Rand Paul's son arrested, Hussein Obama remains at large PIRATENEWS 1 1/8/2013 2:18:57 AM
Dictator Hussein Obama bans all news photographs of his drunken bugly ho brats PIRATENEWS 1 1/8/2013 1:54:30 AM
Videoz JO753 2 1/7/2013 11:28:59 PM
What's going on around Andromeda? Curious structure puzzles scientists. Niki2 9 1/7/2013 7:40:22 PM
Anonymous hack: 'She is so raped right now. No foreplay for a dead girl. Trust me, I’m a doctor.' PIRATENEWS 2 1/7/2013 3:27:40 PM
Galaxy full of Earth-like Planets. ..Kepler hints at 250 new habitable worlds !! JAYNEZTOWN 6 1/7/2013 7:47:24 AM
Firefly Inspired MMORPG Gets Green Light From Fox TECHTREKKER 10 1/7/2013 7:27:13 AM
Rare river otter returns to San Francisco – a sign of progress? Niki2 5 1/7/2013 5:27:24 AM
Ming-Na To Star In Joss Whedon’s ABC Pilot ‘Marvel’s S.H.I.E.L.D.’ HAKEN 8 1/7/2013 12:18:06 AM
Crossing Over with Cats N Dogs PIRATENEWS 1 1/6/2013 11:19:47 AM
Meet your 14 new Senate freshmen Niki2 1 1/6/2013 8:37:21 AM
Progress watch 2012: Smart phones, jobs returning to America, and war crimes trials Niki2 1 1/6/2013 8:11:22 AM
A few opinions about the new Congress... Niki2 1 1/6/2013 7:48:40 AM
Obama signs defense bill, notes regrets AURaptor 7 1/6/2013 7:32:10 AM
Deepwater drilling, offshore drilling, deepwell injection, secondary oil recovery, and fracking aren't safe SIGNYM 5 1/6/2013 6:43:33 AM
Congress votes to make Obama the Dictator PIRATENEWS 3 1/6/2013 4:18:20 AM
Burgler who stole $70-million thanks newspapers for publishing location of gun-owning cops PIRATENEWS 1 1/5/2013 8:47:13 PM
Soylent Green is............ PIRATENEWS 3 1/5/2013 8:26:10 PM
Slicker than a cake with a file in it. FREMDFIRMA 2 1/5/2013 4:56:32 PM
Making a List, Checking it Twice AnthonyT 29 1/5/2013 3:41:17 PM
Hate Crime or Crime of Insanity? AnthonyT 15 1/5/2013 9:11:24 AM
A suicide bomber walks into a bar... Niki2 12 1/5/2013 8:06:04 AM
Obama ended up winning the popular vote by 3.85% kpo 3 1/5/2013 7:53:57 AM
Two months of arguing over 10 hours of savings AURaptor 5 1/5/2013 6:21:23 AM
‘Firefly’ cartoon in the works? HAKEN 30 1/5/2013 1:09:50 AM
State trooper fired for falsifying dozens of DUI arrests PIRATENEWS 1 1/4/2013 1:02:07 AM
Hobbits hunting dragons...FOR REAL PIRATENEWS 2 1/3/2013 6:02:29 PM
Commie Libtard Illinois Mafiya loses vote to ban all guns PIRATENEWS 1 1/3/2013 4:10:53 PM
AlGore sells Current TV to al Jazzera AURaptor 13 1/3/2013 2:56:00 PM
Amerikan History Alt 21325 PIRATENEWS 1 1/3/2013 12:13:45 PM
Fury over House dropping Sandy aid vote Niki2 12 1/3/2013 10:31:36 AM
I don't get the debt ceiling mess Niki2 1 1/3/2013 9:38:48 AM
Re: Pork in Sandy relief and Fiscal Cliff Niki2 1 1/3/2013 9:20:06 AM
Girls still seen as homemakers kpo 12 1/3/2013 7:25:32 AM
Hard choices: Mal, Inara, and Zoe BYTEMITE 16 1/3/2013 4:49:38 AM
Gungrabbing gun owner Michael Moore's bodyguard arrested as mass-murdering domestic terrorist shooter PIRATENEWS 4 1/2/2013 11:39:46 PM
I'm an evil mutherfrakker from Tennessee PIRATENEWS 1 1/2/2013 10:00:21 PM
Why every Amerikan requires a 50-cal machine gun and grenade launchers PIRATENEWS 1 1/2/2013 9:44:21 PM
Obama massacred 60,000 in Syria, Hillary paid Al Qaeda $40-million, Hillary gave Al Qaeda 15,000 SAM missiles PIRATENEWS 5 1/2/2013 6:15:14 PM
Missing College Student JOURNEY 12 1/2/2013 2:10:03 PM
SANDY HOOK school shooting predicted in Dark Knight Rises PIRATENEWS 10 1/2/2013 12:21:24 PM
Sandy Hook in the Twilight Zone (Operation Northwoods, Gladio, Fast & Furious) PIRATENEWS 4 1/2/2013 12:15:08 PM
More violent BYTEMITE 14 1/2/2013 8:54:27 AM
Happy New Year! (Eve, at this time... but still..... can't wait for a New Year) WULFENSTAR 6 1/1/2013 7:50:56 PM
Hey, a new year! On this day, I resolve to.... SIGNYM 11 1/1/2013 7:46:53 PM
Guns, Guns, Guns. FREMDFIRMA 447 1/1/2013 7:40:30 PM
Putin Says He Will Sign Anti-U.S. Adoptions Bill Niki2 15 1/1/2013 7:35:40 PM
Happy New Year. Geezer 4 1/1/2013 7:10:21 PM
Sex Quotes Jongsstraw 18 1/1/2013 7:06:56 PM