Feminazi Leftist Hippies Declares War on Jewish Women Obama Supporters Who Love Abortion Magonsdaughter 10 5/15/2012 4:40:01 PM
Maybe Niki's right to be pessimistic... kpo 45 5/15/2012 3:55:24 PM
There's a herd of elephants in my living room PIRATENEWS 2 5/15/2012 2:09:54 PM
R.I.P. Dick Clark whozit 6 5/15/2012 2:02:32 PM
Car Czar Rattner Slams Obama's 'Unfair' Anti-Romney Ad AURaptor 1 5/15/2012 1:23:26 PM
Browncoat Ball 2012 in Albuquerque, NM CENTAUR 1 5/15/2012 10:51:14 AM
Obama gay ? ( no, not PirateNews ) But seriously, where's PN on this one ? AURaptor 18 5/15/2012 7:12:39 AM
Once Upon A Time traveler 30 5/15/2012 6:36:59 AM
War on babies... Wishimay 9 5/15/2012 3:21:11 AM
Bully Kwicko 63 5/15/2012 1:21:44 AM
Newsweek cover: 'Obama the first faggot president' (besides 'Gerald Ford', Bush Sr, 'Bill Clinton', Bush Jr) PIRATENEWS 6 5/14/2012 6:06:10 PM
Hey guys, check this load o' BS from my Senator chrisisall 5 5/14/2012 5:46:08 PM
Latest Polls Niki2 9 5/14/2012 4:26:49 PM
There IS Poverty in America Oonjerah 20 5/14/2012 3:58:13 PM
Marian Call is Looking for a Few Good Flans (in SE USofA) YT 5 5/14/2012 2:34:27 PM
Same-sex marriage around the world currently Niki2 4 5/14/2012 12:01:59 PM
Stand Your Ground or Quick on the Trigger? Oonjerah 27 5/14/2012 11:45:23 AM
GOD!!!! (or any non-theistic equivalent!), I wish I was high now..... 6IXSTRINGJACK 11 5/14/2012 8:25:13 AM
Hey Hey Obama How Many Kids Did You Kill Today? PIRATENEWS 5 5/14/2012 6:52:08 AM
Mudder's Day two 2 5/13/2012 9:04:07 PM
Bank Robbing Team? FREMDFIRMA 17 5/13/2012 8:37:22 PM
Judge burns 1st Amendment on Constitution Day, reads Miranda rights to Pirate News piratenews 23 5/13/2012 6:11:31 PM
For Rion canttakesky 5 5/13/2012 5:39:52 PM
Good Teacher / Bad Teacher ? NewOldBrownCoat 5 5/13/2012 5:27:58 PM
49 headless corpses dumped on Mexican highway yesterday, faggot Dictator Hussein Obama Soetoro gave 20,000 guns to Mexican mafiya and leaves borders wide open PIRATENEWS 3 5/13/2012 4:22:34 PM
What Rush actually said Niki2 62 5/13/2012 3:33:16 PM
Soul Survivor PIRATENEWS 2 5/13/2012 3:13:28 PM
Austerity, here we come ! AURaptor 12 5/13/2012 3:11:40 PM
Wear Browncoat-y attire this weekend if you go see Avengers!! Spread the word!! Wishimay 6 5/13/2012 3:00:24 PM
Bribe! whozit 1 5/13/2012 7:06:46 AM
Megan Fox breaks her MKULTRA Project Monarch conditioning? PIRATENEWS 4 5/13/2012 2:51:12 AM
Ka-BLAMM. FREMDFIRMA 9 5/13/2012 1:53:56 AM
Stan Lee's next Super Hero! whozit 3 5/12/2012 5:44:28 PM
Mozilla tells Dictator Hussein Obama Soetoro to shove it up his ass PIRATENEWS 1 5/12/2012 5:34:21 PM
Joss Whedon: Thanks To His Peeps BYTEMITE 4 5/12/2012 12:33:03 AM
Israeli jew Michelle Bachmann and family are foreign citizens infiltrating Congress and White House (flees in terror 5 days later) PIRATENEWS 7 5/11/2012 12:22:56 PM
Firefly sketch card collection by DavidDeb two 6 5/11/2012 8:25:14 AM
Republican obstructionism gone wild Niki2 16 5/11/2012 7:08:22 AM
Email notices when other users reply - not getting pizmobeach 5 5/11/2012 6:06:09 AM
Weapon Carrier Causes - Then Stops - Crime. Kwicko 22 5/10/2012 7:39:54 PM
I TOLD you we were being gamed... CaveTroll 6 5/10/2012 3:15:29 PM
The wild rumpus is over. :<( NewOldBrownCoat 5 5/10/2012 6:45:26 AM
Lessons for the US from Europe debacle kpo 11 5/10/2012 5:08:46 AM
Jerks who canceled Firefly on canttakesky 2 5/10/2012 4:28:53 AM
Convicted felon IN PRISON nearly beats Dictator Hussein Obama Soetoro in Democratic primary (yes even Demorats hate Obomba) PIRATENEWS 5 5/9/2012 10:36:17 PM
'Avengers' Damage to Manhattan Would Cost $160 Billion, Disaster Expert Estimates HAKEN 2 5/9/2012 10:29:57 PM
Podcast: Geeking out about Firefly with P.J. Shapiro SERENITYVALLEY 1 5/9/2012 5:28:49 PM
A new hope for back pain sufferers? Niki2 28 5/9/2012 4:30:26 PM
Romney Supporter Threatens to Rape CBS News Producer Kwicko 47 5/9/2012 2:59:22 PM