Hussein Obama Soetoro sick with Parkinsons and HIV, plans the flee to Hawaii after losing 2012 selection PIRATENEWS 2 9/21/2012 3:47:37 PM
Mitt Does Brownface Storymark 3 9/21/2012 12:36:23 PM
After Many Gaffes, Debates Are Romney’s Last Stand Niki2 10 9/21/2012 10:55:11 AM
View from center field DREAMTROVE 14 9/21/2012 9:58:11 AM
Antarctic sea ice sets new world record for Global Cooling, Al Gore sows carbon footprint by banging new ho PIRATENEWS 1 9/21/2012 7:01:44 AM
Dictator Hussein Obama Soetoro brags on TV news he can assassinate any US citizen without trial or conviction PIRATENEWS 1 9/21/2012 6:35:13 AM
Business will lead us to a world of plenty 1kiki 10 9/21/2012 4:45:44 AM
Dictator Hussein Obama Soetoro says political bumper stickers, highway maps, cash are 'terrorism' PIRATENEWS 1 9/20/2012 11:18:18 PM
Dictator Hussein Obama Soeotoro blames 'jews' for Operation Fast and Furious, claims 'I am not a crook!' PIRATENEWS 1 9/20/2012 11:15:12 PM
Dictator Hussein Obama Soetoro orders his Al Qaeda army to burn US flag in Syria PIRATENEWS 1 9/20/2012 11:11:57 PM
Dictator Hussein Obama Soetoro illegally buys Commie Chinese shet with billions of Stimulus Bailout Taxdollars PIRATENEWS 1 9/20/2012 11:09:25 PM
Governor Jesse Ventura says Dictator Hussein Obama staged terrorist attack, gets standing ovation on British CNN PIRATENEWS 1 9/20/2012 11:03:47 PM
Granny stops Dark Knight movie massacre with pink gun PIRATENEWS 1 9/20/2012 10:58:52 PM
Dictator Hussein Obama Soetoro wins case to jail forever US citizens without charges, without trial, without conviction PIRATENEWS 1 9/20/2012 10:54:25 PM
Boy hooker names Georges Bush in Penn State pedophile ring PIRATENEWS 1 9/20/2012 10:47:39 PM
Dictator Hussein Obama Soetoro signs executive order to ban 4th Amendment PIRATENEWS 1 9/20/2012 10:34:42 PM
Another shooting MAL4PREZ 83 9/20/2012 6:12:27 PM
Romney's 47% gaffe not the same as Obama's guns/religion gaffe kpo 29 9/20/2012 3:05:44 PM
Firefly Cameo in Avengers Parody for MAD Magazine #517 two 3 9/20/2012 11:26:30 AM
Actress in anti-Islamic film files lawsuit against filmmaker and YouTube Niki2 2 9/20/2012 9:22:03 AM
Romney remarks hurting down-ticket candidates (run, Republicans, run!) Niki2 1 9/20/2012 9:08:24 AM
Ryan gives House GOP a 'pep talk' Niki2 1 9/20/2012 8:54:17 AM
What the 47% say Niki2 1 9/20/2012 8:28:48 AM
Surprise... NOT NewOldBrownCoat 2 9/20/2012 7:56:27 AM
The Vanishing Candidate Niki2 3 9/20/2012 7:53:29 AM
Chick Fil A "caves"; new backlash canttakesky 2 9/20/2012 5:51:02 AM
Firefly turns ten DREAMTROVE 7 9/20/2012 4:43:27 AM
whozit leaves whozit 24 9/20/2012 3:39:17 AM
Turns out Bush chose to do nothing to stop the attacks. 1kiki 29 9/20/2012 2:46:44 AM
Oh God Oh God, we're all going to Dine... again! TDBrown 4 9/19/2012 11:38:20 PM
Browncoat Backwoods Bash... One Month Away! TDBrown 4 9/19/2012 11:35:51 PM
"Chick-fil-a" Niki2 89 9/19/2012 5:58:15 PM
Black presidential candidate farts on finger, smells it PIRATENEWS 1 9/19/2012 5:42:29 PM
Obama puts Monsanto in charge of school lunches PIRATENEWS 1 9/19/2012 5:39:12 PM
Really interested in who pays what in taxes? kpo 3 9/19/2012 1:14:48 PM
"BONES" returns whozit 9 9/18/2012 5:08:56 PM
Libyan protests might have been cover for military assault Niki2 59 9/18/2012 4:56:59 PM
Science Channel to debut footage from Firefly special at New York Comi-Con JEANDUPONTEL 3 9/18/2012 8:07:47 AM
The most anti-environment House in the history of Congress Niki2 1 9/18/2012 7:22:05 AM
Boy Scout Ooops... Niki2 1 9/18/2012 6:39:02 AM
Useless government regulations 1kiki 9 9/18/2012 2:16:32 AM
Watching the watchers watch each other. FREMDFIRMA 17 9/17/2012 10:35:48 PM
Romney Campaign: Under President Romney, Mideast Would Be Calm. Kwicko 1 9/17/2012 1:20:23 PM
Turns out Obama chose to do nothing to stop the attacks. Hero 47 9/17/2012 12:53:23 PM
Which giant star goes first ? AURaptor 6 9/17/2012 11:40:25 AM
Just how stupid are Americans? Or is it just red states? Niki2 18 9/17/2012 7:17:07 AM
Amazon to Begin Collecting Sales Tax from California Customers Niki2 8 9/17/2012 7:13:00 AM
Arctic Sea Ice Vanishes — and the Oil Rigs Move In Niki2 3 9/17/2012 4:53:10 AM
Occupy made 99% a force Niki2 1 9/17/2012 4:35:03 AM
Here we go again (Mandating the Pledge) FREMDFIRMA 8 9/16/2012 12:03:18 PM