Niki has never once stared down the barrel of a gun.... 6IXSTRINGJACK 53 1/24/2013 7:11:24 AM
Ball Whacking Hundan! NEWOLDBROWNCOAT 8 1/23/2013 12:15:40 PM
iPads for Apes ? FREMDFIRMA 1 1/23/2013 10:59:20 AM
Good Riddance to Rapiscan FREMDFIRMA 7 1/23/2013 6:52:27 AM
TCM leaving the world for a spell - my baby girl is having surgery TenthCrewMember 28 1/23/2013 6:21:36 AM
What do we need to ban as a species to ensure our continued longevity on Earth? chrisisall 32 1/22/2013 4:51:56 PM
Republicans pause on partisanship: 'A day we can all come together' Niki2 6 1/22/2013 4:20:34 PM
New NRA ad drags Obama children into gun debate Niki2 33 1/22/2013 12:19:06 PM
Do you have Firefly/Serenity goods for sale? Post here! TenthCrewMember 107 1/22/2013 12:11:03 PM
Your "aww" for the day 1/20 Niki2 9 1/22/2013 12:01:06 PM
Why Republicans defy public opinion in gun-control fight Niki2 10 1/22/2013 9:54:42 AM
Regarding Gerrymandering Niki2 1 1/22/2013 9:05:30 AM
It's to laugh: "GOP to Meet On Minority Outreach" Niki2 28 1/22/2013 9:00:01 AM
Serenity Paper Model JohnThunder 24 1/22/2013 7:46:10 AM
Auditor who criticizes spending after SS Sandy gets sacked. AURaptor 1 1/22/2013 6:41:40 AM
Hero worship piratenews 5 1/22/2013 4:43:38 AM
The Citadel: Private Idaho Community Being Planned For ‘American Patriots’ Only Niki2 40 1/21/2013 10:45:10 PM
And another one... Niki2 3 1/21/2013 1:27:47 PM
If showing ID to vote is a suppression of one's civil rights... AURaptor 43 1/21/2013 1:18:26 PM
"Gun Safety Isn't A Major Issue" Niki2 7 1/21/2013 1:02:47 PM
Gun discussion do-over? SIGNYM 120 1/21/2013 11:57:11 AM
Algerian crisis, by the numbers Niki2 11 1/21/2013 8:04:00 AM
Bullet To The Head Anyone? Jongsstraw 62 1/21/2013 3:35:30 AM
Something I heard... Niki2 8 1/20/2013 8:50:09 PM
British beef burgers are 30% horse PIRATENEWS 6 1/20/2013 8:38:18 PM
Gun Restriction in the United States of Chrisisall chrisisall 22 1/20/2013 7:19:33 PM
Surprise! Mom packed you a nice gun Niki2 18 1/20/2013 4:30:26 PM
Gender and Violence and Blame Magonsdaughter 309 1/20/2013 3:56:33 PM
The Captain wins again! whozit 12 1/20/2013 4:31:04 AM
How Serenity Should Have Ended two 46 1/20/2013 3:34:57 AM
If pot were legal... kpo 26 1/19/2013 10:21:49 PM
Dow, S&P 500 close at 5-year highs Niki2 4 1/19/2013 4:36:57 PM
An overall picture... Niki2 12 1/19/2013 6:29:51 AM
House Republicans to vote next week on three-month extension of debt ceiling Niki2 2 1/19/2013 4:03:39 AM
A short history of gun laws Niki2 10 1/18/2013 6:57:45 PM
NRA wants to focus on mentally ill Niki2 39 1/17/2013 1:32:06 PM
Your "awww" for the day 1/17 Niki2 1 1/17/2013 11:29:50 AM
OHMYGAWD! Niki2 22 1/17/2013 8:48:10 AM
The practical uses of gun control. AURaptor 20 1/17/2013 8:22:45 AM
London Helicopter Crash chrisisall 2 1/17/2013 4:34:03 AM
Firefly/Serenity Fan Art Pinback Buttons two 2 1/16/2013 4:50:53 PM
Your "awwww" for the day... Niki2 21 1/16/2013 3:05:14 PM
GO Cuomo! Niki2 34 1/16/2013 12:36:16 PM
Here's one for the gun advocates Niki2 19 1/16/2013 11:50:50 AM
Beijing adopts emergency measures for 'hazardous' pollution Niki2 12 1/16/2013 10:16:26 AM
Reviving Europe’s biodiversity with exotic animals Niki2 9 1/16/2013 5:25:00 AM
Firefly MMO Studio Push Back At Suspicions That Their Game Is a Hoax HAKEN 3 1/15/2013 6:21:30 PM
After blaming Hollywood and violent video games, NRA celebrates one-month anniversary of Sandy Hook by releasing a shooting video game. Kwicko 5 1/15/2013 11:18:34 AM
An opinion... Niki2 65 1/15/2013 10:41:27 AM
Autopilot Podcast LOOTZEE 1 1/15/2013 10:26:42 AM