Perfect present for Nathan ecgordon 1 12/23/2012 6:42:30 AM
Edward Bryant at ReAnimus Press ecgordon 2 12/23/2012 6:33:18 AM
Merry Christmas, and things to consider Geezer 4 12/23/2012 6:20:32 AM
Sandy Hook Urban Preppers raided by SWAT, family gunned down as terrorists piratenews 2 12/22/2012 5:25:58 PM
It could have been worse...without the guns. Hero 106 12/22/2012 3:40:08 PM
Killers, Killers, Killers Geezer 34 12/22/2012 11:05:30 AM
Gun debate gains traction as some lawmakers say it’s time to act Niki2 39 12/22/2012 10:08:18 AM
"I should've slipped and stabbed him by accident." ANTHONYT 24 12/22/2012 9:05:59 AM
Obama bans American guns PIRATENEWS 14 12/22/2012 9:03:55 AM
Benghasi Baloney Niki2 3 12/22/2012 8:51:45 AM
Censorship and Grief(ing) ANTHONYT 10 12/22/2012 8:28:02 AM
Some happy news, I think all will appreciate, yes ? AURaptor 3 12/22/2012 8:23:54 AM
Isn't science gorgeous? Niki2 6 12/22/2012 8:21:33 AM
Aloha, Senator AURaptor 4 12/22/2012 8:18:33 AM
Fox : No rise in mass killings AURaptor 41 12/22/2012 8:18:23 AM
Mass shooting need massive solution. Hero 12 12/22/2012 7:26:39 AM
BBC Pedo Scandal: Lostprophets band singer arrested for rape of 1-year-old baby (George Bush Sr next?) piratenews 1 12/22/2012 5:09:50 AM
Could Summer Glau join Joss Whedon’s ‘S.H.I.E.L.D.’ TV series? HAKEN 16 12/21/2012 2:09:44 PM
It's 12-21-2012.. ReaverInA1985Riviera 4 12/21/2012 1:53:32 PM
Merry Christmas PIRATENEWS 5 12/21/2012 12:38:21 PM
Syria PIRATENEWS 5 12/21/2012 10:56:28 AM
Billionaire DREAMTROVE 1 12/21/2012 10:21:06 AM
Brave Hillary goes shopping at Neiman Marcus despite horrific brain injury from Benghazi Flu PIRATENEWS 1 12/21/2012 3:24:11 AM
Faith! THESOMNAMBULIST 9 12/20/2012 9:46:58 PM
Ron Paul and States introduce bills to abolish Victim Disarmament Zones PIRATENEWS 5 12/20/2012 1:28:19 PM
So long and thanks for all the fish... Hero 2 12/20/2012 12:20:02 PM
America's real gun problem Hero 2 12/20/2012 11:38:23 AM
Female gov appoints South's 1st black senator since reconstruction. AURaptor 15 12/20/2012 11:19:34 AM
12 Year Old Girl Exposes Illuminati !!! ??? !!! PIRATENEWS 1 12/19/2012 5:33:06 PM
Walmart Dicks Stop Selling Guns (after selling out with record top gun sales day in world history) PIRATENEWS 3 12/19/2012 5:22:35 PM
Golden Eagle snatches kid for lunch PIRATENEWS 9 12/19/2012 1:31:26 PM
Conspiracy Theory re Shootings canttakesky 12 12/19/2012 11:38:37 AM
Some unusual things are happening... Niki2 1 12/19/2012 10:10:30 AM
CNN British MI6 Redcoat demands Obama ban ALL guns in USA PIRATENEWS 2 12/19/2012 9:31:37 AM
Jews say police cars now carrying terrorist bombs in USA (Operation Northwoods) PIRATENEWS 1 12/19/2012 8:41:30 AM
Lesbian state trooper rapes 2 women in full view of public during traffic stop on police video PIRATENEWS 1 12/19/2012 8:30:17 AM
BREAKING NEWS: Sandy Hook shooting press conference PIRATENEWS 24 12/19/2012 7:06:55 AM
Your "awwww" for the day Niki2 19 12/18/2012 12:16:10 PM
Nathan Fillion to host WGA Awards whozit 4 12/18/2012 8:12:26 AM
Compassion and the fiscal cliff Niki2 7 12/17/2012 7:29:18 PM
14 yr old boy shoots armed intruder says Police Officer James Holmes (not the Batman shooter) PIRATENEWS 1 12/17/2012 7:06:53 PM
Obama orders soldiers to stop criticizing Taliban and pedophiles PIRATENEWS 1 12/17/2012 5:28:23 PM
Holy Mother of God PIRATENEWS 1 12/17/2012 1:48:06 PM
Teach them well, teach them young AURaptor 40 12/17/2012 10:33:50 AM
Coming soon: The Top 10 Best and Worst Predictions of The Predictions Thread 2012 kpo 8 12/17/2012 10:11:48 AM
Drone pilot describes killing little children for Obama PIRATENEWS 1 12/17/2012 10:10:27 AM
Firefly 2.0 PIRATENEWS 4 12/17/2012 9:51:23 AM
Second gunman arrested after Sandy Hook School massacre PIRATENEWS 2 12/17/2012 9:46:52 AM
Licensed handgun owner stops mall shooter dead PIRATENEWS 4 12/17/2012 6:52:43 AM
"Big Damn Roadtrip" Documentary MohrStoutbeard 29 12/16/2012 6:08:19 PM