Woman who drove on sidewalk must wear 'idiot' sign Geezer 3 11/6/2012 12:09:46 PM
The right's rallying cry kpo 1 11/6/2012 5:58:31 AM
Public Service Announcement 6ixStringJack 2 11/6/2012 5:56:09 AM
20,000 cult members gather at mountain OPPYH 14 11/6/2012 3:32:02 AM
Joss Whedon's S.H.I.E.L.D Pilot Starts Shooting Early Next Year HAKEN 1 11/6/2012 12:15:42 AM
Biden breaks form, finally tells truth. For once. AURaptor 10 11/5/2012 5:33:36 PM
Mayor Bloomberg & the NYCM AURaptor 21 11/5/2012 5:23:15 PM
Firefly parody on Castle Niki2 6 11/5/2012 5:19:04 PM
CIA requested help 3 times, was denied, 3 times. AURaptor 121 11/5/2012 5:17:34 PM
Fox hits local ‘Firefly’ group with cease and desist HAKEN 65 11/5/2012 4:39:13 PM
Another Great Firfly Fan Video m52nickerson 1 11/5/2012 4:20:11 PM
Japan and blood types: Does it determine personality? Geezer 8 11/5/2012 11:52:59 AM
Sandy Versus Katrina kpo 8 11/5/2012 11:49:16 AM
If disaster relief were privatized, per Romney... Niki2 5 11/5/2012 10:31:17 AM
Would you like to live in the Verse? MRSAX 10 11/5/2012 10:15:26 AM
When ideology HITS reality Niki2 1 11/5/2012 9:40:55 AM
Cloud Atlas cljohnston108 15 11/5/2012 7:49:51 AM
OMIGawd, FauxNews, Romney and the others were WRONG about Benghazi!!!! Niki2 21 11/5/2012 7:44:44 AM
Pregnancy from Rape a 'Gift From God' Magonsdaughter 47 11/5/2012 5:54:43 AM
Did anybody hear anything about this? CaveTroll 21 11/5/2012 1:02:36 AM
Fun For The Whole Family Jongsstraw 7 11/4/2012 6:57:32 PM
10th Anniversary Rewatch ecgordon 41 11/4/2012 1:59:32 PM
Firefly and Serenity are 65% off - Amazon's Gold Box Deal of the Day micjwelch 4 11/4/2012 12:26:50 PM
I can't resist... Niki2 22 11/4/2012 11:49:13 AM
Obama supports Romney's view on Govt. AURaptor 17 11/3/2012 7:52:38 AM
Firefly - Once More, With Feeling. Very well done Science Channel promo for special and marathon. MUTT999 2 11/3/2012 7:10:12 AM
Disney buys Lucasfilm Episode 7, 8, & 9 on the way Zeek 27 11/3/2012 2:48:11 AM
Cuba accuses US of helping dissidents access internet Geezer 1 11/2/2012 5:41:53 PM
Bellflower Part 1: Released on YouTube TREYBOR 1 11/2/2012 5:38:44 PM
Governor Christie Praises President Obama m52nickerson 55 11/2/2012 5:23:04 PM
Romney's Vision of Deregulation Has a Death Toll... Kwicko 2 11/2/2012 5:17:23 PM
WTC towers never fell !!! McCain crushed Obama in '08!!!! AURaptor 5 11/2/2012 5:05:21 PM
Harry Reid Was Right: Mitt Romney Paid No Taxes for 15 Years Kwicko 18 11/2/2012 1:02:13 PM
Re: California Crazies, a la San Francisco Niki2 1 11/2/2012 11:42:04 AM
Execution by Mortar Round? Kwicko 10 11/2/2012 8:26:00 AM
Boo! PIRATENEWS 2 11/2/2012 8:24:31 AM
Preview clip of upcoming "Browncoats Unite" special cljohnston108 1 11/2/2012 7:56:10 AM
CNBC exec's kids stabbed after CNBC reports $43-Trillion lawsuit against Obama's jew banksters PIRATENEWS 2 11/2/2012 6:08:26 AM
Jeep in China is pronounced Gee-poo-chu-ah Hero 23 11/2/2012 5:47:16 AM
OBAMA FATHERED SANDY! 1kiki 11 11/1/2012 10:22:00 PM
Happy Halloween: Cannibal Cop arrested for plotting to kidnap, rape, cook, eat 100 women PIRATENEWS 3 11/1/2012 10:14:49 PM
Rape Fetus Dynasty Is A Hit! Jongsstraw 21 11/1/2012 3:23:58 PM
Voter Fraud is Real in Madison, Wisconsin SHINYGOODGUY 13 11/1/2012 2:45:33 PM
LAST ONE TO REPLY WINS!!! bigwolf18 138 11/1/2012 12:18:16 PM
Somewhere in New York... Kwicko 1 11/1/2012 8:24:40 AM
"Capt. Canada" Strikes! Niki2 3 11/1/2012 7:35:40 AM
The Politics of Sandy Niki2 21 11/1/2012 6:24:41 AM
BELLFLOWER PART ONE TILK 5 11/1/2012 5:07:37 AM
It's The Time of The Season.....For Love? No Laughs! Jongsstraw 1 10/31/2012 7:54:05 PM
Air New Zealand, Airline of Middle Earth canttakesky 8 10/31/2012 12:41:49 PM