Thunder over Michigan. FREMDFIRMA 8 8/4/2012 10:54:23 PM
Romney’s Puzzling Answer Niki2 2 8/4/2012 4:36:35 PM
Granny foils copycat Batman movie massacre in Stand Your Ground State PIRATENEWS 4 8/4/2012 4:33:34 PM
Thunder over Indiana.... 6ixStringJack 1 8/4/2012 4:30:08 PM
Our non-working Congress Niki2 1 8/4/2012 7:37:12 AM
Yay for mechanisation! FREMDFIRMA 3 8/4/2012 5:12:50 AM
Clint endorses Mitt whozit 2 8/4/2012 4:55:48 AM
it's a good message. Is anyone listening ? AURaptor 3 8/4/2012 3:05:40 AM
Prometheus pizmobeach 20 8/4/2012 1:57:25 AM
Wrong Missles! FREMDFIRMA 1 8/3/2012 9:02:20 PM
23 stabbed to death in Victim Disarmament Gun Ban Zone PIRATENEWS 3 8/3/2012 8:54:40 PM
Freedom through Ideas Magonsdaughter 9 8/3/2012 7:59:46 PM
OMIGAWD, Congress does something RIGHT...and bipartisan no less! Niki2 6 8/3/2012 7:06:46 PM
Oh, boy, another war... Niki2 14 8/3/2012 6:59:12 PM
Some one s'plain this one to me. If ya can. AURaptor 13 8/3/2012 6:35:46 PM
Charlie Sheen in Red Dawn remake piratenews 2 8/3/2012 5:30:58 PM
"Want to be President? Talk folksy" Niki2 3 8/3/2012 4:52:16 PM
Thank you LYSANDER 2 8/3/2012 2:25:58 PM
The Fault, Dear Romney, Is Not in the Staff Niki2 3 8/3/2012 9:37:05 AM
Window on Infinity; Pictures from Space Niki2 3 8/3/2012 8:19:34 AM
MORE biparsanship?? Oh, wait... Niki2 1 8/3/2012 7:32:28 AM
One part of the economy doing REALLY well: Private prisons Niki2 5 8/3/2012 5:18:42 AM
Hate speech, defined. AURaptor 3 8/3/2012 4:20:58 AM
Obama ahead in three swing states Niki2 2 8/3/2012 3:29:21 AM
FOX: Once Again, We Put Something On The Air That's A Flat-Out Lie Kwicko 14 8/3/2012 1:08:50 AM
Illuminati card game predicted Aurora Dark Knight Massacre, raided by Secret Service PIRATENEWS 3 8/2/2012 8:47:49 PM
Firefly scores 2 in 'TV’s top 50 sci-fi characters' JEANDUPONTEL 1 8/2/2012 8:33:00 PM
Summer and Joss at The Dizzy Feet Foundation’s second annual Celebration of Dance gala. JEANDUPONTEL 4 8/2/2012 8:23:59 PM
71 year old man foils copycat Batman theater shooting in Stand Your Ground state PIRATENEWS 5 8/2/2012 5:34:50 PM
An interview with Obama PIRATENEWS 1 8/2/2012 4:02:09 PM
End of the World PIRATENEWS 3 8/2/2012 1:38:35 PM
Holmes fell through the cracks Niki2 3 8/2/2012 1:30:00 PM
Kofi Annan as UN's Syria envoy Niki2 3 8/2/2012 11:58:55 AM
RomneyShambles: Gaffe-Fest World Tour 2012 Continues! Kwicko 21 8/2/2012 11:37:39 AM
House Conservatives Relent on Government Spending Niki2 1 8/2/2012 8:35:39 AM
Rafalca debuts Niki2 1 8/2/2012 8:11:29 AM
Islamophobia and civil servants Niki2 3 8/2/2012 7:05:22 AM
UK experts to help Iraq destroy chemical residues AURaptor 6 8/2/2012 3:25:19 AM
Obama authorized covert support for Syrian rebels, sources say AURaptor 1 8/2/2012 3:11:04 AM
Cry It Out HKCavalier 29 8/1/2012 8:33:09 PM
Answer the question, Mr. Romney...c'mon, you can do it Niki2 9 8/1/2012 3:12:03 PM
Ex-sceptic says climate change is down to humans kpo 31 8/1/2012 3:09:45 PM
Mitt Romney Pallin' Around With Rapists? Kwicko 5 8/1/2012 3:08:44 PM
RIP Gore Vidal Magonsdaughter 6 8/1/2012 2:25:38 PM
They say "If you've been on the news more than two times decribin' what the tornada sounds like.... Wishimay 3 8/1/2012 12:39:39 PM
Romney Ohio ad hits Obama over auto bailout and Obama blasts Romney tax plan in Ohio Niki2 2 8/1/2012 10:25:35 AM
Republiclan references to "real Americans" incite dividion and fear Niki2 1 8/1/2012 10:07:07 AM
Mass Murder and Mental Illness: The Interplay of Stigma, Culture and Disease Niki2 5 8/1/2012 7:56:13 AM
Who pays for the uninsured? Niki2 5 8/1/2012 6:38:59 AM
Colorado shooting: If not gun control, then bullet control, lawmakers say Niki2 11 8/1/2012 6:08:16 AM