Goin' Home CH.20
Friday, December 5, 2008

Tables get turned.



The Black: Aboard the cattle-hauler, 14 Months Ago

Well damn. Next stop Whitefall, whether I’m likin’ it or not. After that it’s back to Persephone. Shoulda stayed on Jianying, ‘spite of them crazy folk up in the hills.

Guess I might as well face it. Gonna get scragged sometime in the next year. Odds’re bad if I stay on Whitefall. Practically non-existent I go back to Persephone. Shit.

Yup, shit is what I got. Shit for a job, and shit for prospects of better. Mama always said as tough times build character. Well thank ya Ma, but I’ve got ‘bout all the damn CHARACTER I can use.

What the.........? Grav just bounced. There it goes again. Best un-ass this bay afore I’m surrounded with floatin’ cows and shit.

Out the hatch and shut it tight. Better find out just what the hell’s goin’ on.


“We’ve got a problem,” says Captain Hanley.

“Core’s got a fracture and is going unstable. We’re going to have to set down somewhere and repair it. Looks like the best bet is going to be Hera. There’s a salvage yard there, name of Mossberg. Talked with the owner and he says that he’s maybe got parts that will do. Only problem is that he wants a fair bit of money to actually do the repair. He’s got a rad suit, but says he’ll have to pay hazard to his man. Can’t blame him for that, it’s not a job I’d want to do, even with the suit for protection.”

I’m gonna hate myself for this.

“I can do it, if he’ll let me use the suit. Won’t have to pay hazard on his man, save you some coin, won’t it?”

“Yeeeeees, but, you’ve done this before?”

“Nope, cain’t say as I have. Worn a rad suit before, durin’ the war. Survivor retrieval in a hot zone. Your mechanic, or his, talk me through it, I can get it done.”

“Well that does open up some possibilities, doesn’t? Let’s just ask Mr. Mossberg, shall we?”

Me an’ my big mouth. Get to work in a hard suit via waldo’s and vid. Surrounded by enough radiation to kill me in about an hour. The get to lay around for several days with tubes goin’ in an’ out of me, pukin’, while my hair falls out.

Still, beats the hell outta Whitefall. Could maybe stay on Hera awhile, figger out my next move.


Hera: Twilight

Be dark in a few. Almost back to my original plan ‘cept for this bit. Time to hit ‘em hard, thin ‘em out some.

Dead fella next to me kept fallin’ over, had to tie ‘im to the seat. Tied the others too, just to sure. Not a lot of fun movin’ the two pieces of ground meat. Stuck ‘em in the rear where it won’t be obvious they’s both missin’ their faces. Only gotta work for a minute or so anyways.

Get on close to Jeb’s, cut loose with the shotgun. Nuthin’ but the A-P shredders now, won’t have time to aim much, don’t get excited this time and short-shuck it. Slap the throttle open and run for the yard. Bail outta this thing along the way, then see what kinda pursuit they mount. Maybe circle on back to Jeb’s and take out Barty and Smiley, get my friends loose.

One thing at a time, boy. Jeb’s place comin’ up soon, best turn these lights on high.


See ‘em.

That’s right boys, line up out front for me an’ make it easier. Don’t see Barty or Smelly. Must be inside. Should be able to get off at least two rounds.

Little closer...............NOW.

BOOM All down but one. BOOM Pretty much vaporized HIM. Slap the throttle and on past.

Damn turbo lag, c’mon you piece of shit! BOOM From behind me. Smelly’s in the game. BOOM Dead fella next to me’s head explodes. Idiot, cut the lights!

Jink right, run a bit, right again. Chop the throttle and bail out.

Rock got me good in the ribs. Up and start runnin’, gotta get clear of the hover. Lotta shoutin’ back there. Got a few of ‘em, don’t know how many I killed, one certain. Hold up in the trees over there.

Yard or Jeb’s? Be nice to know how may are left. Barty, Smelly, top merc for sure. Killed one, maybe all of ‘em. First shot looked to be a little low, mighta just cut their legs out. Wounded is almost as good as dead, so long as they cain’t fight.

Com’s buzzin’ in my pocket.

“Jake.” No JACOB this time. Gettin’ a bit rattled are we? “Are you insane? I have your friends here. I will kill them if you do not surrender to me. Right. Now.”

Uh-huh, I been ready for this.

“Screw you, Barty. You’re runnin’ outta boys, ain’t got but a couple left plus your pet man-ape in there. You kill the hostages you got nuthin’ left to bargain with. I already know ‘bout the bluff you run on me earlier, you ain’t got any of the houses wired up.”

“The ship is dead and ain’t goin’ anywhere til I say different. The mercs that’re left oughtta be thinkin’ about now that this contract has gone WAY south on ‘em. Might even go so far as to consider takin’ a walk on ya. That about right, merc? I know ya can hear me.”

Cain’t hurt to try.

“As for killin’ my friends, that’d be just about the biggest gorram mistake you could make. If I don’t get you, the locals hereabouts surely will. Won’t be a place on this world you could hide.”

“And, just as a bit of icing on this here cake, I’m expecting company to arrive, prolly fairly soon. I called Magistrate Higgins this mornin’ after I killed your men and disabled the boat. He seemed right unhappy ‘bout the scam you ran on ‘im. And unless I miss my guess, he’s on his way here on the fastest thing he could find.”

“And so, JOSEPH, ‘bout the onliest damn way you’re gettin’ outta this alive is to turn those folk loose, lay down all your guns, and surrender to ME.”



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Goin' Home Ch. 22/23
Last two.

Goin' Home CH.21
Gettin' close to the end.

Goin' Home CH.20
Tables get turned.

Goin' Home CH.19
Gunnin' and runnin'.

Goin' Home CH.17/18
Settin' up for the next bit of violence

Goin' Home CH.16
Things go wahoonie-shaped.

Goin' Home CH.15
Jake has the book and the ship. Now how to get paid?

Goin' Home CH.14
The enemy of my just another scumbag.

Goin' Home CH.13
The job nears completion, and Jake begins his campaign on Hera.

Goin' Home CH.12
Things start going bump in the night.