Goin' Home Ch. 22/23
Friday, December 5, 2008

Last two.



Hera: 13 Months Ago, Mossberg Salvage

Now that I’ve given in and decided to stay looks like I’ll be needin’ a place of my own. Stayin’ in Jeb’s spare room is nice an’ all, but won’t hardly do for the long run. Cain’t entertain a lady, should things go that way, and nowhere just to be by myself ‘cept to head on out for a walk.

Big ol’ Blue Sun shipping container over yonder might do. Far enough from everything around for some privacy, decent start to a roof over my head, won’t have to start from scratch buildin’ anything. Might as well take a look.

Some junk scattered around the outside. That’d have to get cleaned up. Look at junk all day, don’t wanna live with it too. Other’n some rust the box don’t look too bad.

Pull open these doors and check inside. Huh, other’n’s stuck. Little heat and some lube oughtta take care of that. Smells musty, prolly ain’t been opened in a good while. Liner’s got mildew, have to tear it all out. Get all this gorram crap outta here. Boards. Paint tins. Sumthin’ under a tarp down to the other end, likely just more junk. Yup, got possibilities.

Talk it over with Jeb tonight. Might need to sweeten the pot a touch. Hmmm.....take half pay and some salvage to outfit the box? Might do. Or, could just put in more hours. See what he says.


Hera: Approximately 1 AM, The Merc Ship

Well that takes care of the ship. Put the card back, powered everything back up. Disconnected that shit-rig work-around on the actuators. Don’t want ‘em blowin’ up afore they’re a looong ways aways.

Cleaned out the merc’s stash of weapons on board. Got the launcher they blew up my baby with, that’ll come in handy to make sure they leave without a fuss. Best get back and finish this off. Barty cain’t get off this rock soon enough to suit me.


“ Awright then, here’s how it is”, I tell ‘em. “ You all get on that hunk of junk and make tracks outta here. Barty, if you’re smart, you’ll find some hole and crawl into it. Higgins don’t strike me as the forgiving sort. I’d just as soon kill ya my ownself, but I gave my word. That still holds. You try anything on liftoff, though, and I’ll blow you right out the air with this launcher.”

I nod toward the ship.”Best get to it. I’m surprised that Higgins ain’t here yet, could show up at any time.” They walk off to the ship, Barty still cuffed. Ain’t my problem anymore, least not once they’re gone.


That’s the last of the meat. Dumped the first batch down the pit awready. These ones’ll be keepin’ ‘em company just as soon’s I get ‘em over there. This hover ain’t bad. Not as good as my baby by a long shot, but it’d do til I can maybe build another one. Have to rip all these seats out. Never get the blood out’n the fabric.

Got maybe enough energy left after this to get on home.

................................................later at Jake’s

Damn. They tossed this place good. Didn’t find my stash, though. Okay...... get this cleaned up. Get a drink after to mellow me out some. Wouldn’t mind a bath, I’m just all over crud. One thing at a time.

Huh...sounds like it ain’t, it’s a ship. Higgins maybe, or Barty dumb enough to come back for more? Doubt the mercs’d go along with THAT idea. Take the launcher with me, just in case.



“Where’s Barty,” he demands. Got several of his own pet thugs, prods, with ‘im.

“Gone. Hopefully long damn gone and far away from here by now,” I tell ‘im. Ain’t in NO mood to be civil just now.

“You’re the one who called me. The thief,” he says.

“Nossir, just someone as got screwed over, same as you.”

“But you're still a thief. If I can’t have Barty, you will do for a start.”

Shotgun up.

“Don’t think so. Tell your men to stand REAL easy. Any of ‘em goes for his gun I’ll cut ‘im down You’ll be the first, Mr. Higgins.”

I can tell he ain’t used to bein’ on the receiving end of things.

“I said as I’d deliver ‘im to you all neat an’ tidy. Well, didn’t quite work out as I’d planned. Had to let ‘im go to keep my friends from gettin’ hurt. But, I did put some insurance in place. “ Got a big ol’ grin on my puss now.

“See, they didn’t get away as clean as they think. I jiggered their beacon so it’s broadcastin’ nice ‘n’ loud on four-two-two-five. If you was to take off and dial that up, why, I’m sure you could follow that practically anywhere, and they don’t have that much of a lead on ya.”

Can see him takin’ that all in.

Without a word he spins and pushes back through his men. Takes ‘em all a second to realize they’re leavin’.


Hera: One week Later, Jake’s Porch

That’s better. Drink in one hand, smoke in the t’other. Just sit here an’ swing, watch the sun go down. Almost back to normal.


Gordy dropped by yesterday, could see that he was a bit nervous about it. Said as how he was sorry an’ all, but, didn’t think he could be my friend anymore. He appreciated bein’ rescued, but, was my fault he got wrapped up in it in the first place. Cain’t say that ain’t true enough. Shook his hand, wished him well. Hoped maybe he’d change his mind some day.

Abigail.......ain’t seen hide nor hair of her since then. Cain’t say as I blame her neither.

And Jeb, well, he says as he understands, but, surely would appreciate there bein’ no more of that kinda thing around here. I said as I didn’t expect there to be, just want to go to work, come back to my place at the end of the day. He said that sounded just fine.

What the...........oh no. Marcus, on the quad. Pulls to a stop about thirty feet out, engine still runnin’.

“Um...Jake? You ain’t gonna hit me again, are ya?”

“Not ‘nless you do sumthin’ dumb, like gabble at me again. What’s up?”

“Ship comin’ in, a Firefly. Gonna need some parts.”


“Be here in the morning, looks like”.

“I’ll be there.”

Yup, almost back to normal.


Always did like the Firefly design. Attractive, in an ugly sorta way. Not all smooth and polished like Alliance make. Businesslike, I guess. Functional.

This one’s seen better days. But, she flies, and apparently lands without splatterin’.

“SERENITY”, says up there. You come home too, old girl?

Flash in the corner of my eye, turn. Browncoat, by damn. Little younger than me, tall, handsome fella. Got his hand out.

“Malcolm Reynolds, captain of Serenity”, he says. “You’d be Jake?”

“Yessir, pleased to meet you.” Firm grip on this boy, looks you dead in the eye. I like ‘im already. “Jeb says as you need some parts. Such as....?”, I ask.

“Best you talk to my mechanic ‘bout that. I just do the captainy bits.” He points over to a little gal just comin’ down the ramp.

Grubby coveralls with a ....teddy bear?......on the leg. Grease on her face and all over her hands. CUTE for all that. And a smile that’d light up a planet.

“Hi, I’m Kaylee,” she says, wiping with a rag, then extending a somewhat cleaner hand.

“Jake, ma’am, pleased to meet you. “ Hold her hand just a bit longer than needed. She don’t seem to take it amiss.

“I got me a list of what we need,” she reaches in a pocket to pull out a well-crumpled bit of paper. Straight to business.

“Well, lessee what all you got here....”, I say, takin’ it from her. “Got that, that, and that for sure. Might have to rig sumthin’ for this here, but, looks doable.”

“Great! The captain’s usually in a hurry, so, if we could get right to it?”, there’s that smile again.

“Surely can. Step on over to my hover there and we’ll start shoppin’.”

Over her shoulder I can see a young fella standin’ in the cargo bay. Nice clothes, clean. Passenger? Never mind. Work first, scratch my curiosity bump later.

THE END....................maybe


And now, to satisfy them as need it.....

My heartfelt thanks to Joss, et al, for creating the Firefly Universe, and the shiniest of shiny characters, the Big Damn Heroes. I don’t intend to steal anybody’s thunder, just came here to play and tell a story is all.




Saturday, December 6, 2008 7:43 AM


Great wind up to an excellent tale. You've got a strong, fresh style, and your clear character voicing really helps give me a sense of your man. I enjoyed the gradually building tension and loved the show tie-in at the tail. Two thumbs up, JT.

Saturday, December 6, 2008 10:26 AM


Well, thank ye kindly, ma'am. Can't say as it weren't fun and all, but doubt as there'll be a sequel. Funny thing is, once it got going, the story just took off running, went a whole lot of different places I never saw coming. It was all I could do paddling to keep up.

I agree that mixing back and main story could be tough to follow sometimes. Won't do that again. Had originally thought to write this as a screen play, whole lot easier that way.

For now, I'm gonna stick with making things outta metal. Got a fan-related project almost done, should be posted in graphics a few days from now.

Glad you enjoyed the tale. Tried to keep it as real as I could.

And yes, I really DO talk like that. LOL

Sunday, December 7, 2008 10:56 PM


A sequel would be good, but I enjoyed the ride. I know what you mean about something taking off under its own steam - had that myself once in a while. But keep writing, because us Browncoats need to stick together!


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Goin' Home Ch. 22/23
Last two.

Goin' Home CH.21
Gettin' close to the end.

Goin' Home CH.20
Tables get turned.

Goin' Home CH.19
Gunnin' and runnin'.

Goin' Home CH.17/18
Settin' up for the next bit of violence

Goin' Home CH.16
Things go wahoonie-shaped.

Goin' Home CH.15
Jake has the book and the ship. Now how to get paid?

Goin' Home CH.14
The enemy of my just another scumbag.

Goin' Home CH.13
The job nears completion, and Jake begins his campaign on Hera.

Goin' Home CH.12
Things start going bump in the night.