new deadly human-to-human-transmissible coronavirus emerges out of China

UPDATED: Thursday, September 5, 2024 19:55
VIEWED: 128946
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Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:11 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

see latest post for updated figures


Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:13 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

see latest post for updated figures


Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:29 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

see latest post for updated figures


Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:37 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

see latest post for updated figures


Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:48 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

with all of the data available we shold be able to start to draw some conclusions, or at least ask questions.

I noticed, for example, that after Italy went on lockdown the number of new cases tends to stick pretty close to an average of about 5,500, which means it is no longer exponential. But where is the transmission still occurring?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:58 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Another overwhelmed hospital - this time Kaiser in Santa Clara, California.

Nearly Half Of All Patients At Bay Area Hospital Are Confirmed Or Suspected Coronavirus Cases


Thursday, March 26, 2020 4:17 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
with all of the data available we shold be able to start to draw some conclusions, or at least ask questions.

I noticed, for example, that after Italy went on lockdown the number of new cases tends to stick pretty close to an average of about 5,500, which means it is no longer exponential. But where is the transmission still occurring?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


I was looking at that myself. If a month is the lag between infections and deaths, then it'll be about a month between looking at any action and any possible 'deaths' result. But maybe 2weeks is the lag between infection and diagnosed cases. Since Italy went into a lockdown on March 9, then tightened it significantly March 11, we SHOULD be seeing the results in lowered new infections right about now. But after hovering at the roughly low5,X00 mark for 3days, and an interlude day even dipping into the high4,X00 mark during that time, new cases suddenly jumped up to low6,X00. Maybe that's just a blip, but I haven't seen anything ratchet downward after ratcheting upward. The next 2 or 3 days will indicate better which way this is going. But if the numbers are TRULY going up, I expect it's due to another 'hot-spot' of infection rather than country-wide, because that's how this seems to work.

BTW, when it comes to China, I don't trust their numbers at all. I read that China announced severe penalties for covering up cases and deaths. But the flip side to that official statement is that China is 'open for business'. (I wonder if that's what's pushing Trump - to not get too far behind the Chinese timetable ...) So the takeaway message in China is don't get CAUGHT covering up cases and deaths. I've read in more than 1 place hospitals and clinics routinely turning away people with COVID symptoms. 'What they eye does not see does not trouble the mind'. Or TPTB.

Hong Kong was one of the few places that brought it under control before it had a chance to take off. (Singapore was another). But Hong Kong recently relaxed some of their restrictions. That experiment, which I posted about before, doesn't seem to be going well.


OTOH the Hong Kong experiment isn't going well ...

After relaxing restrictions, Hong Kong seeing 'third wave' of COVID-19 cases


Friday, March 27, 2020 1:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Apparently "social distancing" isn't working too well in NYC. Parks, farmer's markets, athletic fields, promenades, basketball courts are filled with people taking in the sun, shooting hoops, and in general getting up in each others business, like NYCers are wont to do.

Gov Cuomo is talking about taking a "harder line" and closing [some?all?] parks etc to enforce social distancing.

So while the NYC hospitals are almost full, they may not see as much of a reprieve as they had hoped in the next two weeks, since the "stay home" order has obviously failed.


Oh by the way, just for fun we watched Contagion which we had seen many years ago. In some ways it was surprisingly accurate, in other ways very much off the mark.

But the term "social distancing" isn't a new one; they used it in the movie, which was made in 2011.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Friday, March 27, 2020 7:23 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

There's always a silver lining ..


France, Czechs, & Other US Allies Exit Iraq Over COVID-19 Fears

Not the USA, tho. But maybe with its regime change partners-in-crime having left the scene. the USA military will follow?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Friday, March 27, 2020 9:08 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

New data from the rest of Europe suggests that the outbreak is running faster than expected, said Ferguson. As a result, epidemiologists have revised their estimate of the reproduction number (R0) of the virus. This measure of how many other people a carrier usually infects is now believed to be just over three, he said, up from 2.5. “That adds more evidence to support the more intensive social distancing measures,” he said.

Neil Ferguson is the guy in charge of the Imperial College study that predicted 2 million coronavirus deaths in the US and 500,000 in Britain if no control measures were taken. He now believes that Britain will keep its death toll under 20,000 due to the strong isolation and social distancing measures being taken.

Which is great! At the same time, estimating that R0 has increased from 2.5 to 3.1 is . . . very, very bad. It means that on average, every infected person infects three other people, not 2.5 other people—which makes the spread of the virus much wider and faster. Without any control measures, for example, it means that after ten generations a single person will be responsible for 80,000 infections instead of 10,000 infections.

In other words, control measures are even more important than we thought.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, March 27, 2020 9:26 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Oh by the way, just for fun we watched Contagion which we had seen many years ago. In some ways it was surprisingly accurate, in other ways very much off the mark.

But the term "social distancing" isn't a new one; they used it in the movie, which was made in 2011.

Speaking of Contagion...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, March 27, 2020 10:58 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
I apologize to everyone for starting a thread to keep up with facts about SARS-COV-2, and driving JACK over the edge with too much reality.

OK Boomer.

Have you been sanitizing your bottles of hand sanitizer yet?

If you haven't, you should be.

Oh... and be sure to save some to pour into your ice cream.

And seriously people... Can we go back to using belts on kids?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, March 27, 2020 2:30 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I wonder if this virus has been around longer than people realize?

SOME doctors in Italy recall seeing atypical pneumonias as far back as November 2019.

And do you recall those oddball deaths related to vaping? (summer 2019) As far as I can tell, they could never find "the" connection (ingredient, manufacturer, locale) that tied them all together, but the victims' lungs (I have heard) had "ground glass" xrays characteristic of Covid-19.

Not sure what to make of it, just a thought.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Friday, March 27, 2020 2:36 PM


Weren't the vaping deaths kids though?

Yanno, I don't even know the answer to that. The manufactured outrage afterward that got certain enemies of Phillip Morris and other cigarette manufactures mostly put out of business while leaving others entirely intact was supposedly "for the children", so I'm probably just assuming they were kids.

None of the actual companies hurt by legislation after that fiasco was even responsible for it, and to this day I find it incumbent on myself to make sure that people do their research and know where they're buying their cartridges from, and to do twice the research if they're refilling cartridges on their own.

And for the love of god, don't by any of that shit from china. If you buy shitty ink cartridges or shitty refill kits, the worst that happens is they destroy your printer. If you buy some vape carts with Vitamin E as a base instead of Glycol you're doing the equivalent of 80 years of smoking filterless menthol cigarettes in about 3 seconds.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, March 27, 2020 2:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Trying to "grok" the data here, unfortunately the quality of what it available online makes that difficult.

For example, Italy's death rate (deaths per day) rose again. It was at about 650 per day, jumped to a high of 800, dropped down, but is now back up again at 919. But that leads me to wonder ... what is the death toll for Bergamo? Bergamo is the hardest-hit. It was several weeks ahead of the rest of Italy, and instituted a lockdown before the rest of Italy. Is the death rate declining, because the most vulnerable have already died? Is the death rate declining because Russia swooped in with ventilators and other assistance? Is the death rate NOT declining? That kind of detail would really be helpful in understanding what works, and what doesn't. Needs more thought.

Same with NYC. It's hard to tell whether "social distancing" has been successful, or not. The pictures I see of NYC public spaces all have young people in them, so maybe the coronavirus is spreading (undetected) among young people, but the vulnerable have chosen to #staythefuckhome so the death rate will still be lower than the healthcare system capacity.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Friday, March 27, 2020 3:02 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I wonder if this virus has been around longer than people realize?

SOME doctors in Italy recall seeing atypical pneumonias as far back as November 2019.

And do you recall those oddball deaths related to vaping? (summer 2019) As far as I can tell, they could never find "the" connection (ingredient, manufacturer, locale) that tied them all together, but the victims' lungs (I have heard) had "ground glass" xrays characteristic of Covid-19.

Not sure what to make of it, just a thought.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


AFAIK the vaping deaths were traced back to home-brew (illegal and/ or counterfeit) THC products which were heavily cut with vitamin E, leading people to vape many times a daily dose of vitamin E oil into their lungs.

Just in general, vitamin E can cause skin allergies if you use vitamin E-laced skin products; and OIL FUMES and LUNGS don't mix well!


Friday, March 27, 2020 3:17 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Trying to "grok" the data here, unfortunately the quality of what it available online makes that difficult.

For example, Italy's death rate (deaths per day) rose again. It was at about 650 per day, jumped to a high of 800, dropped down, but is now back up again at 919. But that leads me to wonder ... what is the death toll for Bergamo? Bergamo is the hardest-hit. It was several weeks ahead of the rest of Italy, and instituted a lockdown before the rest of Italy. Is the death rate declining, because the most vulnerable have already died? Is the death rate declining because Russia swooped in with ventilators and other assistance? Is the death rate NOT declining? That kind of detail would really be helpful in understanding what works, and what doesn't. Needs more thought.

Same with NYC. It's hard to tell whether "social distancing" has been successful, or not. The pictures I see of NYC public spaces all have young people in them, so maybe the coronavirus is spreading (undetected) among young people, but the vulnerable have chosen to #staythefuckhome so the death rate will still be lower than the healthcare system capacity.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Like a lot of other news items - real data is EXTREMELY hard to come by. We're being over-narrated and under-informed. I guess they think we need to see grieving mother after grieving wife after grieving children, non-stop, to hold out attention ... so that we'll watch their commercials.

Sooner or later though, like with WMDs, I think the facts will emerge if enough people are interested enough to look deeply enough for evidence, or the lack thereof.

The crucial pieces of data I think will be deaths and the overall pattern. The overall pattern seems to be silent spread, then an explosion of cases. But that seems to be limited - so far - to places with very specific conditions, which are high density, lots of general population mixing, and lots of family interactions.


Friday, March 27, 2020 3:29 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Signy, if you want to keep track of the US with a state-level granularity, the only place I can think of that regularly tracks compiled information is worldOmeters.

Here's the link.

A couple days ago when I last checked, NYS was almost exactly half of all cases in the US. Now, with more cases in other states, it's dropped to less than half. But it still dominates the numbers, and no other area has caught up yet, though NJ (tightly linked by travel to NYC) is running up a good race for second.


Friday, March 27, 2020 3:32 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Weren't the vaping deaths kids though?

Yanno, I don't even know the answer to that. The manufactured outrage afterward that got certain enemies of Phillip Morris and other cigarette manufactures mostly put out of business while leaving others entirely intact was supposedly "for the children", so I'm probably just assuming they were kids.

None of the actual companies hurt by legislation after that fiasco was even responsible for it, and to this day I find it incumbent on myself to make sure that people do their research and know where they're buying their cartridges from, and to do twice the research if they're refilling cartridges on their own.

And for the love of god, don't by any of that shit from china. If you buy shitty ink cartridges or shitty refill kits, the worst that happens is they destroy your printer. If you buy some vape carts with Vitamin E as a base instead of Glycol you're doing the equivalent of 80 years of smoking filterless menthol cigarettes in about 3 seconds.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Originally posted by 1KIKI:
AFAIK the vaping deaths were traced back to home-brew (illegal and/ or counterfeit) THC products which were heavily cut with vitamin E, leading people to vape many times a daily dose of vitamin E oil into their lungs.

Just in general, vitamin E can cause skin allergies if you use vitamin E-laced skin products; and OIL FUMES and LUNGS don't mix well!

Hey, look at that.

We'll never agree on AIDS or COVID and the response, but Kiki and Kevin both agree that Vitamin E in the lungs = Bad.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, March 27, 2020 3:48 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Signy, if you want to keep track of the US with a state-level granularity, the only place I can think of that regularly tracks that compiled information is worldOmeters.

Here's the link.

A couple days ago when I last checked, NYS was almost exactly half of all cases in the US. Now, with more cases in other states, it's dropped to less than half. But it still dominates the numbers, and no other area has caught up yet, though NJ (tightly linked by travel to NYC) is running a good race for second.

ETA: Looking at LACounty, however - even though the numbers are still low compared to NY, cases nearly, and deaths did, double in 24 hours.


Friday, March 27, 2020 3:49 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

world - countries with greater than 5,000 total cases

Last updated: May 2, 2020

Last updated: May 1, 2020
USA 1,131,030 65,753
Spain 242,979 24,824
Italy 207,428 28,236
UK 177,454 27,510
France 167,346 24,594
Germany 164,077 6,736
Turkey 122,392 3,258
Russia 114,431 1,169
Iran 95,646 6,091
Brazil 92,10 6,410
China 82,874 4,633
Canada 55,061 3,391
Belgium 49,032 7,703
Peru 40,459 1,124
Netherlands 39,791 4,893
India 37,257 1,223
Switzerland 29,705 1,754
Ecuador 26,336 1,063
Portugal 24,987 1,007
Saudi Arabia 24,097 169
Sweden 21,520 2,653
Ireland 20,833 1,265
Mexico 19,224 1,859
Pakistan 18,092 417
Singapore 17,101 16
Chile 17,008 234
Israel 16,101 225
Austria 15,531 589
Belarus 14,917 93
Japan 14,305 455
Qatar 14,096 12
Poland 13,105 651
UAE 13,038 111
Romania 12,567 744
Ukraine 10,861 272
S. Korea 10,774 248
Indonesia 10,551 800
Denmark 9,311 460
Serbia 9,205 185
Philippines 8,772 579
Bangladesh 8,238 170
Norway 7,783 210
Czechia 7,737 240
Dominican Rep 7,288 313
Colombia 7,006 314
Australia 6,767 93
Panama 6,532 188
Malaysia 6,071 103
South Africa 5,951 116
Egypt 5,895 406
Finland 5,051 218

Last updated: April 30, 2020, 17:20 GMT
USA 1,085,501 +~~~ 63,287 +~~~
Spain 239,639 +~~~ 24,543 +~~~
Italy 205,463 +~~~ 27,967 +~~~
UK 171,253 +~~~ 26,771 +~~~
France 167,178 +~~~ 24,376 +~~~
Germany 162,530 +~~~ 6,572 +~~~
Turkey 120,204 +~~~ 3,174 +~~~
Russia 106,498 +~~~ 1,073 +~~~
Iran 94,640 +~~~ 6,028 +~~~
Brazil 85,380 +~~~ 5,901 +~~~
China 82,862 +~~~ 4,633 +~~~
Canada 53,013 +~~~ 3,180 +~~~
Belgium 48,519 +~~~ 7,594 +~~~
Netherlands 39,316 +~~~ 4,795 +~~~
Peru 36,976 +~~~ 1,051 +~~~
India 34,862 +~~~ 1,154 +~~~
Switzerland 29,586 +~~~ 1,737 +~~~
Portugal 25,045 +~~~ 989 +~~~
Ecuador 24,934 +~~~ 900 +~~~
Saudi Arabia 22,753 +~~~ 162 +~~~
Sweden 21,092 +~~~ 2,586 +~~~
Ireland 20,612 +~~~ 1,232 +~~~
Mexico 17,799 +~~~ 1,732 +~~~
Pakistan 16,473 +~~~ 361 +~~~
Singapore 16,169 +~~~ 15 +~~~
Chile 16,023 +~~~ 227 +~~~
Israel 15,946 +~~~ 222 +~~~
Austria 15,452 +~~~ 584 +~~~
Belarus 14,027 +~~~ 89 +~~~
Japan 13,965 +~~~ 425 +~~~
Qatar 13,409 +~~~ 10 +~~~
Poland 12,877 +~~~ 644 +~~~
UAE 12,481 +~~~ 105 +~~~
Romania 12,240 +~~~ 717 +~~~
S. Korea 10,765 +~~~ 247 +~~~
Ukraine 10,406 +~~~ 261 +~~~
Indonesia 10,118 +~~~ 792 +~~~
Denmark 9,158 +~~~ 452 +~~~
Serbia 9,009 +~~~ 179 +~~~
Philippines 8,488 +~~~ 568 +~~~
Norway 7,738 +~~~ 210 +~~~
Bangladesh 7,667 +~~~ 168 +~~~
Czechia 7,642 +~~~ 235 +~~~
Dominican Rep 6,972 +~~~ 301 +~~~
Australia 6,753 +~~~ 91 +~~~
Panama 6,378 +~~~ 178 +~~~
Colombia 6,211 +~~~ 278 +~~~
Malaysia 6,002 +~~~ 102 +~~~
South Africa 5,647 +~~~ 103 +~~~
Egypt 5,537 +~~~ 392 +~~~

Last updated: April 29, 2020, 18:06 GMT
USA 1,048,834 +~~~ 60,495 +~~~
Spain 236,899 +~~~ 24,275 +~~~
Italy 203,591 +~~~ 27,682 +~~~
France 165,911 +~~~ 23,660 +~~~
UK 165,221 +~~~ 26,097 +~~~
Germany 160,479 +~~~ 6,374 +~~~
Turkey 117,589 +~~~ 3,081 +~~~
Russia 99,399 +~~~ 972 +~~~
Iran 93,657 +~~~ 5,957 +~~~
China 82,858 +~~~ 4,633 +~~~
Brazil 74,493 +~~~ 5,158 +~~~
Canada 50,373 +~~~ 2,904 +~~~
Belgium 47,859 +~~~ 7,501 +~~~
Netherlands 38,802 +~~~ 4,711 +~~~
India 31,787 +~~~ 1,008 +~~~
Peru 31,190 +~~~ 854 +~~~
Switzerland 29,407 +~~~ 1,703 +~~~
Portugal 24,505 +~~~ 973 +~~~
Ecuador 24,258 +~~~ 871 +~~~
Saudi Arabia 21,402 +~~~ 157 +~~~
Sweden 20,302 +~~~ 2,462 +~~~
Ireland 19,877 +~~~ 1,159 +~~~
Mexico 16,752 +~~~ 1,569 +~~~
Israel 15,782 +~~~ 212 +~~~
Singapore 15,641 +~~~ 14 +~~~
Pakistan 15,525 +~~~ 343 +~~~
Austria 15,402 +~~~ 580 +~~~
Chile 14,885 +~~~ 216 +~~~
Japan 13,736 +~~~ 394 +~~~
Belarus 13,181 +~~~ 84 +~~~
Poland 12,640 +~~~ 624 +~~~
Qatar 12,564 +~~~ 10 +~~~
Romania 11,978 +~~~ 688 +~~~
UAE 11,929 +~~~ 98 +~~~
S. Korea 10,761 +~~~ 246 +~~~
Ukraine 9,866 +~~~ 250 +~~~
Indonesia 9,771 +~~~ 784 +~~~
Denmark 9,008 +~~~ 443 +~~~
Serbia 8,724 +~~~ 173 +~~~
Philippines 8,212 +~~~ 558 +~~~
Norway 7,680 +~~~ 207 +~~~
Czechia 7,563 +~~~ 227 +~~~
Bangladesh 7,103 +~~~ 163 +~~~
Australia 6,746 +~~~ 89 +~~~
Dominican Rep 6,652 +~~~ 293 +~~~
Panama 6,200 +~~~ 176 +~~~
Colombia 5,949 +~~~ 269 +~~~
Malaysia 5,945 +~~~ 100 +~~~
Egypt 5,268 +~~~ 380 +~~~

Last updated: April 28, 2020, 21:29 GMT
USA 1,029,878 +~~~ 58,640 +~~~
Spain 232,128 +~~~ 23,822 +~~~
Italy 201,505 +~~~ 27,359 +~~~
France 165,911 +~~~ 23,660 +~~~
UK 161,145 +~~~ 21,678 +~~~
Germany 159,431 +~~~ 6,215 +~~~
Turkey 114,653 +~~~ 2,992 +~~~
Russia 93,558 +~~~ 867 +~~~
Iran 92,584 +~~~ 5,877 +~~~
China 82,836 +~~~ 4,633 +~~~
Brazil 71,886 +~~~ 5,017 +~~~
Canada 49,815 +~~~ 2,852 +~~~
Belgium 47,334 +~~~ 7,331 +~~~
Netherlands 38,416 +~~~ 4,566 +~~~
India 31,360 +~~~ 1,008 +~~~
Peru 31,190 +~~~ 854 +~~~
Switzerland 29,264 +~~~ 1,699 +~~~
Portugal 24,322 +~~~ 948 +~~~
Ecuador 24,258 +~~~ 871 +~~~
Saudi Arabia 20,077 +~~~ 152 +~~~
Ireland 19,877 +~~~ 1,159 +~~~
Sweden 19,621 +~~~ 2,355 +~~~
Israel 15,728 +~~~ 210 +~~~
Mexico 15,529 +~~~ 1,434 +~~~
Austria 15,357 +~~~ 569 +~~~
Singapore 14,951 +~~~ 14 +~~~
Pakistan 14,612 +~~~ 312 +~~~
Chile 14,365 +~~~ 207 +~~~
Japan 13,614 +~~~ 385 +~~~
Poland 12,218 +~~~ 596 +~~~
Belarus 12,208 +~~~ 79 +~~~
Qatar 11,921 +~~~ 10 +~~~
Romania 11,616 +~~~ 663 +~~~
UAE 11,380 +~~~ 89 +~~~
S. Korea 10,752 +~~~ 244 +~~~
Indonesia 9,511 +~~~ 773 +~~~
Ukraine 9,410 +~~~ 239 +~~~
Denmark 8,851 +~~~ 434 +~~~
Serbia 8,497 +~~~ 168 +~~~
Philippines 7,958 +~~~ 530 +~~~
Norway 7,619 +~~~ 206 +~~~
Czechia 7,486 +~~~ 225 +~~~
Australia 6,731 +~~~ 84 +~~~
Bangladesh 6,462 +~~~ 155 +~~~
Dominican Rep 6,416 +~~~ 286 +~~~
Panama 6,021 +~~~ 167 +~~~
Malaysia 5,851 +~~~ 100 +~~~
Colombia 5,597 +~~~ 253 +~~~
Egypt 5,04 +~~~ 359 +~~~

Last updated: April 27, 2020, 18:48 GMT
USA 999,536 +~~~ 56,180 +~~~
Spain 229,422 +~~~ 23,521 +~~~
Italy 199,414 +~~~ 26,977 +~~~
France 165,842 +~~~ 23,293 +~~~
Germany 158,213 +~~~ 6,021 +~~~
UK 157,149 +~~~ 21,092 +~~~
Turkey 112,261 +~~~ 2,900 +~~~
Iran 91,472 +~~~ 5,806 +~~~
Russia 87,147 +~~~ 794 +~~~
China 82,830 +~~~ 4,633 +~~~
Brazil 63,328 +~~~ 4,298 +~~~
Canada 48,229 +~~~ 2,701 +~~~
Belgium 46,687 +~~~ 7,207 +~~~
Netherlands 38,245 +~~~ 4,518 +~~~
Switzerland 29,164 +~~~ 1,640 +~~~
Peru 28,699 +~~~ 782 +~~~
India 28,380 +~~~ 886 +~~~
Portugal 24,027 +~~~ 928 +~~~
Ecuador 22,719 +~~~ 576 +~~~
Ireland 19,648 +~~~ 1,102 +~~~
Sweden 18,926 +~~~ 2,274 +~~~
Saudi Arabia 18,811 +~~~ 144 +~~~
Israel 15,466 +~~~ 202 +~~~
Austria 15,274 +~~~ 549 +~~~
Mexico 14,677 +~~~ 1,351 +~~~
Singapore 14,423 +~~~ 14 +~~~
Pakistan 13,915 +~~~ 292 +~~~
Chile 13,813 +~~~ 198 +~~~
Japan 13,441 +~~~ 372 +~~~
Poland 11,902 +~~~ 562 +~~~
Romania 11,339 +~~~ 641 +~~~
Belarus 11,289 +~~~ 75 +~~~
Qatar 11,244 +~~~ 10 +~~~
UAE 10,839 +~~~ 82 +~~~
S. Korea 10,738 +~~~ 243 +~~~
Indonesia 9,096 +~~~ 765 +~~~
Ukraine 9,009 +~~~ 220 +~~~
Denmark 8,698 +~~~ 427 +~~~
Serbia 8,275 +~~~ 162 +~~~
Philippines 7,777 +~~~ 511 +~~~
Norway 7,554 +~~~ 205 +~~~
Czechia 7,431 +~~~ 222 +~~~
Australia 6,720 +~~~ 83 +~~~
Dominican Rep 6,293 +~~~ 282 +~~~
Bangladesh 5,913 +~~~ 152 +~~~
Malaysia 5,820 +~~~ 99 +~~~
Panama 5,779 +~~~ 165 +~~~
Colombia 5,379 +~~~ 244 +~~~
Egypt 4,782 +~~~ 337 +~~~
Finland 4,695 +~~~ 193 +~~~
South Africa 4,546 +~~~ 87 +~~~
Morocco 4,120 +~~~ 162 +~~~

Last updated: April 26, 2020, 19:20 GMT
USA 977,572 +~~~ 55,009 +~~~
Spain 226,629 +~~~ 23,190 +~~~
Italy 197,675 +~~~ 26,644 +~~~
France 162,100 +~~~ 22,856 +~~~
Germany 157,120 +~~~ 5,896 +~~~
UK 152,840 +~~~ 20,732 +~~~
Turkey 110,130 +~~~ 2,805 +~~~
Iran 90,481 +~~~ 5,710 +~~~
China 82,827 +~~~ 4,632 +~~~
Russia 80,949 +~~~ 747 +~~~
Brazil 60,311 +~~~ 4,117 +~~~
Canada 46,644 +~~~ 2,560 +~~~
Belgium 46,134 +~~~ 7,094 +~~~
Netherlands 37,845 +~~~ 4,475 +~~~
Switzerland 29,061 +~~~ 1,610 +~~~
India 27,890 +~~~ 882 +~~~
Peru 27,517 +~~~ 728 +~~~
Portugal 23,864 +~~~ 903 +~~~
Ecuador 22,719 +~~~ 576 +~~~
Ireland 19,262 +~~~ 1,087 +~~~
Sweden 18,640 +~~~ 2,194 +~~~
Saudi Arabia 17,522 +~~~ 139 +~~~
Israel 15,398 +~~~ 199 +~~~
Austria 15,225 +~~~ 542 +~~~
Mexico 13,842 +~~~ 1,305 +~~~
Singapore 13,624 +~~~ 12 +~~~
Chile 13,331 +~~~ 189 +~~~
Pakistan 13,328 +~~~ 281 +~~~
Japan 13,231 +~~~ 360 +~~~
Poland 11,617 +~~~ 535 +~~~
Romania 11,036 +~~~ 619 +~~~
S. Korea 10,728 +~~~ 242 +~~~
Belarus 10,463 +~~~ 72 +~~~
UAE 10,349 +~~~ 76 +~~~
Qatar 10,287 +~~~ 10 +~~~
Indonesia 8,882 +~~~ 743 +~~~
Ukraine 8,617 +~~~ 209 +~~~
Denmark 8,575 +~~~ 422 +~~~
Serbia 8,042 +~~~ 156 +~~~
Philippines 7,579 +~~~ 501 +~~~
Norway 7,511 +~~~ 201 +~~~
Czechia 7,387 +~~~ 220 +~~~
Australia 6,711 +~~~ 83 +~~~
Dominican Rep 6,135 +~~~ 278 +~~~
Malaysia 5,780 +~~~ 98 +~~~
Panama 5,538 +~~~ 159 +~~~
Bangladesh 5,416 +~~~ 145 +~~~
Colombia 5,142 +~~~ 233 +~~~

Last updated: April 25, 2020, 19:09 GMT
USA 946,921 +~~~ 53,461 +~~~
Spain 223,759 +~~~ 22,902 +~~~
Italy 195,351 +~~~ 26,384 +~~~
France 161,488 +~~~ 22,614 +~~~
Germany 155,782 +~~~ 5,819 +~~~
UK 148,377 +~~~ 20,319 +~~~
Turkey 107,773 +~~~ 2,706 +~~~
Iran 89,328 +~~~ 5,650 +~~~
China 82,816 +~~~ 4,632 +~~~
Russia 74,588 +~~~ 681 +~~~
Brazil 57,382 +~~~ 3,918 +~~~
Belgium 45,325 +~~~ 6,917 +~~~
Canada 45,016 +~~~ 2,462 +~~~
Netherlands 37,190 +~~~ 4,409 +~~~
Switzerland 28,894 +~~~ 1,599 +~~~
Peru 25,331 +~~~ 700 +~~~
India 24,942 +~~~ 780 +~~~
Portugal 23,392 +~~~ 880 +~~~
Ecuador 22,719 +~~~ 576 +~~~
Ireland 18,561 +~~~ 1,063 +~~~
Sweden 18,177 +~~~ 2,192 +~~~
Saudi Arabia 16,299 +~~~ 136 +~~~
Austria 15,148 +~~~ 536 +~~~
Israel 15,148 +~~~ 198 +~~~
Mexico 12,872 +~~~ 1,221 +~~~
Chile 12,858 +~~~ 181 +~~~
Japan 12,829 +~~~ 345 +~~~
Singapore 12,693 +~~~ 12 +~~~
Pakistan 12,644 +~~~ 268 +~~~
Poland 11,273 +~~~ 524 +~~~
S. Korea 10,718 +~~~ 240 +~~~
Romania 10,635 +~~~ 601 +~~~
UAE 9,813 +~~~ 71 +~~~
Belarus 9,590 +~~~ 67 +~~~
Qatar 9,358 +~~~ 10 +~~~
Indonesia 8,607 +~~~ 720 +~~~
Denmark 8,445 +~~~ 418 +~~~
Ukraine 8,125 +~~~ 201 +~~~
Serbia 7,779 +~~~ 151 +~~~
Norway 7,493 +~~~ 201 +~~~
Czechia 7,333 +~~~ 218 +~~~
Philippines 7,294 +~~~ 494 +~~~
Australia 6,695 +~~~ 80 +~~~
Dominican Rep 5,926 +~~~ 273 +~~~
Malaysia 5,742 +~~~ 98 +~~~
Panama 5,338 +~~~ 154 +~~~

Last updated: April 24, 2020, 19:35 GMT
USA 909,116 +~~~ 51,342 +~~~
Spain 219,764 +~~~ 22,524 +~~~
Italy 192,994 +~~~ 25,969 +~~~
France 159,828 +~~~ 22,245 +~~~
Germany 154,159 +~~~ 5,653 +~~~
UK 143,464 +~~~ 19,506 +~~~
Turkey 104,912 +~~~ 2,600 +~~~
Iran 88,194 +~~~ 5,574 +~~~
China 82,804 +~~~ 4,632 +~~~
Russia 68,622 +~~~ 615 +~~~
Brazil 51,073 +~~~ 3,407 +~~~
Belgium 44,293 +~~~ 6,679 +~~~
Canada 43,551 +~~~ 2,294 +~~~
Netherlands 36,535 +~~~ 4,289 +~~~
Switzerland 28,677 +~~~ 1,589 +~~~
India 24,434 +~~~ 780 +~~~
Portugal 22,797 +~~~ 854 +~~~
Ecuador 22,719 +~~~ 576 +~~~
Peru 21,648 +~~~ 634 +~~~
Ireland 18,184 +~~~ 1,014 +~~~
Sweden 17,567 +~~~ 2,152 +~~~
Saudi Arabia 15,102 +~~~ 127 +~~~
Austria 15,071 +~~~ 530 +~~~
Israel 15,058 +~~~ 194 +~~~
Japan 12,368 +~~~ 328 +~~~
Chile 12,306 +~~~ 174 +~~~
Singapore 12,075 +~~~ 12 +~~~
Mexico 11,633 +~~~ 1,069 +~~~
Pakistan 11,155 +~~~ 237 +~~~
Poland 10,892 +~~~ 494 +~~~
S. Korea 10,708 +~~~ 240 +~~~
Romania 10,417 +~~~ 567 +~~~
UAE 9,281 +~~~ 64 +~~~
Belarus 8,773 +~~~ 63 +~~~
Qatar 8,525 +~~~ 10 +~~~
Indonesia 8,211 +~~~ 689 +~~~
Denmark 8,210 +~~~ 403 +~~~
Ukraine 7,647 +~~~ 193 +~~~
Serbia 7,483 +~~~ 144 +~~~
Norway 7,444 +~~~ 199 +~~~
Czechia 7,236 +~~~ 214 +~~~
Philippines 7,192 +~~~ 477 +~~~
Australia 6,675 +~~~ 79 +~~~
Dominican Rep 5,749 +~~~ 267 +~~~
Malaysia 5,691 +~~~ 96 +~~~
Panama 5,166 +~~~ 146 +~~~

Last updated: April 23, 2020, 21:01 GMT
USA 876,156 +45590 49,648 +3413
Spain 213,024 +~~~ 22,157 +~~~
Italy 189,973 +~~~ 25,549 +~~~
France 158,183 +~~~ 21,856 +~~~
Germany 151,784 +~~~ 5,404 +~~~
UK 138,078 +~~~ 18,738 +~~~
Turkey 101,790 +~~~ 2,491 +~~~
Iran 87,026 +~~~ 5,481 +~~~
China 82,798 +~~~ 4,632 +~~~
Russia 62,773 +~~~ 555 +~~~
Brazil 49,492 +~~~ 3,313 +~~~
Belgium 42,797 +~~~ 6,490 +~~~
Canada 41,791 +~~~ 2,141 +~~~
Netherlands 35,729 +~~~ 4,177 +~~~
Switzerland 28,496 +~~~ 1,549 +~~~
India 23,039 +~~~ 721 +~~~
Portugal 22,353 +~~~ 820 +~~~
Peru 20,914 +~~~ 572 +~~~
Ireland 17,607 +~~~ 794 +~~~
Sweden 16,755 +~~~ 2,021 +~~~
Austria 15,002 +~~~ 522 +~~~
Israel 14,803 +~~~ 192 +~~~
Saudi Arabia 13,930 +~~~ 121 +~~~
Japan 11,950 +~~~ 299 +~~~
Chile 11,812 +~~~ 168 +~~~
Ecuador 11,183 +~~~ 560 +~~~
Singapore 11,178 +~~~ 12 +~~~
Pakistan 11,057 +~~~ 235 +~~~
S. Korea 10,702 +~~~ 240 +~~~
Mexico 10,544 +~~~ 970 +~~~
Poland 10,511 +~~~ 454 +~~~
Romania 10,096 +~~~ 545 +~~~
UAE 8,756 +~~~ 56 +~~~
Denmark 8,073 +~~~ 394 +~~~
Belarus 8,022 +~~~ 60 +~~~
Indonesia 7,775 +~~~ 647 +~~~
Qatar 7,764 +~~~ 10 +~~~
Norway 7,361 +~~~ 193 +~~~
Serbia 7,276 +~~~ 139 +~~~
Ukraine 7,170 +~~~ 187 +~~~
Czechia 7,138 +~~~ 210 +~~~
Philippines 6,981 +~~~ 462 +~~~
Australia 6,661 +~~~ 75 +~~~
Malaysia 5,603 +~~~ 95 +~~~
Dominican Rep 5,543 +~~~ 265 +~~~

Last updated: April 22, 2020, 18:47 GMT
USA 830,566 +16977 46,235 +1222
Spain 208,389 +4,211 21,717
Italy 187,327 +~~~ 25,085 +~~~
France 159,877 +~~~ 21,340 +~~~
Germany 149,771 +~~~ 5,211 +~~~
UK 133,495 +~~~ 18,100 +~~~
Turkey 98,674 +~~~ 2,376 +~~~
Iran 85,996 +~~~ 5,391 +~~~
China 82,788 +~~~ 4,632 +~~~
Russia 57,999 +~~~ 513 +~~~
Brazil 43,592 +~~~ 2,769 +~~~
Belgium 41,889 +~~~ 6,262 +~~~
Canada 39,805 +~~~ 1,966 +~~~
Netherlands 34,842 +~~~ 4,054 +~~~
Switzerland 28,268 +~~~ 1,509 +~~~
Portugal 21,982 +~~~ 785 +~~~
India 20,471 +~~~ 652 +~~~
Peru 17,837 +~~~ 484 +~~~
Ireland 16,671 +~~~ 769 +~~~
Sweden 16,004 +~~~ 1,937 +~~~
Austria 14,925 +~~~ 510 +~~~
Israel 14,498 +~~~ 189 +~~~
Saudi Arabia 12,772 +~~~ 114 +~~~
Japan 11,512 +~~~ 281 +~~~
Chile 11,296 +~~~ 160 +~~~
Ecuador 10,850 +~~~ 537 +~~~
S. Korea 10,694 +~~~ 238 +~~~
Poland 10,169 +~~~ 426 +~~~
Singapore 10,141 +~~~ 12 +~~~
Pakistan 10,076 +~~~ 212 +~~~
Romania 9,710 +~~~ 519 +~~~
Mexico 9,501 +~~~ 857 +~~~
UAE 8,238 +~~~ 52 +~~~
Denmark 7,912 +~~~ 384 +~~~
Indonesia 7,418 +~~~ 635 +~~~
Belarus 7,281 +~~~ 58 +~~~
Norway 7,275 +~~~ 187 +~~~
Qatar 7,141 +~~~ 10 +~~~
Serbia 7,114 +~~~ 134 +~~~
Czechia 7,087 +~~~ 208 +~~~
Philippines 6,710 +~~~ 446 +~~~
Australia 6,649 +~~~ 74 +~~~
Ukraine 6,592 +~~~ 174 +~~~
Malaysia 5,532 +~~~ 93 +~~~
Domin Rep 5,300 +~~~ 260 +~~~

Last updated: April 21, 2020, 20:27 GMT
USA 813,589 +24355 45,013 +2715
Spain 204,178 +~~~ 21,282 +~~~
Italy 183,957 +~~~ 24,648 +~~~
France 158,050 +~~~ 20,796 +~~~
Germany 148,226 +~~~ 5,024 +~~~
UK 129,044 +~~~ 16,509 +~~~
Turkey 95,591 +~~~ 2,259 +~~~
Iran 84,802 +~~~ 5,297 +~~~
China 82,758 +~~~ 4,632 +~~~
Russia 52,763 +~~~ 456 +~~~
Belgium 40,956 +~~~ 5,998 +~~~
Brazil 40,814 +~~~ 2,588 +~~~
Canada 38,205 +~~~ 1,831 +~~~
Netherlands 34,134 +~~~ 3,916 +~~~
Switzerland 28,063 +~~~ 1,478 +~~~
Portugal 21,379 +~~~ 762 +~~~
India 18,985 +~~~ 603 +~~~
Peru 17,837 +~~~ 484 +~~~
Ireland 16,040 +~~~ 730 +~~~
Sweden 15,322 +~~~ 1,765 +~~~
Austria 14,873 +~~~ 491 +~~~
Israel 13,942 +~~~ 184 +~~~
Saudi Arabia 11,631 +~~~ 109 +~~~
Japan 11,135 +~~~ 263 +~~~
Chile 10,832 +~~~ 147 +~~~
S. Korea 10,683 +~~~ 237 +~~~
Ecuador 10,398 +~~~ 520 +~~~
Poland 9,856 +~~~ 401 +~~~
Pakistan 9,565 +~~~ 201 +~~~
Romania 9,242 +~~~ 498 +~~~
Singapore 9,125 +~~~ 11 +~~~
Mexico 8,772 +~~~ 712 +~~~
UAE 7,755 +~~~ 46 +~~~
Denmark 7,695 +~~~ 370 +~~~
Norway 7,191 +~~~ 182 +~~~
Indonesia 7,135 +~~~ 616 +~~~
Czechia 6,961 +~~~ 201 +~~~
Serbia 6,890 +~~~ 130 +~~~
Belarus 6,723 +~~~ 55 +~~~
Australia 6,645 +~~~ 71 +~~~
Philippines 6,599 +~~~ 437 +~~~
Qatar 6,533 +~~~ 9 +~~~
Ukraine 6,125 +~~~ 161 +~~~
Malaysia 5,482 +~~~ 92 +~~~
Dominican Rep 5,044 +~~~ 245 +~~~

Last updated: April 20, 2020, 22:23 GMT
USA 78,9234 +27855 42,298 +1879
Spain 200,210 +~~~ 20,852 +~~~
Italy 181,228 +~~~ 24,114 +~~~
France 155,383 +~~~ 20,265 +~~~
Germany 146,653 +~~~ 4,706 +~~~
UK 124,743 +~~~ 16,509 +~~~
Turkey 90,980 +~~~ 2,140 +~~~
Iran 83,505 +~~~ 5,209 +~~~
China 82,747 +~~~ 4,632 +~~~
Russia 47,121 +~~~ 405 +~~~
Brazil 40,581 +~~~ 2,575 +~~~
Belgium 39,983 +~~~ 5,828 +~~~
Canada 36,670 +~~~ 1,680 +~~~
Netherlands 33,405 +~~~ 3,751 +~~~
Switzerland 27,944 +~~~ 1,429 +~~~
Portugal 20,863 +~~~ 735 +~~~
India 18,539 +~~~ 592 +~~~
Peru 16,325 +~~~ 445 +~~~
Ireland 15,652 +~~~ 687 +~~~
Austria 14,795 +~~~ 470 +~~~
Sweden 14,777 +~~~ 1,580 +~~~
Israel 13,713 +~~~ 177 +~~~
Japan 10,797 +~~~ 236 +~~~
S. Korea 10,674 +~~~ 236 +~~~
Chile 10,507 +~~~ 139 +~~~
Saudi Arabia 10,484 +~~~ 103 +~~~
Ecuador 10,128 +~~~ 507 +~~~
Poland 9,593 +~~~ 380 +~~~
Romania 8,936 +~~~ 478 +~~~
Pakistan 8,418 +~~~ 176 +~~~
Mexico 8,261 +~~~ 686 +~~~
Singapore 8,014 +~~~ 11 +~~~
Denmark 7,515 +~~~ 364 +~~~
UAE 7,265 +~~~ 43 +~~~
Norway 7,127 +~~~ 181 +~~~
Czechia 6,838 +~~~ 194 +~~~
Indonesia 6,760 +~~~ 590 +~~~
Serbia 6,630 +~~~ 125 +~~~
Australia 6,619 +~~~ 71 +~~~
Philippines 6,459 +~~~ 428 +~~~
Belarus 6,264 +~~~ 51 +~~~
Qatar 6,015 +~~~ 9 +~~~
Ukraine 5,710 +~~~ 151 +~~~
Malaysia 5,425 +~~~ 89 +~~~

Last updated: April 19, 2020, 20:55 GMT
USA 761,379 24589 40,419 +1499
Spain 196,664 +~~~ 20,595 +~~~
Italy 178,972 +~~~ 23,660 +~~~
France 152,894 +~~~ 19,718 +~~~
Germany 145,184 +~~~ 4,586 +~~~
UK 120,067 +~~~ 16,060 +~~~
Turkey 86,306 +~~~ 2,017 +~~~
China 82,735 +~~~ 4,632 +~~~
Iran 82,211 +~~~ 5,118 +~~~
Russia 42,853 +~~~ 361 +~~~
Brazil 38,654 +~~~ 2,462 +~~~
Belgium 38,496 +~~~ 5,683 +~~~
Canada 34,813 +~~~ 1,583 +~~~
Netherlands 32,655 +~~~ 3,684 +~~~
Switzerland 27,740 +~~~ 1,393 +~~~
Portugal 20,206 +~~~ 714 +~~~
India 17,615 +~~~ 559 +~~~
Peru 15,628 +~~~ 400 +~~~
Ireland 15,251 +~~~ 610 +~~~
Austria 14,749 +~~~ 452 +~~~
Sweden 14,385 +~~~ 1,540 +~~~
Israel 13,491 +~~~ 172 +~~~
Japan 10,797 +~~~ 236 +~~~
S. Korea 10,661 +~~~ 234 +50359
Chile 10,088 +~~~ 133 +~~~
Ecuador 9,468 +~~~ 474 +~~~
Saudi Arabia 9,362 +~~~ 97 +~~~
Poland 9,287 +~~~ 360 +~~~
Romania 8,746 +~~~ 451 +~~~
Pakistan 8,348 +~~~ 168 +~~~
Mexico 7,497 +~~~ 650 +~~~
Denmark 7,384 +~~~ 355 +~~~
Norway 7,078 +~~~ 165 +~~~
UAE 6,781 +~~~ 41 +~~~
Czechia 6,701 +~~~ 186 +~~~
Australia 6,612 +~~~ 71 +~~~
Singapore 6,588 +~~~ 11 +~~~
Indonesia 6,575 +~~~ 582 +~~~
Serbia 6,318 +~~~ 122 +~~~
Philippines 6,259 +~~~ 409 +~~~
Ukraine 5,449 +~~~ 141 +~~~
Qatar 5,448 +~~~ 8 +~~~
Malaysia ~~~ +~~~ 89 +~~~

Last updated: April 18, 2020, 22:37 GMT
USA 736,790 +50359 38,920 +3342
Spain 191,726 +~~~ 20,639 +~~~
Italy 175,925 +~~~ 23,227 +~~~
France 151,793 +~~~ 19,323 +~~~
Germany 143,342 +~~~ 4,459 +~~~
UK 114,217 +~~~ 15,464 +~~~
China 82,719 +~~~ 4,632 +~~~
Turkey 82,329 +~~~ 1,890 +~~~
Iran 80,868 +~~~ 5,031 +~~~
Belgium 37,183 +~~~ 5,453 +~~~
Russia 36,793 +~~~ 313 +~~~
Brazil 36,658 +~~~ 2,354 +~~~
Canada 33,218 +~~~ 1,469 +~~~
Netherlands 31,589 +~~~ 3,601 +~~~
Switzerland 27,404 +~~~ 1,368 +~~~
Portugal 19,685 +~~~ 687 +~~~
India 15,722 +~~~ 521 +~~~
Ireland 14,758 +~~~ 571 +~~~
Austria 14,671 +~~~ 443 +~~~
Peru 14,420 +~~~ 348 +~~~
Sweden 13,822 +~~~ 1,511 +~~~
Israel 13,265 +~~~ 164 +~~~
S. Korea 10,653 +~~~ 232 +~~~
Japan 10,296 +~~~ 222 +~~~
Chile 9,730 +~~~ 126 +~~~
Ecuador 9,022 +~~~ 456 +~~~
Poland 8,742 +~~~ 347 +~~~
Romania 8,418 +~~~ 421 +~~~
Saudi Arabia 8,274 +~~~ 92 +~~~
Pakistan 7,638 +~~~ 143 +~~~
Denmark 7,242 +~~~ 346 +~~~
Norway 7,036 +~~~ 164 +~~~
Mexico 6,875 +~~~ 546 +~~~
Czechia 6,606 +~~~ 181 +~~~
Australia 6,565 +~~~ 69 +~~~
UAE 6,302 +~~~ 37 +~~~
Indonesia 6,248 +~~~ 535 +~~~
Philippines 6,087 +~~~ 397 +~~~
Serbia 5,994 +~~~ 117 +~~~
Singapore 5,992 +~~~ 11 +~~~
Malaysia 5,305 +~~~ 88 +~~~
Ukraine 5,106 +~~~ 133 +~~~
Qatar 5,008 +~~~ 8 +~~~

Last updated: April 17, 2020, 17:43 GMT
USA 686,431 +18859 35,578 +1675
Spain 188,068 +~~~ 19,478 +~~~
Italy 172,434 +~~~ 22,745 +~~~
France 165,027 +~~~ 17,920 +~~~
Germany 138,497 +~~~ 4,193 +~~~
UK 108,692 +~~~ 14,576 +~~~
China 82,692 +~~~ 4,632 +~~~
Iran 79,494 +~~~ 4,958 +~~~
Turkey 78,546 +~~~ 1,769 +~~~ +~~~
Belgium 36,138 +~~~ 5,163 +~~~
Russia 32,008 +~~~ 273 +~~~
Canada 31,642 +~~~ 1,310 +~~~
Brazil 30,961 +~~~ 1,956 +~~~
Netherlands 30,449 +~~~ 3,459 +~~~
Switzerland 27,078 +~~~ 1,325 +~~~
Portugal 19,022 +~~~ 657 +~~~
Austria 14,579 +~~~ 410 +~~~
Ireland 13,980 +~~~ 530 +~~~
India 13,835 +~~~ 452 +~~~
Peru 13,489 +~~~ 300 +~~~
Sweden 13,216 +~~~ 1,400 +~~~
Israel 12,982 +~~~ 151 +~~~
S. Korea 10,635 +~~~ 230 +~~~
Chile 9,252 +~~~ 116 +~~~
Japan 9,231 +~~~ 190 +~~~
Poland 8,379 +~~~ 332 +~~~
Ecuador 8,225 +~~~ 403 +~~~
Romania 8,067 +~~~ 411 +~~~
Saudi Arabia 7,142 +~~~ 87 +~~~
Denmark 7,073 +~~~ 336 +~~~
Pakistan 7,025 +~~~ 135 +~~~
Norway 6,937 +~~~ 161 +~~~
Australia 6,526 +~~~ 65 +~~~
Czechia 6,499 +~~~ 173 +~~~
Mexico 6,297 +~~~ 486 +~~~
Indonesia 5,923 +~~~ 520 +~~~
Philippines 5,878 +~~~ 387 +~~~
UAE 5,825 +~~~ 35 +~~~
Serbia 5,690 +~~~ 110 +~~~
Malaysia 5,251 +~~~ 86 +~~~
Singapore 5,050 +~~~ 11 +~~~

Last updated: April 16, 2020, 18:18 GMT
USA 667,572 +45160 33,903 +6354
Spain 182,816 +~~~ 19,130 +~~~
Italy 168,941 +~~~ 22,170 +~~~
France 147,863 +~~~ 17,920 +~~~
Germany 135,663 +~~~ 3,867 +~~~
UK 103,093 +~~~ 13,729 +~~~
China 82,341 +~~~ 3,342 +~~~
Iran 77,995 +~~~ 4,869 +~~~
Turkey 74,193 +~~~ 1,643 +~~~
Belgium 34,809 +~~~ 4,857 +~~~
Canada 29,925 +~~~ 1,191 +~~~
Netherlands 29,214 +~~~ 3,315 +~~~
Brazil 29,214 +~~~ 1,769 +~~~
Russia 27,938 +~~~ 232 +~~~
Switzerland 26,732 +~~~ 1,281 +~~~
Portugal 18,841 +~~~ 629 +~~~
Austria 14,474 +~~~ 393 +~~~
India 12,759 +~~~ 423 +~~~
Israel 12,758 +~~~ 142 +~~~
Ireland 12,547 +~~~ 444 +~~~
Sweden 12,540 +~~~ 1,333 +~~~
Peru 12,491 +~~~ 274 +~~~
S. Korea 10,613 +~~~ 229 +~~~
Chile 8,807 +~~~ 105 +~~~
Japan 8,626 +~~~ 178 +~~~
Ecuador 8,225 +~~~ 403 +~~~
Poland 7,918 +~~~ 314 +~~~
Romania 7,707 +~~~ 392 +~~~
Pakistan 6,919 +~~~ 128 +~~~
Denmark 6,879 +~~~ 321 +~~~
Norway 6,848 +~~~ 152 +~~~
Australia 6,468 +~~~ 63 +~~~
Saudi Arabia 6,380 +~~~ 83 +~~~
Czechia 6,359 +~~~ 169 +~~~
Mexico 5,847 +~~~ 449 +~~~
UAE 5,825 +~~~ 35 +~~~
Philippines 5,660 +~~~ 362 +~~~
Indonesia 5,516 +~~~ 496 +~~~
Serbia 5,318 +~~~ 103 +~~~
Malaysia 5,182 +~~~ 84 +~~~

April 15, 2020 NYS essential workers will be voluntarily tested for SARS-COV-2 antibodies beginning this week April 15, 2020 NYS residents will be required to wear face coverings when they are out and coming in close contact with other people

Last updated: April 15, 2020, 17:35 GMT
USA 622,412 +17058 27,549 +2155
Spain 177,633 +~~~ 18,579 +~~~
Italy 165,155 +~~~ 21,645 +~~~
France 143,303 +~~~ 15,729 +~~~
Germany 133,154 +~~~ 3,592 +~~~
UK 98,476 +~~~ 12,868 +~~~
China 82,295 +~~~ 3,342 +~~~
Iran 76,389 +~~~ 4,777 +~~~
Turkey 69,392 +~~~ 1,518 +~~~
Belgium 33,573 +~~~ 4,440 +~~~
Netherlands 28,153 +~~~ 3,134 +~~~
Canada 27,593 +~~~ 954 +~~~
Switzerland 26,336 +~~~ 1,239 +~~~
Brazil 26,113 +~~~ 1,590 +~~~
Russia 24,490 +~~~ 198 +~~~
Portugal 18,091 +~~~ 599 +~~~
Austria 14,331 +~~~ 393 +~~~
Ireland 12,547 +~~~ 444 +~~~
India 12,320 +~~~ 405 +~~~
Israel 12,200 +~~~ 126 +~~~
Sweden 11,927 +~~~ 1,203 +~~~
S. Korea 10,591 +~~~ 225 +~~~
Peru 10,303 +~~~ 230 +~~~
Chile 8,273 +~~~ 94 +~~~
Japan 8,100 +~~~ 146 +~~~
Ecuador 7,858 +~~~ 388 +~~~
Poland 7,582 +~~~ 286 +~~~
Romania 7,216 +~~~ 362 +~~~
Norway 6,740 +~~~ 145 +~~~
Denmark 6,681 +~~~ 309 +~~~
Australia 6,447 +~~~ 63 +~~~
Czechia 6,216 +~~~ 166 +~~~
Pakistan 5,988 +~~~ 107 +~~~
Saudi Arabia 5,862 +~~~ 79 +~~~
Philippines 5,453 +~~~ 349 +~~~
Mexico 5,399 +~~~ 406 +~~~
Indonesia 5,136 +~~~ 469 +~~~
Malaysia 5,072 +~~~ 83 +~~~

April 14, 2020 NYC adds probable deaths to COVID statistics
April 14, 2020 Changes in United States Data following the new CDC guidelines on "Case" and "Death" definition

Last updated: April 14, 2020, 19:35 GMT
USA 605,354 +21943 25,394 +1932
Spain 172,541 +~~~ 18,056 +~~~
Italy 162,488 +~~~ 21,067 +~~~
France 143,303 +~~~ 15,729 +~~~
Germany 131,359 +~~~ 3,294 +~~~
UK 93,873 +~~~ 12,107 +~~~
China 82,249 +~~~ 3,341 +~~~
Iran 74,877 +~~~ 4,683 +~~~
Turkey 65,111 +~~~ 1,403 +~~~
Belgium 31,119 +~~~ 4,157 +~~~
Netherlands 27,419 +~~~ 2,945 +~~~
Canada 26,897 +~~~ 898 +~~~
Switzerland 25,936 +~~~ 1,174 +~~~
Brazil 24,232 +~~~ 1,378 +~~~
Russia 21,102 +~~~ 170 +~~~ +~~~
Portugal 17,448 +~~~ 567 +~~~ +~~~
Austria 14,226 +~~~ 384 +~~~ +~~~
Israel 12,046 +~~~ 123 +~~~ +~~~
India 11,487 +~~~ 393 +~~~ +~~~
Ireland 11,479 +~~~ 406 +~~~ +~~~
Sweden 11,445 +~~~ 1,033 +~~~ +~~~
S. Korea 10,564 +~~~ 222 +~~~ +~~~
Peru 10,303 +~~~ 230 +~~~ +~~~
Chile 7,917 +~~~ 92 +~~~ +~~~
Japan 7,645 +~~~ 143 +~~~ +~~~
Ecuador 7,603 +~~~ 355 +~~~ +~~~
Poland 7,202 +~~~ 263 +~~~ +~~~
Romania 6,879 +~~~ 351 +~~~ +~~~
Norway 6,623 +~~~ 139 +~~~ +~~~
Denmark 6,511 +~~~ 299 +~~~ +~~~
Australia 6,400 +~~~ 61 +~~~ +~~~
Czechia 6,111 +~~~ 161 +~~~ +~~~
Pakistan 5,837 +~~~ 96 +~~~ +~~~
Saudi Arabia 5,369 +~~~ 73 +~~~ +~~~
Philippines 5,223 +~~~ 335 +~~~ +~~~
Mexico 5,014 +~~~ 332 +~~~ +~~~

Last updated: April 13, 2020, 20:47 GMT
USA 583,411 +24964 23,462 +1471
Spain 169,628 +~~~ 17,628 +~~~
Italy 159,516 +~~~ 20,465 +~~~
France 136,779 +~~~ 14,967 +~~~
Germany 128,208 +~~~ 3,043 +~~~
UK 88,621 +~~~ 11,329 +~~~
China 82,160 +~~~ 3,341 +~~~
Iran 73,303 +~~~ 4,585 +~~~
Turkey 61,049 +~~~ 1,296 +~~~
Belgium 30,589 +~~~ 3,903 +~~~
Netherlands 26,551 +~~~ 2,823 +~~~
Switzerland 25,688 +~~~ 1,138 +~~~
Canada 25,552 +~~~ 767 +~~~
Brazil 23,430 +~~~ 1,328 +~~~
Russia 18,328 +~~~ 148 +~~~
Portugal 16,934 +~~~ 535 +~~~
Austria 14,041 +~~~ 368 +~~~
Israel 11,586 +~~~ 116 +~~~
Sweden 10,948 +~~~ 919 +~~~
Ireland 10,647 +~~~ 365 +~~~
S. Korea 10,537 +~~~ 217 +~~~
India 10,453 +~~~ 358 +~~~
Peru 9,784 +~~~ 193 +~~~
Ecuador 7,529 +~~~ 355 +~~~
Chile 7,525 +~~~ 82 +~~~
Japan 7,370 +~~~ 123 +~~~
Poland 6,934 +~~~ 245 +~~~
Romania 6,633 +~~~ 331 +~~~
Norway 6,565 +~~~ 134 +~~~
Australia 6,359 +~~~ 61 +~~~
Denmark 6,318 +~~~ 285 +~~~
Czechia 6,022 +~~~ 143 +~~~
Pakistan 5,496 +~~~ 93 +~~~

Last updated: April 12, 2020, 22:43 GMT
USA 558,447 +36733 21,991 +1927
Spain 166,831 +~~~ 17,209 +~~~
Italy 156,363 +~~~ 19,899 +~~~
France 132,591 +~~~ 14,393 +~~~
Germany 127,854 +~~~ 3,022 +~~~
UK 84,279 +~~~ 10,612
China 82,052 +~~~ 3,339 +~~~
Iran 71,686 +~~~ 4,474 +~~~
Turkey 56,956 +~~~ 1,198 +~~~
Belgium 29,647 +~~~ 3,600 +~~~
Netherlands 25,587 +~~~ 2,737 +~~~
Switzerland 25,415 +~~~ 1,106 +~~~
Canada 24,292 +~~~ 713 +~~~
Brazil 22,192 +~~~ 1,223 +~~~
Portugal 16,585 +~~~ 504 +~~~
Russia 15,770 +~~~ 130 +~~~
Austria 13,945 +~~~ 350 +~~~
Israel 11,145 +~~~ 103 +~~~
S. Korea 10,512 +~~~ 214 +~~~
Sweden 10,483 +~~~ 899 +~~~
Ireland 9,655 +~~~ 334 +~~~
India 9,205 +~~~ 331 +~~~
Peru 7,519 +~~~ 193 +~~~
Ecuador 7,466 +~~~ 333 +~~~
Chile 7,213 +~~~ 80 +~~~
Japan 6,748 +~~~ 108 +~~~
Poland 6,674 +~~~ 232 +~~~
Norway 6,525 +~~~ 128 +~~~
Australia 6,313 +~~~ 59 +~~~
Romania 6,300 +~~~ 316 +~~~
Denmark 6,174 +~~~ 273 +~~~
Czechia 5,991 +~~~ 138 +~~~
Pakistan 5,230 +~~~ 91 +~~~

Last updated: April 11, 2020, 18:08 GMT
USA 521,714 +32068 20,064 +2030
Spain 161,852 +~~~ 16,353 +~~~
Italy 152,271 +~~~ 19,468 +~~~
France 129,654 +~~~ 13,832 +~~~
Germany 123,878 +~~~ 2,736 +~~~
China 81,953 +~~~ 3,339 +~~~
UK 78,991 +~~~ 9,875 +~~~
Iran 70,029 +~~~ 4,357 +~~~
Turkey 52,167 +~~~ 1,101 +~~~
Belgium 28,018 +~~~ 3,346 +~~~
Switzerland 25,107 +~~~ 1,036 +~~~
Netherlands 24,413 +~~~ 2,643 +~~~
Canada 22,575 +~~~ 600 +~~~
Brazil 20,022 +~~~ 1,075 +~~~
Portugal 15,987 +~~~ 470 +~~~
Austria 13,798 +~~~ 337 +~~~
Russia 13,584 +~~~ 106 +~~~
Israel 10,525 +~~~ 96 +~~~
S. Korea 10,480 +~~~ 211 +~~~
Sweden 10,151 +~~~ 887 +~~~
India 8,439 +~~~ 288 +~~~
Ireland 8,089 +~~~ 287 +~~~
Ecuador 7,257 +~~~ 315 +~~~
Chile 6,927 +~~~ 73 +~~~
Peru 6,848 +~~~ 181 +~~~
Norway 6,403 +~~~ 117 +~~~
Poland 6,356 +~~~ 208 +~~~
Australia 6,303 +~~~ 56 +~~~
Japan 6,005 +~~~ 99 +~~~
Denmark 5,996 +~~~ 260 +~~~
Romania 5,990 +~~~ 291 +~~~
Czechia 5,831 +~~~ 129 +~~~
Pakistan 5,011 +~~~ 77 +~~~

Last updated: April 10, 2020, 19:09 GMT
USA 489,646 +32545 18,034 +1788
Spain 157,053 +~~~ 15,970 +~~~
Italy 147,577 +~~~ 18,849 +~~~
France 124,869 +~~~ 13,197 +~~~
Germany 120,157 +~~~ 2,688 +~~~
China 81,907 +~~~ 3,336 +~~~
UK 73,758 +~~~ 8,958 +~~~
Iran 68,192 +~~~ 4,232 +~~~
Turkey 47,029 +~~~ 1,006 +~~~
Belgium 26,667 +~~~ 3,019 +~~~
Switzerland 24,551 +~~~ 1,002 +~~~
Netherlands 23,097 +~~~ 2,511 +~~~
Canada 22,046 +~~~ 556 +~~~
Brazil 19,638 +~~~ 1,057 +~~~
Portugal 15,472 +~~~ 435 +~~~
Austria 13,555 +~~~ 319 +~~~
Russia 11,917 +~~~ 94 +~~~
S. Korea 10,450 +~~~ 208 +~~~
Israel 10,095 +~~~ 95 +~~~
Sweden 9,685 +~~~ 870 +~~~
Ireland 8,089 +~~~ 287 +~~~
India 7,598 +~~~ 246 +~~~
Ecuador 7,161 +~~~ 297 +~~~
Chile 6,501 +~~~ 65 +~~~
Norway 6,298 +~~~ 113 +~~~
Australia 6,203 +~~~ 53 +~~~
Poland 5,955 +~~~ 181 +~~~
Peru 5,897 +~~~ 169 +~~~
Denmark 5,819 +~~~ 247 +~~~
Czechia 5,674 +~~~ 119 +~~~
Japan 5,530 +~~~ 99 +~~~
Romania 5,467 +~~~ 270 +~~~

Last updated: April 09, 2020, 19:55 GMT
USA 457,101 +26891 16,246 +1510 (+35545 / +2008)
Spain 152,446 +~~~ 15,238 +~~~
Italy 143,626 +~~~ 18,279 +~~~
France 117,749 +~~~ 12,210 +~~~
Germany 115,523 +~~~ 2,451 +~~~
China 81,865 +~~~ 3,335 +~~~
Iran 66,220 +~~~ 4,110 +~~~
UK 65,077 +~~~ 7,978 +~~~
Turkey 42,282 +~~~ 908 +~~~
Belgium 24,983 +~~~ 2,523 +~~~
Switzerland 24,046 +~~~ 948 +~~~
Netherlands 21,762 +~~~ 2,396 +~~~
Canada 20,696 +~~~ 503 +~~~
Brazil 16,474 +~~~ 839 +~~~
Portugal 13,956 +~~~ 409 +~~~
Austria 13,244 +~~~ 295 +~~~
S. Korea 10,423 +~~~ 204 +~~~
Russia 10,131 +~~~ 76 +~~~
Israel 9,968 +~~~ 86 +~~~
Sweden 9,141 +~~~ 793 +~~~
India 6,725 +~~~ 226 +~~~
Ireland 6,574 +~~~ 263 +~~~
Norway 6,162 +~~~ 108 +~~~
Australia 6,104 +~~~ 51 +~~~
Chile 5,972 +~~~ 57 +~~~
Denmark 5,635 +~~~ 237 +~~~
Poland 5,575 +~~~ 174 +~~~
Czechia 5,467 +~~~ 112 +~~~
Peru 5,256 +~~~ 138 +~~~
Romania 5,202 +~~~ 248 +~~~

Last updated: April 09, 2020, 00:24 GMT (posted late April 8, 2020)
USA 430,210 +44,199 14,736 +2506 (+31603 / +1933)
Spain 148,220 +~~~ 14,792 +~~~
Italy 139,422 +~~~ 17,669 +~~~
Germany 113,296 +~~~ 2,349 +~~~
France 112,950 +~~~ 10,869 +~~~
China 81,802 +~~~ 3,333 +~~~
Iran 64,586 +~~~ 3,993 +~~~
UK 60,733 +~~~ 7,097 +~~~
Turkey 38,226 +~~~ 812 +~~~
Belgium 23,403 +~~~ 2,240 +~~~
Switzerland 23,280 +~~~ 895 +~~~
Netherlands 20,549 +~~~ 2,248 +~~~
Canada 19,438 +~~~ 427 +~~~
Brazil 16,188 +~~~ 820 +~~~
Portugal 13,141 +~~~ 380 +~~~
Austria 12,942 +~~~ 273 +~~~
S. Korea 10,384 +~~~ 200 +~~~
Israel 9,404 +~~~ 73 +~~~
Russia 8,672 +~~~ 63 +~~~
Sweden 8,419 +~~~ 687 +~~~
Ireland 6,074 +~~~ 235 +~~~
Australia 6,052 +~~~ 50 +~~~
Norway 6,042 +~~~ 101 +~~~
India 5,916 +~~~ 178 +~~~
Chile 5,546 +~~~ 48 +~~~
Denmark 5,402 +~~~ 218 +~~~
Czechia 5,312 +~~~ 99 +~~~
Poland 5,205 +~~~ 159 +~~~

April 07, 2020 The City of Los Angeles requires all people wear masks outside the home.

Last updated: April 07, 2020, 17:28 GMT
USA 386,011 +19007 12,230 +1359 (+31603 / +1933)
Spain 140,511 +~~~ 13,897 +~~~
Italy 135,586 +~~~ 17,127 +~~~
Germany 105,604 +~~~ 1,905 +~~~
France 98,010 +~~~ 10,328 +~~~
China 81,740 +~~~ 3,331 +~~~
Iran 62,589 +~~~ 3,872 +~~~
UK 55,242 +~~~ 6,159 +~~~
Turkey 34,109 +~~~ 725 +~~~
Switzerland 22,253 +~~~ 821 +~~~
Belgium 22,194 +~~~ 2,035 +~~~
Netherlands 19,580 +~~~ 2,101 +~~~
Canada 17,553 +~~~ 345 +~~~
Austria 12,613 +~~~ 243 +~~~
Portugal 12,442 +~~~ 345 +~~~
Brazil 12,377 +~~~ 582 +~~~
S. Korea 10,331 +~~~ 192 +~~~
Israel 9,006 +~~~ 61 +~~~
Sweden 7,693 +~~~ 591 +~~~
Russia 7,497 +~~~ 58 +~~~
Australia 5,919 +~~~ 48 +~~~
Norway 5,869 +~~~ 89 +~~~
Ireland 5,709 +~~~ 210 +~~~
India 5,311 +~~~ 150 +~~~
Chile 5,116 +~~~ 43 +~~~
Denmark 5,071 +~~~ 203 +~~~

Last updated: April 06, 2020
USA 367,004 +30331 10,871 +1255
Spain 136,675 +~~~ 13,341 +~~~
Italy 132,547 +~~~ 16,523 +~~~
Germany 103,375 +~~~ 1,810 +~~~
France 98,010 +~~~ 8,911 +~~~
China 81,708 +~~~ 3,331 +~~~
Iran 60,500 +~~~ 3,739 +~~~
UK 51,608 +~~~ 5,373 +~~~
Turkey 30,217 +~~~ 649 +~~~
Switzerland 21,657 +~~~ 765 +~~~
Belgium 20,814 +~~~ 1,632 +~~~
Netherlands 18,803 +~~~ 1,867 +~~~
Canada 16,667 +~~~ 323 +~~~
Austria 12,297 +~~~ 220 +~~~
Brazil 12,183 +~~~ 564 +~~~
Portugal 11,730 +~~~ 311 +~~~
S. Korea 10,284 +~~~ 186 +~~~
Israel 8,904 +~~~ 57 +~~~
Sweden 7,206 +~~~ 477 +~~~
Russia 6,343 +~~~ 47 +~~~
Australia 5,895 +~~~ 45 +~~~
Norway 5,865 +~~~ 76 +~~~
Ireland 5,364 +~~~ 174 +~~~

Last updated: April 06, 2020, 01:13 GMT (Posted April 5, 2020)
USA 336,673 +30739 9,616 +1310
Spain 131,646 +~~~ 12,641 +~~~
Italy 128,948 +~~~ 15,887 +~~~
Germany 100,123 +~~~ 1,584 +~~~
France 92,839 +~~~ 8,078 +~~~
China 81,708 +~~~ 3,331 +~~~
Iran 58,226 +~~~ 3,603 +~~~
UK 47,806 +~~~ 4,934 +~~~
Turkey 27,069 +~~~ 574 +~~~
Switzerland 21,100 +~~~ 715 +~~~
Belgium 19,691 +~~~ 1,447 +~~~
Netherlands 17,851 +~~~ 1,766 +~~~
Canada 15,512 +~~~ 280 +~~~
Austria 12,051 +~~~ 204 +~~~
Brazil 11,281 +~~~ 487 +~~~
Portugal 11,278 +~~~ 295 +~~~
S. Korea 10,237 +~~~ 183 +~~~
Israel 8,430 +~~~ 49 +~~~
Sweden 6,830 +~~~ 401 +~~~
Australia 5,750 +~~~ 37 +~~~
Norway 5,687 +~~~ 71 +~~~
Russia 5,389 +~~~ 45 +~~~

Last updated: April 04, 2020, 20:06 GMT
USA 305,934 +40428 8,306 +1520
Spain 124,736 +~~~ 11,744 +~~~
Italy 124,632 +~~~ 15,362 +~~~
Germany 95,637 +~~~ 1,395 +~~~
France 89,953 +~~~ 7,560 +~~~
China 81,639 +~~~ 3,326 +~~~
Iran 55,743 +~~~ 3,452 +~~~
UK 41,903 +~~~ 4,313 +~~~
Turkey 23,934 +~~~ 501 +~~~
Switzerland 20,505 +~~~ 666 +~~~
Belgium 18,431 +~~~ 1,283 +~~~
Netherlands 16,627 +~~~ 1,651 +~~~
Canada 13,872 +~~~ 228 +~~~
Austria 11,781 +~~~ 186 +~~~
Portugal 10,524 +~~~ 266 +~~~
Brazil 10,278 +~~~ 431 +~~~
S. Korea 10,156 +~~~ 177 +~~~
Israel 7,851 +~~~ 44 +~~~
Sweden 6,443 +~~~ 373 +~~~
Norway 5,550 +~~~ 62 +~~~
Australia 5,550 +~~~ 30 +~~~

April 03, 2020 The CDC recommends all people wear masks outside the home.
April 03, 2020 NYC asks all people wear masks outside the home.
April 03, 2020 LACounty asks all people wear masks outside the home.

Last updated: April 03, 2020, 17:42 GMT
USA 265,506 +30225 6,786 +1183
Italy 119,827 +~~~ 14,681 +~~~
Spain 117,710 +~~~ 10,935 +~~~
Germany 89,838 +~~~ 1,230 +~~~
China 81,620 +~~~ 3,322 +~~~
France 59,105 +~~~ 5,387 +~~~
Iran 53,183 +~~~ 3,294 +~~~
UK 38,168 +~~~ 3,605 +~~~
Turkey 20,921 +~~~ 425 +~~~
Switzerland 19,606 +~~~ 591 +~~~
Belgium 16,770 +~~~ 1,143 +~~~
Netherlands 15,723 +~~~ 1,487 +~~~
Canada 11,747 +~~~ 173 +~~~
Austria 11,489 +~~~ 168 +~~~
S. Korea 10,062 +~~~ 174 +~~~
Portugal 9,886 +~~~ 246 +~~~
Brazil 8,229 +~~~ 343 +~~~
Israel 7,030 +~~~ 40 +~~~
Sweden 6,131 +~~~ 358 +~~~
Australia 5,350 +~~~ 28 +~~~

Last updated: April 02, 2020, 17:57 GMT
USA 235,281 +24138 5,603 +890
Italy 115,242 +~~~ 13,915+~~~
Spain 110,238 +~~~ 10,096+~~~
Germany 84,264 +~~~ 1,074 +~~~
China 81,589 +~~~ 3,318 +~~~
France 59,105 +~~~ 4,503 +~~~
Iran 50,468 +~~~ 3,160 +~~~
UK 33,718 +~~~ 2,921 +~~~
Switzerland 18,827 +~~~ 536 +~~~
Turkey 18,135 +~~~ 356 +~~~
Belgium 15,348 +~~~ 1,011 +~~~
Netherlands 14,697 +~~~ 1,339 +~~~
Austria 11,076 +~~~ 158 +~~~
Canada 11,068 +~~~ 134 +~~~
S. Korea 9,976 +~~~ 169 +~~~
Portugal 9,034 +~~~ 209 +~~~
Brazil 7,031 +~~~ 252 +~~~
Israel 6,808 +~~~ 34 +~~~
Sweden 5,466 +~~~ 282 +~~~
Australia 5,139 +~~~ 25 +~~~
Norway 5,128 +~~~ 50 +~~~

Last updated: April 01, 2020, 20:32 GMT
USA 211,143 +32492 4,713 +1203
Italy 110,574 +~~~ 13,155 +~~~
Spain 102,179 +~~~ 9,131 +~~~
China 81,554 +~~~ 3,312 +~~~
Germany 77,779 +~~~ 909 +~~~
France 56,989 +~~~ 4,032 +~~~
Iran 47,593 +~~~ 3,036 +~~~
UK 29,474 +~~~ 2,352 +~~~
Switzerland 17,768 +~~~ 488 +~~~
Turkey 15,679 +~~~ 277 +~~~
Belgium 13,964 +~~~ 828 +~~~
Netherlands 13,614 +~~~ 1,173 +~~~
Austria 10,668 +~~~ 146 +~~~
S. Korea 9,887 +~~~ 165 +~~~
Canada 9,560 +948 +~~~ +~~~
Portugal 8,251 +~~~ 187 +~~~
Brazil 6,836 +~~~ 240 +~~~
Israel 6,092 +~~~ 25 +~~~

Posted 'new cases' and 'new deaths' numbers were at times wildly discrepant from day-on-day calculations, at times less then 1/5 of the calculated numbers. I went back in time from March 31, 2020 and recalculated those categories. I'll be deleting the posted numbers and replacing them with symbols indicating they need to be individually calculated, unless I calculate the actual number in which case I'll post the number.

Last updated: March 31, 2020, 18:29 GMT
USA 178,651 +22402 3,501 +637
Italy 105,792 +4053 12,428 +837
Spain 94,417 +9222 8,269 +929
China 81,518 +48 3,305 +1
Germany 68,180 +4251 682 +122
France 52,128 +7578 3,523 +499
Iran 44,605 +3110 2,898 +141
UK 25,150 +3009 1,789 +381
Switzerland 16,186 +426 395 +47
Turkey 13,531 +2704 214 +46
Belgium 12,775 +876 705 +192
Netherlands 12,595 +845 1,039 +175
Austria 10,122 +581 128 +20
S. Korea 9,786 +125 162 +4
Canada 8,467 +1796 95 +28
Portugal 7,443 +1035 160 +20

Last updated: March 30, 2020, 18:39 GMT
USA 156,249 +20622 2,864 +480
Italy 101,739 +4050 11,591 +812
Spain 85,195 +6396 7,340 +734
China 81,470 +31 3,304 +4
Germany 63,929 +3270 560 +78
France 44,550 +4376 3,024 +418
Iran 41,495 +3186 2,757 +117
UK 22,141 +2619 1,408 +180
Switzerland 15,760 +931 348 +48
Belgium 11,899 +1063 513 +82
Netherlands 11,750 +884 864 +93
Turkey 10,827 +1610 168 +37
S. Korea 9,661 +78 158 +6
Austria 9,541 +830 108 +22
Canada 6,671 +~~~ 67 +~~
Portugal 6,408 +~~~ 140 +~~

As of March 29, 2020 at 18:24 GMT
USA 135,627 +19570 2,384 +447
Italy 97,689 +5217 10,779 +756
China 81,439 +45 3,300 +5
Spain 78,799 +6551 6,606 +794
Germany 60,659 +4457 482 +79
France 40,174 +7210 2,606 +~~~
Iran 38,309 +2901 2,640 +123
UK 19,522 +2433 1,228 +209
Switzerland 14,829 +1452 300 +58
Netherlands 10,866 +1104 771 +132
Belgium 10,836 +1702 431 +78
S. Korea 9,583 +105 152 +8
Turkey 9,217 +1815 131 +23
Austria 8,711 +589 86 +18

As of March 28, 2020 at NN:NN GMT
USA 116,057 +17977 1,937 +424
Italy 92,472 +5974 10,023 +889
China 81,394 +54 3,295 +3
Spain 72,248 +8189 5,812 +878
Germany 56,202 +6024 403 +65
Iran 35,408 +2444 2,517 +522
France 32,964 +~~~ 1,995 +~~~
UK 17,089 +2546 1,019 +~~~
Switzerland 13,377 +449 242 +11
Netherlands 9,762 +1159 639 +93
S. Korea 9,478 +146 144 +5
Belgium 9,134 +1850 353 +64
Austria 8,122 +480 68 +10
Turkey 7,402 +1704 108 +161

As of March 27, 2020 at NN:NN GMT
USA 98,080 +18998 1,513
Italy 86,498 +5909 9,134
China 81,340 +55 3,292
Spain 64,059 +7862 4,934
Germany 50,178 +6532 338
France 32,964 +3809 1,995
Iran 32,332 +2926 2,378
UK 14,543 +2885 759
Switzerland 12,928 +1216 231
S. Korea 9,332 +91 139
Netherlands 8,603 +1172 546
Austria 7,642 +795 58
Belgium 7,284 +1049 289
Turkey 5,698 +~~~ 92

As of March 26, 2020 at NN:NN GMT
China 81,285 +67
Italy 80,589 +6203
USA 79,082 +18429
Spain 56,197 +8587
Germany 43,646 +7906
Iran 29,406 +2389
France 29,155 +6851
Switzerland 11,712 +1175
UK 11,658 +3431
S. Korea 9,241 +104
Netherlands 7,431
Austria 6,847
Belgium 6,235

March 25, 2020 China relaxes travel restrictions out of Hubei to allow workers to return to their jobs elsewhere in China
people are allowed to travel in and out of Hubei as long as they have a "green" health code

As of March 25, 2020 at 17:21 GMT
China 81,218 +47
Italy 74,386 +5210
USA 60,653 +11059
Spain 47,610 +7934
Germany 35,740 +3749
Iran 27,017 +2206
France 22,304 +2448
Switzerland 10,537 +1420
S. Korea 9,137 +100
UK 8,227 +150

As of March 24, 2020 at 17:29 GMT
China 81,171 +78
Italy 69,176 +5249
USA 49,594 +8025
Spain 39,676 +6587
Germany 31,991 +2935
Iran 24,811 +1762
France 19,856 +~~~
Switzerland 9,117 +570
S. Korea 9,037
UK 8,077 +1,427

As of March 23, 2020 at 19:05 GMT
China 81,093 +39
Italy 63,927 +4789
USA 41,569 +9213
Spain 33,089 +4485
Germany 29,056 +4204
Iran 23,049 +1411
France 19,856 +3838
S. Korea 8,961 +64
Switzerland 8,547

Sunday, March 22, 2020 4:44 PM
China 81,054 +46
Italy 59,138 +5560
USA 32,356 +10224
Spain 28,603 +3229
Germany 24,852 +2998
Iran 21,638 +1028
France 16,018 +3406
S. Korea 8,897 +98

Saturday, March 21, 2020 1:20 PM
China 81,008 +41
Italy 53,578 +6557
Spain 25,374 +4962
USA 22,132 +5587
Germany 21,854 +2143
Iran 20,610 +966
France 12,612 +1617
S. Korea 8,799 +147
Switzerland 6,371 +1002

Friday, March 20, 2020 2:16 PM
China 80,967 +39
Italy 47,021 +11308
Spain 20,412 +3017
Germany 19,711 +5167
Iran 19,644 +1237
USA 16,545 +5216
France 10,995 +1861
S. Korea 8,652
Switzerland 5,369

Thursday, March 19, 2020 1:13 PM
China 80,928 +34
Italy 35,713 ~~~ (not reported)
Iran 18,407 +1,046
Spain 17,395 +2,626
Germany 14,544 +2,217
USA 11,329 +2,070 161 +11
France 9,134 ~~~ (not reported)

Italy under tight lockdown March 11, 2020


Friday, March 27, 2020 3:54 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

states with greater than 3,000 total cases

I'm just roughly tracking these figures because the urls are constantly updated, and you can't to go back in time and retrieve previous numbers.


Last updated: May 2, 2020
1,~~~,~~~ / 65,~~~
1,~~~,~~~ / 65,~~~


Last updated: May 1, 2020
1,131,030 / 65,753
1,1~~,~~~ / 6~,~~~


Last updated: April 30, 2020, 17:20 GMT
1,075,373 / 62,315
1,056,402 / 61,867


Last updated: April 29, 2020, 17:52 GMT
1,048,834 / 60,495
1,027,295 / 59,392


Last updated: April 28, 2020, 21:16 GMT
1,029,878 / 58,640
1,008,066 / 58,126


Last updated: April 27, 2020, 18:38 GMT
999,390 / 56,175
978,680 / 55,266


Last updated: April 26, 2020, 19:04 GMT
976,403 / 54,965
956,292 / 54,175

===> April 24, 2020 States partially lifting COVID-19 restrictions:

South Carolina

Tennessee stay-at-home order will not be extended past April 30


Last updated: April 25, 2020, 18:33 GMT
945,833 / 53,266
924,576 / 52,782


Last updated: April 24, 2020, 19:35 GMT
908,981 / 51,342
884,004 / 50,360


Last updated: April 23, 2020, 21:20 GMT
876,174 / 49,651
856,209 / 47,272


Last updated: April 22, 2020, 19:09 GMT
831,086 / 46,249
835,316 / 45,950


Last updated: April 21, 2020, 20:57 GMT
813,589 / 45,013
816,240 / 43,921


Last updated: April 20, 2020, 23:13 GMT
791,625 / 42,458
783,290 / 41,872


Last updated: April 19, 2020, 22:51 GMT
763,083 / 40,495
755,533 / 40,461


Last updated: April 18, 2020, 22 +2,106:37 GMT
736,790 / 38,920
732,197 / 38,664


Last updated: April 17, 2020, 18:03 GMT
689,938 / 35,915
679,374 / 34,180


Last updated: April 16, 2020, 18:59 GMT
667,572 / 33,903
648,788 / 30,920

===> April 15, 2020 NYS essential workers will be voluntarily tested for SARS-COV-2 antibodies beginning this week
===> April 15, 2020 NYS residents will be required to wear face coverings when they are out and coming in close contact with other people

Last updated: April 15, 2020, 17:29 GMT
622,380 / 27,548
613,187 / 26,119

===> April 14, 2020 NYC adds probable deaths to COVID statistics
===> April 14, 2020 Changes in United States Data following the new CDC guidelines on "Case" and "Death" definition

Last updated: April 14, 2020, 20:12 GMT
608,988 / 25,671
598,670 / 25,239


Last updated: April 13, 2020, 20:47 GMT
583,444 / 23,463
572,587 / 23,078


Last updated: April 12, 2020, 22:52 GMT
558,539 / 21,993
554,226 / 21,994


Last updated: April 11, 2020, 18:38 GMT
522,320 / 20,086
514,415 / 19,882


Last updated: April 10, 2020, 19:09 GMT
489,646 / 18,034
486,490 / 18,002


Last updated: April 09, 2020, 20:28 GMT
460,029 / 16,374
452,582 / 16,129


Last updated: April 09, 2020, 00:24 GMT (posted late April 08, 2020)
430,271 / 14,738
429,052 / 14,695

===> April 07, 2020 The City of Los Angeles requires all people wear masks outside the home.

Last updated: April 07, 2020, 17:19 GMT
386,194 / 12,246
379,965 / 11,851


Last updated: April 06, 2020
367,004 / 30,331
~~~,~~~ / ~~,~~~


Last updated: April 06, 2020, 01:13 GMT (posted April 5, 2020)
336,673 / 9,616
337,310 / 9,634


Last updated: April 04, 2020, 20:33 GMT
306,519 / 8,344
301,902 / 8,175

===> April 03, 2020 The CDC recommends all people wear masks outside the home.
===> April 03, 2020 NYC asks all people wear masks outside the home.
===> April 03, 2020 LACounty asks all people wear masks outside the home.


Last updated: April 03, 2020, 18:01 GMT
265,506 / 6,786
258,214 / 6,605


Last updated: April 02, 2020, 18:17 GMT
235,747 / 5,620
226,374 / 5,316


Last updated: April 01, 2020, 21:10 GMT
211,143 / 4,713
206,207 / 4,542


Last updated: March 31, 2020, 19:41 GMT
180,789 / 3,580
177,452 / 3,440


Last updated: March 30, 2020, 18:49 GMT
156,565 / 2,870
153,246 / 2,828


As of March 29, 2020 at 18:24 GMT
135627 / 2384
132,637 / 2,351


As of March 28, 2020 at 18:19 GMT
116326 / 1943
112,468 / 1,841


As of March 27, 2020 at 19:17 GMT
98076 / 1513
97,028 / 1,475


As of March 26, 2020 at 19:12 GMT
79082 / 1143
76,514 / 1,093


As of March 25, 2020 at 18:41 GMT
61808 / 859
61,167 / 849


As of March 24, 2020 at 17:19 GMT
49594 / 622
46,805/ 593

===> NY stay at home March 23, 2020

As of March 23, 2020 at 19:05 GMT
41569 / 504
41,708 / 573


As of March 22, 2020 at 20:27 GMT
32356 / 414
32,081 / 404

===> March 21, 2020 LACounty eliminates testing on most potential COVID-19 patients.
===> March 21, 2020 NYC eliminates testing on most potential COVID-19 patients.

As of March 21, 2020 at 17:10 GMT
22132 / 282
19,931 / 275


As of March 20, 2020 at 18:05 GMT
16545 / 225
14,631 / 210

===> CA stay at home March 19, 2020 (PM)

As of March 19, 2020 at 16:59 GMT
11234 / 161
10,755/ 154


As of March 18, 2020 at 17:36 GMT
7678 / 117
7,324 / 115

===> federal guidelines March 17, 2020

As of March 17, 2020 at 18:11 GMT
5723 / 97
5,702 / 94


As of March 16, 2020 at 19:34 GMT
4252 / 75
4,138 / 71


As of March 15, 2020 at 13:45 GMT
3083 / 60
2,952 / 57


As of March 14, 2020 at 20:20 GMT
2499 / 55
2,572 / 51


As of March 13, 2020 at 15:55 GMT
1832 / 41
1,268 / 33


As of March 12, 2020 at 18:15 GMT
1412 / 40
1,323 / 38


As of March 11, 2020 at 12:10 GMT
1015 / 31
1,039 / 29


As of March 10, 2020 at 18:30 GMT
787 / 28
804 / 28


As of March 09, 2020


As of March 08, 2020


As of March 07, 2020

A factor of X60 may be applicable.

As of May 1, 2020
New York 315,222 24,069
New Jersey 121,190 7,538
Massachusetts 64,311 3,716
Illinois 56,055 2,457
California 51,775 2,111
Pennsylvania 49,642 2,651
Michigan 42,356 3,866
Florida 34,728 1,314
Texas 29,893 849
Connecticut 28,764 2,339
Louisiana 28,711 1,970
Georgia 27,496 1,166
Maryland 23,472 1,192
Ohio 18,743 1,002
Indiana 18,630 1,175
Virginia 16,901 581
Colorado 15,768 820
Washington 15,161 832
Tennessee 11,891 204
North Carolina 11,071 419
Rhode Island 8,962 279
Missouri 8,018 358
Arizona 7,962 330
Iowa 7,884 170
Wisconsin 7,314 327
Alabama 7,294 289
Mississippi 7,212 281
South Carolina 6,258 256
Minnesota 5,730 371
Nevada 5,227 254
Delaware 4,918 159
Kentucky 4,879 248
Nebraska 4,838 73
Utah 4,828 46
DC 4,658 231
Kansas 4,536 138
Oklahoma 3,748 230
New Mexico 3,513 131
Arkansas 3,321 64

Last updated: April 30, 2020, 17:20 GMT
New York 310,630 23,780
New Jersey 116,264 6,770
Massachusetts 60,265 3,405
Illinois 50,355 2,215
California 48,883 1,956
Pennsylvania 45,865 2,354
Michigan 40,399 3,670
Florida 33,690 1,268
Louisiana 28,001 1,862
Texas 27,566 749
Connecticut 26,767 2,168
Georgia 26,033 1,107
Maryland 21,742 1,140
Indiana 17,835 1,114
Ohio 17,303 937
Virginia 15,846 552
Colorado 14,758 766
Washington 14,070 801
North Carolina 10,606 397
Tennessee 10,366 195
Rhode Island 8,247 251
Missouri 7,621 339
Arizona 7,202 304
Iowa 7,145 162
Alabama 6,978 267
Mississippi 6,815 261
Wisconsin 6,520 308
South Carolina 5,881 232
Minnesota 5,136 343
Nevada 4,998 237
Delaware 4,734 152
Kentucky 4,539 235
Utah 4,495 45
DC 4,323 224
Kansas 3,839 134
Nebraska 3,784 68
Oklahoma 3,618 222
New Mexico 3,213 112
Arkansas 3,210 59

Last updated: April 29, 2020, 17:52 GMT
New York 305,086 23,474
New Jersey 116,264 6,770
Massachusetts 58,302 3,153
Illinois 48,102 2,125
California 46,506 1,873
Pennsylvania 45,016 2,195
Michigan 39,262 3,567
Florida 33,193 1,218
Louisiana 27,660 1,845
Texas 27,054 732
Connecticut 26,312 2,089
Georgia 25,274 1,052
Maryland 20,849 1,078
Indiana 17,182 1,065
Ohio 16,769 799
Virginia 14,961 522
Colorado 14,316 736
Washington 13,842 786
North Carolina 10,092 379
Tennessee 10,052 188
Rhode Island 8,247 251
Missouri 7,376 327
Arizona 7,202 304
Iowa 6,843 148
Alabama 6,814 245
Mississippi 6,569 250
Wisconsin 6,289 300
South Carolina 5,735 192
Nevada 4,898 225
Delaware 4,655 144
Minnesota 4,644 319
Kentucky 4,375 225
Utah 4,343 45
DC 4,106 205
Kansas 3,685 127
Oklahoma 3,410 207
Nebraska 3,374 55
Arkansas 3,137 57

Last updated: April 28, 2020, 21:16 GMT
New York 300,334 22,866
New Jersey 113,856 6,442
Massachusetts 58,302 3,153
Illinois 48,102 2,125
California 46,032 1,862
Pennsylvania 43,264 1,860
Michigan 39,262 3,567
Florida 32,846 1,171
Louisiana 27,286 1,801
Connecticut 26,312 2,089
Texas 26,171 690
Georgia 24,606 1,025
Maryland 20,113 1,016
Ohio 16,769 799
Indiana 16,588 992
Virginia 14,339 492
Colorado 13,879 706
Washington 13,686 765
Tennessee 10,052 188
North Carolina 9,674 360
Rhode Island 7,926 239
Missouri 7,303 314
Arizona 6,948 293
Alabama 6,687 242
Iowa 6,376 136
Mississippi 6,342 239
Wisconsin 6,289 300
South Carolina 5,735 192
Nevada 4,805 219
Delaware 4,575 137
Utah 4,343 45
Minnesota 4,181 301
Kentucky 4,146 213
DC 3,994 190
Oklahoma 3,410 207
Nebraska 3,358 56
Kansas 3,296 122
Arkansas 3,069 51

Last updated: April 27, 2020, 18:38 GMT
New York 297,224 22,612
New Jersey 111,188 6,044
Massachusetts 54,938 2,899
Illinois 43,903 1,933
California 43,784 1,721
Pennsylvania 42,708 1,823
Michigan 37,778 3,315
Florida 32,138 1,088
Louisiana 27,068 1,740
Texas 25,297 663
Connecticut 25,269 1,924
Georgia 23,773 942
Maryland 19,487 945
Ohio 16,325 753
Indiana 15,961 932
Virginia 13,535 458
Washington 13,521 749
Colorado 13,441 680
Tennessee 9,667 181
North Carolina 9,275 327
Rhode Island 7,708 233
Missouri 7,029 283
Arizona 6,716 275
Alabama 6,467 219
Mississippi 6,094 229
Wisconsin 5,911 272
Iowa 5,868 127
South Carolina 5,490 174
Nevada 4,690 206
Utah 4,233 41
Delaware 4,162 125
Kentucky 4,074 208
DC 3,892 185
Minnesota 3,816 286
Kansas 3,296 122
Oklahoma 3,280 197
Nebraska 3,028 56
Arkansas 3,017 50

Last updated: April 26, 2020, 19:04 GMT
New York 293,354 22,275
New Jersey 109,038 5,938
Massachusetts 53,348 2,730
California 42,688 1,695
Illinois 41,777 1,874
Pennsylvania 41,697 1,804
Michigan 37,203 3,274
Florida 31,528 1,074
Louisiana 26,773 1,729
Texas 24,631 648
Connecticut 24,582 1,862
Georgia 23,401 912
Maryland 18,581 910
Ohio 15,963 728
Indiana 15,012 813
Washington 13,319 738
Virginia 12,970 448
Colorado 12,968 672
Tennessee 9,189 178
North Carolina 8,946 314
Rhode Island 7,439 226
Missouri 6,881 283
Arizona 6,526 275
Alabama 6,253 213
Wisconsin 5,911 272
Mississippi 5,911 227
Iowa 5,476 118
South Carolina 5,253 166
Nevada 4,539 206
Delaware 4,034 120
Utah 3,948 41
Kentucky 3,905 205
DC 3,841 178
Minnesota 3,602 272
Oklahoma 3,253 195
Kansas 3,135 120

Last updated: April 25, 2020, 18:33 GMT
New York 287,245 21,728
New Jersey 105,523 5,863
Massachusetts 50,969 2,556
California 41,382 1,618
Pennsylvania 40,149 1,736
Illinois 39,658 1,795
Michigan 36,641 3,085
Florida 30,839 1,055
Louisiana 26,512 1,703
Connecticut 23,921 1,764
Texas 23,773 623
Georgia 22,695 904
Maryland 17,766 875
Ohio 15,587 711
Indiana 14,395 785
Washington 13,176 723
Virginia 12,366 436
Colorado 12,256 674
Tennessee 8,726 168
North Carolina 8,719 304
Rhode Island 7,129 215
Missouri 6,766 272
Arizona 6,045 266
Alabama 6,032 212
Mississippi 5,718 221
Wisconsin 5,356 262
South Carolina 5,070 157
Nevada 4,539 204
Iowa 4,445 107
Utah 3,948 41
Kentucky 3,779 200
DC 3,699 165
Delaware 3,576 112
Minnesota 3,446 244
Oklahoma 3,193 194

Last updated: April 24, 2020, 19:35 GMT
New York 276,711 21,283
New Jersey 102,196 5,617
Massachusetts 46,023 2,360
California 39,684 1,534
Pennsylvania 38,652 1,685
Illinois 36,934 1,688
Michigan 36,641 3,085
Florida 30,174 1,012
Louisiana 26,140 1,601
Connecticut 23,100 1,639
Texas 22,806 593
Georgia 22,147 892
Maryland 16,616 798
Ohio 15,169 690
Indiana 13,680 741
Washington 12,753 711
Virginia 11,594 410
Colorado 11,262 552
Tennessee 8,726 170
North Carolina 8,203 290
Rhode Island 6,699 202
Missouri 6,625 262
Arizona 6,045 266
Alabama 5,832 201
Mississippi 5,434 209
Wisconsin 5,356 262
South Carolina 4,917 150
Iowa 4,445 107
Nevada 4,398 197
Utah 3,612 35
DC 3,528 153
Kentucky 3,481 191
Delaware 3,442 100
Minnesota 3,185 221
Oklahoma 3,121 188

Last updated: April 23, 2020, 21:20 GMT
New York 268,581 20,861
New Jersey 99,989 5,368
Massachusetts 46,023 2,360
California 39,009 1,512
Pennsylvania 37,053 1,713
Illinois 36,934 1,688
Michigan 35,291 2,977
Florida 28,832 960
Louisiana 25,739 1,599
Connecticut 23,100 1,639
Texas 21,944 561
Georgia 21,512 872
Maryland 15,737 748
Ohio 14,694 656
Indiana 13,039 706
Washington 12,494 692
Virginia 10,998 372
Colorado 10,878 508
Tennessee 8,266 170
North Carolina 7,759 275
Missouri 6,321 232
Rhode Island 6,256 189
Alabama 5,805 201
Arizona 5,769 249
Mississippi 5,153 201
Wisconsin 5,052 257
South Carolina 4,917 150
Nevada 4,208 189
Iowa 3,924 96
Utah 3,445 35
Kentucky 3,373 185
DC 3,361 139
Delaware 3,308 92
Oklahoma 3,017 179

Last updated: April 22, 2020, 19:09 GMT
New York 262,081 20,167
New Jersey 92,387 4,753
Massachusetts 41,199 1,961
California 35,905 1,334
Pennsylvania 35,684 1,622
Illinois 33,059 1,468
Michigan 32,967 2,700
Florida 28,309 893
Louisiana 25,258 1,473
Texas 21,069 543
Georgia 20,740 836
Connecticut 20,360 1,423
Maryland 14,775 698
Ohio 14,117 610
Indiana 12,438 661
Washington 12,282 682
Colorado 10,447 486
Virginia 9,630 324
Tennessee 7,394 157
North Carolina 7,333 261
Missouri 6,137 224
Rhode Island 5,841 181
Arizona 5,459 229
Alabama 5,445 193
Mississippi 4,894 193
Wisconsin 4,845 246
S Carolina 4,608 135
Nevada 4,081 172
Iowa 3,748 90
Utah 3,445 34
DC 3,206 127
Delaware 3,200 89
Kentucky 3,192 171

Last updated: April 21, 2020, 20:57 GMT
New York 256,555 19,693
New Jersey 92,387 4,753
Massachusetts 41,199 1,961
Pennsylvania 34,528 1,564
California 33,897 1,227
Illinois 33,059 1,468
Michigan 32,967 2,700
Florida 27,495 839
Louisiana 24,854 1,405
Connecticut 20,360 1,423
Texas 20,196 517
Georgia 19,881 799
Maryland 14,193 652
Ohio 13,725 557
Indiana 12,097 630
Washington 12,085 652
Colorado 10,106 449
Virginia 9,63 324
Tennessee 7,394 157
North Carolina 7,099 235
Missouri 5,941 220
Rhode Island 5,500 171
Arizona 5,251 208
Alabama 5,231 177
Mississippi 4,716 183
Wisconsin 4,620 242
South Carolina 4,608 135
Nevada 3,937 163
Iowa 3,641 83
Utah 3,296 32
DC 3,098 112
Kentucky 3,050 154

Last updated: April 20, 2020, 23:13 GMT
New York 252,094 18,929
New Jersey 88,806 4,377
Massachusetts 39,643 1,809
Pennsylvania 33,914 1,348
California 33,404 1,203
Michigan 32,000 2,468
Illinois 31,508 1,349
Florida 27,058 823
Louisiana 24,523 1,328
Connecticut 19,815 1,331
Texas 19,458 499
Georgia 19,399 775
Maryland 13,684 582
Ohio 12,919 509
Washington 11,790 634
Indiana 11,686 569
Colorado 10,106 449
Virginia 8,990 300
Tennessee 7,238 152
North Carolina 6,867 210
Missouri 5,807 198
Rhode Island 5,090 155
Alabama 5,078 164
Arizona 5,064 187
Mississippi 4,512 169
Wisconsin 4,499 230
South Carolina 4,439 124
Nevada 3,830 158
Utah 3,213 28
Iowa 3,159 79
Kentucky 3,050 154

Last updated: April 19, 2020, 22:51 GMT
New York 247,215 18,298
New Jersey 85,301 4,202
Massachusetts 38,077 1,706
Pennsylvania 32,734 1,237
Michigan 31,424 2,391
California 30,965 1,149
Illinois 30,357 1,290
Florida 26,314 774
Louisiana 23,928 1,296
Texas 18,923 477
Georgia 18,301 687
Connecticut 17,962 1,127
Maryland 12,830 486
Washington 11,802 624
Ohio 11,602 471
Indiana 11,210 562
Colorado 9,730 422
Virginia 8,537 277
Tennessee 7,070 148
North Carolina 6,589 192
Missouri 5,698 198
Arizona 4,929 184
Alabama 4,888 157
Rhode Island 4,706 150
South Carolina 4,377 120
Wisconsin 4,346 220
Mississippi 4,274 159
Nevada 3,725 155
Utah 3,069 27

Last updated: April 18, 2020, 22:37 GMT
New York 241,041 17,671
New Jersey 81,420 4,070
Massachusetts 36,372 1,560
Pennsylvania 31,731 1,102
Michigan 30,791 2,308
California 30,469 1,140
Illinois 29,160 1,259
Florida 25,492 748
Louisiana 23,580 1,267
Texas 18,260 453
Georgia 17,669 673
Connecticut 17,550 1,086
Maryland 12,308 463
Washington 11,445 603
Indiana 10,641 545
Ohio 10,222 451
Colorado 9,047 391
Virginia 8,053 258
Tennessee 6,762 145
North Carolina 6,310 173
Missouri 5,517 184
Arizona 4,719 177
Alabama 4,712 146
Rhode Island 4,491 137
South Carolina 4,246 119
Wisconsin 4,199 211
Mississippi 3,974 152
Nevada 3,626 151

Last updated: April 17, 2020, 18:03 GMT
New York 226,198 16,736
New Jersey 78,467 3,840
Massachusetts 32,181 1,245
Pennsylvania 29,441 837
Michigan 29,263 2,093
California 28,156 973
Illinois 25,733 1,072
Florida 24,119 686
Louisiana 23,118 1,213
Texas 17,371 428
Georgia 17,194 650
Connecticut 15,884 971
Maryland 11,572 425
Washington 11,152 583
Indiana 10,154 519
Colorado 8,675 374
Ohio 8,414 389
Virginia 7,491 231
Tennessee 6,262 141
North Carolina 5,968 166
Missouri 5,178 168
Arizona 4,507 169
Alabama 4,456 142
Rhode Island 4,177 118
South Carolina 3,931 109
Wisconsin 3,875 197
Mississippi 3,624 129
Nevada 3,524 142

Last updated: April 16, 2020, 18:59 GMT
New York 226,343 16,251
New Jersey 75,317 3,518
Massachusetts 29,918 1,108
Michigan 28,059 1,921
Pennsylvania 27,735 779
California 27,108 889
Illinois 24,593 948
Florida 22,897 633
Louisiana 22,532 1,156
Texas 16,455 393
Georgia 15,669 587
Connecticut 14,755 868
Washington 10,910 567
Maryland 10,784 392
Indiana 9,542 477
Ohio 8,414 389
Colorado 8,280 357
Virginia 6,889 208
Tennessee 6,079 135
North Carolina 5,553 139
Missouri 4,895 159
Alabama 4,317 129
Arizona 4,234 150
Rhode Island 3,838 105
Wisconsin 3,721 182
South Carolina 3,656 107
Mississippi 3,624 129
Nevada 3,321 137

Last updated: April 15, 2020, 17:29 GMT
New York 203,123 11,586
New Jersey 71,030 3,156
Massachusetts 28,163 957
Michigan 27,001 1,768
Pennsylvania 26,490 696
California 25,808 790
Illinois 23,247 868
Florida 22,081 591
Louisiana 21,951 1,103
Texas 15,492 364
Georgia 14,987 552
Connecticut 13,989 671
Washington 10,795 547
Maryland 10,032 349
Indiana 8,955 436
Colorado 7,941 329
Ohio 7,280 324
Virginia 6,500 195
Tennessee 5,823 124
North Carolina 5,249 125
Missouri 4,752 147
Alabama 4,043 117
Arizona 3,962 142
Wisconsin 3,555 170
South Carolina 3,553 97
Rhode Island 3,529 87
Mississippi 3,360 122
Nevada 3,211 130

Last updated: April 14, 2020, 20:12 GMT
New York 202,208 10,834
New Jersey 68,824 2,805
Massachusetts 28,163 957
Michigan 27,001 1,768
Pennsylvania 25,345 590
California 24,578 733
Illinois 23,247 868
Louisiana 21,518 1,013
Florida 21,367 524
Texas 14,624 318
Georgia 14,223 501
Connecticut 13,989 671
Washington 10,703 523
Maryland 9,472 302
Indiana 8,527 387
Colorado 7,691 308
Ohio 7,280 324
Virginia 6,171 154
Tennessee 5,823 124
North Carolina 5,024 108
Missouri 4,686 133
Alabama 3,876 110
Arizona 3,806 131
Wisconsin 3,555 170
South Carolina 3,439 87
Mississippi 3,087 111

Last updated: April 13, 2020, 21:04 GMT
New York 195,031 10,056
New Jersey 64,584 2,443
Massachusetts 26,867 844
Michigan 25,635 1,602
Pennsylvania 24,292 590
California 23,428 682
Illinois 22,025 794
Louisiana 21,016 884
Florida 20,601 470
Texas 13,906 287
Connecticut 13,381 602
Georgia 13,315 464
Washington 10,530 508
Maryland 8,936 262
Indiana 8,236 350
Colorado 7,684 304
Ohio 6,975 274
Virginia 5,747 149
Tennessee 5,610 109
North Carolina 4,857 96
Missouri 4,388 116
Alabama 3,734 99
Arizona 3,702 122
Wisconsin 3,428 154
South Carolina 3,319 82

Last updated: April 12, 2020, 22:52 GMT
New York 188,694 9,385
New Jersey 61,850 2,350
Massachusetts 25,475 756
Michigan 24,638 1,487
Pennsylvania 22,833 507
California 22,583 640
Illinois 20,852 720
Louisiana 20,595 840
Florida 19,895 461
Texas 13,484 276
Georgia 12,452 433
Connecticut 12,035 554
Washington 10,448 494
Maryland 8,225 235
Indiana 7,928 343
Colorado 7,303 290
Ohio 6,604 253
Tennessee 5,308 101
Virginia 5,274 141
North Carolina 4,582 90
Missouri 4,160 114
Alabama 3,579 93
Arizona 3,539 115
Wisconsin 3,341 144
South Carolina 3,319 82

Last updated: April 11, 2020, 18:38 GMT
New York 180,458 8,627
New Jersey 58,151 2,183
Michigan 22,783 1,281
Pennsylvania 21,655 494
California 21,448 598
Massachusetts 20,974 599
Louisiana 20,014 806
Florida 18,494 438
Illinois 17,887 596
Texas 12,561 254
Georgia 12,159 428
Connecticut 10,538 448
Washington 10,195 483
Maryland 7,694 206
Indiana 7,435 330
Colorado 6,510 250
Ohio 5,878 231
Virginia 5,077 130
Tennessee 4,862 98
North Carolina 4,355 87
Missouri 3,799 101
Arizona 3,393 108
Wisconsin 3,213 137
Alabama 3,167 91
South Carolina 3,065 72

Last updated: April 10, 2020, 19:09 GMT
New York 170,512 7,844
New Jersey 54,588 1,932
Michigan 21,504 1,076
California 20,330 559
Pennsylvania 19,979 416
Louisiana 19,253 755
Massachusetts 18,941 503
Florida 17,531 390
Illinois 16,422 528
Texas 11,671 226
Georgia 11,483 416
Connecticut 9,784 380
Washington 9,740 455
Indiana 6,907 300
Colorado 6,202 226
Ohio 5,878 231
Tennessee 4,634 94
Virginia 4,509 121
North Carolina 3,958 81
Missouri 3,539 94
Arizona 3,112 97
Wisconsin 3,068 128

Last updated: April 09, 2020, 20:28 GMT
New York 159,937 7,067
New Jersey 51,027 1,700
Michigan 21,504 1,076
California 19,219 509
Louisiana 18,283 702
Pennsylvania 18,228 338
Massachusetts 16,790 433
Illinois 16,422 528
Florida 16,364 354
Georgia 10,566 379
Texas 10,230 202
Connecticut 9,784 380
Washington 9,342 431
Indiana 6,351 245
Maryland 6,185 138
Colorado 5,655 193
Ohio 5,512 213
Tennessee 4,634 94
Virginia 4,042 109
North Carolina 3,718 72
Missouri 3,539 87
Arizona 3,018 89

Last updated: April 09, 2020, 00:24 GMT (posted late April 08, 2020)
New York 151,171 6,268
New Jersey 47,437 1,504
Michigan 20,346 959
California 18,535 485
Louisiana 17,030 652
Massachusetts 16,790 433
Pennsylvania 16,239 310
Florida 15,698 323
Illinois 15,078 462
Georgia 10,189 369
Texas 9,487 178
Washington 9,342 431
Connecticut 8,781 335
Indiana 5,943 203
Colorado 5,655 193
Maryland 5,529 124
Ohio 5,148 193
Tennessee 4,362 79
Virginia 3,645 75
North Carolina 3,562 63
Missouri 3,327 82

Last updated: April 07, 2020, 17:19 GMT
New York 138,836 5,489
New Jersey 44,416 1,232
Michigan 17,221 727
California 16,413 395
Louisiana 16,284 582
Pennsylvania 14,559 240
Florida 14,504 283
Massachusetts 13,837 260
Illinois 12,262 307
Georgia 8,818 329
Washington 8,384 381
Texas 8,262 154
Connecticut 6,906 206
Indiana 5,507 173
Colorado 5,172 150
Ohio 4,450 142
Maryland 4,371 103
Tennessee 3,802 65
Virginia 3,333 63
North Carolina 3,257 52

Last updated: April 06, 2020
New York 131,916 4,758
New Jersey 41,090 1,003
Michigan 17,221 727
California 16,019 380
Louisiana 14,867 512
Massachusetts 13,837 260
Florida 13,629 254
Pennsylvania 13,127 179
Illinois 12,262 307
Washington 8,326 381
Texas 8,088 151
Georgia 7,314 229
Connecticut 6,906 206
Colorado 5,172 150
Indiana 4,944 139
Ohio 4,450 142
Maryland 4,045 91

Last updated: April 06, 2020, 01:13 GMT (posted April 5, 2020)
New York 123,018 4,159
New Jersey 37,505 917
Michigan 15,718 617
California 15,037 347
Louisiana 13,010 477
Massachusetts 12,500 231
Florida 12,350 221
Pennsylvania 11,510 150
Illinois 11,256 274
Washington 7,984 338
Texas 7,045 133
Georgia 6,742 219
Connecticut 5,675 189
Colorado 4,950 140
Indiana 4,411 127
Ohio 4,043 119
Tennessee 3,633 44

Last updated: April 04, 2020, 20:33 GMT
New York 113,704 3,565
New Jersey 34,124 846
Michigan 14,225 540
California 12,850 289
Louisiana 12,496 409
Massachusetts 11,736 216
Florida 11,111 191
Illinois 10,357 243
Pennsylvania 10,017 136
Washington 6,966 291
Georgia 6,160 201
Texas 6,110 105
Connecticut 5,276 165
Colorado 4,173 111
Indiana 3,953 116
Ohio 3,739 102
Tennessee 3,321 43
Maryland 3,125 53

Last updated: April 03, 2020, 18:01 GMT
New York 102,863 2,935
New Jersey 29,895 646
California 11,207 246
Michigan 10,791 417
Louisiana 10,297 370
Florida 9,585 163
Massachusetts 8,966 154
Pennsylvania 8,420 102
Illinois 7,695 157
Washington 6,585 272
Georgia 5,831 184
Texas 5,330 90
Connecticut 3,824 112
Colorado 3,728 97
Indiana 3,437 102
Tennessee 3,194 32

Last updated: April 02, 2020, 18:17 GMT
New York 92,381 2,373
New Jersey 25,590 537
California 10,018 215
Michigan 9,334 337
Louisiana 9,150 310
Florida 8,010 128
Massachusetts 7,738 122
Illinois 7,016 142
Pennsylvania 7,016 90
Washington 5,991 254
Georgia 5,348 163
Texas 4,720 72
Connecticut 3,557 85
Colorado 3,342 80
Tennessee 3,194 29
Indiana 3,039 78

Last updated: April 01, 2020, 21:16 GMT
New York 83,712 1,941
New Jersey 22,255 355
Michigan 9,334 337
California 8,704 184
Massachusetts 7,738 122
Illinois 6,980 141
Florida 6,955 87
Louisiana 6,424 273
Pennsylvania 5,805 74
Washington 5,482 225
Georgia 4,638 139
Texas 3,997 58
Connecticut 3,557 85

Last updated: March 31, 2020, 19:45 GMT
New York 75,795 1,550
New Jersey 18,696 267
California 7,453 149
Michigan 6,498 184
Florida 6,338 77
Massachusetts 5,752 56
Washington 5,250 210
Louisiana 5,237 239
Illinois 5,057 73
Pennsylvania 4,843 63

Last updated: March 30, 2020, 18:49 GMT
New York 66,497 1,218
New Jersey 16,636 198
California 6,358 132
Michigan 5,486 132
Florida 5,473 63
Massachusetts 4,955 48
Washington 4,896 202
Illinois 4,596 65
Pennsylvania 4,087 48
Louisiana 4,025 185

As of March 29, 2020 at 18:24 GMT
New York 59,513 965
New Jersey 13,386 161
California 5,718 123
Michigan 4,658 111
Washington 4,310 189
Massachusetts 4,257 44
Florida 4,246 56
Louisiana 3,540 151
Illinois 3,491 47
Pennsylvania 3,419 39

As of March 28, 2020 at 18:19 GMT
New York 52,318 728
New Jersey 11,124 140
California 4,980 104
Florida 3,763 54
Washington 3,723 175


Friday, March 27, 2020 3:57 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


There's a lag time of about 4 weeks between infection and death.
We'll see in 4 weeks from the statewide stay at home order how this works out.

May 2, 2020
~~~~ / ~~~~
===> May 1, 2020 All state beaches and parks in California ordered closed.
May 1, 2020
52,197 / 2/171
===> April 30, 2020 Since March 21, 2020 when LACounty eliminated testing on most potential COVID-19 patients, it's been dramatically ramping up testing and testing capability. LACounty announces free SARS-COV-2 testing for all people, symptomatic or not.
April 30, 2020
50,442 / 2,073
April 29, 2020
48,917 / 1,982
April 28, 2020
46,500 / 1,887
April 27, 2020
45,031 / 1,809
April 26, 2020
43,464 / 1,755
===> April 25, 2020 Orange County and Ventura County beaches reopen.
April 25, 2020
42,164 / 1,710
April 24, 2020
41,137 / 1,651
April 23, 2020
39,254 / 1,562
April 22, 2020
37,369 / 1,469
April 21, 2020
35,396 / 1,354
April 20, 2020
33,261 / 1,268
April 19, 2020
30,978 / 1,208
April 18, 2020
30,333 / 1,166
April 17, 2020
28,963 / 1,072
April 16, 2020
27,528 / 985
April 15, 2020
26,182 / 890
===> April 14, 2020 Changes in United States Data following the new CDC guidelines on "Case" and "Death" definition
April 14, 2020
24,424 / 821
April 13, 2020
23,338 / 758
April 12, 2020
22,348 / 687
April 11, 2020
21,794 / 651
April 10, 2020
20,615 / 609
April 9, 2020
19,472 / 541
April 8, 2020
18,309 / 492
===> April 07, 2020 The City of Los Angeles requires all people wear masks outside the home.
April 7, 2020
16,957 / 442
April 6, 2020
15,865 / 374
April 5, 2020
14,336 / 343
April 4, 2020
13,438 / 319
===> April 03, 2020 The CDC recommends all people wear masks outside the home.
===> April 03, 2020 LACounty asks all people wear masks outside the home.

April 3, 2020
12,026 / 276
April 2, 2020
10,701 / 237
April 1, 2020
9,191 / 203
March 31, 2020
8,155 / 171
March 30, 2020
6,932 / 150
March 29, 2020
5,673 / 135
Age 0-17: 65 cases (4/yr)
Age 18-49: 2,973 cases (95/ yr)
Age 50-64: 1,447 cases (103/yr)
Age 65+ (assumed for calculation 85): 1,252 cases (62/yr)
Unknown: 26 cases

March 28, 2020
4,643 / 101
March 27, 2020
3,801 / 78
March 26, 2020
3,006 / 65
March 25, 2020
2,535 / 53
March 24, 2020
2,102 / 40
March 23, 2020
1,733 / 27
March 22, 2020
1,468 / 27
===> March 21, 2020 LACounty eliminates testing on most potential COVID-19 patients.
March 21, 2020
1,224 / 23
March 20, 2020 1006 / 19
===> CA stay at home March 19, 2020 (PM)
March 19, 2020 675 / 16
March 18, 2020 288 / 5
March 13, 2020 247 / 5
===> federal guidelines March 17, 2020
March 12, 2020 53 / 1
March 2, 2020 43 / 0
February 28, 2020 10 / 0
February 26, 2020 9 / 0
February 2, 2020 6 / 0
January 31, 2020 3 / 0
January 26, 2020 2 / 0

A factor of X60 may be applicable.


Friday, March 27, 2020 4:07 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Los Angeles County
There's a lag time of about 4 weeks between infection and death.


As of 12pm 5/2
cases ~~~~~~~~
deaths ~~~~

===> May 1, 2020 All state beaches and parks in California ordered closed.

As of 12pm 5/1
cases ~~~~~~~~
deaths ~~~~

===> April 30, 2020 Since March 21, 2020 when LACounty eliminated testing on most potential COVID-19 patients, it's been dramatically ramping up testing and testing capability. LACounty announces free SARS-COV-2 testing for all people, symptomatic or not.

As of 12pm 4/30
cases 24,215
deaths 1,172


As of 12pm 4/29
cases 23,182
deaths 1,111


As of 12pm 4/28
cases 22,485
deaths 1,056


As of 12pm 4/27
cases 20,976
deaths 1,000


As of 12pm 4/26
cases 20,976
deaths 1,000

===> April 25, 2020 Orange County and Ventura County beaches beaches reopen.

As of 12pm 4/25
cases 19,107
deaths 895


As of 12pm 4/24
cases 18,517
deaths 848


As of 12pm 4/23
cases 17,508
deaths 797


As of 12pm 4/22
cases 16,435
deaths 729

===> April 21, 2020 This large one-day increased was caused by a laboratory filing ~1,100 backlogged positive cases.

As of 12pm 4/21
cases 15,140
deaths 663


As of 12pm 4/20
cases 13,816
deaths 617


As of 12pm 4/19
cases 12,341
deaths 600


As of 12pm 4/18
cases 12,021
deaths 576


As of 12pm 4/17
cases 11,397
deaths 495


As of 12pm 4/16
cases 10,854
deaths 455


As of 12pm 4/15
cases 10,496
deaths 402

===> April 14, 2020 Changes in United States Data following the new CDC guidelines on "Case" and "Death" definition

As of 12pm 4/14
cases 10,047
deaths 360


As of 12pm 4/13
cases 9420
deaths 320

===> April 12, 2020 DIVOC-91 shows California strong deaths inflection point.

As of 12pm 4/12
cases 9192
deaths 296


As of 12pm 4/11
cases 8873
deaths 265


As of 12pm 4/10
cases 8430
deaths 241


As of 12pm 4/9
cases 7955
deaths 223


As of 12pm 4/8
cases 7530
deaths 198

===> April 07, 2020 The City of Los Angeles requires all people wear masks outside the home.

As of 12pm 4/7
cases 6910
deaths 169


As of 12pm 4/6
cases 6360
deaths 147


As of 12pm 4/5
cases 5940
deaths 132


As of 12pm 4/4
cases 5277
deaths 117

===> April 03, 2020 The CDC recommends all people wear masks outside the home.
===> April 03, 2020 LACounty asks all people wear masks outside the home.

As of 12pm 4/3
cases 4566
deaths 89


As of 12pm 4/2
cases 4045
deaths 78


As of 12pm 4/1
cases 3518
deaths 64


As of 12pm 3/31
cases 3011
deaths 54


As of 12pm 3/30
cases 2474
deaths 44


As of 12pm 3/29
cases 2136
deaths 37


As of 12pm 3/28
cases 1804
deaths 32


Friday, March 27, 2020 3:57 PM
cases 1465
deaths 26


Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:13 PM
cases 799
deaths 13


Wednesday, March 25, 2020 2:48 PM
cases 662
deaths 11


Tuesday, March 24, 2020 1:23 PM
cases 536
deaths 7


Monday, March 23, 2020 3:08 PM
cases 409
deaths 5


Sunday, March 22, 2020 4:57 PM
cases 351
deaths 4

===> March 21, 2020 LACounty eliminates testing on most potential COVID-19 patients.

Saturday, March 21, 2020 1:08 PM
cases 292
deaths 2


Friday, March 20, 2020 2:13 PM
cases 231
deaths 2

===> CA stay at home March 19, 2020 (PM)

Thursday, March 19, 2020 N:NN PM
cases 190
deaths 2


Wednesday, March 18, 2020 2:27 PM
cases 144
deaths 1

===> federal guidelines March 17, 2020

Tuesday, March 17, 2020 2:37 PM
cases 94
deaths 1


Monday, March 16, 2020 3:41 PM
cases 69
deaths 1


Sunday, March 15, 2020 9:52 AM
cases 53
deaths 1

11 new COVID-19 cases confirmed in Los Angeles County; total now at 53
According to the public health department eight of those #COVID19 cases are likely due to community transmission. Two people with #CoronaVirus cases are hospitalized.


Saturday, March 14, 2020 4:27 PM
cases 40
deaths 1


Friday, March 13, 2020 2:57 PM
cases 32
deaths 1


Thursday, March 12, 2020 2:36 PM
cases 28
deaths 1

A factor of X60 may be applicable.


Saturday, March 28, 2020 2:40 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Is Los Angeles facing New York-level coronavirus disaster? Here is what we know

Is Los Angeles going to be the next New York when it comes to coronavirus?

Coronavirus cases have risen dramatically over the last week, and officials warn that things will get much worse in the next few weeks.

“A week or two from now, we will have images like we’re seeing in New York here in Los Angeles.” Mayor Eric Garcetti said Thursday

It will be bad — but how bad remains a question.

L.A. vs. New York

The mortality rate in L.A. County is about 1.8%, which is higher than the mortality rate in New York City and the United States overall, Ferrer said.

One factor in that is that Los Angeles County has tested far few people than New York, meaning it does not have as good a sense of the number of people with the virus. Almost 11,000 people had been tested in L.A. County as of Thursday, said Barbara Ferrer, director of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.

By contrast, New York City had reported 25,000 confirmed positive cases, she said.

So that rate will likely change as more people in L.A. are tested.

Los Angeles reported five more deaths Friday, bringing the county’s total to 26. The county reported an additional 257 cases Friday, bringing the total to 1,481. Of that total, 678 cases were reported over the last 48 hours.

“In less than a week ... we’ve more than tripled the number of people here in L.A. County who are positive for COVID-19,” Ferrer said.

She warned that if the county did not slow the spread of the virus, the region’s healthcare system would be overwhelmed.

Epidemiologists say they expect L.A. County’s case numbers to continue to grow, but that the social distancing recommendations may help stave off an outbreak as bad as New York’s. The measures went into effect in California early enough that they could have a significant impact, experts say.

New York City has more than 23,000 cases and more than 500 deaths.

Dr. Jacob Quinton, an internal medicine physician at UCLA, said doctors in L.A. and other cities that have not been hit yet as badly as New York are preparing for what the next weeks may hold.

“Many of us are sort of taking a deep breath before the plunge, and getting ready to meet the challenges that come,” he said. “Those that are already inundated with COVID cases are in the thick of a fight that feels very much like the defining medical challenge of our lives.”

What is the trajectory?

Ferrer said that our understanding of the outbreak and its trajectory will probably improve as testing increases and provides more data on how quickly the virus is spreading.

“The modeling is only as good as the data you have to enter into the model, and we’re really at a disadvantage here in L.A. County and the rest of California because we just haven’t done a lot of testing yet,” she said at a news conference Friday.

However, she said she thinks it is entirely possible that case numbers will continue to increase for three more weeks in L.A. County, as a recent University of Washington projection suggested. The model projected that California coronavirus cases would peak on April 25. It projects a total of 6,109 deaths through Aug. 4.

“I think those projections are probably on target given what we’re seeing,” Ferrer said of the April 25 peak date suggested by the researchers. Ferrer said she expects case numbers to continue to double every four to six days for weeks, given the rapid rise that has been seen so far in the region.

Rapid spread

She pointed to case numbers tripling over the last six days.

“Given what we know about spread from other places and given what our numbers are ... you can see that we’re likely to have a lot of people here that are going to be infected over the next three weeks. And that being said, the most important thing I think for the public on the modeling is to really understand the seriousness of what lies in front of us — which is a large number of people can easily get infected if we’re not doing everything in our power to make that a little bit harder,” she said.

The very nature of virus makes it harder.

“None of us have immunity, and that’s a real disadvantage when you have a virus like COVID-19 that seems to be so easily spread when people are in close contact with each other,” she said.

“The numbers can get huge, which means the implications for the healthcare system are equally dramatic. Without slowing the spread we could easily overwhelm our system here in L.A. County and the entire healthcare system in California,” she said. “That’s why we plead with people — do your part.”

Indeed, L.A. residents can make a difference. Social distancing laws that took effect over the last week could make a major difference — but probably aren’t reflected in the current surge of cases.

“I will anticipate that we will continue to see increases in hospitalizations and deaths but I think we should be able to see some leveling off of those numbers in a couple of weeks because of the physical distancing measures,” UCLA epidemiologist Dr. Robert Kim-Farley said.

The reason why NYS has done so much more testing for SARS-COV-2 is that it started to develop its own test early on instead of waiting for the CDC, and requested, and received, FDA approval to manufacture and run its own method.


Saturday, March 28, 2020 3:37 AM



57 million+ people are going to die in the world in 2020.

And a majority of COVID deaths are likely to be people who were going to be a part of that statistic by the end of the year because of the other illnesses they had that made them so weak to it in the first place.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 28, 2020 6:28 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

We have the Amber Alert on our phones, and yesterday it blared out, repeatedly, in English and Spanish, that parks, trails, and beaches were closed. I didn'r catch whether that was a state or county order, LA CITY already has more enforced "shelter in place" orders.

I think what's really going to clobber our system is the #of homeless and illegals. I imagine COVID-19 spreading like wildfire among Skid Row and the many other homeless encampments in LA County. Hell, we've had a couple of disease scares among the homeless already. And then there are the marginally-housed illegals who live in their own set of encampments. Maybe CA will learn that you're not supposed to let people roost, like pigeons, in the untennanted parts of our economy, plucking them out ar random for odd jobs "as needed" or shuttling them thru one-night stints in the drunk tank. You either provide them full services or, if you can't provide reliable jobs and services, you kick them out. None of this halfway bullshit.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Saturday, March 28, 2020 7:45 AM


That's truth right there.

Around these parts, they will just issue you a $500 ticket if you're not complying. No joke, that's whats going to start happening in Illinois since people aren't behaving. Nothing gets the people in line like handing out ridiculous fines. Ask me about the 75 year old man I saw turned away from buying a bottle of booze because he couldn't provide an ID to a cashier that proved he was 21 back in my drinking days.

I imagine it would be pretty funny watching a cop hand out $500 tickets in an LA shanty town. Especially since cops pretty much let you do what you want to out there these days without intervening anyhow.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 28, 2020 3:27 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

So, looking at the various graphs at worldOmeter, it's obvious both China and Korea have beaten the virus back, for now.

China is relaxing restrictions, with caveats. People who don't have a green health card are still under mandatory quarantine. I don't trust their numbers, but if relaxing restrictions becomes enough of a problem, sooner or later it'll be obvious. SK is still maintaining intensive testing, social distancing, public mask-wearing, and contact tracing.

Transitioning from an epidemic response to a lower level of response might be possible, even when the causative agent is still around, and there's still no treatment or vaccine. I think if you can get the numbers low enough, long enough, you may be able to revert to contact tracing and individual quarantine. But I'd still keep mandatory mask-wearing in public, because it helps prevent people from spreading it to random strangers in crowded places.

Australia seems to be on the downward side of the curve.

Macao, Hong Kong, and Taiwan all instituted rigorous testing, contact tracing, and quarantine early, and their numbers were all consistently low, even as cases were exploding in China. But Hong Kong started relaxing restrictions (THANKS! Carrie Lam), and daily new cases went from consistently low single digits between Feb 15 - Mar 14, to spiking into double digits and what appears to be a relentless climb upwards, so that the most recent figure from yesterday was 65 new daily cases. That's still a low number, but on March 9 the US was at 163 new cases per day, and now we're at 19,000 new cases per day - so everything can change very quickly. Ah, the power of the exponential curve!

It's still too soon to tell, but after peaking at 6557 new cases per day on March 21, Italy may be plateauing. And it's even earlier to tell with Spain, but after peaking at 8271 new cases per day on March 27, it's seen a slight drop today.

Northern Europe has an up-down pattern though overall trending slowly upward.

Pretty much all other western European countries, plus the US are still on an accelerating upward path. New hotspots for the US are predicted to be "Detroit, Chicago and New Orleans, US Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams told "CBS This Morning" on Friday."


Saturday, March 28, 2020 3:35 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
We have the Amber Alert on our phones, and yesterday it blared out, repeatedly, in English and Spanish, that parks, trails, and beaches were closed. I didn't catch whether that was a state or county order, LA CITY already has more enforced "shelter in place" orders.

I think what's really going to clobber our system is the #of homeless and illegals. I imagine COVID-19 spreading like wildfire among Skid Row and the many other homeless encampments in LA County. Hell, we've had a couple of disease scares among the homeless already. And then there are the marginally-housed illegals who live in their own set of encampments. Maybe CA will learn that you're not supposed to let people roost, like pigeons, in the untenanted parts of our economy, plucking them out at random for odd jobs "as needed" or shuttling them thru one-night stints in the drunk tank. You either provide them full services or, if you can't provide reliable jobs and services, you kick them out. None of this halfway bullshit.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Well, even though the public at large pays for their presence, illegal aliens and the homeless can be so profitable for business.


Saturday, March 28, 2020 4:15 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

This could be a game-changer. It's not mass-testing, and I'm sure the kits are expensive on a per-test basis, but if you can QUICKLY identify people with COVID-19, you can also QUICKLY move them through the appropriate procedures.


Saturday, March 28, 2020 4:42 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
So, looking at the various graphs at worldOmeter, it's obvious both China and Korea have beaten the virus back, for now.

China is relaxing restrictions, with caveats. People who don't have a green health card are still under mandatory quarantine. I don't trust their numbers, but if relaxing restrictions becomes enough of a problem, sooner or later it'll be obvious. SK is still maintaining intensive testing, social distancing, public mask-wearing, and contact tracing.

Any word on whether or not the rumor that 21 Million cell phone plans in China were cancelled overnight is true and if that relates at all to the true number of sick and/or dead in China?

I've heard that several times now, but haven't seen any definitive proof if it was just made up or if there is something to it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 28, 2020 6:20 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Here are 2 links to the story (which google/ duck didn't bring up, I went to gibiru for them) -


Is China hiding COVID-19 death toll? 21 million cell phones disappeared, why?
~ 21 million cell phone accounts in China were cancelled after coronavirus
~ 840,000 landlines were closed in China
~ This sudden drop suggests a very high Coronavirus death toll

On March 19, China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) announced the numbers of cell phone users in every province in February. When these numbers are compared to the December 2019 data, it revealed that both cell phone users and landline users dropped dramatically.

The comparison showed that the number of cell phone users decreased from 1.600957 billion to 1.579927 billion, while landline users dropped from 190.83 million to 189.99 million.

It is possible that the nationwide lockdown in February was the reason behind the drop in the numbers of landline users as many companies were shut down, the quarantine scenario can't be a reason behind the drop in the cell phone users.

It should be noted that as per the reports China Telecom is the second-largest carrier which has lost 5.6 million users in February 2020 and lost 0.43 million users in January 2020. China Unicom also lost 1.186 million users in January 2020.

While the drop in these numbers showed a dramatic scenario in China, Tang said, "It's possible that some migrant workers had two cell phone numbers before. One is from their hometown, and the other is from the city they work in. In February, they might close the number in the city they work in because they couldn't go there."

It is possible that these workers may have gone to their home city for the Chinese New Year and after the travel ban, they did not get a chance to come back to China. It should be noted that in China there is a basic monthly fee to hold a cell phone account and the majority of migrant workers, who belong to the lowest income group, likely only have one cell phone account.

The economic downturn caused by the outbreak could have forced the Chinese people, who have two cell phones to cancel one of them.

While explaining the scenario in China, Tang said,"At present, we don't know the details of the data. If only 10 percent of the cell phone accounts were closed because the users died because of the CCP virus [Novel Coronavirus], the death toll would be two million."


21 Million Fewer Cellphone Users in China May Suggest a High CCP Virus Death Toll


Saturday, March 28, 2020 6:43 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

There's a difference between trying to control the spread of a virus, and trying to avoid getting the virus.

This article was written about studies done during the SARS epidemic, in hospital settings where patient contact is inevitable, close and intense, but individually limited in time and very specific (ie not all-day and potentially low-level). The data indicates that if you want to avoid getting the virus:

handwashing more than 10 times daily will reduce your chances to about half, as will wearing gloves,
wearing surgical masks will reduce your chances of getting a virus to about a third,
wearing N95 masks will reduce your chances to a tenth,
wearing gowns to about a quarter,
handwashing, masks, gloves, and gowns combined will reduce your chances to a tenth, the same as wearing an N95 mask.


Saturday, March 28, 2020 7:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh jeez...

On Saturday, the Los Angeles Times noted the COVID-19 death of a 25-year-old pharmacy technician with no underlying health issues, whose body was found on Wednesday at a home in the Coachella valley neighborhood of La Quinta where they were in self-quarantine. The San Diego resident's identity has not been disclosed.

Not that someone died but that they died at home, without any treatment.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Saturday, March 28, 2020 7:43 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Here are 2 links to the story (which google/ duck didn't bring up, I went to gibiru for them) -


Is China hiding COVID-19 death toll? 21 million cell phones disappeared, why?
~ 21 million cell phone accounts in China were cancelled after coronavirus
~ 840,000 landlines were closed in China
~ This sudden drop suggests a very high Coronavirus death toll

On March 19, China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) announced the numbers of cell phone users in every province in February. When these numbers are compared to the December 2019 data, it revealed that both cell phone users and landline users dropped dramatically.

The comparison showed that the number of cell phone users decreased from 1.600957 billion to 1.579927 billion, while landline users dropped from 190.83 million to 189.99 million.

It is possible that the nationwide lockdown in February was the reason behind the drop in the numbers of landline users as many companies were shut down, the quarantine scenario can't be a reason behind the drop in the cell phone users.

It should be noted that as per the reports China Telecom is the second-largest carrier which has lost 5.6 million users in February 2020 and lost 0.43 million users in January 2020. China Unicom also lost 1.186 million users in January 2020.

While the drop in these numbers showed a dramatic scenario in China, Tang said, "It's possible that some migrant workers had two cell phone numbers before. One is from their hometown, and the other is from the city they work in. In February, they might close the number in the city they work in because they couldn't go there."

It is possible that these workers may have gone to their home city for the Chinese New Year and after the travel ban, they did not get a chance to come back to China. It should be noted that in China there is a basic monthly fee to hold a cell phone account and the majority of migrant workers, who belong to the lowest income group, likely only have one cell phone account.

The economic downturn caused by the outbreak could have forced the Chinese people, who have two cell phones to cancel one of them.

While explaining the scenario in China, Tang said,"At present, we don't know the details of the data. If only 10 percent of the cell phone accounts were closed because the users died because of the CCP virus [Novel Coronavirus], the death toll would be two million."


21 Million Fewer Cellphone Users in China May Suggest a High CCP Virus Death Toll

Well... the article jumps directly to death being a cause, but shows two extreme reasons why it might have happened.

By the logic they're presenting in the article itself, it could just be that 2 million people got sick and were quarantined and cancelled a 2nd cell phone too since they were no longer able to work, and doesn't necessarily mean they all actually died.

I doubt we'll ever have any answers to anything that happened in China. Their near complete government control affords them that ability, even though such an idea almost sounds preposterous to Americans in 2020.

I'd view any numbers that China has ever provided regarding total cases, total recoveries and total deaths with extreme skepticism.

Johns Hopkins should probably just put asterisks by all of those numbers if we're going to be real about it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 28, 2020 8:15 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Here are 2 links to the story (which google/ duck didn't bring up, I went to gibiru for them)


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Well... the article jumps directly to death being a cause, but shows two extreme reasons why it might have happened.

You're welcome for finding and posting 2 links to your random question, so you could go read them in full and draw your own conclusions.


Saturday, March 28, 2020 8:20 PM


Thank you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, March 29, 2020 3:14 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

George Fu Gao
Can you imagine this man crying?

The Lost Month: How a Failure to Test Blinded the U.S. to Covid-19


Sunday, March 29, 2020 4:08 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I read the article. Oh, what a fuckup at the CDC and FDA. Thanks for the link.

Yanno, it boggles my mind that lower-level CDC minions didn't take the initiative to resolve the testing issue. Being a loer-level minion myself, it was up to my team to create tests that new - and sometimes urgent progams - required. At times we created these tests before the upper-ups even knew they needed them. I guess the staff at CDC feel micromanaged bc nobody felt empowered to take the bull by the horns, so to speak, and fix the fuckup.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Sunday, March 29, 2020 4:15 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So OOC I was wondering ... at what point can I expect 1:10 casual contacts to have Covid-19? What about 1:3? 1:2?

The data if far too scattershot and w/o context to provide an answer. LA County has 10+million. The last increase was about 412. The previous increase before that was over 600. Somewhere in-between, LA County decided to narrow the criteria for testing. There is no way to calculate a doubling-time from the data presented.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Sunday, March 29, 2020 9:00 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh jeez...

On Saturday, the Los Angeles Times noted the COVID-19 death of a 25-year-old pharmacy technician with no underlying health issues, whose body was found on Wednesday at a home in the Coachella valley neighborhood of La Quinta where they were in self-quarantine. The San Diego resident's identity has not been disclosed.

Not that someone died but that they died at home, without any treatment.


Really?? Zerohedge? Agitate much? That tactic, hmmm... sounds familiar to me... oh, right!



Sunday, March 29, 2020 10:35 AM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh jeez...

On Saturday, the Los Angeles Times noted the COVID-19 death of a 25-year-old pharmacy technician with no underlying health issues, whose body was found on Wednesday at a home in the Coachella valley neighborhood of La Quinta where they were in self-quarantine. The San Diego resident's identity has not been disclosed.

Not that someone died but that they died at home, without any treatment.


Really?? Zerohedge? Agitate much? That tactic, hmmm... sounds familiar to me... oh, right!


Well... before I start going on and blaming Putin for putting that out there, maybe you should put a pin in that and see where this is all going.

It should be noted, that latimes is also reporting on the death.

Half the country is already under stay at home orders. A lot of people that are being told to stay at home aren't staying at home. Especially young people. Hell, even though I'm not young, I'd probably still be going out a lot more right now if I still did before the shutdown. I've actually used this opportunity to catch up with a few old friends over the phone, and we've already made plans to get together when this stuff is over, but they all have kids, and we all live in states with the lockdown and nobody feels much like doing anything. So until the weather breaks and spring is finally here, I don't really have much to do outside but the occasional grocery shopping anyhow.

Illinois is already going to begin rolling out a plan to hand out $500 tickets, because if you're not already sufficiently scared enough of the virus well then maybe you'll be scared of getting a ticket that costs you around 4 times the average traffic violation.

Most of those spring breakers didn't seem to really give a shit.

This whole thing is about fear. Up until this point, they haven't been sufficiently putting fear into young people. Stories about otherwise healthy 20 somethings just magically up and dying from the virus could do it if you get enough of them.

But I don't trust any of our own media, let alone the prospect of Putin or Xi trying to get fake stories published. Maybe the kid swallowed a bunch of pills and washed it down with a bottle of whiskey.

I mean, honestly... Ask yourself the question "what does "coronavirus-related fatalites" mean?".

Maybe the kid's suicide note mentioned coronavirus, and that's all the relationship needed to classify it as such. Technically, that wouldn't even be untrue.


His death will be added to San Diego’s number of coronavirus-related fatalities, which as of Friday afternoon stood at three. But Dr. Wilma Wooten, San Diego County’s public health officer, said that data would be updated to include three more deaths, with the 25-year-old technician among them.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, March 29, 2020 12:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

"Suicide"? Where in any article did you read "suicide", SIX? Or did you just stick that in there because you couldn't believe that coronavirus kills, and even young people sometimes die? Jeez, SIX, on this topic your brain goes entrely haywire, as do your eyes and reading skills.

And CC, what is your obssession with RUSSIA!??? Of all of the times to be obssessing about a foreign "enemy", isn't this the least relevant, when we have an enemy here at home? I mean, if you really want to "stick it" to Russia, wouldn't that mean mounting a credible response to the virus and getting our economy (such as it is) back on track, hopefully better than before?

Putting you on "ignore" again.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Sunday, March 29, 2020 12:44 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
"Suicide"? Where in any article did you read "suicide", SIX? Or did you just stick that in there because you couldn't believe that coronavirus kills, and even young people sometimes die? Jeez, SIX, on this topic your brain goes entrely haywire, as do your eyes and reading skills.

And CC, what is your obssession with RUSSIA!??? Of all of the times to be obssessing about a foreign "enemy", isn't this the least relevant, when we have an enemy here at home? I mean, if you really want to "stick it" to Russia, wouldn't that mean mounting a credible response to the virus and getting our economy (such as it is) back on track, hopefully better than before?

Putting you on "ignore" again.

Aww, ouch! I'll be sure to double my responses to you now.

And who's obsessing? You mention Russia more than everyone else put together. I never thought about Russia all that much until you went on and on about how great they were - so I guess thanks for that.


Sunday, March 29, 2020 12:48 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
"Suicide"? Where in any article did you read "suicide", SIX? Or did you just stick that in there because you couldn't believe that coronavirus kills, and even young people sometimes die? Jeez, SIX, on this topic your brain goes entrely haywire, as do your eyes and reading skills.

And CC, what is your obssession with RUSSIA!??? Of all of the times to be obssessing about a foreign "enemy", isn't this the least relevant, when we have an enemy here at home? I mean, if you really want to "stick it" to Russia, wouldn't that mean mounting a credible response to the virus and getting our economy (such as it is) back on track, hopefully better than before?

Putting you on "ignore" again.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Young and healthy people don't die from this. Period.

This is just more fearmongering from the Legacy Media, this time to terrorize all the young people who don't give a shit what the government tells them to do.

They said it was "coronavirus-related". That could literally mean anything.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, March 29, 2020 12:53 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Young and healthy people don't die from this. Period.

This is just more fearmongering from the Legacy Media, this time to terrorize all the young people who don't give a shit what the government tells them to do.

Young people pass the disease to others who die, instead.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the widely respected director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, went on CNN Sunday morning and, though clearly reluctant to offer a numerical estimate, said in his opinion the United States would likely see 100,000-200,000 coronavirus deaths before all was said and done.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, March 29, 2020 1:00 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Young and healthy people don't die from this. Period.

This is just more fearmongering from the Legacy Media, this time to terrorize all the young people who don't give a shit what the government tells them to do.

Young people pass the disease to others who die, instead.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the widely respected director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, went on CNN Sunday morning and, though clearly reluctant to offer a numerical estimate, said in his opinion the United States would likely see 100,000-200,000 coronavirus deaths before all was said and done.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

People who are extremely ill and are going to die from something else soon anyhow.

Sad but true.

At 200,000, that's not even 3% of the people who are going to die this year from everything that people are going to die from, and in many cases it's just going to be replacing the cause of death they were otherwise going to die from this year.

This is hardly Captain Tripps.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, March 29, 2020 1:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Since there are a lot of nations trying various forms of quinine, I decided to look up its history.

The true discoverers of quinine were the Incans, who used extracts of the chincona bark to treat shivering. Various attempts were made to synthesize the drug ... which led to the development of purple and blue dyes, but not to a product that could compete with the Dutch quinine monopoly and their chincona plantations in Indonesia, until ...

In 1931 Bayer (a German firm) landed on quinacrine, a previously-synthesized compound found to have anti-malarial properties. Chloroquine was also synthesized at Bayer shortly afterwards. The hydroxylation of chloroquine to make it less toxic appears to be lost in history but that led to hydroxycholorquine.

Mefloquine was developed by a consortium of the USA Army, WHO/TDR (which I believe stands for "Tropical Disease Research) and Hoffman-LaRoche.

Nobody knows how the various quinines might work against coronavirus, altho there is some evidence for it complexing zinc. (Maybe it's a zinc-delivery system?)

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Sunday, March 29, 2020 1:20 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

People who are extremely ill and are going to die from something else soon anyhow.

Sad but true.

At 200,000, that's not even 3% of the people who are going to die this year from everything that people are going to die from, and in many cases it's just going to be replacing the cause of death they were otherwise going to die from this year.

This is hardly Captain Tripps.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

By that logic American governments should fire their homicide detectives and use the money more productively for emergency medical technicians because heart attack/stroke deaths far out number murders. I blame the public libraries with millions of murder mysteries on their bookshelves and very few books about E.M.T.s.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at






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