Countdown Clock to Trumps impeachment " STARTS"

UPDATED: Monday, October 14, 2024 04:45
VIEWED: 335903
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Sunday, February 17, 2019 11:33 PM


Only 2,266 days remaining on the Impeachment Clock. As of Sunday.

How exciting. 002080


Monday, February 18, 2019 8:48 AM


Awwwww damn....

I forgot to wish this thread happy birthday.

Two years old now! I guess we're going to have to start thinking about potty training it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, February 18, 2019 11:32 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

And Still No Evidence.

Shoo you stupid troll. This is a list of whom the bell has tolled for so far. As for the rest...

tick tock



The Mueller indictments so far: Lies, trolls and hacks

At least 34 people and three companies have been charged so far as a result of the special counsel’s investigation into 2016 election tampering.
By Jesus Rodriguez and Beatrice Jin | 12/07/18 10:15 AM EDT | UPDATED 1/25/19 12:00 PM EDT

Since former FBI chief Robert Mueller was appointed to probe potential ties between the Trump campaign and Russians during the 2016 campaign, the special counsel has held Americans spellbound. His investigation has exposed illegal schemes across international borders and produced more than 100 criminal charges. Inside the White House, the probe has, at times, consumed President Donald Trump and his inner circle. Here are all the people Mueller has charged so far.

Team Trump
George Papadopoulos

The first indictment, under seal.
Nearly five months after the special counsel officially began his work, Mueller filed his first charge, accusing the foreign policy advisor to Trump's campaign of lying to the FBI. According to Mueller, Papadopolous told an Australian diplomat in 2016 that Russia had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton months before the Democratic candidate's internal campaign emails started leaking online.

As part of his plea deal with Mueller, Papadopoulos admitted that he discussed his Russia contacts with top campaign officials, including a possible meeting between candidate Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The White House sought to distance itself from Papadopoulos before he was eventually sentenced to 14 days in prison. Papadopoulos's indictment and plea deal was kept under seal until Oct. 30, 2017. Read the full indictment here.
Oct. 05, 2017

Team Trump
Paul Manafort
Team Trump
Rick Gates
Mueller's first bombshell.
With the Manafort indictment, Mueller ensnared one of the Trump campaign’s top aides and exposed a web of allegedly illicit business dealings between the former campaign chairman and pro-Russian Ukrainian officials that stretched back years. Mueller also indicted Rick Gates, Manafort’s longtime business partner. Manafort was eventually convicted on eight counts of tax and bank fraud, and later pleaded guilty to committing a conspiracy against the United States and a conspiracy to obstruct justice.

As part of his plea deal, Manafort agreed to cooperate with Mueller. But the special counsel eventually ripped up the agreement, accusing Manafort of lying repeatedly to investigators and requesting that the court move quickly to sentence the longtime GOP lobbyist. Read the full indictment here.
Oct. 30, 2017

Team Trump
Michael Flynn
Mueller searches for the Trump-Kremlin connection.
Flynn's guilty plea signaled that the special counsel was looking into communications at the highest levels of the Trump transition team and the Kremlin.
Flynn, who served a brief 24 days as Trump's national security adviser, admitted that he lied to federal investigators about conversations he had with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the transition about sanctions President Obama had just imposed on Russia for its interference in the 2016 elections and entered a plea deal with Mueller. After Flynn's guilty plea, the retired military officer met 19 times with investigators, offering "substantial assistance," according to a Mueller court filing. The special counsel recommended little to no jail time for Flynn. Read the full indictment here.
Dec. 01, 2017
Dec. 02, 2017 - Feb. 11, 2018
Mueller interviews Trump world.
During this period, Mueller's team interviewed several key figures in Trump's orbit, including then-White House communications director Hope Hicks, then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and George Nader, a businessman with connections to the United Arab Emirates.

Richard Pinedo
The stolen bank accounts that fueled Russia's meddling.
Pinedo is a California resident who pleaded guilty to selling stolen bank account information to Russian internet trolls who allegedly used the credentials to buy internet ads to sow division among Americans during the election. His company, Auction Essistance, sold bank account numbers that could be used to set up accounts online, likely with PayPal. Pinedo knew that many of his customers were abroad and he admitted he “willfully and intentionally avoided learning” about the stolen identities. His sentence, six months of prison and six months of home confinement, is the longest sentence Mueller has secured. Read the full indictment here.
Feb. 12, 2018

Foreign Nationals
Thirteen Russian nationals and three Russian companies
The Russian “troll farm” that tried to divide America.
Mueller's first indictment of foreign nationals blamed Russia's Internet Research Agency for orchestrating a "troll farm" that saturated online platforms with posts that vilified Clinton and supported Trump. Beyond the virtual sabotage, Mueller alleged that Russians also physically entered the United States and paid Americans to help them.

As part of the indictment, the special counsel charged two companies that he said funded the IRA, along with thirteen Russian individuals with a broad charge of conspiracy to defraud the United States and other narrower ones, such as tax fraud and identity theft. However, the indictment did not allege that the Russians' million-dollar propaganda scheme succeeded in swaying votes, which Trump largely took as a sign of vindication. One of the companies, Concord Management and Consulting LLC, hired American lawyers and has pleaded not guilty. Read the full indictment here.
Feb. 16, 2018

Foreign Nationals
Alex van der Zwaan
The Dutch lawyer who lied to Mueller.
Alex van der Zwaan is a Dutch lawyer who, according to the special counsel's office, lied to federal investigators about communications with Rick Gates, Manafort's business associate, related to a 2012 report meant to shield the pro-Russia Ukrainian president from scrutiny for jailing a political dissident.
Van der Zwaan was later sentenced to 30 days in a low-security prison in Pennsylvania — the first sentence handed out in the Mueller probe — after which he was deported. Read the full indictment here.
Feb. 20, 2018

Team Trump
Paul Manafort

Team Trump
Rick Gates
Mueller details a massive financial fraud scheme.
The new superseding indictment against Manafort and Gates included a whopping 32 charges of tax and bank fraud. Specifically, Mueller accused the pair of severely understating their income on tax forms, and the timing overlapped with some of Manafort's work as Trump's campaign chairman. Read the full indictment here.
Within days, Gates pleaded guilty to conspiracy and lying to the FBI, striking a deal to cooperate with Mueller. Gates, formerly Manafort’s deputy, would go on to serve as a star witness at the trial against Manafort, who was found guilty on eight different counts by an Alexandria, Va., jury. As part of Manafort's eventual plea deal, Mueller agreed to dismiss the charges that resulted in a hung jury in Virginia.
Feb. 21, 2018

Team Trump
Paul Manafort
Ukraine and a secret lobbying campaign.
A new filing in the special counsel investigation alleged that Trump's former campaign chairman was the mastermind behind a covert group of former prominent European politicians "secretly retained" to promote Ukrainian interests in Washington. According to the document, a member of the so-called "Hapsburg Group," which was led by a former Austrian chancellor, at one point met with former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden to try and credit a Ukrainian dissident. Read the full filing here.
Feb. 23, 2018
Feb. 24, 2018 - Jun. 07, 2018

Trump changes lawyers, negotiates Q&A.
After the flurry of activity in February, Mueller's team takes a four-month break from major public action. During this time period, Mueller's team is negotiating with Trump's over a possible in-person interview between the special counsel's office and the president. Trump also turned over his legal team during this span. Lead attorney John Dowd resigned over disagreements regarding strategy, and Rudy Giuliani took his place, installing a more pugilistic approach toward the special counsel.

Team Trump
Paul Manafort

Foreign Nationals
Konstantin Kilimnik
“Manafort’s man in Kiev.”
Mueller returned from a nearly four-month hiatus in indictments to charge Manafort again, this time with obstruction of justice due to witness tampering. This was also the first time that the special counsel publicly charged Konstantin Kilimnik, a longtime associate, for aiding Manafort in his attempts to cajole witnesses.

Mueller contended that Manafort and Kilimnik contacted witnesses who were slated to testify against Manafort and encouraged them to state that the so-called “Hapsburg Group” only operated in Europe, which would have shielded them from scrutiny under U.S. foreign lobbying laws. But Mueller’s prosecutors had evidence that the group had also operated in the United States. Read the full indictment here.
Jun. 08, 2018

Foreign Nationals
Twelve Russian intelligence officers
“Guccifer 2.0" and the DNC Hack.
The indictment of 12 officials from the Russian government’s military intelligence unit, the GRU, directly connected the 2016 election meddling campaign to the senior Moscow officials. The individuals were charged with conspiring to hack computers of individuals involved with the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign, including John Podesta, and disseminating emails through the online persona “Guccifer 2.0.”
Even though the indictment was largely symbolic — as the defendants are unlikely to be extradited from Russia — it came just days before an astounding joint press conference in Helsinki, Finland, where Trump refused to condemn Putin over the 2016 election hacking, despite a forceful assessment from the U.S. intelligence community the Russian leader had ordered the operation. “I have great confidence in my intelligence people,” Trump said. “But I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.” Read the full indictment here.
Jul. 13, 2018

Team Trump
Michael Cohen
Cohen flips, details hush money pay-offs.
On a referral from Mueller's office, Trump's former attorney and fixer pleaded guilty to violating campaign finance laws by paying hush money during the campaign to two women at Trump’s direction in order to cover up alleged extramarital affairs. Cohen admitted that he made the payments “for the purposes of influencing the election.” As part of his deal, Cohen agreed to cooperate informally with Mueller's team. Cohen was later sentenced to three years for both the lying-to-Congress charge and the tax-fraud charges. “I have been living in a personal and mental incarceration ever since the day that I accepted the offer to work for a real estate mogul whose business acumen that I deeply admired,” Cohen told the court. Read the full document here.
Aug. 21, 2018

Team Trump
Sam Patten
Inauguration tickets or foreign lobbying?
W. Samuel Patten, a Manafort associate, admitted that he paid $50,000 to get inauguration tickets for a pro-Russian Ukrainian oligarch and another Russian individual. This disclosure was the first official sign that pro-Russian money from foreigners had flowed into the coffers of the Trump inaugural committee to help foreigners gain access to events, which is illegal.
Patten was not charged for the payment, but pleaded guilty to failing to register as a foreign lobbyist in the United States for a pro-Russian Ukrainian political party. He then agreed to cooperate with Mueller. Read the full statement here.
Aug. 31, 2018
Sep. 1, 2018 - Nov. 28, 2018
Mueller goes dark before the election.
Mueller's team kept its work mostly behind the scenes in the run-up to the 2018 midterm elections.

Team Trump
Michael Cohen
Cohen admits he lied about Trump Tower Moscow.
Cohen later admitted in a plea deal with Mueller's team that he had also lied to Congress about business talks to build a Trump Tower in Russia, conceding that the discussions went much later in the campaign than he and and the Trump team had signaled. Cohen also said he kept Trump and his family abreast of the developments with the potential Russia project. Read the full plea deal here.
Nov. 29, 2018
Nov. 30, 2018 - Jan. 24, 2019
A break in the silence to dispute Buzzfeed
Mueller’s operation remained mostly quiet, with the exception of a statement made Jan. 18 denying aspects of a bombshell Buzzfeed news report that Trump instructed Cohen to lie to Congress about dealings related to the Trump Tower Moscow project.

Team Trump
Roger Stone
Roger Stone, the Trump campaign and "Organization 1"
On an early Friday morning, FBI agents arrived at the Florida home of Roger Stone, a longtime aide and confidant of Trump. Stone was arrested on charges filed by Mueller that he lied to Congress about his efforts to communicate with WikiLeaks, referred to as "Organization 1" in the indictment, and his contacts with the Trump campaign. Stone's indictment marks the biggest move yet against a Trump associate on grounds related to the release of stolen emails to sabotage Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Charges also accused Stone of attempting to intimidate radio host Randy Credico, who was in contact with WikiLeaks head Julian Assange in 2016. Read the full indictment here.

The indictment reflects a stunning turn for Stone, whose relationship with the president spans nearly 40 years, making him a prime target for investigators to try to turn into a government witness. The White House insists the charges of lying to congressional investigators and witness tampering 'don’t have anything to do with the president.'
Jan. 25, 2019



Monday, February 18, 2019 8:21 PM


Trump Keeps Tweeting About the ‘Illegal’ Mueller Probe, Which Can Mean Only One Thing

He's freaking out.

Trump has already acknowledged that a pardon is on the table and said that he believes Manafort has been treated unfairly. Manafort’s life could be seen as being in the president’s hands. Mueller is moving along quickly in the Manafort case and is ready for sentencing as soon as possible. Judge T.S. Ellis III will now have an opportunity to say what he thinks about the plea breach determination (plus prosecutor sentencing recommendations), so Manafort could be in for serious prison time. Regardless of what happens in terms of sentence length, Trump will be put in the position of having to decide what to do about Manafort. Reward loyalty despite political hazard or let him rot?

As the investigation into Manafort’s ties to a Russian operative deepen, the investigation into Roger Stone’s ties to the 2016 DNC hack is being discussed more openly. In what seemed like an innocuous Friday on filing, Mueller got a little closer to alleging something along the lines of a conspiracy.

For the first time, Mueller said in court documents that the case against Stone was related to United States v. Netyksho, the case Mueller brought against Russian military officers who allegedly posed as the “fictitious persona” Guccifer 2.0., hacked the DNC in 2016, and forwarded materials to WikiLeaks to influence the U.S. election.

Remarkably, Mueller said that the case against Stone arose from evidence prosecutors examined in the DNC hack case.

Mueller also said that the case is “properly related to Netyksho for the additional reason that the cases ‘arise[] from . . . activities which are a part of the same alleged criminal event or transaction,'” raising further questions about what Stone knew and what then-candidate Trump may have known. This would explain why the content of Stone’s late-night phone calls with Trump would be of interest to the special counsel.

In Stone, you have a person close to Trump for decades pushed closer to a conspiracy; In Manafort, you have a person who’s known Stone for decades under scrutiny for lying about communications with Russians in his final days with Trump’s campaign. In Trump, you have a person deeply aware of both situations.

It looks like Trump is bracing for a no good, very bad week, and it’s more likely he’s right than wrong about that.


Tuesday, February 19, 2019 1:50 PM


Dems launch investigation into Trump administration's dealings with Saudi Arabia

“Based on this snapshot of events, the committee is now launching an investigation to determine whether the actions being pursued by the Trump administration are in the national security interests of the United States or, rather, serve those who stand to gain financially as a result of this potential change in U.S. foreign policy,” the report said.

To continue the investigation, House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) sent letters to several people and organizations involved with promoting the plan, including the White House, the CIA, the Flynn Intel Group, IP3 and the departments of Commerce, Defense, Energy, State and Treasury.
The version of the letter sent to the White House, which was released by the committee, asks for documents by March 5 related to the nuclear power plan from Trump's inauguration to the present.

I'm sure our local trolls with be upset with Trump over this. Remember the stink they put up about the disproven claims about Hillary doing something like this.



Tuesday, February 19, 2019 1:53 PM


Trump asked his acting AG to appoint a loyalist to oversee major New York investigations

n explosive new report from the New York Times reveals that President Donald Trump asked former acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker if he could appoint a loyalist to oversee investigations being conducted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.

According to the Times’ report, Trump called Whitaker and asked him if he could put Trump ally Geoffrey S. Berman in charge of the multiple SDNY probes that have been swirling around former “fixer” Michael Cohen and potential corruption at the president’s inaugural committee.

Can you say tick tock?



Tuesday, February 19, 2019 3:03 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Did Trump sanction Flynns discussions with Russia at the very time Putin was hacking us and trying to have an influence on our election? Just this morning Flynn tweeted "scapegoat"

Flynn-backed plan to transfer nuclear tech to Saudis may have broken laws, say whistleblowers



Tuesday, February 19, 2019 3:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

OMG!!! A plan to build nuclear power plants in the Mideast!!!

The poor sods, they think that "nuclear" is going to be the salvation to their economies, and since the USA won't build them, they're buying them from Russia.

I frankly do not understand the urge for nuclear power. Germany moved to decommission their nuclear power plants after Fukushima and to reduce coal as a source of energy ... a policy which they've been very consistent with, which is why they're shifting to Russian nat gas with Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 ... but if these middle east oil-jockeys believe that "nuclear" is the answer to their prayers, Japan has quite a few used reactors to sell them!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Tuesday, February 19, 2019 3:55 PM


Sig conveniently misses the point again. No surprise there.



Tuesday, February 19, 2019 7:10 PM


Trump Has Publicly Attacked
the Russia Investigation
More Than 1,100 Times

That's what an innocent man does, you know.


Wednesday, February 20, 2019 1:04 PM


Fox News Legal Analyst Says Trump Implicated In 2 Specific Crimes In New Report

tick tock



Wednesday, February 20, 2019 3:57 PM


This is going a lot quicker than Nixon's impeachment.

Mueller's got him by the balls. That's why he's crying so much.


Wednesday, February 20, 2019 3:57 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by THG:
Fox News Legal Analyst Says Trump Implicated In 2 Specific Crimes In New Report

I thought a comment from a legal analyst was instructive: "attempting to obstruct justice is also illegal - they don't have to succeed. It's that way with most crimes, like murder."


Wednesday, February 20, 2019 3:59 PM


True. Attempting to rob a bank will still land you in jail.


Wednesday, February 20, 2019 4:46 PM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by reaverfan:
True. Attempting to rob a bank will still land you in jail.

So taking the manhole cover off in frunt uv the bank to 'aksidentaly' trip and drop the money into the sewer in case the fuzz iz waiting for you wont work?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early .


Wednesday, February 20, 2019 6:45 PM


Here we go folks


Thursday, February 21, 2019 5:47 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by THG:
Fox News Legal Analyst Says Trump Implicated In 2 Specific Crimes In New Report

I thought a comment from a legal analyst was instructive: "attempting to obstruct justice is also illegal - they don't have to succeed. It's that way with most crimes, like murder."

The Mueller report has been cast as the panacea for what ails the country. It almost certainly won't be.

Recent polling conducted by CNN suggests that Trump's negative campaign against Mueller has had some effect: 44% approved of how Mueller had handled the investigation while 41% disapproved in the February poll. That's down from a 50% approve/28% disapprove number for Mueller back in September 2018.

What numbers like those make me think is that no matter what is in the Mueller report -- literally, NO MATTER WHAT -- it won't change the minds of most people following the story. For people who already hate Trump, they will see the Mueller report as confirmation that the President was compromised by the Russians. For Trump's backers, they will dismiss the whole thing -- aping their idol -- as a "witch hunt" and a "hoax." They likely won't even engage with what's in Mueller's report, and Trump will egg them on to ignore it -- so much "fake news" and all that.

Which will leave us, roughly, right where we are now. Which is bitterly divided without the ability to even agree on a set of facts and truths.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, February 21, 2019 6:04 AM


Who do you know that thinks Trump is their "idol"?

I don't know a single person who does.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, February 21, 2019 8:32 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Who do you know that thinks Trump is their "idol"?

I don't know a single person who does.

You don't live in Texas, do you? I know many people, too many who said Trump's government shutdown was brilliant. And when he ended the shutdown, that was strategically brilliant, too.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, February 21, 2019 9:59 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Who do you know that thinks Trump is their "idol"?

I don't know a single person who does.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, February 21, 2019 10:39 AM



Thursday, February 21, 2019 10:44 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Who do you know that thinks Trump is their "idol"?

I don't know a single person who does.

You don't live in Texas, do you? I know many people, too many who said Trump's government shutdown was brilliant. And when he ended the shutdown, that was strategically brilliant, too.

You can respect a man's decision and disagree with other people's opinions about him without delving into idolatry.

To be honest with you, I'd say that you give Trump at least 10 times more of your thought processes on any given day than I ever would.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 22, 2019 1:48 PM


New York Has Prepared Paul Manafort Charges If Trump Pardons Him

New York County District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. is ready to file an array of tax and other charges against Manafort, according to two people familiar with the matter, something seen as an insurance policy should the president exercise his power to free the former aide. Skirting laws that protect defendants from being charged twice for the same offense has been one of Vance’s challenges.



Friday, February 22, 2019 4:37 PM


Manafort will certainly die in prison. Good.

We keep hearing "it's over" and "Mueller's got nothing."

We've been hearing it for a long time.

December 6th 2017 - Mueller’s probe doesn't end with a bang, but with a whimper

January 4th 2018 - Ex-federal prosecutor says sentencings signal Mueller probe likely approaching end

January 25th 2018 - Mueller Almost Done With Obstruction Part of Trump Probe, Sources Say

April 4th 2018 - Mueller May Be Baiting Trump, Eyeing Early-Summer Release on Obstruction

May 1st 2018 - Leaks in the Mueller investigation mean the endgame must be near

June 16th 2018 - ‘Prepared for war’: As Mueller moves to finalize obstruction report, Trump’s allies ready for political battle

August 12th 2018 - Giuliani: Mueller told us he'd wrap up Trump obstruction probe by Sept. 1

September 6th 2018 - The Mueller and Trump dance may finally be coming to an end

October 27th 2018 - Mueller Ready to Deliver Key Findings in His Trump Probe, Sources Say

January 9th 2019 - Exclusive: NBC News source says Mueller probe wrapping by March

January 28th 2019 - Special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation is close to being completed, acting AG Matthew Whitaker says

February 5th 2019 - Chuck Grassley says he expects Mueller report 'within a month'

February 20th 2019 - Justice Department preparing for Mueller report as early as next week

"Reporters should be honest about the fact that *much* of the time they report the Mueller report is about to be turned in that it's coming from White House or Trump orbit sources." -Rick Wilson


Friday, February 22, 2019 5:14 PM


"Reporters should be honest" PERIOD.

Fixed it for you, Mr. Wilson

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 22, 2019 6:01 PM


Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen gave Manhattan federal prosecutors new information about the president’s family business and about a donor to his inaugural committee, the New York Times reports.

Cohen reportedly told prosecutors from the Southern District of New York about potential “irregularities” involving the Trump Organization’s insurance claims, as well as about inaugural committee donor Imaad Zuberi.



Friday, February 22, 2019 11:25 PM



Saturday, February 23, 2019 12:30 AM


Sure does.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, February 23, 2019 8:53 AM


Even if Mueller’s probe concludes soon, things are far from over

“He seems laser focused on his assignment, which is to get to the bottom of Russian involvement in the 2016 election,” said Meyer, now a partner at Sheppard Mullin. If Mueller’s learned everything there is to learn within his mandate, he may feel it’s time to wrap up.

He could file charges or unseal a large number of indictments at the close of the investigation, then let the Department of Justice prosecute them.

“Their powers and scope go well beyond Mr. Mueller’s circumscribed mandate,” Katyal wrote. “So whenever Mr. Mueller turns in his report, do not assume that things are over.”

By Deanna Paul
February 23 at 7:00 AM



Saturday, February 23, 2019 8:59 AM


Trump faces legal issues for the rest of his presidency, no matter what Mueller finds

Prosecutors in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Washington and Virginia are all pulling at threads that the FBI started unraveling two years ago. Legal problems, and possibly further indictments of Trump’s friends and aides, are likely to shadow the president for the rest of his White House tenure.



Saturday, February 23, 2019 9:00 AM


It's kind of like that war in the Middle East that we're going to be involved with until the end of time.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, February 24, 2019 11:32 AM



Source tells WSJ Michael Cohen will say things that will give you chills


Sunday, February 24, 2019 6:36 PM


tick tock

Obstruction Of Justice A 'Crucial Crime'


Sunday, February 24, 2019 7:12 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by THGRRI:
Did Trump sanction Flynns discussions with Russia at the very time Putin was hacking us and trying to have an influence on our election? Just this morning Flynn tweeted "scapegoat"


Sunday, February 24, 2019 7:13 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
THGRRI posts yet another Commie Crazy editorial hit piece on Trump trying to link him with "Ukraine Lawmaker Who Aided Trump Associates Faces Treason "...

I point out that the story, half-way down, says that he has not been arrested or charged with anything and ask for him to get back to me when there is actual, yanno, news.....

Second comes in and says "how's my opinion for news"?

THGRRI likes that "news".

Yep. It must be Wednesday morning in the RWED.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Excuse me Jack but the story starts stating " Prosecutors in Ukraine are investigating whether a member of Parliament committed treason." Key word, investigating Jack.

I posted it because Trumps lawyer is being investigated for the same thing. He supposedly was the Ukrainian's contact here. Key word, supposedly Jack.

Key word as to why they are being investigated? Russia Jack

When you read articles Jack, try and understand what they are saying and why. As for whether or not this news pleased me you couldn't be more wrong. My president having these type contacts with Russia is very troubling to me. This has nothing to do with Trump except that he is my president.

And lets face it Jack, unless you like who is the president, you don't consider them your president.



Sunday, February 24, 2019 7:16 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by THGRRI:
I’ll try and keep this civil because we just started conversing and it would be great to get along. You presume I should assign some sort of position of authority to you based on your time here. That isn’t going to happen. You can expect me to be respectful until or if I come to believe you don’t deserve respect. I say that because I have found many here don’t.

You have been gone for a while and are presuming these are the same people you knew in the past. I believe they aren’t. Someone just yesterday criticized SIG claiming she couldn’t believe the garbage she was now posting. I have been dealing with them for the past few years and have a pretty good idea of what they are about. If you don’t mind, I’ll deal with those who troll here in my own fashion.

You can continue to change what I said when quoting me. I can’t stop that. To me though it’s a sign of disrespect. Especially since we have trolls here that do that with most of what they claim to be factual. Also, it confuses what anyone who comes to the discussion late believes was said. So to me, those who do this have not thought it through or they've become frustrated. Again, it changes something written objectively to being false and subjective. At the very least it’s dishonest. Expect me to respond to that because I want readers who follow to know that is not what I said.

I see the best of the best here misspell constantly. I don’t point it out when others do it because for one, it’s petty. Secondly, I can make a valid point in return so I don’t need to deflect to change the point of interest. Unless you are going to use word and edit everything you post like a term paper, I suggest you don’t throw stones.

I am talking about people being upset with the way Bernie was treated. I agree with that sentiment and thought you claimed it was not talked about enough. I thought it was. I don’t know why we always seem confused on this. Care to elaborate further?

As for SIG. She has been trolling here on behalf of Russia either because she believes it, or just for the kick of trolling. Either way she is constantly putting America down and supporting all Putin’s talking points. Her opinions on everything else are all over the map and her posts have mostly been from bullshit sources.

Check out these two links to gain insight into just how anti-American and pro Russia she and 1kiki are.

Russia suspended from 2016 Olympics?

Russia Invades Ukraine

SIG and 1kiki have been trolling since I got here. Many here who you converse with regularly are trolls. Hate for the left is all they are about. They post the worst of the worst of the lies out there. As I have said here recently, it’s a last man standing mentality. That is a troll.

You talk about Trump. I will post a response to that later.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
Seriously, this:


We welcome new fans. Yay, hooray, and come on in.

That said, don't come in and tell us we're doing it wrong.

I know, a lot of what is done here is kind of trollish. I don't call you thuggery, I don't know what those letters stand for. If it's a reference to a firefly phrase, neither i nor anyone else here has recognized it. I assumed it was something religious, but still don't get it and I read the bible twice through, cover to cover. (Jew here, we do read the new testament as well.) I know what Si Shen was, so I figured it was a Bleach reference rather than an actual name.

That said, there are a large number of time honored traditions here, and this one is called "fixed that for ya" and yes, you have seen it. It's been used half a dozed times in the last week alone. I suspect Frem started it, but now it's here, like a meme.


Originally posted by THGRRI:


Which is other one I tend to avoid, quoting the misspelling to pretend my opponent is dumb because they made a typo.

That said, it's not what I said. I said there weren't huge protests. There are huge protests because Soros organized them, just like he did with occupy wall street. And Sig is right, he's a fucking nazi.


Second, I voted for Hilary because and only because, Trump was a nightmare.

boldface removed. I don't know when Haken put that in, he must have a different display than my mac. I like the color scheme a lot. Almost as much as the first version site, all of which shows up fine for me.

Okay, Trump is a Trump. in many ways, sure, environmentally? okay. I mean, there are a lot of things about the GOP I don't care for which makes me not a republican. Trump, specifically? His biggest problem for me is he's too close to Clinton.

And that is how this election went, the neverTrump vs neverClinton. Not a whole lot of people voted because they liked the candidate. We lost because we had the worse candidate. That meant a lower % of democrats came up to support her than % of repuclicans that came out to support him, and that's all that ever happens, vote for the candidate, or stay home/vote third party, as i did. I voted for Stein in the general (and no, I didn't vote for either of them because they were jewish.)


And lastly, Some of your post, especially the first part, was as though you were speaking to a post gone by and not what you quoted. Sort of like posting a picture after what's posted above that does nothing but confuse.

I thought the inference was obvious to everyone. Prepare yourself for this. People here, many not here at the moment, but some are, tend to be very sophisticated politically, and a subtle reference is enough. In the case of the pic, everyone knew the anti-trump protest story. millions of people protesting since election day on the grounds of "we don't like Trump." Yep, that's right, and you didn't vote for him. But not just rural rednecks. A million african american crossed the line in cities like detroit and philadephia because trump said he would repatriate the factories. He didn't just say it on a platform online, he went to their neighborhoods and campaigned on it. Hillary skipped those stops, figuring it was in the bag. That's arrogance, and it's how to lose.


You take offense way to easily and it shows in the way you responded to me.

Lol. You don't know me. The other disadvantage, and it's unfortunate, is that this place comes with a lot of history. It can be viewed in the archive.

So what degree of sway something has with any of us is going to be dependent on who says it to some degree, that's unavoidable. So, no, it's not offense, it's time management. I'm not going to spend all that much time going through posts and the links attached that I don't expect to give much out of besides opinion.


The Reaper yes.

I got that. I know what it means, didn't think anyone was named that. Those ??s were actually chinese characters, but they didn't get rendered.


I saw what was going on in Real World Thread and was pushed to be very clear. Truth will be met with truth, and that I would respond to trolls harshly. That's because with my very first post came the attacks and his friends followed suite.

My first post was met with Pirate News going on about Jews. He came back to the forum just to do it. for like 10 pages.

But the first rule on trolls is

which means don't feed the trolls.
which means you just don't respond.

You can do you however you want, but that's the standard. If you don't follow that, you end up in a Kwicko-RAP. (oh, it's in the archives, I'm sure if you're interested I can point you to a precious one.)

Which is how trolls are born

Edit: Correction, that was my first thread. My first post was met with accusations i was someone's sockpuppet. Yours too i see. By Chrisisall. Our most congenial member from the left. (That, BTW, is true.) And whacked by a left-hook, and you a leftie.

I see you posted in response to his thread directly after Whozit, he's right, timing is everything.

I posted on CTS's thread initially, both of which are good choices, but was smacked from the right by Geezer, our most congenial member on the right. So no one's immune.

BTW, your post indicates that you first posted to RWED which would indicate that you are in fact a sockpuppet.

What does THGRRI stand for anyway?

Edi2: another sockpuppet had already posted on that thread. It's hard to understand that stuff on your first post. I went into my first post completely blind.



Sunday, February 24, 2019 7:17 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
Did Trump sanction Flynns discussions with Russia at the very time Putin was hacking us and trying to have an influence on our election? Just this morning Flynn tweeted "scapegoat"

Did Trump sanction others on his campaign team speaking with the Russians, at a time when they were trying to interfere in our election? And if he did, why did he lie about it?



Sunday, February 24, 2019 7:18 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by THGRRI:
Did Trump sanction Flynns discussions with Russia at the very time Putin was hacking us and trying to have an influence on our election? Just this morning Flynn tweeted "scapegoat"

Did Trump sanction others on his campaign team speaking with the Russians, at a time when they were trying to interfere in our election? And if he did, why did he lie about it?




Sunday, February 24, 2019 7:21 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by JO753:
Good compendium:

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early]



Sunday, February 24, 2019 7:22 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by THGRRI:
Roger Stone, Trump confidante, spoke privately with DNC hackers prior to election: Report

Roger Stone, President Trump’s former campaign adviser, communicated privately with an entity directly involved in hacking the Democratic National Committee ahead of the 2016 White House race, The Smoking Gun reported Wednesday.

Mr. Stone, a veteran political consultant, swapped private Twitter messages last year with “Guccifer 2.0,” the website reported Wednesday citing an unnamed source. If accurate, the allegation means Mr. Trump’s longtime confidante and one-time presidential campaign manager spoke in private with a persona intimately implicated in the operation that helped dash Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s chance at the White House, and would undeniably amplify existing concerns regarding Team Trump’s alleged ties to Russia.


The Smoking Gun is a website that posts legal documents, arrest records, and police mugshots on a daily basis. The intent is to bring to the public light information that is damning, shocking, outrageous, or amazing, yet also somewhat obscure or unreported by more mainstream media sources. Most of the site's content revolves around historical and current events, although it also features documents and photos relating to out-of-the-ordinary crimes and people.


Sunday, February 24, 2019 7:25 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


I just posted post after post of yours, from just over 2 pages - about Trump and RUSSIA!RUSSIA!RUSSIA!

Can you explain to me why your now stating it's not about Trump colluding with Russia?


Sunday, February 24, 2019 9:19 PM


A confusing mess kiki. Not quite sure were I start off and you finish. Your intention I'm sure. I'll let the facts speak for themselves.

37 indictments and hundreds of charges filed. That's a witch hunt that's found a coven. Even when Mueller's report is filed the southern district of NY, the courts in DC and Virginia will continue dismantling Trump. I hear there are as many as 15 sealed indictments in Virginia alone. Wednesday should be fun. The house questions Cohen for three days.

Do me a favor and shoo troll.


Sunday, February 24, 2019 9:19 PM


OH yeah, collusion is not a crime. Two years stupid and you still act as though that hasn't been explained to you a hundred times.

tick tac comrade



Sunday, February 24, 2019 9:52 PM



Could pending indictments of Don Jr. and Jared Kushner hold up Mueller report


Sunday, February 24, 2019 10:13 PM



Sunday, February 24, 2019 10:15 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

I just posted post after post of yours, from just over 2 pages - about Trump and RUSSIA!RUSSIA!RUSSIA!

Can you explain to me why your now stating it's not about Trump colluding with Russia?

lol... I see I'm not the only one who noticed this.

"What did we expect to find? A contract between Trump and Putin signed in blood?"

No. I never heard anybody say that, specifically. What I have heard from some people for the last two years, however, is that Trump has committed Treason and he should be hanged or be put on the wrong end of the firing squad for it. I have heard that Mueller would be the one who made this happen.

The "plan" now, seems to be that nothing at all is going to happen to Trump, but we're just going to keep talking about Russia for the next six years. This is absolutely fabulous for Maddow and CNN's ratings.

Hell, it might even be more than six years if Democrats still can't find a message by 2024. Whoever beats them then will no doubt be a Putin puppet as well.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, February 24, 2019 10:19 PM



Originally posted by THG:

That's cute... Look at T,

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, February 24, 2019 10:25 PM


That's from one of my favorite scenes of It's Always Sunny.

Charlie Day is a criminally underrated genius.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, February 25, 2019 10:07 AM


Shoo troll



Monday, February 25, 2019 11:28 AM


The Trump-Russia Investigation and the Mafia State

What we are observing is not most accurately described as the subversion of American democracy by a hostile power. Instead, it is an attempt at state capture by an international crime syndicate.






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