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With thanks to the following who posted birthday wishes to sticks mom.......SERENA , TEELA BROWN , SHINY , VENA , DRACOS , EMOPIRATES 05 , ASTRIANA.
Hi All, The last of the Wolf Pack Sequence has just been posted.... ...however our heroes return in the follow-up "Here Be Dragons" Sequence coming soon I'm still getting enough readers to make ...
Today is my birthday! And also Squee's and Dr. Seuss'! Happy Birthday to them and me!
Of all the things i've lost,i miss my mind the most ( crazy laugh ) ha ha ha
Bloggiddy, blog, blog, blog...
All that stuff i said before about hating men, it's still true. But. Succatash is so my new best friend. He spends a lot of time telling me I'm funny. That is grounds for friendship right ...
Heading out as of March 11th for basic training and AIT for the army. Be back sometime early July, don't have too much fun without me:smile:
Taking a suggestion by STICKS I have just finished a Buffy/Firefly Crossover called "The Multiverse" The idea presented by STICKS just seemed too good not to use. I therefore bring you Mal Vs Caleb ...
So I use this thing if I want to type nonsensical stuff that doesn't warrent a thread? Use it I will. Just got home from school. Been kinda depressed because college ain't all its cracked up to be. ...
I'm getting a Jayne Hat! I'm getting a Jayne Hat! Yay for me and my Jayne hat!
So, at lunch, we often trade foods. Or take them on a first come, first serve basis. Hero was getting his lunch, and I got some crackers. Well, "M" was eating the rest of the pack I got the crackers from. ...
Never done one of these before, but why not? I'll start of with something short and then if anyone replies and inflates my ego because I think you actually care what I have to say then I'll write something ...
As a female, i would like to make something abundantly clear. I am not a male. I am lacking certain anitomical features required to be a male. There has been some confusion. So i had to clear ...
Heh. I wonder how many people are reading this just because of the title :P Anyway, the title refers to the conversation between River and Book in Out of Gas: RIVER: You're afraid we're going to ...
Ok I was thinking yesterday that FF fans tend to be smarter than your average reality TV viewer so where can I help find these smart people and make then fans. Then it hit me, my good friends! ...
In the event that you've missed my previous blog entries or the short-lived thread, I've developed a board game based on Firefly. It's a cooperative game for 1-9 people, ages 12 and up. Players take ...
I don't know why, I just thought I'd try out blogging here for a change. I have an LJ account as well as my deviantart account blog here:
As with many movies, especially sci-fi ones, we could have pc and platform games, comic book adaptations, tech manuals, board games, action figures etc, etc. What would be the top five all time wants ...
The bus I take when going to lunch has become a problem lately. Theres this little gang you see, made up of a bunch of little piss-ants and ass-holes who wouldnt be much of a problem on their own but ...
:biggrin: I knew this day would happy! FireFly can't be denied! I know that I'll do my part to recruit my Star Wars pals to wait in the long lines for the midnight showing. Congrats to the cast ...
Hey! I've been asked to teach a class! Exciting, yes very! Here's the catch, it's suppose to be a cooking class at our local co-op grocery store. Think small, don't think Whole Foods or Wild Oats ...
So which do you want first? Bad News first, I think. That way we can temper it with the Good News. The Bad News is plainly this: Some people are just plain inconsiderate AND just plain stupid. This ...
Id like to start off by giving a big thank you to everyone who passed along advice and kind words after the incident I had a few days ago. It has been taken care of and I'll leave it at that. In other ...
Allright, I am out of here as of 3 pm today(March 10th). Thanks for the kind words guys, and I will be back in a few months!
Well, I've had the dvd's for a month now, and well, was starting to despair of ever having anyone to discuss or watch them with since my taste in tv tends to differ from all of my friends. Surprisingly, ...
Ahh the joys of a dissection lab! 5 hours and many hand washings later my hands smell like a few kinds of soap (bubblegum included, thats the scent of the soap in the lab), hand lotion, and dissection. ...
STIZO's called Steam. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, you know true happiness; but just so you know, Steam is a bug-ridden program that plagues online gamers. Any other gamers ...
Thats right. I came home today to find that one of my lizards had piled all the sand into one corner of the cage and laid some eggs. I'm going out to pick up some stuff for an incubator an about an hour ...
Does anyone read these? I wasn't sure. If they do, I'm thinking up a story and it would be nice to bounce ideas off of people. Maybe I should try that in the 'threads' section. :smile: You'd think ...
OK, this is my first Blog entry. I figured I'll test the waters before I dive in. I'm sittin' here on my favorite site, obviously, and watching Galaxy Quest. You gotta love that movie. ...
but sometimes you can return. Went back to my old university at the weekend, which I haven't been back to for some 3 or 4 years now, and saw people I haven't seen for the same period of time. It ...
I've never done this before, but at work today I had a medium dunkaccino and a medium hazelnut coolatta (yummy!) so i'm really really hyper after a day of inactivity. I just spent like half an hour trying ...
Well it's been a while... I am so tired. I have been so busy these past two weeks. I've been working the lights for the school musical (Footloose) and it's been really hectic. Everyday since March ...
I understand it's early to be wishing happy anything but I decided I would because I had to march in the St. Patty's Day parade today. I was about to overheat and die in my kilt. (Oh yeah, I'm in a bagpipe ...
The SciFi aspect, and newly acquired cable TV kinda turned my potential convert off from Firefly, even though he liked westerns. He never even watched them. Man am I bummed. At least I got my DVDs ...
Well it helps anything bad go down (both figuratively and litterally). Disclaimer:The following paragraphs are completely random and unconnected except by the mention of Firefly. You have been warned. I ...
On Friday the 12, I hosted a mini-shindig. I invited 5 people, one of whichj was already converted by me (He's here as theheroofcanton aka Hero). So, I showed them Serenity, and all 4 of them fell in ...
Whenever I was showing the pilot episode to a friend of mine, he yelled out, " This is Cowboy Bebop!" And this was still in the teaser. After hearing him say that, I got to seeing it differently. ...
Scott Kurtz's game-based webcomic ran a Firefly related joke today based off of his conversion to the show. It can be found here:
Why doth the raven sing? Why doth the Scarsdale celebrity dance-a-thon End without ceremony? As if it were just a monkey's bar mitzvah? If it were now, rather than then (or later?) Would you have ...
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! In honor of all things Irish here’s the deal, you drink a beer and post a comment letting me know, I donate a buck to Since I know many of you will not get ...
Yes, it has taken me this long to catch up with the rest of the world, but I now possess... [b]DSL![/b] After months of complaining with my sister, we finally got around to getting DSL rather than ...
just had to post this today (march 19th)its now only a month b4 us uk fans can own our copys of FIREFLY on dvd. woo hoo etc, im counting the days to this featured packed dvd set that comes with a uk exclusive ...
Im all sick like today so I popped in my handy dandy DVD set, and im going to have myself an all day firefly marathon. Whoo hoo! As of now I've made it through Serenity and have just started on the ...
Ever have one of those days when it seems like everyone you have to deal with is Patience? Up front, everything could go smoothly, but you know, in the end, you'll get shot at. And to empathize with ...
Ugghhh….I’ve gone and inadvertently pissed off my middle sister again. Sometimes I wish I had been raised by wolves. I’m turning 40 this year (pauses for the inevitable gasps of shock) and I wanted ...
I had ballet company rehearsal today. As soon as the junior company had all left, our teacher told us that her daughter (my jazz teacher and friend) is going to have to get her pregnancy terminated because ...
Well, I'm bummed. It seems this bit of news has had a cascading effect and a few other directory servers and a result have taken their listings offline temporarily until the Sharereactor situation has ...
I've been busy with other things but every now and then i pop in my Firefly DVDs and get that warm feeling inside that I'm sure people here can relate to :) In anycase, I have been waffling between ...
My browncoat arrived yesterday afternoon. Im so very happy right now! Unfortunatley it came a day late and I wasnt able to wear it to the con' I attended yesterday which kinda sucks but hey, I still got ...
Am I the only one still watching "Enterprise?" Someone tapes the episodes two at a time and sends them to me via snail mail since we have no UPN station. I know we're two weeks behind and I want to ...
I am just too happy right now. I can't believe my Blazers beat Kentucky. KENTUCKY! That's insane. I mean I wasn't even going to watch the game because I knew there wasn't a chance in Hades UAB would ...
I couldn't believe it. My friend, Brian, that I converted was brought up firefly with an old college buddy he saw today. Said buddies response "yeah, I caught half of one of the episodes when it was ...
Ok me, my dad and Mike (My failed convert) are going out to get Propane from the Indian Reservation, well we are going in a pickup truck so I'm in the back of the cab, I rip my paints squeezing in I muddier ...
Thanks to everyone who participated in my "You Drink, I Donate" St. Patrick's Day celebration. Haken has been paypaled for your participation. I got a modest amount of $'s I wasn't expecting and I figured ...
My jayne hat is here! Its the coolest thing, the woman who made it for me put it in the package with some hay and even the letter from Jaynes mom to Jayne. SO VERY COOL! I'm off to have some hat/straw ...
It's amazing what you get to talking about with your friends... So here I was taking the train home with my friend. We had just gotten out of class and very much not wanting to talk about class. I ...
Graiwe Johnsmith - Well, today he had to try to get his lord and best friend Lord Tony Stewart into a vehicle to see a doctor because he thought that Tony was sick. It turns out that Tony was alright ...
Probably because I ordered another set of the DVDs recently, and also because most of what I have purchased from them has been genre related...the email was about FOX SF/Fantasy DVDs on sale, both movies ...
Word fun first. A group of fireflies is called a conflagration. A conflagration is a big fire. Interesting, no? A group of foxes is called a skulk. To skulk is to lurk. Words are fun. Now, ...
As i was sitting in math class today i had the sudden and startiling realization today that i am a geek. I spend all my life on the internet. When I'm not on the internet I'm doing theatre crap, ...
George, don't make no bull moves. What have you done with him. Oh, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma! Oh, stop it! Stop it!...Oh, Oh, Oh, Sure, sure, Mamma, etc. ("Schultz" at this time was irrational, suffering ...
I've only been here a couple of days...I'll probably just lurk for a while (altho I believe that the authors of fan fic always deserve feedback in order to thank them for their hard work). I want to ...
holy crap where have I been? okay - for anyone who cares - I am still working on the fan film, but first I am in pre-production on a horror-thriller called "Asylum Alcatraz" whic is going to be shot ...
Okay, it may be soon or in a couple of weeks, but I'm going to desperately need a beta. Next part of Death By Any Other Name features Zoe alot, and well, I'm finding that I suck at writing her in my ...
let me point out that in the last 36 (or more) hours i've had about 3 hours of sleep (and thats a half hour or so at a time, not all at once) due to a 2 day theater trip thing. On this trip thing I ...
Hiya, fellow browncoats! Haven't been in in a while (I skipped a whole week) due to family emergencies and work on a first time project of mine. I was sitting at work one day listening to Bonny ...
Has anyone else seen the Firefly Meetup site?
Monday, February 16, 2004 19:10 TIMES READ: 5384 I hope Joss reads this!!!! STATIC Murphy's Second Law of Combat: If your attack is going particularly well, you've walked into an ambush. I know ...
I don't have anything to write here, this is just a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. Had this been an actual emergency, you'd be running from your computer, screaming bloody murder. Give me a ...
if anyone wants to continue the " Cargo" story line they can if not no loss i wont be posting any full length fan fictions in the future, ive plenty of ideas but actualy getting them down and making them ...
So...I was driving down the road this afternoon, when a street name caught my eye. My brain first told me it said "Whitefall" So, train of thought....Whitefall...Patience....Mal...oh wait, that said ...
I was working this afternoon on a fiction project. I was re-reading passages when I noticed my characters said "You're not wrong", "I get that", and "Go get your wayward babe." I didn't even realize ...
Joss gets me a job as a waiter, after that Joss's pushing a gun in my mouth and saying, the first step to eternal life is you have to die. For a long time though, Joss and I were best friends. People ...
I'm just randomly re-watching Firefly from the beginning and I just so picked up on this innuendo that Badger made in 'Shindig'. His line if I can remember is 'Course you couldn't buy an invite with ...