"The most dysfunctional Congress in history" Niki2 11 1/1/2013 6:23:33 PM
New definition of "rich" Niki2 2 1/1/2013 10:22:21 AM
Me & my family are LOVIN' Eureka!! chrisisall 19 1/1/2013 10:13:27 AM
The Cliff: Will it happen? What does it mean? AnthonyT 13 1/1/2013 7:47:05 AM
R.I.P. Gerry Anderson Karel 4 1/1/2013 7:02:05 AM
Matrixocracy PIRATENEWS 2 1/1/2013 2:59:49 AM
2013 PIRATENEWS 2 1/1/2013 2:56:44 AM
I wanted to make an official apology.... PIRATENEWS 1 1/1/2013 12:30:35 AM
Celebrities "Demand A Plan" on gun violence (FULL VERSION) CrevanReaver 4 12/31/2012 10:59:13 AM
NRA Prepared to make sure this never happens again ANTHONYT 103 12/31/2012 8:17:24 AM
Clinton to marry Jew --- O.K. PN go nuts GinoBiffaroni 29 12/31/2012 7:17:10 AM
Kosher media censors black Hollywood star helping disabled US troops PIRATENEWS 3 12/31/2012 3:53:35 AM
CIA homo Anderson Cooper Vanderbilt gives homo Obama a homo Bohemian Grove owl to celebrate Sandy Hook child sacrifice PIRATENEWS 8 12/31/2012 2:02:00 AM
'Crazy' Rand Paul on federal $ for hurricane Sandy relief AURaptor 10 12/30/2012 5:25:26 PM
Christmas prayers for parents who lost kids before the holidays, here & everywhere chrisisall 19 12/30/2012 8:36:13 AM
History X in the making. WULFENSTAR 29 12/30/2012 7:44:49 AM
Merry Christmas - Firefly/Serenity SHINYGOODGUY 12 12/28/2012 10:51:52 PM
Swedes Family Tree House PIRATENEWS 1 12/28/2012 3:23:13 AM
Why? PIRATENEWS 5 12/28/2012 3:03:52 AM
Fiscal cliff for dummies PIRATENEWS 2 12/28/2012 2:55:56 AM
Nancy Lanza was a survivalist "prepper" Niki2 54 12/28/2012 2:51:18 AM
Tasha Yar's 'Other' Time Paradox Trip Jongsstraw 9 12/27/2012 5:06:10 PM
It's the End of the World (As We Know It). RocketJock 23 12/27/2012 1:23:46 PM
Winter Snot Alert PIRATENEWS 2 12/27/2012 11:22:51 AM
Foating cars in Communist China, POS cars in USSA PIRATENEWS 1 12/27/2012 10:58:02 AM
Antichrist Spawn of Satan born on 12:12:12 PIRATENEWS 5 12/26/2012 4:20:58 PM
Celebrities demand a ban on guns...against Obama and his Police State Death Squads PIRATENEWS 2 12/26/2012 1:17:15 PM
What about the troops? Causal 66 12/26/2012 5:17:08 AM
How the CIA put Yakuza mafia (Democrat Party) in charge of Japan's nukes (just like USA) PIRATENEWS 1 12/25/2012 10:30:45 PM
Russia and China hit minus 55 degrees due to global Warming Fart Tax to Sexpoodle oil tycoon Al Gore PIRATENEWS 1 12/25/2012 10:26:54 PM
WHOZIT'S HOLIDAY HUMBUG whozit 8 12/25/2012 10:22:29 PM
A tiny christmas gift... Niki2 4 12/25/2012 9:52:30 AM
Obama kids have 11 guns in school (plus SS) PIRATENEWS 1 12/25/2012 8:09:01 AM
Santa arrested for making wishes PIRATENEWS 1 12/25/2012 8:02:21 AM
A Different Approach Niki2 3 12/25/2012 7:53:45 AM
Republican disaster Niki2 14 12/25/2012 7:41:41 AM
Mitt Romney ‘had no desire to run,’ son says Penguin 7 12/25/2012 7:21:38 AM
2013 Peoples Choice Awards, vote now whozit 8 12/25/2012 5:24:25 AM
Happy Holidays Hero 5 12/25/2012 5:04:16 AM
What I want for Xmas PIRATENEWS 1 12/24/2012 10:43:22 PM
Benghazi: A Damning Report Geezer 23 12/24/2012 10:39:53 PM
A Wulfs Answer WULFENSTAR 88 12/24/2012 9:14:14 PM
Dont frak with Santa PIRATENEWS 1 12/24/2012 3:29:29 PM
Everybody ready for the "Mayan Apocalypse"? Niki2 35 12/24/2012 2:54:50 PM
Track Santa via NORAD whozit 4 12/24/2012 10:51:32 AM
School administrator allows unlimited guns in schools PIRATENEWS 1 12/24/2012 1:11:40 AM
Oh, it's over the top.... Niki2 10 12/23/2012 3:31:58 PM
Regarding the Second Amendment Niki2 8 12/23/2012 2:59:41 PM
NORAD Prepares to Track Santa Claus m52nickerson 2 12/23/2012 1:44:50 PM