new deadly human-to-human-transmissible coronavirus emerges out of China

UPDATED: Thursday, October 12, 2023 02:05
VIEWED: 123931
PAGE 57 of 57

Tuesday, July 25, 2023 9:56 AM


Jimmy Dore reports article from the CDC and NewYorkTimes that Authorities over counted Covid deaths

Remember when they wanted Jimmy Dore banned and censored?


Tuesday, September 12, 2023 7:00 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

To me, this was THE evidence that pointed to Covid-19 being lab-created.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Chris Martenson, Peak Prosperity, thinks that some researchers have found the "smoking gun" that points to this virus being lab-modified. There is a 12-nucleotide insert in the spike protein which does not appear in ANY other near-relation coronavirus which makes this virus much more efficient at infecting cells ("gain of function").

While gain of function research was being done on bat coronaviruses in the Wuhan lab, it was actually being FUNDED by Fauci's group.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


The first mention of unusual insertions was posted on PAGE 2 of this thread. Unfortunately the authors muddied the water by saying the insertions were "HiV-like".

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, September 12, 2023 7:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Unfortunately this was missed in all of the drama.
And this was observed pretty early on.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SO, apropos of the clot-busting protocol that you posted KIKI, here is an interesting video.

Chris Martenson, Peak Prosperity. DR Chris Martenson has a degree in pathology, btw...

As I was listening to this, and also pondering the article that you posted KIKI, the thought cam to me that it sounds like DIC. Which is what Chris winds his way towards.

ALSO, BTW, I agree with his comments on billion for bank bailouts: AARRGGHHH!!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


There was a further article that makes a direct connection between spike proteins, microclots, and lasting organ damage.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, September 12, 2023 7:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Supposedly some double-digit percentage of even "asymptomatic" and "mild" cases (10-15%?) sustain detectable heart and lung damage, altho they feel fine, or only mildly unwell.

To pursue this thought further, it's also the "asymptomatic" and "mild" cases where antibodies fade the quickest. So if antibodies don't provide sustained protection, and if a significant number (say, 10%) of people will get re-infected, they will sustain a second round of damage and may wind up permanently impaired. Since Covid leads to microclots, then I can sure see how hearts, lungs, kidneys, and testes could be permanently damaged-SIGNYM.

Later on, the connection is made to microclots and spike protein SPECIFICALLY.
If that thought had been firmly embedded, then the spike-protein vaccine would never have been accepted.
My mistake was in assuming that "they" would fragment the spike protein sufficiently to reduce its side effects (yanno,like acellular pertussis) and still elicit an immune response.

Boy was I wrong!!!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Tuesday, September 12, 2023 7:46 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury findings that COVID lab leak was likely: whistleblower

The Central Intelligence Agency offered to pay off analysts in order to bury their findings that COVID-19 most likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, new whistleblower testimony to Congress alleges.

A senior-level CIA officer told House committee leaders that his agency tried to pay off six analysts who found SARS-CoV-2 likely originated in a Wuhan lab if they changed their position and said the virus jumped from animals to humans, according to a letter sent Tuesday to CIA Director William Burns.

It's like SIX posted: "Bioweapons are bioweapons".
Yep, Covid-19 was dangerous.
Unfortunately the vaccine could be dangerous too.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Wednesday, September 13, 2023 2:03 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Jimmy Dore reports article from the CDC and NewYorkTimes that Authorities over counted Covid deaths

Remember when they wanted Jimmy Dore banned and censored?

Remember when I said they were doing this every single day for a year?


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Wednesday, September 13, 2023 2:08 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:


CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury findings that COVID lab leak was likely: whistleblower

The Central Intelligence Agency offered to pay off analysts in order to bury their findings that COVID-19 most likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, new whistleblower testimony to Congress alleges.

A senior-level CIA officer told House committee leaders that his agency tried to pay off six analysts who found SARS-CoV-2 likely originated in a Wuhan lab if they changed their position and said the virus jumped from animals to humans, according to a letter sent Tuesday to CIA Director William Burns.

It's like SIX posted: "Bioweapons are bioweapons".
Yep, Covid-19 was dangerous.
Unfortunately the vaccine could be dangerous too.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

Dreamtrove was right.

The Pax was in the Vax.

I didn't know anybody who was getting Covid before everybody started getting Covid shots.

It might have never been "released" from a lab in China even if it was made there. That's just an easy story for people to believe because everybody saw The Stand.

Our own Governments unleashed this bioweapon on their own people.

It wasn't designed to kill everybody. Just the weakest ones. And it was designed to make everyone else weak.

I'm sure there is a real vaccine out there for it, and I'm also sure that none of us know anybody who got the real one.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Wednesday, September 13, 2023 2:40 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

And all of those pictures from around the world, from BEFORE the vaccine came out, including Russia and Iran, were just .... what? Fake?

I've learned to discount almost everything you say on this topic.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Monday, September 18, 2023 1:26 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
And all of those pictures from around the world, from BEFORE the vaccine came out, including Russia and Iran, were just .... what? Fake?

Yes. All of you who got "vaxxed" with a vaccine that didn't do what every other vaccine made did gave everyone who refused the "vaccine" Covid.

Don't try to use "pictures" to prove any point. 20 years before AI was around to make any pictures of anything you want, Photoshop was a thing. And any of the technology that any idiot YouTuber can use today is nothing compared to what our government and military have got their hands on. Unless you're somewhere in person to witness an event, you can't even trust that what you're seeing in a video is even real anymore.


I've learned to discount almost everything you say on this topic.

Continue to do so at your own peril.

More Mask Hysteria

As summer turns to fall, the maskaholics are attempting a comeback.

Fuck you, Democrats. Take your face masks and shove them up your asses. You will NEVER again be able to pull the bullshit you pulled in 2020.

The CDC wants your trust back: It’ll ‘take time to rebuild.’

The CDC’s new director is traveling the country, meeting with state leaders and using social media to win back the public’s trust.

NEVER going to happen.

Get fucked, CDC. Your credibility is shot to pieces.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Wednesday, September 27, 2023 2:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I wanted to follow up in this thread because it is the very beginnings of the story, including the first credible evidence that Covid was lab-made, as explained by Chris Martenson.


"A CIA Front Organization": Revisiting EcoHealth COVID-19 Claims After Fauci 'Influence' Campaign Bombshell

Wednesday, Sep 27, 2023 - 08:05 AM

Following Tuesday night's bombshell report from Congressional investigators that Dr. Anthony Fauci was smuggled into CIA headquarters "without a record of entry" where he "participated in the analysis to "influence" the Agency's" Covid-19 investigation," it's worth revisiting claims made by former EcoHealth Alliance scientist, Andrew Huff, about the CIA's alleged connections to EcoHealth and Covid-19.

A Brief Review

Recall that EcoHealth received lucrative contracts [from NIH] to perform experiments on bat Covid in Wuhan, China after the Obama administration banned gain-of-function research in 2014. Four months prior to the ban, the NIH effectively shifted this research to EcoHealth, headed by Peter Daszak. The research was shielded from government oversight by Fauci's NIAID, and Daszak was forced to report after the fact that he'd engaged in gain-of-function experiments.

"As a virologist, I personally think creating chimeras of SARS-related bat coronaviruses that are thought to pose high risk to humans entails unacceptable risks," virologist Jesse Bloom told The Intercept.

After Sars-CoV-2 broke out in the same town where Daszak was manipulating Bat Covid, The Lancet published a screed by Daszak (signed by over two-dozen scientists), which insisted the virus could have only come from a natural spillover event, likely from a wet market, and that the scientists "stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin." The Lancet only later noted Daszak's conflicts of interest.

Back To Huff And The CIA

According to a January, 2022 Twitter (now "X") thread by Huff, who worked at EcoHealth from 2014 to 2016, "I knew in December of 2019 that COVID was likely a lab leak." Huff then claimed that "Not only is EcoHealth Alliance a CIA front organization, but the United States of America is primarily responsible for COVID, not China."

Huff also told Fox Business in January: "This was actually a failed intelligence operation. We were actually trading China advanced biotechnology for access to and collect intelligence on their bioweapons laboratory. I believe. I can’t prove that but a number of agencies that I discuss in the book, including Dr. Peter Daszak telling me he worked with the CIA."

I note that what Huff says is an allegation.


From Huff's book, "The Truth About Wuhan":

"These discussions resulted in publications indicating [?] that Dr. Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, was working with the CIA, and that the biological agent commonly known as COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) had been in development at EcoHealth Alliance since 2012, and other evidence suggested that SARS-CoV-2 began earlier than 2012. The development of SARS-CoV-2 included several prominent US-based scientists and US academic institutions that received funding from numerous federal government agencies and private non-governmental organizations to complete the gain of function work on SARS-CoV-2."

Huff also posted a document obtained by Project Veritas and published in January of 2022 purportedly authored (and not denied) by Maj. Joseph Murphy (USMC), which states "SARS-CoV-2 is an American-created recombinant bat vaccine" which was "created by an EcoHealth Alliance program at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)."

Project Veritas has obtained a separate report to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense written by U.S. Marine Corp Major, Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow.

The report states that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018, seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses. The proposal, named Project Defuse, was rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violates the basis gain of function research moratorium.

According to the documents, NAIAD, under the direction of Dr. Fauci, went ahead with the research in Wuhan, China and at several sites across the U.S. -Project Veritas

There is more to the article, and it contains links to original ssources including the Congressional report.


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Thursday, September 28, 2023 2:39 PM


The thread title for this always seemed to make it sorta science-y, as if the topic was related to svcience or a mystery.

So the new Congressional Testimony about Fauci covertly visiting the CIA in 2020 in order to shovel bribes their way, to change their investigative conclusions to not implicate Fauci's crime - seems to conflict with that fallacy which was presumed.

Sounds like, since he "retired" in 2022, he has increased his wealth by $11M.


Saturday, September 30, 2023 2:47 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
The thread title for this always seemed to make it sorta science-y, as if the topic was related to svcience or a mystery.

So the new Congressional Testimony about Fauci covertly visiting the CIA in 2020 in order to shovel bribes their way, to change their investigative conclusions to not implicate Fauci's crime - seems to conflict with that fallacy which was presumed.

Sounds like, since he "retired" in 2022, he has increased his wealth by $11M.

Even M$M is now reporting on this, I keep hearing news clips about it. Did they need to wait until he was out of office before waking up?


Wednesday, October 11, 2023 6:57 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests Spiked In 2021, Study Finds

Except that's not what the study found. What it found was that cardiac arrests spiked in 2020 AND 2021.

Typical clickbait headline.


COVID-19 contributed to the downturn in survival, but only a little, the researchers said. They pegged it as responsible for 18.5 percent of the downturn.
People who were still alive when responders arrived were tested for Covid


The major factors, they said, included social isolation that led to fewer observed events, a delay in health care workers treating patients due to updated equipment and resuscitation protocols, and hampered emergency response times. The factors were described as Utstein characteristics.

"OHCA survival was poorer during the pandemic years, largely owing to changes in systemwide Utstein characteristics, as opposed to patient-specific acute SARS-CoV-2 infection," Jennifer Liu, an epidemiologist at the Seattle and King County Department of Public Health, and her coauthors wrote. SARS-CoV-2 causes COVID-19.

Other groups have also said that indirect reasons for the lowered survival rate and increased occurrence rate could stem from reasons such as delayed response times.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Thursday, October 12, 2023 2:05 AM



I deserve a whole lot of apologies that I'm never going to get.

But what else is new?


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.






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