Countdown Clock to Trumps impeachment " STARTS"

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 21:09
VIEWED: 356902
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Saturday, August 26, 2017 6:29 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
Why would recipients of Federal Funds be planning building anything, let alone something on a flood plain? That doesn't even seem like an executive order with a purpose.

. . .

All that article was is another hit piece that was targeted to the demographic that already hates Trump and wants something else to bitch about. Mission accomplished, so it would seem.

There is all that land in Texas that Republicans want to build upon and then there is all that land that Nature wants to flood. Those two areas overlap. And where they do overlap is a huge expense for the Federal Flood Insurance Program. Trump wants to keep building on land that floods and the Fed Gov keeps paying for flood damage long after Trump is gone. That is why Trump wrote his executive order canceling Obama’s executive order. As a builder, Trump does not pay the cost for flood damage because he sells the building to another sucker (Trump knows there are millions of suckers gullible enough for him to cheat out of their money) who gets flooded. The beauty of Trump’s scam is that the suckers blame the weather, not Trump.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, August 26, 2017 10:21 AM


If that is what he did, I do not agree with it. Obviously unscrupulous builders would want to build on flood plains since the land is generally much cheaper (or at least it is in areas that have laws against building on it anyhow).

I'm going to need more information to make a judgement on this one.

There are no laws in Texas against building on a flood plain?


Saturday, August 26, 2017 9:56 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

There are no laws in Texas against building on a flood plain?

Texas is Republican controlled. There are no state laws stopping an unscrupulous builder from selling to a gullible buyer housing in a flood zone. There are federal rules, I mean there were rules until Trump decided differently, preventing the Federal Flood Insurance Program from insuring new houses in flood zones. Houses that also are covered by FHA mortgages must have that insurance.

In other news of "There Ought To Be A Law!" and getting back to something Trump specifically did this week that no President ever tried before, even Nixon in his dreams:

Bradley Moss, a national security attorney, argued: “By demonstrating his willingness to issue pardons without bothering with the trouble of bureaucratic due diligence or concerns about political backlash, President Trump has sent out a subtle and implicit message to [Michael] Flynn and [Paul] Manafort: hang tight, I have your back.

“He undoubtedly is attempting to forestall either of the two men (or their subordinates) from cooperating with Mueller beyond what’s legally required, with the unspoken reassurance hanging over the investigation that the president can wipe their criminal slates clean if Mueller gets too close.”

Trump reportedly did not consult the justice department before issuing the pardon which, along with being unusually early in a presidency, came just weeks after the court decision and well before Arpaio’s appeal or sentencing.

Martin Redish, a professor of constitutional law at Northwestern University, suggested that this takes Trump into uncharted territory and could leave him vulnerable to a unique legal challenge.

“Should the president indicate that he does not think Mr Arpaio should be punished for that, he would signal that governmental agents who violate judicial injunctions are likely to be pardoned, even though their behavior violated constitutional rights, when their illegal actions are consistent with presidential policies,” Redish wrote in the New York Times, before the pardon was announced.

“Many legal scholars argue that the only possible redress is impeachment – itself a politicized, drawn-out process. But there may be another route. If the pardon is challenged in court, we may discover that there are, in fact, limits to the president’s pardon power after all.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, August 28, 2017 3:28 PM


Trump Associate Boasted That Moscow Business Deal ‘Will Get Donald Elected’

“Our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Mr. Sater wrote in an email. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”


Monday, August 28, 2017 5:13 PM


Suspicious ties between President Donald Trump and the Russian government just keep appearing.

In 2015, a Russian-born real estate broker working for the Trump Organization, Felix Sater, reportedly wrote a series of emails to Michael Cohen, Trump’s lawyer, attempting to broker a deal for a Trump Tower in Moscow. Those emails, obtained by The New York Times on Monday, appear to indicate Sater’s willingness to use a Moscow deal as a way to bolster a Trump presidency.


Monday, August 28, 2017 5:19 PM


Four months into his campaign for president of the United States, Donald Trump signed a “letter of intent” to pursue a Trump Tower-style building development in Moscow, according to a statement from the then-Trump Organization Chief Counsel Michael Cohen.


Monday, August 28, 2017 5:24 PM


Trump Org official asked Putin's spokesman for help on Moscow Trump Tower project - Report

Trump attorney Michael Cohen, a Trump attorney and executive vice president for the Trump Organization, sent an email in January 2016 to Russian President Vladimir Putin's personal spokesman during the U.S. presidential campaign last year to ask him for help in advancing Mr. Trump's business interests.

According to the Washington Post, documents submitted to Congress Monday include the email from Cohen to Dmitry Peskov, which reportedly says, "Over the past few months I have been working with a company based in Russia regarding the development of a Trump Tower - Moscow project in Moscow City," Cohen wrote, according to the Post, which cited a person familiar with the email. "Without getting into lengthy specifics. the communication between our two sides has stalled."

"As this project is too important, I am hereby requesting your assistance. I respectfully request someone, preferably you, contact me so that I might discuss the specifics as well as arranging meetings with the appropriate individuals. I thank you in advance for your assistance and look forward to hearing from you soon," Cohen wrote.

The email, the Post pointed out, is the most direct interaction yet known between a top Trump employee and a senior member of the Putin government. However, the New York Times' Maggie Haberman tweeted that the email address that Cohen used was a general email press address -- essentially along the lines of a account.


Monday, August 28, 2017 5:33 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Oops: The New York Times Accidentally Exposed 'The Hillary Clinton-Russia Nexus'!


Below is the incredible New York Times editorial* published on Thursday that lays out the case for how the Hillary Clinton campaign was colluding with the Russian government, and then tried to cover it up by blaming her election loss on Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Hillary Clinton-Russia Nexus

The acting director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, told Congress on Thursday that President Trump's firing of James Comey has not derailed the agency's investigation into possible collusion between Russia and the Hillary Clinton campaign. Which is good news. Despite Mrs. Clinton's assertion that the idea of collusion is "a total hoax," and despite many unknowns, the links continue to pile up. Here is a partial accounting of the connections we do know something about.

THE CLINTON FAMILY BUSINESS There may be no Clinton Foundation office in Moscow or St. Petersburg, but it is not for lack of trying. Bill Clinton received half a million dollars in 2010 for a speech he gave in Moscow, paid by a Russian firm, Renaissance Capital, that has ties to Russian intelligence. The Clinton Foundation took money from Russian officials and oligarchs, including Victor Kekselberg, a Putin confidant. The Foundation also received millions of dollars from Uranium One, which was sold to the Russian government in 2010, giving Russia control of 20% of the uranium deposits in the U.S. — the sale required approval from Hillary Clinton's State Department. What's more, at least some of these donations weren't disclosed. "Ian Telfer, the head of the Russian government's uranium company, Uranium One, made four foreign donations totaling $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all such donors," the Times has reported.

JOHN PODESTA In March — that is, long after the election was over — it was revealed that Mrs. Clinton's campaign chairman had failed to disclose the receipt of 75,000 shares of stock from a Kremlin-financed company — Joule Unlimited — for which he served as director from 2010 to 2014, when he joined the Obama White House in 2014. Podesta apparently had a large chunk of the shares transferred to "Leonidio Holdings, a brand-new entity he incorporated only on Dec. 20, 2013, about 10 days before he entered the White House," according to a news account.

TONY PODESTA Mr. Podesta's brother, who has close personal and business relations with Mrs. Clinton, was "key lobbyist on behalf of Sberbank, according to Senate lobbying disclosure forms. His firm received more than $24 million in fees in 2016, much of it coming from foreign governments, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics," a March news story reported. The bank was "seeking to end one of the Obama administration's economic sanctions against that country." The report goes on to note that "Podesta's efforts were a key part of under-the-radar lobbying during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign led mainly by veteran Democratic strategists to remove sanctions against Sberbank and VTB Capital, Russia's second largest bank." Mr. Obama imposed the sanctions following the Russian seizure of the Crimean region of Ukraine in 2014.

JOHN BREAUX Forbes magazine reports that Mr. Breaux, a former Senator from Louisiana who cut radio ads for Mrs. Clinton's 2008 campaign, represents Gazprombank GPB, a subsidiary of Russia's third largest bank, on "banking laws and regulations, including applicable sanctions."

THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN In March, Mr. Putin's spokesman said that Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak met with members of Mrs. Clinton's campaign several times while she was running for president in 2016. Further, the campaign never disclosed the number or nature of these secret meetings.

Mrs. Clinton and her associates can cry themselves hoarse that there is neither smoke nor fire here, and that Putin was behind her election loss. But all in all, the known facts suggest an unusually extensive network of relationships with a major foreign power. Anyone who cares about the credibility of the American electoral process should want a thorough investigation.

* OK, this is not really what The New York Times wrote in its editorial (the actual editorial can be found here). But it does closely track what the Times' editorial accuses Trump of doing, and the Times' accusations about a Trump "nexus" with Russia are just about as flimsy.

Top Democrats, as indicated above, also have a long history of business and political ties with Russia, for the simple reason that there is money to be made by people who can peddle their political connections. And sometimes these Democrats don't disclose their Russia ties. If this is all the Times needs to accuse Trump and his associates of having "an unusually extensive network of relationships with a major foreign power," then Clinton is equally guilty. (The one difference is that Hillary actually has a record of being soft on Russia.)

Of course, Clinton isn't president, so who cares? Still, even if she had won the presidency, would The New York Times, or anyone else for that matter, have cared one whit about her "extensive" ties with Russia? Somehow, that seems unlikely.

© 2000-2017 Investor's Business Daily, Inc. All rights reserved

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Monday, August 28, 2017 5:38 PM


Hillary is not the president kiki, she's gone. Besides, two wrongs don't make a right. Besides, it looks like Trump is going to be impeached, go to jail, Hillary's not. Besides, the purpose of your post is to deflect comrade. Besides, you don't post any links to back up your accusations. I'll post it for you. A right wing conservative blog dumping ground.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017 9:19 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Four months into his campaign for President of the United States, Donald Trump signed a “letter of intent” to pursue a Trump Tower-style building development in Moscow, according to a statement from the then-Trump Organization chief counsel, Michael Cohen.

….The involvement of then-candidate Trump in a proposed Russian skyscraper deal contradicts repeated statements Trump made during the campaign, including telling ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that his business had “no relationship to Russia whatsoever.”

To Trump this is all meaningless. It’s not a matter of whether his words are truthful, but whether his words work. Since he won the election, that means his words were the right ones to use.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, August 29, 2017 10:28 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Besides, it looks like Trump is going to be impeached, go to jail...


Tuesday, August 29, 2017 5:50 PM



Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
Besides, it looks like Trump is going to be impeached, go to jail...


I hope you're ready for that. Cause it's coming.


Wednesday, September 13, 2017 7:53 PM


Tick Tock Trump lovers, tick tock.


Sunday, September 17, 2017 11:08 AM


I'm going to file whatever happens under "don't give a shit".

Good luck on your "win".

Do me a favor and please keep us updated on just how "great" everything gets if you get your way.

Me, I'm not hopeful that anything is really going to improve no matter what happens.


Monday, September 18, 2017 12:26 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by G:

I look forward to this swamp being drained real soon.

What happens next? Trump’s base won’t accept his departure as Nixon’s did, because Trump himself will be egging them on to see his eviction from the White House as the worst injustice ever perpetrated in America’s — in any country’s — history.

The German word for this is Dolchstoss. That was the myth, wildly popular in right-wing German circles after 1918, that they would have won the First World War if only they’d gotten the chance. Instead, the Kaiser’s proud army was “stabbed in the back” by cunning Jews, craven politicos, and other such dubiously cosmopolitan, non-Junker types.

America’s own pre-eminent Dolchstoss myth explains our defeat in Vietnam in similar terms. Ronald Reagan swore by it. When Sylvester Stallone’s Rambo asked, “Do we get to win this time?” before heading back to ’Nam for revenge, in one of the signature movies of the Reagan years, nobody needed to ask who had stood in the way of victory: hippie peaceniks, morale-undermining journalists, pinheaded rad-lib intellectuals, “Hanoi Jane” Fonda and her fellow Hollywood pinkos, and George McGovern, among others.

The Dolchstoss myth that’s sure to take hold if Trump is impeached or quits under pressure will be virulent. The tale his devotees will raise their children to swear by will describe the nefarious way that coastal elites, partisan Democrats, the liberal media, and a whole slew of other pseudo-Americans — from Muslims relishing our surprise introduction to sharia law to transgender weirdos, man-hating feminists, and America-hating Obama zombies, not to mention pusillanimous establishment Republicans — all conspired to deprive them of the greatest president ever: the only one they felt ever spoke for them. There will be talk of armed insurrection. Aspiring Dylann Roofs will look for an enemy headquarters to shoot up. It will be ugly.

Trump will love it. Since he has no concern for the country’s greater good, he’ll do everything he can to keep his base’s passions choleric. He already dotes on being their red-capped messiah, but their martyred Christ? He will be the greatest person ever to be anybody’s martyred Christ.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, September 18, 2017 2:55 AM


Unfortunately, that's exactly what I believe will transpire, with the help of the media (all of them, not just the so-called MSM), they just can't help themselves; high ratings will be too tempting.

But yeah, the whole Fake News ploy will be taken to greater heights and his base will become the new "patriots" charging forth as though to war. This could get ugly fast.



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by G:

I look forward to this swamp being drained real soon.

What happens next? Trump’s base won’t accept his departure as Nixon’s did, because Trump himself will be egging them on to see his eviction from the White House as the worst injustice ever perpetrated in America’s — in any country’s — history.

The German word for this is Dolchstoss. That was the myth, wildly popular in right-wing German circles after 1918, that they would have won the First World War if only they’d gotten the chance. Instead, the Kaiser’s proud army was “stabbed in the back” by cunning Jews, craven politicos, and other such dubiously cosmopolitan, non-Junker types.

America’s own pre-eminent Dolchstoss myth explains our defeat in Vietnam in similar terms. Ronald Reagan swore by it. When Sylvester Stallone’s Rambo asked, “Do we get to win this time?” before heading back to ’Nam for revenge, in one of the signature movies of the Reagan years, nobody needed to ask who had stood in the way of victory: hippie peaceniks, morale-undermining journalists, pinheaded rad-lib intellectuals, “Hanoi Jane” Fonda and her fellow Hollywood pinkos, and George McGovern, among others.

The Dolchstoss myth that’s sure to take hold if Trump is impeached or quits under pressure will be virulent. The tale his devotees will raise their children to swear by will describe the nefarious way that coastal elites, partisan Democrats, the liberal media, and a whole slew of other pseudo-Americans — from Muslims relishing our surprise introduction to sharia law to transgender weirdos, man-hating feminists, and America-hating Obama zombies, not to mention pusillanimous establishment Republicans — all conspired to deprive them of the greatest president ever: the only one they felt ever spoke for them. There will be talk of armed insurrection. Aspiring Dylann Roofs will look for an enemy headquarters to shoot up. It will be ugly.

Trump will love it. Since he has no concern for the country’s greater good, he’ll do everything he can to keep his base’s passions choleric. He already dotes on being their red-capped messiah, but their martyred Christ? He will be the greatest person ever to be anybody’s martyred Christ.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, September 18, 2017 4:35 AM


It's going to be pretty easy to see Trump as a martyr if he's booted without any truly damning evidence. You people and the MSM have been attacking him since November 9th without missing a single day.

You want him out so bad that you will believe any story that comes from any source, no matter how dubious or "anonymous".

The only way you're going to avoid having a big fight on your hands is if you catch Trump red handed with a huge spotlight on it for everybody to see. Some random claims of Russian collaboration without any proof to back them up isn't going to cut it.

I'm still waiting for any proof of anything. I'm not saying that he didn't do anything, because I don't know. All I'm saying is that if he were being prosecuted right now and I was on the jury he wouldn't be getting a guilty verdict from me at this point.


Monday, September 18, 2017 8:05 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6stringJoker:

The only way you're going to avoid having a big fight on your hands is if you catch Trump red handed with a huge spotlight on it for everybody to see. Some random claims of Russian collaboration without any proof to back them up isn't going to cut it.

I'm still waiting for any proof of anything. I'm not saying that he didn't do anything, because I don't know. All I'm saying is that if he were being prosecuted right now and I was on the jury he wouldn't be getting a guilty verdict from me at this point.

Forget Russia. The real crime in the real world is Trump owes $1 billion in back taxes and penalties. Can't know how much he owes because his tax returns are a great, big secret he doesn't want touched. But his voters will say he only violated some arcane technicalities and, therefore, his real estate fortune should be untouched by the IRS, which is part of the "Deep State", anyway. Once Trump pardons himself for tax evasion, his voters will be burning IRS buildings in righteous fury against potential forced sales of Trump's golf courses to pay his tax bill. Trump will love every second of chaos!

There are two things to know about Trumpian con artists: One, they’re having fun; two, once a bluffer tastes the sweet satisfaction of scamming a sucker — one’s born every minute, you know — he can’t stop. Once Trump realized people will buy his brand of unction he won’t be able to resist tweeting "I'm being persecuted by an out-of-control IRS and the Deep State!" He'd tweet Americans to delay paying their taxes as part of a protest at the unfair treatment Trump is receiving from the IRS - he is that kind of President - and then his spokesman will walk it back 4 hours later. No matter what he says or does, people of good (and not so good) faith will don (as they have donned in the campaign) their protective glasses and refuse to see that Trump's violations are more than technicalities.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, September 18, 2017 8:49 AM


LOL... I forgot about Russia a long time ago.

Is this just another made up story, or does Trump owe 1 Billion in back taxes? I can't be bothered to pay any attention anymore at this point.

If he does, the IRS already knew about it years before the presidential bid and I think he would have gone to prison or had some sort of Ruby Ridge style shootout at Trump Tower.

If he does, I'm okay with Trump going down, so long as every politician who was tied to him getting away with it for all of these years goes down as well. There's no way he got away with that on his own without plenty of political help, and given that he was a lifelong Democrat before running for president that's most likely going to be a lot of current and former Democrats going down with him.


Monday, September 18, 2017 4:52 PM


Tick Tock


Monday, September 18, 2017 5:22 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by second:
Forget Russia. It was never anything but a ginned-up pretext anyway.

And it was only the first effort in a coup.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Monday, September 18, 2017 8:31 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Tick Tock


Tuesday, September 19, 2017 2:52 AM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
Tick Tock Trump lovers, tick tock.

It does seem soon, doesn't it? There are so many threads being pulled right now, so many arms being twisted, the main question seems to be "how many?"
I watched a bit of Sarah Huckabee Sanders press insult session yesterday. Not unlike her predecessor, she was full of denials, deflections, and outright "opinion/lies". I suppose you act like your boss and in this case, you end up with a nest of thugs and liars.


White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was in dubious legal territory on Wednesday when she essentially called for ESPN host Jemele Hill to be fired, according to former Office of Government Ethics Director Walter Shaub.

Hill recently called President Donald Trump a "white supremacist" in a tweet, which Sanders described as a "fireable offense" during a press conference on Wednesday.

Subsequently, Shaub tweeted an "interesting law on the books."

: cited law :
This law essentially states certain government employees -- including the president, vice president and "any other executive branch employee" -- are prohibited from influencing the employment decisions or practices of a private entity (such as ESPN) "solely on the basis of partisan political affiliation."

Breaking this law can lead to a fine or imprisonment up to 15 years -- possibly both -- and could lead to disqualification from "holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States."

But the specific language of the law he tweeted "doesn't criminalize today's remarks" because Sanders' comment wasn't "solely" related to partisan political affiliation, Shaub explained. "But it certainly highlights the inappropriateness of using federal authority to influence private employment decisions. Another important norm down the drain," he added.

In short, Sanders doesn't appear to have broken any laws with her statement, but it was quite bizarre for her to call for the dismissal of a Trump critic."

I look forward to this swamp being drained real soon.

watching Libtards salivate is really not appetizing theater. This is quite pathetic.
Only 242 days gone by so far. Eat some saltines.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017 2:55 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Oops: The New York Times Accidentally Exposed 'The Hillary Clinton-Russia Nexus'!


Below is the incredible New York Times editorial* published on Thursday that lays out the case for how the Hillary Clinton campaign was colluding with the Russian government, and then tried to cover it up by blaming her election loss on Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Hillary Clinton-Russia Nexus

The acting director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, told Congress on Thursday that President Trump's firing of James Comey has not derailed the agency's investigation into possible collusion between Russia and the Hillary Clinton campaign. Which is good news. Despite Mrs. Clinton's assertion that the idea of collusion is "a total hoax," and despite many unknowns, the links continue to pile up. Here is a partial accounting of the connections we do know something about.

THE CLINTON FAMILY BUSINESS There may be no Clinton Foundation office in Moscow or St. Petersburg, but it is not for lack of trying. Bill Clinton received half a million dollars in 2010 for a speech he gave in Moscow, paid by a Russian firm, Renaissance Capital, that has ties to Russian intelligence. The Clinton Foundation took money from Russian officials and oligarchs, including Victor Kekselberg, a Putin confidant. The Foundation also received millions of dollars from Uranium One, which was sold to the Russian government in 2010, giving Russia control of 20% of the uranium deposits in the U.S. — the sale required approval from Hillary Clinton's State Department. What's more, at least some of these donations weren't disclosed. "Ian Telfer, the head of the Russian government's uranium company, Uranium One, made four foreign donations totaling $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all such donors," the Times has reported.

JOHN PODESTA In March — that is, long after the election was over — it was revealed that Mrs. Clinton's campaign chairman had failed to disclose the receipt of 75,000 shares of stock from a Kremlin-financed company — Joule Unlimited — for which he served as director from 2010 to 2014, when he joined the Obama White House in 2014. Podesta apparently had a large chunk of the shares transferred to "Leonidio Holdings, a brand-new entity he incorporated only on Dec. 20, 2013, about 10 days before he entered the White House," according to a news account.

TONY PODESTA Mr. Podesta's brother, who has close personal and business relations with Mrs. Clinton, was "key lobbyist on behalf of Sberbank, according to Senate lobbying disclosure forms. His firm received more than $24 million in fees in 2016, much of it coming from foreign governments, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics," a March news story reported. The bank was "seeking to end one of the Obama administration's economic sanctions against that country." The report goes on to note that "Podesta's efforts were a key part of under-the-radar lobbying during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign led mainly by veteran Democratic strategists to remove sanctions against Sberbank and VTB Capital, Russia's second largest bank." Mr. Obama imposed the sanctions following the Russian seizure of the Crimean region of Ukraine in 2014.

JOHN BREAUX Forbes magazine reports that Mr. Breaux, a former Senator from Louisiana who cut radio ads for Mrs. Clinton's 2008 campaign, represents Gazprombank GPB, a subsidiary of Russia's third largest bank, on "banking laws and regulations, including applicable sanctions."

THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN In March, Mr. Putin's spokesman said that Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak met with members of Mrs. Clinton's campaign several times while she was running for president in 2016. Further, the campaign never disclosed the number or nature of these secret meetings.

Mrs. Clinton and her associates can cry themselves hoarse that there is neither smoke nor fire here, and that Putin was behind her election loss. But all in all, the known facts suggest an unusually extensive network of relationships with a major foreign power. Anyone who cares about the credibility of the American electoral process should want a thorough investigation.

* OK, this is not really what The New York Times wrote in its editorial (the actual editorial can be found here). But it does closely track what the Times' editorial accuses Trump of doing, and the Times' accusations about a Trump "nexus" with Russia are just about as flimsy.

Top Democrats, as indicated above, also have a long history of business and political ties with Russia, for the simple reason that there is money to be made by people who can peddle their political connections. And sometimes these Democrats don't disclose their Russia ties. If this is all the Times needs to accuse Trump and his associates of having "an unusually extensive network of relationships with a major foreign power," then Clinton is equally guilty. (The one difference is that Hillary actually has a record of being soft on Russia.)

Of course, Clinton isn't president, so who cares? Still, even if she had won the presidency, would The New York Times, or anyone else for that matter, have cared one whit about her "extensive" ties with Russia? Somehow, that seems unlikely.

© 2000-2017 Investor's Business Daily, Inc. All rights reserved

Hey, wait.
Why is this not posted in a thread that has some relevance?
Only 2680 days left in the dramatic breaking news countdown. As specified in the 25th Amendment.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017 3:24 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
Oops: The New York Times Accidentally Exposed 'The Hillary Clinton-Russia Nexus'!


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Why is this not posted in a thread that has some relevance?

People were posting about Trump's alleged Russian ties.

The last few weeks hav been ominously quiet on Russia newz. I thot it wuz mainly kuz uv Trump providing distractionz, but maybe therez more to it.

Yeah, the story is that Trump asked McConnell why he didn't intervene in the Russia investigation. Apparently he wanted McConnell to dismantle the Judiciary and Intelligence Committees regarding the Russia probe.

Suspicious ties between President Donald Trump and the Russian government just keep appearing.

Four months into his campaign for president of the United States, Donald Trump signed a “letter of intent” to pursue a Trump Tower-style building development in Moscow, according to a statement from the then-Trump Organization Chief Counsel Michael Cohen.

I was hoping to point out that having business dealings, or even political dealings, with Russia doesn't seem to be illegal or immoral. If it was, then Hillary would have been prosecuted, or at least repeatedly criticized, a long time ago.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017 4:51 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Oops: The New York Times Accidentally Exposed 'The Hillary Clinton-Russia Nexus'!


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Why is this not posted in a thread that has some relevance?

People were posting about Trump's alleged Russian ties.

The last few weeks hav been ominously quiet on Russia newz. I thot it wuz mainly kuz uv Trump providing distractionz, but maybe therez more to it.

Yeah, the story is that Trump asked McConnell why he didn't intervene in the Russia investigation. Apparently he wanted McConnell to dismantle the Judiciary and Intelligence Committees regarding the Russia probe.

Suspicious ties between President Donald Trump and the Russian government just keep appearing.

Four months into his campaign for president of the United States, Donald Trump signed a “letter of intent” to pursue a Trump Tower-style building development in Moscow, according to a statement from the then-Trump Organization Chief Counsel Michael Cohen.

I was hoping to point out that having business dealings, or even political dealings, with Russia doesn't seem to be illegal or immoral. If it was, then Hillary would have been prosecuted, or at least repeatedly criticized, a long time ago.

Your post was a contribution of logic. This thread us devoid of logic, from the beginning, dictated by the premise of the OP.
Don't let your worthwhile contribution get buried or hidden in this wasteland. 8 index pages of drivel have been generated in 242 days, and there are 2680 days remaining in this countdown.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017 8:18 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:

I was hoping to point out that having business dealings, or even political dealings, with Russia doesn't seem to be illegal or immoral. If it was, then Hillary would have been prosecuted, or at least repeatedly criticized, a long time ago.

Your word "seem" is providing all the protective cover because the Trump White House seems to provide no more about its dealings with Russia than it provides about Trump's tax returns. Did you read "How Trump Broke the Office of Government Ethics"?

. . . the notion that anyone in the Trump campaign would have colluded with the Russian government was vehemently denied by the White House. After news of the meeting, which offered clear evidence of, at the very least, a willingness to collude with Russia, the Trump defense on the Russia investigation shifted essentially from no collusion! to collusion isn’t illegal.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, September 19, 2017 5:55 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I saw this little thing that could get Trump impeached, strictly because Congressional Republicans might find Trump is not steady enough for the job and Mike Pence would make a better President:

Trump is fully embracing the so-called Madman Theory, in which he makes himself so unpredictable that other world leaders fear setting him off. But that approach isn't without its downsides. Former general David Petraeus described it thusly a few days back:

"There is some merit to this. You can argue perhaps there is some merit to it in international relations, although it obviously can go too far. My concern there with the so-called 'madman theory — that actually (Richard) Nixon put forward through Kissinger where he had Kissinger tell the Soviets, 'You know, Nixon's under a lot of pressure right now and, you know, he drinks at night sometimes, so you guys ought to be real careful. Don't push this into a crisis.' There may, again, be some merit into the madman theory until you get in a crisis. But you do not want the other side thinking you are irrational in a crisis. You do not want the other side thinking that you might be sufficiently irrational to conduct a first strike or to do something, you know, so-called 'unthinkable.'"

Why Trump’s threat to ‘totally destroy’ North Korea is extraordinary — even for him.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, September 19, 2017 6:05 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by second:
"Your word "seem" is providing all the protective cover because the Trump White House seems to provide no more about its dealings with Russia "

begging the question, dishonest argumentation

Did you read "How Trump Broke the Office of Government Ethics"?

"Whether the meeting itself broke any laws seems debatable"

Your source doesn't support your desire to believe Trump broke the law..

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017 6:06 PM


I am absolutely alright with Trumps statement to North Korea.

I don't think it's a madman thing to say.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017 6:25 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
I am absolutely alright with Trumps statement to North Korea.

I don't think it's a madman thing to say.

So long as it stays as only talk, but if Trump actually does something that drops radioactive fallout on South Korea, the Congressional Republicans might see Mike Pence as a viable next President.

And for 1kiki: accidentally damaging SOUTH Korea is not illegal, does not break US law which you keep repeating as if impeachment is not a totally political act without any necessity for Trump to violate a law. But maybe, just maybe, some Congressional Republicans will be displeased with Trump for nuking S Korea. All Congressional Democrats are already displeased enough to impeach Trump before there is proof of Trump committing a crime.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, September 19, 2017 6:34 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"... the president of the United States threatened to wipe a country of 25 million people off the map.

“Now North Korea's reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles threatens the entire world with unthinkable loss of human life,” Trump said. He later added: “The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea. Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself.”"

I've read elsewhere (I'd have to dig it up) that the other half of this equation that *I* think needs to be there is something that the US won't commit to - and that's the promise that the US will not strike first.

But US policy has always been to reserve the 'first strike' option for itself. That understandably makes a lot of countries nervous and is helping drive the whole crazy-train forward.

IF you think the US might nuke you first, you could be driven to acquire a nuclear option of your own. Sure, you won't win a nuclear exchange, but you could make a US first strike painful enough to make the US think twice.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017 6:49 PM


Tick Tock


Tuesday, September 19, 2017 7:43 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 1kiki:

But US policy has always been to reserve the 'first strike' option for itself. That understandably makes a lot of countries nervous and is helping drive the whole crazy-train forward.

IF you think the US might nuke you first, you could be driven to acquire a nuclear option of your own. Sure, you won't win a nuclear exchange, but you could make a US first strike painful enough to make the US think twice.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.

I believe North Korea will build its nukes and Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles and Trump will run his mouth in opposition to please people like 6stringJoker. But if Trump gets a brain fart and foolishly believes his own overheated speeches, he could accidentally destroy South Korea over North Korea's nukes (which is perfectly legal and Robert Mueller could not charge Trump with a crime because being a stupid President is not yet a felony). Then Trump might lose enough support with Congressional Republicans who own Samsung TVs to get himself impeached overnight because they think he is a madman. 100% of Congressional Democrats will cheerfully go with the flow, making nice and sane Mike Pence our new President.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, September 19, 2017 10:24 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6stringJoker:
I am absolutely alright with Trumps statement to North Korea.

I don't think it's a madman thing to say.

So long as it stays as only talk, but if Trump actually does something that drops radioactive fallout on South Korea, the Congressional Republicans might see Mike Pence as a viable next President.

And for 1kiki: accidentally damaging SOUTH Korea is not illegal, does not break US law which you keep repeating as if impeachment is not a totally political act without any necessity for Trump to violate a law. But maybe, just maybe, some Congressional Republicans will be displeased with Trump for nuking S Korea. All Congressional Democrats are already displeased enough to impeach Trump before there is proof of Trump committing a crime.

Maybe, maybe, maybe...

Being displeased with a president, as far as I know, is not grounds for an Impeachment. If it is, it will not be a popular one at this point and there would be a lot of negative fallout from that decision to carry it forward without any proof of any crimes committed.

Maybe he does go crazy and actually sends a nuke. I seriously doubt that would ever happen. That was just Trump wagging his bigger dick back in Kim's face. Kim was just a little boy the last time anybody here ever did that to his Daddy.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017 10:30 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

"... the president of the United States threatened to wipe a country of 25 million people off the map.

“Now North Korea's reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles threatens the entire world with unthinkable loss of human life,” Trump said. He later added: “The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea. Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself.”"

I've read elsewhere (I'd have to dig it up) that the other half of this equation that *I* think needs to be there is something that the US won't commit to - and that's the promise that the US will not strike first.

But US policy has always been to reserve the 'first strike' option for itself. That understandably makes a lot of countries nervous and is helping drive the whole crazy-train forward.

IF you think the US might nuke you first, you could be driven to acquire a nuclear option of your own. Sure, you won't win a nuclear exchange, but you could make a US first strike painful enough to make the US think twice.

Doesn't that rationalization require a foundation of paranoia?


Tuesday, September 19, 2017 10:36 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by second:
"Your word "seem" is providing all the protective cover because the Trump White House seems to provide no more about its dealings with Russia "

begging the question, dishonest argumentation

Did you read "How Trump Broke the Office of Government Ethics"?

"Whether the meeting itself broke any laws seems debatable"

Your source doesn't support your desire to believe Trump broke the law..

Even when exclusively sourcing from the likes of NYT, MSN, NewYorker, NPR, ad nauseum, a false narrative still can't be developed against Trump?
Shirley, you must be joking.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017 8:01 PM


Tick tock tick tock.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017 9:11 PM



Saturday, September 23, 2017 8:09 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump is ‘prepping his base’ for a constitutional crisis to stop the Russia probe

September 23, 2017

Raw Story reports: President Donald Trump is preparing his base for the constitutional crisis he’ll trigger by firing special counsel Robert Mueller, according to a congressional investigator.

Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL), a member of the House Intelligence Committee, said the probe has gotten deep into sensitive financial areas involving Trump and his family, and he “impulsive” president was almost certain to fire the special counsel.

“The Mueller investigation could take at least another year, maybe two, but (the House) investigation is closer to its infancy than conclusion,” Quigley said Thursday, during a discussion at DePaul University College of Law. “In the meantime, we live with the very real threat that the Mueller investigation gets shut down.”

Quigley said the investigation, despite its complexity, had already revealed evidence of wrongdoing.

“If you had seen what I had seen you’d want me to go full throttle,” he said.

The lawmaker said he’s trying to communicate a sense of urgency, because he believes Trump is willing to risk democratic institutions and civil society to protect himself from the investigation.

“One of the reasons I speak the way I do when I message about this is I’m worried about a constitutional crisis,” Quigley said. “I think there is a reason he speaks to the base in the manner in which he does. He’s prepping them, girding them for this.”


Saturday, September 23, 2017 12:45 PM


It's already been established that if Trump fires Mueller he will be put right back in place by the Senate as an independent investigator. That will be worse for Trump.


Originally posted by second:
Trump is ‘prepping his base’ for a constitutional crisis to stop the Russia probe

September 23, 2017

Raw Story reports: President Donald Trump is preparing his base for the constitutional crisis he’ll trigger by firing special counsel Robert Mueller, according to a congressional investigator.

Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL), a member of the House Intelligence Committee, said the probe has gotten deep into sensitive financial areas involving Trump and his family, and he “impulsive” president was almost certain to fire the special counsel.

“The Mueller investigation could take at least another year, maybe two, but (the House) investigation is closer to its infancy than conclusion,” Quigley said Thursday, during a discussion at DePaul University College of Law. “In the meantime, we live with the very real threat that the Mueller investigation gets shut down.”

Quigley said the investigation, despite its complexity, had already revealed evidence of wrongdoing.

“If you had seen what I had seen you’d want me to go full throttle,” he said.

The lawmaker said he’s trying to communicate a sense of urgency, because he believes Trump is willing to risk democratic institutions and civil society to protect himself from the investigation.

“One of the reasons I speak the way I do when I message about this is I’m worried about a constitutional crisis,” Quigley said. “I think there is a reason he speaks to the base in the manner in which he does. He’s prepping them, girding them for this.”


Saturday, September 30, 2017 2:56 PM


Special counsel investigators start questioning White House staffers

Investigators have begun questioning White House staffers as part of the special counsel’s Russia probe

Tick tock, tick tock.


Saturday, September 30, 2017 4:41 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Special counsel investigators start questioning White House staffers

Investigators have begun questioning White House staffers as part of the special counsel’s Russia probe

More msn Fake News Factory output? They must all be guilty, otherwise the Inquisitioners would never question them.


Saturday, September 30, 2017 8:19 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, September 30, 2017 10:00 PM


There is your WWIII, sans Clinton.



Originally posted by 1kiki:
"... the president of the United States threatened to wipe a country of 25 million people off the map.

“Now North Korea's reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles threatens the entire world with unthinkable loss of human life,” Trump said. He later added: “The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea. Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself.”"

I've read elsewhere (I'd have to dig it up) that the other half of this equation that *I* think needs to be there is something that the US won't commit to - and that's the promise that the US will not strike first.

But US policy has always been to reserve the 'first strike' option for itself. That understandably makes a lot of countries nervous and is helping drive the whole crazy-train forward.

IF you think the US might nuke you first, you could be driven to acquire a nuclear option of your own. Sure, you won't win a nuclear exchange, but you could make a US first strike painful enough to make the US think twice.

Trump is not the problem. He set himself against the Deep State's agenda. And the Deep State's been heading for WWIII for years.
As for you, you're just a Deep State useful idiot, furthering its agenda. So I hope you enjoy cesium in your coffee. You've earned it.


Saturday, September 30, 2017 10:02 PM


If the shoe fits...



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1kiki:

"... the president of the United States threatened to wipe a country of 25 million people off the map.

“Now North Korea's reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles threatens the entire world with unthinkable loss of human life,” Trump said. He later added: “The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea. Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself.”"

I've read elsewhere (I'd have to dig it up) that the other half of this equation that *I* think needs to be there is something that the US won't commit to - and that's the promise that the US will not strike first.

But US policy has always been to reserve the 'first strike' option for itself. That understandably makes a lot of countries nervous and is helping drive the whole crazy-train forward.

IF you think the US might nuke you first, you could be driven to acquire a nuclear option of your own. Sure, you won't win a nuclear exchange, but you could make a US first strike painful enough to make the US think twice.

Doesn't that rationalization require a foundation of paranoia?


Saturday, September 30, 2017 10:09 PM


Ha, ha, ha..........the portly golfer.....because, as we speak, he golfs!



Originally posted by second:
It ain’t over until the portly golfer sings.


Saturday, September 30, 2017 10:12 PM


Yes, keep believing that Fake News narrative...pretty soon, Mueller will "Fake" indict people, then "Fake" trial leading to "Fake" jail.....yes, keep believing.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
Special counsel investigators start questioning White House staffers

Investigators have begun questioning White House staffers as part of the special counsel’s Russia probe

More msn Fake News Factory output? They must all be guilty, otherwise the Inquisitioners would never question them.


Sunday, October 1, 2017 12:17 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Yes, keep believing that Fake News narrative...pretty soon, Mueller will "Fake" indict people, then "Fake" trial leading to "Fake" jail.....yes, keep believing.


Well said.


Sunday, October 1, 2017 12:19 PM


  Is Countdown Clock to Trump's
impeachment getting close to ringing?

... oooOO}{OOooo ...






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