A thread for Democrats Only

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Saturday, May 8, 2021 7:02 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.: “One hundred percent of my focus is on stopping this new administration.” He’s handed the Biden administration all the excuses they need to sidestep the Republicans in negotiations over future priorities. Why bother wasting time negotiating with Republicans when there’s tape of McConnell saying all of his focus is on blocking everything Biden brings to the table?

McConnell tried to tone down his comment some, telling a reporter, "My view at the moment is we need to turn this administration into a moderate administration." But it's too late. McConnell gave a perfect soundbite that confirmed what everyone had already assumed: Republicans in the Senate under McConnell’s leadership have already decided, much as they did under President Barack Obama, to stonewall anything the president wants to pass.

McConnell: “I think the best way to look at what this new administration is: The president may have won the nomination, but Bernie Sanders won the argument.” It’s been a common refrain from him and other GOP senators that after campaigning as a moderate, President Joe Biden is basically doing the bidding of his party’s left flank.

video at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, May 8, 2021 10:09 AM


McConnell is a piece of shit for sure, but he's not wrong on this issue.

Democrats can't sidestep the Republicans. The filibuster won't be broken. The intelligent members of Congress know better than to appease your need for instant gratification when the costs are as high as they are.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Sunday, May 9, 2021 7:57 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
McConnell is a piece of shit for sure, but he's not wrong on this issue.

Democrats can't sidestep the Republicans. The filibuster won't be broken. The intelligent members of Congress know better than to appease your need for instant gratification when the costs are as high as they are.

You are not comparing how the Federal government operated during the years when America was doing exceptionally well. When things were going well, things were being done completely opposite to what McConnell and the Republicans want today. On both taxes and level of public investment, Biden is returning to levels reflected in past periods of progress:

"Biden has the opportunity to be a restorational president," said Douglas Brinkley, a Rice University (Houston Texas) presidential historian. At 78, he "is trying to restore the America that was his America until the Reagan Revolution became dominant."

Government's role in economic life has grown with the nation throughout American history. Canals, railroads and land-grant colleges in the 19th century gave way to electrification, interstate highways and social insurance in the 20th. A progressive era constitutional amendment paved the way for federal income taxes on individuals as well as corporations.

As Washington financed President Dwight Eisenhower's highway system, John F. Kennedy's moon mission, and Lyndon Johnson's Great Society, federal investment in infrastructure, research and development and education peaked at 6.4% of the size of America's economy in the 1960s. It declined thereafter, to 2.6% by 2019.

Had it remained at 6.4% that year, federal investment would have been $800 billion higher every year. That's twice the $400 billion annual cost of Biden's agenda, which is spread over 10 years.

Biden's tax proposals appear modest in the context of recent history. The 1981 tax cut Ronald Reagan signed cut the top personal income rate from 70% to 50%. Biden proposes an uptick from 37% to 39.6% -- where the top rate stood before President Donald Trump's 2017 tax cuts.

The corporate tax rate topped 30% for decades before Trump slashed it to 21%. Once the source of more than one-third of federal revenue, the corporate tax provided just 6.6% by 2019.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 9, 2021 8:27 AM


Ridin's with the Bidens?

Biden to Promote $4 Trillion Plans in Visit to Virginia School

‘From the desk of Donald J. Trump’: New strategy after Facebook, Twitter keep up Trump social media bans

VP Harris says she was last person in the room with President Biden when he made the decision to pull all US troops out of Afghanistan.

Rudy Giuliani claims FBI turned down Hunter Biden’s hard-drives THREE TIMES in raid despite taking all other electronics

Biden bans ICE and Customs and Border Protection from using term 'illegal aliens'

Hunter Biden to be guest speaker for Tulane course on 'media polarization'


Tuesday, May 11, 2021 6:18 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

A Supreme Court Ruling Protecting Payday Lenders Could Also Save Facebook and Martin Shkreli

The court planted more roadblocks on the path to proving that deceptive conduct merits a financial penalty.

Last month, the Supreme Court unanimously decided a underexamined case that is going to do significant damage to the Federal Trade Commission, rolling back the commission’s power to compensate victims of fraudsters through court-imposed penalties and siding with a payday loan kingpin in a tussle over the repatriation of about $1.3 billion to borrowers.

The court’s decision effectively put an end to a practice that the FTC— tasked with enforcing a wide array of consumer protection matters— has engaged in for decades and imperils the agency’s ability to act swiftly and nimbly to protect vulnerable Americans’ finances.

The FTC successfully sued Scott Tucker— a Kansas City tycoon who controlled several payday loan companies— alongside his businesses in 2012. The $1.3 billion court-issued penalty against Tucker and his companies was the largest of its kind in the FTC’s enforcement history. Tucker lost his appeal in the Ninth Circuit. He then petitioned the Supreme Court, claiming that the commission lacked the authority to redress businesses’ deceptive practices by going directly to court to seek monetary relief. The Supreme Court agreed.

Though it flew under the radar, the Supreme Court’s ruling should have bred a blizzard of denunciations. The payday loan industry, which funnels short-term, high-cost loans to cash-strapped Americans, is a $30 billion quicksand machine that exists to siphon money from the poor and bury consumers in debt.

The court left a gaping hole in the FTC’s enforcement toolbox, ensuring that many fewer Americans will be compensated by companies who swindle them. The commission brings dozens of cases each year seeking the return of ill-gotten funds; many of those cases are now at risk of collapsing. In testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee, FTC Acting Chairwoman Rebecca Kelly Slaughter emphasized that the FTC was badly bruised by the decision and called on Congress to restore the agency’s powers. Slaughter also noted that the court’s decision could ensnare 24 active FTC court cases amounting to $2 billion in requested penalties. That slate of FTC cases includes a lawsuit against the infamous former pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli and his associates who stand accused of improperly inflating medicinal drug prices.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 11, 2021 9:30 AM


How bad are Payday loans these days?

They've got to be terrible terms even compared to how bad they were in the days of the GWB administration.

Even with a great credit score, my credit card APR's are pathetic. I know I could haggle on that if I wanted to, but I've never bothered since I never carry any debt.

My point though is that even with a score in the mid 820's compared to my score in the 740's 15 years ago, my lowest APR is 5% higher than my highest APR was back then, even though the FED rate is 0.05%. And I never haggled on interest back then either. They just gave me 4.99 to 9.99% back then. I've got two cards now with a 29.99%.

The nerve.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Tuesday, May 11, 2021 10:23 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

The nerve.

Other nervy swindlers :

Multilevel-marketing companies are forcing people into debt and psychological crisis

“I was urged to stop paying my bills to invest in more inventory. I was urged to get rid of television. I was urged to pawn my vehicle. I just had to get on anxiety meds over all of it because I’ve started having panic attacks.”

As economic opportunity has become more concentrated in urban areas in the US, rural communities have fallen behind. Residents of towns like Casper (Wyoming), Spring Creek (Nevada), and DeRidder (Louisiana) all missed out on economic recovery following the 2007 global financial crisis. Bootstrapping, hard-working families in these regions are urgently searching for a way to regain their economic liberty, along with their dignity.

Fed the fantasy of achieving the all-elusive American dream, many of them are being wooed by multilevel-marketing companies. Known as MLMs (or “direct-sales”), the previous US administration was stocked with their cheerleaders: Betsy DeVos, the secretary of education, is married to a cofounder of Amway; Ben Carson is a spokesperson for a vitamin MLM called Mannatech; and president Donald Trump used to have an MLM, Trump Network, and was a spokesperson for another.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, May 12, 2021 6:43 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The Republican Party Leadership Is Terrified of Trump’s Revenge

Why has the Republican Party's leadership caved in to Donald Trump’s insistence that the 2020 election was stolen from him? They've caved in thanks to ordinary extortion. They believe that if they oppose Trump he will destroy the Republican Party in a spasm of sheer bloody-minded vengeance.

Trump, after all, plainly has no special loyalty to the Republican Party. And retribution against his enemies is his single strongest drive in life. If the GOP leadership rejected him, he would reject them in return ten times over, probably by forming his own political party and taking with him half of all Republicans in existence.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, May 12, 2021 9:18 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

The nerve.

Other nervy swindlers :

Multilevel-marketing companies are forcing people into debt and psychological crisis

“I was urged to stop paying my bills to invest in more inventory. I was urged to get rid of television. I was urged to pawn my vehicle. I just had to get on anxiety meds over all of it because I’ve started having panic attacks.”

As economic opportunity has become more concentrated in urban areas in the US, rural communities have fallen behind. Residents of towns like Casper (Wyoming), Spring Creek (Nevada), and DeRidder (Louisiana) all missed out on economic recovery following the 2007 global financial crisis. Bootstrapping, hard-working families in these regions are urgently searching for a way to regain their economic liberty, along with their dignity.

Fed the fantasy of achieving the all-elusive American dream, many of them are being wooed by multilevel-marketing companies. Known as MLMs (or “direct-sales”), the previous US administration was stocked with their cheerleaders: Betsy DeVos, the secretary of education, is married to a cofounder of Amway; Ben Carson is a spokesperson for a vitamin MLM called Mannatech; and president Donald Trump used to have an MLM, Trump Network, and was a spokesperson for another.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Wednesday, May 12, 2021 9:24 AM



Originally posted by second:
Trump, after all, plainly has no special loyalty to the Republican Party.

Trump was a lifelong Democrat.

Not the type of shitbag Democrats that are in the Democratic Party today.


And retribution against his enemies is his single strongest drive in life. If the GOP leadership rejected him, he would reject them in return ten times over, probably by forming his own political party and taking with him half of all Republicans in existence.

He's not taking anything or anyone. Fuck those NeoCon dirtbags. They're the ones who should just leave.

They can join the Democrats and along with Pelosi force out all of the fringe "progressive" Leftists, and form the Fuck the People Party.

Because that's what they are. And I'm getting just a tad tired of them having a majority stake in both political parties.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Thursday, May 13, 2021 6:13 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Is politics the new religion?

For many Americans, politics has become imbued with a religious fervor – while at the same time, participation in organized religion has plummeted.

Mandy will always remember Jan. 6, 2021, in a deeply personal way. Because she was there, inside the U.S. Capitol, supporting her president.

The images she saw that day remain sharp: The giant American flag carried by the crowd as they marched from the Ellipse. Singing “The Star-Spangled Banner” on the Capitol steps. And finally, entering the building through open doors and standing peacefully in its cavernous Rotunda.

She’s aware of the videos showing mob violence. But that must have been on the other side of the Capitol, she says. For her, it was a day of jubilation, of like-minded people joined in common purpose to “stop the steal” of the 2020 election.

“This was probably the most patriotic day of my life,” says Mandy (not her real name), who asks to remain anonymous so as not to risk her job. With a Facebook page that’s a hub of pro-Trump connections, she says she’s traveled to 21 rallies for now-former President Donald Trump since 2016. “I go for the people as much as I do for Trump.”

Similar stories of secular communion have given rise to a theory that has gotten considerable attention of late: that for many Americans, politics has become a quasi-religion – especially as participation in actual, organized religion has plummeted. Indeed, Mandy says she believes in God, and grew up Southern Baptist, but is not currently a churchgoer.

The United States has long been known for what some sociologists call “civil religion” – a shared, nonsectarian faith centered on the flag, the nation’s founding documents, and God. But the God factor is waning, as so-called nones – atheists, agnostics, and those who self-identify as “nothing in particular” – have risen to more than a third of the U.S. population, according to a major 2020 survey out of Harvard University.

From MAGA devotees on the right to social justice warriors on the “woke left,” political activism that can feel “absolute” in a quasi-religious way is rampant. At the same time, American membership in houses of worship has plummeted to below 50% for the first time in eight decades of Gallup polling – from 70% in 1999 to 47% in 2020.

And as American politics has become polarized, so too has the nation’s religious profile. The mainstream Protestant center has hollowed out, its population shrinking dramatically. Today, religious Americans tend to choose their congregation with an eye toward partisanship – to the point where the choice of presidential candidate can lead a voter to move to a new church.

“Liberals and ‘nones’ went to the left; conservatives and Evangelicals went to the right,” says Ryan Burge, an expert on religion and politics at Eastern Illinois University, and author of a new book called “The Nones.” “There’s no middle anymore.”

Atheists, he says, are now the most politically active group in the U.S. They’re far from the largest, at 6% of the population, but statistically they are the most likely to engage in political activity.

“Our politics has become religion. It has a religious fervor to it now that it didn’t have even 20 or 30 years ago,” says Professor Burge, who is also a Baptist pastor.

Why is this happening? Some point to social media and news consumption habits that have cordoned Americans off into ideological echo chambers that are all-consuming and provoke emotional responses. The sense of connection some find online may be replacing social networks once formed by houses of worship.

Geographic sorting, in which people tend to live near those with similar political views, is another component. Higher education, dominated by professors who lean left, may help explain why so many college-educated young people now reject religion, with some instead finding a sense of purpose and meaning in political activism. A cultural emphasis on science and “rationalism” is also a factor.

Still, there’s a lot of nuance. President Joe Biden, a practicing Roman Catholic, is the first American president since Jimmy Carter to attend church regularly. In general, people of faith – particularly in the Black community – remain a key component of Democratic politics. Newly elected Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock was the senior pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. preached.

Unlike the 1960s civil rights movement, however, the main leadership of today’s Black Lives Matter movement did not spring from Black churches. And the same forces driving down religious participation among young Americans, in particular, are also affecting Black churches. Between 2008 and 2020, religious disaffiliation among African Americans soared from 17.7% to almost 35%, according to the Harvard study, known as the Cooperative Congressional Election Survey (CCES).

Even for Americans of faith, the role of traditional houses of worship is shifting. The pandemic has given rise to “online church,” allowing some congregants to find a spiritual home far from their physical home. But the larger trend is clear: Americans overall are moving away from organized religion, particularly the mainline faiths. And that shift has dovetailed with the rise of an intense form of partisan politics that some see as quasi-religious, providing adherents with a sense of devotion, belonging, and moral certitude.

Especially among young people, “if your candidate wins, you have that ecstatic feeling,” Professor Burge says. Political conventions can have the feel of old-time denominational meetings. A stump speech is like a tent revival. Donating regularly to candidates is like tithing.

Still, he suggests, some who eschew religion in favor of politics may ultimately find it lacking in certain ways. Politics “doesn’t have the legs that religion does – which carries you through all parts of life.”

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, May 13, 2021 9:57 AM



Originally posted by second:
Is politics the new religion?

It sure is for cancel culture Leftists. The amount of stuff they censor and people they shut down today would have been a wet dream of the Religious Right in the 80s and 90s.

Fuck your cult.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Friday, May 14, 2021 6:04 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:
Is politics the new religion?

It sure is for cancel culture Leftists. The amount of stuff they censor and people they shut down today would have been a wet dream of the Religious Right in the 80s and 90s.

Fuck your cult.

There is only one cult and Trump is its Jesus: Lindsey Graham, South Carolina senator, said something recently that told more truth than maybe he intended.

Graham said of Trump: "He's the most popular Republican in the country by a lot. If you try to drive him out of the Republican Party, half the people will leave."

Yes they will! And if half (or even a third) of people who identify as Republicans right now left the party if there were a concerted effort on behalf of the establishment -- such as it is -- to rid the party of Trump, then the GOP would have approximately a 0.0% chance of winning a national election.

Which Trump knows. And Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell knows. And House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy knows.

(Worth noting: Republicans lost control of the White House, the Senate and the House during Trump's time in office.)

All of which creates a simple dynamic: Trump has the Republican Party right where he wants it -- using his cult following among a large segment of the Republican base to hold the party hostage.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, May 15, 2021 7:27 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing the Biden administration over its decision to rescind a Medicaid waiver extension that would ensure billions in emergency care funding to the state’s hospitals over several years.

Federal health officials revoked the extension in April, saying the Trump administration, which had approved it in its waning days, failed to allow for public comment. They have welcomed the state to reapply before the current waiver lapses in the fall of 2022.

In a suit filed Friday, Paxton argued that the officials lacked authority to overturn the decision, and said the state and its health care providers had already made long-term financial decisions based on the approval.

“Not only does this violate agency regulations and threaten to rip a $30 billion hole in Texas’s budget, it was clearly intended to force our state into inefficiently expanding Medicaid under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” Paxton said in a statement. “This would be a disaster for our state, and yet President Biden seems intent on thrusting his bloated model of government on everyone—including Texas.”

The administration’s reversal was widely seen as an attempt to pressure the state into expanding Medicaid under the ACA, a move most other states have made since the law passed in 2010.

Republican leaders have declined numerous proposals to expand the safety net coverage, including in the current legislative session, explaining they are focused on other health care priorities. Lawmakers in the House voted down an amendment this week to even study the potential benefits of Medicaid expansion.

Proponents of expansion say it will lower hospital and county expenses, boost the state’s economy and create access to preventive care for up to a million low-income Texans. The state has the highest uninsured rate in the country.

In surveys, most Texans support expanding Medicaid.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 16, 2021 10:46 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

It all began when the intellectual Godfather of modern conservatism, William F. Buckley Jr., defined that movement as standing athwart history yelling stop. What Buckley was trying to stop was the New Deal—the expansion of government under Franklin Roosevelt. He was also referring to the growing secularization of society. His first book, "God and Man at Yale," published in 1951, was a diatribe against what he believed were the anti-Christian and anti-capitalist forces at the nation's best universities.

Buckley yelled stop again during the civil-rights movement, writing in 1957 that "the South must prevail" because the more "advanced" white race had an obligation and right to rule over others. He changed his mind during the mid-1960s, but many conservatives remained staunchly opposed to the landmark civil-rights bills of 1964 and 1965.

In other words, the modern Republican Party has its roots in rebellion—rebellion against the main currents of change in modern American society: the growth of the welfare state, the secularization of life and the increasing diversity of American society.

The trouble is, most Americans don't agree with that protest. They may express discomfort with the welfare state in theory, but in practice they love Social Security, Medicare and the rest. Secularization is a force that is sweeping through almost all advanced industrial societies and one government can do little to stop. And America's growing diversity is inevitable in a country built on immigration and has mostly proved to be a strength, not a weakness.

But Republican politicians are now riding the back of a tiger and they can't get off. Former President Ronald Reagan, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former President Donald Trump — all icons on the right — whip up their followers into a froth of hysteria and promise that they will repeal and reverse most of these terrible trends.

But of course it never happens: When Republicans take power, they don't actually repeal government programs that, in reality, are popular. Which makes the Republican base get more and more angry. And as their sense of betrayal grows, so does their desperation that American civilization is in imminent danger of collapse.

There is a great and honorable space in America for a party of limited and efficient government that values traditionalism and believes that social change should take place slowly and organically. But that is different from what has become a band of ideological warriors with apocalyptic vision that fears the ends of days, sees opponents as devils and traitors and believes that all methods are sanctioned in its battle to save civilization and itself.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, May 17, 2021 7:09 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Noam Chomsky tells you where $47 trillion went

I’m sure you’ve read about Reagan’s inaugural address in 1981. The punchline was, “Government is the problem, not the solution.” Okay, so if government is not the solution, who is the solution? Where will decisions be made if not in government? Does it take a genius to figure this out? They’ll be made in corporate boardrooms. So, in other words, we shift decisions from government — which whatever its flaws, is, at least, partially responsive to the general population — to private tyrannies, which are totally unaccountable to the public, and which are dedicated, explicitly — there’s no secret about it — to maximizing what’s called “shareholder value”: dividends, benefits to management. That’s their task.

We have 40 years of experience, and we can see what’s happened. It was totally predictable. To give you just one example, you may have seen it, but a couple of months ago the RAND Corporation did a detailed study trying to determine how much wealth was transferred from the working class and middle class to the superrich during the 40 neoliberal years. They estimated $47 trillion.

Some call it “transfer.” “Robbery” is a better term. Meanwhile, the top 0.1 percent of the population doubled their share of total wealth from 10 percent to 20 percent. Take a look at the effects: the majority of the population gets by paycheck to paycheck. Real wages have stagnated for 40 years. The gains of productivity growth concentrate in very few pockets. This leads to what you mentioned before — unfocused anger. Is it surprising? People aren’t told what is really robbing them. Instead, they are told that it is immigrants, Blacks, some pedophiles from outer space, if you believe QAnon. Anything but what is actually happening.

You can talk about it to high school students. They often understand it better than graduate students at major universities, who have been more indoctrinated. Something that not many people read but should is the introduction to Animal Farm. Animal Farm is seen as safe, because it is a satire of the totalitarian enemy. The introduction, which was not initially published, is addressed to the people of England. Orwell warns not to feel too self-righteous because in free England, ideas can be suppressed.

The Republicans, who are the party of the superrich, understood in the 1970s that you can’t get votes by coming to people and saying, “I want to rob you, and hand everything you have over to the rich and corporate sector.” Somehow that doesn’t work. You have to turn to what are called “cultural issues,” meaning everything but what matters for your life. So, Paul Weyrich, one of the main Republican strategists, by the mid-1970s got a flash of insight and realized that, if the Republicans pretend, stress “pretend,” to be opposed to abortion, they’ll pick up the evangelical vote and the Northern Catholic vote. So, they all switched on a dime. Reagan had been a strong supporter of a woman’s right to choose. As governor of California, he signed one of the strongest bills protecting it. He then became a passionate opponent of abortion. George H. W. Bush, who was supposed to have had some character, did the same. It became the mantra of the Republican Party. If you look into the details, it’s pretty grotesque. In fact, what the party platform is doing is increasing abortion, and they know it. When you undermine family planning, block contraceptives, cut health care, defund Planned Parenthood, then you increase abortions, especially illegal and dangerous ones. It doesn’t matter to them, because this is a way to pick up votes.

It’s an extension of Nixon’s Southern Strategy. That was their first big breakthrough. Nixon was a terrible racist himself, and he realized that by not so subtly advocating racism he could pick up the Southern vote. Reagan, who was a dedicated racist, just did it as second nature.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, May 17, 2021 9:21 AM



Originally posted by second:
The Republicans, who are the party of the superrich

Maybe in the 70's.

Every time you turn on the TV and see a rich person they're all Democrats today.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Monday, May 17, 2021 1:17 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:
The Republicans, who are the party of the superrich

Maybe in the 70's.

Every time you turn on the TV and see a rich person they're all Democrats today.

I thought I would check:

How are America’s billionaires voting in the 2020 presidential election?

If you think they’re all coming out in support of their fellow Forbes 400 member, Donald Trump, you’d be wrong. Over the past month Forbes sent every billionaire in the U.S. a brief election survey. We got 42 responses, from billionaires spanning the political spectrum.

The biggest takeaway: These billionaires are more likely to be Republican than the average American—but just about as likely to be voting for Joe Biden.

A recent Gallup poll shows that 28% of Americans identify as Republicans, 27% identify as Democrats and 42% identify as independents. Our billionaire cohort skewed farther right: 43% Republicans, 24% Democrats and 33% independents. Yet they’re swaying blue. Nearly half, or 48%, say they’re casting a ballot for Biden, compared to 40% for Trump. That tracks with the larger population, which favors Biden to Trump 51-42, according to RealClearPolitics’ RCP Poll Average. It also tracks with Federal Election Commission data, which shows more billionaires opening their wallets to support Biden than Trump.

Of course, not all are supporting the major parties. One billionaire, who remained anonymous, is voting for Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen. Another, self-driving car sensor magnate David Hall, is voting for the Green Party’s Howie Hawkins, despite identifying as a Republican.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 18, 2021 6:46 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Kurt Vonnegut’s Socialism From Outer Space

By Matthew Gannon and Wilson Taylor

Writer Kurt Vonnegut, who died on April 11, 2007, used science fiction to explore the failings that turned humans against each another – and came to view socialism as the alternative to a world of exploitation.

Vonnegut’s work is rich with fantastical ideas, often mediated through the conventions of science fiction, that are motivated by real injustices and tragedies – ideas that speak to the moral imagination and political conviction that Vonnegut expressed throughout his life. A pacifist, socialist, and humanist, Vonnegut weaves a bright thread of anti-imperialism, anti-capitalism, and anti-racism throughout his literature. That’s why Vonnegut’s writing can be summed up neatly as a ‘Gospel from Outer Space’, sharing the title of a fictional story that Vonnegut attributes to his alter ego Kilgore Trout in Slaughterhouse-Five.

Trout envisions the Tralfamadorians retelling the New Testament to underscore that ‘the intent of the Gospels was to teach people, among other things, to be merciful, even to the lowest of the low.’ The problem with the Gospels as they are, the aliens reason, is that the message actually communicated is this: ‘Before you kill somebody, make absolutely sure he isn’t well connected.’ The rewritten New Testament, then, makes it so that Jesus really was a nobody who gets adopted by God after his crucifixion. The new message is that God ‘will punish horribly anybody who torments a bum who has no connections!’ It was Easter three days before Vonnegut died – another of the time-coincidences he would have loved.

Another time-coincidence concerning Vonnegut is that he died on the eleventh of the month. Vonnegut was preoccupied by the eleventh. He was born on 11 November 1922, and his birthday happened to be a holiday marking the end of World War I in 1918: the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. But Vonnegut disdained the American term Veterans Day, despite being a veteran himself, preferring instead to call it by its original name, Armistice Day.

‘Armistice Day was sacred,’ he writes in his 1975 novel Breakfast of Champions. ‘Veterans’ Day is not.’ Writing at the end of the Vietnam War, Vonnegut was clearly captivated by the idea that ‘during that minute in nineteen hundred and eighteen, that millions upon millions of human beings stopped butchering one another.’ He referred to such a ‘sudden silence’ as the ‘Voice of God’.

Turning the commemoration of an armistice into the glorification of violence went against what Vonnegut stood for – not that he thought protesting against war in a work of literature would do very much. ‘During the Vietnam War,’ he once remarked, ‘every respectable artist in this country was against the war. It was like a laser beam. We were all aimed in the same direction. The power of this weapon turns out to be that of a custard pie dropped from a stepladder six feet high.’

In a sense, the custard pie is what Vonnegut served. He described his work as wrapping ‘bitter coatings around very sweet pills,’ and his novels, for all their barbed cynicism and biting humor, seek to invigorate our atrophied sense of human sympathy and solidarity – to enliven a new aesthetic and ethical framework that can awaken us from the nightmare of history and animate a new spirit of human freedom and dignity.‘My motives are political,’ Vonnegut noted, characterising himself as an ‘agent of change’, an ‘evolutionary cell’ who sought to make humanity ‘aware of itself, in all its complexity, and to dream its dreams.’

And what dreams may come: the ‘telegraphic schizophrenic’ structure of his novels—texts that are ‘so short and jumbled and jangled,’ as he assessed Slaughterhouse-Five—both awakens readers to the absurdities of our misbegotten late-capitalist contemporary and invites us to dream the world anew.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, May 19, 2021 11:18 PM



No. Vonnegut was not a Socialist.

None of your Socialist jerkoff buddies are going to change that.

Peddle your trash somewhere else.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Thursday, May 20, 2021 8:05 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

No. Vonnegut was not a Socialist.

None of your Socialist jerkoff buddies are going to change that.

Peddle your trash somewhere else.

What are you talking about? Have you ever read his novels? You can't possibly miss the message in the novels! Oops, I forgot that you are Trumptard. Trumptards always miss the message. Try one of his speeches, where Vonnegut makes the point about socialism very clear: Kurt Vonnegut: 'I would like to see America try socialism', Bennington College -1970

One trouble, it seems to me, is that the majority of the people who rule us, who have our money and power, are lawyers or military men. The lawyers want to talk our problems out of existence. The military men want us to find the bad guys and put bullets through their brains. These are not always the best [two] solutions—particularly in the fields of sewage disposal and birth control.
If Burlington College is not familiar to you, it is where Jane Sanders, Bernie Sanders' wife, was President.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, May 20, 2021 8:16 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Portrait of the United States as a Developing Country

Dispelling myths of entrepreneurial exceptionalism, a sweeping new history of U.S. capitalism finds that economic gains have always been driven by the state.

The U.S. war of independence would elevate a fundamental division over the direction of the struggling republic’s political economy. “In this era,” Levy writes, “politicians—not men of business enterprise—were most responsible for charting the republic’s long-term economic future.” Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton personified the clash of competing republicanisms: Jefferson envisioned a self-sufficient agrarian republic predicated on westward expansion, while Hamilton sought to build upon the model of transatlantic finance that had stimulated Northern commerce and manufacturing. The essence of Hamilton’s outlook, Levy writes, was that “in a republic, only state power could harmonize the tension between private self-interest and the public good.” Jefferson virulently opposed this developmental project, fearing that it would marginalize small property owners, fuel oligarchy, and invite a transnational elite to drain the young republic of its economic sovereignty. As it happened, the statecraft of each rival would inform the other. The state’s Hamiltonian financial architecture, including the Bank of the United States, would fund Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase, while Jefferson’s embargo on exports during his administration fostered development of the internal market—advancing the incipient industrialization Hamilton had championed in his 1791 Report on the Subject of Manufactures.

Despite the occasional synthesis of these two developmental visions, it was Jefferson’s that triumphed politically until the Civil War, Levy shows.

More at

Download the free book Ages of American Capitalism: A History of the United States, by economic historian Jonathan Levy from the mirrors at
If the URL times out, click it again.

In Chapter 19, “Magic of the Market,” the new age opens with a familiar sight: the state reasserting the scarcity value of money and credit. During the years 1979–82, to attack inflation, without being able to resort to any metal standard, given the 1973 monetary departure from gold, the Federal Reserve under the new chairmanship of Paul Volcker rolled out the weapon of the high interest rate. Double-digit interest rates and the sharp double-dip recession that followed the tightening of credit during the “Volcker Shock” finally mastered inflation. The Fed thus ascended to a preeminence in global economic policy making that lasts to this day. In 1982 with the job done and the macroeconomy still in recession, the Fed relented and lowered rates. Newfound price stability brought a surge in confidence and expectations. A new macroeconomic expansion began, led by a speculative investment boom.

What happened after 1982 was not something policy makers expected. Not Volcker, and not President Ronald Reagan. After his inauguration in 1980, Reagan left Volcker alone. His administration, ideologues chiefly, celebrated “the magic of the marketplace,” lambasted “big government” regulations, and decried black “welfare dependency.” In general, their policies were friendly to the owners of wealth. Important “deregulations” did occur. But not one of Reagan’s economic promises—a manufacturing employment revival, a surge in national savings and investment, a reduced budget deficit, a great slash in welfare spending—was fulfilled. Instead, the new capitalism was born.

The Volcker Shock transformed the character of capital investment at home and abroad. In the world economy, high U.S. interest rates brought about a worldwide credit crunch and worldwide economic depression. Seeking high interest rates, global capital moved into the U.S. capital market in prodigious amounts. The value of the dollar soared. Accordingly, the U.S. trade deficit expanded. This new pattern would ultimately stick. It was an utter reconfiguration of U.S. global economic hegemony. After World War II, like other hegemons of the past, the United States was an exporter of capital and goods. After the Volcker Shock, it became a net importer of global capital and the consumer market of last resort for the world’s manufacturing export-led economies, including Japan, West Germany, and eventually, China.

At home, due to capital imports and financial deregulations, money and credit were more available. There was greater convertibility among assets, and more transactional liquidity. At the same time, still fearful of inflation after 1982, the Fed kept interest rates relatively high. Not since after the restoration of the gold standard following World War I had there been an era like this in capital markets, when credit was so newly and freely available—but at high rates. Just as in the 1920s, there was a great speculative investment boom during the 1980s. Confidence high, to hurdle over the high interest rate, investors resorted to debt to leverage up short-term speculative profits in stocks, bonds, and commercial real estate especially. Speculative investment was back as the dynamic factor in economic life, joining hands with an insatiable American consumerism.

There had long been a contradiction between short-term speculation for its own sake and long-term investment in enterprise. Unlike the 1920s, which saw the birth of industrial Fordism, the 1980s speculative boom did not lead to a great surge of investment in productive activity. Rather, using new access to capital and credit through “leveraged buyouts,” financiers blew up the postwar industrial corporation and dethroned the postwar managerial class.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, May 20, 2021 3:01 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

No. Vonnegut was not a Socialist.

None of your Socialist jerkoff buddies are going to change that.

Peddle your trash somewhere else.

What are you talking about? Have you ever read his novels? You can't possibly miss the message in the novels! Oops, I forgot that you are Trumptard. Trumptards always miss the message. Try one of his speeches, where Vonnegut makes the point about socialism very clear: Kurt Vonnegut: 'I would like to see America try socialism', Bennington College -1970

One trouble, it seems to me, is that the majority of the people who rule us, who have our money and power, are lawyers or military men. The lawyers want to talk our problems out of existence. The military men want us to find the bad guys and put bullets through their brains. These are not always the best [two] solutions—particularly in the fields of sewage disposal and birth control.
If Burlington College is not familiar to you, it is where Jane Sanders, Bernie Sanders' wife, was President.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Don't pretend you've ever read any of Vonnegut's books or stories.

You don't even read news articles past the headlines.

I'm sure you've seen the cover of a Vonnegut book at some point in your life.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Thursday, May 20, 2021 3:02 PM


So I guess Second's a socialist now.



Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Friday, May 21, 2021 8:31 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump’s War With His Generals

Former President Donald Trump’s last-minute bid to pull U.S. forces from Afghanistan and swaths of the Middle East, Africa and even Europe ahead of Joe Biden's inauguration — and why he blinked.

He was frantically trying to salvage his own legacy while simultaneously trying to overturn the election results and block Biden's transition to power. The result was chaos.

More at

this was typical of Pentagon leadership: Delay key decisions by disputing that strategic meetings had led to consensus, insist the process was still ongoing, and leak apocalyptic scenarios to the media. These were the tactics Trump allies believed military leaders had perfected to obstruct presidents over the course of decades.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, May 21, 2021 9:54 AM


Devastating footage of Palisades Fire in California


Saturday, May 22, 2021 12:18 PM


Time to re-draw the Maps of America

Five Counties Just Voted To Secede From Blue State – They Want To Move The Border Of Oregon And Become Part Of Idaho

or a 51st State?


Monday, May 24, 2021 7:01 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, May 24, 2021 10:01 AM


FYI: Roe vs. Wade isn't going anywhere.

Just media scare tactics to get people behind our worst president in a lifetime packing the Supreme Court. Because that's what losers do.



Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Monday, May 24, 2021 11:12 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
FYI: Roe vs. Wade isn't going anywhere.

Just media scare tactics to get people behind our worst president in a lifetime packing the Supreme Court. Because that's what losers do.


Senators, not media, are saying that if the Republicans on the Supreme Court strike down Roe v. Wade, the Senators will strike back at the Republicans on the Supreme Court:

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee . . . said it doesn’t mean that a Congress led by Democrats would immediately be able to add justices to the court, but he suggested it would add momentum to reform efforts at a minimum.

“Chipping away at Roe v. Wade will precipitate a seismic movement to reform the Supreme Court,” he said. “It may not be expanding the Supreme Court, it may be making changes to its jurisdiction, or requiring a certain numbers of votes to strike down certain past precedents.”

No one knows for sure when the Supreme Court will hand down its decision on the Mississippi abortion law, but it is widely expected to hear arguments after it convenes in October. That could set up a decision next year.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), another member of the Judiciary Committee, said the court’s review of the Mississippi law raises serious concerns.

“It really enlivens the concerns that we have about the extent to which right-wing billionaire money has influenced the makeup of the court and may even be pulling strings at the court,” he said.

“We’ve got a whole array of options we’re looking at in the courts committee,” he said of the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States, which President Biden established by executive order in April.

Whitehouse said even if there isn’t enough support for expanding the Supreme Court by four seats, which is a proposal that House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) introduced last month, other reforms could be pursued.

He cited “easy” reforms such as “proper disclosure and transparency” of the “gifts, travel and hospitality” received by the judges themselves and the “people who are behind front-group amicus curiae briefs” and who were "funding the political advertisements for the last three judges, writing $15 million and $17 million checks.”

6ix, did you catch the hint from Senator Whitehouse that he disapproves of billionaires purchasing the loyalty of Supreme Court justices with “gifts, travel and hospitality”?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, May 24, 2021 11:23 AM



Originally posted by second:
6ix, did you catch the hint from Senator Whitehouse that he disapproves of billionaires purchasing the loyalty of Supreme Court justices with “gifts, travel and hospitality”?

Meaningless pablum.

Where Senator Whitehouse fails is exactly where you fail.

If you're going to go out of your way like the both of you have to brand yourself with a political identity, then you'd better goddamned well be the first to call out bad behavior on your own side.

But neither of you never do this, so everything you say is hypocritical.

I will once again say, as I've said many times in the past, that as much as I can't stand Ted, he's the only one on your "side" in the last 5 years who EVER does this.

He doesn't do it nearly enough, but at least a small part of him deep down realizes that everything isn't black and white and that he doesn't stand on the side of everything right and virtuous in the world while everybody on the other side is evil incarnate.

Nuance is a thing, there are a billion shades of grey in between, and there are many, many bad actors on both sides.

So Ted has at least a sliver of credibility.

You, Second, have none.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Monday, May 24, 2021 11:38 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:
6ix, did you catch the hint from Senator Whitehouse that he disapproves of billionaires purchasing the loyalty of Supreme Court justices with “gifts, travel and hospitality”?

Meaningless pablum.

Where Senator Whitehouse fails is exactly where you fail.

If you're going to go out of your way like the both of you have to brand yourself with a political identity, then you'd better goddamned well be the first to call out bad behavior on your own side.

But neither of you never do this, so everything you say is hypocritical.

If you paid attention to what the Senator said, you would note that he did NOT imply that Democrats could take bribes while Republican judges would be prosecuted for taking gifts without reporting them. It is more than a little strange how your mind works with the concept of hypocrisy, 6ix. I bet your strangeness gets you into trouble with people who can see that you are mentally malfunctioning. Every Trumptard I know has unemployment, work, money, family, addiction, health (physical and mental) problems that saner and smarter people can easily avoid because they are not screwed up in the head like Trumptards are. Trumptards are a funny bunch.

Ben Shapiro on "hypocrisy," a concept which always trips up Trumptards. Ben is an American conservative political commentator and media host:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, May 24, 2021 9:44 PM


Gross dude.

Get some new talking points. Broken record and despicable with every post you make.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Tuesday, May 25, 2021 7:21 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Gross dude.

Get some new talking points. Broken record and despicable with every post you make.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.

It was your suggestion but I think the correct move is to shoot you in your house, Trumptard.

The Banality of Democratic Collapse By Paul Krugman

America’s democratic experiment may well be nearing its end. That’s not hyperbole; it’s obvious to anyone following the political scene. Republicans might take power legitimately; they might win through pervasive voter suppression; G.O.P. legislators might simply refuse to certify Democratic electoral votes and declare Donald Trump or his political heir the winner. However it plays out, the G.O.P. will try to ensure a permanent lock on power and do all it can to suppress dissent.

But how did we get here? We read every day about the rage of the Republican base, which overwhelmingly believes, based on nothing, that the 2020 election was stolen, and extremists in Congress, who insist that being required to wear a face mask is the equivalent of the Holocaust.

I’d argue, however, that focusing on the insanity can hinder our understanding of how all of this became possible. Conspiracy theorizing is hardly a new thing in our national life; Richard Hofstadter wrote “The Paranoid Style in American Politics” back in 1964. White rage has been a powerful force at least since the civil rights movement.

What’s different this time is the acquiescence of Republican elites. The Big Lie about the election didn’t well up from the grass roots — it was promoted from above, initially by Trump himself, but what’s crucial is that almost no prominent Republican politicians have been willing to contradict his claims and many have rushed to back them up.

Or to put it another way, the fundamental problem lies less with the crazies than with the careerists; not with the madness of Marjorie Taylor Greene, but with the spinelessness of Kevin McCarthy.

And this spinelessness has deep institutional roots.

Political scientists have long noted that our two major political parties are very different in their underlying structures. The Democrats are a coalition of interest groups — labor unions, environmentalists, L.G.B.T.Q. activists and more. The Republican Party is the vehicle of a cohesive, monolithic movement. This is often described as an ideological movement, although given the twists and turns of recent years — the sudden embrace of protectionism, the attacks on “woke” corporations — the ideology of movement conservatism seems less obvious than its will to power.

In any case, for a long time conservative cohesiveness made life relatively easy for Republican politicians and officials. Professional Democrats had to negotiate their way among sometimes competing demands from various constituencies. All Republicans had to do was follow the party line. Loyalty would be rewarded with safe seats, and should a Republican in good standing somehow happen to lose an election, support from billionaires meant that there was a safety net — “wing nut welfare” — in the form of chairs at lavishly funded right-wing think tanks, gigs at Fox News and so on.

Of course, the easy life of a professional Republican wasn’t appealing to everyone. The G.O.P. has long been an uncomfortable place for people with genuine policy expertise and real external reputations, who might find themselves expected to endorse claims they knew to be false.

The field I know best, economics, contains (or used to contain) quite a few Republicans with solid academic reputations. Like just about every academic discipline, the field leans Democratic, but much less so than other social sciences and even the hard sciences. But the G.O.P. has consistently preferred to get its advice from politically reliable cranks.

The contrast with the Biden team, by the way, is extraordinary. At this point it’s almost hard to find a genuine expert on tax policy, labor markets, etc. — an expert with an independent reputation who expects to return to a nonpolitical career in a couple of years — who hasn’t joined the administration.

Matters may be even worse for politicians who actually care about policy, still have principles and have personal constituencies separate from their party affiliation. There’s no room in today’s G.O.P. for the equivalent of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, unless you count the extremely sui generis Mitt Romney.

And the predominance of craven careerists is what made the Republican Party so vulnerable to authoritarian takeover.

Surely a great majority of Republicans in Congress know that the election wasn’t stolen. Very few really believe that the storming of the Capitol was a false-flag antifa operation or simply a crowd of harmless tourists. But decades as a monolithic, top-down enterprise have filled the G.O.P. with people who will follow the party line wherever it goes.

So if Trump or a Trump-like figure declares that we have always been at war with East Asia, well, his party will say that we’ve always been at war with East Asia. If he says he won a presidential election in a landslide, never mind the facts, they’ll say he won the election in a landslide.

The point is that neither megalomania at the top nor rage at the bottom explains why American democracy is hanging by a thread. Cowardice, not craziness, is the reason government by the people may soon perish from the earth.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 25, 2021 10:07 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Gross dude.

Get some new talking points. Broken record and despicable with every post you make.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.

It was your suggestion but I think the correct move is to shoot you in your house, Trumptard.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Thursday, May 27, 2021 6:24 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Austerity’s Hidden Purpose

Back in the 1830s, Thomas Peel decided to migrate from England to Swan River in Western Australia. A man of means, Peel took along, besides his family, “300 persons of the working class, men, women, and children,” as well as “means of subsistence and production to the amount of £50,000.” But soon after arrival, Peel’s plans were in ruins.

The cause was not disease, disaster, or bad soil. Peel’s labor force abandoned him, got themselves plots of land in the surrounding wilderness, and went into “business” for themselves. Although Peel had brought labor, money, and physical capital with him, the workers’ access to alternatives meant that he could not bring capitalism.

Karl Marx recounted Peel’s story in Capital, Volume I to make the point that “capital is not a thing, but a social relation between persons.” The parable remains useful today in illuminating the difference between money and capital.

Suppose for a moment, and for argument’s sake, that everyone agreed that printing another trillion dollars to finance a basic income for the poor would boost neither inflation nor interest rates. The rich and powerful would still oppose it, owing to the debilitating fear that they would end up like Peel in Australia: monied but bereft of the power to compel the less monied.

We are already seeing evidence of this. In the United States, employers are reporting that they cannot find workers as pandemic lockdown rules are lifted. What they really mean is that they cannot find workers who will work for the pittance on offer. The Biden administration’s extension of a $300 weekly supplementary payment to the unemployed has meant that the combined benefits workers receive are more than twice the federal minimum wage – which Congress refused to lift. In short, employers are experiencing something akin to what happened to Peel soon after he arrived in Swan River.

More about Austerity’s Hidden Purpose at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, May 27, 2021 10:10 AM


Yup. And we're already feeling inflation too. You can't just decide that printing trillions of dollars doesn't do this, you clown.

Doubling the prices you pay workers is also going to do the same thing.

I'm fully on board with paying livable wages. $7.25 isn't even worth working for in 2021. If you're living in a state like Illinois, you could work part time for $7.25 an hour all year long and just barely cover your property taxes with that. (I think their minimum is $8.25, but that hardly makes a difference).

Assuming you can swallow your pride and take all the rejection, you could make A LOT more money begging people for money all day long.

There's too many shit jobs out there. Not enough good jobs certainly, but not enough jobs in general too.

The problem is that not even $15/hr is going to be a livable wage the way things are going.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Friday, May 28, 2021 8:01 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

The problem is that not even $15/hr is going to be a livable wage the way things are going.

Half of Americans are doing fine because the economy was designed to benefit them. The higher up you go in wealth, the better the design gets for the wealthy.

The bottom half of the economy is full of people who sharply sense that they are being screwed but they can't seem to think about the details rationally. They do count their pennies but they also throw away thousands of dollars out of ignorance. If a guy like me starts explaining to them what is happening, they get mad, but not at the system. They are mad at me for telling them the only system they have ever known was carefully designed in all the smallest to largest details in order to cheat them out of their money.

It is actually ridiculous that most Americans, rich or poor, do not understand the system that they live in. If they understood, they be on the way to wealth. But they don't really understand anything at all and they refuse to learn because they think they know it all. It is sad that they cannot even bother to understand that there are better functioning systems, but there are. Within 60 to 120 seconds, rich or poor Americans get too bored to care:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, May 28, 2021 11:20 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The laws that Democrats can pass are contingent on getting the most moderate member of the caucus on board. If Joe Manchin (D-WV) says, “I won’t do $15 minimum wage, I’ll do $12.” Then you’re stuck with $12 or you get nothing. And so that’s a reality.

But I think the problem with this analysis is the assumption that Manchin is an ideological roadblock for progressivism, where he seems to me more of a procedural roadblock to the constitutional hardball that needs to get played here. I mean, he voted for the Covid-19 relief bill, and that was one of the most left-wing things I’ve ever seen come out of Congress. So I don’t actually think that Manchin is that far from the center of the caucus in terms of policy.

Where Manchin seems to be very far away from what House Democrats want to do is on the democracy reform stuff. It’s maddening because nothing that Manchin wants to do policy-wise can get done without abolishing the filibuster. Democrats are not going to have a majority after next year if they don’t do some of these things now. So it’s a mistake to assume Manchin can’t be moved. That’s the job of leadership. That’s Joe Biden’s job. That’s Chuck Schumer’s job.

Let’s just say that Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, for whatever reason, refuse to respond to the realities of the moment — then what? It’s bleak. There’s not much else the Democrats can do the next two years as far as legislation. I don’t know what else to say other than the Democrats have to get extremely lucky in next year’s elections. They need to luck into the most favorable environment for the president’s party that we haven’t ever had for a midterm election.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, May 28, 2021 11:27 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

The problem is that not even $15/hr is going to be a livable wage the way things are going.

Half of Americans are doing fine because the economy was designed to benefit them. The higher up you go in wealth, the better the design gets for the wealthy.

The bottom half of the economy is full of people who sharply sense that they are being screwed but they can't seem to think about the details rationally. They do count their pennies but they also throw away thousands of dollars out of ignorance. If a guy like me starts explaining to them what is happening, they get mad, but not at the system. They are mad at me for telling them the only system they have ever known was carefully designed in all the smallest to largest details in order to cheat them out of their money.

It is actually ridiculous that most Americans, rich or poor, do not understand the system that they live in. If they understood, they be on the way to wealth. But they don't really understand anything at all and they refuse to learn because they think they know it all. It is sad that they cannot even bother to understand that there are better functioning systems, but there are. Within 60 to 120 seconds, rich or poor Americans get too bored to care:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

You're a liar. You need to stop interjecting yourself into any of your arguments.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Friday, May 28, 2021 12:43 PM


Biden administration to resume border wall construction as crisis worsens

‘My body, my choice!’: Hundreds of NJ students rally against Rutgers’ COVID vaccine mandate


Friday, May 28, 2021 12:58 PM


Good for them.

It very much IS their choice.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Sunday, May 30, 2021 7:12 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

You're a liar. You need to stop interjecting yourself into any of your arguments.

6ix, tell the world The Truth . . . that this didn't happen, either . . . at least as far as you know . . . and you know it all, as do all Trumptards:

In Tulsa, Oklahoma, even a century later, no one talks about what happened in the city one spring day 100 years ago.

Late in the afternoon of May 30, 1921, Dick Rowland, a 19-year-old Black shoe-shiner working in segregated Oklahoma, needed to use the bathroom. The only public restroom he was allowed to use was the one for colored people at the top of the Drexel building in downtown Tulsa; to get there, he had to take an elevator operated by Sarah Page, a 17-year-old white teenager.

While there are conflicting reports about what happened in the elevator, what we do know is that a clothing store clerk on the building’s first floor heard what he thought was a woman screaming. Not long after, the building’s elevator doors opened, and Rowland quickly exited, looking flustered. Page, behind him, appeared to be in a state of distress. Assuming that Page had been sexually assaulted by Rowland, the clerk called the police, thus setting in motion a chain of events that would devastate the Black citizens of Tulsa. Over the next 14 hours, 35 city blocks in Tulsa’s Black neighborhoods were burned, an estimated 800 people were injured, and hundreds were killed in a riotous response to the accusations against Rowland.

I’m a Black man from Oklahoma, so that history is my family history. A cousin was murdered during those hours, and to keep his memory alive, my family on my father’s side tells the story of what happened in Tulsa that day—including that they were never able to find our cousin’s body. I know the story of the 1921 Tulsa race massacre because it is my story, as that cousin’s ancestor. But today, as a professor at Oklahoma State University, I’m always shocked by how few students from this state know that these events even happened at all.

One would think that a film about the massacre, a monumental, devastating moment in this country’s history, would have been made in these intervening years. American filmmakers have never shied away from making movies about this country’s difficult history: (except none of the movies are even remotely as vicious as the more than 30 race-related massacres that occurred in this country between 1917-1921.) That viciousness still exists and has deep repercussions today.

More at

History shows the Tulsa massacre wasn't an isolated event. These are some of the others:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 30, 2021 8:54 AM


Not related in the slightest to anything we're talking about.

Just how broken is your brain?


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Sunday, May 30, 2021 9:43 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Not related in the slightest to anything we're talking about.

Just how broken is your brain?

One obvious point, we are NOT talking because we are not in the same room, where I can get your full attention by picking you up and shaking you awake. But I am actually circling around something I've seen in all Trumptards: a superiority complex that is not backed up by superior performance in the world. I know, 6ix, that you've redefined the word "Trumptard" to mean the opposite, up is down, so that "Trumptard" does NOT include people like you who twice voted for Trump, but that is exactly the nonsensical redefinition I see Trumptards doing every day. It is all part of the "Trumptard" superiority complex which has gotten you, and your ilk, into so much trouble over your lives.

Superiority complex

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 30, 2021 9:46 AM


My life is fine, Trumptard.

You couldn't pick me up, old man, but I'd love to see you try and find out where it gets you.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Sunday, May 30, 2021 9:51 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
My life is fine, Trumptard.

You couldn't pick me up, old man, but I'd love to see you try and find out where it gets you.

There you go again, little man, with your superiority complex. And, by the way, your entire history at, which you brag about not erasing, shows that your life is the opposite of fine. But, again like all "Trumptards" I know, your way is to say up is down. It may trick you, but that doesn't change reality, 6ix.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 30, 2021 9:56 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
My life is fine, Trumptard.

You couldn't pick me up, old man, but I'd love to see you try and find out where it gets you.

There you go again, little man, with your superiority complex. And, by the way, your entire history at, which you brag about not erasing, shows that your life is the opposite of fine. But, again like all "Trumptards" I know, your way is to say up is down. It may trick you, but that doesn't change reality, 6ix.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

It's all about trajectory.

You can't appreciate the good times if you haven't experienced any bad ones.

The added bonus here for me is that nobody is going to question what I've been through and what I've overcome. Why would anybody lie about my story I've documented here since I've been a member in 2006?

My biggest enemy has ALWAYS been me. In nearly 100% of people out there, if they're being honest with themselves, that is the case.

But you go right on ahead pretending that Trump and Republicans are your biggest enemy while remaining completely static and never taking any time to improve yourself or your situation.

You're not rich. You don't own a company. You have nothing. You are nothing.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Sunday, May 30, 2021 10:35 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

It's all about trajectory.

You can't appreciate the good times if you haven't experienced any bad ones.

The added bonus here for me is that nobody is going to question what I've been through and what I've overcome. Why would anybody lie about my story I've documented here since I've been a member in 2006?

My biggest enemy has ALWAYS been me. In nearly 100% of people out there, if they're being honest with themselves, that is the case.

But you go right on ahead pretending that Trump and Republicans are your biggest enemy while remaining completely static and never taking any time to improve yourself or your situation.

You're not rich. You don't own a company. You have nothing. You are nothing.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.

What a load of self-improvement bullshit. Have you reread your own signature, recently? ". . . just come shoot me in my house." This is not the signature of a sane person, 6ix. As for talking to me, you insanely called me a liar: "You're not rich. You don't own a company. You have nothing. You are nothing." 6ix, you are just making up false stories about me to feel better about yourself, which is more self-improvement bullshit by you. Come to think of it, Trump tells tens of thousands of false stories about himself and his enemies, probably to feel better about himself.

Mary L Trump wrote the book How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man.
Donald J Trump will never be fine.
It's a free download from the mirrors at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 30, 2021 4:45 PM


You are a liar. And a very poor one at that.

Anybody can pretend that they're rich.

Just don't go telling people to kill themselves and Haken won't have to ban you like he did your Communist sock puppet.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.






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