all okay?”, I ask as I walk up.

“So far, Jake.” That outta Jeb. Gordy nods, still lookin’ toward the house. Abbie’s just starin’ at the bodies on the ground. Not a good sign.

“Abbie?” No response. “ABBIE!” She flinches when I touch her arm, then looks at me. Eyes go all big. Forgot. I got my war paint on, blood on my clothes. She backs up, looks ready to bolt.

“Jake?” She’s scared shitless or in shock, cain’t tell which.

“That’s right, it’s me. You okay?”

“No. I want to go home. I want to go home. I WANT TO GO HOME!” She turns and runs off up the road.

Well shit. I ain’t got time at the moment to deal with no hysterics. Think fast.

“Gordy, save sumthin’ for yourself outta that shit yer carryin’ and drop the rest. The yard quad is parked right by the gate over there. Why don’t you go fetch it, then catch up to Abbie and take her home, if she’ll let ya. Jeb and I got this covered.”

That’s those two outta the way. Gordy seemed steady enough, but he never been a soldier, cain’t be sure he wouldn’t fold or freeze if this goes sour. Lot could go wrong yet.

“ Jeb, keep an eye on the house while I sort through this real quick,” I say, nudging the pile of weapons at our feet. Squat down, paw through it. Several pistols, rifles, a couple knives. Some of it ain’t bad, but I’ll stick with my shotgun and pistol. Smiley’s hand cannon is here, but it’s too much gun for me. Jeb’s got a mil issue assault rifle, must be the merc’s.

“Anything you want outta this, have at. Otherwise, let’s get this over with, “ I say, standing up and pointing my shotgun towards the house.

“Got all I need right here, “ he says, wiggling the rifle.” Get ‘em on out here. Tired of ‘em stinking up my house.”

“Right. I’ll move over here a ways. They try sumthin’ cute they cain’t get us both.”

Move to the right about ten paces. Puts the door to Jeb’s in a cross fire.

“Okay Barty,”I yell, need to work off some of this adrenaline anyways, “ you first! Hands on your head, and straight out the door! You just keep walkin’ til I tell ya to stop!”

Glance over to Jeb. He’s taken a knee, rifle up and scanning the front of his house.

Door opens and Barty steps out. Takes a quick look to see that we’ve got ‘im nailed if we wanted to. Hands on head, and on out into the street. Stops when he gets to the carnage layin’ in the dirt.

“ Keep walkin’, mister. I ain’t told you to stop.”

He steps in among the bodies. Shoes gettin’ all over gross with bloody mud. Let ‘im get past the mess.

“Awright, you can stop there. Face down, in the dirt, then freeze it.”

Some satisfaction in seein’ his fancy clothes get all grimy like that. Main thing is, the rest are less likely to try anything dumb.

“Smelly!? You next, same deal!”

Big man fills the door, sidles a bit to make it through, hands already on his head. Off the porch and onto the dirt. Almost to the meat....hands comin’ down.......GUN!

Short burst from Jeb’s rifle right along with a blast from my shotgun. See at least two from Jeb hit, my round takes his left leg off at the thigh, turns the right into pulp.

“DON”T SHOOT DAMMIT! DON”T SHOOT!”, from the house.

Move in on Smiley, shotgun pointed at his head. Kick the pistol further away from where he dropped it. Look ‘im in the eyes. Nuthin’ there but hate. I nod.

“Fine. Lay there and bleed”.

Back off to where I was.

“Awright, you last two assholes come on out together! Either one of ya tries any shit at all and you BOTH get it!”

Glance over to Barty, he ain’t moved, back to the door. One merc, two. Hands on heads. Walk out together.

“Get on over here next to Barty, then get on yer knees.”

They do. Motion to Jeb to close up with me. He comes over, gun pointing at the three on the ground.

“You cover, I’ll search ‘em,” I say. Lay down the shotgun, then my pistol and knife.

Pat the mercs down. Nuthin’ hidden, but do find a set of cuffs, prolly for me. Put ‘em face down when I’m through.

Walk over to Barty. Drag his arms behind his back and cuff ‘im. Roll ‘im over, pat ‘im down. Eeewww. Crotch is wet. Pissed hisself. Look over to the mercs.

“Either of you retards able to fly that ship?”

“Yeah,” boss merc. “I can.”

“Then you boys just lay chilly here a spell. I’ll get it fixed, won’t take long. Then you two can take this sack of shit and leave. Jeb here’ll keep ya company til I’m done.”

Startin’ to feel tired again, need ‘nuther stim. Look over to Jeb.

“You okay, or want a stim?”, I ask.

“Stim. Been awhile since I ate last.”

Shake two out the bottle. Hand one over.

“ I need to go to the yard first, pick sumthin’ up, then I can fix their boat proper.”

He nods as I head off towards the yard.



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Goin' Home Ch. 22/23
Last two.

Goin' Home CH.21
Gettin' close to the end.

Goin' Home CH.20
Tables get turned.

Goin' Home CH.19
Gunnin' and runnin'.

Goin' Home CH.17/18
Settin' up for the next bit of violence

Goin' Home CH.16
Things go wahoonie-shaped.

Goin' Home CH.15
Jake has the book and the ship. Now how to get paid?

Goin' Home CH.14
The enemy of my just another scumbag.

Goin' Home CH.13
The job nears completion, and Jake begins his campaign on Hera.

Goin' Home CH.12
Things start going bump in the night.