Dow @ 20K. Time to jump off!

UPDATED: Friday, November 25, 2022 16:50
VIEWED: 92799
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Wednesday, January 25, 2017 8:25 PM


rezident owtsidr

Time for a bust, so if youv got alot in a 401k and stock in anything that generally followz the Dow number, time to cash out.

It's artificially hi and the walez know that Trump iz going to be like Bush on steroidz. The minit wun uv them starts selling, the little guyz will follow and then its a rase for the life boats.

My fee for this advise iz 10%, az usual. Uze Paypal, its fast & eazy.


Wednesday, January 25, 2017 9:57 PM


Don't actually cash out your 401k though. You don't want to pay that early withdrawal penalty. Just put it in one of the safe investments.

And since it's all a crap shoot anyway and you might as well be gambling at Vegas, don't get mad at J0 if he was wrong and you lose out on some big gains. Chances are you were going to have it in there too long and lose them all whenever the next crash happens anyway. And it will eventually happen sooner or later.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, January 25, 2017 10:00 PM


America loves a winner!

We were told that this would never happen under Trump.

We were also told he had no path to 270 either...


Thursday, January 26, 2017 9:32 AM


Wall Street did great under Obama.

It was Main Street who has had the longest slump of growth since the Great Depression.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, January 26, 2017 11:22 AM


The markets are up 10% since Trump was elected. It will likely go up another 10% before there's a correction. So now is still a good time to buy if you'd like to make 5%-10% on your money with ETFs in just a few months.


Thursday, January 26, 2017 7:16 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Don't actually cash out your 401k though. You don't want to pay that early withdrawal penalty. Just put it in one of the safe investments.

And since it's all a crap shoot anyway and you might as well be gambling at Vegas, don't get mad at J0 if he was wrong and you lose out on some big gains. Chances are you were going to have it in there too long and lose them all whenever the next crash happens anyway. And it will eventually happen sooner or later.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Thanks for pointing out to people that the slang is not the literally accurate statement.

"cashing out" of a high DOW means, in trading jargon, transferring your shares from a Stock-based mutual fund to a more cash-similar fund such as Government bonds or treasuries - preferably a fund which CANNOT lose money (technically, lose dollar value, even though it may in fact devalue slightly). And confirm that it is also a tax-deferred fund, to further avoid penalties.


Friday, January 27, 2017 12:24 PM


Hey... no problem.

It's been about 7 years since I had any of my money in the market, but I used to know the rules of the game. Did pretty well there myself, but I didn't see the crash coming in 2008. Luckily when our company was bought out in mid 2007 or so they froze all of our 401k accounts and took forever to transfer them over to the new provider. If that hadn't happened, I probably would have lost 30-50% of what I had in there and I wouldn't have been able to buy my house after I got laid off. Now the house has paid for itself, literally, in the rent I haven't had to pay in the last 5 1/2 years. :)

The market is not a place for me anymore. I walked away a winner.

Just felt the need to point out to people who might not know much about 401k and the market who are a bit panicky that what J0 meant was exactly as you said and not to actually turn it into cash.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, March 19, 2017 4:44 PM



Originally posted by JO753:
Time for a bust, so if youv got alot in a 401k and stock in anything that generally followz the Dow number, time to cash out.

It's artificially hi and the walez know that Trump iz going to be like Bush on steroidz. The minit wun uv them starts selling, the little guyz will follow and then its a rase for the life boats.

My fee for this advise iz 10%, az usual. Uze Paypal, its fast & eazy.

We certainly wouldn't want anybody to see a gain of 5% of their worth in only a month, right?
Dow hit 21,169 at the beginning of March. About 5 weeks after this thread's OP.


Sunday, March 19, 2017 4:48 PM


I made about $1,200 this month by not having a mortgage payment. I'm good.


Monday, March 20, 2017 6:40 AM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
We certainly wouldn't want anybody to see a gain of 5% of their worth in only a month, right?
Dow hit 21,169 at the beginning of March. About 5 weeks after this thread's OP.

I missed in fact, but not prinsipal.

How hi do you think it will go? Wut event are you keeping an eye out for that will presipitate a big drop?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, March 21, 2017 8:16 PM



Originally posted by JO753:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
We certainly wouldn't want anybody to see a gain of 5% of their worth in only a month, right?
Dow hit 21,169 at the beginning of March. About 5 weeks after this thread's OP.

I missed in fact, but not prinsipal.

How hi do you think it will go? Wut event are you keeping an eye out for that will presipitate a big drop?

Going by historical predictive triggers, a drop of 15% from of the all-time high signals the onset of bear.
So, from the current ATH of 21,169, if it gets down (closes) to 18,840 before going higher than 21,169 then it should rebound up about 7-13%, and then go down.
Check April or May 2001 (from high in 2000) and then end of Jan 2008 (from Oct 2007 high) to confirm.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017 9:28 PM


A few minutes ago I heard a news story that the DOW closed at the lowest point since October 2016.

But it's only down to 20,600ish.



Wednesday, May 17, 2017 10:26 PM


What exactly does the DOW even mean anyways? When I was earning a good living and made a killing in the market the DOW was only around 14,000 back before Obama was in office. 20,000 is bad now...? lol Sounds like some people are making a ton of money while everyone else just keeps doing worse.

Queue Second to come in here and pull a link blaming Trump for that.


Thursday, May 18, 2017 8:05 PM



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
What exactly does the DOW even mean anyways? When I was earning a good living and made a killing in the market the DOW was only around 14,000 back before Obama was in office. 20,000 is bad now...? lol Sounds like some people are making a ton of money while everyone else just keeps doing worse.

Queue Second to come in here and pull a link blaming Trump for that.

IIRC, it it dsomething like this:
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is a group of 30 leading companies, in diversified sectors (so not 10 of them like Apple, Dell, IBM, Cisco, Micro$haft, Acer and others all in one industry). When one company is removed from the DJIA, it is clearly announced. GM used to be one forever, but I think they were removed after their bailout.
Anyhow, the DOW was around 877 points around 1986, following the end of the disastrous Carter Economy. The DOW had never been above 2,000 at that point, IIRC. It had been theorized that DOW 4,000 was an impossibility. 4,000 was surpassed around 1994. In 2000, DOW got to almost 12,000 and came back down to 10,000 by August 2001. After 9/11 it dropped to about 7,300ish. By October 2007 it was up to about 14,000 as the Rock-The-Vote Democrat FY2008 Budget took effect. It dropped to about 5,400 around 9 March 2009. it could have rested in November 2008, but Obama kept campaigning about how he was going to destroy the economy, even after the election.

If you have difficulty comprehending the Stock market, try thinking of it as a popularity contest for companies. Except votes are actually dollars. Some companies are funded merely by the irrational belief of their investors. The investors who have placed the most dollars in the market have the most influence in the prices. The stocks (company shares) with the most demand go up in price, those with less popularity lose value.


Thursday, May 18, 2017 8:14 PM


organized chaos, political crap isn't helping


Thursday, June 29, 2017 7:09 PM


Should we still jump off?
Yesterday's close was about 21,454.
Looks like all time high of 21,535 was on June 19.


Friday, June 30, 2017 10:17 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Should we still jump off?
Yesterday's close was about 21,454.
Looks like all time high of 21,535 was on June 19.

I'm not. My stock portfolio is up about 18% since Trump was elected. Corporate earnings remain strong, but as we've seen before, things can turn ugly real fast. Best way to protect your investment and your profits is with stop-sell orders. If prices rise you can adjust the threshold upwards. If prices drop, your sell order kicks in and your loss is minimized.


Friday, June 30, 2017 11:48 AM



Originally posted by Riverlove:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Should we still jump off?
Yesterday's close was about 21,454.
Looks like all time high of 21,535 was on June 19.

I'm not. My stock portfolio is up about 18% since Trump was elected. Corporate earnings remain strong, but as we've seen before, things can turn ugly real fast. Best way to protect your investment and your profits is with stop-sell orders. If prices rise you can adjust the threshold upwards. If prices drop, your sell order kicks in and your loss is minimized.

You guys are so full of shit. Your investments my ass. You act as though Trump saved us all. He's riding on Obamas' success. When President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was 7,949.09. As of the end of Obama's term on January 20, 2017, the Dow was 19,732.40


Friday, June 30, 2017 3:51 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
You guys are so full of shit. Your investments my ass. You act as though Trump saved us all. He's riding on Obamas' success. When President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was 7,949.09. As of the end of Obama's term on January 20, 2017, the Dow was 19,732.40

Obama's success? I guess that's one way to look at it.

We already established a few months ago that under 8 years of Obama that corporate profits went up nearly 60% after inflation while the average American take home pay decreased about 40%.

I guess with Obama's success you didn't feel that drop in pay as much if you had a lot in a diversified portfolio.

A majority of us don't look at the DOW as a good benchmark to test a presidents success... at least not alone.

The fact the DOW is still going up and nothing else is really changing is a cause of concern to me.


Friday, June 30, 2017 5:54 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by Riverlove:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Should we still jump off?
Yesterday's close was about 21,454.
Looks like all time high of 21,535 was on June 19.

I'm not. My stock portfolio is up about 18% since Trump was elected. Corporate earnings remain strong, but as we've seen before, things can turn ugly real fast. Best way to protect your investment and your profits is with stop-sell orders. If prices rise you can adjust the threshold upwards. If prices drop, your sell order kicks in and your loss is minimized.

You guys are so full of shit. Your investments my ass. You act as though Trump saved us all. He's riding on Obamas' success. When President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was 7,949.09. As of the end of Obama's term on January 20, 2017, the Dow was 19,732.40

Obama's "success" - for koolaid drinkers.

On Oct 12, 2007 - just before the Rock The Vote Democraps who took majority of the House had their disastrous first budget take full effect (FY2008) - Dow closed 14,093. Bush had been in office for 6 years.
On Nov 4, 2008 - Election Day - Dow closed at 9,625. A drop of 32% in 13 months that the Rock The Vote Democraps can take credit for.
On Nov 5, 2008 - Black Wednesday, when the results were learned (American voters chose the path of further economic disaster) - Dow closed at 9,139. A drop of 5% in one day which Bobo can take credit for.
By Jan 19, 2009 the impending doom had driven the Dow to 8,279 at close - a drop of another 9.5% since Nov 5 (76 days). Bobo can take credit for this.
On Jan 20, 2009 the Dow dropped another 4% in this single day. A drop of 17.5% since the day of the election. Bobo can take credit for this also.
On Mar 9, 2009 the Dow closed at 6,547. A drop of 21% in Bobo's first 48 days in office. Yep, Obama can take credit for this also. Total of 32% loss since Election Day, matching the loss of a whole year of Democraps in charge (with only Bush43 to reign them in). And a loss of 53% in only 1 year, 4 months since Democraps took control of the Fed Budget.

On November 2, 2010 - Election Day - the Dow closed at 11,188. It had crept up 1,563 points since Obama was elected. Or 16% in 2 years. This is the rate of growth that Bobo could take credit for. Still 2,905 less than before Democraps had taken control of the Federal Budget.
On 27 Jan, 2011 - when the new Congress had taken their seats, discharging the Democrap majorities - Dow closed at 11,989. A gain of 801 points in only 3 months since the election, and only a few weeks in office - despite Bobo still occupying the White House. Can't see Bobo taking credit for the GOP's gains - oops, that's right, Bobo did take credit where not due.

By Jan 20, 2017 - with 6 years of GOP control of Congress, the Dow had gained 76%, despite Bobo still occupying the White House.
By Jun 19, 2017 the Dow achieved 21,535. A gain of 1,803 point and over 9% in only the first 5 months of Trump taking office.


Friday, June 30, 2017 6:01 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
You guys are so full of shit. Your investments my ass. You act as though Trump saved us all. He's riding on Obamas' success. When President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was 7,949.09. As of the end of Obama's term on January 20, 2017, the Dow was 19,732.40

Obama's success? I guess that's one way to look at it.

We already established a few months ago that under 8 years of Obama that corporate profits went up nearly 60% after inflation while the average American take home pay decreased about 40%.

I guess with Obama's success you didn't feel that drop in pay as much if you had a lot in a diversified portfolio.

A majority of us don't look at the DOW as a good benchmark to test a presidents success... at least not alone.

The fact the DOW is still going up and nothing else is really changing is a cause of concern to me.

US citizens are in a contest with everyone against everyone. It’s the Grand Melee. It’s a giant dog fight where the big dogs take money from the little dogs. Don’t you wish there was a referee to rule on the fairness of this fight? It is not the President because the Federal government has not been given much power by the Constitution, the Congress, or the Supreme Court to be a referee in this contest, but that doesn’t mean the President and his regulators are completely useless to the economy. Well . . . Bush was helpless. Obama was useful. Check it out:

We know which President started two multi-trillion dollar wars, do we not? "We’ve spent $6 trillion" on the wars in the Middle East.
— Donald Trump on Wednesday, October 26th, 2016 in a rally in Charlotte, N.C.
Those are dollars that could have been spent on you, making your life easier.

(On January 26, 2016, the national debt held by the public was $13.62 trillion. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.34 trillion for the Medicare Trust Fund and the Social Security Trust Fund. Trump's estimate of $6 trillion for Bush's Wars is a large percent of the total debt.)

You can trace down which President did what to make things better or worse for the National Economy, but Presidents don't typically use their power to fix an individual’s life, to give them a big gift of cash. That is what your local friends are for. And when your friends fail to help you, find better friends.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, June 30, 2017 8:48 PM



Originally posted by second:
Those are dollars that could have been spent on you, making your life easier.

My life's pretty easy. And it only costs about 5,000-7,000 a year to maintain.


Saturday, July 8, 2017 3:55 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
You guys are so full of shit. Your investments my ass. You act as though Trump saved us all. He's riding on Obamas' success. When President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was 7,949.09. As of the end of Obama's term on January 20, 2017, the Dow was 19,732.40

Obama's success? I guess that's one way to look at it.

We already established a few months ago that under 8 years of Obama that corporate profits went up nearly 60% after inflation while the average American take home pay decreased about 40%.

I guess with Obama's success you didn't feel that drop in pay as much if you had a lot in a diversified portfolio.

A majority of us don't look at the DOW as a good benchmark to test a presidents success... at least not alone.

The fact the DOW is still going up and nothing else is really changing is a cause of concern to me.

US citizens are in a contest with everyone against everyone. It’s the Grand Melee. It’s a giant dog fight where the big dogs take

meaning Democraps confiscate

money from the little dogs.
meaning taxpaying workers

Don’t you wish there was a referee to rule on the fairness of this fight? It is not the President because the Federal government has not been given much power by the Constitution, the Congress, or the Supreme Court to be a referee in this contest, but that doesn’t mean the President and his regulators are completely useless to the economy. Well . . . Bush was helpless.
An almost 100% gain in the Dow from 2002 to Oct 2007 - golly, I'll take that kind of "helpless" any day, or any 5-year period.

Obama was useful.
still drinking the koolaid, I see.

Check it out:

Yeah, let's check it out. Here is a Libtard version of what I already laid out in the above post. Back before Obama, the U.S. was a global economic leader (amazing how many forget that now), and when the Rock The Vote Democraps put us into a tailspin, the related global economies also suffered. Economies not related to ours did not suffer so much.

And here we have more Libtard spin factory output, almost believable if you have it spoon-fed to you. It lists 6 "Causes" of the Libtard's Rock The Vote Recession. #1 was more Libtard spindoctor gibberish from Democrap Carl Levin, making excuses he hopes you will gobble up. #2 was the FCIC aka the Phil Angelides Report - yes, the same Libtard Democrap Treasurer of CA who wreaked destruction on the CA economy - many have heard of his results as "Gray-out Davis." #3 was the 1999 repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act - and yes, the Bubbadent in 1999 was Clinton. #4 is the faulty mortgage practices of Obama's ACORN progect, forcing the economic sector to suffer his racist policies. #5 is a vague generalization of the other listed Libtard excuses. #6 is further actions regarding "Fair Value Accounting" relating to mortgage valuation in an attempted correction to Obama's ACORN practices.

(On January 26, 2016, the national debt held by the public was $13.62 trillion. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.34 trillion for the Medicare Trust Fund and the Social Security Trust Fund.)
tricky way of saying that the government debt is somehow not the taxpayer's debt.

You can trace down which President did what to make things better or worse for the National Economy,
Which is what I laid out for you above

but Presidents don't typically use their power to fix an individual’s life, to give them a big gift of cash.

Correct. Good Presidents use their power to fix the economy, to allow you to grow your liberty, happiness, wealth if you are willing to try.


Saturday, July 15, 2017 3:27 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by Riverlove:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Should we still jump off?
Yesterday's close was about 21,454.
Looks like all time high of 21,535 was on June 19.

I'm not. My stock portfolio is up about 18% since Trump was elected. Corporate earnings remain strong, but as we've seen before, things can turn ugly real fast. Best way to protect your investment and your profits is with stop-sell orders. If prices rise you can adjust the threshold upwards. If prices drop, your sell order kicks in and your loss is minimized.

You guys are so full of shit. Your investments my ass. You act as though Trump saved us all. He's riding on Obamas' success. When President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was 7,949.09. As of the end of Obama's term on January 20, 2017, the Dow was 19,732.40

Obama's "success" - for koolaid drinkers.

On Oct 12, 2007 - just before the Rock The Vote Democraps who took majority of the House had their disastrous first budget take full effect (FY2008) - Dow closed 14,093. Bush had been in office for 6 years.
On Nov 4, 2008 - Election Day - Dow closed at 9,625. A drop of 32% in 13 months that the Rock The Vote Democraps can take credit for.
On Nov 5, 2008 - Black Wednesday, when the results were learned (American voters chose the path of further economic disaster) - Dow closed at 9,139. A drop of 5% in one day which Bobo can take credit for.
By Jan 19, 2009 the impending doom had driven the Dow to 8,279 at close - a drop of another 9.5% since Nov 5 (76 days). Bobo can take credit for this.
On Jan 20, 2009 the Dow dropped another 4% in this single day. A drop of 17.5% since the day of the election. Bobo can take credit for this also.
On Mar 9, 2009 the Dow closed at 6,547. A drop of 21% in Bobo's first 48 days in office. Yep, Obama can take credit for this also. Total of 32% loss since Election Day, matching the loss of a whole year of Democraps in charge (with only Bush43 to reign them in). And a loss of 53% in only 1 year, 4 months since Democraps took control of the Fed Budget.

On November 2, 2010 - Election Day - the Dow closed at 11,188. It had crept up 1,563 points since Obama was elected. Or 16% in 2 years. This is the rate of growth that Bobo could take credit for. Still 2,905 less than before Democraps had taken control of the Federal Budget.
On 27 Jan, 2011 - when the new Congress had taken their seats, discharging the Democrap majorities - Dow closed at 11,989. A gain of 801 points in only 3 months since the election, and only a few weeks in office - despite Bobo still occupying the White House. Can't see Bobo taking credit for the GOP's gains - oops, that's right, Bobo did take credit where not due.

By Jan 20, 2017 - with 6 years of GOP control of Congress, the Dow had gained 76%, despite Bobo still occupying the White House.
By Jun 19, 2017 the Dow achieved 21,535. A gain of 1,803 point and over 9% in only the first 5 months of Trump taking office.

DOW closed yesterday at 21,637.
Good thing Jump Out JO left at 20K.

That is a gain of 3,305 since Election Day. Also, Election Day had DOW Volume under 80,000,000. The next day, when results were learned, volume doubled, and started hanging out in that range. On Dec 5 volume doubled again, and hasn't dropped below 100,000,000 since. On Jun 16, 2017 volume was 603,000,000.


Saturday, July 15, 2017 3:58 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Yeah, let's check it out. Here is a Libtard version of what I already laid out in the above post. Back before Obama, the U.S. was a global economic leader (amazing how many forget that now), and when the Rock The Vote Democraps put us into a tailspin, the related global economies also suffered. Economies not related to ours did not suffer so much.

Some people don't even remember this. Before Obamination, The U.S. Economy was a world leader. The Dow and other benchmarks of the Stock Market were controlled by the Free World, The Free Market, Free Enterprise.
Under Obamanomics, the Stock Market and economy have become the dog getting wagged by the tail. For years whenever Bobo declared he would destroy the economy the MSM proclaimed that the resulting economic hit (loss of Market value) was because somebody burped in Turkey, or somebody passed wind in Germany, somebody hiccupped in Greece, and such nonsense. It went on for so long that enough investors started to believe the fantasies of the MSM. This was the same MSM that kept telling investors to stay in the market in 2008, the whole year, so they could lose half of their money, their life's savings, their life's work.
Obamanomics has created a surreal view of how market forces work, and denies that actual market forces have any bearing.


Saturday, July 15, 2017 4:44 PM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
We were told that this would never happen under Trump.

Please don't tell me you give Trump credit for this.

"If you're an investor, there are a lot of people to thank for the second-longest bull market run in history. Perhaps after mentioning people like Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and S&P 500 CEOs for the support, it would be wise to bring up someone a little more unexpected: President Obama.

In fact, as far as presidents go, he's been one of the most successful in modern history in supporting the growth of the market according to Bespoke Investment Group.

"The reality, though, is that the stock market has done exceptionally well under President Obama," wrote Bespoke in a note out Thursday.

"The Dow Jones Industrial Average's performance [under Obama] of 120.6% ranks as the sixth best of any US President since 1900, just behind Reagan and comfortably ahead of Truman, who at 74.4% is far behind." "

That's from Business Insider who are not typically big fans of Obama.

Stock predictors are just better guessers than the rest of us, but just barely, and frequently they are wrong. Otherwise it would be easy money. And thank gawd the ones that predicted his taking office would have negative effect were wrong, but don't think for a second they won't turn the other way when the opportunity presents itself. 'Course we won't know because he'll own the press and it will all appear all rosy, like it is in Russia. Maybe we'll hit 30,000 in a couple months! Wheee....

Yup. we have Obama to thank for his great leadership.

He saved us from the failure and disaster that was Bush.


Saturday, July 15, 2017 4:45 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Yeah, let's check it out. Here is a Libtard version of what I already laid out in the above post. Back before Obama, the U.S. was a global economic leader (amazing how many forget that now), and when the Rock The Vote Democraps put us into a tailspin, the related global economies also suffered. Economies not related to ours did not suffer so much.

Some people don't even remember this. Before Obamination, The U.S. Economy was a world leader. The Dow and other benchmarks of the Stock Market were controlled by the Free World, The Free Market, Free Enterprise.
Under Obamanomics, the Stock Market and economy have become the dog getting wagged by the tail. For years whenever Bobo declared he would destroy the economy the MSM proclaimed that the resulting economic hit (loss of Market value) was because somebody burped in Turkey, or somebody passed wind in Germany, and such nonsense. It went on for so long that enough investors started to believe the fantasies of the MSM. This was the same MSM that kept telling investors to stay in the market in 2008, the whole year, so they could lose half of their money, their life's savings, their life's work.
Obamanomics has created a surreal view of how market forces work, and denies that actual market forces have any bearing.

So wrong. So dumb. Wow. You don't know shit about anything, do you?


Tuesday, July 18, 2017 6:36 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
We were told that this would never happen under Trump.

Please don't tell me you give Trump credit for this.

"If you're an investor, there are a lot of people to thank for the second-longest bull market run in history. Perhaps after mentioning people like Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and S&P 500 CEOs for the support, it would be wise to bring up someone a little more unexpected: President Obama.

In fact, as far as presidents go, he's been one of the most successful in modern history in supporting the growth of the market according to Bespoke Investment Group.

"The reality, though, is that the stock market has done exceptionally well under President Obama," wrote Bespoke in a note out Thursday.

"The Dow Jones Industrial Average's performance [under Obama] of 120.6% ranks as the sixth best of any US President since 1900, just behind Reagan and comfortably ahead of Truman, who at 74.4% is far behind." "

That's from Business Insider who are not typically big fans of Obama.

Stock predictors are just better guessers than the rest of us, but just barely, and frequently they are wrong. Otherwise it would be easy money. And thank gawd the ones that predicted his taking office would have negative effect were wrong, but don't think for a second they won't turn the other way when the opportunity presents itself. 'Course we won't know because he'll own the press and it will all appear all rosy, like it is in Russia. Maybe we'll hit 30,000 in a couple months! Wheee....

Yup. we have Obama to thank for his great leadership.

He saved us from the failure and disaster that was Bush.

Sometimes it is difficult to determine if you failed to point out the sarcasm mode and you can comprehend. Or if you're just dumb.


Tuesday, July 18, 2017 6:38 AM



Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Yeah, let's check it out. Here is a Libtard version of what I already laid out in the above post. Back before Obama, the U.S. was a global economic leader (amazing how many forget that now), and when the Rock The Vote Democraps put us into a tailspin, the related global economies also suffered. Economies not related to ours did not suffer so much.

Some people don't even remember this. Before Obamination, The U.S. Economy was a world leader. The Dow and other benchmarks of the Stock Market were controlled by the Free World, The Free Market, Free Enterprise.
Under Obamanomics, the Stock Market and economy have become the dog getting wagged by the tail. For years whenever Bobo declared he would destroy the economy the MSM proclaimed that the resulting economic hit (loss of Market value) was because somebody burped in Turkey, or somebody passed wind in Germany, and such nonsense. It went on for so long that enough investors started to believe the fantasies of the MSM. This was the same MSM that kept telling investors to stay in the market in 2008, the whole year, so they could lose half of their money, their life's savings, their life's work.
Obamanomics has created a surreal view of how market forces work, and denies that actual market forces have any bearing.

So wrong. So dumb. Wow. You don't know shit about anything, do you?

Which facts are you confused about?


Friday, July 21, 2017 4:35 PM


Looks like DOW was 21,660 on Monday.


Thursday, July 27, 2017 2:47 AM


Yesterday DOW closed about 21,711. Good thing JO got out in time.


Thursday, July 27, 2017 7:12 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Yesterday DOW closed about 21,711. Good thing JO got out in time.

And 21,796 today. Almost 9% total gain since 20K. Which was 6 months ago. Like an 18% annual gain.
That's more than Bobo could accomplish in his first 2 years, without GOP propping him up in Congress - despite it being the easiest period for economic recovery, and this now being the most difficult period for gains.


Thursday, July 27, 2017 9:31 PM


rezident owtsidr

Its just momentum. If Hilary were there to continue Obama'z administration, it woud be 25,000 at least!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Friday, July 28, 2017 5:45 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Yesterday DOW closed about 21,711. Good thing JO got out in time.

And 21,796 today. Almost 9% total gain since 20K. Which was 6 months ago. Like an 18% annual gain.
That's more than Bobo could accomplish in his first 2 years, without GOP propping him up in Congress - despite it being the easiest period for economic recovery, and this now being the most difficult period for gains.

And now 21,830.
After Bobo dragging it down for so long, it's picking up steam now.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017 6:28 PM


And 22,016 today.
6 months and 2 weeks after taking office.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017 7:03 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

6 months and 2 weeks after taking office.

There is a stock market crash coming because after 6 months of talks between the White House and the Senate there is no progress on raising the country’s debt ceiling, an impasse that threatens a financial crisis if left unresolved.

The Senate and House have 12 joint working days before Sept. 29, when the Treasury Department says it would no longer be able to pay all of the government’s bills unless Congress acts. A default would likely set off a major disruption to the world financial system, with a stock market crash.

The White House has lacked a unified message and run into resistance on Capitol Hill.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin met Tuesday morning with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), searching for ways to raise the debt ceiling, but the gathering ended without any progress — or even a clear sense of what the lawmakers need to deliver votes to raise the limit, according to three people briefed on the meeting who insisted on anonymity to speak candidly about the private discussions.

Several hours after the meeting, White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders implored Congress to act, illustrating how serious the Trump administration now believes this issue to be. Every bit as serious as Trump's repeal of Obamacare. And that went so very well.

Trump has ridiculed Republicans in the past for agreeing to lift the borrowing limits when Obama was in office.


Thursday, August 3, 2017 8:17 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

6 months and 2 weeks after taking office.

There is a stock market crash coming because after 6 months of talks between the White House and the Senate there is no progress on raising the country’s debt ceiling,

Finally, sanity has reared it's head in Washington. Another step in draining the swamp.

an impasse that threatens a financial crisis if left unresolved.

The Senate and House have 12 joint working days before Sept. 29, when the Treasury Department says it would no longer be able to pay all of the government’s bills unless Congress acts.

Of course, Congress making any effort to reduce spending is out of the question.

A default would likely set off a major disruption to the world financial system, with a stock market crash.

The White House has lacked a unified message and run into resistance on Capitol Hill.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin met Tuesday morning with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), searching for ways to raise the debt ceiling,

Without bothering to consult with any leadership of the House. How is meeting with Liberal McConnell and whacko Schumer supposed to accomplish anything? McConnell will never do what is in America's best interest, and his only interest is whatever gets him the biggest bribe or kickback, so including Schumer seems counterproductive.

but the gathering ended without any progress — or even a clear sense of what the lawmakers need to deliver votes to raise the limit, according to three people briefed on the meeting who insisted on anonymity to speak candidly about the private discussions.

Several hours after the meeting, White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders implored Congress to act, illustrating how serious the Trump administration now believes this issue to be.

Now with Kelley replacing Priebus, there might be actual progress instead of smoke and mirrors.

Trump has ridiculed Republicans in the past for agreeing to lift the borrowing limits when Obama was in office.

And rightfully so, obvious to a great majority of the electorate - a key factor in winning the election. Hopefully Trump can retain the backbone to be faithful to his pledge on this facet.


Thursday, August 3, 2017 9:53 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:


Trump has ridiculed Republicans in the past for agreeing to lift the borrowing limits when Obama was in office.
And rightfully so, obvious to a great majority of the electorate - a key factor in winning the election. Hopefully Trump can retain the backbone to be faithful to his pledge on this facet.

To explain this in a way that a Trump voter would understand: If the USA does not get a payday loan in September, the USA will be evicted from its apartment and have its car towed by the repo-man.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, August 4, 2017 12:10 AM



Originally posted by second:
To explain this in a way that a Trump voter would understand: If the USA does not get a payday loan in September, the USA will be evicted from its apartment and have its car towed by the repo-man.

That's hilarious given that the demographic breakdown of the Democratic party is people as rich or even better off than Second, and 99% of the people stupid enough to take out a Payday loan.


Friday, August 4, 2017 9:33 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Originally posted by second:
To explain this in a way that a Trump voter would understand: If the USA does not get a payday loan in September, the USA will be evicted from its apartment and have its car towed by the repo-man.

That's hilarious given that the demographic breakdown of the Democratic party is people as rich or even better off than Second, and 99% of the people stupid enough to take out a Payday loan.

Then you know why Trump should do a 180. But Trump doesn't know that the USA can't do what he did in business: take everything to court as the first step in paying his contractors less than Trump originally agreed to pay. Trump can't borrow for his business from American bankers because of his past trickiness and deceit. He has to go to foreign bankers.

Trump writes: “I figured it was the banks’ problem, not mine. What the hell did I care? I actually told one bank, ‘I told you you shouldn’t have loaned me that money’.”

You really should read this link:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, August 4, 2017 10:42 AM


This problem really has nothing to do with Trump.

My question is why do we even have a debt ceiling if all we're going to do every year is pretend like it means anything as if it's not going to be raised significantly.

Quantitative Easing. Obama's legacy.

If history ever gets over the fact that he was the first black president, it won't remember him very fondly.


Friday, August 4, 2017 11:20 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
This problem really has nothing to do with Trump.

My question is why do we even have a debt ceiling if all we're going to do every year is pretend like it means anything as if it's not going to be raised significantly.

Quantitative Easing. Obama's legacy.

If history ever gets over the fact that he was the first black president, it won't remember him very fondly.

It is not that the USA has borrowed too much. The problem is the USA spent too much on bad projects with no return on the investment. The Democrats/Republicans don't agree on what a bad project is.

Funny that you should mention Quantitative Easing. It worked differently than you think. It turned a profit, not a loss:

The Fed’s $3.5T QE purchases have generated almost half a trillion dollars for the US Treasury since 2009

Bottom Line: While the record transfer of almost $100 billion from the Fed to Treasury last year has gotten some media attention, what hasn’t been reported, except by the WSJ today is this: The monetary expansions known as QE1, QE2, and QE3 ended up being a gigantic transfer of wealth from the private sector to the public sector. By “acquiring” almost $3.5 trillion in assets with a “magic checkbook” that were previously held largely by private investors and the private sector, those trillions of dollars in Treasury and MBS securities, along with the billions of dollars in interest income those securities generate, got transferred to the Fed, which has then transferred almost half a trillion dollars in residual interest earnings to the US Treasury in the last six years.

Q: Is that fair/accurate to describe QE1, QE2 and QE3 — as monetary policies that ultimately transferred billions of dollars in private wealth to the US Treasury via the Fed? Or is it more accurate to describe it as printing money to finance the government’s budget deficit disguised to look like monetary policy, since the bond holders got paid for their securities? (Thanks to Jeff Dorfman for help with that second description.)

Update 1: Or here’s how Jon Murphy describes it in an email: “The Fed is just printing money and giving it to the Treasury but ‘laundering’ it through bonds.”

Update 2: Another way to think of the Fed’s $3.5 trillion acquisition of assets through QE1, QE2 and QE3 is to view the Fed as the “world’s largest hedge fund” — see posts by Scott Grannis here and here for details.


Friday, August 4, 2017 2:19 PM



Originally posted by second:
It is not that the USA has borrowed too much. The problem is the USA spent too much on bad projects with no return on the investment. The Democrats/Republicans don't agree on what a bad project is.

Both are a problem. When they've gone hand in hand for so long, I don't see any reason to say one is more of a problem than the other. They're a package deal at this point.

I don't agree with either Republicans or Democrats on what the money is spent on. It's all wrong... just for very different reasons.


Funny that you should mention Quantitative Easing. It worked differently than you think. It turned a profit, not a loss:

Not for the average joe who has bills to pay and mouths to feed. Wages have been stagnant forever yet every monthly bill and the price of food and textiles rises every year. Not to mention the ACA insurance premium increases of roughly 30% per year compounded.

I don't care if the government or big business are doing better when the working class are suffering.


Friday, August 4, 2017 4:08 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

I don't care if the government or big business are doing better when the working class are suffering.

I recall you were affected by Financial crisis of 2007–2008. That was caused by Republicans. Republicans say they had nothing to do with it, but that is/was/always an untruth.

The Dodd–Frank Act was enacted in the aftermath of the crisis to "promote the financial stability of the United States" and it did. But on June 8, 2017, the Republican-led House passed the Financial CHOICE Act, which if enacted, would roll back many of the provisions of Dodd–Frank. But the Republicans have already stopped enforcing Dodd-Frank in order to set the stage for the next Financial crisis, which Republicans will say they didn't cause, once it arrives.


Friday, August 4, 2017 5:46 PM


Dow at 22,092 toady.


Friday, August 4, 2017 5:52 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

I don't care if the government or big business are doing better when the working class are suffering.

I recall you were affected by Financial crisis of 2007–2008. That was caused by Republicans. Republicans say they had nothing to do with it, but that is/was/always an untruth.


Yep, the economy-destroying Rock-The-Vote Democraps had nothing to do with their Federal Budget, which went into effect in October 2007. Nope, nothing to see herre, folks. The Rock-The-Vote Democraps who promised to destroy the economy were not the men behind the curtain who created their own Fedral Budget FY2008 - no sireee.

What a laugh.
The Rock The Vote Recession must be blamed on somebody who didn't have control of Congress - must be the Libertarians.


Sunday, August 6, 2017 12:28 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

I don't care if the government or big business are doing better when the working class are suffering.

I recall you were affected by Financial crisis of 2007–2008.

It didn't effect the money I had saved. I invested wisely. Then I bought a house and cashed out completely.

I lost a great job at the end of 2009 and haven't found anything even close to it since, but then again, I haven't been looking all that hard either.

The financial crisis that happened then and is still very strong a decade later didn't really effect me all that much. A lot of people I care about were hit pretty hard though.


Sunday, August 6, 2017 11:52 PM


8 straight days of record high closes. Capitalists are running wild. Damn that Russian stooge Trump!


Monday, August 7, 2017 10:52 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

The financial crisis that happened then and is still very strong a decade later didn't really effect me all that much. A lot of people I care about were hit pretty hard though.

They can be hurt a second time:

How Bad Will It Be If We Hit The Debt Ceiling?

The odds of a self-inflicted US debt crisis now look pretty good: hard-line Republicans are eager to hold the economy hostage, Democrats are in no mood to make concessions, and Trump is both spiteful and ignorant. So it looks fairly likely that by October or so there will come a day when the U.S. government stops paying some of its bills, including interest on debt.

How bad will that be? The truth is that we don’t know; but it may be helpful to talk about *why* we don’t know.

Until now, US debt has played a special role in the world economy, because it is — or was — the ultimate safe asset, the thing people can use to secure transactions with no questions about it retaining its value. In a way, the dollar is to other moneys as money is to other assets, and US dollar debt is the form in which dollars are held with ultimate safety.

Taking away that role could be very nasty. One prominent interpretation of the 2008 financial crisis is that it was a “safe asset shortage“: when people realized that those AAA securities engineered from subprime loans weren’t the real thing, they scrambled into an inadequate supply of trill safe stuff. Deprive them of dollar debts as safe assets, and terrible things could happen.

The question then becomes whether an interruption in payments would really knock out the special role of U.S. debt.

Suppose that everyone expected normal payments to resume, with back interest, in a couple of weeks. In that case, even a slight discount on, say, Treasury bills would make them a very good investment — so speculators would basically step in and support the value of U.S. debt despite temporary default. In that case default might not be that big a deal.

The big problem would come if investors see the default as more than a temporary glitch — if they see it as a sign of enduring, critical dysfunction in American governance. In that case they wouldn’t necessarily step in to buy our debt, and their confidence in the whole economic edifice would take a severe hit.


Monday, August 7, 2017 5:47 PM


Dow closes 22,118 today.

That is up 2,386 since taking office. 6 1/2 months ago.

That is a gain of over 12% so far, and over 22% per annum so far.

For those not so clued on the math concept, that is more than the 8% per year Obama did in his first 2 years - without GOP control of Congress.
And that is more than the 12% per year for Bobo's 6 years with GOP control of Congress, despite Bobo having the absolutely easiest period for economic recuperation. Now Trump is adding on top of already historic highs, a much more difficult feat.






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