A thread for Democrats Only

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Friday, November 9, 2018 12:46 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The odds are that Trump will campaign for reelection in key Midwestern swing states by waging a campaign based exclusively on racial fearmongering and culture war noise.

Making a bipartisan infrastructure bill the signature legislative achievement of the 116th Congress would be a big help in that strategy. Congressional Democrats could, in theory, vote for a big grab bag of random projects that lets each of them deliver some picayune benefit to their local constituents while allowing Trump to spend the next two years on an endless national tour of ribbon-cutting ceremonies. At each stop, Trump would lie relentlessly about the merits of the project, lie relentlessly about the degree of personal credit he deserves for it, slander his political enemies, stoke the fires of racial resentment, and obtain large amounts of largely uncritical local media coverage. For example:

After Trump signed a bipartisan opioid bill in October, he spent the final weeks of the fall campaign touring red states to lie and say that Democrats opposed the bill.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, November 9, 2018 3:16 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by second:

half of Republicans deny that global warming is even taking place, and of the rest, almost half reject any human responsibility. Words fail.

And if democrats don't do anything different, how are they any better?

Don't ever comment again, 1kiki, if you cannot remember Obama and his EPA setting rules on CO2. Don't comment again, 1kiki, if you cannot remember what the GOP did next or you cannot remember Trump pulling the USA out of all agreements to reduce CO2.

Kick her ass SECOND. You can't find bigger hypocrites that kiki jack jsf and sig. Nicely done...



Friday, November 9, 2018 4:03 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SECOND:
Don't ever comment again, 1kiki, if you cannot remember Obama and his EPA setting rules on CO2. Don't comment again, 1kiki, if you cannot remember what the GOP did next or you cannot remember Trump pulling the USA out of all agreements to reduce CO2.

You know what those CO2 'rules' are, SECOND? You know what those 'agreements' are, SECOND? Toilet paper. But less useful. Cosmetic words meant to cover over inaction.

When OBAMA AND THE DEMOCRATS had control of the White House and Congress, and they could pass LAWS that came with the power of enforcement, what did they do about global warming?

Tell me, SECOND. What did they do?

And if democrats don't do anything different, how are they any better?


Sunday, November 11, 2018 7:31 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by SECOND:
Don't ever comment again, 1kiki, if you cannot remember Obama and his EPA setting rules on CO2. Don't comment again, 1kiki, if you cannot remember what the GOP did next or you cannot remember Trump pulling the USA out of all agreements to reduce CO2.

You know what those CO2 'rules' are, SECOND? You know what those 'agreements' are, SECOND? Toilet paper. But less useful. Cosmetic words meant to cover over inaction.

When OBAMA AND THE DEMOCRATS had control of the White House and Congress, and they could pass LAWS that came with the power of enforcement, what did they do about global warming?

Tell me, SECOND. What did they do?

And if democrats don't do anything different, how are they any better?

1kiki, you've got a deliberately primitive idea about how the Federal government works. America needs a Carbon Tax but the tax can't be switched on and off depending on whether a D or an R is in the White House. All the Republicans that have been in Congress or the White House deny that there is climate change. Even all the Republicans that ran in primaries deny climate change. None of the Democrats do. But the Democrats can't change Republicans minds. The best America can hope for is that Democrats get a super majority of 2/3rds or more and permanently keep Republicans out of power. The chance of that happening? Zero.

The only reason we still have Medicare and Social Security, despite all Republican politicians wanting to shut it down and no Democratic politicians wanting that, is because Republican voters (not Republican politicians) want Medicare and Social Security to continue. Carbon Taxes do not have a built-in voter constituency, unlike Medicare and Social Security. Republican voters will protect Medicare and Social Security from Republican politicians cancelling it, but Republican voters will never protect Carbon Taxes from their politicians.

The only solution to the Carbon Tax problem is to get a permanent majority of Republican voters to support it the way they support Social Security and Medicare. Otherwise, the Republican politicians will repeal Carbon Taxes at their first opportunity. And those opportunities come every two years at every election.

The Democratic politicians believed they had something that would get wide spread support, Obamacare, just like Medicare does. They were wrong. The Republican politicians almost killed it. A Carbon Tax would have even less support than Obamacare because it is tax with no obvious benefit to most voters. Until most Republican voters stop being climate change deniers, a Carbon Tax would certainly die with the shift in power back to Republican politicians. And power always shifts back to them. Democrats can't stop that from happening.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, November 11, 2018 8:01 AM



Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by second:

half of Republicans deny that global warming is even taking place, and of the rest, almost half reject any human responsibility. Words fail.

And if democrats don't do anything different, how are they any better?

Don't ever comment again, 1kiki, if you cannot remember Obama and his EPA setting rules on CO2. Don't comment again, 1kiki, if you cannot remember what the GOP did next or you cannot remember Trump pulling the USA out of all agreements to reduce CO2.

Kick her ass SECOND. You can't find bigger hypocrites that kiki jack jsf and sig. Nicely done...


I want you to back up this statement.

You can start by quoting one single instance where I've said or done anything that was hypocritical.


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, November 11, 2018 8:56 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I want you to back up this statement.

You can start by quoting one single instance where I've said or done anything that was hypocritical.


Do Right, Be Right. :)

Like all Republicans I know, you are hypersensitive about your honor. That's why you got all puffed up, then responded with your "ONE" when you got called a "hypocrite". You've said you were an independent. You're not. You are exactly like every Republican I know. They claim they are Independent, making up their own mind, because they have some little quibbles with certain minor details of the Republican Party platform or some detail of Trump's tweets. Details that even the GOP and Trump aren't really going to make reality, details they talk about, but are not sincere about. It's all empty talk. Nothing solid that you can depend upon. It's as if you so-called Independents are human-shaped gas bags that Trump inflates with his hot-air rhetoric. As soon as he stops blowing hard, you collapse back into a sad empty sack of air. You've got no backbone, no skeleton, no guts, no higher goals. Please get some, for your own good, and stop being an "Independent". Pick a side, act like it means something. To quote Book's dying words to Mal: "I don't care what you believe! Just... believe it. Whatever you have to..." Do you remember what happened for the rest of the movie? Mal finally stopped being blown around like a sailboat without a rudder.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, November 11, 2018 9:00 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I want you to back up this statement.

You can start by quoting one single instance where I've said or done anything that was hypocritical.


Do Right, Be Right. :)

Like all Republicans I know, you are hypersensitive about your honor. That's why you got all puffed up, then responded with your "ONE" when you got called a "hypocrite". You've said you were an independent. You're not. You are exactly like every Republican I know. They claim they are Independent, making up their own mind, because they have some little quibbles with certain minor details of the Republican Party platform or some detail of Trump's tweets. Details that even the GOP and Trump aren't really going to make reality, details they talk about, but are not sincere about. It's all empty talk. Nothing solid that you can depend upon. It's as if you so-called Independents are human-shaped gas bags that Trump inflates with his hot-air rhetoric. As soon as he stops blowing hard, you collapse back into a sad empty sack of air. You've got no backbone, no skeleton, no guts, no higher goals. Please get some, for your own good, and stop being an "Independent". Pick a side, act like it means something. To quote Book's dying words to Mal: "I don't care what you believe! Just... believe it. Whatever you have to..." Do you remember what happened for the rest of the movie? Mal finally stopped being blown around like a sailboat without a rudder.

Tear em up SECOND. Nicely done...



Sunday, November 11, 2018 9:03 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I want you to back up this statement.

You can start by quoting one single instance where I've said or done anything that was hypocritical.


Do Right, Be Right. :)

Like all Republicans I know, you are hypersensitive about your honor. That's why you got all puffed up, then responded with your "ONE" when you got called a "hypocrite". You've said you were an independent. You're not. You are exactly like every Republican I know. They claim they are Independent, making up their own mind, because they have some little quibbles with certain minor details of the Republican Party platform or some detail of Trump's tweets. Details that even the GOP and Trump aren't really going to make reality, details they talk about, but are not sincere about. It's all empty talk. Nothing solid that you can depend upon. It's as if you so-called Independents are human-shaped gas bags that Trump inflates with his hot-air rhetoric. As soon as he stops blowing hard, you collapse back into a sad empty sack of air. You've got no backbone, no skeleton, no guts, no higher goals. Please get some, for your own good, and stop being an "Independent". Pick a side, act like it means something. To quote Book's dying words to Mal: "I don't care what you believe! Just... believe it. Whatever you have to..." Do you remember what happened for the rest of the movie? Mal finally stopped being blown around like a sailboat without a rudder.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Why should I pick a side? I'm certainly not going to pick the Democrats. They actively stand against my ideals at almost every turn... at least the ones leading that shit-show of a party right now.

I've had a lot of negative things to say about Trump over the last few years. My gripes with him are legitimate and backed up by data.

You and your goons are chasing phantoms of Russia.

I have no horse in this race. I have almost everything I want in life, and I'm working to get the rest of it now. Trump hasn't done anything to make that easier, and Hillary certainly wouldn't have either.

You're a static piece of shit. Posts you make today are no different than they were years ago. You're the only one here with the money and the power to make any changes, but you LOVE rubbing in the fact that you're making out like a bandit with Trump in office. Yet, not one single time have you talked about any good you've done for anybody but yourself with that extra cash.

Fuck you, Second.

And BTW... you haven't said anything that shows any hypocrisy on my part.

I'm waiting.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, November 11, 2018 9:52 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Why should I pick a side? I'm certainly not going to pick the Democrats. They actively stand against my ideals at almost every turn... at least the ones leading that shit-show of a party right now.

Fuck you, Second.

Look, genius 6ixStringJack, there are only two sides. There are no third parties to come to the rescue because the way the Constitution was written has made it inevitable that there will only be two major parties. Pick a side or be as irrelevant as a child who can't vote or an adult who votes for the Green Party.

Why Only Two Political Parties?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, November 12, 2018 8:36 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Why should I pick a side? I'm certainly not going to pick the Democrats. They actively stand against my ideals at almost every turn... at least the ones leading that shit-show of a party right now.

Fuck you, Second.

Look, genius 6ixStringJack, there are only two sides. There are no third parties to come to the rescue because the way the Constitution was written has made it inevitable that there will only be two major parties. Pick a side or be as irrelevant as a child who can't vote or an adult who votes for the Green Party.

Freedom... I Won't.

Your side sucks. The other side sucks slightly less.

10 years ago, it was the other way around.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 12, 2018 8:39 AM


Still waiting for T to show any examples of me being hypocritical.

Feel free to do so yourself, Second, since you have so much to say that isn't even on topic.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 12, 2018 11:27 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Freedom... I Won't.

Your side sucks. The other side sucks slightly less.

10 years ago, it was the other way around.

If I were you, 6ix, knowing the results of your decisions over the last 10 years? I would not trust my judgment about decisions I am making today and where those decisions will leave me in 10 or 20 years.

To beat Trump, House Democrats need to fight on policy, not Trump's scandals.

Trump’s weakness is policy. “During the 2016 campaign, we noticed this paradox,” says Ron Klain, who served as chief of staff to vice presidents Al Gore and Joe Biden and was a top adviser to Hillary Clinton. “If you came at Trump on the stuff where you thought he’d be most vulnerable — his shitty business practices, his use of non-American workers — he was at his best. He knows that stuff.”

Trump’s weakness, Klain continued, was policy. “When you came at him on that stuff, he was horrible.”

This proved true in 2018. As abnormal as American politics has felt in these past few years, House Democrats ran a fundamentally normal campaign, and it worked. They ran ads about protecting people with preexisting conditions and working on behalf of the middle class. They released their “Better Deal” agenda, a policy platform that ranged from raising the minimum wage to strengthening labor unions to investing in broadband to making campaign finance more transparent.

They did not, as a party, run on investigating or impeaching Trump. They did not, as a party, run on abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement or passing Medicare-for-all. They did not, as a party, offer an equal but opposite reaction to Trump. Their campaign seemed to exist in an alternate universe where few had ever heard the words “Russia” or “Mueller.”

They won. The question is whether they have the discipline to hold to that strategy outside of an election. Reflecting on the prospect of Democrats investigating him and him retaliating, Trump was cheerful. “It will probably be very good for me politically,” he said. “I can see it being extremely good politically.”

Trump wants to engage in a politics of pure confrontation, which is the politics he prefers, the politics in which he thrives.

More about how Trump could manipulate Democrats into futile and self-defeating confrontations at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, November 12, 2018 5:50 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Freedom... I Won't.

Your side sucks. The other side sucks slightly less.

10 years ago, it was the other way around.

If I were you, 6ix, knowing the results of your decisions over the last 10 years? I would not trust my judgment about decisions I am making today and where those decisions will leave me in 10 or 20 years.

lol. And you think I'm going to waste time reading the next 20 paragraphs you wrote?

Go fuck yourself. I'm doing fine.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 13, 2018 5:34 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

lol. And you think I'm going to waste time reading the next 20 paragraphs you wrote?

Go fuck yourself. I'm doing fine.

6ix, you and Trump voters in general are not doing fine. In particular, you have written a million words about yourself and "fine" does not describe what you, or Trump, or his voters, are doing. That's what you and Trump have in common, you won't stop talking about yourself long enough to fix the mess you made:

Presidents exert a kind of ambient influence on the culture, but as Trump is different than previous presidents his influence necessarily feels different. Barack Obama wanted to be a cosmopolitan leader who brought people together and into a deeper empathy through a mastery of reason and rules; the country he governed doesn’t work like that, though, and the tension between that cool vision and this seething reality grew and grew. By the end, his presidency had the feeling of a prestige television show in its fifth season — handsomely produced and reliably well-performed but ultimately not really as sure what it was about as it first appeared to be. Trump has no such pretense or noble aspiration, and has only made the country more like himself; living in his America feels like being trapped in a garish casino boat that is filling with seawater, because that is what it is.

This is more or less what Trump has always thought the news should be like: people with microphones clamoring for his opinion and asking him about himself. For decades the man has dreamed of reporters calling out “please, sir, what’s the latest on your personal feuds” or “sir, how did you achieve this amazing success?” while he delivers flirty winking answers. That this is not the way it goes now that he’s president clearly causes him great frustration. Watch these pissy helicopter-adjacent scrums and you may see him bellowing “we’re looking into that very strongly” in response to questions he transparently can’t answer and dispensing whatever thudding speculative idiocy he thinks will get him to the next question. The important thing for him is that the microphones are still pointed in the right direction.

The culture has been inching further and further into Trump’s gilded funhouse for years now. We are, by now, all the way in. Trump is nearly as ubiquitous in the culture as he has always believed he should be; the one deeply held belief that has been evident throughout his whole faithless disgrace of a life is people should be talking about Donald Trump more, on television, and he has just about seen that part through. All Trump wants, all he has ever wanted, is to be able to keep doing and taking and saying whatever he wants whenever he wants. He ran for president for this reason and this reason only.

Everything returns to him, sometimes along a longer arc than others, but always in good time. His obliterating vanity can sometimes give this a darkly comic aspect, as when he was hilariously and transparently jealous of the few days of theatrical bipartisan mourning that followed John McCain’s death, but it is generally too ghoulish to laugh at. Trump’s engagement with the world is fundamentally an envious one — other people possess what should be his, everything that is not him is just getting in his way. This is why his response to the challenge of his office seems to top out at blustering and uncomprehending impatience. Those opiate deaths and wildfires and our fortnightly mass shootings are Quite Frankly So Tragic, but it is palpable that the only real response Trump has to them is that they distract from what everyone had been talking about before, which was and by rights should continue to be him.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, November 13, 2018 8:18 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

lol. And you think I'm going to waste time reading the next 20 paragraphs you wrote?

Go fuck yourself. I'm doing fine.

6ix, you and Trump voters in general are not doing fine. In particular, you have written a million words about yourself and "fine" does not describe what you, or Trump, or his voters, are doing. That's what you and Trump have in common, you won't stop talking about yourself long enough to fix the mess you made:

That's literally what I'm doing, ever since I stopped drinking nearly 2 years ago. Everything I've done for myself is hard work and all on my own.

Your simple answer for solving all of life's problems is voting Democrat, and viewing everybody who doesn't as the bad guy. You're a clown with too much money who passes off opinion pieces from hack fraud blogs that plagiarize left leaning media news outlets.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 14, 2018 6:37 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

That's literally what I'm doing, ever since I stopped drinking nearly 2 years ago. Everything I've done for myself is hard work and all on my own.

Your simple answer for solving all of life's problems is voting Democrat, and viewing everybody who doesn't as the bad guy. You're a clown with too much money who passes off opinion pieces from hack fraud blogs that plagiarize left leaning media news outlets.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

This is one of my least favorite things that Republicans do: deny racism. I've even got a chart to go with it. Other least favorite things about Republicans are when they brag about how hard they work (like 6ix just did) when I know non-Republicans work harder and when they brag about how much they know and their common sense (like 6ix) when non-Republicans know more and have better sense. Those two things: not working as hard as they imagine they are and not knowing when they imagine they know explains why Republicans have problems in their lives they can't seem to fix. Then they blame Democrats. Maybe they should because I've fired enough Trump voters for goofing off, general incompetence, lying, and stealing. Go MAGA yourself, Trump voters because he ain't gonna do it for you.

One chart that shows racism has everything to do with elections

The chart says two things:

1) Denial of racism was strongly correlated with voting Republican in both 2016 and in 2018.

2) Republicans did worse in 2018 than they did in 2016 with voters at all points in the acknowledging-denying racism spectrum.

People who acknowledge racism (people like me) think that anti-black prejudice plays a large role in structuring American life and explains lots of important features of American society.

People who score high on denying racism think this is bunk, and see black people who complain about racism as “playing the race card.” Deniers of racism see it as a matter of individual animus with little structural impact on American life. A racism-denier is likely to argue that they can’t possibly be racist because they have one black friend or enjoyed seeing Ben Carson speak on the campaign trail, and were thrilled when Kanye West said nice things about President Donald Trump.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, November 14, 2018 8:13 AM


lol. Yup. I'm a racist.

We weren't even talking about racism, dummy.

Are you just robotically going through a list of pre-programmed arguments that your masters give you or something?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 14, 2018 9:44 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
lol. Yup. I'm a racist.

We weren't even talking about racism, dummy.

Are you just robotically going through a list of pre-programmed arguments that your masters give you or something?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

6ix, please declare that you, the Trump voter, and Trump are not racist. Trump has said he isn't time and again and that was so very believable each time.

Michelle Obama Will “Never Forgive” Donald Trump for Birtherism
The conspiracy theory wasn’t just racist; it made her fear for her family’s safety.

Trump blames Hillary as the real racist, not him. He is so smooth and believable.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, November 14, 2018 10:17 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
lol. Yup. I'm a racist.

We weren't even talking about racism, dummy.

Are you just robotically going through a list of pre-programmed arguments that your masters give you or something?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

6ix, please declare that you, the Trump voter, and Trump are not racist. Trump has said he isn't time and again and that was so very believable each time.

Freedom -- I won't.

Not that it matters anyhow. You're just going to say that I am one.

Once again. Racism is still off topic.

Are you stuck in a loop now, robot?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, November 15, 2018 7:12 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Once again. Racism is still off topic.

Are you stuck in a loop now, robot?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Have you ever noticed that you only have 1 gear? Your mental transmission has 5 forward gears and 1 reverse, but you're always stuck in the same gear, 6ix. I can tell from far away Texas because your brain is either chugging along at too low an RPM and almost stalling or your brain is screaming in the red zone at too high an RPM because you just won't shift gears. And you never go into reverse and backout of any mistakes you drove into. Learn to shift gears, 6ixStringJack, or stay in your own circular driveway and stop driving on public roads.

Trump’s Tax Cut on Corporations and the Balance of Payments

Short version: Lots of financial maneuvering, signifying nothing. Longer version:

Now imagine cutting t; the figure shows a complete elimination of corporate taxes, but the logic is the same for simply reducing the rate. This should lead to inflows of capital from abroad, increasing the capital stock, which both raises GDP and reduces the rate of return. In the end the after-tax return on capital should be back where it started, with all of the tax cut passed through to wages instead.

The crucial point, however, is that for this to happen you have to have a large increase in the physical stock of capital - it’s not an immaculate financial transaction. This in turn means that those inflows of capital have to enable a massive wave of real investment in plant and equipment. That doesn’t necessarily mean directly importing machinery; it could mean importing consumer goods or exporting less stuff of our own, either way freeing up resources for producing capital goods here at home. But the logic of the pro-tax cut case depends on the cut facilitating a period of large trade deficits. (I don’t think anyone told Trump about this.)


On its face, a corporate tax cut looks like a big giveaway to stockholders. Proponents of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act claimed that this was misleading, because large capital inflows would ensure that the cut went to workers instead. But there’s no sign of those big inflows, so what looks like a big giveaway to stockholders is, in fact, a big giveaway to stockholders.

And about 35 percent of that giveaway is to foreigners, so the tax cut makes America as a whole poorer.


A tax cut for corporations looks, on its face, like a big giveaway to stockholders, mainly bypassing ordinary families: of stocks held by Americans, 84 percent are held by the wealthiest 10 percent; 35 percent of U.S. stocks are held by foreigners.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, November 15, 2018 7:24 AM


Wow. That's deep man. lol

Might need the help of the community to help decipher your bullshit here.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, November 15, 2018 7:29 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Wow. That's deep man. lol

Might need the help of the community to help decipher your bullshit here.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

You didn't get to this part, did you?

A tax cut for corporations looks, on its face, like a big giveaway to stockholders, mainly bypassing ordinary families: of stocks held by Americans, 84 percent are held by the wealthiest 10 percent; 35 percent of U.S. stocks are held by foreigners.
6ix, could you "decipher" that? Is it too "deep" for you?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, November 15, 2018 7:36 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Wow. That's deep man. lol

Might need the help of the community to help decipher your bullshit here.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

You didn't get to this part, did you?

A tax cut for corporations looks, on its face, like a big giveaway to stockholders, mainly bypassing ordinary families: of stocks held by Americans, 84 percent are held by the wealthiest 10 percent; 35 percent of U.S. stocks are held by foreigners.
6ix, the Trump tax cut didn't make a difference for you. Could you decipher that? Is it too deep for you?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Not true. I don't have to pay $695 for not having health insurance next year, or about 5% of my income.

Also, the personal exemption and standard deduction was rolled into one for $12,000 federal tax free compared to $4,050 and $6,350 separately, meaning a savings of $160 per year, or about another 1% of my income.

Sure, it's peanuts at 6% of nothing, but you post this as if I voted for Trump because of tax breaks and the fact that it wasn't a lot higher should make me wish I voted for Hillary who would have raised them.

That 6% will pay for more than half of my property taxes.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, November 15, 2018 7:45 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Not true. I don't have to pay $695 for not having health insurance next year, or about 5% of my income.

You are betting your life by not having health insurance. Does it need more explanation that if you lose that bet you are dead? The best of luck with your gamble. I wish you good health.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, November 15, 2018 8:15 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Not true. I don't have to pay $695 for not having health insurance next year, or about 5% of my income.

You are betting your life by not having health insurance. Does it need more explanation that if you lose that bet you are dead? The best of luck with your gamble. I wish you good health.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Sure. Everybody knows insurance is cheap. Even more cheap after the ACA was enacted. I'm just gambling.

lol. I make too much money. It would cost me 2 to 3 times my property insurance costs to buy health insurance, since my work doesn't offer it. :)

You can probably see the disconnect when you talk to pretty much anybody, huh rich guy?

Besides. They'll take me in an emergency. They have too. Joke is on them if they think I'm paying a dime after the fact.

That's my advice to anybody. Don't ever pay your medical bills.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, November 15, 2018 8:18 AM


Is there any point to your rambling here Second?

I didn't take your troll bait about racism, so now we're talking about taxes and insurance?

... Again.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, November 15, 2018 9:30 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Sure. Everybody knows insurance is cheap. Even more cheap after the ACA was enacted. I'm just gambling.

lol. I make too much money. It would cost me 2 to 3 times my property insurance costs to buy health insurance, since my work doesn't offer it. :)

You can probably see the disconnect when you talk to pretty much anybody, huh rich guy?

I know people who have not paid their property taxes in ten years and Harris County has not foreclosed upon them. I know people who did not pay for health insurance and they are dead. Dead is worse than being foreclosed on, in my opinion, but if you think death is not that big a deal while on the other hand being foreclosed on is the End of the World, well, go ahead and not buy health insurance. It’s your decision. At least you still have your enormous pride in your home, 6ixStringJack, when you are dead. Are you comforted by that thought? Do you have a Last Will & Testament to give your house to your favorite relative?

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Besides. They'll take me in an emergency. They have too. Joke is on them if they think I'm paying a dime after the fact.

That's my advice to anybody. Don't ever pay your medical bills.

From Trump voters I have heard that delusion about hospitals and emergencies before. But I also heard real stories from people about their fathers without insurance being sent away without treatment then dying in the hospital parking lot. But that is Texas.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, November 15, 2018 1:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


84 percent are held by the wealthiest 10 percent; 35 percent of U.S. stocks are held by foreigners.
That's, like, 119%. Definitely needs deciphering!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, November 15, 2018 2:12 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Sure. Everybody knows insurance is cheap. Even more cheap after the ACA was enacted. I'm just gambling.

lol. I make too much money. It would cost me 2 to 3 times my property insurance costs to buy health insurance, since my work doesn't offer it. :)

You can probably see the disconnect when you talk to pretty much anybody, huh rich guy?

I know people who have not paid their property taxes in ten years and Harris County has not foreclosed upon them. I know people who did not pay for health insurance and they are dead. Dead is worse than being foreclosed on, in my opinion, but if you think death is not that big a deal while on the other hand being foreclosed on is the End of the World, well, go ahead and not buy health insurance. It’s your decision. At least you still have your enormous pride in your home, 6ixStringJack, when you are dead. Are you comforted by that thought? Do you have a Last Will & Testament to give your house to your favorite relative?

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Besides. They'll take me in an emergency. They have too. Joke is on them if they think I'm paying a dime after the fact.

That's my advice to anybody. Don't ever pay your medical bills.

From Trump voters I have heard that delusion about hospitals and emergencies before. But I also heard real stories from people about their fathers without insurance being sent away without treatment then dying in the hospital parking lot. But that is Texas.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Oh well...

One less Nazi, right?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, November 15, 2018 2:51 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

84 percent are held by the wealthiest 10 percent; 35 percent of U.S. stocks are held by foreigners.
That's, like, 119%. Definitely needs deciphering!

Really, Signym? 35% of all stock is owned by foreigners and they get 35% of Trump's tax cut. That's easy to understand. The stock that is owned by Americans, 84% of it is owned by wealthy Americans. If it had been expressed as 84%*(100%-35%)=.84*.65= 54.6% you would have missed the idea that wealthy Americans own far, far more stock than middle-class and poor Americans. Wealthy Americans get far, far more of Trump's tax cut. The whole point of the article is to get you engaged with how the economy actually works and to knockdown Trump's dumbed-down, and false, version for GOP voters.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, November 15, 2018 8:24 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

84 percent are held by the wealthiest 10 percent; 35 percent of U.S. stocks are held by foreigners.
That's, like, 119%. Definitely needs deciphering!

Really, Signym? 35% of all stock is owned by foreigners and they get 35% of Trump's tax cut. That's easy to understand. The stock that is owned by Americans, 84% of it is owned by wealthy Americans. If it had been expressed as 84%*(100%-35%)=.84*.65= 54.6% you would have missed the idea that wealthy Americans own far, far more stock than middle-class and poor Americans. Wealthy Americans get far, far more of Trump's tax cut. The whole point of the article is to get you engaged with how the economy actually works and to knockdown Trump's dumbed-down, and false, version for GOP voters.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Not a big surprise here. I've been arguing this very point with JSF for a long time now.

I'm only arguing over the peanuts with you because you get off on confrontation and your ever-present condescending tone.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, November 16, 2018 8:06 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Not a big surprise here. I've been arguing this very point with JSF for a long time now.

I'm only arguing over the peanuts with you because you get off on confrontation and your ever-present condescending tone.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

6ix, you are so satisfied with your self and your progress that it makes me want to kick you until you wake up and look around at what you did this week and be awake enough to maybe stop doing it next week.

Trump has been and still is full of hot air and yet 42% approve of him right now.

That 42% are wrong about far more than Trump. They use the same brain that approves of Trump for all their daily decisions. I see these people out in the real world. They are making bad decisions every week, not just election day. MAGA means they need to fix their decision making process and stop telling themselves they are doing the best they can and Trump is doing the best he can.

If that 42% of Trump approvers can't spot what is broken about Trump, things he needs to fix about himself, they can't spot what is wrong with themselves to fix it. And there is no government powerful enough to fix it for them.

Here is one thing broken about Trump. He is the Vaporware President:

Step 1: Propose something ridiculous.

Step 2: Cause chaos but don't deliver it.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Did you enjoy President Trump’s military parade?

The parade was scheduled for November 10.

Last winter Trump announced that he was going to stage a military parade.

Then it was revealed that the parade would cost $12 million, just $2 million less than what the now-canceled military exercises with South Korea would have cost, which Trump has described as ‘tremendously expensive’.

Eventually the budget ballooned to $92 million.

In August, Trump announced that he was canceling the parade. And in the same breath he suggested that the real parade will really, truly, take place next year.

And if you believe that, I’ve got a wall to sell you.

Welcome to the vaporware presidency.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, November 16, 2018 8:17 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Not a big surprise here. I've been arguing this very point with JSF for a long time now.

I'm only arguing over the peanuts with you because you get off on confrontation and your ever-present condescending tone.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

6ix, you are so satisfied with your self and your progress that it makes me want to kick you until you wake up and look around at what you did this week and be awake enough to maybe stop doing it next week.

Meaning what, exactly?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, November 16, 2018 9:26 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Meaning what, exactly?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

We all know how business handles failed decisions. When enough bad decisions have finally been made: bankruptcy, either voluntarily or forced. Funny how that happened to Trump six times. He claims only four times. The same happens to people. They get fired. They slowly spiral downward and end up dead before their time. It could happen to you, 6ix.

I could give a dozen examples of real people failing (while wrongly and ridiculously thinking they were making good decisions) and ending up dead before their time, but business failure is less emotional. Here is one: Jeff Bezos makes surprise admission about Amazon's life span: 'Amazon will fail. Amazon will go bankrupt'

Bezos said that the goal was to delay the inevitable for as long as possible. "Amazon will go bankrupt. If you look at large companies, their lifespans tend to be 30-plus years, not a hundred-plus years."

6ix, I really can't tell how ridiculous your decisions are because I am too far away. But I have my suspicions your ordinary decisions (disconnected from politics) are wrong. I've got certainty that Trump's decisions are ridiculously wrong and the fact that 42% approve of him says something completely damning about that 42%. The ones I know in the real world who are in the 42% have seriously screwed up their lives. But they can't see it, no more than they can see what has always been seriously wrong with Trump. I will go to the funerals for many of those 42 percenters, but there are more steps to ruining a life than the final step of dying. I have already have gone to some since Trump was elected.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, November 16, 2018 10:42 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by second:
6ix, you are so satisfied with your self and your progress that it makes me want to kick you until you wake up and look around at what you did this week and be awake enough to maybe stop doing it next week.

That's his charm, isn't it?
I'm sure you remember Frem trying something similar. For frellin' years. I see no change, no capacity or desire to listen or learn from others.


Friday, November 16, 2018 12:04 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

That's his charm, isn't it?
I'm sure you remember Frem trying something similar. For frellin' years. I see no change, no capacity or desire to listen or learn from others.

Trump is the same way. So are the 42% who approve of him today.

Here is an example: Trump, 2 years ago and continuing today, attacks Jeff Bezos. Trump was bragging in 2016 that he would win vast sums of money suing Bezos for publishing "fake" news about Trump. Trump hasn't gotten any money. The truth is that none of the news was "fake". It was Trump who was the faker about Bezos in February 2016. The people who approved of Trump back then have no excuse for not knowing he keeps faking it in 2018. Yet 42% of Americans still approve of him. That says something is seriously wrong with that 42%. They need to fix themselves, as does Trump. But I don't expect Trump to ever apologize for being fake, making his switch to doing right very difficult while he is President. He may never switch to doing right if he keeps on this path.

The front-running Republican candidate for the US presidency promises to take aim at Amazon, its founder Jeff Bezos and the entire media, if elected.

"I have respect for Jeff Bezos, but he bought The Washington Post to have political influence, and I gotta tell you, we have a different country than we used to have," Trump said during a speech in Texas on Friday (see clip below). "He wants political influence so that Amazon will benefit from it. That's not right. And believe me, if I become president, oh, do they have problems. They're going to have such problems."

Trump seems to be taking aim at Bezos because he's upset with The Washington Post's coverage of his campaign, which he called "unfair," going on to say that he would use libel laws to go after the press in the courts. (He also mentioned The New York Times.)

"When they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money," he said later in the same speech.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, November 16, 2018 12:13 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The problem with Conservative economic doctrine

That doctrine is all about the supposed need to give the already privileged more incentives to do nice things for the rest of us. We must, the right wing says, cut taxes on the wealthy to induce them to work hard, and cut taxes on corporations to induce them to invest in America.

But this doctrine keeps failing in practice. President George W. Bush’s tax cuts didn’t produce a boom; President Barack Obama’s tax hike didn’t cause a depression. Tax cuts in Kansas didn’t jump-start the state’s economy; tax hikes in California didn’t slow growth.

And with the Trump tax cut, the doctrine has failed again. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to get politicians to understand something when their campaign contributions depend on their not understanding it.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, November 16, 2018 12:46 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by second:
6ix, you are so satisfied with your self and your progress that it makes me want to kick you until you wake up and look around at what you did this week and be awake enough to maybe stop doing it next week.

That's his charm, isn't it?
I'm sure you remember Frem trying something similar. For frellin' years. I see no change, no capacity or desire to listen or learn from others.

Just what is it that I'm supposed to learn from Second here?

He's not answering the question.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, November 16, 2018 7:17 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by second:
6ix, you are so satisfied with your self and your progress that it makes me want to kick you until you wake up and look around at what you did this week and be awake enough to maybe stop doing it next week.

That's his charm, isn't it?
I'm sure you remember Frem trying something similar. For frellin' years. I see no change, no capacity or desire to listen or learn from others.

Just what is it that I'm supposed to learn from Second here?

He's not answering the question.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I agree guys and have no intention of letting him think he is otherwise.


Hey, you guys know what white supremacist hate more than Jews, Polaks. Who here fits that description? kiki and sig to name two. Who loves the Polak hater Trump, kiki and sig to name two.

Fucking dummies


Saturday, November 17, 2018 7:18 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Just what is it that I'm supposed to learn from Second here?

He's not answering the question.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

What are you suppose to learn? That your judgment is no damn good. Good luck with the rest of your life, and that applies to the 42% of Americans who still approve of Trump, because you people are going to need luck if you can't understand how Trump is screwing you. You will be so very lucky if you don't get screwed by a hundred other American con-men in the same way Trump is cheating you.

"There's a sucker/Trump-voter born every minute" -

Trump is not America’s first showman turned politician.

One Trump role model, the 19th-century entrepreneurial egotist P.T. Barnum, parlayed his fame as a bigmouth impresario into actual political power, serving two terms in the Connecticut legislature and one term as the mayor of Bridgeport. Having labeled himself “a bit of a P.T. Barnum, I make stars out of everyone,” Trump should learn from his self-promoting predecessor. For all his shenanigans as the ultimate flimflam man, Phineas T. Barnum was one classy, downright idealistic, politician.

More at "P.T. Barnum Makes Trump Look Like a Clown"

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, November 17, 2018 7:26 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Arabian Prince ordered killing of an American resident. This complicates the Trump’s efforts to preserve his relationship with Saudi Arabia, but I'm sure he can pretend he does not believe it is true or that he wasn't informed by the CIA. Playing dumb is all part of the Art of the Con by Donald Trump.

In reaching its conclusions, the CIA examined multiple sources of intelligence, including a phone call that the prince’s brother Khalid bin Salman, the Saudi ambassador to the United States, had with Khashoggi, according to the people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the intelligence. Khalid told Khashoggi, a contributing columnist to The Washington Post, that he should go to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul to retrieve the documents and gave him assurances that it would be safe to do so.

It is not clear if Khalid knew that Khashoggi would be killed, but he made the call at his brother’s direction, according to the people familiar with the call, which was intercepted by U.S. intelligence.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, November 17, 2018 10:39 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Just what is it that I'm supposed to learn from Second here?

He's not answering the question.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

What are you suppose to learn? That your judgment is no damn good. Good luck with the rest of your life, and that applies to the 42% of Americans who still approve of Trump, because you people are going to need luck if you can't understand how Trump is screwing you. You will be so very lucky if you don't get screwed by a hundred other American con-men in the same way Trump is cheating you.

"There's a sucker/Trump-voter born every minute" -

Trump is not America’s first showman turned politician.

One Trump role model, the 19th-century entrepreneurial egotist P.T. Barnum, parlayed his fame as a bigmouth impresario into actual political power, serving two terms in the Connecticut legislature and one term as the mayor of Bridgeport. Having labeled himself “a bit of a P.T. Barnum, I make stars out of everyone,” Trump should learn from his self-promoting predecessor. For all his shenanigans as the ultimate flimflam man, Phineas T. Barnum was one classy, downright idealistic, politician.

More at "P.T. Barnum Makes Trump Look Like a Clown"

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I see what the problem here is. You're a Partiest. It's like a racist, but with political parties instead.

Your single example of why I should vote against Trump is that the tax returns didn't benefit me, when I laid out how I got a 6% boost in pay because of them. It's not much, but then again I don't make much either.

You're on the right track when it comes to money. My biggest argument against Trump is the same argument I had about both Obama and GWB in that they are horrible shepherds of our "wealth" as a nation.

There's a lot of other reasons that I voted for Trump, however, and Hillary Clinton's disgusting ass is one of them. Put up a real candidate, for starters, then start throwing extremists like Antifa out of your party for making you all look so terrible.

CNN actually started the ball rolling on the latter and called out Antifa for the violent fringe movement that it is.

You have absolutely nothing to teach me Second if your only lesson is "Vote Democrat or you're dumb".

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, November 17, 2018 1:35 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by second:
Good luck with the rest of your life, and that applies to the 42% of Americans who still approve of Trump, because you people are going to need luck if you can't understand how Trump is screwing you.

And if democrats don't do anything different, how are they any better?


Saturday, November 17, 2018 2:42 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


I want the democrats to be better. I want them to tell me their plan to improve not just my life, but the lives of all the people in the country who work for a living. I want them to explain how they'll move the Doomsday Clock back from 2 minutes till midnight. I want them to propose laws that demonstrate they'll buck tptb to stop global warming.


Saturday, November 17, 2018 4:31 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

I want the democrats to be better. I want them to tell me their plan to improve not just my life, but the lives of all the people in the country who work for a living. I want them to explain how they'll move the Doomsday Clock back from 2 minutes till midnight. I want them to propose laws that demonstrate they'll buck tptb to stop global warming.


Simply screaming "Russia!" or "Trump is a Nazi!" is not a valid political platform.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, November 18, 2018 8:54 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:

I want the democrats to be better. I want them to tell me their plan to improve not just my life, but the lives of all the people in the country who work for a living. I want them to explain how they'll move the Doomsday Clock back from 2 minutes till midnight. I want them to propose laws that demonstrate they'll buck tptb to stop global warming.

That's nice. But that is like wishing for The Cure for Cancer. Nobody knows how. They can knock off a few pieces of the problem with surgery, radiation, chemo, but they can't solve more than a little of a big problem that is built into humans. Much more helpful, you can tell people to stop smoking and stop eating that terrible diet that they are shoving in their mouths, and some of the problems of cancer will be solved, but people won't stop. Instead, they want a magic pill. It is the same with their politics. They want magical, easy solutions that don't cost them money and don't require effort from them or else they are switching their vote or refusing to vote or are throwing a tantrum.

If the Democrats offer a very real 50% solution, a partial solution, and the Republicans offer a very false 100% solution, Americans split the difference between the two parties and get disgusted with both parties because nobody is giving them 100% of what they want. They want a magic pill in the form of a vote once every four years. They sure as hell don't want to pay the cost for climate control or anything else. If the Democrats ask Americans to burn less fossil fuel, the majority of Americans will vote for Republicans because the GOP won't ask because the GOP has a magical solution that doesn't cost money. A majority of Americans (D, R, or Independent) are delusional about how difficult it is to actually solve real problems. From their childish delusions all the chaos of American politics arises.

Personally, I am willing to take a half a loaf from the Democrats, because they deliver their partial solutions: Social Security, Medicare, smaller deficits, cleaner air. But I am attracted by the GOP's low taxes on the wealthy. I vote for Democrats but I will take the millions the GOP dumps into my bank account. Trump loves me because I am like him, while Hillary would have raised my taxes, expecting me to make a small sacrifice for a balanced budget.

"Deficit in first 11 months of Fiscal Year 2018 rises by a third vs year ago"

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, November 18, 2018 12:54 PM



Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, November 18, 2018 2:00 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I remember you were expecting great things from voting for Trump. I got what I expected: a big tax cut designed to benefit Trump and me. I'm eager to see him make real the other signature Trump policies: kicking 22 million illegal aliens out, the Wall, denuclearizing N Korea and Iran, bringing millions of factory jobs from China to America, Trump-care far better than Obamacare, but since those other policies don't benefit Trump's bank account, I'm not betting my money those will happen. He and the GOP will make noises, make empty claims, not perform, and as always, blame the Democrats.

Oh, and because there will be at least 34 GOP Senators and 5 GOP Supreme Court Justices and hundreds of GOP Federal judges, the GOP will be able to sabotage anything Democrats do. Then the GOP can blame the Democrats for the GOP's sabotage. Perfection!

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, November 18, 2018 2:59 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I remember you were expecting great things from voting for Trump.
Bullshit. Once again you're arguing with the voices in your head.

Here's a plan, SECOND: If you want to argue with Texas Republicans, argue with them there. There aren't any over here.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Sunday, November 18, 2018 6:24 PM


Yeah. Pretty much bullshit right there.

I dunno. My memory is a little foggy pre-election since I was twoards the end of my drinking days and the most out of control at that time. Maybe I did say something along those lines. It could have been dead serious or it could have been trolling. I'd have to be presented with quotes that weren't taken out of context.

I certainly wouldn't have voted for Hillary had I been sober. 2 years later and I still know that I made the right choice.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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