Goin' Home CH.19
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Gunnin' and runnin'.



Hera: Early evening

Gotta love folk as are prompt. Can hear the turbine now, should put ‘em about two turns back, so they’ll see me in a minute.

Round up the spout, safety on, don’t wanna blow my hand off by accident. Lean on it like a crutch. Don’t ham it up too much.

Here they come. Hold it up here, good a spot as any, raise my other hand when they get in sight. Oughtta look bedraggled enough.

And around the corner......they see me. Got one standin’ up to cover me, two more watchin’ the sides for ambush. C’mon, just keep comin’........ right about.....NOW.

Line comes up, knocks the standin’ fella onto the one behind, takes the driver right out the hover, but doesn’t quite get the last one. Knocks the rifle outta his hands, though.

Step aside as the hover keeps comin’. Shotgun up, off safe. BOOM Shredder gets the two tangled up.

BOOM Slug punches the driver back into the dust.

Last one bailin’ out. Short shuck! Drop it, pull the pistol. BOOM Spins ‘im around, but don’t go down. BOOM Now he’s down.

Make sure. Driver’s definitely dead, ain’t nobody gonna live with a hole like that in their chest.

This fella’s still breathin’ but won’t be for long, bleedin’ heavy. No sense in lettin’ ‘im suffer.


Best chop the throttle on the hover ‘fore it breaks loose of that tree. Two in the back there......yup, cain’t get much deader’n that. What a mess.

Two mercs, two of Barty’s. Seven to go, if not more. Gonna be a busy night.


The Black: Aboard the livestock hauler en route to Shadow, 15 Months Ago

Jake you is one DUMB son of a bitch. Couldn’t leave well enough alone, could ya? NOOOOO gotta go back an’ try to get even with Barty for stiffin’ ya.

Frikkin’ Smiley ‘bout tore my head off ‘fore I got ‘im with the shank. Too bad it weren’t sharp enough to really give ‘im another smile.

Might actually have pulled it off if’n they hadn’t showed up just then. Missed when I took a shot at Barty, too. DAMN.

Gotta start thinkin’ on how best to stay alive. This’ll do for now, but I surely ain’t interested in shovelin’ cow shit for the next month plus, then endin’ right back where I started.

Ain’t much on Shadow, but, might find work. A bit close to Persephone for my likin’, though.

Jianying’d be further, but there’s not much there either. Could maybe hide out in the bush for a time.

Greenleaf........dunno, ain’t never been.

And Whitefall.........not a chance in hell. That gal Patience is not only mean but crazy into the bargain. Only way I’d make it there is to be one of HER thugs, and I just cain’t do it. No guarantee I wouldn’t end up just as dead at her hand as Barty’s.


Thursday, December 4, 2008 10:53 PM


I keep reading this because it's well written, but I wonder if you shouldn't add a disclaimer in your description that it's set in the Firefly 'verse but not including any of the canon characters. Unless they're coming up?

Friday, December 5, 2008 6:50 AM


Don't wanna give anything away, but, disclaimer/etc. is coming up at the end.


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Goin' Home Ch. 22/23
Last two.

Goin' Home CH.21
Gettin' close to the end.

Goin' Home CH.20
Tables get turned.

Goin' Home CH.19
Gunnin' and runnin'.

Goin' Home CH.17/18
Settin' up for the next bit of violence

Goin' Home CH.16
Things go wahoonie-shaped.

Goin' Home CH.15
Jake has the book and the ship. Now how to get paid?

Goin' Home CH.14
The enemy of my just another scumbag.

Goin' Home CH.13
The job nears completion, and Jake begins his campaign on Hera.

Goin' Home CH.12
Things start going bump in the night.