A thread for Democrats Only

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Wednesday, April 29, 2020 7:58 AM


I guess the Republicans base would seem to be radicalizing from the perspective of Democrats swinging so far left they're falling off of a cliff.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, April 30, 2020 7:55 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

When the country’s as divided as it’s been, it really is unhealthy and dangerous for all of us. We really can’t escape each other and we need a sense of what it means to be part of this country that doesn’t simply dismiss half the population, whether it’s the half that is in the service worker class, or the half that is of a different political party, or the half that’s a different color.

I’ve long thought that Sarah Palin’s nomination was a kind of Rubicon-crossing moment for the country. Palin was Donald Trump’s “John the Baptist,” a messenger being sent ahead.

Trump has so many of Palin’s qualities, her love of attention and celebrity, and her willingness to say anything and her contempt for people who are experts. We were still moving in that direction, but we just weren’t quite ready for her or Trump yet.

I remember being in Ohio in September 2008, just after McCain picked Palin and she made her sensational debut at the Republican convention, and I was sitting in a diner with some Ohio women who were saying how much they liked her and how she reminded them of themselves and she could fit right in here with us, and she’s just like us.

And I remember thinking, “Why do you want to be led by someone just like you who knows no more than you do, who has no more expertise than you? Would you want your heart surgeon to be someone just like you?” It told me that there was a sense that government, among some voters, was no longer something that required expertise or qualification or excellence, but rather it was more like a show. People just wanted someone to stick it to the other side. Partisanship isn’t new, it’s as old as the republic, but partisanship leading to the collapse of government felt new.

Something like 62 million people voted for Trump, and that was a vote for chaos, for disruption, and it was a vote against expertise, against experience. Now, I know there are a lot of reasons why people voted for Trump and it’s complicated, but we also can’t deny this part of the story and we can’t pretend that a lot of people didn’t want to break the government.

One thing that struck me about Trump’s rallies was that they had very little positive content, very little uplift. Even a demagogue needs to give his people a vision that inspires them, that makes them willing to work long hours and to sacrifice. That was not Trump. He’s something else altogether. Trump was a showman who brought out people’s lowest instincts and made them acceptable, made them desirable.

I remember in 2015, before the primaries began, I was talking to some striking steelworkers in eastern Ohio and I wanted to talk to them about politics, and they were on a picket line and so they were willing and able to talk, and it turned out none of them were for Jeb Bush, who was the frontrunner, and none of them were for Hillary Clinton, who was the frontrunner. They were all for either Bernie Sanders or Trump. And that had something to do with their general disgust with things as they are.

And I asked one of the guys about Trump, and he said to me something like, “He is like a mirror that reflects back the way they see us.” And the “they” was people who were going to vote for Clinton, who talked about the “deplorables.” The steelworkers knew Trump was a buffoon, but they also had this feeling of, “Okay, you want deplorable, I’ll give you deplorable.” And Trump was a vehicle for that feeling, a nihilistic vehicle, and he just had no vision of any good society behind any of it.

The failures the US is witnessing predate Trump. Sarah Palin’s nomination for vice president in 2008 was a real sign that things had gone off the rails during George Bush’s train-wreck Presidency. Palin showed that the Republican Party had given up on the idea that government can solve problems and that there’s a common good for all Americans – for Americans not like Palin.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, April 30, 2020 11:53 AM



Originally posted by second:
When the country’s as divided as it’s been, it really is unhealthy and dangerous for all of us.

Any graph will show you the wild swing to the left that a majority of people who align themselves with the Democratic Party have taken while the Conservative needle hasn't moved much.

Fix your party. Fix the country.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, May 1, 2020 8:07 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
When the country’s as divided as it’s been, it really is unhealthy and dangerous for all of us.

Any graph will show you the wild swing to the left that a majority of people who align themselves with the Democratic Party have taken while the Conservative needle hasn't moved much.

Fix your party. Fix the country.

The last big fix was the end of slavery. Were the abolitionists able to persuade millions of Southern citizens to peacefully and reasonably change? No. It had to be an all out war. Other countries could end slavery without a million tragic deaths, but not the US. We went for the maximum drama and irrational shouting and killing. It was not the abolitionists that started the Civil War. To see how less emotionally unstable nations solved the slavery problem, read Slavery Abolition Act United Kingdom [1834].

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, May 1, 2020 8:08 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Thomas Piketty’s new book, Capital and Ideology, published in March 2020, coincides with what could prove to be a strong leftist assault on the citadels of Capitalism. In the US, his collaborators Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman at Berkeley simultaneously advised Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, who both proposed wealth taxes, during their Democratic nominee campaigns.

Capital and Ideology starts from the premise that inequality is a political choice. It is something societies opt for, not the inevitable outcome of technology and globalization. To Piketty, history is a battle of ideas.

Every unequal society, he says, creates an ideology to justify inequality—that allows the rich to fall asleep in their townhouses while the homeless freeze outside. He recounts the justifications that recur throughout history: “The wealth will trickle down”. “The rich will give it back through philanthropy”. “Property is liberty”. “The poor are undeserving”. “Once you start redistributing wealth, you won’t know where to stop”. “Communism failed”. “The money will go to black people”—an argument that explains, Piketty says, why inequality is extreme in countries with historic racial divides such as Brazil, South Africa and the US.

Another common justification is that the rich deserve their wealth. Piketty, who describes entrepreneurs such as Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg as “oligarchs”, disagrees. He points out that both men benefited from public infrastructure, public education, decades of computer science and the invention of the internet. He sighs, exasperated: “Because they own $100 billion in the current state of the legal system, the current state of the fiscal system, the current way the international economy is organized, people say, ‘OK, $100 billion, exactly the right level.’ But with a different legal system, different international taxation, it could be 200, it could be 50. So what would be the story? Any level that they will attain, it will be the best? This kind of sacralization of special individuals is a form of religious thought. People who use this kind of argument: ‘He's great, therefore—‘ therefore what? Therefore we should subsidize him so that he's even richer?”

All these justifications for inequality add up to what Piketty calls “sacralization of property”. But today, he writes, these justifications have frayed. Ever fewer people believe them. There’s growing belief that so-called meritocracy has been subverted by the rich, who get their children into the best universities, buy politicians and dodge taxes.

Capital and Ideology draws on a more global array of data than the previous book. Piketty has assembled his figures into a shocking picture. Russia—which from 1990 to 2000 experienced the largest rise of inequality ever recorded—and notionally communist China have no inheritance tax at all, marvels Piketty. “They privatised everything to people close to the political regime, and then they can transmit everything with zero percent tax.”

Even in relatively equal Europe, the concentration of wealth is “stunning” and growing: “The bottom 40 percent owns barely five percent of the wealth, while the top ten percent owns 50-60 percent.”

But it’s Piketty’s data for the US that is so breathtaking that you sometimes have to read a sentence twice to be sure it says what you think it does. The top 1 percent of Americans now earn a total of over 20 percent of national income; the bottom 50 percent has just 12 percent. The average income of an American top one-percenter in 2015 was $1.3 million. For those in the bottom half, it was $15,000, a figure almost unchanged in 40 years. Five years later, it’s about $16,000.

Inequality is a political choice. It is something societies opt for, not the inevitable outcome of technology and globalization.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, May 1, 2020 8:14 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
When the country’s as divided as it’s been, it really is unhealthy and dangerous for all of us.

Any graph will show you the wild swing to the left that a majority of people who align themselves with the Democratic Party have taken while the Conservative needle hasn't moved much.

Fix your party. Fix the country.

The last big fix was the end of slavery. Were the abolitionists able to persuade millions of Southern citizens to peacefully and reasonably change? No. It had to be an all out war. Other countries could end slavery without a million tragic deaths, but not the US. We went for the maximum drama and irrational shouting and killing. It was not the abolitionists that started the Civil War. To see how less emotionally unstable nations solved the slavery problem, read Slavery Abolition Act United Kingdom [1834].

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

It must have been tough for Democrats to lose their slaves.

Not really though. They still have them. They just pay them better today.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, May 1, 2020 8:18 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
When the country’s as divided as it’s been, it really is unhealthy and dangerous for all of us.

Any graph will show you the wild swing to the left that a majority of people who align themselves with the Democratic Party have taken while the Conservative needle hasn't moved much.

Fix your party. Fix the country.

The last big fix was the end of slavery. Were the abolitionists able to persuade millions of Southern citizens to peacefully and reasonably change? No. It had to be an all out war. Other countries could end slavery without a million tragic deaths, but not the US. We went for the maximum drama and irrational shouting and killing. It was not the abolitionists that started the Civil War. To see how less emotionally unstable nations solved the slavery problem, read Slavery Abolition Act United Kingdom [1834].

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

It must have been tough for Democrats to lose their slaves.

Not really though. They still have them. They just pay them better today.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

An extremely short story about the mental difference between liberals and conservatives:

One day, little Frank told his mother, Agnes, that his younger brother, Michael, was, unfortunately, a conservative:

You see, I asked him, “Michael are you a liberal or a conservative?” And he said “What does that mean?” And I said “Do you want to make things better by changing them or do you want to keep things as they are?” And he said—“I want to keep things.” So he must be a conservative.

The two brothers later diverged in religious matters as well. Frank was an atheist by the age of thirteen; Michael entered the Anglican Church and became the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, May 1, 2020 8:23 AM



Back on the topic of Democratic Slavery...

You can't tell me a party doesn't view their people as just cattle when I drive through Gary, IN and see signs everywhere that just say "Vote Democrat" with the date on them.

No candidates named whatsoever. Just pay your vote to keep all the free shit we're giving you while oppressing you and assuming that you will always be stupid and just do what we tell you to do while we keep all the rewards to ourselves and let the towns fall into disrepair and allow the violence in your neighborhood to stay so bad that even the cops won't go there. And if you dare vote anything other than Democrat we will shame the fuck out of you, Uncle Tom.

Remember. Vote Democrat, Tuesday November 3rd.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, May 1, 2020 8:51 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Back on the topic of Democratic Slavery...

You can't tell me a party doesn't view their people as just cattle when I drive through Gary, IN and see signs everywhere that just say "Vote Democrat" with the date on them.

No candidates named whatsoever. Just pay your vote to keep all the free shit we're giving you while oppressing you and assuming that you will always be stupid and just do what we tell you to do while we keep all the rewards to ourselves and let the towns fall into disrepair and allow the violence in your neighborhood to stay so bad that even the cops won't go there. And if you dare vote anything other than Democrat we will shame the fuck out of you, Uncle Tom.

Remember. Vote Democrat, Tuesday November 3rd.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

6ix, like natural born Republicans in Texas, you hate niggers, but will loudly claim you are not a racist so I checked for the reason Gary, Indiana bothers you: In Gary 80.92% of the population is Black or African American. Gary is #2 on the list of Cities with the largest percentage of black or African American people.

Unsurprising that 6ix is a flat out racist. Trump says he is the 'least racist person anywhere in the world' LOL
"Trump Is a Racist. If You Still Support Him, So Are You."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, May 1, 2020 11:56 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Back on the topic of Democratic Slavery...

You can't tell me a party doesn't view their people as just cattle when I drive through Gary, IN and see signs everywhere that just say "Vote Democrat" with the date on them.

No candidates named whatsoever. Just pay your vote to keep all the free shit we're giving you while oppressing you and assuming that you will always be stupid and just do what we tell you to do while we keep all the rewards to ourselves and let the towns fall into disrepair and allow the violence in your neighborhood to stay so bad that even the cops won't go there. And if you dare vote anything other than Democrat we will shame the fuck out of you, Uncle Tom.

Remember. Vote Democrat, Tuesday November 3rd.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

6ix, like natural born Republicans in Texas, you hate niggers, but will loudly claim you are not a racist so I checked for the reason Gary, Indiana bothers you: In Gary 80.92% of the population is Black or African American. Gary is #2 on the list of Cities with the largest percentage of black or African American people.

Unsurprising that 6ix is a flat out racist. Trump says he is the 'least racist person anywhere in the world' LOL
"Trump Is a Racist. If You Still Support Him, So Are You."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Somebody ought to do a google search on your handle and see how many times you've used that word. No less than a dozen by now. I honestly don't know what makes you feel entitled to use it... and so often too.

You don't get to win an argument by calling somebody a racist without any actual evidence to back that up.

Democrats are the party of racism. Period.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, May 2, 2020 10:07 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Why I'm skeptical about Reade's sexual assault claim against Biden

During 28 years as a state and federal prosecutor, I prosecuted a lot of sexual assault cases. But as the news media have investigated Reade’s allegations, I’ve become increasingly skeptical. Here are some of the reasons why:

Reade's Compliments for Biden. In the 1990s, Biden worked to pass the Violence Against Women Act. In 2017, on multiple occasions, Reade retweeted or “liked” praise for Biden and his work combating sexual assault. In the same year, Reade tweeted other compliments of Biden, including: “My old boss speaks truth. Listen.” It is bizarre that Reade would publicly laud Biden for combating the very thing she would later accuse him of doing to her.

Reade's Rejecting Biden, embracing Sanders. By this January, Reade was all in for presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Her unwavering support was accompanied by an unbridled attack on Biden. In an article on Medium, Reade referred to Biden as “the blue version of Trump.” Reade also pushed a Sanders/Elizabeth Warren ticket, while complaining that the Democratic National Committee was trying to “shove” Biden “down Democrat voters throats.”

Suspect timing. Biden's string of March primary victories threw Sanders off his seemingly unstoppable path to the Democratic nomination. On March 25, as Sanders was pondering his political future, Reade finally went public with her claim. The confluence of Reade’s support of Sanders and the timing of her allegation should give pause to even the most strident Biden critics.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, May 2, 2020 10:59 AM



Originally posted by second:
Why I'm skeptical about Reade's sexual assault claim against Biden

Just an FYI, buddy.

I'm skeptical about Reade's sexual assault claim against Biden.

Anybody who has a clear motive for doing so should be met with plenty of skeptisism. #BelieveAllWoman is bullshit. Women are just as capable of lying as men are.

I don't think Biden did anything, except for possibly making her feel uncomfortable with unwanted advances via words he probably shouldn't have said to her. I've been around old-timer politicians when I worked my first real job and they just talked different. Even though they were all old guys, 50% of what they talked about behind close doors was women and in a way that kind of made my young self laugh because I never was around people who talked about women the way that they did.

But calling that "ASSAULT" is bullshit.

I'll defend Biden on this one.

But my gripe isn't about Biden here. It's about your behavior, and the behavior of everyone on this board who was singing a much different tune about a woman's claims of sexual assault when it was about a guy they did not like.

Would you care for me to dig up posts you and everyone else were making while the Kavanaugh fiasco was going down?

It would be another prime example of the one-sided hypocrisy going on around here, and might actually be a little enlightening for you to read.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, May 2, 2020 11:08 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

But my gripe isn't about Biden here. It's about your behavior, and the behavior of everyone on this board who was singing a much different tune about a woman's claims of sexual assault when it was about a guy they did not like.

Would you care for me to dig up posts you and everyone else were making while the Kavanaugh fiasco was going down?

It would be another prime example of the one-sided hypocrisy going on around here, and might actually be a little enlightening for you to read.

Survivor advocates say Republicans are mischaracterizing the response to the Kavanaugh allegations, arguing that the effort was always to ensure that Blasey Ford’s accusations were fully investigated by the FBI before his Senate confirmation vote.

“The idea that Democrats just reflexively believed Christine Blasey Ford is a completely revisionist version of events,” said Robyn Swirling, founder of Works In Progress, which aims to reduce sexual violence in the workplace. “Democrats called for an FBI investigation, which was obstructed and never thoroughly conducted. All allegations -- whether against a Democrat or a Republican -- should be treated by Democrats and Republicans alike as equally serious matters. Survivors are not political pawns, and shouldn't be used as such to score political points or pursue electoral agendas.”

As Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh prepares for his second year on the Supreme Court, new reporting has detailed how the limits ordered by the White House and Senate Republicans last year constrained the FBI investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, May 2, 2020 11:19 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

But my gripe isn't about Biden here. It's about your behavior, and the behavior of everyone on this board who was singing a much different tune about a woman's claims of sexual assault when it was about a guy they did not like.

Would you care for me to dig up posts you and everyone else were making while the Kavanaugh fiasco was going down?

It would be another prime example of the one-sided hypocrisy going on around here, and might actually be a little enlightening for you to read.

Survivor advocates say Republicans are mischaracterizing the response to the Kavanaugh allegations, arguing that the effort was always to ensure that Blasey Ford’s accusations were fully investigated by the FBI before his Senate confirmation vote.

“The idea that Democrats just reflexively believed Christine Blasey Ford is a completely revisionist version of events,” said Robyn Swirling, founder of Works In Progress, which aims to reduce sexual violence in the workplace. “Democrats called for an FBI investigation, which was obstructed and never thoroughly conducted. All allegations -- whether against a Democrat or a Republican -- should be treated by Democrats and Republicans alike as equally serious matters. Survivors are not political pawns, and shouldn't be used as such to score political points or pursue electoral agendas.”

As Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh prepares for his second year on the Supreme Court, new reporting has detailed how the limits ordered by the White House and Senate Republicans last year constrained the FBI investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Nothing you just posted here changes anything.

Your behavior, and that of Democrats in general is hypocritical. You and other Democrats can deny the double standards you live by all day long, but it doesn't change the fact that they are the only standards you have.

And, once again, I'll follow this up with I support Biden on this.

I felt the need to state that again since you didn't quote that part of what I wrote.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, May 2, 2020 11:28 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Nothing you just posted here changes anything.

Your behavior, and that of Democrats in general is hypocritical. You and other Democrats can deny the double standards you live by all day long, but it doesn't change the fact that they are the only standards you have.

And, once again, I'll follow this up with I support Biden on this.

I felt the need to state that again since you didn't quote that part of what I wrote.

"I'll follow this up with I support Biden on this." - Your support is worthless.

"Your behavior, and that of Democrats in general is hypocritical." -
Your accusations of hypocrisy are hollow, empty, unsupported. Worthless.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 3, 2020 7:56 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump parallel to Slobodan Milosevic, the Serb leader who in died in 2006 in the Hague while on trial for genocide and crimes against humanity committed in the 1990s in Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo:

Trump’s Nationalism Advances on a Predictable Trajectory to Violence. His Supporters Will Kill When They’re Told To.

Ever since Donald Trump declared his presidential candidacy and rank racism in 2015, those of us who’d witnessed the nationalist undoing in the Balkans at the end of the last millennium have found the subsequent rise of Trumpism frighteningly familiar. We quickly recognized a host of nationalist pathologies: the tactical importance of bigotry, since enemies must be ceaselessly identified and hated; a profusion of lies, conspiracy theories, and plain nonsense, since reality is controlled by the enemies (fake news, deep state, etc.) and must be perpetually undone and redone; the coalescing of a diverse political field around a leader and a stupidly conceptual goal (Greatness! Capitalism! Freedom!); loyalist cabals who are vetted, validated, and eliminated by the leader’s whims; and rampant venality combined with a criminal reconfiguration of the economy.

But the most important and troubling symptom is the open and ceaseless commitment to conflict meant to culminate in transformative, cathartic violence; this marks the beginning of collective self-actualization. As we bear witness to armed white American militias storming or protesting outside government institutions, it is clear that the chaos and tragedy of Covid-19 are being used by Trump and the GOP to enhance the conflict and accelerate the birth of a new, greater America. At the heart of every nationalist mythology is some kind of a rebirth, usually bloody and requiring sacrifices, preferably of the weak and the doubtful.

Because those who experienced the bloody undoing of Yugoslavia have already seen the havoc nationalism wreaked in their own lives and countries, it is hard not to worry about its symptoms in America.

The conflictual essence of Trumpism was made fully evident very early, in the course of the Republican primaries in 2016. While all the other GOP candidates tried to validate their garden-variety bigotry by importing fancy reactionary ideas and referring gratuitously to the Bible, the Framers, or some historical figure or another, the only thing Trump consistently offered was his pathological narcissism (exactly matching the popular belief in American exceptionalism) and his penchant for conflict and aggression. He promised, implicitly and explicitly, revenge and punishment for those who wronged white America.

For many of my fellow ex-Yugoslavs, it was instantly clear that once the GOP and Trump committed to conflict, they could never afford to quit, for that would constitute a tactical error leading to an irreversible defeat. They now have no choice but to follow their trajectory to its logical extreme.

When armed Trumpists pretend to be a happening of good people who demand the end of the lockdown, anti-fascist ex-Yugoslavs don’t see an American version of murderous Serbian paramilitaries. What we see with heart-clenching clarity is that the familiar nationalist strategy of perpetually inciting conflict is advancing along a predictable trajectory.

What is even more frightening is the hankering across the political range for a magical national correction, the indulging of a persistent fantasy that some essential American quality (decency, reasonableness, checks and balances, etc.) will finally kick in and halt the Trumpist madness, thus allowing the country to snap out of its nightmare and revert to its good old national essence. That was never going to happen.

What the actual resolution might look like, I fear to envision, but I know it will not resemble anything Americans can remember or dare to imagine.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 3, 2020 9:00 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Nothing you just posted here changes anything.

Your behavior, and that of Democrats in general is hypocritical. You and other Democrats can deny the double standards you live by all day long, but it doesn't change the fact that they are the only standards you have.

And, once again, I'll follow this up with I support Biden on this.

I felt the need to state that again since you didn't quote that part of what I wrote.

"I'll follow this up with I support Biden on this." - Your support is worthless.

Maybe it is.

But I'm not a hypocrite. You are.


"Your behavior, and that of Democrats in general is hypocritical." -
Your accusations of hypocrisy are hollow, empty, unsupported. Worthless.

No there's plenty of it on display in the media, in politics and by you, yourself.

I do agree on that last part though. You are worthless.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, May 6, 2020 7:07 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

“Capital In The 21st Century”: Finally, A Movie That Tells The Story Of How We Got Into This Mess

“The way the elite stays in power, and passes on their privilege to the next generation, is by shaping the way that we think.”

“Capital in the 21st Century” understands that the daily facts about capitalism seem boring, irrelevant, etc., to most people because they’re not part of a story. They’re like baseball scores when you don’t know anything about baseball’s rules or teams or history. But understanding the story of capitalism is like understanding all of that about baseball, plus having a team to root for, and realizing that, if your team loses, you’re going to die. This makes the business section much more exciting.

While no one remembers this, even the Communist Manifesto in 1848 acknowledged the accomplishments of the business class. “The bourgeoisie,” Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote, “has been the first to show what man’s activity can bring about. It has accomplished wonders far surpassing Egyptian pyramids, Roman aqueducts, and Gothic cathedrals.”

The problem was that in the pursuit of profit, capitalism also generated spectacular new forms of exploitation. “Capital in the 21st Century” spends time on examples such as the massive expansion of slavery, the murderous rampages of European colonialism, and “master and servant” laws in the United Kingdom that made it illegal for workers to quit. The movie’s key point about this time is that unbound capitalism made countries richer overall, but there was nothing inherent in it that improved life for regular people. In fact, it was in many ways worse for them than when they were governed by lords and ladies.

Piketty explains that by 1914 in Paris, the top 1 percent owned 70 percent of all wealth, and two-thirds of the population died with nothing. In the face of this raw brutality, all kinds of alternatives, from communism to socialism to Georgism, gained adherents across Europe. Capitalists were petrified. What could they do that wouldn’t require them to share any wealth or power?

“You have this rise in nationalism and competition between European countries,” Piketty says. “Nationalism is often used by elites to make people forget class conflict and instead focus on national identity.”

It can be debated the degree to which berserk nationalism was consciously stoked by Europe’s rulers to distract from their failures. If present-day politics are anything to go by, they likely knew exactly what they were doing. A recent GOP memo for Republican officeholders on how to deal with their coronavirus faceplant told them “don’t defend Trump” — since he’s indefensible — but “attack China.”

In any case, when World War I came, Europe’s leaders thought it was exactly what they needed. A British politician declared England was “at war quite irrespective of party or class.” Germany’s Kaiser was just as happy, proclaiming, “I see no parties anymore, I see only Germans.”

The war was such a catastrophe that it generated exactly what Europe’s elites feared most: a communist revolution. Germany’s cunning plan to send Vladimir Lenin back to Russia in 1917 was history’s greatest own goal, leading directly to the Soviet army occupying Berlin 28 years later.

As “Capital” explains, it was only with the worldwide slaughter of the Second World War that capitalism was willing to make some changes. First of all, the upper class had literally blown up much of its capital, and its power was at a low ebb. Moreover, as Stanford political science professor Francis Fukuyama points out, they were genuinely concerned about losing everything: “The existence of the communist alternative scared the capitalist world into thinking if it didn’t at least address some of the basic inequality issues that they would lose the battle of ideas. … Unless the state tried to do something about jobs, and do enough redistribution to keep people from starving, you wouldn’t have basic social stability.”

This worked. For about 30 years, the film says, societies realized that “capitalism must be harnessed like some wild horse.” This period saw huge increases in wealth for regular workers, and the first widespread middle class in history.

This lasted long enough that many people began to believe this was capitalism’s natural state, and earlier times had been an aberration. But as World War II receded into the distance, capitalism mounted a counterattack with the elections of Ronald Reagan in the U.S. and Margaret Thatcher in the U.K. Their message was that the problem of the 20th century hadn’t been the refusal of capitalism to compromise with human beings, but instead the problem was the few compromises capitalism did make.

The wholesale collapse of communism emboldened capitalism further. With hindsight, it now appears that the decades of middle-class capitalism after World War II was the aberration, and since at least the 1990s we’ve been returning to capitalism’s norm.

This is what frightens Piketty: that we’re poised to rerun the 20th century in some hideously mutated form. “There are always politicians tempted to exploit the rising inequality,” he says. “You could see this very clearly in the world before 1914. And I’m very afraid at the beginning of the 21st century, that because we feel we cannot regulate international capitalism, we cannot properly tax billionaires and multinationals, instead we vent our anger” at other targets. The danger of misdirected rage is now even clearer than when the movie was filmed, as Congress and the Trump administration use the novel coronavirus as an excuse for “just shoveling money to rich people” via complicated but extremely lucrative tax breaks.

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The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 10, 2020 1:23 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

What the Health Care Debate Still Gets Wrong

A decade ago, Harvard surgeon Atul Gawande helped popularize the idea that U.S. health care spending is high because we use too much medicine. He was wrong: it’s the prices, and who pays them.

McAllen, Texas, a poor city at the southern tip of the state, has some of the highest health care spending in the nation.

What was the root of McAllen’s high costs—and, by extension, of all of ours? Gawande quickly cracks the case. “There is overutilization here,” a general surgeon tells him during the trip, “pure and simple.” Patients went to the doctor too often, had too many operations, spent too much time at the hospital, and received too many days of home care. “The primary cause of McAllen’s extreme costs,” Gawande concludes, “was, very simply, the across-the-board overuse of medicine.”

More important than confronting the question of who paid for health care, Gawande argued, was reforming a reckless and inefficient entrepreneurial ethos on the part of medical providers that led to excessive provision of services. His observations squared with decades of research from a group of scholars at Dartmouth. In a slew of influential studies, these investigators demonstrated that health care use (and spending) varies greatly from region to region, and that the people in places that get the most care did not have better health as a consequence. McAllen, Gawande argued, was a microcosm of a whole nation awash in excess health care.

But it turns out that the real cost problem, all along, has been the other half of the spending equation: not the quantity of medical services rendered, but the prices paid by insurers for each unit of care provided. This simple but crucial insight is most frequently attributed to the legendary health economist Uwe Reinhardt, who died two years ago. Reinhardt’s final book, Priced Out: The Economic and Ethical Costs of American Health Care, was published in May, and it provides a cogent synthesis of all the reasons why, as he and his colleagues put it in a celebrated paper in Health Affairs from 2003, “it’s the prices, stupid”—not the quantity of care we receive—that drives our high health spending.

Priced Out provides a useful guide to the U.S. health care system as we head into the 2020 presidential election, and the “price hypothesis” that Reinhardt has injected into health policy conversations has one big advantage over the old “quantity assumption”—namely that it is, roughly speaking, true. And yet it, too, may send us down a garden path again if we are not vigilant to keep the whole system in view. For as Reinhardt’s larger body of work makes clear, we cannot separate high prices from the structural failings of our dysfunctional and regressive health care financing system. Indeed, until we transform who pays for health care, cost containment—and more importantly, health care justice—will remain a distant mirage.

Reinhardt never shied away from issues of ethics or distributive justice in his work, a fact that may owe something to his early life. Born in the German town of Osnabrück around two years before Hitler’s blitzkrieg on Poland, he spent his childhood in a postwar European landscape of “utter misery and desolation,” as the historian Tony Judt once described it. He grew up in an office-sized “tool shed” within a factory that he shared with his mother, grandmother, and four siblings, he recalled in a 1992 interview with the Journal of the American Medical Association. They lacked running water, and stole fuel and food when they needed it. Yet amidst this poverty, there was one thing that his family never went without. “When we needed medical care,” he said in the interview, “we got it at the local hospital, no questions asked. When you were sick, society was there for you.” At that time Germany already had a nearly universal health care system.

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The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 10, 2020 10:19 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Twenty-five million workers or more could lose employer-based health insurance due to COVID-19-related unemployment.

How the COVID-19 Recession Could Affect Health Insurance Coverage

Does the GOP have an answer? No. Do the Democrats? Yes. So does the GOP: the GOP Senators will block the Democrats.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, May 11, 2020 3:33 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

19 times Trump called jobs numbers ‘fake’

“Don’t believe these phony numbers,” Trump told supporters in February 2016. “The number is probably 28, 29, as high as 35 [percent]. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent.”

April’s unemployment rate is 14.7 percent, which is excellent compared to 42 percent Trump imagined Obams's unemployment rate was.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 12, 2020 9:14 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Remember when President Trump refused to release his tax returns?

Before his election, Citizen Trump said many times that he would release his income tax returns.

Today the Supreme Court hears Trump's argument to keep his returns a secret. He lost that argument in six previous court cases, appealed the decisions, and can win this time with 5 Republican Justices deciding his case, two of which he appointed for their loyalty to him.

Listen live: Supreme Court hears blockbuster battles over Trump financial records

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 12, 2020 10:20 AM



Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Saturday, May 16, 2020 6:20 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

House passes $3 trillion coronavirus aid bill opposed by Trump

The No. 2 Republican, Steve Scalise, urged the House to defeat the huge bill, calling it a “socialist giveaway” and blaming China, where the coronavirus emerged late last year, for the suffering brought by the pandemic.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 17, 2020 7:35 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Republican Foreign Policy

As early as 1965, on his first visit to Vietnam, Kissinger had concluded that the war there was a lost cause, and Nixon believed the same. Yet they conspired to prolong it even before reaching the White House. During the Paris peace talks, in 1968, Kissinger, who was there as a consultant, passed information about the negotiations to the Nixon campaign, which started to fear that Johnson’s progress toward a settlement would bring the Democrats electoral victory. Nixon’s campaign then used this information in private talks with the South Vietnamese to dissuade them from taking part in the talks.

Having won the election promising “an honorable end to the war,” Nixon wanted to appear to be in pursuit of peace while still inflicting enough damage on North Vietnam to achieve concessions. In March, 1969, he and Kissinger began a secret bombing campaign in Cambodia, which was a staging ground for the Vietcong and the North Vietnamese. In four years, the U.S. military dropped more bombs on Cambodia than it had in the entire Pacific theatre during the Second World War. The campaign killed an estimated hundred thousand civilians, hastened the rise of Pol Pot, and irrevocably ravaged large tracts of countryside. It also fell so far short of its strategic aims that more than one historian has wondered whether Kissinger—who personally tweaked the schedules of the bombing runs and the allocation of planes—had some other motive. But, as Grandin writes, “he had built his own perpetual motion machine; the purpose of American power was to create an awareness of American purpose.”

But Kissinger’s argument rested on a disastrous miscalculation of America’s capacities. How would the credibility of the United States be enhanced by dragging out a war against a fourth-rate power? How, to paraphrase John Kerry, do you ask thirty thousand American soldiers to die so that the thirty thousand soldiers before them will not have died in vain?

As it was, each successive American initiative eroded credibility rather than reinforced it. Not even the Christmas bombing of North Vietnam, in 1972, the largest of the war, could convince the North Vietnamese to renegotiate. The young Foreign Service officer John Negroponte offered a wry postmortem, which Kissinger never forgave: “We bombed the North Vietnamese into accepting our concessions.”

Gewen defends Kissinger’s idea that every political event anywhere in the world demands a response somewhere else, a view that, in practice, made every pawn appear to be a threatened queen. When Nixon and Kissinger backed the Pakistani President Yahya Khan’s genocidal campaign against East Pakistan, in 1971, they did so to show the Soviets that America was “tough.” Four years later, Kissinger’s sign-off on the Indonesian President Suharto’s genocidal campaign in East Timor was meant to signal that America would unquestioningly reward those who had decimated Communists within their reach. In retrospect, the notion that everything America did would be duly registered and responded to by its opponents and friends seems like an expression of geopolitical narcissism. At the time, the thirty-three-year-old senator Joe Biden accused Kissinger, at a Senate hearing, of trying to promulgate “a global Monroe Doctrine.”

When Chile elected the socialist Salvador Allende as President, in 1970, Nixon and Kissinger resolved to remove him. The fact that Allende was popularly elected made him only more dangerous in their eyes. “I don’t see why we have to stand by and watch a country go Communist because of the irresponsibility of its own people,” Kissinger observed. Gewen thinks this quip captures the tragic dilemma of Kissinger’s relationship to democracy and power. Gewen lists the sins and foibles of Allende—including “pernicious” wage increases for workers and indoctrinating the young in the “values of socialist humanism”—but withholds such scrutiny from his successor, the right-wing dictator General Augusto Pinochet, whose power the U.S. helped consolidate, and who, if one has the rise of Hitler in mind, seems rather more germane.

Similarly questionable is Gewen’s assertion that “what cannot be dismissed is the Nixon/Kissinger worry that Chile under Allende was a paving stone on the road to Soviet hegemony.” In fact, the Soviet Union had scaled back its rivalry with the U.S. in the developing world, where countering China now diluted its resources. The Cuban missile crisis, in 1962, and a failed attempt to establish a submarine base in Cuba, eight years later, had soured any hope for developing a true proxy state in Latin America. The Kremlin leadership was reluctant to increase the pittance it sent to Chile, knowing that Allende would spend it on badly needed American imports.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, May 18, 2020 6:11 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump’s reelection strategy is to blame Obama and Biden

His electoral path has narrowed rapidly since the onset of the pandemic, as the growth-and-prosperity theme of his campaign disintegrated. In private, Mr. Trump has been plainly aggrieved at the loss of his central argument for re-election. “They wiped out my economy!” he has said to aides, according to people briefed on the remarks.

It is unclear whether he has been referring to China, where the virus originated, or health experts who have urged widespread lockdowns, but his frustration and determination to place blame elsewhere have been emphatic.

Ken Goldstein, a professor of politics at the University of San Francisco, said that Mr. Trump and his campaign were going on the offensive in nasty ways in an attempt to shift the attention of the public away from him and onto other targets, and ultimately onto Mr. Biden.

“If this election is about Trump, he probably loses,” Mr. Goldstein said. “Trump’s only hope is to make the election about Biden.”

A number of Republican operatives believe Mr. Biden’s advantage is soft and that his penchant for gaffes will at least make the race more competitive than it would otherwise be amid a pandemic and an incipient economic depression.

“We have a very good story to tell on him and we’ve got to do it,” said Corry Bliss, a Republican strategist, of the negative narrative his party aims to generate about Mr. Biden.

Still, Mr. Trump’s behavior has rattled even some supportive Republicans, who believe it is likely to backfire and possibly cost them the Senate as well as the White House. It has also further alarmed Democrats, who have long warned that Mr. Trump would be willing to use every lever of presidential power and deploy even the most unscrupulous campaign tactics to capture a second term.

In many respects Mr. Trump’s approach to the 2020 election looks like a crude approximation of the way he waged the 2016 campaign against Hillary Clinton, attacking her personal ethics, often in false or exaggerated terms; taking Mrs. Clinton’s admitted errors and distorting them with the help of online disinformation merchants; and making wild claims about her physical health and mental capacity for the job. Given that the 2016 campaign — the only one Mr. Trump has ever run — ended in a razor-thin victory for him, it is perhaps not surprising that the president would attempt a kind of sequel in 2020.

Mr. Trump has instruments available to him in 2020 that he did not have as a candidate four years ago — tools like a politically supportive attorney general, a Republican-controlled Senate determined to defend him and a vastly better financed campaign apparatus that has been constructed with the defining purpose of destroying his opponent’s reputation.

His attacks over the last week on Mr. Obama have showcased Mr. Trump’s persistent determination to weaponize those tools to bolster a favorite political narrative, one that distorts the facts about Mr. Flynn, the president’s former national security adviser, in order to spin sinister implications about the previous administration.

But Mr. Trump also appears to genuinely believe many of the conspiratorial claims he makes, people close to him say, and his anger at Mr. Obama is informed less by political strategy than by an unbending — and unsubstantiated — belief that the former president was personally involved in a plot against him.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, May 20, 2020 8:54 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Suppose that the epidemiologists are right, and that premature reopening leads to a second wave of Covid-19 infections. What we’ll need in that case is a second lockdown. But all indications are that Republicans are totally opposed to extending unemployment benefits in order to force employees back to work sooner. Republican also want to decrease the amount paid in unemployment benefits for the same reason.

What Republicans want, instead, is legislation that would protect businesses from liability if their employees get sick.

That is, they want to force Americans to go to work even if it kills them.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, May 21, 2020 7:27 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Support for QAnon has grown as Trump has consolidated control over the Republican Party

In winning the Oregon GOP primary for the US Senate Tuesday, Jo Rae Perkins became the seventh Republican congressional candidate who openly supports QAnon, a pro-Trump conspiracy theory that maintains the president is secretly fighting “deep state” operatives and Democratic pedophiles.

Perkins highlighted QAnon in her victory speech, pointedly repeating the group’s most used catchphrase before thanking fellow supporters. “Where we go one, we go all,” she said. “I stand with President Trump, I stand with Q and the team. Thank you, Anons, and thank you, patriots. Together, we can save our republic.”

At its heart, QAnon supporters believe that a secretive network of government officials, Democratic politicians, and liberal elites are running an international pedophile ring and conspiring to bring down the president because he’s close to bringing them to justice.

The theory began circulating in October 2017, as Vox’s Jane Coaston explained:

QAnon is a conspiracy theory based around an anonymous online poster known as “Q” — a pseudonym that comes from the Q-level security clearance, the Department of Energy equivalent of “Top Secret.” Beginning on October 28, 2017, Q began posting on the 4chan message board /pol/ about Hillary Clinton’s imminent arrest. Followers of Q became known as QAnon, and they began awaiting “The Storm,” during which all of Trump’s enemies, including Rep. Adam Schiff and others, would be arrested and executed for being murderous child-eating pedophiles.

Celebrities like actress Roseanne Barr and former athlete turned conservative activist Curt Schilling have shown support for the theory, as have right-wing media figures Alex Jones and Sean Hannity.

President Trump has not publicly embraced the conspiracy theory, but he hasn’t been shy about retweeting its supporters. At its core, Q is about supporting Trump’s power over the federal government. And it allows its adherents to create order out of a chaotic administration. Under this conspiracy theory, instead of Trump being incompetent, he becomes beleaguered in his fight against evil, monstrous people. It’s a mass self-soothing exercise.

Trump has of late embarked on a series of attacks on government oversight and operational norms. Over recent weeks, Trump has purged inspectors general he perceives as disloyal, many of whom were simply doing their jobs by investigating the administration’s actions.

To many outside observers, such actions look like authoritarian power grabs. But to Q supporters, these actions are emblematic of the ways the president is fighting the “deep state.” Essentially, everything Trump does easily fits into this conspiracy theory, meaning there’s no need for its adherents to question his actions.

This means that, in many ways, belief in QAnon is the ultimate show of loyalty, something Trump has made clear he values greatly. The president has never been afraid to use the bully pulpit — and Twitter — to call out those whom he perceived to be disloyal Republican lawmakers. Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr, and even occasional close confidant Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) have found themselves on the receiving end of Trump’s wrath.

In highlighting their support for QAnon, then, candidates like Perkins are signaling to the president that he does not need to worry about them raising his ire as Romney so often does. Instead, he can trust them to be allies and to support his governing style, even if it includes brazen power grabs.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, May 22, 2020 7:07 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump confirms US is withdrawing from another major arms treaty, the Open Skies Treaty

"This is insane," tweeted Gen. Michael Hayden.

The Trump administration has already pulled out of an Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and has set out conditions to renew the last remaining nuclear arms pact with Russia -- the NEW Start Treaty -- that experts and analysts say all but guarantee it will not be extended.

The President, and many officials in his administration, are pushing to develop new nuclear weapons, even as they insist they are not starting a new arms race with Russia. At the same time, they have criticized the idea that the United States should be bound by international agreements. But analysts and former officials say discarding another agreement could deepen global instability.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, May 22, 2020 10:50 AM



Originally posted by second:
Support for QAnon has grown as Trump has consolidated control over the Republican Party

In winning the Oregon GOP primary for the US Senate Tuesday, Jo Rae Perkins became the seventh Republican congressional candidate who openly supports QAnon, a pro-Trump conspiracy theory that maintains the president is secretly fighting “deep state” operatives and Democratic pedophiles.

Perkins highlighted QAnon in her victory speech, pointedly repeating the group’s most used catchphrase before thanking fellow supporters. “Where we go one, we go all,” she said. “I stand with President Trump, I stand with Q and the team. Thank you, Anons, and thank you, patriots. Together, we can save our republic.”

At its heart, QAnon supporters believe that a secretive network of government officials, Democratic politicians, and liberal elites are running an international pedophile ring and conspiring to bring down the president because he’s close to bringing them to justice.

The theory began circulating in October 2017, as Vox’s Jane Coaston explained:

QAnon is a conspiracy theory based around an anonymous online poster known as “Q” — a pseudonym that comes from the Q-level security clearance, the Department of Energy equivalent of “Top Secret.” Beginning on October 28, 2017, Q began posting on the 4chan message board /pol/ about Hillary Clinton’s imminent arrest. Followers of Q became known as QAnon, and they began awaiting “The Storm,” during which all of Trump’s enemies, including Rep. Adam Schiff and others, would be arrested and executed for being murderous child-eating pedophiles.

Celebrities like actress Roseanne Barr and former athlete turned conservative activist Curt Schilling have shown support for the theory, as have right-wing media figures Alex Jones and Sean Hannity.

President Trump has not publicly embraced the conspiracy theory, but he hasn’t been shy about retweeting its supporters. At its core, Q is about supporting Trump’s power over the federal government. And it allows its adherents to create order out of a chaotic administration. Under this conspiracy theory, instead of Trump being incompetent, he becomes beleaguered in his fight against evil, monstrous people. It’s a mass self-soothing exercise.

Trump has of late embarked on a series of attacks on government oversight and operational norms. Over recent weeks, Trump has purged inspectors general he perceives as disloyal, many of whom were simply doing their jobs by investigating the administration’s actions.

To many outside observers, such actions look like authoritarian power grabs. But to Q supporters, these actions are emblematic of the ways the president is fighting the “deep state.” Essentially, everything Trump does easily fits into this conspiracy theory, meaning there’s no need for its adherents to question his actions.

This means that, in many ways, belief in QAnon is the ultimate show of loyalty, something Trump has made clear he values greatly. The president has never been afraid to use the bully pulpit — and Twitter — to call out those whom he perceived to be disloyal Republican lawmakers. Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr, and even occasional close confidant Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) have found themselves on the receiving end of Trump’s wrath.

In highlighting their support for QAnon, then, candidates like Perkins are signaling to the president that he does not need to worry about them raising his ire as Romney so often does. Instead, he can trust them to be allies and to support his governing style, even if it includes brazen power grabs.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Let's keep going on pretending that Democrat Liberal Elites aren't a bunch of dirty kid fuckers and call it a conspiracy theory.

Here's hoping I'm right about Epstein having a few dead man's switches lying around that are going to blow that out of the water when he isn't around to disarm them in time.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, May 23, 2020 6:06 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

A huge boost in infrastructure spending is very popular — if rich people pay for it

The idea of some kind of major federal infrastructure spending bill has circled for years now in Washington. It’s generally a popular idea that seems to have at least some support across party lines.

But new polling, provided exclusively to Vox by the Data for Progress think tank, underscores that public support for infrastructure spending is highly dependent on how you say you’re going to finance it.

When they framed the question as “some Democrats in Congress are proposing spending $100 billion per year for 10 years on a new infrastructure plan,” 62 percent of the public say they think it’s a good idea. But actual congressional appropriations either increase the budget deficit or else need to be offset with some kind of tax increase. And what Data for Progress — a group whose mission is to use credible polling to try to figure out what kind of progressive ideas are actually popular — finds is that the popularity of infrastructure spending varies widely according to how you say you’re going to pay for it.

A $1 trillion infrastructure package described as paid for by a wealth tax is overwhelmingly popular, securing support from over 70 percent of the public. By contrast, paying for increased infrastructure spending with a higher gas tax — an idea well-liked by technical experts across the board — is very unpopular, earning the backing of just 32 percent of voters.

Results like this are important for understanding the politics of specific issues. But they also illustrate a broader message about how politics works.

More about how politics works at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, May 23, 2020 10:23 AM


Nobody takes any poll by a firm that calls themselves "Data for Progress" seriously. Certainly not a "Vox exclusive" poll.

It's gross how easily you are manipulated.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, May 24, 2020 6:31 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Nobody takes any poll by a firm that calls themselves "Data for Progress" seriously. Certainly not a "Vox exclusive" poll.

It's gross how easily you are manipulated.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

There was no poll taken, but this is all Trump's idea:

Trump Administration Reportedly Considered Conducting First Nuclear Test in 28 Years

The idea of carrying out the first nuclear test explosion since September 1992 is very controversial.

Experts said that any decision by the United States to carry out a test could have destabilizing consequences. “It would be an invitation for other nuclear-armed countries to follow suit,” said Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association. “It would be the starting gun to an unprecedented nuclear arms race. You would also disrupt the negotiations with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who may no longer feel compelled to honor his moratorium on nuclear testing.”

The revelation of nuclear tests comes after Trump sought a big boost in nuclear weapons spending as part of his 2021 budget. Trump has been increasing spending on nuclear weapons every year since coming into office due in part to his “own belief that the United States should maintain the world’s most powerful nuclear force—and perhaps enlarge it,” the New York Times noted earlier this year. Proof that Trump is indeed a very stable genius.

I took an informal poll and the Republicans think that testing nukes is brilliant. I think that is proof Republican voters aren't brilliant.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 24, 2020 7:24 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Truth is . . . Wait, do COVID deniers even know what the truth is?

Are these people lying to us or are they lying to themselves?

For years, that’s been the great imponderable of American politics, the question the rest of us asked as we watched nominal “conservatives” sink ever deeper into a morass of conspiracy, lies and alternative facts. Were they yanking our collective chain, working some deep strategy, invisible to our eyes? Or did they actually believe Barack Obama was a Muslim, born in Kenya? Or that Hillary Clinton ran a child-sex ring out of a pizza parlor? Or that the victims of mass shootings were really “crisis actors?”

It would be perversely reassuring to think they were lying only to us about all that, suggesting as it would that they understood the truth, but had, simply, if cynically, chosen for political advantage to deny it. If, however, they were lying to themselves, it suggested a people enmeshed in delusion and self-deception so profound they ought not be allowed to carry sharp objects.

Well, with the COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeing a definitive answer take shape, and it is not reassuring. Bad enough bands of putative conservatives have brandished guns in resistance to measures designed to save their lives and harassed reporters for daring to report the “fake news” of a health crisis that has killed more than 90,000 Americans. Then, on Monday, Donald Trump explained how he is guarding against infection.

“I happen to be taking” hydroxychloroquine, he told reporters. Why? “‘Cause I think it’s good. I’ve heard a lot of good stories.”

Unfortunately, none of those “good stories” is backed by even a smidgen of science. Hydroxychloroquine, a drug used to treat malaria and lupus, has not been shown to have any usefulness in warding off the coronavirus. In certain patients, it may even be linked to cardiac arrhythmia. In sum, then, hydroxychloroquine appears to be about as effective against COVID-19 as an injection of Lysol.

One may reasonably suspect, given Trump’s habitual estrangement from the truth and the unlikelihood of any doctor with an ounce of integrity prescribing that drug, that he’s lying and will soon claim he was just being “sarcastic.” On the other hand, given his penchant for magical thinking, his aversion to masks and other pandemic safeguards and the fact that doctors without integrity are not unheard of, it’s also reasonable to believe Trump is telling the truth.

More to the point, it’s reasonable to believe he believes taking hydroxychloroquine will protect him from the pandemic, even as the crisis continues to fell members of his own administration. Trump’s behavior, like that of the people chanting against masks and social distancing, raises an obvious question: Would they be acting this way if they thought it endangered their lives? Would they seek political advantage at the risk of their own health?

The answer is No. So what you’re dealing with here are not political actors, but true believers, exercising their true belief.

Granted, it’s hard to leave it at that. People are loath sometimes to credit the evidence of their own eyes and ears; they flinch from leveling judgments that clash too starkly with their understanding of how reasonable people behave. They look for a chain of logic, for reasons that might make sense to sensible people.

In so doing, they ignore the good advice of Dr. Maya Angelou: “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Embrace that, and you will spend less time wondering how so many on the right can believe the coronavirus pandemic is a hoax when every day they see the death count rise.

They can because they can. And because they need to.

Dr. Angelou’s wisdom also makes the answer to that first question starkly, if frustratingly, clear. Are they lying to us, or are they lying to themselves?

The answer is, Yes.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 24, 2020 9:29 AM



Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Sunday, May 24, 2020 10:51 AM



Originally posted by second:
Truth is . . . Wait, do COVID deniers even know what the truth is?

Don't bother trying to tell me what the truth is, smart guy. The CDC and the WHO change their mind on what the truth is on a daily basis.


Are these people lying to us or are they lying to themselves?

For years, that’s been the great imponderable of American politics, the question the rest of us asked as we watched nominal “conservatives” sink ever deeper into a morass of conspiracy, lies and alternative facts. Were they yanking our collective chain, working some deep strategy, invisible to our eyes? Or did they actually believe Barack Obama was a Muslim, born in Kenya? Or that Hillary Clinton ran a child-sex ring out of a pizza parlor? Or that the victims of mass shootings were really “crisis actors?”

Get back to me when you admit the Russiagate conspiracy was a huge steaming pile of shit.

Otherwise, pot meet kettle.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, May 25, 2020 7:42 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Don't bother trying to tell me what the truth is, smart guy. The CDC and the WHO change their mind on what the truth is on a daily basis.

On Memorial Day weekend, Trump shows his true self

A century after the poppy began symbolizing Memorial Day, it's a good time to consider how we should memorialize the casualties of the pandemic. (In mere months, more Americans have died than in Vietnam and Korea combined.) The surgical mask might be a proper emblem, or perhaps the double helix of DNA. Both would honor the dead and the medical workers who saved the sick. Both would likely enrage President Donald Trump.

As the most somber national holiday weekend began, the president showed us how he feels about our current suffering. Saturday brought a blast of angry Twitter posts followed by a round of golf. At day's end he posted about a vile and baseless conspiracy theory that slanders one of his perceived "enemies" and torments the parents of a young woman who died of natural causes. In addition to another round of golf on Sunday, he offered this enthusiastic falsehood: "Cases, numbers and deaths are going down all over the country!" In fact, cases are still rising in many states and locales.

Trump's heedless holiday demonstrated that as his drive for re-election begins in earnest, he will not alter the formula that got him to the Oval Office in the first place. This method depends on the reliable power of divisiveness, anger, and activist rage. Although disastrous when tapped in response to a crisis like the current pandemic, Trump is using them as he did in 2016: to energize his base.

Much research has shown that many people find their sense of well-being and self-esteem rises when they feel anger or hatred of others. What the Wall Street Journal recently described as "the pleasure of hating" can bring people together to act against a common enemy whether that enemy is real or imagined. In his life before politics, Trump conjured up pop culture enemies like Rosie O'Donnell so he could engage in public fights against someone he hated. In his political incarnation, where the consequences are real and serious, he has used the same process but infused it with conspiracy theories about "Deep State" opponents

Trump either knows, or intuits, the power of this game. The more anger people feel, the less they are inclined toward moderation and compromise. The enraged are also likely to feel more motivated to vote against the object of their hate. Add Trump's ability to demonstrate feelings of hatred and revulsion -- take a peek at his rallies -- and it's as if he is broadcasting an official sanction for everyone to shed the restraints of decency and give free rein to their impulsive hatreds.

Is the president's rage sincere? His affection for theatrics and performance argue that it's all game. We all know that the president loves to use showbiz devices to capture attention. The question of whether he would or would not wear a medical mask to visit a Ford factory created a classic cliffhanger attraction. His frequent press conference meltdowns perform the same service, keeping us all tuning in. These and factors suggest it's all an act.

On the other hand, as we watch the president stagger through the Covid-19 emergency, golfing as The New York Times prepared to publish a roster of the dead, we should consider that the cruelty, the arrogance, the rage and deviance are not an act. When I see him now on television, I recognize the same pattern I saw when I interviewed him half a dozen times years ago. He is only truly animated, truly himself, when expressing disdain for others or love for himself. Hatred and conceit are his comfort zones, and he returns to them whenever he's under pressure.

Trump's sincere belief that anyone whose views differ from his must be an enemy explains why he recently attacked the science that showed the drug he touted and said he took -- hydroxychloroquine -- is ineffective and harmful. He characterized one study as an "enemy statement" and another as a "political hit job."In this way he converted facts based on studies of a terrifying problem into an attack on him from people who hate him personally.

No president capable of caring for the country, and who possessed a full range of human emotions, would so consistently and automatically revert to the kind of crude and self-serving behavior Trump shows if it were an act. Likewise, a president who urges people to fill places of worship, as Trump urged on Friday when he called for them to defy public health cautions against such gatherings, is not acting in a rational, thoughtful way. He is, instead, reverting to his genuine type.

At his most genuine, our president is the man who throughout his life used enormous family wealth and the power that came with it to get away with breaking all sorts of rules (for proof, see his business bankruptcies, sex scandals, Trump University and Trump Foundation scams, among others). Now, as president, he will break all the rules for responding to a national emergency and, even as the bodies pile up, encourage his loyalists to do the same. Instead of rallying the country to the shared sacrifice and effort that would save lives and honor our grief, he would have us risk our lives and those of our fellow Americans, to prove our supposed enemies -- the scientists and doctors and responsible public officials -- are wrong.

The latest of Trump's efforts to deviate and divide will prove why those who aren't super rich or super powerful are safer following norms. Along one path waits more suffering and death for those who cannot protect themselves with wealth and power. The other leads to life-saving safety and the reward of overcoming something awful together. The president, true to himself, has made his choice, which he believes will result in his re-election. It seems he thinks it's worth it, no matter the price the rest of us may pay.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, May 25, 2020 9:09 AM



Originally posted by second:

Trump's heedless holiday demonstrated that as his drive for re-election begins in earnest, he will not alter the formula that got him to the Oval Office in the first place. This method depends on the reliable power of divisiveness, anger, and activist rage.

Are you kidding me? Are you so bereft of a sense of self awareness that you can pretend that is not the Democrat's MO?

It's called Identity Politics, genius. Democrats have been putting everybody into boxes and then making them fight each other like Betta Fish on a daily basis since 2007.

9 out of 10 activists that rage are from the Left. And with half the people wearing masks now, they feel right at home. Just ask your sockpuppet Reaverfan.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, May 26, 2020 7:30 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump – The Infallible Leader

Last week Joe Biden made an off-the-cuff joke that could be interpreted as taking African-American votes for granted. It wasn’t a big deal — Biden, who loyally served Barack Obama, has long had a strong affinity with black voters, and he has made a point of issuing policy proposals aimed at narrowing racial health and wealth gaps. Still, Biden apologized.

And in so doing he made a powerful case for choosing him over Donald Trump in November. You see, Biden, unlike Trump, is capable of admitting error.

Trump’s pathological inability to admit error — and yes, it really does rise to the level of pathology — has been obvious for years, and has had serious consequences. For example, it has made him an easy mark for foreign dictators like North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, who know they can safely renege on whatever promises Trump thought they made. After all, for him to condemn Kim’s actions would mean admitting he was wrong to claim he had achieved a diplomatic breakthrough.

But it took a pandemic to show just how much damage a leader with an infallibility complex can inflict.

We now know that during January and February Trump ignored repeated warnings from intelligence agencies about the threat posed by the virus. He and his inner circle didn’t want to hear bad news, and in particular didn’t want to hear anything that might threaten the stock market.

What’s really striking, however, is what happened in the first half of March. By then the evidence of an emerging pandemic was overwhelming. Yet Trump and company refused to act, persisting in their happy talk — largely, one suspects, because they couldn’t bring themselves to admit that their earlier reassurances had been wrong. By the time Trump finally (and briefly) faced reality, it was too late to prevent a death toll that’s about to pass 100,000.

And the worst may be yet to come. If you aren’t terrified by photos of large crowds gathering over Memorial Day weekend without either wearing masks or practicing social distancing, you haven’t been paying attention.

Yet if there is a second wave of Covid-19 cases, Trump — who has insistently called for a relaxation of social distancing despite warnings from health experts — has already declared that he won’t call for a second lockdown. After all, that would mean admitting, at least implicitly, that he was wrong to push for early reopening in the first place.

In some ways Trump is a pitiful figure — or would be, if his character flaws weren’t leading to so many deaths. Imagine what it must be like to be so insecure, so lacking in self-regard, that you not only feel the need to engage in constant boasting, but have to claim infallibility on every issue.

Biden, on the other hand, while not the most impressive presidential candidate ever, is clearly a man comfortable in his own skin. He knows who he is, which is why he has been able to reconcile with former critics like Elizabeth Warren. And when he makes a mistake, he isn’t afraid to admit it.

Over the past few months we’ve seen just how much damage a president who’s never wrong can do. Wouldn’t it be a relief to have the White House occupied by someone who isn’t infallible?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, May 26, 2020 10:07 AM


Gotta love that media spin machine.

Biden apologized for a huge lapse in his demented judgement by once again letting his racism spill out of his mouth like diarrhea, but he said he's sorry so that's okay. (The more you people talk, the more this is starting to sound like a religion, innit? Confession, anyone?)

Maybe Roseanne Barr should have her show back. Or any of the other people you idiots cancelled for saying far lesser things than insinuating that all blacks should know their role and vote Democrat because black.

Too bad they can all get on the internet now and learn for themselves who the real racist party is. The Legacy Media is pretending it's not the Democrats, while plenty of black people are online being red pilled and speaking out against Joe.

Low voter turnout in November on top of a record black voter turnout for Trump is going to be hilarious to watch.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, May 27, 2020 6:45 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The First Invasion of America and the cultural earthquake it’s unleashing.

Michele Gelfand wrote a book called “Rule Makers, Rule Breakers.” Gelfand has spent her career comparing national cultures. Some nations grow up relatively spared from foreign invasion and the frequent devastation of infectious disease. Gelfand finds that these are loose nations: individualistic, creative but also disordered, uncoordinated and reckless.

Other nations have not been so lucky. Harsh necessity has made them tight nations. Hardship has taught them to pull together, to be more conformist, but also better at building social order and self-control.

We Americans have been rule-breakers, the classic loose nation.

Here’s what has struck me forcefully: That whole version of the American creed was all based on an assumption of existential security. Americans had the luxury of thinking and living the way they did because they had two whopping great oceans on either side. The United States was immune to foreign invasion, the corruptions of the old world. It was often spared the plagues that swept over so many other parts of the globe.

We could be individualistic, anti-authority, daring and self-sufficient because on an elemental level we felt so damn safe.

But what happens to a loose nation when the sense of security disappears? Over the first two decades of the 21st century, starting with 9/11, America has lost its sense of safety, the calm confidence that the future is ours, that our institutions are sound or even minimally competent.

And if there was any shred of existential safety left, surely the pandemic has taken it away — around 100,000 dead so far, an economy ravaged. We’ve had threats before, a few foreign incursions like in 1812, even pandemics when America was less just than it is today. But we’ve never had them smack in the middle of a crisis of confidence, a crisis of authority, plus social and spiritual crises all at once.

So in that sense, this is the first invasion of America for most living Americans. This is the first time that a menace has crossed our borders, upended the daily lives of every American and rocked our ancient sense of safety. Welcome to life in the rest of the world.

More at

Download for free Michele Gelfand’s book Rule Makers, Rule Breakers: How Tight and Loose Cultures Wire Our World


Celebrated social psychologist Michele Gelfand offers a radical new theory about cultural differences that explains why some countries, cultures, and individuals rigorously abide by a host of norms, and others do precisely the opposite, with surprising results.

Why are clocks in Germany always correct, while those in Brazil are frequently wrong? Why are Singaporeans jailed for chewing gum? Why do women in New Zealand have three times the sex of females worldwide? Why was the Daimler-Chrysler merger ill-fated from the start? And why does each generation of Americans give their kids weirder and weirder names?

Curious about the answers to these and other questions, award-winning social psychologist Michele Gelfand has spent two decades studying both tight societies (with clearly stated rules and codes of ethics) and loose societies (more informal communities with weak or ambiguous norms). Putting each under the microscope, she conducted research in more than fifty countries and collaborated with political scientists, neuroscientists, computer scientists, anthropologists, and archeologists. Her fascinating conclusion: behavior seems largely dependent on perceived threats. It's why certain nations seem predisposed to tangle with others; some American states identify as “Red” and others as “Blue”; and those attending a sports contest, health club, or school function behave in prescribed ways.

Rule Makers, Rule Breakers reveals how to predict national variations around the globe, why some leaders innovate and others don’t, and even how a tight vs. loose system can determine happiness. Consistently riveting and always illuminating, Michele Gelfand’s book helps us understand how a single cultural trait dramatically affects even the smallest aspects of our lives.

It’s 11:00 p.m. in Berlin. Not a single car is in sight, yet a pedestrian waits patiently at the crosswalk until the light turns green. Meanwhile, four thousand miles away in Boston, at rush hour, commuters flout the “Do Not Cross” sign as they dart in front of cabs. To the south, where it’s 8:00 p.m. in São Paulo, locals are frolicking in string bikinis in public parks. Up in Silicon Valley, it’s midafternoon and T-shirted employees at Google are playing a game of Ping-Pong. And in Zurich, at the Swiss bank UBS, which for years mandated a forty-four-page dress code, executives burning the midnight oil have barely loosened their ties.

We may tease Germans for being excessively orderly or Brazilians for showing too much skin, but we rarely consider how these differences came about. Far beyond dress codes and pedestrian patterns, people’s social differences run deep and broad—from politics to parenting, management to worship, and vocations to vacations. In the past several thousand years humanity has evolved to the point where there now exist 195 countries, and more than seven thousand languages and many thousands of religions. Even within a single nation, such as the United States, there are countless differences in fashion, dialect, morals, and political orientation—sometimes among those who live in close proximity. The diversity of human behavior is astonishing, especially since 96 percent of the human genome is identical to that of chimpanzees, whose lifestyles, unlike humans, are far more similar across communities.

We rightly celebrate diversity and condemn division, yet we’re shockingly ignorant of what underlies both of these things: culture. Culture is a stubborn mystery of our experience and one of the last uncharted frontiers. . . .

Download for free Michele Gelfand’s book Rule Makers, Rule Breakers: How Tight and Loose Cultures Wire Our World

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, May 28, 2020 7:26 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Dishonest Elections Project: Conservative group fighting to restrict voting tied to powerful dark money network

The Guardian reports:

A powerful new conservative organization fighting to restrict voting in the 2020 presidential election is really just a rebranded group that is part of a dark money network already helping Donald Trump’s unprecedented effort to remake the US federal judiciary, the Guardian and OpenSecrets reveal.

The organization, which calls itself the Honest Elections Project, seemed to emerge out of nowhere a few months ago and started stoking fears about voter fraud. Backed by a dark money group funded by rightwing stalwarts like the Koch brothers and Betsy DeVos’ family, the Honest Elections Project is part of the network that pushed the US supreme court picks Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, and is quickly becoming a juggernaut in the escalating fight over voting rights.

The project announced it was spending $250,000 in advertisements in April, warning against voting by mail and accusing Democrats of cheating. It facilitated letters to election officials in Colorado, Florida and Michigan, using misleading data to accuse jurisdictions of having bloated voter rolls and threatening legal action.

Calling voter suppression a “myth”, it has also been extremely active in the courts, filing briefs in favor of voting restrictions in Nevada, Virginia, Texas, Wisconsin and Minnesota, among other places, at times represented by lawyers from the same firm that represents Trump. By having a hand in both voting litigation and the judges on the federal bench, this network could create a system where conservative donors have an avenue to both oppose voting rights and appoint judges to back that effort.

The Right-Wing Legal Network Is Now Openly Pushing Conspiracy Theories

Captured Courts -- The GOP’s Big Money Assault On Our Independent Judiciary

From the Supreme Court on down, the special interests responsible for these judges’ selection and confirmation are effectively capturing the judicial branch, packing our courts with politicians in robes.

With a captured judiciary, the Republican Party can do its donors’ dirty work through the courts without fear of electoral consequences. It is nothing less than a crisis for American democracy, which depends on a fair and impartial judiciary.

Behind this capture scheme lie hundreds of millions of dollars in anonymous spending, funneled through an elaborate web of front groups. It is impossible to understand this capture scheme without understanding who is spending so much money to capture America’s courts—and how and why.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, May 28, 2020 8:29 AM



Originally posted by second:
Dishonest Elections Project: Conservative group fighting to restrict voting tied to powerful dark money network

The Guardian reports:

A powerful new conservative organization fighting to restrict voting in the 2020 presidential election is really just a rebranded group that is part of a dark money network already helping Donald Trump’s unprecedented effort to remake the US federal judiciary, the Guardian and OpenSecrets reveal.

The organization, which calls itself the Honest Elections Project, seemed to emerge out of nowhere a few months ago and started stoking fears about voter fraud. Backed by a dark money group funded by rightwing stalwarts like the Koch brothers and Betsy DeVos’ family, the Honest Elections Project is part of the network that pushed the US supreme court picks Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, and is quickly becoming a juggernaut in the escalating fight over voting rights.

The project announced it was spending $250,000 in advertisements in April, warning against voting by mail and accusing Democrats of cheating. It facilitated letters to election officials in Colorado, Florida and Michigan, using misleading data to accuse jurisdictions of having bloated voter rolls and threatening legal action.

Calling voter suppression a “myth”, it has also been extremely active in the courts, filing briefs in favor of voting restrictions in Nevada, Virginia, Texas, Wisconsin and Minnesota, among other places, at times represented by lawyers from the same firm that represents Trump. By having a hand in both voting litigation and the judges on the federal bench, this network could create a system where conservative donors have an avenue to both oppose voting rights and appoint judges to back that effort.

The Right-Wing Legal Network Is Now Openly Pushing Conspiracy Theories

Captured Courts -- The GOP’s Big Money Assault On Our Independent Judiciary

From the Supreme Court on down, the special interests responsible for these judges’ selection and confirmation are effectively capturing the judicial branch, packing our courts with politicians in robes.

With a captured judiciary, the Republican Party can do its donors’ dirty work through the courts without fear of electoral consequences. It is nothing less than a crisis for American democracy, which depends on a fair and impartial judiciary.

Behind this capture scheme lie hundreds of millions of dollars in anonymous spending, funneled through an elaborate web of front groups. It is impossible to understand this capture scheme without understanding who is spending so much money to capture America’s courts—and how and why.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Hilarious how somebody can believe something like this 100%, yet you bring up the name George Soros or mention the Deep State and that's just ultra-right-wing conspiracy hokum.


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, May 28, 2020 9:15 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Hilarious how somebody can believe something like this 100%, yet you bring up the name George Soros or mention the Deep State and that's just ultra-right-wing conspiracy hokum.


Do Right, Be Right. :)

6ix, you have nothing truthful on George Soros, while I have names, dates, dollar signs, and dirty tricks played by the GOP. 6ix, you know nothing truthful, and in my experience with poorer Texas Trump voters, they also know nothing. Maybe the Republican political party should give itself a more truthful name, a proud name from history, for people like you:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, May 28, 2020 10:15 AM


No. You don't speak truth. You regurgitate a truckload of Progressive diarrhea from sites like Vox and MotherJones all day long. Many times not even properly quoting them and framing your posts as if they were something you wrote yourself.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, June 2, 2020 5:48 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
No. You don't speak truth. You regurgitate a truckload of Progressive diarrhea from sites like Vox and MotherJones all day long. Many times not even properly quoting them and framing your posts as if they were something you wrote yourself.
Do Right, Be Right. :)

I still see occasional news reports that describe Trump as a “populist.” But Trump’s economic policies have been the opposite of populist: They have been relentlessly plutocratic, centered largely on a successful effort to ram through huge tax cuts for corporations and the rich, and a so far unsuccessful attempt to take health insurance away from poor and working-class families.

Nor have Trump’s trade wars brought back the good jobs of yore. Even before the coronavirus plunged us into depression, Trump had failed to deliver major employment growth in coal mining or manufacturing. And farmers, who supported Trump by large margins in 2016, have suffered huge losses thanks to his trade wars.

So what has Trump really offered to the white working class that makes up most of his base?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, June 2, 2020 11:27 AM



Originally posted by second:

So what has Trump really offered to the white working class that makes up most of his base?

An alternative to the Bush/Clinton/Obama era that destroyed them.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, June 2, 2020 4:16 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:

So what has Trump really offered to the white working class that makes up most of his base?

An alternative to the Bush/Clinton/Obama era that destroyed them.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Your Trump alternative, what is it? Did Trump give you a job? How is your pay raise? Do you get medical and dental insurance? Is there a retirement plan? How is your 401K doing after Trump's stock market crash? How about the National Debt? Is it lower now so that the Federal Government can pay you Social Security benefits during retirement? Trump promised to make the Debt zero, you know. He's not making progress on that promise.

I know the answer to all the questions: NOTHING MATERIALLY IMPROVED FOR YOU, 6ix. (Everything improved for me.) But for you, 6ix, there were all those immaterial things, psychological benefits, that only exist inside your mind to make America great again. I am looking forward to the material goodies Trump has been and will be giving me if he is reelected and 6ix can look forward to whatever Trump has been raining down on him, the warm and fuzzy feelings about Trump he can't describe.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, June 2, 2020 8:46 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:

So what has Trump really offered to the white working class that makes up most of his base?

An alternative to the Bush/Clinton/Obama era that destroyed them.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Your Trump alternative, what is it? Did Trump give you a job? How is your pay raise? Do you get medical and dental insurance? Is there a retirement plan? How is your 401K doing after Trump's stock market crash? How about the National Debt? Is it lower now so that the Federal Government can pay you Social Security benefits during retirement? Trump promised to make the Debt zero, you know. He's not making progress on that promise.

I know the answer to all the questions: NOTHING MATERIALLY IMPROVED FOR YOU, 6ix. (Everything improved for me.) But for you, 6ix, there were all those immaterial things, psychological benefits, that only exist inside your mind to make America great again. I am looking forward to the material goodies Trump has been and will be giving me if he is reelected and 6ix can look forward to whatever Trump has been raining down on him, the warm and fuzzy feelings about Trump he can't describe.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


You say that as if anything would have been better for any of us if Hillary were president.

You also say that as if money means anything to me beyond paying bills and having food to eat.

There are other things that the Trump admin has done that I put much more value on than money. Fake news is fake, and sane people aren't afraid to say it out loud anymore. The wall is being built. Nobody gives a shit about SJWs and PC bullshit anymore. Democrats are constantly showing their hypocrisy for the world to see every single day because Trump goads them into doing it because they are idiots and fall into his traps over and over and over again.

I'm not a Republican, but the more time passes the bigger fan of Trump I become.

November is going to be a blowout.

It will be fun to watch you bitch and moan about it for another 4 years.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, June 2, 2020 10:10 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I'm not a Republican, but the more time passes the bigger fan of Trump I become.

November is going to be a blowout.

It will be fun to watch you bitch and moan about it for another 4 years.

"I'm not a Republican." You think anybody believes you? I hear the same nonsense from mealymouthed Texans who never vote for anybody but Republicans. Are you gonna become a turncoat if Trump loses? Will you rip the GOP insignia from your uniform and try to pass as an Independent if he is defeated? It is far too late for you to pretend you are anything but a Republican, so why not be proud you say "NO!" to everything Democrats believe in. Be the Republican you are, 6ix. When Trump wins by a blowout, take credit for prescience and wear the MAGA cap for four more years.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at






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