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Short blog this. I've noticed everytime recently someone's joined us here, they've set up a little thread saying "Hi!". I don't know about anyone else, but I never did that. And now I feel like I was ...
I had a little time to kill today so I decided to start this blog. I gotta say, I'm lovin' this website I've discovered. God, that sounded sickenly reminiscent of a McDonald's ad. Don't get me started. ...
Nope, this isn't a blog about CSI: NY (what kind of tagline is that for a show?). I was in my Humanities class and we've been discussing the Bhagavad Gita for the past couple of days. As part of the course, ...
I'm writing a new story about hippie protestors who get captured by terrorists. The terrorists give them mind control drugs, but they don't work because the hippies take so much drugs they are immune. The ...
I tinkered up an ID card for the Abbey, not sure if I will keep it or work up a different one. I will see if it grows on me. Added 2 more writtings to the web site.
Oh. My. God. I would just like to take a moment to thank everybody on this board (trolls exclcuded) for being smart. I was bored, so I crused on over to the Lost board on My God these ...
I can't believe it! I've finally brought one of my friends over to the brownside! Last night I had a friend of mine over for dinner, and afterwards he suggested we watch a movie. Since he had seen ...
I'm here, I'm obsessed, and I intend to stay that way. Hopefully my schoolwork doesn't suffer too much. This site is just so shiny, I can't help visiting when I should be doing homework. Ah well. I am ...
Nothing here...
Okay that was dumb. Now I have a blog entry with nothing in it. Oh well. I haven't watched a Firefly episode in over a week. I had to buckle down and do some studying. I don't want to have to explain ...
I apologize in advance to anyone who believes the Selective Service System (in the U.S.) is a good idea. As unpatriotic as it may sound, the SSS is a bunch of bullshit. Basically, it breaks ...
Now that my final exams for this term are over, I can get to more important thing's like finally finishing my fanfic.....which I'm sure, no one will remeber any way:wink: It's been almost a month since ...
I am sure that some of you have heard about the Launch and Sucessful land of SpaceShipOne I was there, family connections are just that cool!... Weird.... It is now the dawn of the new space age. We will ...
I'm writing a new story about a single, lonely gal in her twenties. She's a beautiful woman, but she is extremely flatulent. The problem is so bad that she has forever given up on dating. But ...
I was thinking about previous commanders and soilders we have head on Sci-fi and I got to wondering. The Alliance and Browncoats represent two differnt, but not so simple Ideals. Alliance - Order, ...
By: Ghoulman ---------- WARNING!!! This thread has bad fuckin' launguage. If you are too fuckin' young for that then fuck off! * * * * * * * * * * * * EXT: MORNING in TRAILER PARK. ...
The rain is different in October. We've had a very wet summer but the rains have been plesant. The storms these days generally have less thunder and more cut-to-the-bone cold. That with the brilliant ...
yippeekayay! since it's a long weekend, 3 of my best friends are coming down to visit me in boston this weekend! (they're still in high school up in maine). so that's super exciting, right? but wait, ...
I hate Thursdays. I feel like I have a giant axe looming over my head. That axe's name is Dr. Lawson. She's a sadist I think. On a brighter note, I found a cool t-shirt on the zazzle website. It ...
Gee It's been awhile since I've done one of these things. I actually have something excting to write about for once. I am off to travel the world for the next 4 days. Actually, I am just going to Chicago, ...
Man, there's nothing like getting stuck planetside trying to help and old friend pull the power unit from his ship. These things log thousands of hours in the black and build up all sorts of crud! So ...
I am having a crap day today. My car broke down on the way to the airport. I know vandalism is wrong, but I don't think they can nail you for beating up your own car, right? Stupid piece of go-se. ...
If you like seeing the supernatural getting is ass kicked, and if you love humor, then I highly suggest seeing Shawn of the Dead! (Rated R, Now Playing) I saw it yesterday evening, and it was about the ...
I didnt write it, but I think its written well: Okay, I really did enjoy Buffy: The Musical, but that doesn't mean that Joss Whedon should go around writing theme songs. In fact, after hearing the ...
:censored: computer! I am ready to kill my computer. It's been having the hiccups lately, y'know, stuff not working like it should be. It was sent in for repairs last week, and my god it was weird ...
I was SO planning on being Inara for Halloween. . . and now that dream seems to be fading into oblivion. Not having a clear sense of what costume I could pull off in a short amount of time, having no ...
[i]What a weekend![/i] Thursday I picked up Rod at the airport and we packed for a while until meeting other friends for dinner. Can't say enough about the help he's given me, flying up to help me pack ...
The problem with my car turned out to be the axl. I hit a curb about a year back and now its come back to haunt me. On a brighter note, my Firefly shirt just got here yesterday. I've been wearing it ...
I don't watch Firefly a whole lot because I used to be obsessed with The X-Files, watchin' it everyday and all and despite it being my fave show at the time - I got so gorram sick of it! There really ...
Okay, here's the situation. I've already taken Driver's Ed, I've gotten probably close to if not past 24 hours of driving time (I need a total of forty) and I have my own car. My dad has been saying for ...
Dance, little puppet! Always did she mock me. Always did she doubt my power, my control. Now she is moving as my will. All things fall as I have foreseen. YoSafBrigLee has made the mistake of seeking ...
So I'm still stuck spending a little time planetside lately, but I'm trying to make the best of it. With not much to do 'cept sit on my hands (hey, it's cold in the mornings) I've been staying down at ...
I have a problem. My friend writes in both french and english, but I don't speak french at all or english properly. None the less we had a fight and today I got a note saying "moi" I don't know what ...
So anyway, someone had mentioned that I should put the "Serenity Park" comic on a website instead of posting them here. Well, I am actually considering doing this but there are a few problems. 1) ...
:fork: I seem to have become completelty addicted to Jaylee! (Jayne/Kaylee) I think I've read just about every fic out there! My favorite so far is the "Survial Guide" Series. I'm think I'm going to ...
Allright, so I've been running goods under the noses of the Alliance for some time now. I figured it was finally time to go public...well, somewhat public. I don't have any products up there yet, but ...
That is the second time I've accidentally made blog with nothing in it. I could just pretend I did on purpose. How avant garde. Anyway, I have two huge papers due on Tuesday. There goes my weekend. ...
step 1: Admitted you were powerless over decisions made by Fox executives. step 2: Came to believe that Joss could restore our faith in mass media. Or at least get a movie out to us. AND have a reeaalllly ...
there's always warmth onboard Serenity. After watching [i]War Stories[/i], I was struck (again) at the 'companionship' that can be found between the Captain and his motley crew. Aside from the whole ...
Ok, so I watched Firefly when it first came on and fell in love with it. So I was cruising the store the other day, and what do I see? The DVD set. So I had known is was on DVD, but hadn't purchased it. ...
First let me state: I do not work for Amazon, but I think someone who does is one of us!!! I was perusing the dvd section at to kill some time and I found something worth relaying to all of ...
We are in Kentucky...doing the road trip thing with the in-laws. Ewok is sitting next to me at another library computer checking out all the new images of firefly/serenity art...we miss home, Coffeewench ...
After promising my sister for the last month that I would send her my copies of the Firefly series, I've decided that I just can't part with it. I'll just buy her one of her own for Christmas. I will ...
(in no particular order) [B]Mal Reynolds.[/B] [I]Firefly[/I] begins and ends, for me, with Captain Tightpants. I love his richness as a character, his contradictions, his pain, his humour, his ...
God Bless Google! :biggrin: If I knew how to do the icon with the beer glasses I would insert it and raise a glass to the search engine. Mentioned in my last blog I was about ready to kill my computer ...
Tell your friends. Tell your family. Tell your pet rock. . . . NEVER, I repeat, NEVER drink coffee late at night. . . . no matter HOW friggin cold you are! DON'T DO IT! RESIST THE STARBUCKS! BEWARE! ...
Well it looks like I was the 2 Millionth visitor on FFF!
I removed the Fanfic Award Parody which had been hit by the troll. All my other stories have been protected by code hopefully so there should be no problems. Let me know if anyone has problems with ...
The frigging troll struck again. Do not look at my previous blog. thinks anonymous posting needs to be disabled
Gorram Troll is posting rampantly in the blogs. Hit the last two of mine in a row so am assuming he could strike here as well. He also has registered w/ a username so I'm guessing discussions might ...
Please do not enter any blogs for the time being unless you do not mind seeing a distastful image. Thank You for reading. THIS IS A SERIOUS MATTER. PLEASE wait for an Admin to post that the content ...
I hope that Troll goes and gen hou zi bi diu shi. That was a really sh***ty thing to do. I certainly hope s/he stops. Attacks like this are pointless. They are senseless and immature. Unprovoked, unnecissary ...
I'm almost done with my two papers. I'll be glad when this week is over. I shouldn't say that. It's only Monday. I watched the Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars last night. I know this has nothing ...
well today is the day. I turned 20 :p I feel so old. I'm spending the wild and crazy day getting caught up on my homework sense my date last weekend (who happened to blow me off after I got there from ...
Release date for Serenity in France: May 4th, 2005 ! I'll be in the UK on April 22nd so maybe I'll see the movie first there! Of course I'll go again when it's out in France :biggrin:
There are many very cool people here (not just because they watch Firefly either) more people have told me Happy birthday here than at school, it's just cool how people work here. we all talk about something ...
In a recent conversation with another Firefly fan, the topic of the Reaver ship, the Trans-U was brought up. We started talking about the origins of it and its history since then. Here is what we found. ...
You know, I can go along an entire year with bad things not happening directly to me, but when it turns to October, my life turnse to go-se. I have had really bad break-ups, the kind that force you ...
Life has gotten in the way of finishing my fanfic. I'm sorry for the delay and I hope to have the next chapters up soon. Thanks for your patience.
Gorramit, is it November yet? All I'm hearing over the comms these days are hate-ads and slanderous remarks from one candidate to the next. Proposition This, Vote Yes on That! So and so fought for ...
I'm so screwed right now. I lost my boss's necklace. I was supposed to get it cleaned, but I spaced out (theres a big surprise) and didn't do it. Now I don't know what happened and I looked everywhere. ...
Sometimes life hands you a lemon, and you find a group of people who can give you a little bit of sugar to turn it into lemonade. I think the community on this board is so great and so supportive of each ...
First of all, a big thanks to zark and gojiro for the support during my mini-crisis. I never found the necklace. I finally got up the nerve to tell my boss, though. I was braced for a big scene, so ...
Okay, so its just the internet, but I am venturing into more uncharted territory for me anyway. As of today, I've added a Cafe Press site to my list of fan created products and ideas.
We have *the* *
A few weeks ago, I wrote off to Joss to ask permission to run the Firefly video room at CoastCon. And to unashamedly beg for stuff. Imagine my surprise when I got a phone call last week [u]from[/u] ...
I have a big Bio test Monday. I think I've got most of the stuff down but I get nervous about taking tests. Well it's been a week since my birthday. am I supposed to feel differently? I don't know, ...
Did anyone go to Mile Hi Con in Denver this weekend? If you did, did you go to the Worlds of Joss Whedon thing? I did. I was wearing a Ramones shirt, and was sitting in front. For those of you who weren’t ...
So I had the great entry actually written last night and my computer bluescreens :pissed: ANYWAY - second day was shorter and still fun. Saw a lady who had bought a Slim's t-shirt on Saturday walk ...
Gonna set my soul on fire. Man I wanna go to Vegas. It's like burning in my brain. I've had a crap month and maybe what I need is a change of venues. Maybe Vegas is what is called for to improve my ...
You ever have one of those dreams that's really vivid, but you don't even remember you had until much, much later? Doesn't usually happen. Maybe it's the ambien. huh. So, I was going to the movies ...
Ok, so I booked my flight to Vegas, I booked a hotel room. I am so there already. I can taste the stale cigarette tinged air, I can taste the free booze and the buffets. I can feel the cards, and I only ...
Today's been craptastic. I really don't like it when people don't do the job they are being paid to do. I really don't like ending up doing their job while they flirt with a girl down the hall. At least ...
I have had a few folks comment on my FFFn ID today. Mostly they were wondering what it meant or referanced - well here iz the story ... OK, here goes -- 20+ years ago I was the second person to be ...
I just bought the new version of Dawn of the Dead on DVD. The original is still my favorite, but this one wasn't bad. I have an enormous amount of school work due in the next two weeks. I might as ...
I was waiting for something big and important to say for my first blog but instead I decided to write this. The SCI-FI channel in the U.K. have just started re-running FIREFLY again. So I suppose I ...
Yesterday was really bad and I ended up cutting classes (which I never have done before) then today I went shopping with my mom and bought like 11 pairs of shoes (doubling my collection) and I feel so ...
Woohoo. I actually look a lot like Kaylee today. It worked. My teddy bear patch is too small, but otherwise, yippee. No one knows who I am so I tell them all about Serenity and Firefly and my beloved ...
Nothing to see here... Move along... I'm just testing out the blog functionality... ************************************* I'll just use this blog entry to keep track ...
So last night, I had my first Big Damn Halloween Shindig. I went a little nuts decorating the house -- Reaver Territory in the bathroom, an alien in a jar thing, some shipping crates from TG Freight, ...