Countdown Clock to Trumps impeachment " STARTS"

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Wednesday, March 6, 2019 3:40 AM


Only 2,249 days remaining on the Impeachment Clock.

How exciting. 002180


Wednesday, March 6, 2019 9:43 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Amazing that, while ignoring the neverending roster of crimes that Obama perpetrated, these Trolls believe all of the Fake implications and innuendos that aren't even crimes.

Trump has already been caught cheating on his taxes: The president’s parents, Fred and Mary Trump, transferred well over $1 billion in wealth to their children, which could have produced a tax bill of at least $550 million under the 55 percent tax rate then imposed on gifts and inheritances.

The Trumps paid a total of $52.2 million, or about 5 percent, tax records show.

And Trump continues to cheat on his taxes: President Trump really, really doesn’t want the public to see his tax returns. To keep them from view, he has endured a controversy that has now been running for three years, with all the attendant bad publicity and persistent questions, so it was obviously worth a great deal of political risk to make sure they remained secret.

It is absolutely necessary to examine the Trump Organization’s returns as well, since Trump refused to divest himself of his assets as other presidents had done and, even as we speak, it serves as a conduit for all kinds of interested parties — both foreign and domestic — to put money in the president’s pocket.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, March 6, 2019 10:20 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Amazing that, while ignoring the never ending roster of crimes that Obama perpetrated...

Cites? What crimes?

Amazing that, while constantly claiming of a never ending roster of crimes that Obama & Clinton perpetrated, the GOP has never successfully indicted either of them for ANY single crime. Not even after 7 Benghazi trials. Nothing, nada, zero. How ineffective is the GOP? That's like the definition of gross incompetence if your claims are correct. Or maybe you're just making sh*t up?


Wednesday, March 6, 2019 11:09 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SECOND, every time I read your post and I get that Charlie Brown whuhwhahwuuwhaehu sound in my head. I have no idea who the fuck you think you're posting to. It's like you're trying to "break" my "faith" in Trump when I had no "faith" to begin with. I had three objectives when I voted for Trump, remember? Had nothing to do with him being a nice guy or a great speaker or draining the swamp or making America great again or balancing the budget or being a man of the people. I did call him a national capitalist, remember?

I hope I'm judging him by those three objectives. So far he's made better progress on two of the three, far better than Hillary would have, and made complete hash of the third. Trump deserves criticisms but not on the random and hate filled grounds that you constantly fling at the board. SIGNY

What were your 3 objectives again?-JSF

1) Stay out of "free trade agreements" that give up our sovereignty ... ie our ability to make our own laws and standards ... to a secret, corporate transnational trade tribunal which decides on the basis of "normal and expected profits". If a city (state, or the USA) wanted to ban glyphosate, for example, it could be sued by Monsanto on the basis that it interfered with "normal and expected profits", and Monsanto would win. I was mostly concerned about TTP and TTIP.

2) Make an issue out of illegal immigration instead of secretly promoting it. Not "build a wall" but do whatever was necesssary to both reduce the inflow of illegal immigrants and improve deportation.

3) Make nice with Russia and (presumably) Russia's partners. My hope was that Trump would find a way to end our endless wars and interventions abroad since much of it was based on reflexive Brzezinski-era neocon thinking, altho I DID point out that Trump's anti-Iranian stance was going to conflict with his Russia-neutral stance. I wasn't sure how that would play out. But I see that Trump is exremely concerned about the strength of the petrodollar - plus he's reflexively pro-Israel (prolly because Kushner is driving that aspect of foreign policy) and that Trump ... whatever his original objectives might have been ... has painted himself into a neocon corner.

As GSTRING himself has pointed out, I'm vociferously and consistently anti-war/anti-intervention and have been thru the GWB wars/interventions, the Obama wars/interventions and the Trump wars (so far, no actual wars) and interventions. THAT is where Trump deserves long and loud criticism.

I said that Trump would never be able to rebuild our economy (that is a multi-decade project which would require that the government be able to direct investment into certain critical areas), and of course draining the swamp and getting rid of The Fed and fractional reserve banking is enitrely out of reach. I'm also against his environmental, tax, fiscal, and monetary (pressuring Powell) policies and think that Trump is way too concerned about the stock market - but those are all entirely reversible by the next administration simply because WE HAVE NOT BEEN HOGTIED BY INTERNATIONAL "FREE TRADE" AGREEMENTS. IMHO THAT issue was of such permanent importance that I was willing to give up on some other goals temporarily in favor of that.

I don't think that GSTRING and REAVERBOT understand how critically important that was for the USA ... not to maintain its environmental standards, but to maintain our LEGAL and ECONOMIC CAPACITY to make those decisions in the future. As I posted: Ocasio Cortez n thank Trump any time now for HER ability to propose New Green Deal, to propose reshaping our energy infrastructure and subsidize who we want to subsidize ... because under TTP and TTIP it would have been deader than a doornail.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Wednesday, March 6, 2019 11:37 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

As GSTRING himself has pointed out, I'm vociferously and consistently anti-war/anti-intervention and have been thru the GWB wars/interventions, the Obama wars/interventions and the Trump wars (so far, no actual wars) and interventions. THAT is where Trump deserves long and loud criticism.

I said that Trump would never be able to rebuild our economy (that is a multi-decade project which would require that the government be able to direct investment into certain critical areas), and of course draining the swamp and getting rid of The Fed and fractional reserve banking is enitrely out of reach. I'm also against his environmental, tax, and fiscal policies - but those are all entirely reversible by the next administration simply because WE HAVE NOT BEEN HOGTIED BY INTERNATIONAL "FREE TRADE" AGREEMENTS. IMHO THAT issue was of such permanent importance that I was willing to give up on some other goals temporarily in favor of that.

I don't think that GSTRING and REAVERBOT understand how critically important that was for the USA ... not to maintain its environmental standards, but to maintain our LEGAL and ECONOMIC CAPACITY to make those decisions in the future. As I posted: Ocasio Cortez n thank Trump any time now for HER ability to propose New Green Deal, because under TTP and TTIP it would have been deader than a doornail.

Signym, there is no combination of people that can make your imaginary USA into a reality, no matter how many centuries they have. Not the President alone could make it happen, no matter how energetic, clear thinking or charismatic. Not the President plus Congress. Not the legislatures of all 50 states. Signym, you are fantasizing. I guess if you took everyone in the USA and lumped them into one powerful group, maybe your imaginary USA could come into existence, but it won't be a functioning group because everyone will be pulling in different directions. See the last 200 years of American history for how that happens.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, March 6, 2019 11:44 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SECOND, the USA's dilemmas are the result of bad policy decisions made by the elite. AMERICA IS AN OLIGARCHY, remember? And, you LIKE it this way- you said so yourself. No wonder you keep arguing that nothing can be changed because - ultimately - you don't want it to. It cuts across your vital self-interest. Cui bono? YOU. Of course.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Wednesday, March 6, 2019 11:57 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SECOND, the USA's dilemmas are the result of bad policy decisions made by the elite. AMERICA IS AN OLIGARCHY, remember? And, you LIKE it this way- you said so yourself. No wonder you keep arguing that nothing can be changed because - ultimately - you don't want it to. It cuts across your vital self-interest. Cui bono? YOU. Of course.

Signym, you are writing bullshit. Maybe you'd understand if you have ever tried some huge task as your responsibility to thousands of people that takes thousands of people to accomplish. I don't know who you are, but I am pretty sure you have always been on the outside watching and not understanding what is happening around you. I notice a lot of employees don't understand what they are doing, why it is important, or why (when they do it badly) that they have screwed over people they never knew. They could not care less. It is only their pay that they care about. It is a pretty unfortunate system for the elite when nearly everybody doesn't give a damn about anybody but themselves or will even bother to understand what being done.

Look at the corporate world. When a company gets past a million workers, it has enormous difficulties reaching its simple goals. Now take a third of billion Americans. They can't possibly function together to attain simple goals because they don't have a unified list of goals. They have non-overlapping goals in millions of lists.

Maybe I should tie this all back to Trump. Americans have built a country that is all about money -- getting it, spending it, cheating people out of it. Unsurprising that Trump is also all about money. He kept his businesses. He keeps cheating on his taxes. He can't be bothered to understand that when he does his job badly he is screwing over people he never knew. So long as the money keeps flowing to Trump, he thinks he has done right.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, March 6, 2019 12:39 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
\Amazing that, while ignoring the neverending roster of crimes that Obama perpetrated, these Trolls believe all of the Fake implications and innuendos that aren't even crimes.

Yeah, all those fictional "Obama crimes."

Obama = bad, Trump = good, Putin = God. Russian troll.


Wednesday, March 6, 2019 1:48 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by reaverfan:

Yeah, all those fictional "Obama crimes."

Sixty-four percent of respondents to the survey think that Trump committed a crime prior to taking office, compared to 24 percent who do not and 13 percent who said they didn’t know. When the data is broken out across party lines, a whopping 89 percent of Democrats think Trump committed a crime prior to taking office, while a still-notable 33 percent of Republicans do. Sixty-five percent of independents also said they felt the same.

When it comes to the question of potential crimes during Trump’s time in office, people are a bit more unsure. Forty-five percent of respondents said they believed he had committed crimes since taking office, while 43 percent disagreed.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, March 6, 2019 2:22 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by reaverfan:

Yeah, all those fictional "Obama crimes."

Sixty-four percent of respondents to the survey think that Trump committed a crime prior to taking office, compared to 24 percent who do not and 13 percent who said they didn’t know. When the data is broken out across party lines, a whopping 89 percent of Democrats think Trump committed a crime prior to taking office, while a still-notable 33 percent of Republicans do. Sixty-five percent of independents also said they felt the same.

When it comes to the question of potential crimes during Trump’s time in office, people are a bit more unsure. Forty-five percent of respondents said they believed he had committed crimes since taking office, while 43 percent disagreed.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Ask me if any politician committed a crime before taking office and I'll tell you 100% of them did.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, March 6, 2019 2:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I wonder how many people think Bill Clinton committed a crime before taking office?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND
America is an oligarchy .


Wednesday, March 6, 2019 2:39 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SECOND, the USA's dilemmas are the result of bad policy decisions made by the elite. AMERICA IS AN OLIGARCHY, remember? And, you LIKE it this way- you said so yourself. No wonder you keep arguing that nothing can be changed because - ultimately - you don't want it to. It cuts across your vital self-interest. Cui bono? YOU. Of course. SIGNY

Signym, you are writing bullshit.

Says the giant bullshitter.


Maybe you'd understand if you have ever tried some huge task as your responsibility to thousands of people that takes thousands of people to accomplish.
Been there, done that.


blah blah blah blah ... It is only their pay that they care about.
why should an employee care about the companys goals? Does the company care about THEM? Americans rightly understand that conscientiousness and hard work is not rewarded, it's preyed upon.


It is a pretty unfortunate system for the elite when nearly everybody doesn't give a damn about anybody but themselves or will even bother to understand what being done.
And yet, that is the system that YOU (and they) like: "The messy american system ... where I can do as I please" - even tho it encourages little people to get away with little crimes, it allows big people to get away with big crimes.


They have non-overlapping goals in millions of lists.
And yet, nations HAVE built, and rebuilt, themselves. Built themselves up from peasantry to industrialism. Rebuilt themselves from times of war and collapse. Consciously and deliberately. So, it is possible. The problem is, average Americans would have to stop doing as they please but -more importantly- you and the other elites would have to stop doing as YOU please.


Maybe I should tie this all back to Trump.
Why? Trump is not the cause of our current problem, he's a symptom.

Americans have built a country that is all about money -- getting it, spending it, cheating people out of it.
No, th ELITES have built a narrative that is all about money. I think you should watch "A Century of Self" and how a message was crafted for and relentlessly pushed on "the masses".

You fit right in to the elite mold.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Wednesday, March 6, 2019 5:54 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

No, the ELITES have built a narrative that is all about money. I think you should watch "A Century of Self" and how a message was crafted for and relentlessly pushed on "the masses".

Sigmund Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays, spotted the weaknesses that many Americans have. Americans don’t want to make big decisions, fear being responsible, and don’t swiftly correct their errors. Most won't even admit to error: see the people who voted for Trump. Trump knows these three weakness about Americans. He has been getting rich from other’s weaknesses for decades. It is a ready made situation for a hierarchy to take over a crowd of indecisive, fearful Republicans that are bluffing about their confidence in themselves. Trump’s advantage in swindling these people is that he does not admit to error and can hide his fearfulness. He’s not particularly good at making decisions, either, but he sure can pretend. That’s all he needs in order to gather a mob for himself to rule. That, plus a civil court system that never functioned well.

The Mueller investigation is showing how badly we’ve failed to prosecute white-collar crime. It shouldn’t take a special counsel to catch these guys.

Kavanaugh and Trump are part of a larger crisis of elite accountability in America

Trump isn’t a toddler — he’s a product of America’s culture of impunity for the rich
Trump’s “law and order” attorney general wants to throw the book at relatively small-time drug offenders. Trump himself has spent his entire career skating away from lawbreaking with a fine paid here and a political contribution there. He’s an unusual figure, but also very much an exemplar of his era and a product of a decades-long ideological campaign to do as much as possible to empower the wealthy and powerful.

From his empty-box tax scam to money laundering at his casinos to racial discrimination in his apartments to Federal Trade Commission violations for his stock purchases to Securities and Exchange Commission violations for his financial reporting, Trump has spent his entire career breaking various laws, getting caught, and then essentially plowing ahead unharmed. When he was caught engaging in illegal racial discrimination to please a mob boss, he paid a fine. There was no sense that this was a repeated pattern of violating racial discrimination law, and certainly no desire to take a closer look at his various personal and professional connections to the Mafia.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, March 6, 2019 7:01 PM



Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Amazing that, while ignoring the never ending roster of crimes that Obama perpetrated...

Cites? What crimes?

Amazing that, while constantly claiming of a never ending roster of crimes that Obama & Clinton perpetrated, the GOP has never successfully indicted either of them for ANY single crime. Not even after 7 Benghazi trials. Nothing, nada, zero. How ineffective is the GOP? That's like the definition of gross incompetence if your claims are correct. Or maybe you're just making sh*t up?

Manafort gets sentenced tomorrow. Exciting shit ain't it?



Wednesday, March 6, 2019 7:12 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Maybe I should tie this all back to Trump.
Why? Trump is not the cause of our current problem, he's a symptom.

Symptom? He is not the cause? Signym, please stop using metaphors. Use the right description by blaming Trump and the GOP:

Over the course of 2017, both in Congress and in the executive branch, we have watched the task of government devolve into the full-scale looting of America.

Politicians are making decisions to enrich their donors — and at times themselves personally — with a reckless disregard for any kind of objective policy analysis or consideration of public opinion.

A businessman president who promised — repeatedly — that he would not personally benefit from his own tax proposals is poised to sign into law a bill that’s full of provisions that benefit him and his family. Congressional Republicans who spent years insisting that “dynamic scoring” would capture the deficit-reducing power of tax cuts are now plowing ahead with a bill so fast that they don’t have time to get one done, because it turns out they can’t be bothered to meet their own targets.

Meanwhile, in the background an incredible flurry of regulatory activity is happening out of public view — much of it contrary to free market principles but all of it lucrative for big business and Trump cronies.

Members of Congress who under other circumstances might be constrained by shame, custom, or the will of their constituents have learned from Trump’s election that you can get away with more than we used to think.

Norm erosion is real, and it matters. Economists Daron Acemoglu and Matthew Jackson of MIT and Stanford have written about how rules are only effective when they are backed up by social norms “because detection relies, at least in part, on whistle-blowing.” Their Spanish colleague Patricia Funk emphasizes that in a variety of contexts, “the strength of the social norm of ‘not committing a crime’ is shaped by social interactions.”

These scholars are all considering deep, long-lasting differences in cultural norms, but we also know from experience that norms can sometimes shift dramatically in unusual circumstances. Sometimes a blackout or other disaster prompts a few people who would ordinarily be too cautious to break store windows in broad daylight to become more brazen. And the normal course of ordinary life flips into reverse, as those with some inclination toward bad acts recognize a moment of impunity and grab what they can, while those who would ordinarily be invested in upholding order are afraid and stay inside. The sheer quantity of bad acts makes it impossible for anyone to hold anyone accountable. Soon, a whole neighborhood can be in ruins.

Or a whole country.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, March 6, 2019 10:09 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SECOND

Weak Americans ... blah blah blah Trump blah blah blah GOP... blah blah ...

SECOND, first you claim that "the problem" is inherent in the American people (once again demonstrating your hatred of America) and then you lay it all on Trump. Which is it? Make up your mind.

Do you have a mind?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, March 7, 2019 7:30 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by SECOND

Weak Americans ... blah blah blah Trump blah blah blah GOP... blah blah ...

SECOND, first you claim that "the problem" is inherent in the American people (once again demonstrating your hatred of America) and then you lay it all on Trump. Which is it? Make up your mind.

Do you have a mind?

Signym, this isn't as complicated as you make it seem. Trump was loud and clear about who he is and what he has done. Yet he was elected. He let the Trump voters know everything about himself. Even that he is a hardcore tax cheater:

Trump has a criminal past. And yet he got elected. There is something wrong with those voters for ignoring that. The voters can't claim ignorance and thus dodge responsibility for what they have done. Trump made it very clear who he has always been.

And then there is the matter of money. That's the one thing everybody knows about Trump, that he is rich. One of the most pressing questions facing America, currently under assault by incredibly rich, incredibly evil people: “What is the monetary amount where your soul turns?” Guess what? Trump surpassed the number by a factor of at least 100 times larger. And yet he got elected. There has got to be something wrong with people who voted for Trump if they didn't make the connection between his wealth, plus how he achieved wealth, and what he would be doing once he was President.

See the funny video where the audience works out that number:

The segment ends without reaching a clear consensus on the exact point at which money ruins someone’s soul, and that’s a question we’ll need a serious answer for, but Trump is definitely on the wrong side of the line. And it was wrong to vote for him. But if America is all about money, first-last-always, then it is unsurprising that Trump was elected -- he had the most money.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, March 7, 2019 7:53 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SECOND, do you really REALLY think that Trump is worse than ... say ... Bill and Hillary Clinton? Or Obama?

I've got news for you, muchacho, people sometimes actually vote for a person who promises POLICY changes, not a WH "daddy" or "mommy".

IMHO the REAL driver of the vote for Trump? "More of the same" was simply intolerable for half of the voting public.

And btw, you seem to think that "democrats" represent "the people"... this, after
your post on JFK as a cowardly sex addict who who was being blackmailed by the FBI and Johnson as crude, vulgar and sadistic person ... but whatever affinity the Democratic Party had for "the people" they lost it, certainly by the time Billy boy took office. All you have to do is look at what Billy "accomplished" ... "free" trade, commodities speculation, extra intellectual property rights for digital content, the end of banking effective banking regulation, and the end of welfare as we know it ... to know that Billy-boy was in the pockets of some very wealthy banking elites.

God, you're worse than Trump.

BTW, I'm not posting this for you; you're a lost cause. Your brain has been pickled in bile and hatred for years, and you no longer know which way is up.

When I look at the environmental, economic, financial, fiscal, and social crises that are upon us... and the Democrats, pretending that they can spend their way over those vast cracks by printing more money .... holy fuck, SECOND, we're in such deep shit, and both the DNC and the GOP are engaging in deep denial that I can't help but predict complete collapse in five years.

Meanwhile, you endlessly rant from your soapbox about the stupidest stuff.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, March 7, 2019 8:02 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SECOND, do you really REALLY think that Trump is worse than ... say ... Bill and Hillary Clinton? Or Obama?

You have lost your mind, Signym, if you forgive Trump for cheating on his taxes and for paying minor penalties rather than going to prison like an Enron executive goes to prison.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

When I look at the environmental, economic, financial, fiscal, and social crises that are upon us... and the Democrats, pretending that they can spend their way over those vast cracks by printing more money .... holy fuck, SECOND, we're in such deep shit, and both the DNC and the GOP are engaging in deep denial that I can't help but predict complete collapse in five years.

Signym, check back here in 5 years. I predict your predictions will be wrong. But I don't have to wait 5 years to know you have been crazy for the previous 5 years. (Personal note: Sixty years ago I remember the preachers predicting Armageddon [could be] just around the corner. The preachers could be right, eventually, but not yet. I hope to live long enough to see it up close and real personal. I'll bring popcorn and soft drinks for everybody, like it is a movie we are living inside until the Director kills all us wicked people to make a dramatic point for those who will be Saved: )

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, March 7, 2019 8:59 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SECOND, Bill and Hillary are a crime family. There have been crimes PROVEN against them. Associates, like the McDougals, who went to prison protecting them. A pattern (by Bill) of rape and/or sexual assault. A CLEAR pattern of hiding evidence, like the Whitewater files that conveniently turned up right after the case was dropped, and the 33,0000 emails about Chelsea's wedding and yoga pants that were careully bleach-bitted from Hillary's private (illegal) server. Vast sums of foreign money poured into the "Clinton Foundation" and into "speakers fees" (like the $500,000 that Bill got for a speech in Russia). Even deeper, darker allegations, like the trail of "suicides" that runs heavily thru the list of people who were to testify against the Clintons; or the number of times that Bill travelled on the Lolita Express, and even the Haitian child trafficking funded by Bill's "aid to Haiti" which seems to gone into everyone's pockets EXCEPT the Haitians. (Interestingly, I heard a comment by a foreign journalist who knew somebody who had recently lived in Haiti for six months; he said that the level of depravity in Haiti ... from child sex slavery to organ harvesting .... was shocking; and this was the kind of activity that Bill's "charity" was supposedly engaged in).

There is nothing that you can post that would shock me. People at that level of power are often depraved or ideologically crazed or just completely corrupted; doesn't matter which party they're in. It's the whole "power corrupts" problem, except that people in power aren't innocents who've been corrupted by power: The system sifts for sociopaths and psychopaths; it rewards them.

And you wonder why the hoi polloi don't want to play by the rules!?!?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, March 7, 2019 9:04 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SECOND, Bill and Hillary are a crime family. There have been crimes PROVEN against them. Associates, like the McDougals, who went to prison protecting them. A pattern (by Bill) of rape and/or sexual assault. A CLEAR pattern of hiding evidence, like the Whitewater files that conveniently turned up right after the case was dropped, and the 33,0000 emails about Chelsea's wedding and yoga pants that were careully bleach-bitted from Hillary's private (illegal) server. Vast sums of foreign money poured into the "Clinton Foundation" and into "speakers fees" (like the $500,000 that Bill got for a speech in Russia). Even deeper, darker allegations, like the trail of "suicides" that runs heavily thru the list of people who were to testify against the Clintons; or the number of times that Bill travelled on the Lolita Express, and even the Haitian child trafficking funded by Bill's "aid to Haiti" which seems to gone into everyone's pockets EXCEPT the Haitians. (Interestingly, I heard a comment by a foreign journalist who knew somebody who had recently lived in Haiti for six months; he said that the level of depravity in Haiti ... from child sex slavery to organ harvesting .... was shocking; and this was the kind of activity that Bill's "charity" was supposedly engaged in).

I'm thankful that the Clinton gang is not in the White House, for if they were I would not have gotten a multimillion dollar per year tax cut designed to benefit Trump and me. That is the silver lining to the Trump cloud.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, March 7, 2019 9:08 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So bascially you don't care how corrupt a politician is, you just care about whether they net you any money?

Please, for the love of god, STOP whinging about Trump, the GOP, and corruption! You're as corrupt as any of them.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, March 7, 2019 9:10 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So bascially you don't care how corrupt a politician is, you just care about whether they net you any money?

Please, for the love of god, STOP whinging about Trump, the GOP, and corruption! You're as corrupt as any of them.

I forgot: I can now also pollute as much as I want under Trump. I haven't because of inertia. I keep following the EPA rules under Obama. I could hire some illegal aliens, like my Republican competition. Again, I haven't out of inertia, but I know Trump will not enforce the law about hiring illegals. He does it, himself.

The Washington Post published an important story on Wednesday about an undocumented immigrant named Juan Quintero who was employed by the Trump family for years—working particularly closely with Eric Trump at an upstate New York hunting property he co-owns with his brother, Don Jr.—but has now been laid off, seemingly for the sake of political optics, and left unable to support his family. It’s the latest in a series of reports that make clear that the Trumps were happy until very recently to systematically exploit the low cost of undocumented labor when it suited them, even as they complained publicly that illegal immigration is an infestation that is ruining America.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, March 7, 2019 9:14 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


So bascially you don't care how corrupt a politician is, you just care about whether they net you any money?

Please, for the love of god, STOP whinging about Trump, the GOP, and corruption! You're as corrupt as any of them.

I forgot: I can now also pollute as much as I want under Trump. I haven't because of inertia. I keep following the EPA rules under Obama.

SECOND, it pains me to see you living in such cognitive and moral dissonance. Please, get help.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, March 7, 2019 9:32 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

SECOND, it pains me to see you living in such cognitive and moral dissonance. Please, get help.

Signym, I am getting the help I need from Trump. The biggest money-making opportunity that is now available to me only exists because of Trump: I can now cheat on my taxes, if I feel like it. Trump shut down auditing by the IRS for 45 days. He cut back the budget for the IRS auditors, too. He won't release his tax returns because he doesn't want the public to calculate what his true taxes are. Trump remembers that Nixon got caught tax cheating by a civilian, not by the IRS. It cost Nixon half of his wealth to pay what he owed. Trump doesn't want that to happen to him, which is why all his tax returns are top secret. Trump is a big help in guiding the rich to become tax cheaters.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, March 7, 2019 10:36 AM


Good for you and your fake money, bud.

Marcos thanks you for all the cow farts.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, March 7, 2019 11:12 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Good for you, bud.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

On My 600-lb. Life, a TV show in Houston, a patient prepared a breakfast of 1 lb sugar, 1 lb melted butter, blend in a bowl, and eat with a spoon. It is a very energizing breakfast for a fat person. Trump is like that breakfast. He sells what tastes good and gives you energy to face the day. He eats the same. On the other hand, Hillary is a bowl of oatmeal with only a sprinkle of sugar on top. So bland. This is why the rich prefer Trump, the breakfast of winners.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, March 7, 2019 12:48 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

No, th ELITES have built a narrative that is all about money. I think you should watch "A Century of Self" and how a message was crafted for and relentlessly pushed on "the masses".

Didn't you mean the (((ELITES)))?


Thursday, March 7, 2019 1:09 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

No, th ELITES have built a narrative that is all about money. I think you should watch "A Century of Self" and how a message was crafted for and relentlessly pushed on "the masses".

Didn't you mean the (((ELITES)))?

The Century of the Self is a 2002 British television documentary series by filmmaker Adam Curtis. It focuses on the work of psychoanalysts Sigmund Freud and Anna Freud, and PR consultant Edward Bernays. In episode one, Curtis says, "This series is about how those in power have used Freud's theories to try and control the dangerous crowd in an age of mass democracy."

I'm certain that Americans were greedy moneygrubbers at least a century before Sigmund Freud was born. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson caused a great deal of harm to America by owning slaves, in order to get personally wealthy, and by writing slavery into the Constitution.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, March 7, 2019 1:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by reaverfan:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

No, th ELITES have built a narrative that is all about money. I think you should watch "A Century of Self" and how a message was crafted for and relentlessly pushed on "the masses".

Didn't you mean the (((ELITES)))?


And, why do you care? The world is going to end in ten years anyway.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, March 7, 2019 1:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SECOND, you'll find greedy money-grubbers in EVERY nation. And those greedy money-grubbers who trangress the ethics of honesty, fairness, and hard work??? They're called sociopaths. You'll find them in every nation, and every political party everywhere. (And btw, do you really think that Hillary wasn't going to represent the rich? Dood, she was going to represent the rich ... bankers, pharmaceutical corporations, health insurances ... people who are far richer than you could ever dream of being.)

"The problem" is that greedy money-grubbers (such as yourself) have completely taken over the media and government and changed laws and the social narrative to make what they do ACCEPTABLE. "Greed is good".

Back in "the day", when people had to scrabble a living from their farms or their own small businesses, hard work was rewarded. But since the dawn of capitalism and centralized production, rewards flow to the owner, not the worker. Now, they flow to the speculator. Hell, considering how poorly hard work, honesty, and diligence are rewarded, it's surprising that you can find anyone who exhibits any of those traits any more.

The message to the masses changed from a Puritanical belief in hard work to one of mass consumption. This was only possible because the USD became the world currency, and thus we were able to consume what we never produced.

Not to worry ... it's coming to an end. And the bread and circuses that kept Americans torpid is going to end with it.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, March 7, 2019 2:32 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SECOND, you'll find greedy money-grubbers in EVERY nation. And those greedy money-grubbers who trangress the ethics of honesty, fairness, and hard work??? They're called sociopaths. You'll find them in every nation, and every political party everywhere. (And btw, do you really think that Hillary wasn't going to represent the rich? Dood, she was going to represent the rich ... bankers, pharmaceutical corporations, health insurances ... people who are far richer than you could ever dream of being.)

"The problem" is that greedy money-grubbers (such as yourself) have completely taken over the media and government and changed laws and the social narrative to make what they do ACCEPTABLE. "Greed is good".

Back in "the day", when people had to scrabble a living from their farms or their own small businesses, hard work was rewarded. But since the dawn of capitalism and centralized production, rewards flow to the owner, not the worker. Now, they flow to the speculator. Hell, considering how poorly hard work, honesty, and diligence are rewarded, it's surprising that you can find anyone who exhibits any of those traits any more.

The message to the masses changed from a Puritanical belief in hard work to one of mass consumption. This was only possible because the USD became the world currency, and thus we were able to consume what we never produced.

Not to worry ... it's coming to an end. And the bread and circuses that kept Americans torpid is going to end with it.

I mentioned Washington, Jefferson, and slavery for a reason: to point out that white Southerners were a bunch of moneygrubbing thugs and murderers in 1860, many years before Freud supposedly taught the wealthy how to manipulate the voters. The elite didn't make the common person that way. The common person did it to themselves because they didn't want to do the work themselves, but they did want wealth and security from owning slaves:

The 1860 census shows that in the states that would soon secede from the Union, an average of more than 32 percent of white families owned slaves. Some states had far more slave owners (46 percent in South Carolina, 49 percent in Mississippi) while some had far less (20 percent in Arkansas).

But as Jamelle Bouie and Rebecca Onion point out in Slate, the percentages don’t fully express the extent to which the antebellum South was a slave society, built on a foundation of slavery. Many of those white families who couldn’t afford slaves aspired to, as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. In addition, the essential ideology of white supremacy that served as a rationale for slavery, made it extremely difficult — and terrifying — for white Southerners to imagine life alongside a black majority population that was not in bondage. In this way, many non-slave-owning Confederates went to war to protect not only slavery, but to preserve the foundation of the only way of life they knew.

Trump is very appealing to Neo-Confederates of the 21st Century. If a Republican tells you it doesn't exist in his party, tell him he must not live in the South.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, March 7, 2019 3:37 PM


tick tock

What is the justice department doing to Trump? They are deconstructing him. Taking his organization apart to examine, in order to reveal, the basis or composition. Often with the intention of exposing biases, flaws, or inconsistencies deconstructing the myths.

Oh no donnie



Thursday, March 7, 2019 3:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

And then second, there were the greedy sociopathic robber baron industrialists who were ... ta da! ... northern industrialists! And the greedy sociopathic robber barons of Silicon Valley! And the greedy sociopathic Jewish Rothschild bankers of Europe!

My god, SECOND, you're just plainly obsessed. I mean like something you'd find in the DSM.

You're like a flat earther. So seriously not worth the time

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, March 7, 2019 11:27 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Good for you, bud.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

On My 600-lb. Life, a TV show in Houston, a patient prepared a breakfast of 1 lb sugar, 1 lb melted butter, blend in a bowl, and eat with a spoon. It is a very energizing breakfast for a fat person. Trump is like that breakfast. He sells what tastes good and gives you energy to face the day. He eats the same. On the other hand, Hillary is a bowl of oatmeal with only a sprinkle of sugar on top. So bland. This is why the rich prefer Trump, the breakfast of winners.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

What Trump does from day to day has little to nothing to do with my life or how I live it.

I'd say if anything, you're the one of the both of us gorging yourself on Trump.

You're malnourished, son. Go do something positive with your life instead of bitching and moaning all day about evil Texas republicans and the diets of fat sacks of shit in Houston.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, March 8, 2019 7:03 AM




Friday, March 8, 2019 7:11 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

What Trump does from day to day has little to nothing to do with my life or how I live it.

Trump is doing 3 things that could affect your life. They might be big enough that you will notice after Trump - the Unwisest President - is gone. These are all things that grow from Trump's wacko personality and a GOP controlled Senate. An average President won't have these problems because he would be wise enough to steer well clear. Two of them are deficits and the third involves Trump building nukes:

Here are the two deficits:

1) Tariff Man Has Become Deficit Man:
Trump has no idea how international trade works.

Republicans in Congress spent the entire Obama administration inveighing against budget deficits, warning incessantly that we were going to have a Greek-style fiscal crisis any day now. Donald Trump, on the other hand, focused his ire mainly on trade deficits, insisting that “our jobs and wealth are being given to other countries that have taken advantage of us.”

But over two years of unified G.O.P. control of government, a funny thing happened: Both deficits surged. The budget deficit has hit a level unprecedented except during wars and in the immediate aftermath of major economic crises. The trade deficit in goods has set a record $891 billion, its highest level in history.

2) Trump’s budget deficit will be over $12 trillion dollars. You read that number right. If unemployment increases in the future, the deficit will be much, much larger. It did not have to be this way, but Trump rewrote the tax code so that it will increase the deficit.

Here is Trump building nukes that America would be better off without:

3) Trump’s nuclear policy could get us all killed

Drastically reducing America’s nuclear arsenal will strengthen US national security, nonproliferation expert Bruce Blair, a former US Air Force nuclear launch officer, told Congress today (March 6).

The MacArthur “genius grant” recipient said Donald Trump’s plan to expand US nuclear capabilities (pdf) will make the world a more dangerous place—and leave America more vulnerable to attack.

Appearing before the House Armed Services Committee, Blair called for the US to “return to the original, and generally accepted, basic premise of nuclear weapons”—using them solely for deterrence. Fighting war should be left to conventional forces, Blair insisted, according to prepared testimony he shared with Quartz.

“Our hair-trigger launch posture, which the Russians matched, continues to run the risk that fear, misperception, miscalculation, accident or false warning could trigger a nuclear exchange,” Blair said. “This risk of blundering into a nuclear war, rather than a cold-blooded sudden attack, presents what is by far the greatest immediate physical threat to the United States today.”

Trump’s proposed overhaul of nuclear forces would cost at least $1.7 trillion, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Blair lays out plans for a dramatically scaled-down version of current US capabilities, which he described in a phone interview as “massive overkill.”

Blair, a research scholar at Princeton University’s Program on Science and Global Security, told Quartz he hopes his alternative gets traction in the Democrat-controlled House. It will face opposition from the Republican Senate, the White House, and Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton, whom Blair characterized as a “one-man wrecking ball when it comes to arms control.”

“As you consider funding a makeover of our nuclear forces, it is a good time to choose between these competing worldviews. Should dangerous and unrealistic notions of warfighting continue to shape our nuclear posture and drive our investments, or should we pivot to a secure second-strike deterrent posture and leave warfighting to other weapons?”

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, March 8, 2019 7:45 AM


I've been screaming about the deficit for 20 years now, and to be honest, nobody gave a shit about it before and my throat's tired.

What? Trump's in office and suddenly you give a shit?

As for nuclear war, meh. Somebody's going to blow the world up one of these days. They're all a bunch of sociopaths running things, both in our own country and everybody else's.

Hey. At least we won't have to wait for all the drinkable water to evaporate or be so full of radiation that we glow in the dark when we drink it if that happens.

Bottom line... I honestly don't care, buddy. Nobody cared before. Nobody is going to do anything about any of it. I'm certainly not going to be manipulated into hating Trump with this info now that the whole Russia conspiracy theory isn't going to work.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, March 8, 2019 7:52 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
And then second, there were the greedy sociopathic robber baron industrialists who were ... ta da! ... northern industrialists! And the greedy sociopathic robber barons of Silicon Valley! And the greedy sociopathic Jewish Rothschild bankers of Europe!

I do not find your last example about Jewish bankers of Europe as quite an effective condemnation of greed as, for example, the Nazis looting Europe, stealing all the art for themselves. Now that is greedy!

Oh, and I completely forgot about the Nazis stealing the land beneath the paintings and statues. That is Capitalistic greed squared.

Then there is the Nazis keeping slaves and killing the ones that displease them. That is Capitalistic greed cubed. Southerners from America did the slave thing, the sharecropper thing, the lynching thing, and the Nazi-style stealing of land, too. The Nazis learned how to run a slave society from reading books about the American South. I recall that Trump has swindled people out of their land and money and labor.

How American Racism Influenced Hitler

What America Taught the Nazis. In the 1930s, the Germans were fascinated by the global leader in codified racism — the United States.

Just eight days after the Reich Citizenship Law, the Law on the Protection of German Blood and German Honor, and the Reich Flag Law were formally proclaimed by Adolf Hitler, 45 Nazi lawyers sailed for New York under the auspices of the Association of National Socialist German Jurists. The trip was a reward for the lawyers, who had codified the Reich’s race-based legal philosophy. The announced purpose of the visit was to gain “special insight into the workings of American legal and economic life through study and lectures,” and the leader of the group was Ludwig Fischer. As the governor of the Warsaw District half a decade later, he would preside over the brutal order of the ghetto.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, March 8, 2019 11:55 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I guess you don't know much about the Rothschilds then

SECOND, I'm going to take one more stab at trying to explain your obssession to you, in the hope of sharing a different persepctive.

Now, here's "the problem" as I see it: As much as you try to turn every single aspect of our collective "problem" over to your idee fixe, the source of our problem is not Trump (who, you must admit, is really a johnny-come-lately to the scene), it's not the GOP (Lincoln was a Republican, which is why so many former slave-state politicians were .. ta da! ... Democrats!) it's not racism, and its not the fact that slavery once existed in the USA. (BTW, there was slavery in Britain too.)

There have been extremes in political power and wealth, vast injustices done to the poor and dispossed throughout history, from Spartan and Roman slaves to the peasants of King Louis XIV's France and the Russian Romanovs to the (fomer) middle class of today's "developed" western nations and the grinding poverty of western client states.

I dare you to tell me that this is all due to Trump and the GOP!

There is a fundamental problem with power, money, and control in any society, and it's that they don't dissipate (like gases diffuse over time) they CONCENTRATE ... if you're looking for a physical model, you can say that power, money, and control behave gravitationally ... a small concentration attracts/ accrues further concentration, taking more and more into itself the more it collects.


BECAUSE IT CAN. A small difference in power or wealth, in the hands of a sociopath, can be springboarded to even greater power or wealth, and even greater amounts of wealth after that. And since smart sociopaths will always be born, inevitably the rewards of successful sociopathy will sift more power, wealth and control to the most successful, and these people will bend society's laws, religion, ethical foundation to suit themselves and to maintain their power over everyone else. It's an evolutionary process how power flows thru society and is captured and concentrated and re-concentrated into a select few.

Since the theft of wealth from "the masses" can't be accomplished completely thru brute force, the elite also focus on convincing "the masses" of the paradigms which enable that theft, whether its thru a religion or thru a government or entertainment/advertising (A Century of Self/ manufactured consent).

That's why peasants believed that their king or emperor was god's representative on earth ... wasted huge amounts of labor on building pyramids or cathedrals or palaces .... beliefs that today we would scoff at, altho we have our own "religion" which does most of us no good at all and is equally absurd, and that is the "religion" of money and "capitalism", with its ancillary jusifications of social Darwinism and competition (for the masses).

In terms of brute force, the elite buy their security systems (or they capture the states, or both), but they also buy their hangers-on and apers: courtiers, artisans, small business owners, bureaucrats, technocrats ... people who profit from the system a little bit more than "those people down there" and don't want to see fundamental change.

Eventually, the theft of wealth becomes so destabilizing that the society erupts in revolution or collapses in decay, the giant towers of wealth are destroyed, and the cycle begins again. Also, parenthetically, if "government" has one legitimate function, it would be the decentralization of power and wealth. The evidence of the capture of government is its hand-in-glove relationship with large economic interests: slavery, big monopolies, transnationals, banks.

What does this have to do with you?

Well, I have a busy day ahead of me, I'll have to get to that later.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, March 9, 2019 3:01 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SECOND, yanno what? I'm going to make this very short:

In the big picture, your view of events is ahistorical, overly self-centered (some would say narcissitic) and reflective of your inner turmoil and guilt. You blame racists and Republicans ... things you can convince yourself that you are NOT ... for the way things are, and yet- paradoxically, because you can't REALLY absolve yourself, you hate others (the Trump voter) for not "making" you behave better.

All of these conflicting emotions mean that your interpretations of events are entirely suspect, and IMHO not worth discussing.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, March 9, 2019 3:13 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
paradoxically, because you can't REALLY absolve yourself, you hate others (the Trump voter) for not "making" you behave better.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 9, 2019 8:36 AM


Rain it in children and remember the topic.

tick tock



Saturday, March 9, 2019 8:53 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I guess you don't know much about the Rothschilds then . . .

Trump has a long history of cheating on his taxes, cheating his employees, cheating investors. He has astutely dodged the legal consequences. But why didn’t Trump voters make him pay the consequences? They had to know, but didn’t act on what they knew. I can’t blame Trump for his voters’ lack of interest in what he did in the past. But you would think those voters would notice what he is doing now and make a connection between Trump rewriting the tax code to his advantage and the national debt rising when there is no excuse, either a recession or WWII, to justify the rise. Then there is Trump building more nukes, at great cost, with no justification. Trump’s nuclear policy could get us all killed. You would think Trump voters would notice.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 9, 2019 9:39 AM



Originally posted by THG:
Rain it in children and remember the topic.

tick tock


Says, by far, the largest offender of intentionally throwing topics off course.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 9, 2019 9:41 AM



Originally posted by second:
Then there is Trump building more nukes, at great cost, with no justification. Trump’s nuclear policy could get us all killed. You would think Trump voters would notice.

Your cows farting could get us all killed. I don't see you doing anything about that.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 9, 2019 10:09 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
Then there is Trump building more nukes, at great cost, with no justification. Trump’s nuclear policy could get us all killed. You would think Trump voters would notice.

Your cows farting could get us all killed. I don't see you doing anything about that.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I'm in the cattle and natural gas businesses. The millions of tons of methane from N.G. and the CO2 from burning the N.G. that I produce has more climate change affect than the few thousands of pounds of methane from flatulent cows. I'm NOT forcing Trump voters to eat meat or burn gas. I'd stop raising cows and shut in the wells if Trump voters stopped buying. But they aren't stopping because they believe there is no such thing as the greenhouse gas effect. Trump encourages that, as he does belief he never cheats on his taxes.

So read on to learn about Donald Trump’s tax fraud allegations over the course of 25 years and what they can teach us about the United States tax code!

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, March 9, 2019 12:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by THG:
Rain it in children and remember the topic.

tick tock


"Rain" is liquid water that falls from the sky. The word you're looking for is "rein" ... the leather strap attached to a bit thru which you control a horse, mule, donkey, or any bridle-trained animal. There is a third word which also sounds the same, "Reign" which means the time of rule, usually of a monarch but sometimes of a mob: "reign of terror".

I AM sticking to the topic: SECOND blames Trump for anything from The Black Plague to the long-term stagnation of our space program. I'm simply pointing out that SECOND is, in a word, nuts, and that you're willfully ignorant.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, March 9, 2019 1:05 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
Then there is Trump building more nukes, at great cost, with no justification. Trump’s nuclear policy could get us all killed. You would think Trump voters would notice.

Your cows farting could get us all killed. I don't see you doing anything about that.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I'm in the cattle and natural gas businesses. The millions of tons of methane from N.G. and the CO2 from burning the N.G. that I produce has more climate change affect than the few thousands of pounds of methane from flatulent cows. I'm NOT forcing Trump voters to eat meat or burn gas. I'd stop raising cows and shut in the wells if Trump voters stopped buying. But they aren't stopping because they believe there is no such thing as the greenhouse gas effect.

You ever think that maybe people just like eating a cheeseburger and not freezing to death in the winter?

I'm sure you'll find that a very large majority of Clinton voters indulge in a steak from time to time and pay their gas bill on time at the end of the month as well. I'm sure you'd still have plenty of business if your dreams came true and Thanos came down and removed all of the Trump voters overnight.

Maybe it's not politically driven at all.

I dunno. Occam's Razor, and all of that.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 9, 2019 4:46 PM


Trumps lawyers say they will not cooperate with congresses request for documents. Funny thing is it turns out congress already has them. Someone in the White House leaked them to congress a month or so ago. Funny huh...

tick tock







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