Thought for the day... SignyM 4 4/26/2010 8:04:18 PM
How Ayn Rand Caused the GFC Magonsdaughter 48 4/26/2010 7:23:16 PM
FIREFLY SEASON 2 SILVERSRFR 54 4/26/2010 6:44:12 PM
Serenity at The 5 Points Theatre in Jacksonville, FL on 4/23 11:00PM. HAKEN 6 4/26/2010 6:02:01 PM
MIND Over MONEY... out2theblack 1 4/26/2010 5:49:32 PM
Rate the Star Trek captains OPPYH 23 4/26/2010 4:52:50 PM
MULE Won't Fly With FIVE... out2theblack 6 4/26/2010 4:50:40 PM
We're 4th! whozit 16 4/26/2010 4:10:00 PM
Britain Sux: Global Hawk robot drones attack yobs! piratenews 2 4/26/2010 3:47:56 PM
Republicans filibuster debating financial reform Niki2 1 4/26/2010 3:21:43 PM
Pedophile Barney Frank requires all employers hire homos piratenews 3 4/26/2010 2:50:16 PM
Nazis put 1,000 Earths on a grain of salt piratenews 1 4/26/2010 2:44:28 PM
Adam Baldwin's Top 10 Disguises on Chuck Succatash 8 4/26/2010 10:04:02 AM
Five robots we wish were real ... and five we're glad aren't Niki2 31 4/26/2010 9:15:56 AM
Are Dems growing some balls? Niki2 16 4/26/2010 8:20:48 AM
Happy Earth Day...sorta Niki2 73 4/26/2010 8:16:58 AM
Would time travel fit in the Chuckverse? Zeek 9 4/26/2010 8:13:52 AM
Mainstream article: Why you should watch Firefly CABridges 28 4/25/2010 6:29:01 PM
Episode: Den of Thieves beatupplenty 3 4/25/2010 2:29:44 PM
Spartacus - Season 1 Finale!! Calhoun 6 4/25/2010 1:29:39 PM
look at this! tyrantkiller 4 4/25/2010 12:16:12 PM
Keep our heads down and hope the Aliens dont notice us (not PN) oldenglanddry 2 4/25/2010 11:25:59 AM
Iceland Volcano God piratenews 15 4/25/2010 10:09:52 AM
Britain Sux: 8-year olds given condoms piratenews 2 4/25/2010 10:07:06 AM
Jayne! AURaptor 7 4/25/2010 8:26:33 AM
Dragon beats J.Lo whozit 1 4/25/2010 8:04:24 AM
9/11 Arab pilot found Not Guilty, paid $4-million for false arrest piratenews 1 4/25/2010 6:53:51 AM
Your fave pilot episodes of any TV series? lwaves 15 4/25/2010 6:53:21 AM
Dictator Hussein Obama retreats from Afghanistan piratenews 1 4/25/2010 6:49:01 AM
Arcata, CA Serenity screening, Costume Contest and Whedony Drinks. Sunday, April 25, 2010 Anonymous1 2 4/25/2010 6:13:45 AM
Alan Tudyk in "Rockford Files" remake whozit 3 4/25/2010 6:12:42 AM
Grim Reaper with a happy ending piratenews 5 4/25/2010 6:00:44 AM
Favourite/Best SF film of 2009? chrisisall 11 4/25/2010 4:32:44 AM
A 'Chuck' game changer: Intel from Chris Fedak on what's to come for the spy guy Haken 7 4/25/2010 1:17:29 AM
Whoah...didn't see that comin'. AURaptor 20 4/25/2010 1:13:45 AM
Damn Obama's environmental policy! Niki2 10 4/24/2010 1:33:57 PM
'CHUCK', season 4 ? whozit 3 4/24/2010 12:47:19 PM
Whedon verses on sale Bestbuy in store online Firefly Dollhouse Buffy Angel $19.99 Anonymous1 3 4/24/2010 10:08:59 AM
Bender returns! whozit 12 4/24/2010 8:41:04 AM
Summer Glau's Magic Belly Button Succatash 20 4/24/2010 8:34:57 AM
Atleast 2 more years of Sam Axe whozit 2 4/24/2010 8:29:10 AM
Jon Stewart does it again! Niki2 10 4/24/2010 7:47:44 AM
Banks: Dear Feds, Thanks for nothing Niki2 1 4/24/2010 7:35:43 AM
Jury verdict hits Boy Scouts with $18.5 million in punitive damages Niki2 1 4/24/2010 7:31:14 AM
MORENA Captures Cover Of SciFi Now ! out2theblack 4 4/24/2010 7:30:53 AM
Save Chuck: dont let them cancel another great Adam Baldwin Show campbecc 3 4/24/2010 7:14:04 AM
I know it's probably a futile gesture, but join my Facebook group: We STILL Want Firefly Back on the Air! Caite 2 4/23/2010 7:01:01 PM
Mr Universe's Lovebot piratenews 10 4/23/2010 4:54:59 PM
Ok how about some negativity.....Yes towards Firefly!!!! TheSomnambulist 61 4/23/2010 3:56:52 PM
Barn Find: Steve McQueen's Porsche 917 Kwicko 26 4/23/2010 1:47:06 PM